It's good to know that there are folks out there who enjoy what I've wrought.
Now if I could only get it right.
If anyone wants to make the change necessary by themselves without having to download more files, there is an easy way.
1. Load up the scenario
2. Select the Russians for play. Click through all the remaining screens until the game appears. Don't move any units (lol).
3. Click on the CHEAT menu.
4. Click on YES, you do want to cheat, when the warning screen comes up.
5. Click on the EDITOR
6. Click on the UNITS editor
7. Scroll down through the units until you find the German Medium Tank unit.
8. It's current OBSOLESENCE is NOT ALLIED. That's wrong. Simply change it to NOT GERMAN.
9. Exit game.
Now then, my own experinece is that whenever you play the scenario after this, the problem is fixed. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me at the addy above.