Timeout in multiplayer LAN game
Hi, could anybody pleeease help me.
Me and a friend are playing a turnbased PTW 1.21f game in a LAN. We have reached the year 2013 and suddenly the end-turn takes extremely long time to finish. It takes so long, that the host timeout on waiting for the client. We have not experienced any problems at all with timeout prior to 2013. We have tried to load some saved games, and the end turns are no problem until we again reaches the end turn between 2012 and 2013. I have tried to uninstall and install the game again on both computers, but still the same problem. So my questions are:
1) Has anyone experienced this, and have a solution?
2) Is it poosible to change the timeout period on the host, to allow the client more time to respond?
3) (this question is not related to the problem) Is it possible to change the winning conditions in a game in progress? I forgot to uncheck the "Diplomatic victory" before we started the game, and just found out.
I hope someone could help me with this......we have more than 70 hours of fun in this game, so it would really be a shame to miss the end.