July 9, 1999, 21:45
Local Time: 00:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,087
The Spartan Chronicles
The Spartan Chronicles
*Chhthd chhthd* came the horrid chittering sound of a mindworm boil on the move. Or at least that was what the sound was meant to represent. To petty officer Kardon however, it meant to proceed with extreme caution. The idea of using the native sounds of Chiron as a relatively secure field communications protocol had been his afterall. His objectives was only a few hundred yards away, the glittering reflection of the bunker was clearly visible, now he just had to get there unmolested.
Kardon scanned the immediate area and noted no obvious threats so he proceeded to hug the outcropping and slink along to his next waypoint. This close to the principal objective his impact rifle would be useless, simply serving to bring down more heat than to get him out of a tight spot, so he strapped it to his back and pulled out his synthiron combat knife. There was a lone guardpost immediately to his left and if he could make it past without being detected, the remaining distance could be covered quickly.
‘Here goes nothing,’ thought Kardon as he stole up on the post. There appeared to be no one home, just a couple of proximity sensors and probably a pressure pad. ‘No problem there, I’ll just send an EM pulse form my com pact and zip on by,’ he thought to himself. He unhooked the pack and reversed the power couplings with the groundings to that the receiving pack would broadcast the electromagnetic radiation, rather that gather it. Kardon barely had time to recognize the sound of a rifle whistling toward his head before he took an extended, and forced, nap on the ground. “Heh, heh,” laughed the training sergeant, “guess he wasn’t quite ready for the recon course afterall!”
Captain Haradim Mizuno knew that their current mission assignment was important, he just could not bring himself to look forward to it. The men under his nominal command were all excellent troops, one had to be to qualify for the Expeditionary Forces, not to mention to stay alive in the field, and he did not want to lose them. Reports from the recon pilots indicated that the Hive had managed to break through the Great Fungal Wall to the north of Assassin’s Redoubt. If that were true then they would likely try to expand south quickly and gain a foothold on the Emerald Isle as this rather isolated and small continent had been named. His men had to reconiter the area and determine if the massive spread of fungus had indeed been breached and if so to survey any Hive presence. Facing the prospect of a laborious search of the fungal barrier was daunting enough but with the added prospect of some advance troops of ‘The Crackpot Chairman’ around, well it was enough to make a man ill! Captain Mizuno knew his duty however. If the other three commanders of the XForce could explore and map the other compass points away from Sparta Command, then he would certainly not fail to do the same in the North.
*Whhrrrrr, whrrrrrrrr, whrrrrrrrr* “I’m sorry sir, but we are just plain stuck. This sand doesn’t allow our Recon Rover to get good traction and the rocks just jamb in the maneuvering joints. I’m afraid we’re going to have to push.... again.”
“Very well. Let’s get on with it,” replied Captain ‘Paco’ Elyias. ‘When will we leave these blasted Dunes!’ he cursed to himself. His command had left Janissary Rock over three weeks ago and since they entered the Dunes two weeks ago they had only covered 40 clicks. Santiago herself had planned this expedition and he had leapt at the chance to impress her. Though the XForce was a team, each commander wanted to outdo the other three, naturally enough, and this was a superb chance to do just that. After the debacle with Commissioner Lal’s attaché, he certainly needed to shine!
“Come to heading 2-4-2, all ahead flank,” said Captain Shetal Patel. “Heading 2-4-2, Aye Captain,” repeated the helmsman. “Nothing on the scanner, Ma’am,” stated the radar operator. “XO, you have the conn, I’ll be in my quarters,” spoke the Captain.
“Captain’s Log, new entry,” spoke Captain Patel, as the databank began to record her speech. “Today we have reached the Chiron equivalent of the equator, or at least a point at which the geomagnetic stresses are equalized. We are approximately 400 kilometers from the southernmost Spartan holding, Admiralty Base”
“Over the past month we have extended the known world by several thousand nautical square miles. The prototype hydrofoil has exceeded all performance expectations. We have uncovered several small islands, one of which has an extremely large, extremely active volcano, dubbed ‘Mount Planet’ by First Mate Hidalgo. Additionally we found one medium sized continent with a thick jungle and highly active native lifeforms. There appeared to be signs of human habitation, but we found no living inhabitants. My current working theory is that the area was overrun by mindworms, given no obvious sign of military attack.”
“Unfortunately, it appears that at least some of the other human groups on Planet have developed a sea-going capability. One week ago we picked up a transient contact at the edge of our radar. We were unable to obtain a lock however. In the future, our operations crew may be able to uniquely identify another vessel if we can acquire a sonic signature of the ship. As such this has become a secondary objective of this voyage. Captain Shetal Patel, Log Entry End.”
“Private,” yelled Captain Wells, “find a viable transmission spot and get this message back to Sparta Command. “We are under heavy artillery attack 14 clicks south-southwest of Fort Superiority. The Hive has unveiled some new type of long-range tactical missile. Position untenable, pulling back due south to lead the enemy away from Fort Superiority. Requesting immediate air cover.”
As the private left to send the message ‘Gung-Ho’ Wells evaluated his options. They were not that many. He had a single functioning Recon Rover, two squads of impact troops – only half of which were unharmed and a couple of elite marines. Fortunately his marines carried the Mark V Gatling Cannons. Unfortunately they were a bit short on ammunition.
His forces had been on a routine patrol when they had found a new river and decided to follow it and perhaps scout a new base location. As they topped climbed out of the gulley, they had been broadsided by a massive explosion. At first the Captain thought the rover’s batteries exploded, just as his other rover had several weeks ago. Then he saw the exhaust of a rocket coming towards their location. He had given the scatter order to avoid any more casualties, but now his troops were isolated and sitting ducks.
He tapped his commlink twice in rapid succession to indicate fallback and then spoke, “to the twin hills south of here.” As he watched his men slowly begin to make their way to the regroup point indicated he noticed one of the Marines slog through the river bed to the north. He opened a private channel, “Son, you having a bit of directional trouble?”
“No sir! The safety of the unit is more important than one man Sir!,” came the reply.
“Soldier, I appreciate your effort but I gave an order.”
“Sir yes Sir!” and the Marine continued northward.
Wells thought to himself, ‘Dammit, that kid is gonna get his head blown off, but you gotta admire his spirit.’ The Hive missile battery tracked the lone soldier but couldn’t seem to get a lock on him, probably since the Marine was keeping low and half-swimming, half-running through the river. ‘He just might do it, and it will definitely buy the rest of us some time to take cover.’
Just then a second unit appeared over the rise to the north. The blood drained from his face as Wells saw the blue pennant of the Hive flying from it’s standard. ‘If some air support doesn’t get here soon, XForce may just have lost one-fourth of its team,’ he thought gravely.
July 10, 1999, 00:58
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
"Scramble, Scramble. Pinwheel Four and Thrasher Seven, I say again, Scramble. Will brief you when airborne. Head due South 14 clicks. Go, Go, Go. Pinwheel Four and Thrasher Seven. Go."
Flight Lieutenant Alex "Dusty" Rhodes snapped to attention as the intercom blared over the messhall at the Fort Superiority airbase. He was playing cards with his buddies, and had just been dealt a pair of Kings and a pair of tens. Blast. This would have to happen when he had an almost certain winning hand. He was Pinwheel Four's pilot, and crew commander. As he rose and grabbed his jacket and helmet, he saw Katy Springer, his Munitions Officer running from the canteen area, with her gear in hand. "Let's go, D", she yelled at him. "Where's Morris?"
"Dunno", Dusty replied hurrying to keep up with Katy. Morris was their Ops 0fficer, responsible for navigation and radar ops.
As they exited the mess building, they saw Pete Morris jogging over to their penetrator needlejet, where the mechanic had already fired up the auxiliary engines to get the systems on stream. They caught up with him.
Over in the rec commons Lisa cursed under her breath. She had just worked out what was a promising combination to capture Octavio's third upper remaining bishop and top level single knight as well as putting incredible pressure on the level 5 queen when the scramble alert intruded.
"Let's get going", she said to her opponent, Octavio Rodriguez, who was her Ops officer in the tactical needlejet she commanded. She deactivated the 3Dholo chess game they were playing. No point in saving that. She'd never remember the move when she returned.
"Sir, yes Sir", the vet replied. They were a good team, Lisa and Octavio. Lisa Mayberry, newly promoted to Flying Officer, this her first command, having come through the flight school with the highest marks ever recorded for Interceptor trainees. And Octavio, who had been a rookie Ops officer in the very first aerial engagement fought by the Spartans when they sent their prototype needlejet into action. Octavio was old enough to be her father, and so took a great delight in playing the 'loyal subordinate' role.
They grabbed their gear from the pegs by the rec room door, and just shook their heads to the enquiring looks they got from the other denizens of the commons. "Don't know anymore than you", she said " you heard the same message we did."
'Sparky' Thompson, their mechanic, had the canopy open and the starter unit connected. It was one of the older tacticals, with missile weaponry. The newer machines with their chaos armaments were just coming on stream, but the vets were getting these.
Lisa looked across the dispersal ground to see if she could pick up Pinwheel Four - she assumed she'd be flying cover for the Penetrator. She picked it out at the end of the line, and saw that their crew was just boarding. A faint tinge of jealousy crept over her as she saw that Pinwheel Four was itself one of the newer needlejets, with fusion powered engines. Her relic was still fission powered, as the need to upgrade and replace had not been severe.
"Maybe this scare, whatever it is, will get us upgraded to fusion power", said Octavio, as if reading her mind. He was good at that, Lisa thought. Often he anticipated her command or manoeuver before she verbalized it. 'Probably comes with being a vet', she thought, 'He's probably seen nothing new for a few years.'
The two planes fired up their engines and taxied to the runway, wheeling from the taxi strip and accelerating into the take-off run in one co-ordinated fluid motion.
"Come in Thrasher" squawked her headset as Lisa strained to match the rising speed of the larger penetrator.
"Acknowledged, Pinwheel, Thrasher here", she replied.
"Let's see what they have for us", Dusty said.
Command came on line.
Fourteen clicks south, units under fire. Reconnaissance patrol strayed too close to a Hive location and they opened fire on us. Lost a rover, and have some assets trapped there. See what you can do to take out the threat or lay down some fire for them to effect a getaway. Codename is 'Buzzard'. Take care, missiles reported. Use counters as needed. Out"
"Got that, Thrasher?" asked Dusty.
"Roger that", said Lisa.
"Take up position one click above and 300 meters behind at 5 o'clock", said Dusty. Although the Chiron clock bore no resemblance to that of old earth, Dusty chuckled to think how nomenclature in the military kept to the old Terran traditions.
Lisa engaged the afterburners for a spell as the tactical needlejet rose above the penetrator, and dropped slightly astern. She was aware from the readouts that Octavio had armed the primary missiles and readied the weapons array for instant deployment. She also knew that he was commlinking with Pete Morris directly on how to deal with any threat that might materialize.
Morris scanned his consoles, looking for information that could help them. He activated the deep tracking radar, and watched its simulated sweep across her screen. He didn't expect any Hive aircraft activity this far from any of their bases, but one never knew.
"Reaching target location." Dusty said. "Going on a flypast for a looksee. Stay high," he told Lisa.
"Muzzle flashes, one o'clock," said Pete. "Not ours"
Dusty swiveled his head, and picked them out.
"I see two units. How close to our guys." He asked. "Can you tell. Can you raise them?"
"Don't know", said Pete. "I've been trying from about four clicks back. We should be in range now. Hive must be using comm jammers on our guys".
"Broadcast to ours, secure channel, that we're going in. If they pick us up, they'll take cover. If not, then they'll hear or see us anyway", said Dusty.
Just then Lisa chimed in. "Dusty, let me do a fast low flyby that'll alert our guys that we're here. You come in fast on my tail maybe 30 seconds later and take out their arty. 30 seconds will be enough time for our guys to duck."
"Roger that, Go" said Dusty. 'This kid has balls', he thought. First mission and wants to tempt missiles, small arms fire, AAA and goodness knows what.'
He felt the penetrator flutter as the fringe of the shockwave caressed it, and gaped slack-jawed as the little tactical needlejet went through the sound barrier on its plunge to the engagement area.
"Sweet Chiron" he exclaimed, "these old buckets aren't meant for FTS. She'll get herself killed. But we need to follow."
He banked and dove, picking up speed, as Katy readied the munitions pods.
Lisa wrestled with the stick, trying to maintain control as she flattened out of the dive about 100 meters above the ground. Octavio was grim beside her. He knew the service record of this needlejet, and didn't fancy prolonged faster than sound flight.
They roared over the positions of the Spartan units, and came to the Hive battery. They noted grimly that there were two units who seemed to be pinning "Gung Ho's" men down.
Lisa was pulling the nose up to lose speed, and as the speed abated, suddenly stood the needlejet on its tail, bleeding momentum. Ahead, the arc of a missile's path could clearly be seen probing the sky where the Flasher would have been had it continued on it earlier path.
"Paint 'em" she said, but again was amazed at how Octavio anticipated her. The laser beams from two needlejet ancillary electronics weapons pods shot out, wavering slightly as Octavio fought the shudder and compensated for the sudden loss of speed.
"Locked on", he shouted, "let's go".
Lisa engaged the afterburners as the needlejet rose vertically, fighting gravity, maintaining the laser locks on the targets.
Katy huddled over her console as Dusty brought the Penetrator in a straight line.
"Steady", she said, then triumphantly "Target acquired two of them". She did a hasty recalculation, fingers flying over the keyboard, then sank back triumphantly.
"Gone", she said simply.
The twin Stinger missiles leapt from the pods, their target acquisition system unerringly locking on to the laser paint on each of the batteries superstructures.
Twin detonations rocked the ground as the missiles took out the artillery batteries.
Dusty commlinked the command center. "Buzzard successful. Threat removed," he said. "Orders?"
"Pinwheel Four return to base. Flasher Seven, CAP until the evac unit gets in to get Wells and his men out, then return. Deal with any threat as appropriate."
"Roger that", both Dusty and Lisa said in unison.
Dusty laid the wing over to return to base.
Lisa pulled out of her climb at ten thousand meters, and began a lazy figure of eight over the engagement area while she waited for the choppers to arrive and evacuate the stranded troops.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited August 14, 1999).]
July 10, 1999, 02:30
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
Miles Diary: MY2225
This looks like it will be the begiining of a new chapter in my life, so I will record my impressions (and maybe someday write a book - who knows?)
I watched with morbid fascination as the trooper held his forearm over the flame of the candle.
He was humming softly to himself, continuously, in a drone monotone, just below middle C. His eyes had a glazed look, and the beginnings of a tear welled up in each.
The smell of burning flesh pervaded the room. This was the third exhibit to us rookies. Oh, we knew that the flesh would be regenerated and the skin would heal, but at this point in time the pain must be incredible.
The scorched flesh on the arm continued to singe, revealing some bone beginning to appear.
The two minutes passed.
Rynn blew a piercing whistle, and the trooper jerked his arm away from the flame. "Holy Chiron", he exclaimed, gazing in unbelief at his charred forearm. "That hurts."
"Medic", said Rynn.
The bored orderly who was standing by sprayed antiseptic over the burnt flesh from a canister, then slapped a bio medpack on the arm. He finished by spraying from another canister, which congealed and hardened to form a thin silksteel cast over the arm. The hand would still be operational during regeneration - Rynn was careful not to let tendons get severed. Singed, maybe, but not decommissioned.
"Show's over", she said. "Let's move it."
I hustled out with the other four recruits wondering just what I had gotten myself into.
My name is Miles Cavenagh, and I am 19 Chiron years old - about 21 of the old Earth years. I have just joined the newly formed Spartan Psi Corps, headed up by Lieutenant Ann Rynn. Our mission is to garrison our bases with elite troops who will be largely immune to the attacks of the local mindworms, and we are experimenting with various ways of keeping our sanity during the mindworm attacks.
Spartan scientists have deduced, from their work into the secrets of the human brain, that certain types of induced hypnosis could provide a credible defense against psi attacks, and we are testing these theories.
I was selected for the Psi Corps, or Empath squad as it is loosely referred to, because I survived a mindworm attack as a boy outside my home base, going so far as to severly cripple the mindworm which was captured by a special units operative shortly afterwards. The scientists thought me some sort of prodigy, and interrogated me for hours on what I did, thought, felt said, during the encounter.
If truth be known, I don't remember much of it.
It was about two years ago, and I had finished a shift in the forest we were cultivating just a couple of clicks to the north of Assassin's Redoubt, my home base. The area I was working abutted an untamed field of fungus, but was beautiful, on a slight incline with a view over the ocean.
I was daydreaming, thinking about Lisa, a girl I'd met at the intercollege games that summer. She was from Janissary Rock, and was utterly beautiful. She wanted to be a pilot in the emerging airforce, and I was envious of her combination of beauty, brains and athletic prowess. (Her dream did come true.)
Anyway, I was lying propped up against a trunk, daydreaming of what it would be like to have Lisa in my arms, when the mindworm struck.
I had heard the rustling among the fungus, but hadn't paid much attention. It coiled, and sprang for my head. I could sense its power, trying to induce me to panic, but in my lazy dreamy state, with my mind filled with images of Lisa, I swatted at it to knock it off, tearing a few of its tentacles from my skin. It flopped to the ground, and seemed to be marshalling its energy for another mind attack or physical attack.
All the workers who were at the forest edge had been supplied with small shredder pistols for this very event, so I drew mine, and dreamily flamed off several of the larger tendrils, and shortened considerably most of the others. It shriveled into a tight ball, and rolled itself into the fungus.
I had snapped out of my reverie by this time, so I ran into the base, and returned with one of the garrison troopers. He carried with him a burlap sack, and bundled the mindworm into it to return to the scientists at the base.
