I find it interesting that Chirac and Schroeder are trying to be in a position, where they can trash NATO decision and torpedo things in UN with vetos, and after that, they'd have the only 'working' alliance, since there would be no US there to veto or tell them what to do. I find this very funny.
So what would we gain from this? We'd get to maybe fight, but we woudln't me our own masters. As a small country, we can't afford to be tossed around by others. This is what we have learned and done.
I find it amusing, that one of the main reasons Chirac helped Saddam in the first place was to celebrate independence from the US, his big dream.. no big brother.. just Europe.. just Chirac himself. He isn't fooling anyone, his past is too known and his arrogance seen.
Clearly the model won't work and will only bring frustration. Future will tell us if they are seriously pushing it. But it only makes our relations worse, as we are not going to be part of it and won't be intimitated by them.
In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.