[10:08] (GT^AT> Yes, we always have a use for spare needlejet chassis...
[10:08] (GT^AT> And I just destroyed a stack of ~7 ive infantry with some choppers near The Hive/TLH.
[10:08] (GT^AT> * Hive
[10:09] (GT^AT> This is fun...
[10:09] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Hm, if I had knew how much our pop grows every turn, I could predict how many turns thill > 75%
[10:09] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> *if I knew
[10:09] (GT^AT> It will change every turn.
[10:09] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> It does?
[10:09] (GT^AT> However, it's grown by about 80 sicne last turn.
[10:09] (herc2> It mus tbe near the end
[10:09] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Ah, yes, some bases meet nut limits
[10:09] (GT^AT> And, yes, it will, because some bases will hit their limits.
[10:10] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> right
[10:11] (herc2> Gasp, wait,
[10:11] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> hm?
[10:11] (herc2> excitement
[10:11] (GT^AT> Ok, I sank that Beleivert cruiser that was causing so much pain...
[10:11] (GT^AT> * Believer
[10:11] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:13] (herc2> Must be close now
[10:16] (GT^AT> 2283 complete.
[10:16] (GT^AT> Got Digital Sentience.
[10:16] (GT^AT> We now have the opportunity to go Cybernetic, but sadly we can't...
[10:17] (GT^AT> What's next?
[10:17] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Self-aware machines
[10:17] (GT^AT> Not available.
[10:17] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Centauri Genetics, then
[10:17] (GT^AT> Right.
[10:18] (GT^AT> Vote total has hit 1302.
[10:18] (GT^AT> Deirdre: 83.
[10:18] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> we do have the prereqs for Self-Aware Machines, I guess it just got randomly picked out of the options...
[10:18] (GT^AT> Yang: 165.
[10:18] (herc2> Yeah Ok Cent gene
[10:18] (GT^AT> Morgan: 52.
[10:18] (GT^AT> Santiago: 92.
[10:18] (GT^AT> Miriam: 102.
[10:18] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> 72.5%
[10:19] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> few more turns...
[10:19] (ColdWizard> 72.49

[10:19] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> oh please

[10:19] (herc2> yeah getting there
[10:19] (ColdWizard> does the game round up?
[10:20] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> 72.49443207%

[10:20] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> It counts three fourths
[10:20] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> so yes it does
[10:20] (GT^AT> Nano Factory will be buit next turn.
[10:20] (GT^AT> * built
[10:20] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> but I think 74.94% won't necessarily suffice... so we'll be playing sure
[10:21] (herc2> good to know you're still with us calculating ColdWizard
[10:22] (GT^AT> Was there a poll regarding the Cybernetic Backbone?
[10:22] (GT^AT> Network Backbone, rather.
[10:22] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> we didn't have the tech yet
[10:22] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> but I think we should build it, score score score
[10:22] (GT^AT> Yes.
[10:22] (GT^AT> I've put it in the Concordia queue.
[10:23] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> this be odd
[10:23] * herc3 has joined #smacdg
[10:23] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Cedayon ordered Pholus Mutagen to Aurora
[10:23] (herc3> back I think
[10:23] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> But we need CentGen to build it

[10:23] (GT^AT> Ignore it.
[10:24] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> I will, just something that caught my eye
[10:25] * Kassiopeia[DirSci] pokes ColdWizard with a TI-86 *
[10:26] (GT^AT> Destroyed a Beleiver infantry unit norht of Solaris with a rover.
[10:26] * ColdWizard has a Qualifier Plus IIx

[10:26] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> I have a Casio 7450G actually...
[10:26] (GT^AT> 2283 completel (again; why does it do that?)
[10:26] (herc3> intrigued? what's a TI-86
[10:26] * Kassiopeia[DirSci] shrugs *
[10:26] (ColdWizard> and a bunch of graphing calculators somewhere
[10:26] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Texas Instruments 86 graphical calculator
[10:27] (GT^AT> Just had an IoD attack Espirit Del Aqua.
[10:27] (GT^AT> Needless to say, it was kiled.
[10:27] (GT^AT> * killed
[10:27] (herc3> Of Course Texas instruments
[10:27] (ColdWizard> i might have a TI-86

[10:27] (GT^AT> CEO Morgan just convened the Planetary Council to discuss a Global Trade Pact.
[10:27] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> This Casio is on loan though, I used to have a TI-35 function calculator
[10:27] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Ooh, who's the DFA? Herc?
[10:28] (GT^AT> He voted for, Deirdre abstained, and Yang, Miriam and Santiago voted against.
[10:28] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> ohh... so it's irrelevant what we vote
[10:28] (GT^AT> We'll vote YEA anyway.
[10:28] (GT^AT> Just to make a point.
[10:28] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> yeah, we are still vendetta'd with half the Planet though
[10:28] (GT^AT> And those who voted against will be harshly punished when we become Supreme LEader.
[10:28] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:29] * Kassiopeia[DirSci] realises he'll become the Supreme Science Director of the Planet

