September 1, 2000, 19:57
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The Chiron Chronicle Summary
Here is a quick plot guide for the Crossfire Chronicle
8-30-2118, -University Does..
-Year -Event
8-30-2118 -Zakharov announces treaty with newly formed Data Angels
8-30-2118 -CEO Morgan warns Zakharov to break off cooperation with Data Angels
8-30-2118 -Data Angels plan expansion away from Morganite territory
8-31-2118 -Zakharov will not change his side about Data Angel issue
8-31-2118 -Political Unrest in the University; some are against Treaty with Data Angels
9-01-2118 -Daniel Jakhobs lists his plans for the overthrow of Zakharov
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 01, 2000).]
September 2, 2000, 11:31
all that happened in two days? doubtful. such a thing may take a period of bit longer and you give the impression you have more than two bases of about 2 or 3 or less pop each. Why not let Barb start it? like the first month of the game will be tommorrow.
and remember, we have TWO BASES and we are the year 2118. so Factions are still small, militaries are still small, not all crossfire factions discovered, militaries still ain't very big for huge campaigns against each other. So far, seems to be a bit unrealistic. Unlike World 2000, we starting up small and write up our growth of our factions and politics and whatever as we go on.
sorry for being negative a bit, but don't like people starting something up without the GM properly stating the starting situation, locations and so on.
So i think the game will start Officially tommorrow, like the timetable gilgamesh created states.
also, i will go on transfering map into gif/jpg form.
September 2, 2000, 11:33
Anyway, Chiron haves 13 months, pretty silly to base game time on reality time, where we have 12 months.
September 3, 2000, 15:33
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Heres the real Chrion timetable I got from another site:
9.planetary year (388 earth days)
10.planetary day (21.00 earth hours),
11.A decurn is 10 planetary days
12.A month is 5 decurns
12.53 Decurns or 11 Months is a year plus 2 days (532 days planetary year)
September 3, 2000, 15:38
Local Time: 05:30
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Thank you for rendering up the map.
But in other news:
All that could happen in a few days. What is unrealistic is a faction leader stating something and then another leader responds the next month.
On Earth that does not happen so on Chiron it most likely would not either. Communication times are fairly fast.
Also I would like to state, the armies are not implied huge. I never stated anywhere in the story that they are huge.
I also understand your concern for the true GM to start up the game and I will wait at most a week for him to do so; otherwise if we wait longer we may lose players.
Thank you for your thoughts, I truly respect them LMP and I am showing you that in this way.
September 4, 2000, 11:45
Thanks and its okay. I not saying you mentioned, just the Impression i am getting after reading it. The Atmosphere, the feel...which the Author don't have to write to state it. like, press conferences? who needs those really in a small society? when the faction ain't very big? How did Morgan found out about it? Did Zak told every leader about it? So for Morgan to find out and University to have ever was in contact with teh Data Angels, whom have not yet establish itself... Morgan territory would be not very far from Universities... its 2118, the colonists still working their butt off to develop their society, faction... so crimes, drone problems still low..especially with the low pop in 2118. So University and Morgan as recently met each other and been in contact ever since.
I never really thought University and Morgan would have any agressions thinking against each other...since ideologies not contradictive and its still early, and Barb said initial relations would what left off from last official story and impressions we get from the game. I can Believers not have best of initial relations with the Hive Police State like and Peacekeepers Democracy. Peacekeepers won't have best of initial relations the Hive Police State and SPartans agressiveness. and so on i guess....relations can change during the story of the game which the players develop...but we should start off base on initial relations, no? as forCrossfire factions, whom just starting or have splintered off... Data Angels would dislike Morgan and Drones dislike Hive. Effecting or whatever factions would have bad initial relations in first contact...which by then, Pirates have been pirating trade routes in the oceans and stealing ships and so on...more like priveteering, since i the Gov that promotes it :P
Anyway, sorry for long message :P
September 4, 2000, 14:24
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I have the University at war with the Data Angels at first because no one likes competition and no one likes to have a new state carved out of others lands, even if the others were enemies.
