August 13, 1999, 13:50
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The Spartan Chronicles: The Chiron Archives
this is a site for all paper work and documents to go
note: i will edit this post into a proper introduction later
August 13, 1999, 15:17
Local Time: 05:27
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SPARTAN 2ND ARMOR ORDER OF BATTLE and CASTE OF CHARACTERS (incomplete - will be updated)
2nd Armor Field Marshal: Lui Wang, Sparta Command
· Rolling Thunder, 6 (now 4) brigades of fusion chaos rover brigades, commanded by Captain Rau Kosarau, based out of Assassin's Redoubt
· Lightning Strike, 8 fusion chaos rover brigades, commanded by Captain Melanie (Mel) Casaroni, based out of Ft. Superiority
Rolling Thunder Brigade List:
· Rover 4 'Rumble' - fusion chaos rover
· Rover 6 'Blue Death' - fusion chaos
· Rover 19 'Knife Strike' - fusion chaos synthmetal
· Rover 21 'Lightning' - fusion chaos synthmetal,
· Rover 22 'Firestorm' - fusion chaos synthmetal
· Rover 24 'Deth Shock' - fusion chaos synthmetal,
· Needlejet 1 'Aardvark 1' - fission missle needlejet,
· Needlejet 2 'Aardvark 2' - fission missle needlejet,
Markus Aurelius - pilot, Rover 21 "Lightning", Spartan Rolling Thunder Squadron
· Age: 25, Short cropped black hair, 1.9 m tall, dark complexion
· Adopted when a small child, bioparents are not known and are believed dead, adoptive parents are Sarah and Mickael Aurelius who are mechfarmers/treefarmers at Assassin's Redoubt
Mary Belfontaine - engineer and comm officer, Rover 21 "Lightning", Spartan Rolling Thunder Squadron
· Age: 27, short cropped brown hair, 5' 2" tall, slight build
· Intuitive engineer
Louis 'Ahab' Walker - weapons officer, Rover 21 "Lightning", Spartan Rolling Thunder Squadron
· Age: 29, non-reg shoulder length 'dirty blond' hair, 'triangular' build
· Loves big guns but little else, evolved a deep hatred for mindworms while serving on Rover 21 due to near-death experience and feelings of ineptitude as a result of the attack, this nurosis earned him the name 'Ahab' from Captain Rao, Lou never cared to find out what 'Ahab' meant
Marciel Ortega - junior pilot/weapons officer, Rover 21 "Lightning", Spartan Rolling Thunder Squadron, Redeployed to Assassin's Redoubt after critical injury during mindworm attack
Rao Kosarau - Captain of Rover 21 "Lightning", Commander of Spartan Rolling Thunder Squadron
· Age: 57, black hair greying at temples, 5'7", very fit, wiry build
· Dedicated Spartan, holds military ideal to be the most noble goal, expert pilot and experienced engineer
[This message has been edited by Hydro (edited August 13, 1999).]
August 13, 1999, 16:27
Local Time: 05:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 141
Great idea. I've tried several times to print the entire story so far but have been always ended up stymied by rogue posts - someone who has used a different font or character string that's sent the print over the margins.
I've downloaded as .Txt files, but that needs a month's editing.
If there were somewhere it could be available as a .doc format story or even an edited .txt that would be wonderful.
Is that what you had in mind?
August 13, 1999, 18:39
Local Time: 05:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 67
Great idea, Korn.
Watch this space for details on the ins and outs of Peacekeeper politics.
August 13, 1999, 19:11
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everything stated could be on this site. here's an example of what i was thinking
example post
Terms of the Hive-Sparta Non-aggression pact of 2879.
2.blah blah
3.blah blah blah
signed by
end of example
however this could be the site where all long discussions that have little direct story telling value but have long term meaning to the spartan chronicles could be.
here's some thoughts of i've had. ok in the SMAC datalinks it list the book by Zak "For I Have tasted the fruit" this could be the site where we put up chapters of that book, or where we could put up a book for Honshu. it could be the place where we put up the Spartan Field Manule on armor tactics. we could house secret SISF documents in here. also we could put up map links and .doc links. alot of things could be on this site, especially those things that don't really fit into the chronicles but still pertain to the story. if you wanna write Miriam's secret diary, it would slow down the Spartan chronicles but that diary could be an interesting reading, and with a hyper link you could mention miriam's diary and then link it to the specific post.
this is the place where the Spartan Ministry of Housing could put up it's annul report, stuff that adds to the story, but kept here in the Chiron Arhives so it doesn't make the story needlessy clumsy.
additionally i will be updating my wensite soon and making it kewler. plus is someone would like to put the Spartan Chronicles into a .doc file i'll house it on my site for now. also i'm going to create a mailing list for the spartan chronicles for people interested in it (not counting us).
[This message has been edited by korn469 (edited August 13, 1999).]
