Part VI:
Chapter X "Citizen Zakharov"
(Otherwise Known as the Mystical Chapter)
Decurn 22 Day 6
The old man sat in his bed, dropped a wine glass and uttered the immortal words, “Rosebud”.
But that is not the story I will be talking about. I will be talking about a very different Citizen whose name does not start with “K”, this citizen is named Zakharov and is not really called citizen, he is titled “Academican”, but who really cares anyway.
“What a fine movie.” Zakharov remarked as he walked out of a showing of “Citizen Kane” and headed down towards his expensive stretch-rover.
During his walk there he disappeared.
Hive probe forces dragged Zakharov into a dark alley and pulled out their knives. However, Zakharov who was not easily disturbed decided to punch one of the probe team members in the stomach with a free hand. This did not bode well with the probe team who began to kick and hit him.
Luckily for Zakharov there were only five probe team members and they were quickly immobilized after a woman threw a garbage bag outside of her apartment window. The garbage bag was large and contained several broken blenders and a microwave. The resounding crash when the bag hit the probe members was sickening.
Zakharov, making the best of his situation pulled out one of the probes weapons and quickly dispatched three. He rendered the other two immobile while he went for help.
Chapter X 2/6 “Do You Believe in Magic?”
(New Fusion Units are deployed)
“Ahh…” Chairman Yang commented. “Smell that, it is the air of victory.”
“Yes sir,” the General reported. “The new fusion units will crush anything the Peacekeepers or Gaians have, and with the forces of the Spartans helping us…” Yang finished for him “We will be invincible!”
They then had a hearty laugh whilst observing their forces.
Chapter X 3/6 “What a Night”
(In the Prison of the Pirates)
“You’ll never get away with this.” Bondt drolled out at Ulrik.
“Well,” he began “I believe that I already have. Your feeble Peacekeeper forces do not know of your existence or else they might help you, however,” he angrily turned to Dark Cloud. “Your petty Data Angels are about to be crushed for their lack of reason.”
Ulrik then left them to think of the sure fate that would swallow them whole after Ulrik had no more use for them.
Chapter X 4/6 “Reach for the Stars”
Morgan News Network Newslink
“The once strong Caretaker forces were easily obliterated by Usurper forces, who, in turn were crushed by the combined strength of the Cult of Planet forces and the Free Drones. The victory was a great one in the history of mankind and likely will be followed up by the Cult and Drones.”
“Morgan himself announced yesterday that he would ‘gladly’ help the Drones in their eradication of the Caretaker scum.”
“Captain Ulrik Svensgaard recently destroyed a large Caretaker sea-port and now claims all of the Caretaker seas as his own. Morgan sees this as monopolistic and thus has declared war on him.”
Chapter X 5/6 “Rollin on the River”
(Reward and Conquest)
“Foreman Domai.” The messenger reported. “We have captured the Caretaker’s base.
“Good.” Domani replied and sent the messenger away. Then he turned to ‘The Jackal’ who had been lurking in the shadows.
“So it seems that you have done well ‘Jackal’, I shall promote you for this, you shall be head of all Free Drone Probes and shall be in charge of infiltrations and assassinations planetwide.
‘The Jackal’ looked disapprovingly at the plan. “Sir,” he began “I am sort of a freelancer and all that I ask is that my name be cleared by your announcing of the person who really killed Lular and ended the alien threat for now.
“Very well then,” Domani responded “it shall.”
Chapter X 6/6 “Seeing is Believing”
“Miriam.” Her chief advisor began.
“Yes Saons?” She replied bored.
“Miriam, the council is meeting right now.”
“Oh yes.” She sounded downcast.
“Oh yes, I’ll get in there.” She told him “I’ll get in there and do something radical, something interesting, something bold, my life really isn’t worth living if I don’t bring the ‘word’ to more faithful?” She asked, quickly changing from the dictative to the dictated.
“Yes,” she continued “the aliens are ripe for the religion. Ready the armies. We march a dawn.”
“Yes sir.” Saons Daons, her chief advisor began. “But wouldn’t you like to discuss it with the council.”
She then replied. “What do you think this is. A democracy!” She turned malicious in her voice. “Those ‘Usurpers’ who do not care for our religion will die.”
Chapter XI "Casablanca"
(Otherwise Known as the Explanation Chapter)
Decurn 25 Day 2
The Hive probe team members were quickly questioned and disposed of, because if there was one thing which Academian Provost Zakharov did
not like, it was probe teams who attempted to kidnap him.
The University forces on the front lines which once advanced so quickly now fell back as the Hive Fusion Rovers and Hercules Terminator’s genetically engineered squad attacked and drove the University forces before them. Those who did not die were scattered and their units shattered.
The Hive’s units quickly recovered over half the territory which had been lost to them. The Spartan forces were recalled within a few decurns of their joining the attack force to deal with the Cyborgs attacking from the north.
Oh, and just so you note, Zakharov was going slowly crazy. Hey, two kidnappings and many attempts to steal his hard-earned research can make a man that way.
So don’t be a judge.
Chapter X 2/8 “I Like That Old Time Rock and Roll”
(Caretaker Surrender)
“As the highest ranking Caretaker Representative, I see fit to negotiate an unconditional surrender to the combined might of the Nautilus Pirates, Free Drones, and Morgan Industries. The remaining quarters of Caretaker Lands will be divided as follows.
