April 15, 2003, 01:05
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 23:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: We are all Asher now.
Posts: 1,437
A Few Basic Questions
This is just to see how much you know (and, of course, finding out certain facts about groups of people. But ignore that part). Don't search things up or else you're evil. Also note that this is a modified version of the original and that ZAKARY KOZLOV deserves credit for the original.
ALSO, THIS IS NOT A PLACE FOR DEBATE OR  . Keep it outside of this thread.
1. What is your age?
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
1. What is the name of your country?
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
5. What is the capital of your county?
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
8. What is the official name of Libya?
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
16. What is life?
17. Prove that god exists.
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
25. What does SARS stand for?
26. Where did SARS begin?
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
31. Will the infidels die?
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
36. Does Santa exist?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
40. Prove aliens exist.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
44. Are children born pure?
45. Do ghosts exist?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
47. Is this pointless?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
April 15, 2003, 01:09
Local Time: 16:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Seattle Washington
Posts: 2,954
"I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger
April 15, 2003, 01:12
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 4,325
What the hell does 50 have to do with the rest of this?
April 15, 2003, 01:23
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 4,264
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age? 36
2. What is your sex? Male
3. What is your religion? Roman Catholic
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.) Republican.
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Don't we all?
1. What is the name of your country? United States of America
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? Tennessee
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? Nashville
4. What is the name of your county? Knox
5. What is the capital of your county? Knoxville
6. What is the capital of your country? Washington DC
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? See above.
8. What is the official name of Libya? I officially call it "Libya". What they call themselves, I don't know.
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Peking
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? 909,450,587 (I counted).
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? Since this is Tassadar asking this, I gotta go with NORWAY.
13. What continent is EGYPT on? Africa.
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Do they have one? If so, Russian Orthodox.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? 243
16. What is life? The opposite of death.
17. Prove that god exists. I'm here, aren't I?
18. Name the capital of UTAH. Salt Lake City
19. What is a bakers dozen? 13
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860. No.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. Translate this phrase.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem. uh... 150,000,000?
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race? They both will.
25. What does SARS stand for? Severe-Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
26. Where did SARS begin? Patient zero.
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest. Marsha, Bob, Janie, Jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz. So? Where's the question?
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state. Depends upon whom you ask.
30. Titanic is unsinkable. Or so they said.
31. Will the infidels die? As will the faithful.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN? False.
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world. False.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"? (flips coin, lands on edge. Next!)
36. Does Santa exist? He does in our house!
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence? Of course.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document? All your base are belong to us...
40. Prove aliens exist. Have you ever been to Utah?
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA? The sorry bastard has never invited me to dinner, so I don't know.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
The real question is, why was that movie so stupid?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape? My question is how the hell did she make it, considering she was IN A FREAKIN' WELL UNTIL HER DYING BREATH????
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting? Yeah, because he was estranged.
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty? I did.
44. Are children born pure? Have you ever been to a live childbirth? The gray, chalky stuff that newborns are covered with is just NASTY!
45. Do ghosts exist? Not in any verifiable form.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth? See question 45.
47. Is this pointless? Kept me up another 10 minutes, so, no.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)? What a timely question! No.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats? DOGS!!!!!!
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine? No.
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks? No. [/QUOTE]
April 15, 2003, 01:35
Local Time: 23:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: America!
Posts: 35
1. What is your age?
Forever Young
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
Christian by technicality
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
In some fields
1. What is the name of your country?
United States of America
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
San Diego
5. What is the capital of your county?
San Diego
6. What is the capital of your country?
Washington DC
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Hell if i know (or care really)
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
Jakarta (i think)
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
1 Billion
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
If you believe the jackasses at the UN, Norway does, but i dont believe it.
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
I'm not sure it has one, but if it does its probably Easter Orthodox
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
16. What is life?
That little annoyance between naps
17. Prove that god exists.
Make me
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City (i think)
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
negative 101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
1 out of 10 (guessing)
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Assuming the dragon is just now starting, they tie.
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (i think)
26. Where did SARS begin?
South East Asia
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Can't be done
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
Not necessarily
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
I dont think so
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
It could sink into the sand at the bottom of the sea i guess.
31. Will the infidels die?
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
33. Which is happier? , , , , , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
I have no idea
36. Does Santa exist?
He did at one time, he's dead now
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
This is un-answerable, we dont know all the dimensions and whatnot of the lead
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
The yoga people claim it is
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
I wasnt counting
40. Prove aliens exist.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
Once again, what?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
A few of them, i s'pose.
44. Are children born pure?
Not according to the catholic church
45. Do ghosts exist?
I doubt it.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
47. Is this pointless?
Not really, but its a watse of time.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
The one i put on my resume was
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
Shouldn't you be dead or something?
April 15, 2003, 01:57
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: New Haven, CT
Posts: 4,790
Re: A Few Basic Questions
What the ****? I would do this if there weren't so many stupid questions.
"You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran
Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005
April 15, 2003, 02:26
Local Time: 18:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 18,269
1. What is your age?
Well, I FEEL old today.
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
Christian, Evangelical Mennonite
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
According to Tom Edison, no.