[10:29] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> And DBTS will be our great leader... :kindascared:
[10:29] (ColdWizard>

[10:29] (GT^AT> Got the Universal Translator.
[10:29] (herc3> yeah
[10:30] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Uuh, techs
[10:30] (GT^AT> ot Centauri Genetics from that.
[10:30] (herc3> especially as he's not here
[10:30] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Self-Aware Machines next
[10:30] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> If not SAM, then CentPsi methinks
[10:30] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> It's just that SAM has two SPs with it :§§§:
[10:31] (GT^AT> Got SAM too, moving on to Centauri Psi.
[10:31] (herc3> tech heaven
[10:31] (GT^AT> And also built the Nano Factory.
[10:31] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> excellent, churn out them SPs
[10:32] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> I think we *could* scurry off from the ordered tech path in case there are lucrative SP techs available
[10:32] (GT^AT> Ok, I've upgraded our choppers to have Shard.
[10:33] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> for instance, instead of SentEcon we could build The Will to Power
[10:33] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> ehm
[10:33] (GT^AT> Our income is enarly at 1600, btw.
[10:33] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> research
[10:33] (herc3> Wipes eye from delight
[10:33] (GT^AT> Pop score 1356.
[10:34] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> hm, not enough
[10:34] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> I think we need at least 1400
[10:34] * herc2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[10:34] (herc3> well it is within reach soon
[10:34] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> hm, actually, we might need over 1500
[10:34] (GT^AT> Just sank a Gaian Impact Destroyer off our eastern coast with a Shard Interceptor.
[10:35] (ColdWizard> over 1500 seems likely
[10:35] (GT^AT> Shall I order the Self-Aware Colony in DEM?
[10:35] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Sure thing
[10:35] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> And Nessus Mining Colony somewhere
[10:35] (herc3> yes
[10:36] (GT^AT> 'm building NMCs where I used to build sats.
[10:36] (GT^AT> * I'm
[10:36] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:36] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Hmm, I think we should really research The Will to Power next
[10:37] (GT^AT> btw, Morgan seems to have called off his nuclear program.
[10:37] (herc3> As long as it doesn't contarveen Akiria and Ayrillion orders
[10:37] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:37] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> well, orders can be canned...
[10:37] (herc3> contravene
[10:38] (herc3> yes
[10:38] (GT^AT> btw, our power rankings hae just shot off the chart.
[10:38] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> well, we *are* building SPs and growing like mad
[10:39] (GT^AT> Ok, next turn the U flag will be flying over The ELader's Horde.
[10:39] (GT^AT> * UN
[10:39] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:39] (ColdWizard> i think we need more than 1550
[10:39] (GT^AT> That should change once we have TLH.
[10:39] (GT^AT> It will cut down on Yang's score, at least.
[10:39] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> I calculated that over 1600 would be a pretty safe bet, 1700 would be enough to be sure
[10:39] (herc3> I tlloks good
[10:40] (herc3> looks
[10:40] (GT^AT> Just destroyed a couple more Hive infantry wandering around near TLH.
[10:41] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Hm, do we have the Empathy Guild?
[10:42] (GT^AT> Yes.
[10:42] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> It's just that capturing, say, 10 citizens from Yang will deduct 10 votes from him and add 25 - 30 to us

[10:42] (GT^AT> Got tia ges ago.
[10:42] (GT^AT> Yep.
[10:42] (GT^AT> * it ages
[10:43] (herc3> didn't know tha t
[10:43] (GT^AT> Ok, I'm going to cash-rush the Self-Aware Colony.
[10:43] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> well, we get the 10 pop, but being Peacekeepers it's doubled, and the Empathy Guild adds 50% more
[10:44] (GT^AT> Will cost about 1000 ECs.
[10:44] (GT^AT> Well, 740 actually...
[10:44] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> dunno wheter the 50% increase is applied on the bare pop score or the doubled figure
[10:44] (herc3> Yes why not
[10:44] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> yes, go ahead
[10:45] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> an energy market crash will probably reduce our reservers to 260 credits soon anyway

[10:45] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> *reserves
[10:45] (GT^AT> Ah, what the hell, I'll do the same with the Netork Backbone.
[10:45] (GT^AT> Deirdre just
[10:46] (GT^AT> Deirdre just 'liberated' Autumn Grove with a Mind Control Probe.
[10:46] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> And the base belonged to...?
[10:46] (GT^AT> A Hive jet just destroyed one of our formers norht of Solaris

