Originally posted by Spiffor
I think the no postcount rule is good. It opened the door to spamming in the OT, which is the best thing that could happen
OK..hmm..Spamming you say?
Ok..I would like the OT post counts enabled..yes..maybe at a discounted rate even
AS for the Apolyton stuff, man..thats a tuff one..
But I would like to at least have gotten a complimentary Post Card from The Warden at Solver-Hall and Cruise Director at Mingapulco, from which I have visited and sometimes miss, often pondering the price, if I can afford to go there...why sometimes they personally call me, advising I have accrued enough Frequent Flier Miles to revisit, sometimes I peer out my window and see a limosine awaiting to whisk me to the airport!
I guess I should buy more apolyton stuff anyway, this is actually a pretty kewl site, even with the somewhat strick guidelines imposed at the "Moderators discretion"..or whatever they call their decision making process for closing threads or editing posts
Seriously, Buy Apolyton Stuff, make Mark and Dan filthy rich, so that they may look at this field of dreams and say..."It is Good to be the Kings"!!
Grandpa Troll