1. What is the name of your country?
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
British Columbia
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
(Electoral district here in Canada.) Vancouver-Pt. Grey
5. What is the capital of your county?
Same as above
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Don't know off the top of my head.
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
1 billion
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
Africa and Asia are acceptable answers
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
Orthodox Christian
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
3*3*3*3*3 = 9*9*3 = 81 *3 = 243
16. What is life?
Any organism with the intrinsic capacity to procreate, respirate and grow.
17. Prove that god exists.
St. Anselm's argument. God is the highest thing that men can conceive. If we could conceive of something higher than this, we would call this being God. Therefore, so long as man can conceive of something, God exists.
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
a + 67 = - 34
a = -34 - 67
a = -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
Don't know off the top of my head.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
"Translate this phrase" in pig latin
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
By the argument above, all men know God in some form, atheists merely choose to ignore his existence. So there are no true atheists.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Both, assuming SAM can run for 1000 days.
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
26. Where did SARS begin?
Hong Kong/ Guandong Prov.
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha - Bob - Janie - Jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
Logically, a=b b=c therefore c=a
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
True, Palestinians recognise Palestine as a state.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
31. Will the infidels die?
True, all men die.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
True, according to the last 'elections'
33. Which is happier? , , , , , or
I employ the :???: smilie.
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
36. Does Santa exist?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
Depends on the thickness and the density of the lead.
Assuming the lead is 1 metre thick, the 700 miles of lead would weigh in excess of 700 pounds.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
3 english errors : athiest, doesnt, certanty
40. Prove aliens exist.
The US defines those who immigrate illegally as 'aliens'.
People immigrate illegally in the US
Therefore, aliens exist.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
No. Death penalty is never justified.
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
No, of course not!
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
Any of the questions? Then yes.
44. Are children born pure?
No, I'm a Christian.
45. Do ghosts exist?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
Yes. The definition of UFO is merely Unidentified Flying Object.
47. Is this pointless?
For my sake? Yes.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
Assumes 'Palestine' exists. So no.
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
No, because those attacks kill others.
Scouse Git (2) LaFayette and Adam Smith you will be missed
"All my own perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity is founded upon Our Lady." - JRR Tolkein
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Last edited by Ben Kenobi; April 15, 2003 at 02:48.
April 15, 2003, 02:38
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: New Haven, CT
Posts: 4,790
1. What is your age? 14
2. What is your sex? Male
3. What is your religion? Judeo-Episcopalian-Agnostic
4. What is your political affiliation? Republican
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Yes.
1. What is the name of your country? United States of America
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? Maryland
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? Annapolis
4. What is the name of your county? Montgomery County
5. What is the capital of your county? Rockville
6. What is the capital of your country? Washington DC
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya? I do not know. However I do know that Tass is being a smartass and asking a question with a really esoteric answer.
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Beijing
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? 950 million
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? Norway has a higher GNP per capita.
13. What continent is EGYPT on? Africa
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? I want to say Eastern Orthodox because it's the obvious answer, but I'm not sure.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? 243
16. What is life? Football on TV, shots of Gina Lee, hangin with my friends, and twins. Of course.
17. Prove that god exists. I am talking about a God, so therefore one must exist as a concept.
18. Name the capital of UTAH. I name it Alangrad, which is an infinitely better name than Salt Lake City.
19. What is a bakers dozen? 13
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860. If you want to "find things out about certain people" you are going to find out that everybody will skip this question.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. Translate this phrase.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem. 1 in 13.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race? Both will.
25. What does SARS stand for? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
26. Where did SARS begin? Southwest China
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest. Marsha, Bob, Janie, Jon.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz. There is no question posed here, but if the first two statements are true then the third one is.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state. False
30. Titanic is unsinkable. False. It could be put back together and then get sunk again.
31. Will the infidels die? Yes, eventually. Just like everyone else.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN? True. But he has no power.
33. Which is happier?  .
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world. False
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"? I do not know. However I do know that Tass is being a smartass and asking a question with a really esoteric answer.
36. Does Santa exist? Yes. He is an entity that is impersonated in malls and movies and stuff.
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead? It depends on the other dimensions of lead.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence? Yes.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document? The number that I would count if I weren't already wasting a huge amount of time on this.
40. Prove aliens exist. See "Santa" answer.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA? Yes.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well? Yes. Catfights are cool.
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape? Yes. Stupid people should know to copy the tape, dammit.
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting? Of course. He named his kid "DAUGHTER1." How pretentious is that?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty? Yes.
44. Are children born pure? Yes.
45. Do ghosts exist? No.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth? No.
47. Is this pointless? Yes.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)? Yes.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats? Dogs.
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine? Depends on what you consider to be "Palestine." It is justified in occupying what it has. It is also justified in fighting in self defense.
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks? No.
All done.
"You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran
Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005
April 15, 2003, 02:41
Local Time: 02:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Tornio, Suomi Perkele!
Posts: 2,653
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age?
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
lutherian, don't believe nuthin
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
1. What is the name of your country?
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
Still Finlad
5. What is the capital of your county?
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington, District of Columbia
8. What is the official name of Libya?
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
Peking (Beijing)
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
1 billion
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Orthodox
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
Too much
16. What is life?
Elämä on laiffia
17. Prove that god exists.
I do
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
Translate this phrase
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
1/3 of 6 billion
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Dragon fries Sam, wins the race
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome
26. Where did SARS begin?
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Janie is wearing high heels, no competition.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
Should be.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
31. Will the infidels die?
"Too bad she won't live, but then again, who does?"