So I became a sort of local celebrity, and got sent to Sparta Command for questioning by the research scientists. (And also met up again with Lisa who had just commenced her pilot's training, but that's another story.)
Convinced that it was my daydreaming that had presented me with some defense, the scientists began their line of research into hypnotic trances, and formed the Psi Corps to see if this line of reasoning would bear fruit.
It seemed to work reasonably well. Ann Rynn, a lieutenant in the 47th was transferred to command this embryonic unit, and naturally I was thought to be a worthwhile recruit.
Which is how I came to be watching the gruesome exhibition of how hypnotic trance can block out physical pain. But is it effective against psi attacks?
That's what I was going to be a guinea pig for.
Miles Cavenagh
[This message has been edited by Rynn (edited July 10, 1999).]
July 10, 1999, 02:56
Local Time: 00:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: In the army
Posts: 3,375
The Arzamas Forest
04:15 hours Spartan Military Time (SMT)
Captain Jake Norris impatiently gazed out into the misty, predawn depths of the forest. There were no signs of the enemy, but he knew they were out there, he knew their objective, and he had orders to stop them. Finally, he looked away; the sensor array would detect them long before he could see them. If there was one thing he hated about being a soldier it was times like this. Times when the only thing you could do was hurry up and wait. For the hundredth time, he went through the mental checklist and for the hundredth time, everything checked out. He climbed down from his perch and started looking over his men. His gaze slowly traveled over his Company, and they looked just as eager to fight as he was. Corporal Moss had a smile on his face and looked like he was ready to leave the security of the bunker and go hunt for them. Obviously, he hadn’t ever seen combat before. Sargent Rucker on the other hand was an old veteran and he wouldn’t leave the bunker unless ordered to and even then only grudgingly.
“How ya feeling today boys? Do you feel mean?”
“HUWAH!” Echoed through the bunker.
“Who’s the best?”
“We are, Sir!” The chant was loud and in perfect unison.
“Who’s the best?”
“We are, Sir!” Even louder.
“Who’s the best?”
“We are, Sir! Alpha! Alpha! Alpha! HUWAHHHHH!” They had even started banging the butts of their rifles on the floor. There wasn’t any need to check things again; all he needed was the enemy.
Deep inside Captain Norris knew that part of the reason he was so ready to fight was to wipe the smirk off Colonel Lockhart’s face. At the briefing, Brevet General Lockhart boasted that his newly formed 469th could take the Spartan Field Training Urban Assault Center (SFTUAC) without any support at all. In last year’s war games, it had taken three representative armored divisions with heavy support to break into SFTUAC. One measly division wasn’t going to crack these defenses. The 469th would have to get through two divisions firmly entrenched in bunkers. Then General Tucker had an armored division stationed at the SFTUAC that could provide mobile support if needed. Alpha Company was the best company in the Second Infantry Division, and Captain Norris was going to prove that General Tucker made a wise choice when he picked them as a representative unit for the 2nd Infantry. They were going to prove they were better than the braggarts in the 469th. The pride he had in his unit was on the line and he would make sure that egomaniac Lockhart would look like a fool.
04:40 hours SMT
Alpha Proxima was just beginning to rise above the horizon outside of SFTUAC. A low rumble echoed across the flat arid expanses. The rumble grew louder and then drop pods slowed the rapid decent of the 469th. It looked like an early morning meteor shower, and it was the dawn of a new era of warfare. In a matter of minutes, troops covered the ground and they were rapidly organizing. Before the defenders in the SFTUAC even realized they were under attack, the streets were teaming with troops from the 469th. General Tucker’s men were completely caught off guard, very few at all made it to their rovers. The defenders never had a chance, and in a rare occurrence (especially considering it was a training exercise), many dazed Spartan troops surrendered. With such light resistance, Lieutenant Erik “Da Lizard” DeLyle led his platoon in a near sprint to the command Villa, where General Tucker had his headquarters set up. A few of his men got hit by the training rifles and they immediately dropped as all the joints in their combat simulator suits froze up. However they didn’t fire back and just kept on sprinting to the command villa.
SFTUAC Command Post
05:05 hours SMT
General Tucker like usual was having his after breakfast tea. He was looking forward to how the day would unfold. Brevet General Lockhart had side that by the end of the day, he would be in control of SFTUAC. This was obviously quite nonsense, but Lockhart had always managed to produce results in the past. There was still no report of contact with the 469th, and the Second Infantry Division would give them hell. The training area was a small corridor, with a string of bunkers positioned right in the center. If General Lockhart and his men tried to sneak through the dense forest, the fortifications had a sophisticated sensor array that would surely detect them. There was no way they could bypass the bunkers, and blasting through them would be a time consuming and deadly operation. Such foolishness boasting would probably damage his career. Suddenly shots pierced the quite morning and the sound of a small skirmish interrupted the General’s tea.
“Major what the hell is going on here?” Furious and confused, Tucker felt a deepening sense of dread. This was impossible. Before the Major could even respond the door-busted open and troops from the 469th rushed in.
“How did you get in here?!” The general didn’t even make a move to defend himself, but Major Willis jumped and hit the alarm. Suddenly a klaxon deafened the entire base with its wail. Nearly every single soldier in the room opened fire and dropped him.
“General Tucker, by order of General Lockhart, I demand your forces to surrender.” Commanded Lieutenant DeLyle. Two soldiers moved to the dumbfounded general and put him in restraints. Moments later the klaxon stopped, and a horn sounded the end of the exercise. A few proud soldiers taken down the Spartan Field Training Urban Assault Area Defense Force HQ sign outside of the villa and put up their own sign that read.
Courtesy of the 469th Airborne Division
Colonel Thomilson, the XO of the 469th saw the sign and smiled to himself. Training was over. They were ready. Each and every single one of them were ready, but as Thomilson reflected, not every single attack would be this successful. Most of them wouldn’t make it back from the front alive, and Thomilson smiled to himself. Disipline, Sacrifice, Victory. That was the spirit of the Spartan soldier.
05:20 SMT
Back in the plasmacrete walls of the bunker the Objective Alert alarm sounded. It pronounced that SFTUAC itself was under attack.
Captain Norris looked at the screen wondering what could be happening.
“Huh? Corporal get me a fix on the location of that signal.” Captain Norris wondered if the commlink frequency was compromised. Then suddenly the alarm stopped, obviously it was a malfunction, but the adrenaline rush had already started kicking in. As Captain Norris turned away from the commlink, another loud noise pierced the early morning calm. This noise pronounced defeat for Captain Norris and the rest of Alpha Company.
[This message has been edited by korn469 (edited October 23, 1999).]
July 10, 1999, 19:15
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
Confidential Memorandum
To: Corazon Santiago, CinC, Spartan Federation
From: Ann Rynn, Empath Squad Commander
Subject: Empath Attack Strategies
Interrogation of Believer fanatics has shown that they strongly believe that they have superior morale when attacking based on their fundamentalist belief system.
They attribute this to two initiatives:
1) During the attack they reinforce this belief system with aggressive militaristic music (of which the ancient old-earth crusades, and more recent “Onward Christian Soldiers” are poor examples).
2) They undergo sleep conditioning with implanted dream sequences that generate feelings of invincibility and heroic strength and endurance (they talk about some research their scientists want to do into a project code named “The Dream Twister”)
I request the allocation of research funding to this line of research and appointment of one or two of our up and coming scientists to develop our version of “The Dream Twister”
Filed # 771-ES-2225
July 10, 1999, 22:21
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Wing Commander Scott "Googlie" Allardyce sat behind his desk at Air Force HQ in Sparta Command, and reflected with pleasure that his lads - and lassies - had done the job again. Operation Buzzard a success. But he would need to relieve young Lisa Mayberry - with her older needlejet she couldn't hang around for very long.
Who was on standby?
He reached over to the console and flicked it on, selecting 'Crews'
The Spartan Air Force was small, but efficient. As newer aircraft appeared on bases from the production lines, older ones were recycled for other military operations. The original prototypes were given over to the expeditionary forces for their inevitable modifications to support special operations, and the older fission powered needlejets were being modified as ground support craft for the Rolling Thunder Brigade as newer fusion powered units became available.
Only three fission jets remained in service with SAF, the one allocated to Lisa, one flown by Julia Santiago - a niece of the CinC - and one that was used for training. All five penetrators were now fusion powered, as were the remaining six tactical interceptors.
He scanned the list of crew, looking at the Interceptor crews, as one of them would be the most logical to spell Lisa. His assets were somewhat dispersed, as each of the larger bases warranted an interceptor on alert, and the governors of the smaller bases were screaming for coverage as well. ('Let them build them, then,' Googlie had snorted, when their requests had filtered through to his desk.)
Squadron Leader Ben 'Slats' Miller, although the ranking Interceptor commander, was too far away, at War Outpost to be of much use. He had the most experience of any of the pilots, and had teamed with Wilma Statham for almost all his flights. Googlie considered them his Elite crew, and they were granted the callsign Indigo One, with the I - series denoting the new Interceptor designation. But, too far away.
Indigo Two was his own brainwave, a team of two lassies, as unlike each other as chalk and cheese. Jill Hughes, a Captain, was the Flying Officer, and she was flamboyant, extrovert, charismatic, and exuded sexuality. Sandra Keen, her Ops Officer, was the reverse. Shy, withdrawn, introvert, somewhat mousy, but absolutely brilliant in all three roles that were demanded of an Ops Officer - navigator, engineer and weapons officer. Googlie saw them as a commando team, long on experience and very inventive when tackling solo assignments. But they were stood down at present while their Gattling Lasers were being replaced by the new Chaos weaponry being fitted to their Interceptor.
Indigo Three and Four were again too far away to be of use. Three was crewed by Rudi Gertz, the Flying Officer and Luigi Cerintola as his Ops officer, while Four had Pedro Martinez flying and Paul Sturgeon as Ops Officer.
That left only two. There was no Indigo Five, as that slot was taken by Thrasher Five, one of the older fission needlejets, and as was the custom had been given to one of the recruits from the Academy as her first command. This was Julia Santiago craft, and her Ops Officer was an older vet, Alan Watt. Julia was currently at Fort Superiority as she and Lisa had flown down from Sparta Command after their induction. She was a possibility, although Googlie saw from the screen that Alan, her Ops Officer, had been given two days off to attend to some family business as this was his home base.
Indigo Six was the other possibility. It was commanded by Dexter Patterson, the third of this years crop of rookies. And while his scores had not been as high as Lisa's or Julia's, Googlie had decided to give Dexter the new fusion Interceptor as his command rather than either of the others. Dexter had exhibited an unusual gift, as had Tricia van Impe, his Ops Officer, a veteran who had flow with Googlie himself. These two rarely communicated via commlink in their needlejet - they seemed to have an empathy bond that each knew instinctively what the other was thinking. Such talent would be wasted on a soon to be obsolete machine, so he had allocated one of the new Interceptors that came off the production line. His old Thrasher still sat on the Apron at Sparta Command's aerospace center, not yet transferred over to another unit of the military.
With their increased range, Dexter was a viable option. But Googlie had a mind to send him to the southern coast to Admiralty Base to see if there was anything behind these sightings of naval activity that had been reported from the expeditionary force's Captain Patel.
That left only Julia, but with no Ops Officer. 'Well,' thought Googlie, 'it's time I got a few more hours logged. I'll crew for her. Give me something to talk to Corazon about at the next officers reception'.
He grabbed his flying gear and commlinked Julia.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 10, 1999, 22:56
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
Tape 17/14.spa.hiv.2225 © MorganLink 3DVision
Good evening.
"I'm Paula Forbes bringing you this evening's headline news.
"Our top story is the resumption of hostilities between troops of The Spartan Federation and The Hive. Spartan reconnoitering forces encountered Hive units which opened fire, destroying some Spartan vehicles and causing their troops to take cover. An air strike was called in which resulted in the total destruction of two Hive missile units that were involved in the altercation.
"We are going live to our correspondent in Fort Superiority, SF, Justin Holmes, who has just finished speaking with one of the Spartan needlejet commanders.
"Justin, what was the nature of the threat the Spartans were facing?
"Well, Paula, as you can imagine the Commander was pretty tight lipped. Apparently one of their reconnaissance teams came under fire from Hive batteries and had to take cover. The Air Force was called in and the threat was neutralized. The Spartan units are, however, without transportation as their rovers were destroyed, and currently the Air Force is flying patrols to allow the evacuation team to get the troops out of their location.
"Justin, did he say if there were any other Hive units in the vicinity?
"No, Paula, he didn't say. He did say that all leave had been cancelled and that all Spartan forces were increasing their readiness.
"So was this skirmish localized, or did the pilot offer any insights into how widespread it might be?
"No, Paula, as I said he was pretty tight lipped. I had the impression that he could have bitten off his tongue after he revealed their heightened state of readiness.
"Thank you, Justin.
"As The Hive is a loyal ally of the Morgan Corporation, we will be bringing you a report from our correspondent in Workers Nest on our late night news. Let us hope that this skirmish does not represent the reopening of hostilites on a grander scale that might drag us into conflict.
Now for our other news………………………….
July 11, 1999, 03:10
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
Date and Origin Censored, Spartan Military Command, by order Major Buehle, SMI/CS/44.17
Dearest Lisa,
It was good to get your note over the secure comm, and yes, I miss you too.
I'm glad you saw your first action, and piecing the parts together (we pick up the Morgan news at the training center) I gather you were one of the pilots that went after ***.***.*** Well done.
Training is going apace here. Not so exciting as your being in action, but yet we feel that in our own way we are contributing to pushing forwards the boundaries of science.
Yesterday we started our trance training. The experiments they have been conducting on us all started from my experiences with yon mindworm when I was dreaming of you (yes : : you were the inspiration for my successful fending off of the attack - but I told you that when we were together at Spartan Command, so this isn't news to you).
But you are still my inspiration. At the training, they tell us to focus our thoughts and minds on the most pleasurable experience we have ever had, while they use the Sechelt-Haskins laser technique to hypnotize us. It's easy for me - I just relive that night we spent together after the holotheatre sensory and the rec commons jig.
Anyway, the training is now concentrating on us being able to induce the trance ourselves, which is a lot harder. The triggers are different for each of us, so it's not as if one of us can snap our fingers or whatever and we all fall down. It's early days yet, but it seems that the trigger is whatever we were physically doing when the Sechelt-Haskins trance first took effect.
I know you will laugh, but I was actually picking my nose, so now when I want to self induce, I think of us that night, pick my nose, and woosh, I'm gone. One guy in our team, Garth, has a gingivitis fetish, and was surreptitiously brushing his teeth when the trance took, so he is undergoing some reprogramming right now. I mean, can you imagine him going into battle with the MWs carrying his flamer, shredder and toothbrush? Too funny for words.
We are having difficulty as well controlling how long we are in trance. For me, it's usually about 15 minutes (does that ring a bell !!), but one gal, Sarah, was over three hours. They had to do a recidivist Sechelt-Haskins on her to bring her out of it.
They are making a huge assumption that mental pain equates to physical pain, and as the techniques have been successful in letting us build neural clamps to block pain that they will also block psi-pain. Tomorrow is the big test for us all.
Well, sweetheart, I don't know how much of this will reach you. I've coded it using our 3rd level code, but I'm sure if the action with the other faction is heating up that the censors will be active.
Anyway, love you, and can't wait 'till our next R & R together.
Lieutenant Ann Rynn entered the secure viewing room. One window was complete glass - two way so that the room occupants could both see and be seen. The glass was lightly armored, with fibres of silksteel woven into the glass molecules so that it gave a slightly shaded appearance.
The room she was viewing was a specially constructed training room, with plasteel armor shielding and no external windows. Two doors led into it, one at either end.
At Ann's command, one opened and four young trainees, looking somewhat sheepish, but very apprehensive, entered. Miles, Garth, Sarah and Todd, the fourth trainee.
"Spread out", Ann commanded over the speaker. "Don't give it too easy a target."
The four trainees scattered to the four corners.
Ann chimed in again. "Remember, you have your choice. You can go into trance now, before we release the Mindworm, or you can wait until you think you are about to break before trancing, if you are confident of doing it under tension. Eventually we will all be able to delay as we gain experience, but I want each of you to experience victory, so do what you need to do to win".
Ann switched off the intercom and turned to the young trainer beside her.
"Voki", she asked, "you're absolutely sure that this one can't lay larvae? We don't want to kill it, but if one of my trainees is threatened….." She let the unfinished sentence speak for itself.
"Sure", said Voki. "It's sterile".
"OK", said Ann, "Let 'er go".
The other door opened, and a sack was tossed into the room. The sack bunched and bulged, then out of its opening skittered a mindworm. It was huge, with what seemed thousands of the ten to fifteen centimeter individual tendrils making up its mass. If it could, it would have glared malevolently at the four trainees.
The four recruits leapt back. Three had never seen a live mindworm before - only Miles had - and even he was surprised at how large it was compared to his memory.
The mindworm lashed out with a bolt of psi-energy that pierced right to the very center of the mind. Todd screamed, and Ann noted reflectively that both Sarah and Todd were frantically trying to induce the trance. Todd was succeeding, and gradually calmed down, but either Sarah's's power of inducement was weak, or the mindworm was focusing more on her than the others, but she was now writhing on the floor holding her hands over her ears.
The mindworm began to move in for the kill.
Ann was ready to activate the destruct sequence too save the trainee when she saw Miles move to put himself between the mindworm and the panicked trainee. Ann heard snatches of whispers, and turned the amplification up so that she and Voki could hear.
"Come on Lisa, come to me. Come on Baby. You don't want him, it's me you want. Yeah baby, it's me"
The mindworm seemed to bunch itself up and refocus and the mass perceptibly oriented towards Miles.
