Originally posted by Alexnm
I'm interested. My wife is not.
Maybe she can make cookies and make them available for the chat sessions?
Interest is really picking up. We have teams that are forming now.
I've quoted various team member's commenting about their teams choices below just to give you an idea of what is going on.
Team Sunshine
"The friendliest, happiest, most positive team on the planet. Peace loving. Share the love! No conquests, just massive Love-fests where Team Sunshine takes the party to your cities and tries to "share the love" with their neighbors."
"Yes, join the
Sunshine Team and spread a little bit o' lovin' and peace. Life is short so why not enjoy it!!

Team Tabemono [Food Team]
"It's not just dinner, it's a BATTLE!"
"Since Team Sunshine seems to be winning all the converts, allow me to turn the tables by introducing the mascot for Team Tabemono, Hamu!"
"What is the ham saying?" "he's saying "Tabemono" of course! It's Japanese for food! Mmmm... tabemono..."
Team Monty Python
"He who would join the Fully Monty Must answer me These questions three Ere the other side he see.
What...is your name?
What...is your quest?
What...is your favorite color?

"Members to be encouraged(but not required) to create a team character, drawing their Monty inspiration from any movie, show, or skit they like."
Team of Misinformation[Mohammed al-Sahaf Team]
"This is going to be the brightest and strongest of all teams that ever existed in this world, and will destroy all the infidels that are seen crawling in the mud beneath us, especially those ridiculous Eddie's lovers, whom seem to carry some pestilence in their breaths."
"Our words are NOT backed by biological, chemical or nuclear weapons!"
"Members of this team's posts must always be blatantly obvious falsehoods, and must be done with all seriousness.
Our team is not attacking Sunshine.
What do you mean not attacking us? You just threw a "Mammoth Stack of Shivering Workers" at our Pikeman.
They were bonding."
Team Izzard
"If you want to join, the only requirement is that you love Eddie Izzard!"
"In terms of actually playing the game, we're gonna be very relaxed about it, obviously. It'll be more like a succession game than a demogame from our point of view. No structured government style, any player can play the turns (we'll try to rotate it, depending on who has free time)"
"It's the sound effects that really makes that one.
"Hi, I'm crazy Eddie. I put babies on spikes! Wanna rack-o-baby?"
"Ooh-eee-ooh-eee, THOOOM.""