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
Yep, if he's alive
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
36. Does Santa exist?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
Depends on the thickness of the lead.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
I can.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
40. Prove aliens exist.
Thy don't want me to.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
He's the king there.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
Should have been.
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
44. Are children born pure?
45. Do ghosts exist?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
47. Is this pointless?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
No idea.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"
April 15, 2003, 02:59
Local Time: 16:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 131
1. What is your age?
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
To do good.
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
1. What is the name of your country?
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
County: Minburn.
Electoral District: Lakeland.
5. What is the capital of your county?
Vegreville, I believe.
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington, D.C.
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Haven't the foggiest.
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
Beijing. Or Peking, depending on whether you're feeling imperialistic or not.
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
1 billion.
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
Norway, I'd wager.
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
None? If there is, I'd guss Russian Orthodox.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
16. What is life?
A series of stimuli acting on my nerves.
17. Prove that god exists.
Kristin Kreuk.
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City?
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
Translate this phrase.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
I don't know... 5%?
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Atypical Respiratory Syndrome. I have no idea.
26. Where did SARS begin?
Some village in China.
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha, Bob, Janie, Jon.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
By who?
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
True. Mother Nature's lost this battle, fellows!
31. Will the infidels die?
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
33. Which is happier? , , , , , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
False. Mother Russia!
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
I thought it was about Baby Back Ribs?
36. Does Santa exist?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
Most likely.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
40. Prove aliens exist.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
It was probably not a good idea. She should have gotten Max von Sydow.
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
Of course.
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
No way, he's BRIAN FLIPPIN' COX! The original Hannibal Lecter! He demands respect!
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
44. Are children born pure?
Pure like how?
45. Do ghosts exist?
In a sense.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
In a sense.
47. Is this pointless?
What isn't?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
We'll find out.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
"I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner?" -Frank Zappa
"A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice."- Thomas Paine
"I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours." -Bob Dylan
April 15, 2003, 03:39
Local Time: 07:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: The City State of Noosphere, CPA special envoy
Posts: 14,606
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age?
2 5+/- 2 3
2. What is your sex?
Yes. Oh, you mean gender. Male.
3. What is your religion?
None. Atheism is not a religion.
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
1. What is the name of your country?
People's Republic of China
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
Not applicable.
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
Not applicable.
4. What is the name of your county?
Not applicable.
5. What is the capital of your county?
Not applicable.
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington, D.C.
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Socialist People's Republic of Libya.
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
Average, median, or mode?  I'd say Norway.
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
16. What is life?
To shovel manure.
17. Prove that god exists.
Which god?
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City.
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
67+34, or 101.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
No way.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Arcute Respiratory Syndrome
26. Where did SARS begin?
The PRC, supposedly.
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha, Bob, Janie, Jon.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
All A's are B's. All B's are C's. Yup. True.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
Yeah, it's on the bottom of an ocean.
31. Will the infidels die?
No, we will live forever
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
True (as of today).
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
Smaller than Russia. Right Tass?
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
36. Does Santa exist?
What do you mean? Where do my Xmas presents come from?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
No direct comparison possible.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
Consciously? It's a controversial topic. Automatically? Sure, your body does it all the time.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
US or UK English?
40. Prove aliens exist.
Anybody who's not a citizen of the PRC is an alien.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
I am going to avoid this like a good little boy.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
Didn't this come from a script somewhere?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
Is this some thinly veiled threat against people who throw away chain letters?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
What, is he in the well?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
What on earth is dark energy?
44. Are children born pure?
In what sense?
45. Do ghosts exist?
Only the shadow knows for sure.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
Yes. No. Maybe.
47. Is this pointless?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
High school: yes
U: no
Post-grad: hell no
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
Not against civilians.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
April 15, 2003, 03:46
Local Time: 09:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: You can be me when I'm gone
Posts: 3,640
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age?
19, almost 20.
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
4. What is your political affiliation?
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
I claim the Fifth Amendment.
1. What is the name of your country?
The one I live in? Australia.
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
5. What is the capital of your county?
Not applicable (I think).
6. What is the capital of your country?
The one I live in? Canberra.
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington, D.C.
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Gaah! I can almost remember. I'll go with the Libyan Arab Socialist Republic.
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
Jakarta. (Too easy - I've been there more times than I can count!  )
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
One billion. Maybe slightly more.
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
This is tough. I will say that it does not have one.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
16. What is life?
Life is aware of its surroundings and is capable of reproduction.
17. Prove that god exists.
It is prohibitively unlikely that a universe of such titanic dimension, high order, and stunning complexity could arise through chance. (What do you expect from one sentence?  )
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City. I hope.
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
101. I hope.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
Translate this phrase.
Menerjemahkan kalimat ini. (Do I get bonus points?  )
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
A billion?
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Where is the Dragon in relation to Sam?
If he is at the beginning of the course, I think it's a dead heat.