"Yeah, that's it baby, come on now, I want you, come to me".
Suddenly Miles stiffened, and Ann saw a dreamy look come over his face, accompanied with an almost idiotic grin. The mikdworm coiled, as if to spring.
Miles, still looking transfixed, suddenly said in his normal voice,
"Garth, the sack, get the sack",
Then began his cooing to the mindworm again.
"Come and get it, baby. I've got what you want, come to me".
Sarah had stopped her convulsions on the floor and was dragging herself to a corner, whimpering.
Todd was comatose on another corner, staring glassy eyed at the tableau in front of him
Garth moved cautiously towards the sack, one finger rubbing his two front teeth, never taking his eyes off the mindworm.
Miles simulated pulling a flamer from his belt, pointed his finger at the mindworm, and said "Poof, poof, you're frazzled my pet", and turned to the viewscreen and impudently grinned at Ann and Voki.
Just then the mindworm sprang, aiming for Miles' head and shoulders. He ducked, and twisted away, leaving the mindworm to continue its launch to the space where he had been, but which was now occupied by the open mouth of the sack that Garth was holding.
With one deft move Garth twisted the neck of the sack and secured its seal. Early experimentation had shown that the mindworms were largely ineffective in complete darkness, and more so when contained in armor threaded sacks. Sensory deprivation, the scientists had reckoned.
Ann was enthralled. There was so much to question the team about, but especially Miles.
"So were you in the trance continuously?" Ann asked Miles.
"Not really," he replied. "I found I could switch it on and off more or less at will".
"When you asked Garth to get the sack, you looked deep in trance - it seemed that the mindworm was focusing its attack on you, and yet you managed to communicate with Garth. How?" she asked.
"I'm not really sure," he replied. "It was as if I could compartmentalize my feelings - be aware of the mindworm's attack and at the same time plan and communicate a strategy to defeat it. Sarah's acting job was very convincing as well."
"You mean that Sarah's panicking was simulated?" asked Ann incredulously.
"Not exactly, " Sarah said sheepishly. My head was screaming, and even although I finally got myself into a trance it was hard going."
"But why?" asked Ann.
"Oh, it was Miles idea", said Todd. He reckoned that the mindworm could probably sense if people were panicking, or confident, or confused, so dreamed up - well that's probably an inappropriate word - came up with this plan to give the mindworm what it wanted while we put the other pieces of the plan together."
" He almost lost me, though. "Garth interrupted. "I was deep into the trance, and mentally was feeling for my flame gun, confused because I couldn't find it. When Miles spoke, it brought me out enough that I could carry out the plan."
Ann looked at Miles with a new appreciation.
"And who is Lisa?" she asked.
Miles colored. "Oh, she's my trance inducer," he said. "I imagined that the mindworm was her. When it began its attack on me I was able to switch in and out of the trance at will, because it was acting so out of character."
Voki had left with the sack containing the mindworm.
Ann was chatting with Bonaventura, the young scientist assigned to the team.
"I want to raise their defenses", he said. "They have demonstrated that there is strength in numbers.
Against such abominations, we must organize our defenses on the principle that one strong and able mind can shield the many. I think Miles Cavenagh has that mind. I would like you to prepare them for Neural Grafting. And you, too, if you are to command them."
Ann shuddered.
'Neural Grafting', she thought. It sounded horrible.
July 11, 1999, 09:40
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
To: Field Marshal Gavin Burge
From: Wing Commander Scott Allardyce
Re: Ian Allardyce
Just heard that my boy, Ian, who has just graduated from the Military Academy at Assassins Redoubt, has been posted to your 47th.
Don't show him any favors, but treat him fairly.
He's a bit of a ladies man (takes after his old man, no doubt), so if you have any platoons commanded by a strong lassie who could knock sense into him, he would benefit from learning some humility!
I believe it's my turn to buy at the next Officers' Dinner, and I've been able to get a bottle of good vodka from Gecko, so we'll hang one on.
July 11, 1999, 20:31
Local Time: 00:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,087
Episode IX - Rescued and Waiting
As the reverberations from the explosions subsided, ‘Gung-Ho’ Wells risked a quick look over the ridge top. Apart from a lot of smoke, he couldn’t see a darn thing. He felt another shock wave hit and was about to order his men to dive for cover again, but then he saw the Spartan Penetrator do two quick barrel-rolls as it pass overhead. ‘Damn air jockeys and their freakin’ sonic booms,’ he cursed to himself. Though he didn’t really mean it, after all those pilots just pulled the collective nuts of his unit out the fire.
“Ensign Johnson, do you pick up anything out there?” Wells said to the man with the field sensor.
“Negative sir,” came the reply.
“All right, let’s go find that kid’s body and at least give him a burial. He sacrificed himself so we could get to cover. I’ll see that he receives the Spartan Medal for this.”
‘Sir, yes Sir!” came the deafening response of the remainder of his unit.
“And someone figure out how the hell we’re gonna get back to base without a rover!”
Captain Patel stood at helm of her new hydrofoil and watched as the computers steadily recorded data about the massive mindworm boils careening around the abandoned settlement on-shore. ‘I hope this data is useful, these creatures give me the creeps!’ she thought to herself. Her reverie was about to be shattered.
“Conn-radar, I have a transient contact bearing 085 speed between 10 and 14 knots, distance 8000 meters and closing,” squared the intercom.
“Radar-conn, are they aware of us?” asked the Captain.
“Negative ma’am, or at least I don’t think so.”
“Alright. XO go to yellow alert.” Captain Shetal Patel pressed the button to relay her next statement to all stations. “Crew this is the Captain. We have an enemy contact. As per our secondary mission we are going to gather as much data about his contact as we can. Be prepared to go to battlestations.”
“XO, rig for ultra-quiet.”
“Rigging for ultra-quiet, aye-aye.” Executive Officer Eddy Ramirez sounded three short blasts over the internal communications, letting the crew know to secure all loose objects and tighten up anything that might make noise and therefore give away their presence.
“Navigation take us into that patch of sea fungus. I know it’s a risk with all the native activity, but it is the only way we can hide from the enemy radar.”
‘And now we wait and watch,’ the Captain thought. She knew this was murder on the crew. Sitting here with their engines off, main weapons grid powered down and their only defense being their dubious position in the fungus. But she also knew that sea power was the means by which the Spartan’s could control Chiron. For them to control the seas however, they had to have hard data on just what they might face in battle. And so, Captain Shetal Patel and her crew... wait.
“Jesu Christo!” exlaimed the young ensign.
“Indeed,” replied ‘Paco’ Elyias. “This is certainly something interesting.”
Captain Elyias’ crew had finally been making some progress across the Dunes when they crested a particulalry tall dune and found them. ‘Them’ was a ring of the mysterious Monoliths that had been reported all over Chiron. Paco had seen holopics of these strange objects, but he was face-to-face with not one, but several. Or at least he would be face-to-face with them if it were not for the massive mindworm boils among the fungus interwoven between the Monoliths. Normally, one could not see a boil when it is in the fungus, but these boils towered over the native plants. Each one must have been over 30 feet wide.
Even more ominous was the wreckage clearly visible next to one of the Monoliths. It was the remains of a large troop transport and what appeared to be several supporting craft. The markings of the United Nations Peacekeeper’s was visible even from this distance.
“Strange that Lal’s people knew of this place and yet never reported it, nor shared their maps of this sector,” said Sargent Rufus.
“Not really Roof,” replied Elyias. “We may be allies, but they always try to barter their maps for our technology; besides a find of such archeological significance as this would surely be guarded with secrecy.”
At the same time Elyias thought to himself, ‘Hmmm, seems that beady-eyed little diplomat Lal sent over was holding out afterall. Perhaps I can still turn around that little incident.’
“Captain what shall we do?” inquired the navigation officer.
“Send a burst transmission back to Janissary Rock, to be relayed to Sparta Command. We cannot move in against those boils with the equipment we have here,” spoke the Captain. “In the meantime pull back to the last dune and secure a perimitter. And set up a monitoring unit to watch that ring. We may be here a while.”
[This message has been edited by Kinjiru (edited July 11, 1999).]
July 11, 1999, 21:01
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
I got the Wingco's commlink as I was washing my hair.
Activating the toggle, I said "Julia here, Sir."
"Need you to scramble", was the response. "I've left Thrasher Seven in a holding pattern over some of our boys, and need you to relieve her until Cory's Cab Crew get in to evac them."
"Sir," I responded, "I've no crew. Alan's off for two days. I can go solo, but its dangerous if we get any opposition."
"I know, and no need" was his laconic reply. "I'm your crew. Can you get us airborne in 15?"
"Yessir, cando," I barked, "see you at the plane".
Well, there were worse things than flying with wet hair.
I met him at the needlejet, as he was chatting to "Joker", my mechanic, who was overawed at the big man himself talking to him. I came up behind, and tapped Googlie on the shoulder.
"All set Number two?" I asked. I was going to enjoy this. While in the plane I was in command, and it would be fun to see how the Wingco reacted. 'Hell, I may even impress him', I thought, 'maybe even as much as that hotshot Dexter, or that slut, Lisa'. I knew what she and that trainee trooper had been up to in the holotheater - I was in the row behind. I had witnessed his hands everywhere, all over her body, and their kissing, tongues in each others mouths. And rumor was that they had spent the night together after the show in some sleazy motel on the strip. And how come she is first in line for the next Fusion Interceptor to be delivered? Because she always attends briefings with old Googlie with her buttons undone halfway down her shirt. That's how. And me, I was Miss High and Mighty Supreme Leader la de da Corazon Santiago's niece and mustn't be shown any favoritism on account of that. So I would fly the last Thrasher, be last to get the Gatling Lasers fitted, would have the oldest codger as crew (although if truth be known Alan was highly capable) and get all the clean up jobs to do. Like how come I wasn't asked to fly with the Pen on the mission. Oh yeah, Alan was on leave, so I'd be ruled out.
"Well?" the voice of Wing Commander Allardyce interrupted my reverie.
I snapped to attention.
"Let's board and get underway" I said.
We climbed in, and I fired up the fission engines. Joker disconnected the auxiliaries, closed the canopy and gave a thumbs up.
I taxied to the end of the runway, and accelerated smoothly into the air, retracting the landing gear at the recommended 200 meters, and generally doing everything by the book.
"Relax, Julia" came the voice in my earphones, ignore me and fly as you would normally. Pretend it's just Watt here behind you. Now set course due south and climb to ten thousand meters. I'll see if I can raise Lisa.
"Come in Thrasher seven," he said.
Lisa's voice rang sweetly over the commlink: "Thrasher Seven here, identify yourself"
"Thrasher Five here", I responded, but Googlie cut me off "Seven, what's the situation?"
Octavio's voice came over the ether:
"Googlie, I recognize you, you old fart. What the hell are you doing airborne. You don't trust us or summat?"
Allardyce forgave him the intimacy. In the air, flying as he was as crew, Googlie foreswore rank of any kind. Octavio, the old vet, knew this so was taking advantage of the situation.
"We're coming to relieve you on the CAP", said the Wingco, "Cory's Cab Crew are scattered and it's taking time for them to assemble an evac team. Lisa, what's the status"
"There's movement, all right." She said. "I can see our positions, and the two wrecks of the Hive batteries are still smoldering and clearly visible. There are another two battery units approaching Gung Ho's position. I don't think we'd be very effective against them. You'll see for youself. They are making great use of the terrain, using the fungus well, so it'd be really hard to paint them for Pen missiles, and our Gatling Lasers would be useless against them. Chaos guns might be better, but neither of us has them in these Tacs."
Octavio's voice came on, all business like:
"We've picked you up on our radar, Five, and you should be getting us now - about four clicks away".
Googlie's grunt indicated that indeed he had the signal.
Octavio continued "In two clicks you'll be passing directly overhead where we last saw the two fresh units. The're just between the fungus and that newly planted forest you'll be picking up soon".
"Affirmative" said Julie, "I see them." Or at least from that height she saw a small dust cloud as the units raced between patches of fungus.
Googlie came on: "OK Lisa and Octavio - you're relieved now. Return to base and get filled up. Standby in case Cory's held up and you need to spell us. Out".
"Roger that, Out", came from Thrasher Seven.
I watched the small needlejet waggle its wings as it sped past on its way back to base. Now the show was mine.
I set the autopilot to a lazy eight pattern, and got the binoculars out to scan the terrain below. Behind me Googlie was doing the same with his electronics.
"Number One, look over to 11 o'clock. What do you see there?"
I turned to the indicated quadrant, which was all fungus. From this height, it looked placid, but ripples could be seen as though a major windstorm was ruffling through it. But the pattern was wrong - localized, repetitive.
'Holy Chiron', I thought, 'It's not wind, it's soldiers causing that, probably a battalion or two, about two clicks behind the advancing missile units.'
"Enemy movement, sir," I replied. "Lots of them. I'm going lower for a closer look".
"And I'll activate a mobile sensor and paradrop it," said Googlie. "They know we're watching, so we're not giving anything away, and even if they capture and disable it, it will already have provided much information. You'll need to drop your speed to around 200 clicks for the drop, though".
'I know', I thought irritably. 'Doesn't he credit me with any sense at all?'
I cut out the autopilot and commenced a steep dive to the ground, keeping the angle just fine enough to prevent going fts. Although Lisa, Dexter and I had all done it in training with even older Thrashers, I didn't think it wise to test the CO's heart by taking him through the sound barrier without warning.
I swept around the advancing position and leveled off, to begin a run for the sensor drop.
We approached the position and I bled speed using full flaps, as though preparing for a landing. Googlie was busy arming the sensor, coding in instructions, and readying for the drop.
As we commenced the flyby at around 1000 meters, I opened the weapons pod doors and passed the activate sequence to Googlie, while I concentrated on the flying. He wanted to drop the sensor as close to the advancing units without it parachuting directly into their hands, so some spur-of-the-moment estimations were necessary as the force came into view.
There were two armed and armored rover battalions, supported by four marine squads, and….horrors, a missile battalion just behind them.
"They can hurt us," I said to Googlie. "Let's drop the sensor and get out of here."
"No, wait, keep the course," he said, "There's a small ridge coming up and I think I can place it on the ridge for maximum effect."
"Sir", I said, my voice rising, "With all due respect let's go. The missile battery is taking aim at us."
"Two more seconds", said Googlie, just as my instrument panel went berserk. The threat alarm sounded in our ears and the panel lit up with the warning from our threat detection radar: "Target seeking, target seeking, locking on, locking on, locked on." The audible alert droned. The flashing red changed to a continuous red and the 'locked on' message pulsed yellow.
"Fire", said Googlie as he activated the sensor ejection.
Behind us the parachute opened as the mobile sensor began its descent to the ridge we had just crossed.
Ahead of us the simultaneous launch of the anti-aircraft missile could clearly be seen, as could the missile itself, arcing towards us.
I turned on full power, retracting the flaps in one fluid motion, and set to climb, but afraid that we were too late.
We were.
The missile tore into the right wing of the needlejet, exploding and ripping half the wing off.
I fought the controls, but had lost all power to the flaps and control surfaces of the right wing. The aircraft was essentially unflyable, and already our climb was tapering off and the familiar bucking of a needlejet about to stall was beginning.
I made the decision. "Mayday, mayday, Thrasher Five down. Eject, Eject", and pulled the eject lever.
The canopy retention bolts blew jettisoning the canopy a mere second or so before the individual seat ejectors activated, as Googlie and I were catapulted into the air. 'I'll bet he hasn't done this in a long time', I thought as the chutes deployed and we drifted lazily to Planet's surface.
Lisa heard the mayday call as she was beginning her approach to Fort Superiority's main runway. She had no fuel left to turn and go back, and wasn't sure who Googlie had left back at the command center.
She activated an all commands call that would register with all Spartan military commands.
"Aircraft down, I repeat aircraft down approximately 15 kilometers south of Fort Superiority.
"Crew safely ejected. Rescue needed urgently.
"Crew consists of Wing Commander Allardyce and Flying Officer Santiago. I repeat, rescue needed urgently"
Dexter Patterson and Tricia van Impe picked up the call as they transited their aircraft to Admiralty Base, having received the orders before Googlie boarded Thrasher Five.
As he thought about turning round and going to fly cover for a rescue Tricia came on over the commlink:
"We have to, Dex. He's our CO and she's Corazon's niece. We're the only assets within reach at the present time"
Dexter swung the Interceptor around and made for the new co-ordinates that Tricia was feeding him.
July 11, 1999, 23:50
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
"Shave our heads?"
Our Commanding Officer, Ann Rynn, and I asked at the same time.
"Yes, Sarah," the young scientist, Juan Bonaventura, told me. "You need to have your head shaved for us to attach the neural nodes and to insert the grafts. Your hair will grow again - in fact we need it to grow again to cover the implants and the nodes. You'll be a luscious redhead again in no time".
I shuddered. I was proud of my hair, and constantly tested military regulations to keep it as long as allowed. Lieutenant Rynn, on the other hand, had less to lose, as she kept hers cropped short most of the time. But shaved?
We were gathered in the barracks briefing room at Sparta Command, the entire squad. Ann Rynn, our CO, the three vets and us four rookies. We were getting briefed on what was about to happen to us, what we would feel, the surgery procedures, and what changes we would experience as a result.
Bonaventura, the young research scientist who was making mindworms his specialty, was going to be present during the grafting process, and had undertaken to relieve the medics and the surgeon of the necessity of telling us what it was all about.
He continued:
"This new technology, Neural Grafting, is based on Secrets of the Human Brain, which, if you remember your schooling enabled us through our research into Biogenetics and Social Psych to answer the last of the great unanswered questions - what is the biological mechanism of self-awareness. We now have an understanding of the fundamentals of consciousness. We can now take that a stage further.
