April 16, 2003, 08:41
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Broken GL links???
Not sure who to take this up with but whilst going through the threads on GL http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...&threadid=2723 ( very informative! )...i came across this broken link http://apolyton.net/forums-archives/.../001406-2.html which was part of the discussion on cheats.
I have also noticed whenever i go into a GL thread, there never seems to be a second page, or else as in example above (which lists 3 pages ) the page 2/3/... links goes nowhere!
If this is intentional, or because the remainder has been archived i can't tell, but could a moderator pls explain and rectify if possible so i can continue my learning expedition.
Am I the only one who is reading the GL and picked this up?
Last edited by Paradox; April 16, 2003 at 08:50.
April 16, 2003, 09:20
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You're not the only one. The Scouses Git were the ones who started the GL, IIRC, but you're right - a lot of the links are broken.
If you have a specific question, you could probably get it answered here - or some of the contributors who started the threads in question may be able to point you at an unarchived version.
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April 16, 2003, 14:46
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Thanks 6k but id prefer to read at my leisure  Besides it doesnt make sense to have a library with half its pages removed lol !!! Im sure there must be some reasonable explanation....ill just have to wait for it patiently....
Now who are/is the library curator?
"Some people are alive, simply because its against the law to kill them"
"Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the liberty to do as you ought"
April 17, 2003, 18:08
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Hello???? Moderators?
April 18, 2003, 22:53
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Hi Paradox!
I don't know why some of the GL links don't work any longer.
What I do know is that if you indicate the areas of your interest there will be many people here pleased to help.
April 19, 2003, 02:36
Just another peon
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Yes, the GL was built under the old version of the software, so there are some problems with some of the links. A few people have looked at it, with no satisfactory resolution. So if you have any specific questions that aren't linked to properly, please feel free to post them here. We'll TRY to answer them, or provide links to other threads that work.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
April 19, 2003, 04:43
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About 2 years ago the Apolyton site changed the software: the content of all threads were copied to new versions. Old versions of threads were locked and their links were unchanged so that links dispersed in threads don't become blind.
The links in the GL points to the old versions. You have to search for the new 'living' version of every thread: for example by using the search button.  Unfortunately the Search fails sometimes.
Originally posted by SG(2)
I don't know why some of the GL links don't work any longer.
GL links don't work because
1. there is no people that would search for new links pointing to the 'living' versions of threads.
2. Scouse Gits (creators of the GL) don't update it. They spend all free time by playing Civ or Ming don't unlock the GL when asked...?
(People posted many 'candidate threads' for the GL in Great Library Discussion thread, but they were never added to the GL.)
I think the Apolyton community would appreciate any person (  you ?) that would be prepared to reconstruct the GL. I suppose most of people keep their personal lists of links to new versions of important threads and so they would be able to help.
April 19, 2003, 05:00
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Thanks for the replies folks....SG,Rah and Slow (many others too) i most certainly appreciate all your contribs in the posts and articles i have read on this site and the valuable insite i have gained to date! and for your generous offers of assistance.I may just take your offers up sooner than later
Okay, i feel a little better altho still somewhat peeved at not being able to read the really succinct yet in-depth detail contained within the GL...was hoping to uncover more secrets of the "Library of Alexandria" but i guess the first page links that work will have to appease my voracious appetite for now.
BTW Slow for what its worth im a s/w specialist by profession and may be willing to assist if i was pointed in the right direction by the powers that be...not sure how many others agree with me but to have a central reposiitory or more like compendium of CIV2 game concepts and strategies is certainly critical if we want to pass on our knowledge to others and to make for better civers out there, excluding the timesave in reading thru literally 10,000's or is it 100,000's of posts to be able to extract every minute hidden detail like some of us want to do....  . Im new to civ2 but already completely enamoured with this incredible game that most certainly will taunt and test to the limit my explorative and analytical nature....
Perhaps i could put a vote thread up to see how much backing this would solicit??
After all...IMHO a concept like the GL most certainly needs to be there as a ref point. It's humanely impossible to go through all the posts going back to the early days, even with the best intentions in mind...I for one have spent last couple of weeks doing so and only touched the surface.  *sigh*
Hopefully, we may see some resurrection in the future, of this grand old "library".
"Some people are alive, simply because its against the law to kill them"
"Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the liberty to do as you ought"
Last edited by Paradox; April 19, 2003 at 05:26.
April 19, 2003, 07:09
Local Time: 23:46
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Originally posted by SlowThinker Scouse Gits (creators of the GL) don't update it. They spend all free time by playing Civ or Ming don't unlock the GL when asked...?
ST - I'm glad to hear you've learnt the secret of Clairvoyance and know how we spend our free time.  Perhaps you would do well to play a little more civ which might divert you from puerile speculation.
Paradox - I have bumped solo's excellent Early Landing Guide which contains some of the themes in the GL and many things discovered more recently. Read this and you will learn about many aspects of the game.
April 19, 2003, 08:30
Local Time: 01:46
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 sorry for my weak english but my sentence was meant as a question: what is the reason that the GL is not updated? I remember a debate in http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...42#post1804342. Did you ask Ming to unlock the library? Is he reachable?
I highly appreciate the work invested in the old GL. moralism On other side I think you SGs should be more parental towards the GL. /moralism
what is a ' s/w specialist'?
There was one attempt to sort the Civ2 info in 'condensed' threads, but only a couple of such threads were built. See
"The Great Library: a hierarchical structure" thread.
April 19, 2003, 09:20
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TY i already downloaded it yesterday, and have started engorging its tasty contents  . So much info, so much ( err sorry dear i meant little time  ).
s/w = software altho these days im almost certain its starting to mean "self wizardry" with every second individual doing a 2 days crash course in VB or HTML and calling himself a software engineer.....
Now in the old days.....
*staring into the distance with glazed look in my eyes*
When code was actually hand-coded and not computer generated  and registers were used for calculating, not forum signups....*another sigh*
OMW have i given my age away. Guess i just jolted into the future and realised theres no stemming the tide anymore....
"Some people are alive, simply because its against the law to kill them"
"Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the liberty to do as you ought"
Last edited by Paradox; April 19, 2003 at 09:50.
April 19, 2003, 09:50
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ah, registers - i remember using those in my VAX assembly language class, and again in compiler class
on a more related note, i haven't tried doing too many searches on this site recently, partly because because it takes forever and doesn't necessarily narrow things down that much or even work - tried searching for posts by Xin Yu and it couldn't find any, but sorting by thread started name finds them, and partly because i notice the only Civ II archive is multiplayer, and the threads were mostly placed in the Civ II Strategy forum, leading me to believe that the Civ II strategy archive was not transfered over during the update.
Insert witty phrase here
April 26, 2003, 11:07
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Ming could you respond on this one PLS!!
Been waiting 10 days for an official reply
"Some people are alive, simply because its against the law to kill them"
"Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the liberty to do as you ought"
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