Local Time: 00:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Lowell, MA USA
Posts: 1,703
Thanks, Zenon. Yes, without huts, early Monarchy really seems to have a place in most games, especially if there are many AI on the home continent.
I've had some time to finish my log, so here it is:
Early Landing Comparison Game #4, Medium Map
BC Years
4000 Thebes
3850 Memphis
3750 Alphabet
3650 Mem – warrior
3400 Code of Laws, The – settlers
3250 The – warrior, Heliopolis
3050 The – warrior, contact Indians - peace, trade for Ceremonial Burial
An exploring Indian horseman that found me early.
3000 Mem – warrior
2850 The – warrior
2750 Bronze Working, Mem – warrior, Indians – give tech, Elephantine
2450 Hel – settlers, The – settlers
2250 Monarchy, Indians – give tech, 50g tribute
2200 Alexandria
2150 Pi-Rameses
2100 Ele – settlers
2050 Ale – warrior
1800 Currency, Hel – settlers
1750 The – settlers
1650 PiR – settlers
1600 Ale – settlers
1500 Trade
1450 contact Romans – peace, trade for Map Making and Writing, share maps, Ele – food, The – food
1350 Indians – give tech, 50g tribute
1300 Mem – Marco Polo’s Embassy, Zulus, Vikings & Indians – give tech, peace, share maps
The following techs were now available from MPE: Pottery, Seafaring, Warrior Code, Horseback Riding, Masonry, The Wheel, Literacy, and Mysticism, which was pretty good for this time in the game. The AI were less adept at acquiring techs I needed in time for trades later on, though.
1200 Mem – warrior, Giza, Vikings – trade for Pottery and Masonry; Chinese – give tech, share maps, 100g tribute
Giza was the SSC. I was a little late locating it and then I had to delay founding it until the center tile was irrigated into plains. With 100g in tribute, I’m starting to see how much fun early Monarchy can be in comparison to a gold-starved early Republic.
1150 English – 100g tribute, Romans – give tech, share maps
1100 Giz – granary, Ale – food, Mem – warrior, Ele – trireme
1050 Ale – barb attack, warriors defend, PiR – food, Hel – food, The – food, Romans – 50g tribute
Alexandria was plagued by barb attacks during most of the game, since it was almost surrounded by cityless terrain. These attacks often diverted gold away from more important tasks, but all this barb activity around Alexandria also helped ensure the safety of the SSC and other cities, since one of the best defenses against barbs is knowledge of where they are mostly likely to be attacking next.
1000 Giz – library, Ale – warrior
975 PiR – warrior, Ele – warrior
950 Giz – Hanging Gardens, Vikings – trade for Mysticism, give tech; Indians – give tech, alliance
This alliance was a mistake. No gifts came of it and it prevented chances of deanding more tribute. The Hanging Gardens allowed we love to begin in the SSC and all of the helpers except two. Now I could have most of the benefits of a Republic without any of the bother.
925 English – give tech, share maps
900 Construction, Chinese – trade for Literacy
850 Mem – hides, English – 25g tribute
825 The – trireme, Indians – give tech, share maps
800 Mem – warrior
775 Giz – gems, The – warrior
750 Ale – hides, English – give tech, 25g tribute
725 The – warrior
700 PiR – beads, Ele – copper, Hel – dye
675 Giz – temple, Republic, PiR – warrior, Vikings – trade for The Wheel, give tech, share maps; Romans – trade for Seafaring, give tech, 50g tribute; Chinese – give tech, share maps, 50g tribute
Although discovered, I did not find any need to switch to Republic until ST was built and the SSC could celebrate. All this early gold from tribute was a new and welcome experience for me in EL games.