"Neural Grafting allows attachment of digital circuitry directly to the neural cortex, and with these implants humans can enhance many aspects of their physical being, from heightened sensory perception to faster reaction times, for example.
"In your case, where we have been studying your interactions for several weeks, we can provide enhance features or dampen features.
For example, Garth, you are a big man with rather slow motor skills. We will give you lightning fast reflexes. Todd, you have a low tolerance for pain. We will insert for you neural analgesic dampeners which you can activate at any time that will flood your system with pain killers, enabling you to function through excruciating pain.
"Miles, you have an overwhelming trance inducing talent. We will extract cells from your neural cortex and implant them in your teams', not that they will necessarily have your dream, but they will have your capacity for triggering the trance at will. Then we will enhance that for each of you.
"Any questions?"
The usual questions rang out - how long was the operation, how long would they be out of action, could more than one enhancement/damper be made, could sexual pleasure be enhanced etc. Juan Bonaventura patiently answered each one, then said "Quit stalling, let's get these haircuts".
We filed through the ops room to the medical area, where we lined up to get our heads shaved. Mercifully they didn't let us see ourselves in any mirrors, but judging from the catcalls and guffaws of my team, if I looked anything like them we were a pretty sight indeed.
We stripped and went through a sterilizing wash tank, and emerged shivering slightly at the other end, looking curiously at each others naked bodies, but totally devoid of any sexual undertones as white coated masked medics prepped us for the neural grafting procedures. We had a soft jelly vaseline analogue rubbed into our skulls to allow the nodes to bond, then we were led to the operating tables, arranged in a circle like spokes, with the heads almost touching. Each one was labeled with one of our names. We lay down on our assigned table, and were hooked in to the apparatus by one of the medics.
Juan Bonaventura spoke to us:
"You will remain semi-conscious during the operation. At certain times we will increase the dosage so that you will black out when particular incisions or implants are made. This is to stop you from thrashing about. But most of the time it will seem like you are dreaming. You will be able to hear us, and respond to our commands or suggestions, but you will be unable to initiate any actions of your own. Good luck, and I will see you soon".
With that he left our area of vision.
'Good luck' I thought. 'How revolutionary is this treatment that the designer wishes us good luck'
The medic pulled a sheath over my skull, with some holes cut out for me to see and breathe. It was bristling with nodes and connections, and as I looked over at the others I could see external markings on the skullcap. As if reading my thoughts, the medic said "These caps are marked for ease of use by the surgeon, for where the needles will be inserted for the probes and for the implant areas."
"Ready?" asked the chief surgeon. The medics all replied "Ready Sir."
An automatic arm swiveled to my head, and a nozzle protruded, moving against my temple. I heard a slight "thoop" and felt a little jet of compressed air thump against my temple.
I floated among Chiron's clouds, and looking over at another cloud saw Ann lying there, naked, looking at me and smiling. There were angels fluttering around her, massaging her head and scalp, and she had a sort of halo of energy surrounding her that was sending little lancets of energy to her scalp.
I felt the angel hands massage my own scalp, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation.
A sharp pain penetrated my consciousness, as if one of the old women at Assassins Redoubt had inserted her acupuncture needle into my neck. I dreamily heard a voice say: "sleep for a few minutes"..
My head hurt. I winced as I felt another lancet of pain just behind the right eyeball.
The disembodied voice said " If it hurts, just concentrate and think of …" I could sense the medic consulting the monitor, "… lemon flavored sorbet".
'Ah,' I thought, 'my favorite. How did they know?' I thought of a spoonful of sorbet and suddenly my taste buds experienced the old tingle of the lemon. My pain disappeared.
The voice said "You have just released a neural analgesic into your system which will dampen any pain for around twenty minutes. The trigger, for you, is lemon sorbet. Think of that, and the analgesic is released. If you keep on thinking of it, more will be released. That is how you control it. The readings show that you are still releasing the analgesic into your system. To hold it at its current level, just imagine the spoon, or scoop, or tub is empty."
I did just that.
"Good', the voice said, the readings have stabilized.
"If you wish to remain conscious for the rest of the operation, the dampener in your system will last until we are complete. However if you wish to go under again, just lift your right hand."
I let my hand lie still on the couch.
"Good", said the voice. "You can observe if you wish. There is a monitor above the central console where you can see what is actively being done inside your skull."
I was more interested in the reactions of the others.
Ann lay still while the surgeon began the larger incision to implant the chip. She had her eyes closed. He made the cut, and peeled the scalp back, revealing the tissue underneath. From the slight tingling in my scalp, I deduced that I was undergoing the same treatment.
With great delicacy the surgeon inserted a filament thin probe, searching for the synapse that would signify the site of the enhancement, where the chip would be inserted into the interstice and connected. He seemed to be successful, for he carefully took the tiny microchip from its envelope with long tweezers and positioned it on the end of a slightly thicker probe. He inserted this into the small cavity, then activated a current through the original probe that acted as a solder to lock the chip into the neural interstice. He gingerly made the connections.
I heard the medic say to me: "The implant is successful. You can now summon anger, control fear, disable panic, choose to be icy calm or violently enraged, to the exclusion of all else."
I was the most level-headed individual anyone I knew had ever known, with a stable temperament, so this indeed would be a change. I relished the thought of using this to scare my friends and family.
"We are now going to graft on a cloned cell from Cavenagh - his trance inducer was the most potent of all of you, so we will build from this strength. You will, of course, have to develop your own triggers, but you now know how. You will need to override his.
I dreamed.
I was lying on a large bed with a neon light just outside the window flickering on and off with monotonous regularity. As it flickered it had a delayed strobe effect that showed me the most beautiful girl I have ever seen straddling me, and rocking to and fro. The sweat was dripping from her breasts and running over my chest as I strove to keep up with her rhythm.
"Lisa", I was saying, "Oh, Lisa"
I heard the medics voice intruding:
"Sarah, Sarah, exit the dream. You must leave the dream - it's not yours. You are not Miles. Sarah, come out".
"Nooooooo," I wailed, but it was too late. The dream had ended. I opened my eyes and looked around. All the other troopers, including Miles, were staring at me. Miles had a mischievous grin on his face.
"Now you know how I could face the mindworm", he said. Ann was looking at me speculatively. "You were projecting to all of us", she said. "You must have exceptional Psi-powers, we could all feel and experience the dream through our embryonic linked neural net system."
"But that's because you've all had the implant too", I said.
"On the contrary", said the surgeon, "We haven't commenced the cell implant in the others yet. You're the only one we've done. You must have found a way to channel the psych enhancement we implanted in you to project the dream to the others. Interesting."
'Yes, interesting,' I thought. 'I wonder what that portends.'
[This message has been edited by Rynn (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 12, 1999, 01:34
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
As Julia and Googlie floated to Planet's surface they saw the abandoned needlejet lazily cartwheel as it plummeted to Chiron's surface, hitting a fungus patch and exploding in a pyrotechnic display.
"Let's hope that it took some mindworms with it" he commlinked to Julia, who gave him a thumbs up as they neared the surface. "Steer for that rocky outcrop, Sir," she said over her link. "It may give us some cover and some protection."
Googlie saw where she was pointing, and pulled the drawstrings to move the chute laterally to the indicated
Outcrop. He saw that she was doing the same.
They landed about 200 meters apart, Julia smoothly rolling with the impact and carrying to the upright position again. She braced herself and pulled in the chute, loosely bundling it.
Googlie's landing was more awkward. He twisted his ankle as he made contact with the ground, trying to imitate Julia's smooth manoever. Instead the chute dragged him for a few meters as he tried to regain his feet. All in all it was an undignified performance.
"Are you all right, Sir?" she asked, hurrying over to him and extending a helping hand. "Are you hurt?"
"Just my dignity," he growled. "Been years since I pulled this stunt. What now? What's the SOP for this predicament. I'm afraid I've not kept up to the manuals"
"Standard Operating Procedure calls for us to secure a base within the next thirty minutes, then activate our emergence locator transponder, and sit tight until help arrives," replied Julia." As she was speaking she was scanning the surrounding area, and thinking 'Sweet Chiron, he's useless. Can't execute a basic chute landing, doesn't know what to do next, and we are probably right in the middle of enemy held territory. If not, then they would certainly have seen the chutes and will come to investigate. Just what I need. A babysitting job.'
As if to substantiate that thought, Googlie tried to walk and announced "I can't put any weight on this ankle, I think I may have broken it."
'Great, freaking great', she thought. But said: "Don't worry, Sir, it won't be long till they send a recon flight over, they'll pick up our signal, and Cory's Cab Crew will be here in no time. Now let's just get you to that rock face over there," indicating a twenty foot high escarpment about 800 meters away.
She slipped an arm under Googlie's shoulder and said: "Lean on me Sir, I can take your weight, I'm plenty strong enough."
They limped over the rocky surface towards the rock face.
"Aye, for a lassie you've got compact strength," said Googlie, "and a braw body to go with it, too."
Julia wondered 'Is he trying to flirt with me, or come on to me, or just paying a compliment'. The latter, she decided. He was old enough to be her father.
They reached the sanctuary of the rock face, and were pleased to see a fissure that would accommodate them both, hiding them unless one were standing directly in front. They flopped down to the ground.
Julie pulled out her modified commlink, and pressed 'activate'.
"Secure band, she said. Signals on a random frequency every 30 seconds. Search and Rescue crews have a continuous scanning capability to scan the spectrum every 30 seconds, so the chances of the signal not being picked up are something like six million to one. Unless the Hive are scanning the same frequencies with the same pulse ratios as ours, we will be invisible to them."
They took stock of their provisions, munitions and assets.
Each had:
A shredder pistol
A whistle ("To scare away the mindworms", offered Googlie)
Eight ration packs, enough for four days meals, or eight days subsistence rations
500 millileters of drinking water
A pack of 20 tablets to decalcify the local water
A small filter that fit over the neck of the bottle to trap large local micro-organisms
A flashlight
A large poncho
Julie said: If we could find the jettisoned seats we'd have a pup tent and dingy each, but given the likely Hive activity around here it'd be unwise to go searching. We'll just wait for the Cab Crew."
Googlie broke the news gently.
"We may be here longer than you're assuming", he said. "They were having trouble rounding up the crews to go evacuate Gung Ho Wells and his men. That's why we extended the CAP. I wouldn't like them to think they need to give us preferential treatment. It's pretty much 'first come, first served', and Wells has priority."
They saw the flash before they heard the explosion, as from the general direction of where the needlejet had crashed a plume of fire and thick black smoke ignited. The roar of twin fusion engines split the air as a needlejet thundered overhead and disappeared into the distance.
They were both peering up through the crevasse. "Was it one of ours', asked Googlie. "Your eyesight is better than mine."
"Yes Sir", replied Julia. "I can't be sure, but I think it was Dexter."
"Right", said Googlie. "He was on his way to Admiralty Base and must have picked up your mayday, and turned back for a looksee. He must have blasted the remains of the Thrasher to stop the technology getting into Hive hands. Smart thinking. With a bit of luck he'll be able to give those Hive units pause for thought."
Command Center, Fort Superiority.
"Sir", the young operator said. "We're picking up a strange signal. It's broadcasting on one of our assigned frequencies. Seems to be transmitting sensor data. Switching to visual." He keyed some commands into the control system as Major Hargreaves turned his attention to the console. He was duty officer for the evening and already this was turning out to be some day.
As the cameras came into focus, they could make out two armored battalions approaching, with infantry outrunners walking ahead, looking for mindworms presumable in the fungus to either side of the vehicles.
"Are we controlling it, Jenkins," the Major asked. "If so, zoom."
'Trying, Sir…ah, there it is." His fingers flew over the keyboard, and suddenly the picture magnified to show the Hive insignia proudly splashed over the paintwork of the armored skirmishers. They were equipped with missile launchers. Behind them, coming into view, were the marine squads, about four battalions of them, marching crisply in step.
Jenkins panned the cameras around, the digital pictures becoming fuzzy as the focal point was lost. Suddenly, he stopped, and zoomed. An Anti Aircraft missile battalion was coming into view, the crew joshing and gabbering excitedly.
"That must have been the crew that downed Thrasher Five", muttered Hargreaves. "He must have paradropped a remote sensor - probably why he got shot down, doddering old fool."
"Alert Sparta Command", he said. "That's a sizeable invasion force, and if my calculations are right they're only about sixteen or seventeen clicks from us. What assets do we have here?"
Jenkins consulted his datalinks.
"Not much," he replied. There's one chopper from 5th who was on a training assignment with 4th, a division of the 47th infantry, and some garrison troops. We'll need to look further afield for longer term help."
"What about the 469?" Hargreaves asked.
"Training manoevers," Jenkins replied, again consulting the datalinks. They're drop, though, so they don't have to be close by.
"Well, we can't deploy them, we can only provide intelligence. Send out to all commanders" said Hargreaves, turning back to his screens.
July 12, 1999, 01:36
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Commlink Activate…commlink activate……commlink activate….
This message from Major Hargreaves, Duty Officer, SF Command Center, Fort Superiority
Large concentrations of Hive forces converging on Fort Superiority. Massing about sixteen clicks due south.
Unit strength known to be two armored battalions, four marine divisions and a AAA Missile Battery.
Objective unknown.
Threatened assets in the area include General Wells and his detachment, without transportation, and Wing Commander Scott Allardyce and pilot, downed in the same general vicinity.
Local assets include one Penetrator, one Chopper, some units of the 47th on local manoevers, and our local garrison. An Interceptor previously here has been recalled from transit south.
Assistance required. Please advise.
July 12, 1999, 02:03
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: of Candle'Bre
Posts: 8,664
"Blast!" Gavin mumbled as he crumpled the orders in his hands.
"What is it?" His aide, Thompson, asked curiously. Cute little thing, really. Elizabeth Thompson. Twenty-three years old, freckles, dimples. Pretty blue eyes. Didn’t look like a soldier at all. Nevermind the fact that she was every bit as deadly as the rest.
He tried on a smile, and then let it drop. It didn’t seem to fit very well.
"It’s nothing." He said, reverting back to his more customary scowl.
Now it was her turn to smile. "We’ve got marching orders, don’t we?"
He glanced briefly in her direction. "I think maybe you read these things before you bring them to me, young lady."
She giggled like a school girl and shook her head, and Gavin Burge, Commander of the 47th Spartan Infantry sighed, wishing he were a much younger man.
"Well, since it looks like my leave just got put on hold, I guess there’s no sense in waiting to tell everyone else. Will you get on the horn to the company commanders, tell them all to meet me in one hour? And tell that damned Hobbes to start limbering his artillery, I want him to be ready when we have to move."
She saluted curtly, all business again, and headed for the door, leaving Gavin alone with his thoughts.
He sighed again.
The 47th Infantry was unusual in many respects. Mostly, it simply mirrored it’s commanding officer. It was a hodge-podge collection of different elements that didn’t look like much at first glance, but, on deeper inspection, was quite surprising.
Gavin Burge had been at the game for a long time. In fact, he was with the founders on landing day, and there weren’t very many of his stripe left. Most had been killed off in the early wars, but he had always been a careful, practiced man, and it had served him well. Not only had he survived those early days, but he had risen through the ranks as well, until he had arrived at his own command.
Now, using the wide latitude granted him because of his age and various connections, he did more or less as he pleased with his unit. True, he didn’t always have access to the best or most advanced equipment, but he was very, very good at improvising.
While he waited for the hour to pass, he broke out the command roster and started planning. No telling what might be lurking in the fungus, and he wanted to be ready.
Captain Arlin Hobbes: Light Artillery Support Company (SAM Battery)
Captain Shane Michaels: Phalanx I (Plasma Body Armor//Impact Rifles)
Captain Margaret Spires: Phalanx II (Plasma Body Armor//Impact Rifles)
Captain David “Sparks” Wheeler: Dragon Company (Plasma Body Armor//Chaos Chain Guns)
Captain Lawrence Durbarow: Crusher I (SynthSteel Armor//Chaos “Spitfire” Rifles)
Captain Lester Neeley: Crusher II (SynthSteel Armor//Chaos “Spitfire” Rifles)
Captain Katherin Banks: Support & Recon (Field Hospital Command//Two (2) Recon Rovers
Captain Huey Brinkman: Engineering Four (4) Land Formers (1 currently being overhauled) and two (2) Sea Formers, currently dry-docked at Blast Rifle Crag.
A good crew, his men. Sturdy and capable to the last.
Reports were that the Hive was on the move again. That could be bad. Yang was a psychopath. Dangerous thing, considering the power he wielded.
He had broken the peace with Sparta, and now it was time to play rough.
The thought brought a glint to his eye.
He waited.
"We move." He told them simply.
"Gonna get to play in the fungus?" Wheeler asked him almost casually.
"Looks that way." Gavin replied. "I want the men ready to march by first light tomorrow....I know that doesn’t give us much time, but we’re not only the closest unit to the area, but we’re also the most capable. Yang will remember the pasting we gave him back in ‘46....might make him a little bit leery about getting too rowdy."
"And if he *does* want to play rough, we’ll be ready." Michaels said, almost gleefully. "My Phalanx just finished their Fungal Training stint."
Gavin nodded. "Let’s do it by the numbers, people. I don’t want anybody getting sloppy out there. Yang’s a buffoon, that’s true, but let’s not forget that his people know their business. We don’t want any heads getting blown off unless they belong to the little wiry bastard in blue."
There were nods of agreement all around at the table.
"Oh and by the way, we’ll be doing two days of forced marches to give us some extra time to get set up. When we get there, let the men take the rest of the first day to recover. Tell them you persuaded me. A little of the "good cop, bad cop" for the troops, you know?"
