April 24, 2003, 00:43
Local Time: 17:03
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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ISDG FSGO Succession Game
This will go back to MZ'z site once things are cleared up.
2190 I recived the turn in the year 2190 with the moves already played so I just had to check slider's, build que's and then hit 'end turn.'
2150 Barracks at Bachelor Pad finished this turn. Will build Archer's for a while. For what I don't know, but I get a feeling that my predecessor wanted that...hmm, just a feeling I get.
2110 Warrior "Junior Stud Boy" was attacked by a Barb; but we were victorious! Not a scratch! Moved Settler built by my predecessor, along with "Fabio" the Wonder Warrior, to our new city site. Found a barb encampment right next to site for "Freedom City"! Continued scouting up North, not much news to report.
2070 Founded "Freedom City"; collected 25 gold from encampment due to city being built. Named new Vet Archer produced in GQ "Pierce" and moved him toward FC to help with the Barbs surrounding it.
2030 All 4 Barbs who were next to FC moved away, those cowering bastirds! I guess they don't know about the "Archer Rush" that MZ has Trademarked and that we would like some elite units for said operation! 
The Vikings would sure to be appreciative of it, won't they? 
Adonis took out a Barb camp in the North;$$CHACHING$$, thankyou very much! Kept research at 90% despite losing 2gpt due to this influx of capital to out Empire.
1990 The Vikings took out a Barb to the NorthWest of FC. No other Barbs came by. Road to FC complete. Will order worker to irrigate back towards BP so that we can get the Cattle tile near FC making some food for it. IW in one turn, so moved research slider to 50% to squeeze a little more gold out. Treasury is at 81 gold.
1950 DAMN!!! No Iron is spotted near us. (see screens) Brought new Archer out of BP, named "Twang", he's to go Barb hunting! Building Archers in both GQ and BP now; both have Barracks; Vikings will be so happy, they'll probably signs songs about it while their drinking beer! 
Adonis is continuing his scouting up North; he found a Northern Sea/ocean and is going to go West from there. Junior Stud Boy will skirt East of Greek city Sparta.
We get The Wheel in 6 turns. Pierce kills a Barb outside of FC, but no advancement though.
1910 Worker moved to make road towards Iron. "Zip" the Archer, fresh out of GQ goes with him.
Pierce attacks a Barb just outside FC loses 1 hp but no advancement.
1870 Pierce attacked barb to his West, and gained Elite status with nary a scratch! Woot!
1830 New Archer "Feather" produced in BP; to be kept there to keep happiness levels. BP now at size 5. production at BP changed to settler. I tried to get Myticism and Masonry (M&M's)  from Babylon for IW; but no deal; they don't want to give away any of their candy!  Junior Stud Boy was moved into their territory nest to Niniveh on th eprevious turn; Hammurabi ploitely asked that he be removed. I responded "Ok, but just this once pal!"
1790 Continued scouting. Continued worker movement to build road towards iron The Wheel complete next turn; research put at 60%.
1750 Not much happening, reserach put back to 90% (lose 1 gpt) Continued scouting and Adonis found a Settler and a Warrior with Babylonian markings trouncing through the North, Adonis want to "Harrass" them a bit, I say fine
1700 New Archer :Stinger" made in GQ. Spearmen "Chef Oscar" made in FC. Fabio's presence was requested in Bachelor Pad, many throngs of women threatne to revolt if he did not come immediatley! Settler finished in BP production back to Archer.
1675 Scouting continues, keeping an eye on that Baylonian settler/Warrior. Moving our own settler to new city site.
1650 North road worker and Zip see a Barb in jungle to north right next to them. Adomis is next to the newly founded babylonian city Ellipi; Junior stud Boy is one tile away, he will join his buddy there.
1625 Founded "Anti-Ming City" Moved JSB next to Ellipi
1600 North road worker and Zip see a Scandanavian Archer and settler in jungle to north right next to them. Zip "opportunized" the situation and took out the Archer and captured two slaves for our Empire. Zip escaped the battle without a scratch! The Vikings had a worker near our borders, presumably to siphon our watter supply so that they may irrigate around Copenhagen; needless to say, he became our slave. I think he is happier now with us!