650 Mem – temple, hides(d) to Trondheim, 168g, The – trireme, Hel – warrior
625 Giz – hides, Indians – give tech, share maps
600 PiR – gems, Philosophy, Medicine, English – give tech, 50g tribute; Romans – 50g tribute
575 Giz – harbor, PiR – food
525 Engineering, Giz – Colossus, Ale – silver, gems(d) to Trondheim, 346g; Indians – trade for Mathematics, give tech share maps
500 Ale – barb attack, Giz – beads
475 PiR – dye, Ele – copper, Mem – hides, hides(d) to Trondheim, 344g
450 Giz – dye, Sanitation
425 Hel – gems, gems(d) to Trondheim, 360g
English – trade for Iron Working, 50g tribute; Romans & Indians – give tech, share maps
400 Giz – acqueduct, PiR – beads, The – copper, Byblos, Chinese – give tech, 100g tribute
Byblos was the first colony, located in between the Zulu and Vikings, the only overseas AI.
375 University, beads(d) to Kaupang, 400g
350 Giz – Shakespeare’s Theater, size 8, Ale – hides, Byb – phalanx, Romans – 50g tribute, Zulus & Vikings – give tech, share maps, English – 50g tribute, Indians – trade for Banking, share maps, revolution
It had been fun collecting tribute but Republic was needed now to accelrate SSC growth. Trade had already begun, and could be used to maintain income now. Barb activity was so heavy around Byblos, I felt a phalanx was justified there immediately for defense.
325 Giz – university, Ele – dye, Hel – gems, Mem – dye, silver(d) to Kaupang, 300g, switch to Republic
Since all warriors were going to be disbanded now, it was time to use a diplomat for defense instead, at home.
300 Byb – salt, Astronomy, Giz – spice
275 Giz – coal, Pir – dye, Ale – diplomat, The – copper, dye(d) to Uppsala, 468g, barb horseman near Alexandria bribed for 41g
The leader behind this horseman jumped onto to another further back. This was kind of annoying, as it happened a few more times, later on. The barb leader kept jumping onto other barb units before I had a chance to kill it.
250 Byb – harbor, Giz – marketplace, Chemistry
225 Giz – Copernicus’s Observatory, barb horseman bribed, 41g, leader escapes
200 Giz – size 12, Indians – give tech, share maps
175 Giz – sewer system
150 PiR – dye, Theory of Gravity, Mem – hides, English – war
125 Giz – salt, Ale – silk, Ele – dye, Hel – gems, The – copper, coal to Uppsala, 376g, Romans – trade for Bridge Building, give tech, share maps; Chinese- give tech, share maps, English – still war
The coal was one of two undemanded SSC cargos (spice next turn was the other) delivered at this time when demand and supply were hard to match up. Unfortunately this came at the worst time in the game, when income from trade would diminish when entering the Renaissance.
100 Byb – settlers, Economics, spice to Uppsala, 388g
75 Giz – gems, PiR – coal, Hel – cloth, The – beads, Indians – trade for Invention
The Indians had to have tipped Invention from a hut. The previous techs acquired from them had been first traded to them by the Chinese. These two civs traded many techs, limiting the usefulness of the Chinese in learning new ones.
50 Giz – beads, Ale – temple, Navigation, El-Amarna, salt(d) to Giz, 146g
El-Armana was the second colony located near the first.
25 Giz – Sir Isaac Newton’s College, PiR – temple, salt to Kaupang, 226g
This is the earliest yet finishing all of the SSC’s science in an EL game, and much of this was due to the succesful use of early Monarchy in this game.
AD Years
1 Gunpowder, Giz – caravel, size 21, ElA – phalanx
As with Byblos, so much nearby barb activity made me feel it necessary to defend my two small colonies. They were also located in between two aggressive civs, the Zulus and the Vikings.
20 Byb – temple, Giz – dye, Metallurgy
40 Ele – temple, Hel – temple, The – temple, Zulus – give tech, share maps
60 Explosives, Ale – engineers, Giz – caravel, gems(d) to Kaupang, 648g
80 ElA – temple, Byb – silk, Physics, Ele – engineers, Hel – gems, Mem – colosseum, The – dye, beads(d) to Uppsala, 452g
100 Giz – bank, PiR – dye, Magnetism, barb leader, 150g (finally!)
120 Vikings – trade for Democracy, give tech, share maps, Giz – cloth, Byb – galleon, All other AI – give tech, share maps
It was a novelty having an AI research Democracy first. I wanted to learn it myself on an Oedo year to keep from losing a turn of research, but something from the AI is better than nothing. For the rest of the game, I had to research almost all of the techs I needed.