More nods, and a few smiles.
"Good. Dismissed. We’ve got a lot to do, and you’ve got better things to be about than loafing around in my office."
And the meeting ended.
Sure, it wasn’t protocol, and it certainly wasn’t what an outsider might expect to see, but Gavin Burge was hardly the typical Spartan Commander. He did things in his own way, and protocol be damned. These were *his* men....his command.
When the last of them had filed out of his office, he slumped slightly in his chair. "Getting a little too old for all this nonsense." He half whispered. "War is a game for the young....not an old fossil like me....but, one more tango with Yang’s boys, and maybe they’ll let me retire." He chuffed at that. "Not bloody likely."
"Are you talking to yourself again?" Thompson asked him, peeking through the door.
"I am." He replied. "And I’m answering myself, too. Best conversation I’ve had in years."
She smiled. "Except for talking to me, right?"
"Well yes....’cept for that."
She stepped into his office. "One more batch of paperwork for you to deal with before we move."
"Killjoy." He said darkly, and she laughed at him.
He grumbled as he leafed through the orders and communications. "God how I miss junk mail." He said offhandedly.
"Junk mail, sir?"
"Old Earth phenomenon....what I wouldn’t give to see a letter that started off with, "You may have already won ten million....""
Thompson looked lost, and he nearly grinned, then fought the impulse. "Nevermind....I’m just getting senile."
She smiled again, and left him with his thoughts.
"Awwww Hell’s Bells....last thing I need are new recruits!" He muttered as he saw the transfer orders. He was about to set them aside in disgust, but one of the names caught his attention. Allardyce. Ian Allardyce. Transferred in fresh from training school. Specifically requested the Infantry, too.
Deeper in the stack was a letter from Ian’s father. Good old Scott. Hadn’t seen him in....how long?
Too long, he decided. And yes, it *was* his turn to buy....
He snapped on the Comm-Viewer at his desk. "Elizabeth, get me Commander Scott Allardyce."
He waited while the screen darkened.
Elizabeth came back in a moment. "Sir, the Commander is currently unavailable, would you care to leave him a message?"
Gavin thought for a moment. Yes....leave the word "Vodka." for him. I think that will do quite nicely, as messages go."
He decided right then that Elizabeth Thompson looked absolutely delicious when she was confused. He snapped off the Comm-Viewer so she wouldn’t see him smile, and once more wished that he was a much younger man.
All business.
In the office, it was one thing to relax protocols, but the field was another matter. In the field it was all business or nothing.
The Fungal Wall loomed ominously in the distance. They were still some fifteen klicks from the positions they’d been ordered to take, and even now it looked threatening.
He swiveled in his mobile command chair and did a quick check of his units. Everybody was status green. Okay.
"All right ladies and gentlemen, I want a standard approach. Dragons take center, Phalanxes flanking, you know your positions."
He watched as the men smoothly arranged themselves for the advance.
"Crusher units, partial stand down, but be ready to deploy if it looks like we’ve got company coming."
He quickly surveyed the terrain. “Banks.”
"Yes sir?"
"See that low ridge to southeast of our position? I want you to recon it. See if we can move Hobbes’ guns up there."
She did not need to reply, and rom his monitoring station, he saw the rover begin moving out ahead of the rest of the unit.
The advance continued, slow and steady.
"We are not the Gods of War." He mumbled to himself. "That’s a title reserved for the high flyers and special ops. forces...." He sighed. "No sir, we’re the Dogs of War....that’s us." He stared hard at the monitor. A gaze penetrating enough to wither even some of his veterans. "But they’re *my* dogs, and I don’t mean to lose any of them....not today, and not to the likes of you, Yang."
Banks’ voice chirped in, interrupting his thoughts. " Sir, the ridgeline looks clean. We’ve spotted debris. Looks like one of Yang’s artillery pieces."
Gavin nodded. "Hobbes, move up. And while you’re at it, see if there’s anything you can salvage from that debris....Sparks, get your Dragons out in front, Arrow-Formation now, full advance."
"Where do you want us?" Brinkman asked.
"You park the Pile Drivers behind the ridgeline. I want them out of the way unless we need them. Hobbes can give you cover from there. Banks, you set up with him. The rovers will provide what little ground fire you’ll need."
"Not that anything will get past us." Spires added.
"Right on!" Michaels chimed in.
"All quiet, people." Gavin told them gruffly. "Let’s get in position. I want our front line crew dug in on the southern slope of that ridge line before the suns set."
He watched their progress.
Hobbes arrived under the cover of Banks’ rover team.
The Dragons and Phalanxes crested the ridge and started down.
No sign of movement from below.
That was good.
That was very good.
He almost allowed himself a smile.
When things went right, they went very, very right, but when....
"Christ, look at them! Pouring out of the beds!"
His attention snapped back to the monitor.
"Sparks! Report!"
"Worms sir! And a helluva lot of them! I think maybe Yang’s boys pissed ‘em off."
*And now they’re gonna take it out on us....terriffic*
"Battle positions! Gamma Six. Phalanxes, prepare to defend. Sparks, I want you to initiate first strike as they approach, then fall back and let the Phalanxes close ranks around you."
"Yes sir." Sparks said crisply. All focus. That was good. The mark of a veteran.
The worms came.
Streaming out of the Fungal Beds and toward his lines.
No fear.
Almost in range.
The Chaos Chain Guns erupted in a blast of death and mayhem. The leading boils were charred to nothingness,. but it did not stop the advance.
Despite orders to the contrary, Sparks hung around long enough to exchange fire with them again before retreating back behind the Phalanxes. Three of his men fell, clutching their heads as they died.
Then the Phalanxes opened up with their sturdy Impact Rifles. Cool and detached, the veterans fired, re-chambered and fired again, creating a withering barrage which utterly shredded the boils.
Soon, silence reigned.
"Status!" Gavin bellowed out.
"Checking sir....six dead, eleven wounded."
"Hobbes, any sign of movement from your position?"
"No sir. All quiet."
"Get those guns set up....all speed. I want you to be ready if anything else comes out of or over that bed."
"Yes sir."
"Thompson....send word to the High Command that the 47th has arrived, and are awaiting further orders. We will hold this position and await developments."
"Sir, High Command has already contacted us, and the news isn't good, Yang's forces have been spotted on the move further west of here...."
There was more. He could tell by the tone in her voice.
"Commander Allardyce is missing."
"Shot down somewhere over the Fungal Bed."
Gavin's heart skipped a beat. "When was this?"
"Yesterday." She told him breathlessly.
"Yesterday? And they haven't pulled a search and rescue yet?"
"There have been some delays...."
"Delays Hell!" He swiveled in his command chair. "Banks, get your rovers ready....everyone, swivel your position sixty degrees, looks like we missed the first part of the Party....some of Yang's men may already be inside the perimeter we're expected to hold....Crusher units, fan out. One on each side of the ridge....Hobbes, you'll have to do without your customary cover for a little while, Sparks, as soon as your men are set up, I want you to lend Banks a platoon....double-time now people, we've got a purpose."
He turned back in his chair. "Elizabeth, tell the High Command that we've got assets at the ready to assist in the search and rescue."
July 12, 1999, 06:33
Local Time: 00:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: In the army
Posts: 3,375
TO: Doctor Juan Bonaventure
FROM: Major Wesly Holbrook
RE: Project PYRRHO
I have just completed my review of Project PYRRHO, and as an officer in the Spartan Armed Forces I must say that the project has significant military value. However, as a citizen of the Spartan Federation and as your good friend I must confess that I find Project PYRRHO to be morally questionable at the very least, and to be ethically unacceptable at worse. I spent time observing members of the 469th during their first stage of training at the Iron Holm Command Center, and then their training (programming would be a better term) at the Bioenhancement Center prototype. Without a doubt the Bioenhancement Center has given these soldiers a definite edge over troops who just received training at a Command Center. They have just completed the final stages of their training with the highest score to date, and I’d say that they are among the elite of our army.
In terms of upgrades each of the soldiers have better reflexes, enhanced senses, improved strength, and stamina. Body chemistry has also been modified, their baseline level of adrenaline and testosterone are each at twice normal levels. In order to take advantage of this increased amount of adrenaline and testosterone, dopamine receptors in all the cells have been engineered to accept adrenaline, however the only downside to this is that dopamine can no longer be utilized. To better utilize the high amounts of testosterone we have reconfigured areas of the brain to that once controlled sexual urging to now only use testosterone as a fuel for aggression. Visual processing centers for the brain have been enhanced at the expense of other areas now deem to have a compromising factor to the soldiers. Members of the 469th now no longer have need of maps because the Mind/Machine Interface allows direct access between precise three dimensional maps stored on an implanted microchip and the visual processing centers of the brain. The chip also comes with a built in compass. They think of where they are and they can imagine a map to overlay on top of their vision. It is virtually impossible to get lost with this technology.
What all of that means in human terms is this, they aren’t that human anymore. Altering the dopamine receptors have pretty much made all pain relievers completely ineffective to them. However, on the bright side some 95% of all pain processing centers in the brain have been engineered for other purposes (like built in maps). The other 5% are directly connected to medical diagnostic chip along with internal temperature and white blood cell count. With a database of thousands maybe even millions of wounds and known illnesses, pretty much they don’t need a doctor to tell them what’s wrong they already know. The high levels of adrenaline cause them to be very hyper and always full of energy, and the increased levels of testosterone make them more aggressive. MUCH more aggressive than usual, and though it has not really been mentioned sex drive has fallen on average 60% and sexual dysfunction is at 22%. The average amount of sexual dysfunction for a group of men at their age and for their fitness level is less than 2%(barring factors such as drug use). One thing that particularly disturbed me is that after the training at the Bioenhancement Center one private tried to sing but he couldn’t anymore. It appeared that before the training he was quite a good singer. I did an informal survey and nobody that I asked could sing. Juan I’m not talking about singing in rhythm, I’m talking about the ability to sing at all. The part of the brain that controlled singing was deemed useless and was engineered so that every soldier could strip, clean and reassemble every know small arms in our arsenal and the arsenals of Yang, Lal, and Morgan (blind folded no less). Also all know configurations of planes and vehicles in use by the various factions are there along with various insignias and patches of more notable divisions. Eventually they could relearn to sing but the rhythm was never quite natural, it was too much like a metronome for me. When I heard a unit go by doing a popular jodi it sounded very eerie (you know, the one about Deidra). It didn’t sound like a jodi at all but something else.
No one has lost their sense of unity, and in fact pride and discipline have increase, but that doesn’t reassure me at all. We have turned them into a pact of very vicious wild dogs, and all they wanna do is kill. Yes they are VERY well trained but that haunts me late at night. I have been having more bad dreams lately Juan, I really don’t think this is a very humane thing to do. My test have also uncovered that REM sleep is down 40% and the amount of disturbing imagery in the REM sleep they have has went up six-fold from 3% to nearly 19%. What this means is that one in three of their dreams have disturbing imagery. If they could still feel fear then I would consider that one out of three dreams would be a nightmare, but they can’t so all I can say is that they have disturbing imagery. My god Juan if we have taken away their power to feel fear, and their power to feel pain. Is it possible that we have taken away their power to feel happiness, to feel love? I want you to take a look at something, it’s not very well informed on the specifics of this operation (no probe teams have been able to infiltrate this operation) but Pravin Lal does have some interesting ethical points on the whole operation from just the little amount he knows. I’m not going to include the whole report just the first paragraph. Read the entire report if you get the chance.
The Warrior's bland acronym, MMI, obscures the true horror of
this monstrosity. Its inventors promise a new era of genius, but
meanwhile unscrupulous power brokers use its forcible installation
to violate the sanctity of unwilling human minds. They are
creating their own private army of demons.
^ -- Commissioner Pravin Lal,
^ "Report on Human Rights"
Well Lal is probably only paranoid that we’ll gain a significant military advantage out of it (which we will) but those are valid points. Beside the fact that we can now completely deconstruct a man’s identity (so far we have yet to try this particular process on women but I’m sure it could easily be adapted) and the fact that I have deep personal ethical issues with the whole process. I must recommend moving Project PYRRHO to the next stage of implementation, we have enough technical know how to build the Cyborg Factory as it has been nick named by the soldiers of the 469th. I also must say that I base this recommendation solely on the fact that if we do not act now many more people could lose their lives later in a conflict.
I want you to know that my sister has a new place in Admiralty Base and she says that there are some beaches close by that are absolutely wonderful. After I finish with Project PYRRHO I’m going to take a vacation, I’m sure you could use one too, so once you finish with your worm taming tell me and we’ll get away from this insanity. By the way, have you gotten any of those mind worms of yours to learn how to play fetch yet?
As always,
Wesly Holbrook
[This message has been edited by korn469 (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 12, 1999, 08:15
Local Time: 00:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: In the army
Posts: 3,375
TO: Doctor Juan Bonaventure
FROM: Major Wesly Holbrook
RE: Project PYRRHO
I have just completed my review of Project PYRRHO, and as an officer in the Spartan Armed Forces I must say that the project has significant military value. Not only that, as a citizen of the Spartan Federation and as your good friend I believe that Project PYRRHO to be one of the most enlightened projects I haved worked on in years. I spent time observing members of the 469th during their first stage of training at the Iron Holm Command Center, and then their training at the Bioenhancement Center prototype. Without a doubt the Bioenhancement Center has given these soldiers a definite edge over troops who just received training at a Command Center. They have just completed the final stages of their training with the highest score to date, and I’d say that they are among the elite of our army.
In terms of upgrades each of the soldiers have better reflexes, enhanced senses, improved strength, and stamina. Body chemistry has also been modified, their baseline level of adrenaline and testosterone are each at twice normal levels. In order to take advantage of this increased amount of adrenaline and testosterone, dopamine receptors in all the cells have been engineered to accept adrenaline, appartanly there are no downsides to this. To better utilize the high amounts of testosterone we have reconfigured areas of the brain to handle this increase. Visual processing centers for the brain have been enhanced along with other areas of the brain. Members of the 469th now no longer have need of maps because the Mind/Machine Interface allows direct access between precise three dimensional maps stored on an implanted microchip and the visual processing centers of the brain. The chip also comes with a built in compass. They think of where they are and they can imagine a map to overlay on top of their vision. It is virtually impossible to get lost with this technology.
What all of that means in human terms is this, they are much more likely to come home. One unexpected benefit is that pain can easily be controled. Some 5% of pain processing centers in the brain are directly connected to medical diagnostic chip along with internal temperature and white blood cell count. With a database of thousands maybe even millions of wounds and known illnesses, pretty much they don’t need a doctor to tell them what’s wrong they already know. The high levels of adrenaline cause them to be very hyper and always full of energy, and the increased levels of testosterone make them more robust. I though I'd see what it did to sexual function and it has not really been a factor. The average amount of sexual dysfunction is less than 2%. After the training at the Bioenhancement Center one private tried to sing and it appeared that before the training he was quite a good singer. Juan I’m talking about singing in good rhythm. He quickly regained that ability. The part of the brain that controlled singing was enhanced and was engineered so that every soldier could strip, clean and reassemble every know small arms in our arsenal and the arsenals of Yang, Lal, and Morgan (blind folded no less). Also all know configurations of planes and vehicles in use by the various factions are there along with various insignias and patches of more notable divisions. Eventually they could relearn to sing and the rhythm was quite natural. When I heard a unit go by doing a popular jodi it sounded very nice (you know, the one about Deidra). It didn’t sound like a jodi at all but something else, it was just that good.
No one has lost their sense of unity, and in fact pride and discipline have increase, and that really reassurea me. Yes they are VERY well trained and that helps me to sleep at night. My test have also uncovered that REM sleep is up 40% and the amount of disturbing imagery in the REM sleep they have has went down six-fold from 19% to only 3%. What this means is that one in three of their dreams used to have disturbing imagery. Now that number is significantly lower. My god Juan is it possible that we have given them even more power to feel happiness, to feel love? I want you to take a look at something, it’s completely misinformed about the project's specifics(no probe teams have been able to infiltrate this operation) and Pravin Lal really tries to make us look bad and spread lies about the project and he doesn't even know anything about it. I’m not going to include the whole report just the first paragraph. Read the entire report just for laughs if you get the chance.
The Warrior's bland acronym, MMI, obscures the true horror of
this monstrosity. Its inventors promise a new era of genius, but
meanwhile unscrupulous power brokers use its forcible installation
to violate the sanctity of unwilling human minds. They are
creating their own private army of demons.
^ -- Commissioner Pravin Lal,
^ "Report on Human Rights"
Well Lal is probably only paranoid that we’ll gain a significant military advantage out of it (which we will) and the points he makes are completely invalid. I must recommend moving Project PYRRHO to the next stage of implementation, we have enough technical know how to build the Cyborg Factory as it has been nick named by the soldiers of the 469th. I also must say that I base this recommendation primarily on the fact that if we do not act now many more people will lose their lives later in a conflict.
I want you to know that my sister has a new place in Admiralty Base and she says that there are some beaches close by that are absolutely wonderful. After I finish with Project PYRRHO I’m going to take a vacation, I’m sure you could use one too, so once you finish with your worm taming tell me and we’ll get away from all the excitment. By the way, have you gotten any of those mind worms of yours to learn how to play fetch yet?
As always,
Wesly Holbrook
[This message has been edited by korn469 (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 12, 1999, 13:55
Local Time: 06:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Groningen, Holland
Posts: 171
The 1st Wing XO was, well, worried. Primo, Sheila Cartesius, the mechanic that was fixing the fusion drive on the only remaining chopper on the base, was not in fixing mode at the moment. Rather, she was in missing mode. Secundo, as per quite usual the XO didn't have the foggiest where his CO, Salvador "Gecko" St James, might be at. And to add insult to both those injuries, chopper jockey Hendrikus Cazemier was sitting on the XO's desk. Right, squat on top of it. Boots were soiling the XO's paperwork. Mud, grime, whatever it is that piles up in chopper 'pits.