On same turn Adonis and JSB had stopped next to the newly founded Babylon city; I threatned them to give us tech "or else"; Hammurabi choose "or else" 
JSB lost his life bringing the strngth of the lone Warrior in Ellipi to but 1 hp, Adonis who watched closely, the battle before him was savoring the moment cause he knwe he would finish the job and bring honor and glory to Junior Stud Boy! Adonis did just that; he defeated the Babylonian Warrior and leveled their city to rubble! Adonis was very proud and happy.
We are now at WAR with Scandavia and Babylon!!!
1575 Bad news for Adonis. He was attacked by a Barb
while he was still resting from the battle at Ellipi (he had 1 hp left). Adonis did not see the light of the next day. Both Adonis and Junior Stud Boy will be remembered for ther valor and courage in the Battle of Ellipi. 
Continued build of Archer's and moved those that were ready toward Copenhagen.....Archer's in place to attack Copenhagen on next turn.
1550 Final Turn A Viking Warrior made a move towards our North Road and Zip would have no part of it. Zip thrust many arrows into this Warior, at close range, thus suffering an injury himself. But the Warrior was defeated, and Zip was promoted by the Godz to Elite status!
I had pierce lead the attack against Copenhagen, he had earned that right by fighting off many Barbarian Warriors beforehand. He proved this choice to be worthy for he took and razed the city of Copenhagen by himself! The other Archer's stood and stared in awe as Pierce violently and quickly unleashed a hail of arrows towards the lone Viking Spearmen! They muttered in amongst themselves that a Great Leader shall he become one day!
Horseback Riding in one turn, research to 30%. Military advisor reports that we are STRONG to ALL!
to be continued....
Last edited by BigFree; April 24, 2003 at 03:05.
April 24, 2003, 00:45
Local Time: 16:03
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1550BC The citizens of our great nation desposed of their tyrannical leader, BigFree and voted in a new glorious leader into office, named WhiteBandit. Good thing there is nothing to do this turn, because WB is now drunk from celebrating.
1525BC Our Sexy Wise Men discover Horse Back riding and decide to chase after Writing. (How else will we be able to get cute cave-girl's phone numbers?) Changed production in Anti-Ming City from warrior to Spearman (a few extra turns without defense, but I think it is worth it while it grows. Stacks move towards Scandinavia.
1500BC Freaking GQ goes into disorder. Time to starve the *****es as punishment. (People start whispering that maybe BigFree wasn't so tyrannical afterall). Being the center of procreation in our empire, Bachelor Pad changes production to settler (after it completed a new warrior, named Chief Quarternut), so we can continue to spread our good seed around the world. The armies of Sexy Guy continue their relentless, naked march towards the remainder of the Viking Empire.
1450BC Freedom City produces new spearman: MrWhatsInMyPants. Will now produce archers. Between turns, Vikings attacked a stray archer who reached elite status. We shall have to name him appropriately: A Big Unit. Twang attacks Reykjavik and wins! Reykjavik destroyed. Remaining units move toward their capital. Resting Pierce (Elite... down to 1 bar evidentially from a prior battle).
1425BC Vikings contact us. They want peace. I renegotiate... turns out they would offer Mysticism. I tell them to sod off anyways. Archer Bastard Child built in GQ. Production changed to settler to further spread our seed. Archers A Big Unit, Twang, and Pierce all resting. Remaining units move towards Trondheim.
1400BC Bachelor Pad builds new settler. Production changed to Spearman. I decide to talk to Babylon since we are at war with them too. I work out a peace deal that they found acceptable. Mysticism, Masonry, 64 gold (everything they had) for peace. The people like WhiteBandit again. I think that works
1375BC Anti-Ming City builds spearman: Bring It On. Production changed to worker. Army moves next to Trondheim.
1350BC 2 archers attack Trondheim. Destroy 2 spearman. Trondheim raized. Archer Feather is now elite. DOH! Elite Zip dies trying to fell a Viking warrior!!
1325BC Viking Bastard Warrior from hell attacks A Big Unit (Elite!) Luckily, with 1 bar left, ABU defeats him. Ack! Spearman next to GQ and I have nothing to attack nearby with.
1300BC Viking Spearman pillages spices next to GQ. Oh well :-/ Rest of army moves toward last Viking city: Bergen.
1275BC Settler founds "Good Spring Break Spot". MrWhatsInMyBands moves out of Freedom City to provide protection for it. Our units are next to Bergen.