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
26. Where did SARS begin?
Southern China - Guangdong, I think the place is called.
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha; Bob; Janie; Jon. I hope.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
False. Except by the Arab League.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
Which Titanic?
31. Will the infidels die?
Everybody dies. So yes.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
I believe that is true.
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
My personal feeling is that  is happier. Don't know why.
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
That's just weird enough to be true. In other words, I don't know.
36. Does Santa exist?
I think this is a quantum physics-type situation. He is a virtual entity until his existance can be either confirmed or denied. At the present time, he does not exist, but neither does he not exist.
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
700 miles of lead.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
Zero. You spelled "this" as T-H-I-S and "document" as D-O-C-U-M-E-N-T which I think are both correct.
40. Prove aliens exist.
In an ever-expanding universe of infinite complexity, the probability that they do not exist is negligible. (Again, one sentence. Sorry.  )
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
No. He lives in the region of Greece called Macedonia which is geographically near that country. They are both named Macedonia because they are located in the region that was known as Macedonia in ancient times.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
I believe that she was. But I also believe that MOTHER1 should be punished anyway, in accordance with the laws of the Fates of Ancient Greece.
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
44. Are children born pure?
45. Do ghosts exist?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
47. Is this pointless?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
In high school? Yes.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
Well . . . suicide bombing is a tactic of war. So, yes.
Someone's gonna come kill me now, aren't they?
Phew! Big questionnaire. Do we get anything now?
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
April 15, 2003, 03:54
Local Time: 17:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: United States of America
Posts: 2,306
Good grief. Some folks have way too much time on their hands. Are you gonna grade 'em, Tass?
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
April 15, 2003, 03:57
Local Time: 02:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Tornio, Suomi Perkele!
Posts: 2,653
Somehow I read Egypt as India... Wonder why?
I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"
April 15, 2003, 03:59
Local Time: 15:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Batallón de San Patricio, United States of America
Posts: 3,696
too many damn questions
"Let the People know the facts and the country will be saved." Abraham Lincoln
Mis Novias
April 15, 2003, 04:50
Local Time: 02:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 261
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age?
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
None, but I voted christian-democrat at the last elections.
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
Yes, even in face of mounting evidence to the contrary.
1. What is the name of your country?
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
Wallachia (although the name is only used for historical reasons)
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
Bucharest (see above)
4. What is the name of your county?
5. What is the capital of your county?
6. What is the capital of your country?
Bucharest (is there an echo in here?)
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Not sure, some long phrase containing Libya and Jamahiria (sp?) somewhere in there
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
Beijing [nitpicking]Is there any other China?[/nitpicking]
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
Somewhere between 800000000 and 900000000, although probably it will increase by the time I finish this
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
Some Swedes once told me Norway, but I haven't seen either country, so I'll have to take their word on it.
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
Christian Orthodox, if they use the term official religion.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
What happens when you're busy making other plans.
17. Prove that god exists.
I can't, I chose to believe He does.
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Salt Lake City, I think.
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
I'm not in the mood.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
Translate this phrase.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
At 2 miles a day, the Dragon would finish the race in 1000 days. In this time, he's bound to get hungry and my guess is that he'll probably eat Sam. So, the answer is the Dragon.
25. What does SARS stand for?
Don't know/don't care
26. Where did SARS begin?
see above
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha Bob Janie Jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
false, last time I checked
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
They thought so, then it sank.
31. Will the infidels die?
The same way as the believers.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
True, at least until they find the body, or elect another one.

34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
maybe, I don't know
36. Does Santa exist?
I don't care, I liked the presents.
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
Do you really expect an answer to this one?
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
Define mechanical assistence.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
I don't care, do you?
40. Prove aliens exist.
I will, as soon as I find a few people who have NOT seen Elvis (or any other dead artist) about the same time they have seen the aliens.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
Does he?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
I don't care, that movie sucked.
44. Are children born pure?
This seems to be the general consensus, although the process of making them involves something that has to be dirty to be done right.
45. Do ghosts exist?
I don't know any ghosts, do you?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
Yes, a few of them were making a lot of noise last night outside my window.
47. Is this pointless?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
What's a GPA and how does one get one?
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
Dogs, but I get along quite well with my parents' cat (he doesn't get in the bed while I'm sleeping and I don't kick him out of the room).
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
I think giving an answer to this one is asking for a very furious debate, and I thought you wanted to avoid one.
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
see above
The monkeys are listening.
April 15, 2003, 04:51
Local Time: 12:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: of Hamilton, New-Zealand.
Posts: 1,160
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age?
2. What is your sex?
3. What is your religion?
Turywenzist  .
A bit of everything really, not tied to one fixed set of beliefs.
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.)
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent?
1. What is the name of your country?
New Zealand
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
Hamilton City
5. What is the capital of your county?
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya?
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
Christianity of some sort ... russian chrisianity.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
16. What is life?
The act of living.
17. Prove that god exists.
Absense of evidence is not evidence of absense.
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
How the **** would I know.
19. What is a bakers dozen?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
~1,000,000. It won't divide evenly.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
Translate this phrase.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
Of 100 people I can think of 3 are athiest. Therefore 3% of the world is athiest.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Both will.