"Hendrikus, would you get off my desk, please?"
Hendrikus was nicknamed "the Cyborg", but never to his face. Hendrikus didn't like nicknames, and could get mean if someone failed to respect that. So everyone had practiced pronouncing "Hendrikus". Gladly.
"Chopper." Hendrikus grinned.
"Well, I don't have any!" the XO exclaimed.
Hendrikus took off his dark, ultra-expensive Morgan Prime sunglasses, and shot the XO a hard look from his steely-blue eyes.
"Look, chief. The Gecko is out there running Cartesius around, Zak knows why. My rotor is a heap of lego right now. XForce has people sitting out there, and the chairman is on the rampage again. Now I could go and slap some silksteel on your bloody pushbike and go out in that or you Get Me Some Blades. Capisce?"
The XO looked at him, and then did what had made him XO. He found the Cyborg some blades.
And, he wondered what the Gecko was doing sightseeing runs with mechanics for.
"Sweet Miriam, you can't be serious." Hendrikus spoke into his commlink as he saw what was waiting for him in the hangar.
"It's that or my bike, Hendrikus." the XO replied, and signed off.
Ten minutes later, the Cyborg gingerly lifted the dustridden Unity chopper out of its clamps and cleared the perimeter.
"Sir? Is it likely that they will send a cab out this far?"
Captain Wells looked up at the private who had just spoken.
"Anything on that screen, private?"
"All clear, sir. No movement of any kind."
They were sitting outside in the dark of night, a huddle of helmets. Their thoughts were with the dead marine, and with bailing out themselves. The Hive groups had been driven off some way by the Screamers, but in the meantime they were still there, hoping for the impossible - a ride home, safely back to barracks.
"All we can do now is wait, and keep our eyes open. Your Captain doesn't know whether the 1st will move this far out, because your Captain has never had his butt burned this far out before. But if it's up to the Gecko, I know he'll do his darnedest."
"Right, Sir. Thank you Sir."
"Wake your relief and get some sleep." Wells said.
He turned over again himself, and smelled the rich, sweet scent of Chiron rise up out of the ground as he did so. They had covered hundreds and hundreds of miles of it over the last couple of weeks, and if that had taught him anything, it had taught him this - it was worth fighting for.
Wells woke with a start. Keeping his ears open, he checked his 'puter. Two hours since he had last been awake. He looked for the private on guard duty, and found her looking at him with a puzzled expression on her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but Wells cut her short with a brief gesture. He listened. The sound he had heard, or which he had imagined he had heard, was one of the most magical sounds of Earth. A rich, unearthly call of the wild. It had been one of the last sounds of dying Terra, and it had been one of the first sounds to reach virgin Chiron. Wells' adrenalin rushed, and then he heard it clearly. Their cab had arrived. It was the call of the gecko.
Startling even Wells, Hendrikus Cazemier lifted the ramshackle Unity chopper out of a hollow not four hundred yards away, and proceeded at a brisk pace towards them. They were up and out of there less than three minutes later.
Their reception in the Hawk of Chiron rec comm was decidedly festive. Friends and family found their loved ones back in full health, and the praise for the Crew was lavish. It was the Gecko himself, just back from yet another mission, who brought the crowd back down to earth.
"I have a serious announcement to make. Commander Scott Allardyce of 4th Wing is missing in action, together with pilot Julia Santiago."
A hush came over the gathering.
"Hit for six, skipper?" asked the XO quietly, but for all to hear.
"We don't know yet, XO. The signal from his emergency transponder was coming through for a while, but has now disappeared. In my quarters for briefing, please. People, please continue your celebration. These brave men from XForce deserve no less, and you may rest assured that everything possible is being done to rescue Commander Allardyce."
The Gecko was brief as usual. To those who served under him, it was a standard joke that the commander had probably read the wrong dictionary entry when he had looked up 'briefing'.
"Sparta Command has been in touch with Field Marshal Burge, who is out in the area as well. I plan to rendez-vous with him as soon as possible. Sheila, get that fusion drive going. Drikus, get some rest. We may need a bit more than a souped-up needlejet later. Questions?"
There usually weren't any, and there weren't any now.
Out in the needlejet, on the long stretch out, the Gecko wondered what had possessed Googlie to get out there, then get himself shot in what Hargreaves at Fort Soup was reported to have called "a completely scatterbrained maneuver". A cold, cold feeling gripped Salvador St James's heart that perhaps this time there would not be anything for him to pick out of the fire. It made him feel as empty as the sky over Chiron.
Numquam turbae misceri
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited July 12, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited July 12, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 12, 1999, 20:31
Local Time: 00:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: In the army
Posts: 3,375
03:55 hours SMT
Lieutenant Erik DeLyle, never had trouble sleeping, in fact falling asleep was much easier now, all he had to do was think of the number nine and just keep on repeating it and then he’d fall into a deep sleep. It was almost like his mind would shut down, the only thing about sleep these days was it was never very sound, he could awaken at the slightest noise in fact he had just woke up. He hadn’t opened his eyes yet, and for some odd reason he could see vast lines of red ones and zeros scroll across the blackness of his mind’s eye. He never concentrated on them he only watched them, because every time he began to concentrate on them the numbers would stop and other things would appear. The numbers would morph into menus with various options.
One time he started concentrating on the numbers and the menus appeared and then he started concentrating on the menus. Next thing he knew he remembered how the impact rifle felt in his hands, he remembered how easy it was to field strip it, he remembered to how fix the firing bolt if it was jammed. The only thing was it wasn’t his impact rifle from basic training it was a Hive impact rifle. DeLyle had seen dead Hive soldiers with the exact same rifles but he hadn’t touched the rifles then. Yet, he knew exactly what they looked like if they were taken apart. He knew how to do field repairs on them, and he also knew that he could strip it and reassemble it fast enough to make Gunnery Sargent Wells say “Holy Jeez! Damn, DeLyle you’re high-speed son. High speed!” With that big grin he had when people learned what they needed to know. Gunnery Sargent Wells was the one who taught DeLyle how to do the same thing with a Spartan Impact Rifle, but DeLyle knew that Gunnery Sargent Wells never taught him this. How did he learn it exactly? He knew where he learned it but he didn’t know how. The Bioenhancement Center.
Every night he dreamed about the insides of that place. How clean it was, the antiseptic smell, the cold cubicles with doctors surrounding him. He never had his eyes open but he could hear them. He could hear them talking. Except he never could understand what they were saying. The place was claustrophobic, not because the center was small, in fact the rooms and hallways were quite large, but it was like he was trapped in his mind and they were squeezing it, making it smaller. He started wondering if his men had experienced the same thing. Then as he started thinking of Private First Class Overson in particular suddenly he knew that PFC Overson temperature was 99.1 degrees, completely normal for him. DeLyle also knew that PFC Overson’s white blood cell count was at 22,398 just a little bit on the low side. It was probable that PFC Overson hadn’t been eating all of his nutrients ready for consumption (NRCs), however there was about 52 other things that could have contributed to this lowered WBC count, future monitoring was recommended. Before DeLyle could think anymore, the faint sound (YEEHEE!) called him from his thoughts. He jumped out of bed and wen over to his terminal. On the Morgan InstaLink (IL) was two new messages from Captain Moxon. They had marching orders.
04:03 hours SMT
“GEAR UP!” Sargent Max Goldstein shouted to rows of bunks filled with sleeping soldiers. Then at virtually the exact same time every single soldier leaped out of their bunks and started packing a combat load for their jump sacks. ‘Amateurs’ Goldstein thought, he always had a combat load packed, he was always ready to go. Everyone was silent moving very efficiently and in no time they were packed and ready to go.
The last thing he wanted to do was show up last. A Company wasn’t considered formed until all of it's platoons were there, and a battalion wasn’t considered formed until all of its Companies were there. So whichever platoon got their last would make the entire company look bad. It was his job as Sargent to make this platoon look good, and if there was anything that Sargent Goldstein was good at it was his job.
4:19 hours SMT
Five platoons had just rushed out and formed up. All the platoons were there now. Each platoon reported to their company and each company reported to their battalion. Then each battalion commander reported to the XO of the brigade. Colonel Thomilson stepped up in front of the battalions. Colonel Jonathan “Tom” Thomilson pivoted toward each brigade commander as they saluted him and gave their report.
“First Brigade reporting, all present and accounted for, Sir!”
“Second Brigade reporting, all present and accounted for, Sir!”
“Third Brigade reporting, all present and accounted for, Sir!” Colonel Thomilson did an about face and then saluted General Lockhart.
“469th Division reporting, all present and accounted for, Sir!” The General returned the salute, he had a large eager smile on his face.
“Colonel, have the men fall out and be ready to go for drop by 05:00 hours.” They could have dropped right then, but “Loot” was living up to his reputation. When the men performed well, he rewarded them well. He had given the marching orders to Colonel Thomilson at 03:50 hours and at 04:21 hours there the was whole division ready to go. That was quick, quicker than what he expected or hoped for. So a little reward was in order. The Colonel did another about face so he was in front of the division.
“You, heard the General. FALL OUT!” Then the tight formations broke into utter chaos. One private took off his helmet and started walking away and Lockhart saw a tattoo on the back of his shaved head and another one on the back of his neck.
“Tom, what was the tattoo that private had?” He looked around and every single soldier he saw had a tattoo on the backs of their necks. “It looks like most of the division has them.”
“You’re right. I just noticed it a few days ago, myself. It started with a few guys in a company in 2nd Battalion over in Farley's brigade. They got Property of the 469th tattooed on the back of their head. Well it started to spread out of their company to all of 2nd battalion. Then a few guys from 3rd battlion in Gomez's brigade got it to. Well the original ones who got the tattoo done went and got Ozone Battalion’s symbol tattooed on their neck. Well some other guys in Ozone Battalion in a different company got almost the same symbol tattooed on the back of their neck but it was just a little different, modified for their company. So that really started the whole thing.”
“And how many of them have these tattoos?”
“Well not many of the officers, but I think every single enlisted man has it tattooed on their head. Then there is Ozone where it all started and everyone including ALL the officers have them. And just so you know, the company symbol is called a Glyph.” Lockhart smiled at this, he really liked the idea, and he couldn’t think of the last time that a unit had shown spontaneous unity like this.
“So are there any outstanding Glyphs, Tom?” He really liked this idea.
“Well, yeah actually some of them are really good. It’s really to close to call.” Thomilson like the idea to.
04:52 hours SMT
Lt. Colonel Gomez of Victory Brigade was going over the briefing.
1st Brigade-CO Lt. Colonel Thomas “Squelch” Reich
XO Major Marion "Hoss" Hodges
Major Chris “Deuce” Duesing: 1st "Alpha" Battalion (Siphon Chaos Assault Rifles/Sythmetal Armor)
Major Ivan “The terrible” Lincowski: 2nd "Delta" Battalion (Spitfire Chaos Rifles/Sythmetal Armor)
Major Gerald “J.R.” Molina: 3rd "Lambda" Battalion (Chaos Drop Rovers/no armor)
2nd Brigade-CO Lt. Colonel Eiton “tweak” Farley
XO Major wade Stussy
Major Nathan Gatesly: 1th "Caffeine" Battalion(Siphon Chaos Assault Rifles/Sythmetal Armor)
Major Yancy “Oz” Alsbrook: 2nd "Ozone" Battalion (Siphon Chaos Assault Rifles/Sythmetal Armor)
Major Terance “Grover” Grove: 3rd "Raptor" Battalion (Chaos Drop Rovers/no armor)
3rd Brigade-CO Lt. Colonel Richard “Rico” Gomez
XO Major Kenneth Hochhalter
Major Tobey McClusky: 1st "Tau" Battalion (Siphon Chaos Assault Rifles/Sythmetal Armor)
Major Clintworth “Eastwood” Forbes: 2nd "Zeta" Battalion (Chaos Drop Rovers/no armor)
Major Muhammad “Dingo” Javed: 3rd "Omega" Battalion (Spitfire Chaos Rifles/Sythmetal Armor)
Standard Operating Procedures:
-We will drop into hive Controlled territory
-Our assignment is to hinder Hive forces from retreating and preventing any Hive reinforcements from arriving
-No air support or artillery support is expected for our mission.
-Maintain radio silence whenever possible
-Ground support for our forces is next to impossible
Note to all company commanders:
-We will be field testing the new Siphon Chaos Airborne Assault Rifles expect problems
-Camouflage and hit and run techniques are critical to our success, keep that in mind at all times
05:11 hours SMT
The morning sun was just starting to tickle a large expanse of fungal blooms when the sky lit up with hundred of sparkles of reflected sunlight. Then red rocket flares burst all over the morning sky like a fireworks show. A deafening rumble startled a few preboil mindworms and they scampered away as drop pods began to hit the ground. In a matter of moments the 469th had secured a perimeter and was scouting for signs of enemy units. They were far behind Hive and hopefully could cut the supply lines in half. More than one member of the 469th hoped to encounter some Hive units either retreating or advancing, either way they would attack it didn’t really matter. It was what they were here to do.
[This message has been edited by korn469 (edited October 23, 1999).]
July 12, 1999, 20:38
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Squadron Leader Pat “Bearcat” Brewster surveyed the ops screen in front of him. As the ranking officer in SAC with Googlie’s disappearance he had some decisions to make.
His first was to raise his fighter wing counterpart, Ben “Slats” Miller on the secure commlink.
“Slats here” he saw the familiar face. “What’s up Bearcat?”
“Oh, just pondering our options. With Googlie hors de combat we need to redeploy some of our assets, and I’m wondering how he would have done it, so thought I’d bring you on line for your usual sage advice/”
“Yeah, thanks Bearcat. I’ve been doing some thinking too. First thought was what the hell kind of stunt was the old fool trying to pull in going aloft with Santiago. He hasn’t flown a combat mission in over two years, since they retired that first series of needlejets – you know, the ones with the ridiculously limited range”
“You said it, Slats. Now they are our transport craft and that’s what the old fart should be crewing”.
Brewster continued: “But that brings me to the reason for my call. With Googlie unavailable, I think we need to make some decisions on our aircraft.”
“Shoot, what’s on your mind?” replied Miller.
“Well, the action is heating up down in Fort Soup, so I’ve a mind to reinforce Dusty’s Penetrator there with another two, myself and Evans. That’d leave just Singh and his crew at Commanders Keep. I’ll have them deploy to Sparta Command to replace me here. I don’t like leaving HQ undefended”
“Good idea”, said Miller. “You’ve already got Lisa at Fort Soup plus I ordered Dexter Patterson back. I’ll send over the girls as well from Janissary Rock. I’ll stay here at Survival and keep an eye on Lal and his doings”.
“We’d better tell the crews to take their own mechanics and cram as much gear and weaponry as possible into their rigs – this may be a long one.” Said Brewster, signing off.
Tulia was playing hide and seek with her friends among the few buildings that identified the airfield at Fort Legion. Actually, giving it the name airfield was an exaggeration, as in reality it was nothing more than a landing strip with a light paving of concrete analogue mesh laid over the smoothed out surface of rubble.
It was Tulia’s turn to seek, and she was standing by the deserted fireshed covering her eyes and counting to 100 to give her two friends time to hide in good places.
67….68….69….70… The roar was deafening.
Tulia opened her eyes and whirled around.
Flying low over the landing strip was the largest plane she had ever seen in her nine years on Planet. It differed from the motley collection of flyers that habituated Legion in that it was new, shiny, noisy and very, very sleek.
She watched in fascination as the Needlejet Interceptor made a low pas over the airstrip from east to west, and called her friends out of hiding:
“Benji, Yannick, come here, the game’s over. Come and see this”.
The two other kids evacuated their hiding places and ran to join Tulia. They stood by the old fireshed and watched the needlejet complete its pass and then make a big turn north and east round the base buildings to commence another run.
“Look”, said Yannick, excitedly pointing to two specks in the distance behind the needlejet, “there’s more coming.”
The Inteceptor lowered its flaps to the full, and extended its undercarriage and commenced another run.
The children gazed in rapt attention.
Just short of the beginning of the landing strip the interceptor released a red flare, then another, then a third as it made a slow fly past over the strip, then accelerated and again flew its circle to approach from the east.
The flares floated to the ground, and continued burning brightly.
The specks grew larger, one a few hundred meters behind the other. As they took shape, Tulia gasped. They were even bigger than the Interceptor that had dropped the flares. As the first Penetrator approached, full flaps, and landing gear down, it came in almost brushing the final flare before its wheels touched down just centimeters from the beginning of the airstrip. Immediately the pilot engaged reverse thrust, and with an almighty roar the great plane settled on the strip and rolled almost to the very end, turning on to the apron while still carrying a fair amount of speed.
Yannick gazed at the ungainly beast. It bristled with weapons pods and every underwing pilon had a pod of some kind attached. There were two temporary blisters just aft of the undercarriage, and even through the crew’s canopy he could see boxes and cartons piled up.
On its heels came the second, just as huge and ugly as it too settled on the strip and rolled to a halt. Yannick thought it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
There was an ear piercing screech as the little Interceptor made a high speed flyby, executing a barrel roll as it past over the now descending crew before standing on its tail and effortlessly climbing vertically into the afternoon sky.
Yannick watched in awe and admiration. “That’s what I’m going to be when I grow up,” he said, “a Needlejet pilot.”