1250BC Twang (Elite Archer) loses to spearman in Bergen! 2 veteran archers kill remaining resistance. We have CAPTURED Bergen, however, it looks like a new city, Oslo has popped up in the jungle to the east. Spearman fortifies in Bergen, remaining units go to Oslo.
1225BC More of the same. GQ Builds a new settler. Remaining units move toward Oslo.
1200BC Bachelor Pad produces archer. Attacks spearman in our territory still. DIES! DOH. Another unit is about 3 turns or so away. Rest some units outside of Bergen before moving on to Oslo.
1175BC Units continue to move towards Oslo.
1150BC Settler from GQ finds it's spot. Will settle next turn. Stupid crappy Barb horseman kills slave worker near Bergen. :-/
1125BC We discover Writing!! Sexy Wisy Men work towards map making. I establish an embassy with our biggest neighbor, Babylon. Nothing much to see there... 18 turns until they are done with the Oracle. Hot Bizzitches founded northwest of GQ on the ocean. Kick Back Guy traveled with the settler and is not fortified in Hot Bizzitches. 5 Archers move next to Oslo... hopefully this will be the final thrust...
1100BC Finally kill that damn Viking Spearman in our territory. Attack Oslo,lost 2 veteran archers. Feather cleans up and raizes Oslo. VIKINGS DESTROYED!!!!!!!!! 3 Archers left in stack. 2 Move back toward Bergen to go Barbarian hunting.
1075BC Random worker, unit movement. Not much exciting happening. WE NEED A NEW ENEMY! Though in the meantime, we have nice territory to REX with  SCANDAL! WhiteBandit was sleeping with a Viking Princess all along!!!
1050BC Bachelor Pad goes into disorder!!! NO! WhiteBandit starves the citizens to punish them. More random movement to consolidate our positions... The people are fed up with WhiteBandit's warmongering and whoring of Viking Women! They dispose WB!
First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!
(04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)
April 24, 2003, 03:07
Local Time: 12:03
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1050 BC - The reckless and haphazard WhiteBandit - known in the ethnic communities as "BandidoBlanco" has retired into decadence on wht he calls a permanent Spring Break. MrWhereItsAt, formerly the laughing stock of the Spear contingent MrWhatsInMyPants, is now leader (stranger things have happened...)
Barb W of Bergen pillages the road, A Big Unit takes out Barb Camp.
Settler and Archer move out of GQ - we need Iron!
1000BC Stuff happens, exploration...
950BC Finally we get a shot at the Barb pillaging near Bergen! Stinger fires deadly missiles out of Bergen and kills it. The BAstard Chile takes down the Barb camp near the Iron, become an Elite Child and takes 25 gold. Niiiiice.
925BC Not much more...
900BC Greeks request audience! They want 90 gold for contact with the Ottomans. Much better deal than earlier.... I get it for 84g in the end.
The Ottomans have NOTHING. No gold, no techs, just 2 spare Silks. Yay.
875BC I notice Pharsalos has been founded just East of the Montains of Madness, beyond the Screaming Jungle of Spooky DOOM. Found an Embassy with Greece, who I decide is going to be the (distant) next target. It is nice and accessible from the soon-to-be Iron city and has Iron itself. It has two Hoplites (one Vet) and a Settler. Building a Settler in 1 turn and has no other improvements.
850BC Ottoman Settler/Warrior stack spotted NW of Athens. A Big Unit heading towards Iron city for defense, other Archers trying to spot Barbs to train with.
825BC Ottoman Settler stack moving towards future Iron city! I quickly build Liquorland on a hill, starting a Temple to avoid being absorbed by Greek culture.
Stinger (barely) takes down a Barb Horsemen in the jungle
800BC Ottomans moving North now in Greek territory - straight towards a Barb Horse...
Settler built in Bachelor Pad - looking for new places that have women...
775BC Barb Horses start moving towards wounded Stinger from NE of Bergen - methinks a camp is about... Camp spotted in wine country - NOO! My precious alcohol!
750BC Barb camp taken - 25g and Wines secure again. Aaaahhh....
730BC Ottomans start the Oracle
710BC Mapmaking discovered. We start to turn towards the books and reseach Mathematics.