25. What does SARS stand for?
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
26. Where did SARS begin?
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha -> Bob -> Janie -> Jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
A valid arguement not written in standard form. ... WHO GIVES A ****  !
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
By the UN ... yes.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
31. Will the infidels die?
Everyone will die, it depends not on their infidelity.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
False, It actually begins with some music, before the lyrics start.
36. Does Santa exist?
Yes, though not on the north pole delivering many presents.
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
What type of lead are we talking. If you are talking lead as in extention cord, I'd say the feathers.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
A few.
40. Prove aliens exist.
Absense of Evidence is not Evidence of Absense.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
No. We don't have all the required information.
44. Are children born pure?
45. Do ghosts exist?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
47. Is this pointless?
No ... it's taking up a lot of my worthless time.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
What's GPA?
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
Yes and No.
Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ | grrr@orcon.net.nz
Waikato University, Hamilton.
April 15, 2003, 05:01
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Robotropolis
Posts: 2,300
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age? Timeless, like all classics.
2. What is your sex? Optional.
3. What is your religion? European swallow, or African?
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.) Independent
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Occasionally
1. What is the name of your country? United States of America
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? Maine
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? Augusta
4. What is the name of your county? Penobscot
5. What is the capital of your county? Bangor
6. What is the capital of your country? Washington DC
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? duh
8. What is the official name of Libya? Next. (unfortunately)
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Taipei. Oh, you mean the other China.
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta.
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? Over.
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? Whoever has fewer McDonald's.
13. What continent is EGYPT on? I don't know. All their maps were upside down.
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Denial.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? 243
16. What is life? The period between when you don't exist and when you don't exist
17. Prove that god exists. Prove that god doesn't exist.
18. Name the capital of UTAH. The dollar
19. What is a bakers dozen? Thirteen, before he eats one
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. Why, did you lose it?
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
945,697 and 612,809/4,078,972
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. Igpay atinlay isthay upidstay.
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem. All men are athiests at some point in their life.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race? the Dragon. Sam will be eaten at the 1 inch line.
25. What does SARS stand for? Severe-Acute Respiratory Syndrom, named by the Department of Redundancy Department
26. Where did SARS begin? Well, when a mommy virus loves, uh, herself, very much...
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest. No fair, Marsha's wearing heels!
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz. duh.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state. By whom?
30. Titanic is unsinkable. At this point, it couldn't get a whole lot more sunken.
31. Will the infidels die? Eventually.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN? Not effectively.
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or

34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world. False. But it does have the most bad accents per capita.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"? Right words, wrong country (and hemisphere)
36. Does Santa exist? He shows up on NORAD's radar, doesn't he?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead? *smack*
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence? duh. You're good at "duh's".
39. How many spelling errors are in this document? Not enough to make it unreadable.
40. Prove aliens exist. Michael Jackson.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA? Probably there is a Markos somewhere around there, yeah.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well? Your javascript is screwed up. It's printing variable names, not values.
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape? Really have to fix that.
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting? If he doesn't fix the damn javascript, definitely. Bad coders get haunted.
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty? I do everything with absolute certainty.
44. Are children born pure? No, they're a pretty good mix of chemicals.
45. Do ghosts exist? They are made real when people believe...
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth? Uh. Micheal Jackson.
47. Is this pointless? Quite
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)? At one point...
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats? Dogs. Cats make me sneeze.
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine? Israel is occupying Palestine? Uh oh...the **** is going to hit the fan now...
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks? Anybody stupid enough to perform a suicide attack can't be justified in anything. Except possibly suicide.
What do I win?
"In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion
Last edited by Koyaanisqatsi; April 15, 2003 at 05:11.
April 15, 2003, 05:12
Local Time: 02:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Xrr ZRRRRRRR!!
Posts: 6,484
Tass, you are pervert of making so many questions.
1. 22
2. male
3. Lutheran
4. I don't know
5. I don't consider myself stupid, somewhere between that and intelligent.
1. What is the name of your country?
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast?
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast?
4. What is the name of your county?
5. What is the capital of your county?
6. What is the capital of your country?
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES?
Washingont DC
8. What is the official name of Libya?
Umm umm... Republic of Libya? I don't know..
9. What is the capital of the CHINA?
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA?
I know only Jakarta in Indonesia, so Jakarta? Not sure.
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA?
Hmm.. a LOT! One billion?
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES?
13. What continent is EGYPT on?
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION?
Infidel! Orthodox  .
15. What is 3 to the fifth power?
I'm not sure the mathematic terms in english, so I have to guess between two and assume it's 3^5 and answer to that is 243.
16. What is life?
Life is life.
17. Prove that god exists.
I can't prove that.
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
Utah? Who cares!  .. there were those olympics, so it might be that, I say Salt Lake City?
19. What is a bakers dozen?
Bakers dozen? Never heard of it, and this is unfair to furriners so I protest this question! 12?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number.
x + 67 = -34 -> -101. -101 is my answer.
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
Simplify, what does that mean? I don't understand.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray.
Translate this phrase
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
Again with simplify, what does it mean.. damn it. Wild guess, 8%?
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Well Sam IS cheating, so it's not fair to begin with! They will finish same time so they both win. But dragon will kill Sam near the finish line, so dragon will ultimately win.