“Holy Chiron”, Otto Perez said to his companion as the little garrison rover raced to the airstrip. “They might have given us some warning. Scared the crap out of the old woman when that first one made the circuit. Thought it was maybe one of Yangs come to pay is a visit.”
“Now why would they do that”, asked Betty Stevens, his companion, who doubled as the base governor when she wasn’t bringing up her three kids. “It’s not as though we are militarily significant. We’re only just over 40,000 here and although it is a good mining base we can’t be very attractive to an invasion force. Anyway, they did give us warning. About twenty minutes ago. They commlinked ahead to say they were low on fuel and were coming in to refuel”
“Maybe it’s the new Penetrator we’re assembling here that would attract Yang’s attention”, said Otto, unwilling to give in to Betty’s logic. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. We’ve got two bloody headaches to deal with. How can we scrape enough fuel together to get these beasties up and away on their mission.”
Otto was the Base administrator, the Mr. Fixit to Betty’s political role. Betty chaired the base council meetings, heard the arguments, and decided on a course of action. Otto executed.
“They’re both fusion powered”, he said. Where can we get enough Ionized Deuterium to get them on their way again.”
They pondered as they drove to the airstrip.
Otto slapped his thigh. “I’ve got it,” he said. “We just converted and refitted our old Former to fusion power. We can cannibalize it for its fuel and either re-install the fission engines or leave it idle until a fuel convoy gets to us”
“What’s your druthers?” Betty asked.
“Reinstall the Fission motor”, was Otto’s instant reply. “I’d rather have something working than nothing, and who knows how long we’ll wait until we get fresh deuterium”.
“OK, Do it”, was Betty’s laconic response.
Otto keyed his commlink and chatted animatedly with a staff member back at base. He flicked the unit shut with a triumphant snap.
“Two hours,” he said. “The engineers can have the pellets removed and trucked out here in two hours. That should please our visitors”.
They rolled up to the Penetrators. The crews were out, stretching their legs. Otto drove right up to one group.
“Hi”, he yelled as he cut the engine. “Otto Perez, Base Adminsatrator, and this is Betty Stevens, Base Governor.” They leapt out of the rover.
The skipper stood up. “Bert Evans”, he said sticking out his hand. They shook hands.
“Over there is Bearcat Brewster, Squadron Leader of the Penetrator squadron, and acting SAC Chief of Staff in Allardyce’s absence” he went on, pointing to a lanky figure ambling over to them.
Otto straightened visibly. Whether acting or not, to have the Spartan Air Command Chief of Staff visit was indeed a momentous occasion.
“What do you need, other than fuel?” he asked. “If you’d like to go down to base I can arrange transportation. Or a meal. Whatever.”
“Just refuel,” said Evans. “We need to get airborne as soon as possible. Things are heating up down by Fort Superiority and we need to get there as quickly as possible. Are you able to refuel us?”
“Well”, Betty replied. “Normally a small Base like us doesn’t carry much in the way of fuel, especially Ionized Deuterium. But you are lucky. Just a few weeks ago we commissioned a new Fusion powered terraformer, and we’ve cannibalized its drive to get the pellets for your use. They should be here in..” she consulted her commlink… “about 30 minutes. You’ll have time for a cup of java while you wait.”
Betty had noticed the children hanging around.
“Tulia,” she called. “Run over to the mess hut and see if Old jenny is there. If she is, tell her to brew a fresh pot of coffee for the fliers here.”
Tulia and her two friends scampered off.
Brewster had joined the group, and introductions were made.
“So, how serious is this skirmish?” she asked. “We pick up Morgan News here and they are saying it could escalate into a full scale war.”
“Aye, it might” said Brewster, subconsciously picking up Googlie’s brogue as he played the role of SAC Chief. It depends on big an invasion force Yang has landed, whether it’s merely exploratory as he claims, or whether it portends something larger. That’s why I need to get us down to Fort Soup as soon as possible.”
The coffee arrived, and as the crew milled around contentedly drinking, the rover with the fuel pellets came into view. The two engineers donned their protective suits and readied the aircraft fuel bays for the pellets.
Brewster ushered the group away from the bays. “We’d better not get too close,” he said. “I don’t think its unstable, but let’s not take any chances.”
The pellets were loaded, and the crew prepared ro reboard the craft. It was a tight fit with four squeezing in where there really was room for three comfortably. But they managed.
Betty and Otto stood with the three kids as the huge Penetrators lumbered to the end of the landing strip, then one after the other engaged full power and roared down the strip, lifting the nose up at the last possible instant to utilize every centimeter of the runway.
As they soared off into the setting suns, Betty wished them luck.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 12, 1999, 21:44
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Googlie was snoring gently as Julia took her turn at watch. They were outside the fissure in the rockface, lying on a patch of soil amid the rocky ground. In the blackness of the night, the stars were beautiful. She looked over to where Sol was, faintly glimmering, our nearest neighbor, and our genesis, she thought.
As her eyes swept the night sky, she could barely make out the soft glow from Chiron’s third sun, dubbed Alpha C by the scientists.
Across the sky the two moons were shining brightly, tonight with Pholus showing just larger than Nessus. Close by she could see the reflected light of the two suns off Eurytion’s surface, Alpha Centauri’s other planet, closer to Alpha Prime than Chiron, and presumably more inhospitable.
She felt a sense of fear at her aloneness enveloping her. They were never going to get out of this alive. The panic began to well in her mind, and her head began to throb.
She recognized the symptoms.
She kicked Googlie awake.
“Snnrrffhmpphhhf. What the hell…”
“Mindworms,” she said. “Surprised you weren’t having nightmares.”
They drew their shredder pistols. “It’s funny,” said Julia. “When you were asleep I felt the mindworm’s presence, inducing the textbook sense of panic and hopelessness, but now that you’re awake I don’t feel it any more.”
She turned to look at Googlie and froze. The mindworm was about two meters from his head, on a ledge, and Googlie was holding his hands to his head, as if he were trying to pull his hair out by the roots.
Julia rolled to one side to get Googlie out of her line of fire, and saw that the mindworm was huge, about 50 feet in diameter. It separated, then again, and she saw that in reality it was three.
Pht..Pht..Pht spat the shredder. She kept her finger on the trigger spraying the small projectiles over the nearest mindworm and tearing its tentacles from it as it turned to a bloody pulp.
With part of her mind she thought ‘Strange, I don’t sense them attacking me at all, apart from that first tentative probe’.
She turned her attention to the second. The remaining two had split up, putting some diatance between each other, as though co-ordinating a joint attack.
Pht..Pht……… the shredder gun’s charge emptied.
‘Shoot’, she thought, ‘I should have had it on single burst, not raker mode’
She grabbed Googlie’s from where he had dropped it when the mindworm’s psi attack started. She flicked the mode catch
Pht……..…Pht……..…Pht it spat, as she aimed more carefully. The second mindworm bit the dust.
Googlie was recovering as the weaker third mindworm paused its attack, as though momentarily confused at the loss of its brethren. ‘Could it know?’ Julia thought. She turned her attention to it.
Pht……Pht……Pht……pht…ph………..as the charge dissipated the mindworm died.
“That was close,” said Googlie, now seemingly recovered. What do we do if another comes. Blow our whistles?”
Julia didn’t find his sense of humor funny – besides he’d already cracked that one. She studied the pistol. It was a PLU – Personal Laser Unit – fiber coupled diode energy weapon that scientists had adapted to fire small shredder fleschettes instead of the pulsed laser beam. The pulse energy activated the gas chambers that propelled the darts to their targets. It could be set for laser use, and doubled as a tool for the aircrew, as it could cut, at high intensity or stun at low intensity. After they parachuted to safety Julia had followed SOP and set the pistols to fleschettes.
But uncharged it was useless.
She tried to recall her basic training, to see if anything had been suggested there. She was sure it had – it was only a few weeks ago – but like most trainees they concentrated on the “good stuff” and let the rest flow over her head. Recharging shredder pistols didn’t qualify as “god stuff”, so she was stymied. She racked her memory.
But Googlie wasn’t. He was busy dismantling the emergency locator beacon – or would have if he had had a knife or a screwdriver. His method of dismantling it was to bash it repeatedly against a rock until its casing broke.
“Aha,” he said, tipping it until a small battery dropped into his hand. He picked up one of the shredder pistols and flicked a thumbscrew to open a compartment in the butt. He prised out a similar battery and pocketed it, and inserted the battery from the beacon. He closed it up, flicked the catch and pressed the trigger.
He turned round with a smug expression on his face. “They can’t locate us to the square meter, but they know the general location of where we are, and at least we have a weapon again.”
Julia looked at him. “Might it have worked with the torch batteries?” she asked sweetly.
Googlie looked at her somewhat bemused. “I don’t think so”, he said. “No, definitely not. Not powerful enough.” He said it convincingly enough that she wanted to believe him.
Instead she raised the other shredder, pointed it at the remnants of a mindworm and pressed the trigger.
“It is”, she said. “I just replaced it. And we have a spare as well, from the other torch. But now no beacon”.
Googlie felt stupid and useless.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 12, 1999).]
July 13, 1999, 00:32
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
Tape 33/15.spa.hiv.2225 © MorganLink 3Dvision
“Good afternoon
This is Paula Forbes bringing you the lunchtime Headline News.
“Our top story of today remains the increasing level of hostilities between The Hive and The Spartan Federation.
“We reported yesterday that a battle erupted in Spartan territory south of Fort Superiority, that resulted in the destruction of Spartan motor vehicles and Hive missile batteries.
“Sources told us that late yesterday afternoon a reconnaissance needlejet belonging to the Spartans was downed by a Hive missile battalion near where yesterday’s skirmish took place. Both crew members were seen to eject safely, and a race is on by elements of both forces to reach the survivors.
“ We are now going live to The Hive where our reporter, Nikki Samatomo, is standing by.
“Nikki, come in. What can you tell us of yesterday’s action?
“Paula, Nikki Samatomo here. I have been speaking with Chairman Yang himself at the news conference he held this morning.
“Apparently some Hive units were prospecting unclaimed land on the continent south of The Spartan Federation’s Fort Superiority with a view to establishing a perimeter and founding a new base there when they cam under attack by Spartan forces.
“Nikki, that would be the skirmish we reported on yesterday?
“Right Paula. Two Hive battalions were destroyed by the Spartans without any attempt at negotiating at all, but not before they had rendered inoperable the transports of the Spartan troops. After the air strike by the Spartans on his missile battalions, Chairman Yang ordered additional troops to attempt the capture of the stranded Spartan ground forces and also to move on Fort Superiority itself.
“A Spartan support needlejet that was circling the area was shot down by troops of the Twin Suns Division, and intercepted radio traffic suggests that this jet was crewed by none other than the top officer in Spartan Air Command, Wing Commander Allardyce, and a pilot who happens to be the niece of Corazon Santiago herself.
“So needless to say, Nikki, both sides are rushing to effect their rescue, or capture, as the case might be?
“Right Paula. And Chairman Yang keft no doubt this morning what his position is. His closing words at the press conference were ‘If that loony ***** Santiago wants to escalate this confrontation, we are ready. There is a lot of unfinished business from the last time we crossed swords. Now we are prepared. So back off, Sparta. Stand down’. Wheter they will, though, is anyone’s guess, Paula.
“Thanks, Nikki. Well, there you have it. The potential for a major war breaking out. The rush to reach the downed aircrew. The move of Fort Superiority itself.
“Stay tuned to Morgan News, where we bring you the latest on Chiron happenings.
“This is Paula Forbes, signing off”
July 13, 1999, 02:06
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
"Let's just go see, eh?" Bernard whined.
"Our orders were to report directly to HQ", replied Captain Ranjit Singh, to his MO, Bernard Gauthier, "and that's just what we'll do."
"Aw come on, man, it's not out of our way, I could have programed a route that would take us over and you wouldn't have known," butted in "Sunny" Osaka, the Penetrator's Operations Officer.
They were flying at an altitude of about 12,000 meters, and had just left Janissary Rock where they had refueled en route from Commanders' Keep to Sparta Command. During the refueling break they had read some of the messages on the officers' vidcom in the mess, and had seen Captain Elyias' report on the Monolith Ring.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Ranjit, caving in to the pressure. "Set a new course and give me the correction."
As the bearings came through, the big Penetrator lazily dipped a wing and turned slightly to the north.
"Drop to 2,000, we'll get a better view," said Sunny. "We've enough fuel to get back up to cruising altitude for the run to HQ, and then some".
Singh obliged.
Captain Elyias sat watching his men play an impromptu game of poker. He was amazed at his men's adaptability. They could equally well be siting back at base in the mess hall, playing and arguing over whether the deal had been fair, what the ante really was, and occasionally blows would be struck.
It was no different here in the dunes. The same cast, the same bets, the same arguments, hell, probably even the same deck of cards, carried all over Chiron's surface by these indefatigable troopers.
The sound in the distance intruded into his daydreaming.
"Incoming," he yelled. Take cover.
The men scattered to their foxholes and looked south where the sound was coming from.
"Must be one of ours, low", said Rufus. "Can't be Lal's or the Hive's or the Tits would have scrambled to intercept." That was their fond name for Googlie's all girl crew of Jill Hughes and Sandra Keen, who operated out of Janissary Rock.
The men raised their heads.
The huge fusion penetrator came into view and flew overhead, waggling its wings as it passed over their positions, and carrying on to the Monolith Ring. They watched with the envy that every trench grunt felt for the flyboys. Rufus spat on the ground. "They're welcome", he growled. "I like my two feet on the ground." Snarls of agreement came from several others in the squad. "Are they goin' to fry the worms, Sir." Asked a young trooper of the Captain.
"I dunno", Elyias replied. "I haven't heard that the big guys are all that effective against them. The new Chaos Copters spell death to the worms I've been told. Pity it's not a squadron of these we're seeing."
They watched the penetrator fly over the monolith ring where the mindworms were congregating.
Suddenly its wing dipped and it commenced a violent turn to port, losing altitude rapidly. The men watched in fascination.
It turned 180 degrees and came back towards them. They watched as the telltale flash of the missile launch indicated a firefox missile coming their way.
"Jesu Christo, he's firing at us" yelled the young ensign as they all ducked for cover in their recently vacated foxholes.
Captain Elyias stood his ground. 'We're toast', he thought. 'Foxholes won't help us. They carry tactical nukes, and that was one of them'
He watched with morbid interest as the missile came nearer, then suddenly it arced upwards and looped back over the monolith ring heading due north towards the northern ocean.
The big penetrator roared overhead, then stood on its tail and ignited its fusion afterburners, rocketing into the sky. They watched it until it was a mere speck, then followed its contrail until it faded into the distance.
"What was that all about?" asked Rufus, emerging for the second time from his foxhole.
Elyias replied "No idea. Be interesting to read the pilot's log when we get back to the Rock."
As they approached the monolith ring Sunny said "We should be seeing the Captain and his platoon soon".
Just then Bernard said "Oui, there they are, one click ahead at one-oclock."
Ranjit Singh picked them out among the sand dunes, and as they passed overhead he waggled his wings in acknowledgement.
The ring was ahead of them. It seemed to encompass an area of some nine or ten square kilometers, and they could count nine monoliths, stretching proudly to the sky, glinting dully in the afternoon sun with a brownish golden tint. The wreckage of the PeaceKeeper units could clearly be seen near one of the monoliths.
Ranjit felt it first. The murmuring of thousands of angry voices in his head, malevolent, hatred, violent. He tried to block it out, but he couldn't.
He commlinked Bernard. "You OK?"
"No, you bastard, I.m not. I want to kill someone", he said.
The voices grew louder, angrier, more insistent.
"Yeah, let's wake up those grunts. Who do they think they are, always making fools out of us at base, with their practical jokes."
Ranjit felt the pressure to turn the plane and fly back to the troops on the ground. He fought the controls as they continued through the center of the ring.
The voices in his head were screaming now, and he had a strong desire to tear off his flying helmet and stuff his fingers into his ears to quieten them.
"Let's nuke the bastards," said Bernard, sitting in his MO's seat shaking with anger and rage.
Singh snapped.
"Lets", he said, and stopped fighting the impulses.
The penetrator lurched, and began its turn back to the foxholes of captain Elyias and his men.
Bernard armed one of the tactical nuclear missiles. Singh steered the course straight for the ground forces.
"Launch when ready", snarled Singh, as they crossed the monolith closest to the men.
"Launched" shouted Bernard in triumph as he punched the launch button.
Sunny came to with a start.
"Holy ****, man, what you doing?"
Ranjit looked at the missile accelerating from the penetrator.
"****, ****, ****, was all he could say.
"Mon Dieu, what have we done", cried Bernard.
Meanwhile Sunny's fingers were flying over the keyboard on his on-board command console.
"Talk fast", he said. "I need answers"
"Primary Target?"
"None keyed in" said Bernard.
"Good", said Sunny. "Any range program, or secondary target."
"Good." His fingers were still flying. He hit a 'transmit' labeled key and looked up with a grunt of satifaction. "Reprogrammed" was all he said.
The missile looped upwards and passed over them on its new programmed route out to the Northern Ocean where it would spend itself harmlessly.
"Now with all due respect, Sir, let's get out of here".
Ranjit Singh stood the penetrator on its tail and engaged the fusion afterburners, and rocketed away from the mysterious monolith ring with its legions of mindworms.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 13, 1999).]
July 13, 1999, 02:50
Local Time: 06:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Groningen, Holland
Posts: 171
"Gavin." the Gecko said.
"Salvador." Burge replied.
No handshake, no hugs, no embraces. The two men looked each other in the eyes briefly, then walked away together to the Field Marshal's quarters.
"Weird-looking plane you have back there." Burge said.
"An old needlejet. It's stripped down to make it light enough to do VTOL."
Burge thought for a second.