140 Steam Engine, Giz – size 25, dye(d) to Ulundi, 336g, silk(d) to Giz – 228g
One additional benefit of the HG is that a non-capital SSC can celebrate beyond size 21 under Republic, allowing the switch to Democracy to be delayed longer than is usual.
160 ElA – harbor, Byb – engineers, Giz – courthouse, Electricity, Ale – silk, Ele – spice
For enough SSC science for two advances per turn later on, I needed a courthouse and had to add about 6 more scientists with the help of some farmland, making Refrigeration a necessary tech.
180 Refrigeration, Hel – salt, Mem – engineers
200 Giz – supermarket, PiR – coal, cloth(d) to Byblos, 192g, Hieraconpolis, revolution
Hieraconpolis was the third colony, located so it would have a gold supply wildcard, a commodity the SSC would be demanding later. I did not have the time or resources at this point to add more colonies. I wish I could have, though, since they were invaluable in this game.
220 Ale – harbor, Ele – harbor, Mem – harbor, The – engineers, switch to Democracy, Byb – galleon, Indians – trade for Horseback Riding
240 Giz – dye, Railroad
260 Giz – Darwin’s Voyage, Industrialization, The Corporation, dye(d) to Kaupang, 336g
The oversea AI were also just a little bit too close for obtaining the best delivery payoffs. This was another factor slowing the pace in the second half of this game.
280 Hie – temple, Giz – cloth, Refining, Mem – gold, The – harbor, Byb – transport, barb knight bribed, 82g
Barb attacks re-commenced against Alexandria.
300 Ale – silk, Giz – transport, cloth(d) to Byblos, 225g
320 Giz – dye, we love begins for all cities, Steel, PiR – harbor; Zulus, Romans, English – give tech, share maps, gold(d) to Uppsala, 324g
One problem I had this game was an over supply of oil before any cities would demand it. This meant waiting for the big oil delivery bonuses, which came a bit too late to put this game in contention with the previous one on a medium map.
340 Giz – oil, Ele – oil, Hel – harbor, dye(d) to Trondheim, 432g
360 Hie – harbor, Giz – copper, Combustion, Mem – copper, silk(d) to Kaupang, 420g
380 Hie – gold, PiR – coal, Ale – oil, Ele – colosseum, Hel – colosseum, copper(d) to Uppsala, 504g
400 we love ends for helpers and colonies, ElA – colosseum, Automobile, The – beads, coal(d) to Uppsala, 315g, copper(d) to Kaupang, 252g; barb knight bribed, 82g, barb leader, 150g
Finally, another leader before it could jump onto another barb unit!
420 Electronics, Giz – superhighways, PiR – colosseum, Chinese & English – give tech, share maps, gold(d) to Giza, 630g; barb knight, 82g, another leader, 150g
Unfortunately, these bribed knights were causing enough unhappiness, that they had to be disbanded immediately after killing the leaders. So the profit was limited to 68 gold each time.
440 Atomic Theory, ElA – oil, Byb – oil, Giz – copper, Ale – colosseum, Hel – gems; Romans, Chinese & English – give tech, share maps; copper(d) to Uppsala, 901g
460 Hie – colosseum, Mass Production, Giz – cloth, PiR – library, Ele – spice, Mem – dye, The – colosseum, oil(d) to Giza, 623g, oil(d) to Giza, 735g; Vikings, trade for Warrior Code
480 ElA – dye, Byb – library, Giz – mass transit, size 31, PiR – university, Ale – university, Hel – library, beads(d) to Hlobane, 164g, gems(d) to Uppdsala, 354g, cloth(d) to Byblos, 445g
500 Hie – dye, Feudalism, Byb – oil, Giz – food, Ale – university, Ele – library, Hel – university, Mem – library, The – dye, Chivalry, oil(d) to Giza, 623g
520 ElA – library, Giz – copper, PiR – dye, Conscription, copper(d) to Kaupang, 966g
540 Hie – salt, Byb – beads, Giz – stock exchange, Ale – dye, Hel – beads, Mem – university, Leadership, The – oil, dye(d) to Kaupang, 252g; Indians – give tech, share maps
560 Giz – cloth, PiR – oil, Tactics, ElA – transport, dye(d) to Zimbabwe, 180g, salt to Giza, 210g, Ele – transport
During this period I was sitting on many oil freights, unable to deliver them to get the first advance of each pair normally available during this phase of a game. Meanwhile, tech costs were outstripping the ability of my cities’ science.
