October 14, 2000, 16:16
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Okay, Googlie, the Chiron Chronical has been summarized up to a certain date, In a Summary thread I created a while back; I will soon have to update it...
October 15, 2000, 22:09
DarkCloud, you have a webpage right? possible to have gif maps of the game on it and post it in Admin like the authur who wrote Joe did in her comment?
I will do the gif pics, but you post it?
Will be easier than simply email it to everyone :P And the audience would appreciate it too
October 18, 2000, 23:27
I simply decided to start up a small website where i will post the Chiron Chronicles maps and the SMAX map available for download. Will work on that this coming weekend for sure. Anything else i should have on that website? (just want to make it simple and its for the players and audience)
October 19, 2000, 05:58
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maybe some sort of running update maybe...depends how much time you have really. In a couple of weeks when I finish uni for the year I'm gonna have a fair bit of time on my hands, so I might be able to help out in some way. If we can design some sort of simple interface, then it might be an easy way of keeping track of all the factions, rather than just the ones that are being played at the moment.
October 19, 2000, 06:38
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mmm - I was wondering what the GM's thought about the partial gifting of tech - rather than having to give the whole tech, you can gift the knowledge/instructions needed for one application of the tech. For example with Industrial Automation, you could send someone the knowledge need to build supply crawlers, without sending the knowledge on how to build Hab complexes.
Don't know how you would want it to affect research costs though - maybe half it for a partially researched tech.
Anyway, seems a bit more realistic, rather than transmitting a whole heap of theory and expecting all factions to make the same applications from it, you transmit only what is required for an application. They don't need to know all the theory behind it, basically you are just giving them a set of instructions and how it can be used effectively.
October 19, 2000, 23:04
Thanks, but not going to do the website by hand :P will only be a simple site with yahoo geocities :P
They have a composer i can use.
October 23, 2000, 11:01
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What should we say the scale is of the maps?
I need to know how far away everything is and what sort of travels times are required.
October 23, 2000, 16:21
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I would say the maps are triple size as the cities must be close together.
October 24, 2000, 16:22
Can say each square is a 100km x 100km Sectors? maybe 200x200 or 500x500 or 1000x1000?
October 25, 2000, 16:10
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Each square would most likely fit three real life 50,000- 100,000 pop. cities.
So, roughly 100-200 km a square.
October 28, 2000, 18:29
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OK, we need to discuss battles before I post any further. As far as I was concerned, the attacker was meant to post their attack without resolution giving the defender the chance to post a defence to the attack.
Maybe I didn't make it clear enough in my last post that the attack was starting, because everyone is treating it like I haven't attacked the base yet...Which I thought I clearly had.
If we just proceed now like the attack just started now, then its gonna seem like I attacked after Roze brokered a truce, which is going to complicate diplomancy for me.
And plus has the uni now moved the colony pod away from inspiration point? That means the pod gets away when it kinda shouldn't have
If I wasn't clear enough then we have to establish some sort of protocol that lets us all know, for sure, that an attack has been initiated and a defence is needed, so that if we choose different post styles to introduce the attack there wont be any confusion
Sorry to be the one always badgering for details
October 28, 2000, 23:23
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Sorry to be the one always badgering for details
I have joined you.
How about the attacker says what they have certainly hurt or killed. Example:

Planetmind is tired of the Morgan ways and attacks Morgan Industries, suprising the one of the synth garrisons while playing Morgan 64. Planetmind manages to completely destroy that part of the garrison.
The attacker cannot say that they came and destroyed all garrisons unless they have something superior in the attacking units. Ex. Impact rover vs. scout patrol.
Next the defender can tell how he has defended his/her city. Example:

The other Morgan Synth Garrison was on duty while the attack happened and managed to use flame guns to keep the mindworms at bay. One younger mindworm was killed, others fleeing into the fungus. Spore Launchers are currently still a problem.
How's that?
[This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited October 28, 2000).]
October 29, 2000, 17:15
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The pod did get away and the city was defended; I only posted this after you had them attack the one scout rover and thus thought you had not attacked the city since you only posted plans for attack.