1. Ten bases in the eastern quadrant will be ceded to Morgan Industries as will 1/3 of our remaining treasury.
2. The north-western bases will be ceded to the Free Drones (Count: 15) They will also receive 1/3 of our treasury.
3. The Nautilus Pirates will receive all 14 seabases and 10 other bases. They will receive 1/3 of our treasury.
Humans, please see it fit in your wisdom to not torture our people, and, perhaps at some time help us destroy the evil Usurpers. Thank you for your time.”
-Caretaker Emaar Dalaa
Chapter X 3/8 “Daydream Believer”
(Usurper Destruction)
The Usurper Garrison forces gave us no trouble and were destroyed. However, the remnants refused to convert to our religion and were systematically destroyed.
There is no living Usurper in the territory that once was True Believer Lands and we are proud of it.
The Usurpers deserved destruction because of their d*mnable pride.
The Cult has proved itself as a wonderous ally in the destruction of Usurper forces as they have killed all the remaining Usurpers in their half of the territory.
The Cyborg Commander has conquered the western regions of Usurper lands and destroyed all but 100,000 of their people, however, the Spartans have pledged their support to destroy the remaining Usurpers. Those despicable Cyborgs will not know what hits them and their disgusting sniveling protected Usurper scum, so, against all reason and authorization I signed a pact with the great Spartans for the duration of this conflict. So together we can quell the spread of the heretic Alien and Cyborg scum.
“Good work Sister Tira. You did well in that alliance, however you should have contacted me, but I suppose the angels of God spoke to you and told you the right thing to do, so go ahead on your holy crusade.”
Chapter X 4/8 “House of the Rising Sun”
(Hive Progress)
“Peacekeeper territory penetrated. We have forces within 100 km of their capital. We await your orders.”
Chapter X 5/8 “96 Tears”
(Hive Progress Hits Home)
(Part I)
“Lal. Lal, honey.” Deidre pleaded. “Lal, can you hear me?”
He responded with a slight wave of his arm. “Well, Lal,” she went on whilst weeping. “They say you should be able to speak in a day or two, but I thought that I might tell you this, there is a tragedy and since your people are leaderless, perhaps I should stand in. Please raise your hand for yes, leave it down for no.” Lal raised his hand. “You won’t regret this.” Deidre told him “UN Planetary Base
WILL NOT be taken.”
Lal looked alarmed as he heard this, for, after preliminary work at the DETH hospital, he was transferred to UN Planetary Base, so his people would know that he was all right. He had not heard about the advancing Hive forces and was reasonably surprised. But, he could not ask Deidre exactly what she meant, for she had left the room and he could not yell out.
(Part II)
“Peacekeeping Forces, please hear me.” Deidre began. “Your leader is too sick to coordinate defense for UN Planetary Base. However, he has left me in charge of defense preparations.” That announcement was met with a couple of hurled projectiles and insults too evil to print here.
“Yes, I know that you do not like me very much.” She continued “But, I was not responsible for your leaders wounds, I love him just as much as you do.” This was met with jeers. However, the jeers did not last long as the first Hive unit was sighted by soldiers on the perimeter, the battle had begun.
People rushed right and left looking for a place to hide while the Laser Guards readied themselves for an assault.
Chapter X 6/8 “Help!”
(Data isn’t all It’s Cracked Up To Be)
The Datatech war was not going well. Five units had been lost at sea and meanwhile, it looked like the Pirates had actually ‘gained’ forces and production capacity from the Caretakers. Roze had few options other than to surrender or fight and she sure as he11 wasn’t ready to surrender to that fiend, Ulrik. She had no choice but to ask for help.
No one returned her calls save the Spartans who saw a chance to gain a valuable ally on their way towards world domination. Santiago looked smooth as she told Roze “Of course I would agree to help, if you would cut me on a share of the profits.”
Roze swallowed her pride and replied. “Yes, I would enjoy your help greatly.”
And it was agreed.
Chapter X 7/8 “Born to be Wild”
(No one likes a Petty Pirate)
He was born to be wild. He was strong, suave, and a real draw at dances, he was Captain Ulrik Svensgaard, the man with the irresistible charm. However no amount of charm could get him out of
this jam. He was at war with four different factions
The Spartans
The Data Angels
The Morganites
The University
Alone, he could deal with any of them, especially with the new ‘Fusion’ technology, but against all of them he didn’t stand a chance. The Spartans could do him the most damage for now, so he would have to concentrate his attacks on them, for they had many water units now upgraded to Fusion Units after Yang traded tech for their continued help in his war. However, Santiago deceived him and upon receiving the tech declared war on Yang and allied with the University.
Together they were a force to be reckoned with and were pushing Hive units back towards their capital.
So, luckily for Ulrik everyone was otherwise engaged except for the Morganites and Data Angels. The Morganites were no problem, they had no navy and their armed forces were reduced to nothing after the battles with the Hive and Caretakers. The Data Angels never really
did have much of a armed force and so they shouldn’t be much to worry about.
Yes, Ulrik thought, I really have no problems, I am just inventing them because I have nothing better to do. And with that he went down his ship- “The Invader’s” hull to tease and torture the captives.
Chapter X 8/8 “I Heard it Through the Grapevine”
(Spartan Reports)
“Item 1. The Cyborg attack was repelled.
Item 2. We have recovered all territory lost to the Cyborgs.
Item 3. Believers report they are within 700 km of the Cyborg capital and have eliminated all Usurper scum who resided within the territory.
Item 4. It seems that Cyborg units are pulling back to defend their capital against a massive attack.”
Lieutenant Zizi-Doka 1st Spartan Fusion Guard, 23rd Army, 2nd Division