October 24, 1999, 22:50
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Official Invite
Well all you readers and writers...i wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to write about the aliencrossfire factions in a new story thread. Although i'm not ruling out the old factions, because they will still play a role in this story. Whats nice about this story, i don't want to restrain the story primarily to one faction, or base it on one, like spartan chronicles. If you want to write about a faction, and say your own story, go ahead, just keep it in the time frame. I have the thread under the topic called "aliencrossfire tales". All you spartan writers, feel free to write about your own story, if you have some free time from writing the spartan story line. We could always use you old sages.
hopefully we can interwine the stories so we get a broad but detailed story line. Ask me any questions...if you choose not to write, well hopefully you can enjoy my tails about the probe faction under the same topic. Other people are even welcome to write about the probe faction....just email me pls...so i don't get stories crossed.
any one up for it? hope you enjoy the thread about the probe faction.
October 24, 1999, 23:31
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Hi Controneo,
The start of SC was a little painful due to a lack of information. You may want to set up some general ground rules for your thread:
Start after 2150, so the factions have established themselves and may have actually found each other
Specify year and Planet conditions
Create a map and post it
You may want to create a little history to get things going
October 25, 1999, 13:09
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Sounds good! Count me in for the Free Drones.
- Jasonian
October 25, 1999, 16:51
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Well i guess the sage hydro has a point about the rules....although i hate doing this, here are the ground rules
year 2235
all techs don't go father than level 6
ex. explore 6, discover 6 and such
you can maybe go higher tech than this, but tell the rest of us on this topic or email me or someone important.
also...don't do the alien factions for awhile, just get some backround on the other factions.....i want the aliens to be a surpise, but yet it was building for a while.
email me for questions.....i hate to direct the subjects of the topics but i think some control is needed. Lets forget about a map for awhile, untill more people write down, and we get a feel for who is more powerful......one more important thing....don't kill any factions or have them dead.
October 25, 1999, 17:28
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here are a few suggestions from me
decide on exactly how many factions there are...and if any factions are not there, decide where they were conquered, killed by mindworms/disease/whatever early on, never existed, or are not represented on the map
ie instead of morgan having territory he operates businesses in all of the factions, and acts like a corporation (like Sony)
decide on which technology each faction has...
decide on a general power graph...like who is a superpower or who is only a second rate pretender
decide on social engineering and the general mood of each faction to each other...decide on what thing each person is going to write about
create a map and put bases that are of approxomate size
all of this (except for the map) can easily (and quickly too) be done by having all of the writers meet in a chatroom one time and discussing the basics...or you can discuss it here in the forums which slows it down...but either way is worth the effort
October 25, 1999, 17:39
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one more thought...
if people are going to write about different factions, like you are the only person wrriting about the pirates and Jason is the only person writing about the drones, there will need to be some method of resolving military conflicts...you would not want all of your charaters to die because Jason posted before you and vice versa...either you could disccuss conflicts before hand or having some kind of neutral arbiter decide
October 25, 1999, 17:42
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I agree with korn on this one. Set all the specifics for the factions and technology and dominance etc. I support this idea very much, and will be able to create my episodes at a regual pace, but I think I'd rather wait until I know a bit more about what's going on and what I can do.
- Jasonian (Domai the drone)
October 25, 1999, 19:38
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thks for the help guys...its difficult to start a story, as i'm sure you had your problems with spartan chrons when it started.
ok heres the story line....very brief and not very specific....just to get you guys started with your ideas...i'll write some more specifics later
morgan have went to war with gaians...abit of a stale mate
hive and peacekeepers " " "
spartans and morgan have become very powerful
morgan have alot of money
spartan have become very militariic (big army)
believers have fought the university but actally university is winning...but believers have alot of territory...very similiar to russian vs germans at beginning of ww2
no new factions have become dominan...even if they exist at this point. the probe community had only one base...outside the know old guard territories..
old guard factions = orginal factions
i'm not sure much about the drone history...want to give me some info? how you want it to evolve...email me at paulcotroneo@cs.com if you have a question or just post here with your individual questions....i'll get around to making a map.
just don't kill leaders of factions or factions themselves......and if you want to take an old faction...go ahead.
and if you can try to interlink the seperate stories. I just hate to force people to concentrate all in one faction.
October 25, 1999, 20:55
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Thanks for all that faction stuff. That's really what I was looking for, and now that I know the technology levels and such, I'm pretty much ready to start.
Tell me if this sounds ok:
Domai the drone was working under the Hive, and he was getting very fed up. He liked Yang's industry, but hated how he treated his minions. So several years ago (say 10) the Hive base he was in (which was very far from the rest of the Hive bases) revolted and they declared Domai their new leader. Now he's getting his industry set up and is almost done with base #2. The Hive thinks the base was destroyed, so they didn't come and storm it.
Sound good? Feel free to say if anything I said doesn't fit with the story you want or is just no good.
