April 29, 2003, 09:59
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Senario creation sugestions!
I am really liking building senarios. But I have no origanal ideas (Perhaps my imagination has been killed by TV?) So, you lot out there can suggest to me what i should make! And I mean, will resurched, planned ones too. There is only one catch. I will not make ones involving
WW2 - (too many have been made allready!)
Fascists -(ideoligical commitment)
Ones baced on films baced on Fiction (ie Matrix)
Very Sci-Fi/Fantisy (I will be usless at it as I dont whatch it)
But I will make totally fictional senarios if you give me a good enough description for it.
My specilties (Me have lots of books and pics of)
Russia 1860-1990
Roman Empire
Europe 1815+
Perhaps Greeks upto Alexander.
Go on - you have nothing to lose!
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
April 29, 2003, 11:49
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All the tips you're searching for...
April 30, 2003, 13:28
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make it historical please
April 30, 2003, 13:49
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2nd that
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
April 30, 2003, 14:17
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Very Sci-Fi/Fantisy (I will be usless at it as I dont whatch it)
Nothing wrong with that. Very sci-fi/fantasy stuff isn't watched; it's read.
Roman Empire
Why not cover one of the Roman/Sassanid squabbles over Armenia?
May 1, 2003, 00:37
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Ok, you asked for it.
There are several ideas for scenarios that I'd like to see done but don't want to do them myself.
1.) Russo-Japanese War. This is a good one. If a really big map were used, some on-target research, and a nice bunch of new graphics, this would make a for a nice little scenario; not too long, plenty of shootin' and a nice mix of naval and land combat.
2.) The Franco-Prussian War. Could be very interesting, if put together right.
3.) Balkan Wars. A good idea. I have yet to see anyone follow through with it.
4.) And who, (besides Stephan Haertel) has put together an ancient/classical scenario lately? Let's give Stephan some well-deserved rest and make one of those. I'm still waiting for a Rise-of-the-Celts type scenarios. That's not set in Spain. (  @ JayBee ) There are dozens more that I can think of.
5.) Go for it.
Lost in America.
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May 1, 2003, 07:57
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I like the idea of a classical one.
I am leaning towards 'conquest of Britain' (It will be easier for me, due to me a)living here and b) it is an island. I find that with contenental maps the AI sometimes gets a tad confused. I do not know much (comparitivly) about Armenia. (Of the Sassnid Persians at that)(see, I can not even spell them right)
Russo-Japanese War, I do like this idea also. The problems are 1) so many things would have to be tied by events.txt (I have to do it all by hand due to my version of Civ II being a little crummy. 2)Would I include other powers such as China and how could I stop them attacking people without removing all their movement? Or would it be nice for the Chinese interviening on a side?
Balkan Wars-which war would that be then? There has been a few.
And RE- Fascists. I dont mind an sen. which the Fascists will pretty much lose.
I do feel, unless there is a gaping hole for a paricular sen, I will not make a post 1800 one.
But I garentee, whatever I do, It will be will made, from map to events.txt But it will take a while to make.
But I am not suggesting it is made by committee. I'm too much of a control freak for that. Ah screw it, you can help with .gifs and historical accuracy if you lot wish.
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
Last edited by Silpy; May 7, 2003 at 07:42.
May 1, 2003, 09:36
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Originally posted by Silpy
I like the idea of a classical one.
I am leaning towards 'conquest of Britain' (It will be easier for me, due to me a)living here and b) it is an island.
Roman or Norman conquest?
IOn the first option i've got an old scen that maybe could be useful....
May 1, 2003, 11:10
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The Norman conquest of Britain was one big battle, lots of annoying skirmishes everywhere and the only decent resistance was in the Fens.
Perhaps you can have the Romans, and the Celtic tribes constantly fighting each other, but with Events.txt occasionly allying together to fight together.
I am also now considering a Carribiean one (European Settlement one). Only problem is that I really suck making maps.
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
May 1, 2003, 12:18
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I think that someone is already making a russian-japanese war, can't remember who
May 1, 2003, 16:40
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I believe it is El-awerence
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May 1, 2003, 17:06
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Originally posted by Silpy
Perhaps you can have the Romans, and the Celtic tribes constantly fighting each other, but with Events.txt occasionly allying together to fight together.
 Ok. I've got an old scen of mine about that. Graphs were crappy, but i think map is still ok. I'll post it here once i'll have a byte of memory about where i placed that weirdo...