690BC Babs build Oracle and start the Pyramids
670BC Greeks building Pyramids
650 BC Good Nightclubs founded on the wine river - Warrior Barb sighted to the North
630BC Ottomans building Pyramids. Barb camp located NE of Bergen. Time to train, boys...
610BC Camp killed, 25gold netted. Still no promotion!
590BC Barb attacks the Nightclubs but dies. A Barb out of nowhere moves along the roads and takes out 2 Workers at Hot Bizzitches!
570BC Greeks building Colossus. Evil Barbs camp located NW of Hot Bizzitches. Look out biznitches.
Yeesh - some bad luck in this guys - I blame the constant distractions of this evening. Flatmates and phone calls. Can't people bother me ANY other time?!?!
April 24, 2003, 23:05
Local Time: 20:03
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I'm next, as soon as MrWIA posts the save...
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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
April 24, 2003, 23:07
Local Time: 20:03
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For anyone to who wants to read the whole story, look here. You'll die laughing at some of the log material...
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
April 25, 2003, 07:56
Local Time: 12:03
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Must.... get...save...posted......
Come on Settler II, you can do it. Third time lucky..?
This is a test...
April 25, 2003, 08:12
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Soory guys - uploading seems to take so long I suspect IE times out before it finishes it. I will try and find your email, E_T, and send it to you directly...
April 25, 2003, 13:56
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Here is my last ditch hope. I have split the zip of the save into two to try and get them both here. I'm not sure how this will work when you try and unzip it, but here goes nothing...
Part 1
April 25, 2003, 13:58
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Part 2...
April 25, 2003, 14:46
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OK - here's the deal. I sliced the save into four files of about 40kb, which I can upload (hopefully). Here are the four files. Just put them in the save directory and run the /bat file. It will recombine them. Phew!
April 25, 2003, 15:16
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Gragh! Finally got it working!!!
April 25, 2003, 16:30
Local Time: 17:03
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HAHA, Dang, you had to friggin jump through some hoopps here, didn't you!
April 26, 2003, 08:27
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I downloaded the save and it won't load up... I'll get WIA to e-mail it to me
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
April 26, 2003, 16:00
Local Time: 20:03
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As the Great Mr, WhereItsAt steps down from old age, the Nation of guys wonders who will step up to be the new despot of the Guys. The Fabulous E_T Arm wrestles the other candidates for the position and takes the Throne in the Year of the Guys, 570BC.
His first Decree is to remove that annoying band that plays the same thing over and over again.
He then goes and gets Maps from everyone that we know, so that we can see what can be known. We first Went to those Ottoman dudes and said, let’s trade maps. Because we are so hip, we’ll trade you Your WM for our TM and 26 Gold, They think it’s a cool deal. Then when to talk to those Babylonian guys, and they wanted to pay us 11 Gold for our TM and give us their WM. I said, cool dudes, it’s a deal. Then I went to talk to that Alex dude, and he thought is was such a cool idea, he paided us more. 16Gold and his WM for our TM. With that, we have all of the WM and even added 1 Gold to our treasury. Those Ottoman dudes need Map Making and The Babylonians and Greeks have Polytheism.
We are so cool that we should increase our cool cities and let our good neighbors be for a while. Changed production a a few cities and increased science rate.
The Coolest Guy, E_T said that it was good and when on to see what would happen next
550BC - cleaned out the Barb camp, by making the Barbs Wash, they didn’t want to, so I killed them, same with that one who was approaching our city. Our coolest Galley had been built and we have sent it out looking for babes that are sunbathing topless on other shores. Workers are sent to start building a road to that Iron, so we can make the metal for sunglasses. Uncool events: Everyone has Mathematics, Map Making, Polytheism and the Greeks also have Philosophy. Germans build the Pyramids.
530BC - We finish with Mathematics and start to research Currency, because the babes are wanting us to start to buy things for them (uncool). Anti-Ming builds a worker sent to road the game. Founded Babe Magnet City.
510BC - Added things to the Palace, new steps and cool grass to roll around on with the babes. Otherwise, Chillin’
490BC - Chillin
470BC - The Uncool Ottomans have moved a settler/warrior pair next to Liquorland, they were told to leave. They don’t so we attack them with the Big Guy. We get the leader, Arnold. He’s goes to Impress the Babes at GQ.
