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Old April 26, 2003, 12:45   #1
Never Ending StoriesCivilization III MultiplayerApolyton Storywriters' Guild
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Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
Sucession Game: Politics
I have run a single sucession game in my life, a Civil War game. But this is not a Civil War Game. I would play it on my own MOD, the America MOD, but I would rather not. So this is just your basic SG, with a few tweaks.

The Original Political Sucession Game

So here's the Idea. You create a Political Party to represent whilst you play the game, this party may be a real live party (For instance, the Republican Party) or it may be a party of your own Imagining (My own Domination Party) Your goal is to move our Civilization (TBA) towards the ideals of your party, not to work together to win the game.

That being said the game is not necisarrily as Anarchtic as that makes it seem. The parties may compromise their ideals, without this nothing could be done. If I (being a Hawkish party's leader) was building Sun Tzu's and someone wished to change that to a Library I could compromise with them, offering them one of the cities I was building a Knight in first and promising to prebuild for Leonardo's we could have a deal going, bth of our objectives are filled and we're both happy.

That's not a very good example, look at the thread, it has several good examples.

Now, onto the basic SG stuff.

I am open to suggestion on the Civ, but I'm thinking Greece.
Land: Continents (Absolute Middle Ground)
Size: Standard
Patch: v. 1.21

Civs: 8
Players: As Many as Sign up, 5 Person min.
Current Turns: 30 (20 after first Round)

Once the game starts we will accep no more new players, and you have to sign up for the waiting list. If a Player falls out the Waiting list is tapped.

As for times of play: You have 36 hours after the game is passed to declare your turn. After that you may take..... pretty much as long as we'll let you to play it, as long as you are working on the thread. If you go a full day without posting on the thread the game is passed.

This may seem leniant, likely because it is. This game is not meant to radically change your schedules or to become the center of your universe.

Now you may say to yourself: This skilord guy, he has too much to handle this SG is gonna take up more of his precious time.

Probably so, and capitalise my name. Which is why I'm making it such a laid back game. I have a life, I have a story to finish and a series of Short stories to write. I have an NES to Moderate. None of these things are really time consuming and this is meant to be flexible, so I can write for you, whip up an update for the NES freaks and do this.

Lets face it, 20 turns doesn't take too long to play.

Sign up now, the signups close on Tuesday if we get enough people.
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Old April 26, 2003, 12:54   #2
Never Ending StoriesCivilization III MultiplayerApolyton Storywriters' Guild
SKILORD's Avatar
Local Time: 00:14
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
Domination Party

Party head: Sir Nicholas Skilord

Victory: Domination

Internal Policy: Build Roads to help troop movements.

Foreign Policy: Agressive. Go for what you want, and take it from them.

War: Often and well, build sufficient force for their strongest points and overwhelm them at their weakest points.

Gov't: Monarchy or Democracy

Mascot: The Wolf

Motto:"Everybody likes a World Conflict! "

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