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Old April 30, 2003, 07:30   #1
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Golden Age Mobilization?
Anyone ever triggered a golden age while mobilized? What happens?
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Old April 30, 2003, 12:33   #2
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I assume the effects stack (i.e. you get +2 Shields in every tile that is producing at least one, if the city is set to build a military-type improvement/unit).

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Old April 30, 2003, 12:35   #3
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Originally posted by Dominae
I assume the effects stack (i.e. you get +2 Shields in every tile that is producing at least one, if the city is set to build a military-type improvement/unit).
If that's really the case, it would make for a kickin' late game as the Germans...
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Old April 30, 2003, 12:48   #4
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Originally posted by Yahweh Sabaoth
If that's really the case, it would make for a kickin' late game as the Germans...
In the Power of Communism AU, some players explored this situation. The extra boost from Mobilization and Golden Age would typically increase the production rate of Tanks/Panzers by 1 turn (in those high-production cities), which is pretty good. Mobilization alone was not so impressive.

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Old April 30, 2003, 14:19   #5
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Re: Golden Age Mobilization?
Originally posted by jshelr
Anyone ever triggered a golden age while mobilized? What happens?
As Dominae stated, the benefits stack (subject to the carve-outs for the mobilization bonus (tiles must be producing a shield to get the bonus, only units (not improvements) get the bonus, etc.).

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Old April 30, 2003, 14:58   #6
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Thanks guys, we have a Korean civ in a PBEM which is GA-less going into the modern era where this question applies.
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Old May 1, 2003, 14:10   #7
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In one of the CivFanatics Game of the Month games some time back, I had a mobilized GA as Germany. At the time, I tended toward much larger cities than I do now, and I had several cities that could churn out a panzer a turn! Needless to say, my neighbors did not like the result of that GA at all.
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Old May 3, 2003, 03:42   #8
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I never mobilize... never. I can win wars without it so I'd rather do a mix of warmongering and building during the industrial age. Still, would be interesting to get a GA during that time. Perhaps I'll experiment with the Germans later on.
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Old May 5, 2003, 01:15   #9
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Normally, the only time I mobilize is if I get attacked when I'm heavily into builder mode and don't have adequate defenses. My peacetime construction rates tend to be perfect for having a huge tank force to upgrade right when I get the ability to build modern armor, and I much prefer to fight with modern armor due to their faster movement. But playing the Germans, I'm a lot more likely to mobilize because panzers have the movement rate needed to punch through multiple layers of cities in a single turn.

I hadn't thought about it before, but the Ottomans could also be an interesting civ to use mobilization with since Sipahi remain potent as attackers even after rivals get Nationalism (not to mention how expensive they are). And as a scientific civ, there is anywhere from a possibility (1.21f) to a near certainty (1.14f or before) of getting Nationalism as a free tech to help make mobilization sometime during the golden age practical.
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Old May 5, 2003, 03:26   #10
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There is of course a downside to all that extra production - if the city has a hospital and/or a factory, it will generate lots more pollution.

No such thing as a free lunch in this game.

Thanks for the tip Nbarclay, I'm playing the current GOTM and that could well be a war winner!!!
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Old May 5, 2003, 06:59   #11
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I have tried mobilization during golden age a couple of times and that combined with railroads and mined grasslands is really awesome! Tanks or infantry in 1-2 turns in all core cities.
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Old May 10, 2003, 12:23   #12
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I've done it, including in the AU Communism game... it's warmonger heaven.
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Old May 10, 2003, 14:26   #13
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Does the AI mobilize?
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