May 7, 2003, 07:38
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I suck in making Graphics, but by now I have my 30 scenarios that I have downloaded in the last 2 years to search for the best ones. I'm not that bad in making Events.txts either, although I have to do it by hand. (even though I have FW I do not have the auto- maker program that they described in the manual. Strange)
I am starting to research the background now, to see if it is possible.
But do people want it to change history ( ie slowly conquer Britain by planting colonies everywhere) or simply see if they can conquer faster than history?
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
May 7, 2003, 09:32
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Originally posted by Silpy
The Norman conquest of Britain was one big battle, lots of annoying skirmishes everywhere and the only decent resistance was in the Fens.
Perhaps you can have the Romans, and the Celtic tribes constantly fighting each other, but with Events.txt occasionly allying together to fight together.
I am also now considering a Carribiean one (European Settlement one). Only problem is that I really suck making maps.
Theres definitely colonial era caribean maps around, as there are several scenarios set in that period.
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May 7, 2003, 15:22
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Well, if it's infos on (Sasanian) Persia you lack, I can help out
And who, (besides Stephan Haertel) has put together an ancient/classical scenario lately?
Lately? I think the latest ancient scenario of mine is a year or two old (if you don't count "Lost Paradise")
But I think a classical scenario would be refreshing. There are some great Roman scenarios in the works, but I severely miss something decent about Greece. Maybe the Persian or Pelopponesian Wars, that'd be great.
I suck in making Graphics, but by now I have my 30 scenarios that I have downloaded in the last 2 years to search
for the best ones.
Alternately, you can just ask for someone to do them. I, myself, have a lot of decent graphics like units or cities that haven't been seen or aren't far-spread.
I'm not that bad in making Events.txts either, although I have to do it by hand. (even though I
have FW I do not have the auto- maker program that they described in the manual. Strange)
You're not missing anything. The events editor got me introduced to it, but I've been doing all manually for the last four years. You have much more liberty and control over the thing this way.
Only problem is that
I really suck making maps.
Again, there are loads of people to help you out on that. But don't get discouraged too early. I thought that of myself too, but I have made the maps for "Sons Of Heracles", "Alexander The Great" and "Lost Paradise" myself... then again...
Some good Carribean maps can be found in Jesús Balsinde's "The Conquest Of México" and Carl Fritz' "Pitts War At Sea" scenarios. Mercator's site will also be likely to have the right thing for you.
But do people want it to change history ( ie slowly conquer Britain by planting colonies everywhere) or simply see if
they can conquer faster than history?
It depends. Some people (like me) like empire-building scenarios more, because they get the feeling that they've done all by themselves. Then again, there are people who prefer action-packed scenarios with lots of fighting and tactics. Some like both, some like things inbetween. I think you should do what you like best. After all, people are known to lose themselves in other categories as well.
I am personally still sticking with an ancient Aegean-based scenario
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May 8, 2003, 09:02
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Originally posted by St Leo
Very Sci-Fi/Fantisy (I will be usless at it as I dont whatch it)
Nothing wrong with that. Very sci-fi/fantasy stuff isn't watched; it's read.
Roman Empire
Why not cover one of the Roman/Sassanid squabbles over Armenia?
Not a bad idea. But the problem is that both mights shall be relatively big in comparison to the disputed area; the sollution would be to make the scn dedicated to this subject only, with a map containing only Armenia and nearest lands, and it would have to be really good scenario to be enjoyable
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Middle East!
May 8, 2003, 18:31
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There's a big gap where a good English Civil War scenario should be. And Fairline spent so long making those graphics...
Seriously, if you're new to scenario creation you may want to start off by improving an existing scenario. Jumping in at the deep end may be a tad ambitious.
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May 9, 2003, 08:22
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I am a not that new at this. OK, this will be my 2nd full scenario creation, but I have been teaching myself how to use graphics, events.txt and others over the last year, starting with simply changing Rome.scn's road mulitplyer (you know the standard one on Civ II disc)
I have been playing scenarios for 2 years now.
I think I am not that bad at it now. I do like this idea of a Civil War one. But I will have to look around to see if there is one allready around. If I can find a good one allready, i will not bother.
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
May 9, 2003, 11:06
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I once thought about a scenario based on ancient irish mythology, which describes a series of invasions of the island by various races who fought over it-loosely describable as giants, fairies, malevolent giants and finally humans. It's well worth reading up on even if it is a load of mythological hogwash; if you like history you'd probably love celtic myth. Or the tain bo cuilagne, which takes place later in their tales, which describes the invasion of ulster by the other five counties, ostensibly over a single bull but as an actual end result of many factors and past mistakes. It would be tough, but either aspect of irish lore would be steeped in historical feeling to the point of making a good civ scenario. Just a thought. I love celtic tales.