- Jasonian (Just brainstorming)
October 25, 1999, 21:29
Local Time: 05:26
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well it looks interesting.... i really wish the "real" firaxis story would come out for god's sake.
its abit pathetic how long there taking....but otherwise thats interesting story.....i guess you would have to go into detail on how the base was forgotten or how he made yang think it was forgotten....lol....perhaps he hired sinder roze to "tell" yang that it was gone...i have no idea.....good luck...if you feel nervous...just email me it...
i don't want to come off as the imperial commander...so feel free to improvise on your own...its all for fun
by the way....how do u like the probe story so far? any ideas for me?
October 25, 1999, 21:41
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Ahh... confirmation! Guess waiting around here all paid off!
I have to agree with you on the state of the Firaxis story, but since it's going nowhere, I'll have to make up my own. That is what this is all about anyway, right?
I'll take care of the details and work it all out. Perhaps I'll take you up on that Sinder Roze idea. Maybe even Domai and her can become friends. Met on the Unity possibly... A drone and a hacker... what a concept.
And don't worry about the whole "Imperial Commander" thing. I just don't want to go down a path that you would rather I didn't.
Guess that's all I need. I should have the Free Drone opener up by tomorrow.
(And the probe story is coming alome nicely. I'd like to see how those crazed hackers get poor Raptor out of there)
- Jasonian (hard at work)
email: Jay1256@hotmail.com
October 25, 1999, 23:24
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hackers...interesting word.....we prefer to be called "data exchangers"....hehehe....by any chance do you got the add on game to smac. A little bit of detail about the drones is in the help (f1)....their adversions and such...even i think their histroy on the unity. I think the drone guy was a technician.
Whats this waiting around stuff..... hehe.... you at work or something? ...and feel free to call me imperial commander...it makes me feel important...we kids these days don't get much recognition. (not sure if your a kid or not jason)
oh yes...thks for the help korn and hydro...both of your works on the spartan chrons has given me great ideas and influence, much appreciated....
and jason feel free to email or continue to write here if you need me, i usualy check it every time when im on the computer.
still the call goes out to other writers...even you spartans...expand your awareness...hehe
October 26, 1999, 10:15
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Having played nothing but waterworld scenarios my last twenty or so SMAC games I'm willing to write about the Pirates, if the faction still isn't spoken for.
October 26, 1999, 14:23
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Google...by all means write about the pirate faction....it would be an interesting read. I have played mostly probe since i got smacx just because i like saving my fallen leaders.
by the way....can you rescue faction leaders who have been killed by the aliens?
October 26, 1999, 14:46
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Cotroneo the Imperial Commander,
For the record, I am a "kid." I'm just 16, but I do find it amusing that you can't tell from my posts. Hmm...
You're right about that Unity thing for Domai... I have SMACX and almost missed that myself. That will make it a bit of a stretch for a drone to get the logevity treatment, but I think I can work something out.
And Googlie! It appears you've joined up with us! Nice to have you aboard. I think my commander would agree with me when I say that the most important thing right now is to get some people signed up for these rolls.
That is all. Back to the drone mines with me.
- Jasonian
October 26, 1999, 18:50
Local Time: 07:26
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I used to post on the previous two "official" forums, And now I was thinking of moving here. Is it allright by you, cotroneo, if I post as the peacekeepers or the believers?
[This message has been edited by Raging Mouse (edited October 26, 1999).]
October 26, 1999, 19:59
Local Time: 05:26
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By all means write about the peacekeepers or believers....it would be nice to have and old faction perspective in this new crossfire radical world....one other thing....i'm not the leader of this forum....we all are(eheh im a democratic person)...so address it to the group...not me. but, im glad to have you aboard. Just follow the "rules" stated above...any questios just ask me or email me....
jason....i'm 16 also...glad to have some kid blood...how are u in english class
October 26, 1999, 21:18
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Well, I shouldn't brag, but I will anyways. I'm getting about 102% in my english class... heh. Everyone cheered my short story I wrote a while back, and I wrote up a sequel.
Of course, it's probably a fluke, and that grade doesn't mean I can write better then you or any of the Spartan writers. Ah well.
And you are NOT democratic, o Supreme Imperial Commander!
- Jasonian (back to the Drone mines)
October 26, 1999, 22:35
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hahaha....quite the funny man...and for your information....im currently at a 73 for my english grade....as you certainly can tell.
anyway whats with the drones? why did you pick them?....i sense that little bit of freedom spirit within you.....oh well...when i take over the world, ill leave you south american. Now how does that sound? lol
oh yes...whats your email? i want to ask you a few questions on how you want the sinder/drone relationship to work out. Should it be a big story line or just abit of something on the side? ...i think im going to go kill raptor now.....just kidding
October 27, 1999, 15:03
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Why did I pick the drones? Well they look like a dirty faction from the outside, with their heavy-polluting industry and their lack of research, but really it seems like the best faction to live in. They exist to aid the common man. Not a bad concept really.