25. What does SARS stand for?
Hmm.. I don't know. I question the importance of this english word! But I'd go with Respitory Syndrome, can't even guess the first two letters.
26. Where did SARS begin?
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
marsha bob janie jon, jon being shortest.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
Yep. The evil lales..
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
Uhmm.. It depends who you ask this.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
To their own definition it was. Proved to be otherwise.
31. Will the infidels die?
Everybody dies. So infidels dies too.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
True. Could change any minute though.
33. Which is happier? , , , , , or
 because  doesn't exist  .
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
False. It's Russia! Will change any minute though
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
Wild guess..... False!
36. Does Santa exist?
No, but if he would, he'd live in Finland.
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
Depends how much 700 miles of lead weighs. So there's no real comparison here just yet.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
Some people can, I don't know if everyone can if it is done with consciouss... But I'd go with Yes.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
I could spot two? Or 3.. Or then it's correct since in UK they are weirdos. I go with all these.
40. Prove aliens exist.
Go see First Contact! Just skip the first 2 hours.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
I thought Markos lived in Greece? But then again it might be close to real Macedonia.. he has that Greek flag in his avatar, so this might be a trick question. I'd still go with NO.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
Sounds like the movie Ring. Did she start using dark forces AFTER she was thrown to that well, or before? If before, then definitely not justified, if before.. then it depends how much you like horsies and dislike dark forces. I assume before though. The mother should have gotten one of those exorcisting priests first to give it a try before doing that throwing thing. So I'd say NO, because she didn't try that first, after that it would be justified because that chick would be evil dark girl, and they must be killed without mercy!
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
44. Are children born pure?
Depends how you look at it, or who you ask this from. Asking from me, I'd say yes.
45. Do ghosts exist?
Define ghosts? Like little kids with sheets on their heads?  . I don't know the answer. I keep it open.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
Of course! There are countless of movies made about this
47. Is this pointless?
Depends what you do with these answers. If you use these to spy us, later killing us one by one, then it's not pointless, otherwise pretty much pointless yes.. So the question should be, is this pointless to you?
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
Is it in 1 to 5 scale? We have two different certificates one is based on one exam after the whole school thing, one is based on all the courses and their final exams, other one is higher than 3.5, other one not  .
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
They're justified to defend themselves. As of suicide attacks continues, they are justified to go after the guys inside Palestine, but if that's not the case, defending, then of course not. If you mean settlements.. I don't know. I don't think settlements are a good idea.
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
Against IDF, yes. Against civilians, never. Against IDF, because I believe they can fight the army that is coming to their lands anytime, anywhere, with any means. But then again the army is coming because of the bombers so.. tricky thing, so I say they are justified to attack IDF because of grudge and mistakes of IDF causing collateral damage, but as long as they keep targetting Civies, it's IDF right, bombers wrong.
In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
Last edited by Pekka; April 15, 2003 at 05:22.
April 15, 2003, 05:36
Local Time: 01:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 5,045
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. 20
2. Male
3. Agnostic
4. Conservative
5. Sometimes
1. The Netherlands
2. Noord-Holland
3. Haarlem
4. -
5. -
6. Amsterdam
7. Washington, D.C.
8. Khaddafi Land
9. Beijing
10. Jakarta
11. 800-900M
12. Define "living standards", but I'll go with Norway...
13. Africa
14. Orthodox Christian
15. 243
16. Not dead
17. Hm, do you want me to post that entire list? =)
18. Salt Lake City?
19. Thirteen
20. -101
21. 945,697 32/213
22. Translate this phrase.
23. <1B
24. Both.
25. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom
26. China
27. M > B > Ja > Jo
28. Of course.
29. I don't give a sh*t...
30. Tell that to the iceberg...
31. The one who's supposed to tell me that, disappeared.
32. Not anymore =)
34. False
35. Don't give a sh*t about this either.
36. No
37. Miles? how thick, how wide? et cetera...
38. I think so...
39. Can't be arsed to find that out...
40. I don't want to.
41. No.
42a. I stopped reading after "dark energies"...
42b. -
42c. -
43d. -
44. Yes.
45. Yes.
46. Maybe...
47. Probably =)
48. How the fark should I know? =)
49. Dogs
50. I'm not getting into this one...
April 15, 2003, 06:05
Local Time: 00:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: in perpetuity
Posts: 4,962
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age? 18
2. What is your sex? Male
3. What is your religion? Christianish
4. What is your political affiliation? Social Democratish
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Yes
1. What is the name of your country? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? England  I guess
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? London
4. What is the name of your county? West Sussex
5. What is the capital of your county? Chichester
6. What is the capital of your country? London
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya?
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Beijing
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? 1 billion
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? Norway
13. What continent is EGYPT on? Africa
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? none
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? 125
16. What is life? The ability to reproduce.
17. Prove that god exists. A proof is impossible
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
19. What is a bakers dozen? 13
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860. I could, but I'm beginning to wonder as to the point.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. Translate this phrase
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem. 1/8
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race? Both will finish the race. Both will finish the race at the same time.
