Couple of PTW bugs. Anyone seen this behaviour?
First bug:
Me and a buddy have a PBEM game going that we started with 1.14... we've sinced patched to 1.21. This bug has existed in both versions (I was hoping 1.21 would fix it, but nope).
What happens is that rules we set when creating the game (specifically AI difficulty level and the Civ respawn option -- which we turned OFF) seem to be reverting to default. The AI difficulty lvl gets set to easiest, and the civ respawn option gets turned ON. Imagine my surprise when I wipe out my first civ and they pop up again somewhere else... "err.. I coulda swore I turned that off!?".
The funny thing is that if we delete our ptw.ini file prior to loading up a turn, and THEN test these options (the civ respawn is easiest to notice), we find that our original settings are honored. In other words, with the .ini deleted, I can load up my turn, wipe out a civ, and they are GONE... as they should be.
It seems that we have to delete the .ini prior to every turn ... but this is not certain yet.
Second bug:
In one of the games we are playing -- and ONLY after upgrading to 1.21 -- we are getting strange unit behaviour after ending a turn.
What happens is that say I tell my cavalry to move 5 squares away... he moves as many as his movement points allow this turn and then stops. Fine -- of course next turn he will continue on his way till he reaches his destination. However, what's happening is that after ending that turn he (and ALL troops) get a second wind and proceed to continue on their routes -- essentially using up TWO turns worth of movement in ONE turn.
When I load up my next turn, sure enough, those units are out of movement points. GRRRR. Doesn't seem like this bug can be avoided at all...
Anyone run across either of these bugs?