Recent reports from various news sources across the region:
(OOC: bn away far too long, gf commitments

West True Obliterated
A large area of True Island had been completely obliterated in what appears to be a massive napalm attack. While, officially uninhabited, reports are coming in that several small burnt-out vessels line the shoreline.
Ceroo Claims Responsibility
The Vice-President announced that the Cerooan airforce had been involved in the True Island incident and that Ceroo were responsible. Apparently, the terrorists who orchestrated the theft of the highly dangerous biological weapon were the target. "The risks ere calculated and after much consulation we decided this was a safe way to destroy the weapon and the terrorists" he commented.
True Colony CM resigns
Natalie Williams, True Colony's representative to the Ceroo government resigned, venting her disgust at the decision to launch such a dramatic strike on True Colony's soil.
President Sid leaves True Colony
Having been on a state visit for some time, Cerooan president Sid de Ceroo has left True Colony to return to Ceroo amid fears over security.
True Colony Eject Viceroy
Viceroy Adam Small was exiled from True Colony as the populace of True Island rise against Ceroo.
Ceroo re-opens all ports
Ceroo's Transport Secretary announces that 'normal service will resume' at Ceroo's ports and airports following the end of the recent crisis.
Curia Building Under Siege
Scores of angry Cerooans vented their anger at the ruling Cerooan Democrat party, barracading the Curia Building and not letting anybody pass in or out. Upset with the handling of the recent crisis and the invasion of privacy and breach of civil rights during the house-to-house searches, Christopher Sadler de Ico Ceru led a protest, which quickly escalated into a major civil disturbance. The feelings were echoed acroos the country as riots broke out in Newport, and other government buildings were beseiged and vandalised in Ico Ceru, Cair Emmar, and Fersea. Quick to jump on the rising wave of opinion against the current government, Safid de Fersea called for Ceroo to 'unite in the forthcoming elections' and to elect the Liberal Democrat party, promising to 'reinstall the Curia system and end the undemocratic Republic-style system'.
Imperial Reformation Party Gain Support
Ceroo's thrid largest political party, The Imperial Reformation Party, led by Tiaten de Ceroo, son of the former Emporer, appear to have gained massive support, following their stance against The Cerooan Democrats and their handling of the recent crisis.
Their policies state that should they gain power in next weeks' election, they will disband the current system of govenrmemt, and install Tiaten as Emporer. However, analysts are predicting a massive landslide for the Liberals.
President backs cabinet
"The way the cabinet and forces acted in my abscence, and in the traking and elimation of these terrorists has my full support. While it is a shame such a large area of rainforest was destroyed on True Island, it is more of a relief that these people did not get to use this weapon and endanger many more inoccent human lives, while I was out of contact, in the remote True Colony, the Vice President had to make swift decisions and acted decisively, and in my opinion, correctly, in that the threat from these terrorists has now been greatly reduced." He said in a statment to the ANN.
It is believed after the elections, the President will try returning to True Colony to negotiate reparations.