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
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May 10, 2003, 00:15
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Originally posted by Elok
...by the other five counties...
 ahem... four...
May 10, 2003, 14:43
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Sorry, typo...I think. I'll take your word for it.
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-Brady's Leap, "Wash."
May 11, 2003, 07:20
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I wouldn't mind seeing an accurate Arthurian scenario. In accurate, I mean the true moral of the story stays. Most people don't know that the book was intended to unite the Pagans and the Christians in Britain. Infact, Arthur was a Pagan himself and he married Gwenth, a Christian. It seems everytime I hear/see this tale, the moral of uniting two peoples has been lost. If you want more details, check out a book called "Mists of Avalon"
Helmut von Skibjack
May 11, 2003, 14:54
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I read the book. It was very good and very clear indeed.
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May 13, 2003, 10:05
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I would like to make something like those two, but i have aboslutly no idea of the period in question. I feel that I should stick with real periods for now. I simply do not have any experiance in scifi/fantasy. The problem with Arthour is to trim the truth from the lies of the entertainment industry. And anyhow, I remenber reading that the 'original' story of king Athour was written by a Monk called something of Monmouth during the 13th Century, and if the story has any truth in it, it would of been passed down through several centuries, which allows for much changing. This monk has proven that he had put in some extra stories, and there is many factual errors, such like that he notes that Arthour died when he was 100! Well, I will read the book you suggest. Is it still in print in the UK?
How can you defeat an enemy which will never accept defeat?
May 14, 2003, 12:46
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The mists of avalon was just tasteless wiccan propaganda. Marion Zimmer Bradley has a perverse habit of turning every story she retells into a feminist mystery-religion rant. The "original" tale of arthur was the product of a welsh bardic tradition, not a book, and had no such intent. It told a good story. The real unison of Christian and Pagan in the Welsh tradition lay in the philosophical concept of the circles of existence(the concept of human existence as a progression of self-improvement through circles proceeding from nothingness and chaos towards the divine).
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
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May 14, 2003, 14:46
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Originally posted by Elok
Marion Zimmer Bradley has a perverse habit of turning every story she retells into a feminist mystery-religion rant.
 Yes, that's true!
May 14, 2003, 15:20
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Originally posted by Elok
The mists of avalon was just tasteless wiccan propaganda. Marion Zimmer Bradley has a perverse habit of turning every story she retells into a feminist mystery-religion rant.
It wouldn't suprise me; Most Wiccans I know are feminists themselves. I only know what I know by word of mouth. I never actually read the book, just heard about it. Besides, I wouldn't know, I'm a Pagan. However, Merlin was a Druid, and if he raised Arthur then Arthur had to be a Pagan as well.
Helmut von Skibjack
Last edited by Helmut von; May 14, 2003 at 15:26.
May 15, 2003, 20:27
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No, Merlin was a minor deity called Myrddin, originally, which was latinized as Merlinus because merd- is the latin root for excrement. It was a Welsh story-druids were largely an Irish thing, and Welsh culture came into its own late enough in time that paganism was essentially stomped. The high Welsh culture that spawned most of the legends, e.g. the Mabinogion, is early middle ages.
There's also the fact that historical Arthurian times came circa 450-500 AD. By that time Christianity was a sufficiently dominant force in the isles as to squish most pagan sympathies. For a good celtic reconciliation of the Christian and prechristian worlds, check out the meeting of St. Patrick and Keelta of the Fianna, in Irish lore. Please don't rely on Bradley's delusions; that does a disservice to all parties concerned.
At any rate, while Arthur was conceived with Merlin's help, in no version of the story I've ever heard of was he raised by Merlin. Not even Mists of Avalon. Simple truth, bud.
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
-Brady's Leap, "Wash."
May 20, 2003, 18:20
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Wow, I would have guessed you would of replied with something similar to, "No one knows the truth" but you didn't. Like I said, I only know what I know by word of mouth, a very vague outline of the tale. It's actually not even my sect, I'm a Norse Pagan (Asatru) Heh, we held out for much longer against the Christian influence, I'd say until about the 11th or 12th cent. Heh.
Btw, thanks for the indepth background of the story.
Helmut von Skibjack
May 21, 2003, 09:40
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No problem. We'd better get back on topic though.
How about a desert island type scenario? You're shipwrecked Robinson Crusoe style and now you have to fend off wild animals and make civilization flourish on the island, and/or develop a means of getting rescued. I also said this in another thread but if it gives anybody ideas they're welcome to it.
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
-Brady's Leap, "Wash."
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