450BC - the Babylonians are also sending a settler/spear group towards our jungle, we will try to intercept and slow them down.
430BC - Chillin, The Galley may have found someplace to look for topless babes, will go and check it out soon.
410BC - found a sand bar, but no babes. Arnold gets to GQ and all of the babes flock to him.
390BC - founded Jungle Dude and Silk Boxers Cities. After a wild night on the town, Arnold gets the babes to help him build the Great Lighthouse in GQ. Had a drunken party in Liqourland, then all of the dudes that couldn’t handle their liquor, were told to help finish the Temple.
370BC - Great Lighthouse built in GQ, all of the Babes miss Arnold so much that they need to be comforted quite a lot. We have connected Horses to Good Nightclubs and Babe Magnet City. Babylonian’s start building Hanging Gardens, they have Monarchy Government.
350BC - With the use of the Great Lighthouse, the Topless Babe Patrol may soon find some new topless babes very soon. The Greeks move a galley between Hot Bizzitches and Good Spring Break Spot and drop off a settler.
330BC - found English Topless babes on the beach. Got WM, Contact with Germans for WM, Horseback Riding and 42 Gold From that Pale Babe, Liz. Talked to Otto about getting Technologies from him, got Code of Laws, his WM and 51Gold for our WM, Contact with the Ottomans and Mathematics. Then traded With Greeks: Polytheism, 125Gold, TM for Code of Laws, Contact with English and our WM. Then Traded with Germany: Philosophy and 69 Gold for Polytheism. Then sold Greece: Contact with Germany for 63 Gold. Then Sold England contact with the Ottomans for 57 Gold. The Uncool Babylonians wont sell us their Monarchy. We will deal with them soon, after they build the Hanging Gardens. Because The Ottomans are being snooty and not answering my envoys, I paid Greece 6 Gold for a RoP agreement, sending archers down to deal with them.
310BC - The cool Archer group spots some Ottoman meat that is coming to wage war with me. They will die soon. Finally able to get contact with the Ottomans, they are afraid of my archers, but they have nothing to offer me, Peace is refused.
290BC - My time is fast approaching it’s end, but things are still progressing. Chillin somewhat, still refuse peace with Ottomans.
270BC - Babylon and Ottomans Ally Against us. Iron Connected to Capitol, Warriors Upgraded. Upgraded 9 Warriors to Legionaries. The Price for Peace with Ottomans just went up.
250BC - Captured Babylonian Workers from Settler that was being herded… Archers are advancing towards Ottoman land
230BC - Hastings completes the Colossus, Minsk Completes the Great Wall. Spotted another settler/Warrior pair coming form Babylon. They will join the growing ranks of slaves. Currency completed, beginning on The Republic. Only ones who can buy Currency are Greece and Germany and for too cheap. Waiting for them to get technologies to trade.
210BC - Ottoman Sword attacks stack, killed by Spear, now elite Spear. Made Contact with the Russians. Traded Construction, their WM and 120 Gold for our TM, Polytheism, Code of Laws and Philosophy. We are now in Middle Ages. Pierce attacked and killed an Ottoman Swordsman, Archer captured then Babylonian Settler. Some Ottomans Threatening Liquorland. Because we have Legionnaires getting close and not wanting a Despotic GA, We will make peace with the Ottomans, giving them 19gold and our TM. Then We turn the tables on the Babylonians and first build an embassy in Istanbul, then get an Alliance against the Babylonians by for Code of Laws, our TM and 60 Gold. Hopefully that will keep the Babylonians occupied and we can plan our GA in 24 turns time.
190BC - The Fabulous E_T is feeling very old. But the People love their Despot, that they expand the Palace 2 fold. Founded Myrtle Beach.
170BC - Nothing to trade. E_T passes away in his sleep.
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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
Last edited by E_T; April 26, 2003 at 20:23.
April 26, 2003, 20:25
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Finding the English on the shores.
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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
April 26, 2003, 20:26
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Embassy of Istanbul
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Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
April 26, 2003, 21:31
Local Time: 18:03
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[shameless MZO promotion]
For the record, the official thread for this Succession Game is here:
place continue over there, it is updated to the last post
[/shameless MZO promotion]
A true ally stabs you in the front.
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April 29, 2003, 14:24
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For the record, I have played the turns and FINALLY can get on the net to post it. It's on MZ's website now.
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