Local Time: 05:30
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Short Stories
*NOTE: What follows are a couple of short stories which I have written, however they do flow quite well together.
Well, here goes:
The Election (c) 2000
Dark Cloud (ftg3@hotbot.com)
Day 1; Decurn 12; P.Y. 17
"It is time my friends." The chairman of the comitte began.
"To elect a Planetary Governor." He paused for a moment letting the words sink in.
"It has been predetermined by the success of each of your peoples in your
lands how many votes you will have in this election. Now, just to inform everyone I will
announce the votes." He picked up a peace of paper and began.
"Yang, you have 12." The Hive leader looked smug. "Miriam you have 13."
"BLASPHEMY YOU FIEND!" Miriam screamed out "13 is unlucky! I must have either 12 or 14."
The startled Chairman then said "In that case, 12 it is." The Chairman then continued,
"Lal has 21 and Zakharov has 17. Deidre has 15 and Morgan has 6. Finally last, but
definitely NOT least, Colonel Santiago has 8."
Morgan and Santiago grumbled at the last announcement, then went off to speak with
each other. "We are now adjourned for an hour to let you make speeches and consider who
will get your vote." The Chairman told them and then left.
Lal then stepped up to the platform and began a speech
"I know some of you might have thought a mere Surgery Chief could never rise to the position
of leader of a successful group of people, but I HAVE RISEN TO THE OCCASION and have
been a BENEVOLENT AND KIND leader. So, I hope you can find it in your hearts to elect
me as planetary governor, you have seen the success of my colony, let it's success
transfer to yours." He paused for effect "Thank you."
He then stepped down and Miriam approached him and told him off
"You fool, you cannot rule you do not support the TRUE faith, that is why I cannot vote
for you, you misguided fool."
Then she turned to the podium where Yang was ending a speech.
"-and see what I can offer all, if I win the election." Miriam stepped in and said,
"If he supports no faith, then he cannot have anything against MY FAITH, so I second him."
Then Morgan spoke up "Brothers, do you really believe that this man who does not
approve Free Trade and who seak attacked my fine people can truly rule well?" Zakharov
agreed, saying, "I agree wholeheartedly with Morgan and I will NOMINATE HIM as LEADER."
Miriam and Yang looked truly disgusted at this announcement.
And now came the end of the hour.
The Results of the election council were:
Votes Person Who Voted for them
----- ------ ------------------
36 Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers Lal (21), Deidre (15)
32 CEO Morgan of the Morganites Morgan (6), Zakharov (17), Santiago (8)
24 Chairman Shen-ji Yang of the Human Hive Yang (12), Miriam (12)
In Conclusion:
All of the votes were decided except for Deidre's. However, Deidre would NEVER
vote for Morgan with whom she had had a war in 2014 or Yang who destroyed the land and
disregarded his people, throwing them away in the wind. Thus the only choices for Deidre
were to abstain or vote for Lal.
Zakharov (c) 2000
Dark Cloud (ftg3@hotbot.com)
Reflections--- Day 8; Decurn 12; P.Y. 17
Personal Log of Academian Prokhor Zakharov
I am Prokhor Zakharov.
I am a self-made man.
I have triumphed.
My people have succeeded.
I have two glorious cities- University Base a fine city of 40,000
and University Colony, a city of 20,000.
The others will pay for not considering me a force to be reckoned with.
My Synthmetal Sentinels will repel any attack.
For they have armor.
The Spartans, Believers and others cannot stop my rise in power.
I will prevail against the Peackeeper's idiot leader, Brother Lal.
Morgan cannot be more popular than me, I have only backed him because
Yang and Lal are idiots and I could NOT win if I voted for myself, for
when Santiago and Morgan went off together, I KNEW they were planning
to back each other.
I will have my day.
My researchers have so far discovered three advances.
Applied Physics. (I have THE LASER!!)
Industrial Base. (I have Synthmetal)
Information Node.
Voice Log (c) 2000
Dark Cloud (ftg3@hotbot.com)
Voice Log of Researcher Tiknov V. Bakus
Day 8---Decurn 12---Planetary Year 17
Zakharov did not seem to be in a good mood today, so I avoided
him as he stepped out of his rover and stalked toward his quarters
in the heart of University Base.
Entering the Labs after a quick drink of coffee I found
Seinor Lab Researcher Tarbnov hard at work on a new report paper
addressed to Academian Zakharov, at the head of his paper were the
words- New Technology Discovered, but not practical use found yet.
I then thought how this may improve his mood so I volunteered to take
the completed paper to Zakharov when Tarbnov was finished. He complied
and thanked me.
What was I thinking taking the graveyard shift! Most people work from
1100 to 2100, but noone but us crazy researchers or punished researchers work
from 0000 to 1000, otherwise known as the Graveyard Shift. Well, I fell asleep at
my desk, heck I had been up from 1100 to 1600 yesterday, give me a break! Well, I was
soon approached by Supervisor Real' McCoy from Spain (A country from 'Earth') who
demanded to know what was going on, so I whipped up a quick apology and...
Gotta go, Tarbnov is calling.
Well, here I am on the University Base Bus System heading towards Academian Zakharov's
apartment/palace. Not much to report except that that guy across from me looks suspiciously
like Chancellor Shen-Ji Yang of the Hive. Oh well.
OhMiGosh! Zakharov didn't like the report. It seems he thought 'Planetary Networks' would
be completely worked out by today, however, after hearing him screaming-reading the report
it seems that Planetary Networks has been delayed because of a certain researcher who lost
valuable calculations. There will be hell to pay for this.
Well, I'm back in my research Lab room, alone save for that crazed researcher known as
Bomba. It seems he likes to make bombs. In my opinion he belongs in the Probe Teams, but
he was booted out of them after threatening to kill the Head Officer. I think I'll duck
out into the other labs to see if I can help out.
I HATE that Supervisor, he caught me in another Lab Room and delegated me to mopping the
floor! If I could get my hands on a projectile weapon...
Well one more minute until by shift is done, I'm heading home soon.
Gee the commute home took pretty long! Well that's what you get for living on the other
side of University Base from your work, but hey, I don't mind, the busses go right to my
door, and I can sleep or read on the bus.
Now that I'm home I think I'll read a book I have been wanting to read for a while-
"The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire"
I didn't get too far in the book, too sleepy, I need rest if I can wake up for work tommorrow
at 1900.
Heck, who am I saying Goodnight to, myself?
Oops! I forgot to turn off the recorder, now where is that thing! Ahhh, under my bed. There
it is right here...
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited July 29, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited July 30, 2000).]