580 Hie – food, Byb – hides, Giz – coal, Ale – gold, Hel – cloth, Mem – food, Machine Tools, The – food, dye(d) to Rome, 240g, coal(d) to Uppsala, 1054g
600 Ela – hides, PiR – beads, Nuclear Power, Ele – beads, beads(d) to Veii, 180g, hides to Giza, 178g, cloth to Hieraconpolis, 61g
The cloth trade was used to unblock gold supply in Hieraconpolis.
620 Hie – gold, Byb – oil, Giz – coal, Ale – food, Hel – food, Mem – food, Miniaturization, The – food, cloth(d) to Hlobane, 1057g, dye(d) to Antium, 248g, gold(d) to Zimbabwe, 300g, dye(d) to Trondheim, 168g; Indians – give tech, share maps
Finally, a little fun with hyper trade and two advances per turn.
640 Computers, ElA – spice, Byb – superhighways, Giz – SETI Program, PiR – food, Flight, Ele – food, coal(d) to Zimbabwe, 680g, hides to Giza, 114g, oil(d) to Giza, 470g, beads to Byblos, 81g, dye(d) to Trondheim, 150g
660 Hie – superhighways, Radio, Ele – superhighways, Byb – oil, Giz – airport, Ale – gold, Hel – food, Mem – food, The – food, Advanced Flight, gold(d) to Giza, 464g, oil(d) to Hieraconplois, 542g, oil(d) to Giza, 472g, gold(d) to Byblos, 212g, oil(d) to Byblos, 282g
680 Hie – airport, ElA – wool, Byb – oil, Giz – oil, Laser, PiR – food, Ele – food, oil(d) to Giza, 470g, beads to Hieraconpolis, 58g, spice to Byblos, 81g, wool(d) to Thebes, 118g
700 Hie – gold, ElA – oil, Byb – oil, PiR – airport, Ale – dye, Hel – food, Ele – airport, Mem – food, Rocketry, gold(d) to Giza, 696g, oil(d) to Hieraconpolis, 812g, oil(d) to Giza, 554g, oil(d) to Hieraconpolis, 338g, Abydos, Asyut
I had a pretty good thing going here trading oil and gold between the SSC and the colonies! Abydos and Asyut were added as space ship parts contractors.
720 Hie – gold, Space Flight, ElA – airport, Byb – airport, Giz – oil, Ale – airport, PiR – Apollo Program, Ele – food, gold(d) to Giza, 696g, oil(d) to Hieraconpolis, 812g, oil(d) to Giza, 705g, gold(d) to Hieraconpolis, 400g, dye to El-Armana, 74g, Avaris, Lisht
740 Lis, Ava, Asy, Aby, Byb, PiR – SS strcuturals, Hie – gold, Plastics, ElA – oil, Giza – oil, Ale – gold, Ele – food, Hel – food, Mem – food, The – food, oil(d) to Giza, 696g, oil(d) to Hieraconpolis, 206g, oil(d) to Byblos, 705g, gold(d) to Byblos, 210g, oil(d) to Giza, 831g, beads to ElA – 49g, Vikings – trade for Polytheism
760 Lis, Ava, Asy, Aby, PiR, Ale, Hel, Mem, The – SS structurals, Hie – gold, Superconductor, ElA – oil, Byb – oil, Giza – food, Ele – food, oil(d) to Giza, 705g, oil(d) to Giza, 831g, gold(d) to Giza, 696g
Almost all city improvements had to be sold to afford a quicker space ship. SETI had been expensive to add earlier, but it did gain a few turns.
780 Asy, Hie, PiR, Ale, Ele, Mem – SS components, Fusion Power, ElA, Byb, Giz – SS modules, 15-3-3-1-1-1, launch
795 arrival Alpha Centauri