August 13, 1999, 20:12
Local Time: 22:27
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At the risk of sending you tearing your hair out (oh no, not the map again) any chance of getting the other sea bases inserted somewhere (anywhere logical will do)
If they - or some - secede to a Free Sparta then they might become crucial to the tale.
to remind you, the sea bases are:
Fleet Anchorage
Admiralty Base (already placed as the southernmost base)
Fleet base
Sea Outpost
I guess "anywhere" was relative. They should obviously not be south of Admiralty Base. Can you place Sea Outpost in the inlet to the east, by Defiance Freehold (ie closest base to the PK's). Thanks.
The "should there be more land south of Fort Soup or should we re-edit to place the action somewhere else" question is still outstanding.
I haven't gone back and edited my Fort Legion story which had it as an interior base with a strong mining bent. I could redo that story as another base (Janissary Rock, maybe)
The documents and supporting stuff site sounds great. But it means that I would have to go and write the Charter of Rights and Freedom of 2199. (or cut and paste the Canadian one  )
[This message has been edited by Googlie (edited August 13, 1999).]
August 14, 1999, 02:57
Local Time: 01:27
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Location: of Meridian Hill, Washington D.C.
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Are we getting a section on the sight? Or is it going to be lumped in? Will they accept various other items such as illustrations/schematics/city diagrams/etc.. or will we have to go find a place for them?
August 16, 1999, 04:04
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I've got the entire chronicles in a *.doc format (word 97). It needs a bit of work to get consistent formatting throughout, but the file is available if someone has the time to format it, I afraid I don't.
Did you know the Chronicles now run to 215 pages of A4?
Sterling effort guys.
August 17, 1999, 14:11
Local Time: 06:27
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I've got a (rather old) version of the Chronicles in Word 97 up at my site on
I'm willing to be a format / spelling / grammar editor, if we think one is necessary. I'll just be using Word 97's spell and gramm checks, so nothing fancy.
Let me know,
Numquam turbae misceri
August 17, 1999, 14:17
Local Time: 05:27
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Location: Winfield, IL, USA
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Spartan Chronicles Reference Guide
Distance: One tile on the Spartan Chronicles map is equal to approximately 370 kms (230 miles)
Time: There are 532 Chiron days in a Chiron year. Each day is 18 Chiron hours long (each Chiron hour is very close to an Earth hour). The Chiron year is divided into 14 38-day months.
Time ‘fudge’ factor: The time frame used for events in the Spartan Chronicles are accelerated with respect to the game by a factor of approximately 10:1. This applies to movement, combat, and production. This was done to enhance the pace of the serial.
[This message has been edited by Hydro (edited August 26, 1999).]
August 19, 1999, 11:20
Local Time: 06:27
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Posts: 171
A new version of the Spartan Chronicles file (Word 97) is now up at
It is actual up to Googlie and Gavin chatting about the longevity thing.
Almost 1,5 Mb now, zipped one third of that. 355 pages A4, probably a bit less on the American format - mind that when you're printing, I forgot to adjust.
I did the grammar check, but I was quite gentle  .
Numquam turbae misceri
August 19, 1999, 11:55
Local Time: 05:27
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Yearly Timeline for the Spartan Chronicles
Landing by Seven Factions on Chiron (2100)
Hive-Believer War (2216-2127)
Spartan-UoP War (2129-2145)
Spartan-U.N. (2141-2144)
Hive-Gaian War (2142-2146)
Spartan/U.N.-Hive War (2143-2158)
Gaian-Morgan War (2153-2164)
Gaian-Morgan War (2176-2179)
Hive/Morgan-Gaian(U.N.) War (2180-2192)
Spartan-UoP War (2188-2207)
[This message has been edited by Hydro (edited August 26, 1999).]
August 19, 1999, 14:24
Local Time: 22:27
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Masterful job (all 354 pages - WOW)
Downloaded perfectly for me.
Hydro - I'll e-mail you the file You do need Word97 to read it.
August 20, 1999, 03:55
Local Time: 06:27
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Location: Groningen, Holland
Posts: 171
Cast of charactersNon-military
Salvador St James; Colonel (ret.) - Status: CO of 1st Wing until the Allardyce rescue fiasco. After that, ambassador in spe to Morgan.
- Birth and background: unknown. Lander; was present at Corazón Santiago's graduation from the military academy back on Earth. Nicknamed The Gecko for his (previously) weathered face.
- Romantically involved with Patricia McMillan; formerly involved with Shannon Lindly (Gaian).
Patricia McMillan; Admiral(ret.) - Status: CO of North Fleet until the escalation of the Hive conflict; after that, uncertain role in Spartan/Morganite relations.
- Birth and background: Sparta Command, 2107. Graduated Naval Academy 2130. Nicknamed "Trawler" McMillan for her unusual prowess in "trawling" Isles of the Deep and Unity pods.
- Romantically involved with Salvador St James.
Delcampo family: Len, Dot, Lise, Tom Meadows - Len and Tom are part of a terraformer crew near Hawk of Chiron. Dot works in the worker's restaurant. Lise works at the crew's overseer's office.