"Eh?" he commented.
"Go figure that one out for yourself." the Gecko grinned. "Meanwhile, let's see how we can get the old coot back to his precious desk."
They had entered Burge's tent, and sat down at the map table.
"Care for something? Not much in the way of spirits, I'm afraid."
"Allow me." the Gecko said, and dipped into his kit bag.
"More vodka?"
"This time, Scotch."
Burge grimaced.
"Don't tell me. From the Lady's personal supply."
"Pure Firth of Skye, Gavin me buddy. Highland malt to warm the heart."
"I wouldn't mind a bit of that, I'll admit."
Catching a change in Burge's tone of voice, the Gecko looked up.
"What's new, Gavin?" he asked.
Burge told him.
The two old battle friends leaned forward over the map, their expressions grave. The priceless bottle of whisky stood untouched a little to the side.
Numquam turbae misceri
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited July 13, 1999).]
July 13, 1999, 07:38
Local Time: 06:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Groningen, Holland
Posts: 171
Hendrikus' image as he appeared suddenly on the top of the ridge was huge. Muscles rippled, a thin film of sweat made them glisten like a razorbeak's tailfeather. Julia Santiago looked up at her savior, and, despite herself, let her jaw drop in awe. This man was awesome.
"Havin' trouble, lady?" Hendrikus spoke levelly.
Julia pointed weakly to the Hive bunker to the North, and the humdrumming murmur of the mindworm boils right to the East.
Hendrikus' steadfast gaze followed her outstretched arm, and he smiled cynically.
"Bastards." he grunted, and raised his Morgan Annihilator chaos riot gun. Off he went at a steady trot, ducking missiles and laser blasts as if he were in a snowball fight. A barrage of miniature missiles from the launcher across his back saw off the mindworms, and he never even paused to look.
Now firing the Annihilator, Hendrikus gave the Hive bunker a fair peppering. Nimbly rolling in under the parapet, Hendrikus unhooked a Morgan Lullabye handgrenade from his belt, lobbed it up into the bunker, and waited two seconds. Hive screams were muffled by the reassuring blast of the grenade.
The sun at his back, Hendrikus ambled back to where he had left Julia Santiago. She looked up at him, awestruck.
"Oh, Hendrikus..." she said, her eyes shining.
* * * * *
* * * * *
"Damn." Hendrikus grunted, and discarded the holo goggles. He looked at his 'puter, and saw a single message from Cartesius.
"Lego operational." it said simply.
Hendrikus got up and went into the shower.
"Damn." he said again.
Numquam turbae misceri
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited July 13, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited July 13, 1999).]
July 13, 1999, 13:28
Local Time: 13:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 19
"Hey you alright junior?"
Rookie Jeremy Williams of the Spartan Elites, looked up.
"You're shaking."
Slowly, Jeremy looked down at his shaking clasped hands and then abruptly stopped it.
Jeremy faced his superior officer once more.
Squad Commander Elio Guandiego grinned and then patted Jeremy on the shoulder.
"Hey you gonna be okay junior. You're a Spartan Elite for Chrissake's! How you think
fellow Spartans be thinking when they sees a Spartan Elite gettin nervous over doing they're ajob? Relax amigo!"
Jeremy returned a half-smile.
"Yeah, I suppose. I sometimes wonder what I'm doing here in the first place. How can someone
so pessimistic and nervous be placed in the most feared contingent of warriors on Planet?"
"Hey! This isa your first sortie right? Dere be a reason to worry but not too much. In fact,
your ability to worry I thinka be a factor in your promotion to the Spartan Elites."
Jeremy answered with a puzzled look.
"Well - what I - uh - be meaning is you're being wary all the time - what you call it in Englaiso? You're a perenoida!"
"Paranoid, and I don't think that's something to be proud of sir."
"Well! It's keeped you alive for 5 years! You're very perceptive and you shoots the enemy before they shoot you! What more can the Spartan Elites want? You're a prime example, calm down and trya to not worry TOO much, okay?"
"I'll try sir."
"We're gonna kick some serious commie butt today, junior, and don't you forget it!"
Elio readjusted the strap to his Chaos Minigun and moved to the other side of the Chopper.
July 14, 1999, 01:23
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Betty Sterling entered the Governor's boardroom with Otto, and closed the door as Otto walked over to the console, and activated the holo projector, and they then took their seats at the table.
The meeting started on time, with the various Spartan Federation Governors signing in. The scene being holographically projected was the council chamber at Sparta Command. Corazon Santiago was present in person there, with Marlo, Command's Governor, and Alfredo, their Administrator. Alfredo was chairing the meeting.
"The first item on the agenda is an update on our current research into Monopole Magnets. As there is little more to report than last meeting, suffice it to say that our scientist are confident that we can commence the conversion of our formers to build mag tubes in a few weeks time.
The second agenda item is a roll call of our production status. I'll start:
Sparta Command: *** penetrator needlejet *** almost complete
Each called in turn:
Survival Base *** childrens creche *** almost complete
Commander's Keep *** chaos copter *** midway
War Outpost *** drop shock troops *** almost complete
Militia Station *** SP - The Dream Twister *** just started
Fort Legion *** Fusion lab *** just started
Janissary Rock *** Supply crawler *** just started
Blast Rifle Crag *** Interceptor needlejet *** midway
Hawk of Chiron *** AAA cruiser *** midway
Assassin's Redoubt *** Tree Farm *** just started
Centurion Cave *** chaos copter *** almost complete
Bunker 118 *** former *** almost complete
Hommel's Citadel *** chaos speeder *** midway
Training Camp *** probe team *** almost complete
Defiance Freehold *** former *** just started
Hero's Waypoint *** transport foil *** midway
Fort Liberty *** Sea colony pod *** almost completed
Ex University Bases, renamed:
Ironholm *** Aerospace center *** almost complete
Fort Survivalist *** former *** midway
Fort Superiority *** SP - Cyborg factory *** almost complete
Halls of Discipline *** Recycling tanks *** almost complete
Parade Ground *** Garrison Unit *** almost completed
Then the sea bases reported:
Fleet Anchorage *** SP - Citizen's Defense Force *** midway
Admiralty Base *** sea former *** almost complete
Hydrodock *** ocean supply crawler *** almost complete
Fleet Base *** Sea Colony Pod *** just started
Sea Outpost *** Garrison unit *** almost complete
"Thank you", said Alfredo. "Now our leader would like to address us briefly".
He sat down and Corazon Santiago began speaking:
"Fellow Spartans, you, the Governors and Administrators of our Bases have a tremendous role to play in the coming months as we gear up yet again for what is looking more and more like a resumption of widespread hostilities with the Hive.
"Chairman yang is refusing to return my commlink calls, and even more ominously, so is CEO Morgan.
"This does not bode well.
"I want each of you to see if there are ways to hurry production of those base facilities that are almost complete or midway to completion, then I must ask you to turn your factories and people to producing military materiel.
"We are short in every category. On the defensive side, ideally I would like every base protected by a Fusion Chaos Interceptor, and have a Chaos Copter on standby for mindworm eradication. I would also like each base to have at least two strongly armored sentinel garrisons, plus an empath squad, again for Mindworm control.
"On the offensive side, we need more armored vehicles and artillery, more Penetrators, offensive copters, more drop shock troop brigades, and we need to be constantly upgrading and refitting our 47th infantry.
"Training Camp is about to commission our third Probe Team to complement our current two. I would like to see more.
"And I have not even mentioned our navy. Command of Chiron's oceans are vital to our eventual domination of The Hive, and as they develop their needlejet capability, we will need to ensure that our cruisers and skimships are AAA protected.
"The onus therefore falls on you, the Governors and Administrators, to ensure that our military needs are met, without losing sight of the need to establish the necessary base facilities to encourage population growth, keep our drones occupied and productive and yet continue to stimulate the research needed to keep us ahead of the other factions.
"This is a tall order, I know. But you have come through in the past, and I am confident that together we will prevail again.
"Only the strong survive. We must be the strongest. Good night".
Santiago's holo held steady for a moment, then faded.
Alfredo stood up again.
"Well, we know what is expected of us all. Let's go forward and deliver on these expectations.
"Meeting adjourned."
The holo faded and Betty and Otto were looking at the blank table top.
Otto said:
"The Fusion Lab. We're not too far along that we will be wasting mineral allocations if we change. What would make most sense militarily?"
"Well," Betty replied, "let's look at this logically.
"We're a mining town, so we can produce the necessary minerals for a hi-tech production. We're only 40,000 in population, and mostly miners, so we're probably not fertile ground for drop troops or missile batteries. Our schools are average, and we have no college or university, no laboratory, and as a result our contribution to the research scientists is low. We manufacture. That's what we are good at."
Otto chimed in;
"And without significant expenditure on our landing strip we really aren't much good for stationing Penetrators here. An interceptor, maybe, but not Pens."
Betty took up the theme:
"So it's a toss up between armor and copters?"
"Yes," Otto replied. "And the scientist who is here supervising the construction of the fusion lab is from Commanders Keep, where they've been producing copters for a couple of years now. We could retain him, and switch production fairly efficiently."
Betty made the decision.
"Announce it tomorrow. We'll salvage as much of the Fusion Lab materials as possible, but gear up to produce Chaos Copters."
Otto nodded his agreement.
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited July 14, 1999).]
July 14, 1999, 03:09
Local Time: 22:26
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
The apron at Fort Superiority was almost as crowded as the messhall.
The three huge Fusion Penetrators of Dusty Rhodes, Bearcat Brewster and Bert Evans were lined up on one side, and facing them were the two Interceptors of Dexter Patterson and Jill Hughes, and the tactical needlejet of Lisa Mayberry.
They had become quite a tourist attraction for the base's population. When they were Lab Three, the third University faction base to be built, they had been renowned for the quality of their scientific research, and had state of the art biology laboratories and fusion labs - and this had been one of the reasons why they had been selected to embark on the Cyborg Factory Secret Project.
However the University had been slow to develop synthetic fossil fuels, and had been beaten in the race to take to the skies by the Spartans. This had been one of the turning points at the tail end of the Twenty Year Spartan-University war of 2188-2207. The rushed prototypes of University needlejets were easily disposed of by the more seasoned Spartan pilots, many of whom still crewed in the SAF.
The Lab Three - now Fort Superiority - citizens still remembered the contrails above their Base as the needlejet battles took place, and some had lost loved ones and friends when the inferior University planes were downed by the Spartan aces.
Rancour still ran deep at the Base, but to a research community the march of science as evidenced by these magnificent war machines was a powerful drawing card that brought them rubbernecking to the perimeter of the Aerospace Center to gaze on the giant, coldly efficient and eerily beautiful killing machines.
They didn't have to love the crews, though, and some made their feelings felt by crossing the street when aircrew walked past, or by spitting in the dirt behind them.
All but one.
The Governor's son, Alex.
He was in love.
He had met the most beautiful woman the night before at the holotheatre - she was one of the Fusion Interceptor pilots. He still tingled from her touch on his head, the contact his leg had made with hers, the playful kiss on the cheek she had given him and the promise she had made that they would go out together and "do something" without her boring sidekicks hanging around.
He had been there alone, sitting in the middle of a row when they had arrived, four women out for a night on the town. Jill Hughes had led the way, choosing his row with only three vacant seats either side. She'd come up to him, ruffled his hair, and said huskily "Move over one, darling, or I'll be sitting on your lap."
He'd looked up into the face of the girl he realized he'd always dreamed about. Green eyed, blonde long hair, and a figure to kill for. He moved along the row two seats. Jill moved to sit right next to him, and for two hours she'd flirted unashamedly with Alex as the holo ran. He couldn't remember much of it.
They'd invited him for a java afterwards, and he'd gone with them. The talk was rather boring, all about the missing pilot, Julia, who seemed to be related to their leader, and their commanding officer, also missing. Alex hadn't been following that kefuffle that had occupied his father and some of the military trooping in and out of the Governor's Residence, but he gathered from the conversation that the girls idolized their CO - but didn't particularly like Julia.
As he listened he became more interested, and thought of a way that he could perhaps impress Jill. They were frustrated that the military was concentrating more on the threat from the Hive forces than in rescuing their CO, and discussed a plan that some of the Penetrator pilots were dreaming up. This would involve stealing a Rover, equipping it with drop pods or chutes, and flying a Pen over their last known position and dropping the transportation to them. One Interceptor and one Pen would then be airborne at all times to shepherd the rover back to base with its prized crew. But where could they get a rover at such short notice?
Alex interrupted their conversation:
"I can get you one," he said. They all turned to look at him.
"You, how?" said Tricia, the oldest of the group.
"You didn't know, but I'm the Governor's son," Alex said. "I can get the keys to the vehicle pool and appropriate a rover for the Governor's use, so it won't even be stolen."
"You're wonderful", Jill had said, leaning closer and kissing him on the cheek.
They made arrangements for Alex to deliver the rover the next day to the Aerospace Center.
Now it was morning, and as Alex lay in bed, he wondered: 'Technically it won't be stealing to appropriate the rover, but it will be stealing the keys. What in heck have I let myself in for'
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited August 17, 1999).]
July 14, 1999, 03:49
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: of Candle'Bre
Posts: 8,664
The comm-link chirped a third time before he realized what it was.
He came out of his slumber slowly. Such a deep, much needed sleep.
He sighed and looked at the clock.
Three-thirty in the morning.
Whoever it was, *whatever* it was, it had better damnned well be important. He was an old man. Needed his beauty sleep.
"Yes?" He said groggily.
"It is I....Master Yoshi...."
That got him up with a start.
"Yoshi, you old has-been....what the hell are you doing? And why call so late.....er.....early....er...whatever the hell it is."
"I call to inform you that your friend, Commander Allardyce, may be in more danger than you realize."
Gavin’s eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, Yoshi....what did you hear."
"Ashaandi’s Circle has been mobilized. One of their number is, even now, making his way toward the crash site."
His heart nearly froze. The Circle of Ashaandi was among the most feared and most talented networks of assassins anywhere on Chiron.
"Are you sure? Was your source reliable?"
But of course he already knew the answer to that question. Yoshi would not have bothered to contact him at all if it had been anything less than ironclad. They went back a long time. Longer than anyone realized, and Yoshi owed Gavin his life. Pulled him out of a burning Rover and, rather than taking him back to base for interrogation, he patched him up as best he could (spent four extra days in the field nursing him back to reasonable health), and then helped him back to his unit.
He could never say for sure why he hadn’t reeled him in for interrogation. Just didn’t seem like the thing to do. Yoshi wasn’t a threat to anybody, and chances were good that he didn’t know anything, either. Not as tight-lipped as Yang’s commanders were.
And it turned out to be a good investment, too. Over the years, Yoshi had provided him with invaluable information about the disposition of Yang’s forces.
He had never meant to cultivate an informant for the Spartans, but that’s exactly what happened, and he now saw Yoshi as being more Spartan than Hive.
"Gavin....they are sending Sand out."
"But I thought...."
"No....the reports were mistaken. He vanished for three years, but has returned. Apparently, better than ever."
He fought back a shiver.
He was an oldster, too.
He had been with Yang on Landing day, that much was certain. Everything else about the man was a complete mystery.
Yoshi looked behind him furitively. "I must depart, my friend....take good care of yourself, and pray for Commander Allardyce. He will need it."
The transmission ended. The screen went dark.
Gavin sat, trying to get his breathing regular.
It was unbelievable.
Over the years, he had been responsible for dozens, no *hundreds* of terrorist attacks and political assassinations. And now he was coming.
Coming to Spartan Lands.
Coming for his friend.
He lay back on his bed and let out a long breath.
There was no one in his command capable of dealing with the likes of Sand. If he sent the platoon from his Dragon Company out, and if they encountered the assassin, he was almost certainly signing their death warrants.
He sat back up and chimed in on Elizabeth. She looked adorable when she was sleepy.
She came awake quickly enough though, when she saw who it was.
"Sir, what is it?"
"I need you to get all my other Batallion commanders on the horn right away. We’ll need the entire 47th together, I think, especially based on the latest reports. Yang looks to be serious, and I don’t want to go off half ****ed. Or, quarter ****ed, as it stands right now. I want them here, and I want them here triple time. Make sure they understand."
"I will sir."
She paused for a moment and bit her lip.
"There’s something else though. Isn’t there."
"Yes." He sighed. "I don’t do this often, and I’m not happy about doing it now, but get me Santiago. Wake her."
Elizabeth looked stunned for a moment, and the screen darkened.
Less than a minute later, the face of Santiago appeared on his viewscreen. If she had been sleeping, she certainly did not look it.
"It trust, Marshal, that you have good reason for contacting me so informally, and at such an hour?"
"I do, Ma’am." He said heavily, and he paused.
Santiago, who was not known for her patience, watied.
"It’s Sand."
That got her attention, and then he told her the rest, then he went to find Gecko.
July 14, 1999, 04:39
Local Time: 06:26
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Groningen, Holland
Posts: 171
There was no need to further encode the message. The protection of Channel Zero was unbreakable. Amazingly, the technology was basically 20th century Earth, and it was still known by its old name - PGP.
* * * * *
To: PsychOps Commander
From: 1st Wing Commander
Relaying all personal files of StJames and Burge on previous contacts with the Ashaandi Circle as requested. We remain at your disposal for further conferral.
Dear friend,
I don't have to tell you that this is not just a military action by the Circle. It is deeply personal. You, Gavin, Googlie and I were all there when we first encountered this butcher, and it was Googlie who finally nailed him down at the Planet Council that time, after you painted him.
We thought he was dead. He isn't. Zak knows what the man must look like after that frying. But he's out there, and it's Googlie he's after.
Let's move.
Numquam turbae misceri
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