[10:46] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> *cough* all your base are belong to us *cough*
[10:46] (GT^AT> Kassi: the Spartans. They took it from the Gaians.
[10:47] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Ah, alright
[10:47] (GT^AT> Anyway, Morgan just called us up.
[10:47] (herc3> I am here still
[10:47] (GT^AT> He's Magnaminous, warned us that he ahs Conventional Misisles (oh no, I'm so scared...), and wants us to give him Industrial Nano-Robotics.
[10:47] (GT^AT> Give it, or not?
[10:48] * GT^AT slaps herc3 around a bit with a large trout
[10:48] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> hm, doesn't look like a crucial tech (my opinion as DirSci)
[10:48] (herc3> he can't do any thing with it any ways
[10:48] (GT^AT> So, give it?
[10:48] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> just robotic assembly plants
[10:48] (herc3> yes
[10:49] (GT^AT> Oops. I clicked refuse, but he didn't do anything...
[10:49] (GT^AT> Shall we offer hima Pact?
[10:49] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:49] (GT^AT> That would cut down on our required vote total.
[10:49] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> hm, perhaps, but I wouldn't still count on his votes
[10:49] (herc3> we need vote
[10:49] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> too big as an uncertainty factor imo
[10:50] (GT^AT> So, shall we offer him a Pact?
[10:50] (GT^AT> And he can be expected to Abstain, at the very least...
[10:50] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Sure, but I'd rather not count on him
[10:50] (herc3> in tha tcase
[10:50] (GT^AT> Don't, then.
[10:50] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> We must minimise the risk of losing the election
[10:50] (GT^AT> Don't count on him, that is.
[10:51] (GT^AT> So, herc, Pact or not?
[10:51] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Wouldn't a pact divide our score or something?
[10:51] (GT^AT>

[10:51] (GT^AT> Does anyone have the manual with them?
[10:51] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Do we have co-op victory on?
[10:51] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> (I do)
[10:51] (GT^AT> Yes.
[10:51] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> We do?
[10:51] (GT^AT> I think we do, anyway...
[10:52] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Just to make sure, I'd not Pact with him
[10:52] (GT^AT> afk for a bit.
[10:52] (herc3> so excluding him what is the story
[10:52] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> I'll check the manual
[10:52] (herc3> don't pact
[10:52] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Yes, don't pact
[10:52] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> If we win by diplomacy, it'll halve our score
[10:53] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> eh, I think
[10:53] (ColdWizard> no pact just to be sure
[10:53] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]>

[10:53] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Yes... the wording is a bit hazy
[10:53] (herc3> But we'll win by diplomacy
[10:53] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Pacting might also mean a few dozens of extra points, but that's rather insignificant
[10:54] (ColdWizard> he doesn't have that many votes anyhow
[10:54] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> yes, exactly
[10:54] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> the wording suggests that we might get only half the score, or that we might get full score and Morgan would get half of that... but the wording is too obscure to count on
[10:55] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> "If Co-operative victory is enabled, the Pact Sister/Brother of the winning faction will receive half of the bonus points"
[10:55] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> We might also get 13 bonus points if we pact with him, but that's insignificant
[10:56] (ColdWizard> sounds like Morgan would get half the bonus points
[10:56] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> but would we get full points?
[10:56] (GT^AT> Back.
[10:56] (GT^AT> Just ended the turn, and we got the Network Backbone.
[10:56] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> alright
[10:56] (GT^AT> Or rather, exited the conversation with Morgan.
[10:56] (herc3> does it matter Our brief is to secure Diplomatic Victory
[10:57] (GT^AT> Got Centauri Psi.
[10:57] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Uuh. The Will to Power next, please
[10:57] (GT^AT> Ok.
[10:57] * Method has joined #smacdg
[10:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
[10:57] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> It's not ordered, but it gets us an SP
[10:57] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Hey
[10:57] (GT^AT> Sentient Econometrics isn't available anyway.
[10:57] (GT^AT> ey TKG.
[10:57] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> Ah, right then
[10:57] (Method> hi
[10:57] (herc3> good to see you
[10:57] (GT^AT> Well, yes it is, but I'll keep quiet about that...

[10:57] (Method> destroy the borehole yet?
[10:58] (GT^AT> Yes.
[10:58] (Method> ok, now drug can't complain :P
[10:58] (herc3> yipppee
[10:58] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> RIP The Method Hole
[10:58] (GT^AT>
(dammit, I'm no longer acting DIA)
[10:58] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> ("Bore" omitted on purpose)
[10:58] (Method> not sure how long i'll stay
[10:58] (GT^AT> Oh f*cking hell. ANOTHER pop near DEM.
[10:58] (Method> are we actually doing orders or just ending turns?
[10:59] (Kassiopeia[DirSci]> yes, you have a tendency of disappearing just like that