- Tom and Lise are engaged.
1st Wing
Eugene Levavassier, Colonel - Status: CO. Doubles as Governor ad interim of Hawk of Chiron base.
- Birth and background: 2176, Sparta Command. Graduated Military Academy 2199, Academy of Medicine 2222.
- Romantic attachments obscure. An inveterate networker.
Driss El-Khaled, Captain - Status:acting XO, pilot of Chaos Chopper "Meknes"
- Birth and background: Hero's Waypoint, 2186. Of Moroccan descent. Graduated Aerospace Academy 2207, Academy of Medicine 2207.
Sheila Cartesius, Captain, chief mechanic
Ni Gusti Nyoman Wenten, Captain, pilot of VTOL needlejet "Nyepi"
Giannis Seferis, Captain, pilot of VTOL needlejet "Eleutheria"
Mikel Etxevarria, Lieutenant, Meknes crew
Kyalo Mwatu, Lieutenant, Meknes crew
Arihclinn O'Cathaoir, Lieutenant, Nyepi crew
Massimiliana Giacomazzi, Lieutenant, Eleutheria crew
Jeremy, private, junior mechanic
"Under (Continuous) Construction"
Numquam turbae misceri
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited August 20, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited August 21, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Tokek Belerang (edited August 21, 1999).]
October 21, 1999, 14:38
Local Time: 00:27
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Midway through the twenty-first century Earth was a dying planet. It was war torn, disease ridden, and famine plagued. Humanity had two choices, travel to the stars or face extinction. For once, the better side of mankind came through, and under United Nations supervision, the planet earth put aside their differences constructing a colony ship. Even while nations warred against each other, they all supported the colonization effort. The hard work paid off when the colony ship, named the U.N.S. Unity, was finally ready to go.
In the year 2060, mankind struck out for the stars. The final destination was the Alpha Centauri star system, earth's closest neighbor. Orbiting the twin suns of Alpha Centauri was a lush planet brimming with life. Upon entering the star system forty years later, the U.N.S. Unity suffered a massive mechanical failure, and things began to look bleak for the colonists.
Using all of their ingenuity, the colonist managed to bring the Unity close enough to the planet to make a risky landing. However during the chaos, assassins killed the legitimate U.N. leader of the colonization effort. With Captain Garland's death, the promise of a fresh start for mankind started slipping away. Fighting broke out on the Unity, and the situation became critical. Instead of angel's landing in this new Garden of Eden, serpents fell from the sky.
When the confusion finally cleared, the colonists had split into eight separate groups, each making their own individual decent to Planet. One of the falling colony pods had a hull failure and burnt up in the atmosphere of the new world killing all of those colonists. On the surface of the new world were seven separate factions, split along different philosophies, each ready to die for their cause. Each ready to kill.
As the damaged and dying Unity sped away into the cold darkness of space, man started anew on the surface of the planet. Without the massive databanks on the unity, without most of the carefully prepared systems, each different faction had to rely on their wits to survive.
For a time, each separate colony was small and completely isolated. They had no idea what had happened to the others, for all they knew they could have been the last people left alive in the universe.
The new world was hospitable and kind to man. However, it wasn't perfect, the atmosphere was lethal if a person was exposed to it for long periods without the aide of a respirator. Soon people came across indigenous life forms; the planet was covered in many parts in a thick fungus. Most were small and harmless but certain life forms called mindworms did live in the fungus, and they attacked any humans they encounter, paralyzing the victim with some sort of psychic attack. They would then bore into a human’s brain and devour their brains. The only defense against these monsters was pure courage and mental fortitude.
Mankind learned to live with, and in some cases live in harmony with the native life. Years passed, and the colonists finally started reestablishing contact with each other. Three of the Colony pods had landed on a large continent in the Southern Hemisphere of the planet. They were the True Believers led by Sister Miriam; the Human Hive led by Chairman Yang, and the Stepdaughters of Gaia led by Lady Deirde.
To a smaller continent, just to the north of the first group landed another colony Pod. It was the Centauri Monopoly led by the charismatic industrialist CEO Morgan. To the Northwest of Morgan landed Pravin Lal. He led a faction following the original vision of the U.N. mission. To Lal's west (or Yangs's Northeast) was a large continent that two factions landed on. One was the Spartan Federation led by Colonel Santiago; the other was University of Planet led by the Academician Prokhor Zakharov.
Soon, wars broke out, alliances formed and each faction sought to establish dominance over the other. After 125 years on Planet (which the colonist named Chiron), two factions had been conquered, and the rest were thriving, although the Gaians had barely managed to escape from Yang's armies. The Spartan Federation and the Human Hive were the most powerful factions on planet. And were locked in a bitter rivalry, the situation had started becoming unstable between them, poised on the brink of rediscovering some of the most promising technologies lost to the colonist hung the specter of a world wide war.
[This message has been edited by korn469 (edited October 21, 1999).]
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