25. What does SARS stand for? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
26. Where did SARS begin? Hong Kong
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha, Bob, Janie, Jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz. ok... (TRUE)
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state. False
30. Titanic is unsinkable. Unless by "Titanic" you mean "helium", false
31. Will the infidels die? Which ones... Or, everyone dies in this mortal world.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN? False
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world. False
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"? False?
36. Does Santa exist? Yes, but not as a physical being
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead? 700 miles of lead, unless it's really really thin (one pound per mile)
/me doesn't know density of lead offhand
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence? Yes
39. How many spelling errors are in this document? Including mine or not?
40. Prove aliens exist. Have you not seen Anne Widdicombe?
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA? no
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well? no
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape? no
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting? no
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty? yes
44. Are children born pure? no
45. Do ghosts exist? yes, but not necessarily as observable phenomena
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth? Yes. Not necessarily "flying saucers" though. Reconsider definition of UFO
47. Is this pointless? Yes
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)? probably woulda been
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats? Cats.
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine? No
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks? No
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
April 15, 2003, 06:10
Local Time: 00:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: in perpetuity
Posts: 4,962
Wow. It took me five readings to realise it wanted 3^5 not 5^3 
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
April 15, 2003, 06:33
Local Time: 10:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Skanky Father
Posts: 16,530
Re: Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age? 22
2. What is your sex? Male
3. What is your religion? Null
4. What is your political affiliation? Null
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Yes
1. What is the name of your country? Australia
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? New South Wales
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? Sydney
4. What is the name of your county? Ruse
5. What is the capital of your county? N/A
6. What is the capital of your country? Canberra
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya? No know
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Beijing
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? 1 billion
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? Norway
13. What continent is EGYPT on? Africa
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Orthodox
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? I did this in my head and got 143. Oh well.
16. What is life? The ability to reproduce and change.
17. Prove that god exists. Sure.
18. Name the capital of UTAH. No know
19. What is a bakers dozen? 13
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860. Somewhere near 9000/1
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. Translate this phrase
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem. 4/3ðr³
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race? The dragon will arrive at the finishing line at the same time as Sam, but will eat him. As such, only the dragon will finish.
25. What does SARS stand for? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
26. Where did SARS begin? Hong Kong
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
Marsha, Bob, Janie, Jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz. ok... (TRUE)
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state. False
30. Titanic is unsinkable. Unless by "Titanic" you mean "helium", false
31. Will the infidels die? Which ones... Or, everyone dies in this mortal world.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN? False
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world. False
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"? No know
36. Does Santa exist? Depends on the person in question.
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead? Non-metric question ignored.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence? Yes
39. How many spelling errors are in this document? Impossible to determine while the thread still remains open.
40. Prove aliens exist. Natalie Umbruglia.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA? No
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well? She is underaged and unattractive. Who cares?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape? Not all of them.
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting? Yeah. He was creepy or something.
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty? With the certainty of a drunken macaque.
44. Are children born pure? As pure as a newborn.
45. Do ghosts exist? Perhaps.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth? Maybe. Maybe not.
47. Is this pointless? Indeed.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)? No know. I got a few distinctions. I also got a few fails.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats? Cats.
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine? No
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks? No
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
April 15, 2003, 08:00
Local Time: 01:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Ivory tower
Posts: 3,511
Re: A Few Basic Questions
OK, just 'cause I don't have anything better to do:
1. What is your age? 25
2. What is your sex? male
3. What is your religion? atheist
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.) None of the above
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Somewhat above average I'd guess.
1. What is the name of your country? Sweden
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? Västerbotten
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? Umeå
4. What is the name of your county? Umeå Kommun
5. What is the capital of your county? Umeå
6. What is the capital of your country? Stockholm
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? Washington DC
8. What is the official name of Libya? Peoples republic of Libya?
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Beijing
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? 1 bil.
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? considering all the potentional problems there is with national accounts, ppp's and valuation of the public sector I refuse to answer this question.
13. What continent is EGYPT on? Africa
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Russian orthodox (if they have any)
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? que?
16. What is life? A chemical reaction
17. Prove that god exists. There is no god
18. Name the capital of UTAH.
19. What is a bakers dozen? 12?
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860. Oh no, really...
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. Yeah, well **** you too!
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem. Depends on the definition of of atheism, propably quite few, 0,5 bil. maybe with a wider definition.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race? They'll tie
25. What does SARS stand for? -
26. Where did SARS begin? -
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
marsha, bob, janie, jon
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz. yes!
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state. No, not officially
30. Titanic is unsinkable. Can it sink any lower?
31. Will the infidels die? Yes, all will die.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN? Yes
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
 , subjective question...
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world. No
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"? -
36. Does Santa exist? Maybe there's some persons or places with that name....
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead? Not sufficient information
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
To a degree, yes.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document? To many to mention
40. Prove aliens exist. about 7 million illegally in the US.
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA? No, Greece.
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well? She throws her down the well after the horses die, doesn't she?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape? -
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting? -
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty? No
44. Are children born pure? Define Pure
45. Do ghosts exist? Probably no if you mean more than some sort of being.
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth? As it's unidentified that's kind of a impossible question
47. Is this pointless? Quite
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)? I don't think so...
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats? Cats
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine? I wouldn't say that no.