Zakharov is still trying to maintain a sense of invulnerablilty and infallibility and that is why he will not go back on his word to be friends with the Data Angels.
The press does not like the Data Angels becuase some Data Angels came from the University. (It is vaguely mentioned) For the University as the Data Angels both like knowledge.
The press conference would be there even in a small faction for all of his people need to know about the state of affairs.
No, the only faction(s) which Zakharov has come in contact with are the Morganites and Data Angels.
Morgan found out about the Press Conference because as with any trade between nations during a peace treaty, the traders brought back news of the conference as did his diplomats in the University.
September 4, 2000, 19:41
True. Maybe we should mention/point out such details when posting actions or in summary or whatever, no?
Agree about press conference, but doubt the press is big enough to cause problems and would think the gov controls the news a bit early on after land fall.
traders would of taken about a week, more or less, unless Morgan faction is right next door? Would of taken traders awhile to travel, especially when roads ain't very establish, especially connecting two factions. The tech for naval travel still not discovered and only morgan haves the tech to make roads and have Formers, which in 2118, doubt there is many available. And Direct Communications which the Leaders uses isn't widely available to the people like long distance phone calls are now, not yet anyway and morgan probebly would charge a high fee for the use.
Only i see for Morgan to find out is that there is a Morgan Embassy in University Base, or simply a Ambassador/representives. Anyway i see it, can take a few days.
Anyway, a month per day is good enough and people just have to be quick or simply write down the date in the action message. Also should put the rule that you can't make a action of date before the last posted by anyone. So suggest players post date like first month of 2118...or even 2nd week, first month, 2118 or whatever. But no one can go on and do a post that skips several months or years thought, atleast a month after the last posted or whatever....and can also have responses part of the action message of last posted or more. Way i saw it in World 2000 after reading the whole page which Barb's link lead too.
September 4, 2000, 20:12
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Okay, here's my thoughts on the Data Angels. I personally don't see them in existance as a faction yet. I'm trying to set them up as a guerrilla movement situated in the border regions of the Uni and the Morgans. Just my two cents, which does kind of explain things. They're looking to expand to their own base, now that they are secure the Uni won't attack. Oh, and sorry about starting a second page in the other post. It was an accident.
September 5, 2000, 21:29
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Starting a second page is automatic Argonaut.
2 weeks a day would be better for time progression because of the reasons you outlined. News would travel between neighboring factions at most in 3 days.
Armies could be mustered in 2 weeks and an army could march 500 or so miles in 2 weeks. So that is why the time should be 2 weeks.
Yes, I agree no one can skip several months between posts.
September 6, 2000, 21:33
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Just a general post directed towards everyone...
I have seen Barbarossa's screen name listed 'on' numerous times, however he has not come to this forum to 'start' the game so I believe we should continue on with our story once again,
[LordLMP], do you agree?
September 6, 2000, 21:57
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Hey, sorry to bail guys, but I'm afraid I have to drop out. I had no idea how much time would be taken up with school, and I just won't have the time to be making daily posts. Sorry,
September 7, 2000, 11:24
Okay then, but why not start in a complete new Thread? and another for Discusion/news/summary and so on andlet the ones existing die off.
Also should repost rules and so on.
And LordLMP is fine, i just put symbols because LordLMP already exist and screwed up with it :/
Oh, also, have another rolecall to make sure everybody is still playing.
September 7, 2000, 11:29
Oh, what about GMing? Split duty? 
Does everyone involve agree?
Anyone still interested?
September 7, 2000, 13:21
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Well, if there's more than five other people still interested, then count me in!
September 7, 2000, 18:00
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Yeah, I'm still keen.
I think we definately need to clarify the rules before we start - the more we do now the less arguments there will be later. We also still have to work out starting positions and all that stuff.
Split GMing...sounds good, but someone will still have to be able to have the last word, in case of disputes...DarkCloud seems the most enthusiastic so...
We also need someone to handle all the random events and stuff.
September 7, 2000, 21:43
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I'll gladly split GM. I assume LordLMP would like to join me GM so lets figure out the rules. I'll start up another thread...
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