Email me at Jay1256@hotmail.com . I check that a lot so we can coordinate our posts etc. etc.
Also, We'd like to hear from you as well Raging Mouse. Don't forget about us here!
- Jasonian (back to the Drone mines)
October 27, 1999, 17:59
Local Time: 07:26
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Cotroneo, you seem to be the most active of equal citizens in this "democracy" (at least it was you who started this post), so good manners tell me to ask your permission. I think I will be the peacekeepers. Looks like I will be writing a lot of laments....
[This message has been edited by Raging Mouse (edited October 27, 1999).]
October 27, 1999, 19:22
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Raging Mouse,
Well, it appears that Cotroneo is busy with something, so I'll answer you. On behalf of the "Crossfire Tales", I welcome you to the team as the writer for Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers!
Cotroneo is working on an official map that will have a rough outline of all the factions, so you can see where you are once it's complete.
You can email me at Jay1256@hotmail.com or Cotroneo at PaulCotroneo@cs.com . Please give one or both of us your email so we can fill you in on the Peacekeeper situation, the secret projects, technology, etc etc.
- Jasonian (back to the Drone mines)
October 27, 1999, 22:35
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sorry guys...was doing my physics homework...even though i wasn't understanding one bit of it......its good to here that you will be taking Lal raging mouse. A brief history of lal....i mean really brief
is currently fighting the hive around the fresh water lake. Both are at a stalemate. Hive has alot more resources and men yet lal is recieving energy credits galor from trade and selling tech. So its even. Jason, or the drones, have just secretly broken away....so if jason wants...maybe in a few years they will offset the balance in favor of lal.
Lal, who is below the gaians...currently have a pack with her. Gaians are near the ruins...if you want...give us your email so we can give you the first verson map. Its basically shows where all the old faction capitols are....i just spent a minute on it. After i write the next episode tonight, i will work alot more on it.
oh yes...Jason, tell me if it worked, were you able to play the scenaro?
October 28, 1999, 06:15
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Hey there,
Tell me why don't you allow either of the two alien races in the Crossfire Tales??
I was thinking about maybe writing for the Manifold Caretakers but if they're not included...
See ya,
October 28, 1999, 07:20
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ok slats here whys me and jason said no...about that. We want the other new factions to get devoloped more.....than suddenly these alien guys appear....and almost slaughter everyone.....we want it to be a surpise.
unless you want to write about both aliens past....like why there really fighting...perhaps you can write about them on their original homeworld, and the voyage to manafold 6. after a while, the come and land.
sorry we just want to keep suspense about them
October 28, 1999, 09:56
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Having written (but not posted) my first episode, I think on rereading it that I should respectfully bow out and let fresher blood write re: The Pirates.
Reason: the character was too much like Scott "Googlie" Allardyce of the SC, but with an eyepatch (so to speak).
Ah, it's tough to teach an old dog new tricks.Writing style is such a personal signature thing.
Good luck with the Tales. I'm enjoying them so far.
Just a suggestion - spellcheck is good, but doesn't cover everything. Make sure you read the material over once before posting, to avoid the legitimate word mixups ( here vs hear, there vs their, your vs you're etc. We learned that early on in the Chrons)
Great imagination ,though, from both of you posting so far. I'm enjoying them.
Putting a spin on it...
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited October 28, 1999).]
October 28, 1999, 10:09
Local Time: 07:26
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Funny.. You should be able to see my e-mail address.. Anyways, it's viktor@surfnet.fi
C ya!
October 29, 1999, 00:35
Local Time: 05:26
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i guess googles remarks about vocab and spelling is directed primarily at me.....paul walks away in shame......i guess that explains my 70 average in english. And don't be scared if your character reminds of us like google....although google was old, he still was a cool character, and i think he fits the pirates well.
again im sorry about the spelling and vocab, i read it over, but i'm always a bad proof reader. microsoft word is really bad on finding the mistakes or sometimes actually making mistakes in english.
but i appreciate you reading
November 3, 1999, 03:06
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Hi all, hope I don't sound too presumptuous here but since Googlie has decided not to write about the Nautilus Pirates faction, I thought maybe I could give it a shot. Is it alright with you guys if i write about the Pirates?
Like Jasonian and Cotroneo, I'm 16 too  Again, not to sound too presumptuous or anything, but could I "reserve" the Pirate faction for myself for a couple of weeks because I live in Singapore and I'm currently up in arms over my exams. Of course, I'm sure the story would be much better if Googlie wrote it instead of me, but if you guys let me try I'll give it my best shot.
November 3, 1999, 03:38
Local Time: 22:26
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Don't sell yourself short.
One can easily get stale in writing and I sometimes find that every new post is just like the last one.
In the Chrons, my character, Googlie, is going away for some weeks to the PK's, where he will find his old buddy Ulrik - so look for my stories on the Pirates there.
Probably won't be battle scenes, more scenic and atmosphere stuff. But it'll be fun using the imagination.
Looking forward to reading your posts after your exams.
Good luck
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