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks? Hardly.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Schopenhauer
In GAIS we trust!
April 15, 2003, 15:11
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 23:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: We are all Asher now.
Posts: 1,437
Re: Re: A Few Basic Questions
I can't believe people actually answered the questions
I'm not going to grade you, but I will say this: None of you got a 100.
April 15, 2003, 15:16
Local Time: 19:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 4,264
Well, God, Tassadar, we thought you were actually interested in other peoples opinions. Shame on us for giving you too much credit.
April 15, 2003, 15:20
Local Time: 23:42
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Tory Party of 'Poly
Posts: 523
a FEW BASIC quesions eih?
eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias
April 15, 2003, 15:53
Local Time: 02:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Israel
Posts: 6,480
Re: A Few Basic Questions
1. What is your age? 18
2. What is your sex? Male
3. What is your religion? Atheist.
4. What is your political affiliation (Shi, Ming, et al: Put republican. Che, Sava, et al: Put democrat. Those are you only two options.) - Meh... Center.
5. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Yes. Either that or my enviroment is phenomenally stupid.
1. What is the name of your country? Israel.
2. What is the name of your state/province/oblast? The south.
3. What is the capital of your state/province/oblast? It's complicated in the case of my city... Just assume I know.
4. What is the name of your county? No such thing in Israel.
5. What is the capital of your county? - See answer 4.
6. What is the capital of your country? Jerusalem.
7. What is the capital of the country UNITED STATES? Washington D.C
8. What is the official name of Libya? Libya? Khaddafi's playground? Here be Camels?
9. What is the capital of the CHINA? Beijing
10. What is the capital of INDONESIA? Jakarta?
11. What is the approx. population of INDIA? 1 billion.
12. Which has higher standards of living: NORWAY or UNITED STATES? Norway.
13. What continent is EGYPT on? Main part in Africa, the rest in Asia(at least until we conquer it again  ).
14. What is the official religion of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Christianity. Orthodox denomination, or whatever you call it.
15. What is 3 to the fifth power? 243
16. What is life? A 4 letter word that starts with an L and ends with an E. Or the state of being alive.
17. Prove that god exists. - I am God.
18. Name the capital of UTAH. - Salt Lake City(WAG).
19. What is a bakers dozen? Dont know.
20. Solve: The sum of a number and 67 is -34. Find that number. -101
21. Simplify: 19287360981465 over 20394860.
What X over Y means? I dont know the English terms.
22. Ranslatetay isthay rasephray. How did you call me?
23. Approx how many athiests are in the world out of how many people on earth?? Simplify your answer. Use rounding to solve this problem.
Non western countries out.
Which leaves us with around 1bil.
300 million.
Though the commies in China can also be counted. Hmph.
24. Sam and the Dragon are in a race to the finish. The track is 2000 miles. Sam has already run 1000 miles and continues to run at 1 mile per day. The dragon runs at 2 miles per day. Who will finish the race?
Both will finish it. At the same time.
25. What does SARS stand for?
South American Repository System
26. Where did SARS begin?
Some Chinese village/town?
Either that or Hong Kong.
27. Janie is taller than Jon. Bob is taller than Janie. Jon is shorter than Marsha. Marsha is taller than Bob. Arrange the peoples by heigth starting with the tallest.
28. All lales are morkas. All morkas are komuniztz. Therefore, all lales are komuniztz.
29. TRUE OR FALSE? Palestine is recognized as a state.
30. Titanic is unsinkable.
31. Will the infidels die?
Depends who you ask.
32. TRUE or FALSE? The official president of Iraq is SADDAM HUSSEIN?
33. Which is happier?  ,  ,  ,  ,  , or
34. True or False? Canada is the largest country in the world.
35. True or False? The Chiles anthem begins "JANA GANA MANA"?
No idea.
36. Does Santa exist?
37: Which is heavier: 700 POUNDS of feathers or 700 miles of lead?
Same weight.
38. Is it possible to control things such as heart rate and body temperature without mechanical assistence?
Depends on what you call control. But generally yes.
39. How many spelling errors are in this document?
Too lazy to check.
40. Prove aliens exist.
50 Thai ones are building an apartment complex 50 meters from my house.
(you didnt define aliens  )
41. Does Markos live in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA?
42a. MOTHER1 throws DAUGHTER1 down a well. DAUGHTER1 had dark energies surrounding her which caused the horses to commit suicide. FATHER1 is now haunted by DAUGHTER1. DAUGHTER1 created a tape to tell others about her death and anyone who doesnt copy it in 7 days will die. Was MOTHER1 justified in throwing DAUGHTER1 down the well?
42b. Was DAUGHTER1 justified in killing people who do not copy the tape?
42c. Does FATHER1 deserve the hauntings he's getting?
43d. Can you answer any of these questions with absolute certanty?
44. Are children born pure?
45. Do ghosts exist?
46. Have UFOs visited the Earth?
Dont know.
47. Is this pointless?
It sure looks like it is.
48. Was your GPA higher than 3.5 (US System)?
Dont know the US system, but I guess that yes.
49. Which do you prefer: Dogs or Cats?
50. Is Israel justified in occupying Palestine?
50a. Are Palestinians justified in performing suicide attacks?
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