The colony pod was moving anyway with the other scout rover since a pod can't just sit still.
Christantine's resolution seems sound however the battle should go like this...
Your Units (I believe, XWaste)
2-1-2 Veteran (1 attack)
1-1-2 Green
2-1-2 Green
2-1-2 Green
My units +25% Base (or .25)
1-2.5-1 Hardened (0.5 defense)
1-2-1 Green
1-2-1 Green
Total Strengths
So with the formula:
Two of My units die.
Two of your units die.
1 of yours damaged to 40% Green (2-1-2)
1 of yours damaged to 90% Green (2-1-2)
1 of mine damaged to 60% Hardened (1-2.5-1)
Thus: Strengths-
You- 65% operation total- 4-2 thus: 2.5-1.25
Me- 60% operation total- 1-2.5 thus: 0.7-1.75
I assume the Cyborg units would retreat and await reinforcements... I assume...
October 29, 2000, 18:36
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Okay, remember how it makes life much easier when things are made simple? I have NO IDEA how you came to that result Lord LMP, and if we have to calculate that every time there's a battle, I'll go insane.
October 29, 2000, 20:38
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1. I have EIGHT units, all laser, attacking your TWO defenders synth.(at the time of posting - as either the rover unit has disappeared with the pod, or it has been destroyed by my three laser rovers while my infantry surrounded the city To Prevent Escape)
2.I thought the end of my post...and the troops are getting into position as I post... would show that it just wasn't a plan to be implemented later, but that the attack is imminant.
How can I write anything further without risking possible contradictions? If I give some account of the battle, I risk writing your defence for you. I figured the onus of admitting defeat or thinking up a clever strategy for success would be on the defender - for fairness sake.
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 29, 2000).]
October 30, 2000, 08:58
Christanine way is better in my opinion. Way i see it, INspiration Point is currently undersieged and blockaded. Also have a Laser Foil bombarding the place, keeping the garrisons heads down. Having something shoot from the seas would surprise the hoot out of the Garrison. also, not all of your Rovers, two our mines
October 30, 2000, 09:22
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Yeah, but if all I wanted to surround and blockade the city, then thats all I would have posted.
All I want to ask is was my attack post clear? If it wasn't everyone can tell me and I'll know for the future - I wont take offence. The post seemed quite clear to me but of course, I was the one who wrote it.
If the same post had been written in attack of one of my cities then I would have regrettably posted its loss and moved on.
I will take more liberties in the future - as Chrisantine has suggested - but in this case then I would have really felt justified in exploiting my 4:1 advantage (once I had disposed of the scout rovers) and taking the city quite easily - which could have drawn howls of protest from Darkcloud, who seems to have worked out that my forces should be in retreat?
and LordLMP - I know two of the rovers are yours, have been including them in the total for ease (and to protect your identity  )
October 30, 2000, 20:59
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WTF XWaste!!??!!?
Since you have 8 laser rovers then please take the city...
So, the city goes to Xwaste.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Yes, you attack post was unclear.
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 30, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 00:37
Calm down Dark. Cyborgs only had about 4 Augmented Patrols and 1 Strike Rovers. I had 2 Laser Rovers helping them out and disguised as cyborg units.
The Augmented Patrols was sieging the place while the Rovers was after your Scout Rovers. When they came back, the assault on Inspiration Point started. When it did, my Laser Foil which your faction assumes it belongs to the cyborgs started bombarding the place. The Augmented Patrols and your Synth Garrisons dish it out while the Rovers were giving support, well, atleast mines were. The Synth Garrison you rushed to build was made of Green soldiers, so easy to defeat them. Rest of the garrisons gave the most trouble. Anyway, cyborgs took serious losts trying to take your base, so blah :P only a total of 5-6 units attacked your base, not including my Laser Foil.
But next time, we should ALL be clear in our attacks and also explain your tactics/strategy. The obvious like Recon Rovers vs Scout Patrol, experience Augmented Patrol vs green Synth Garrison, is easy to guess who will lose/take the serious damage in the initial attack. BUT DO give the defender a chance to answer thought. if my laser foil wasn't around, cyborgs may of lost or taken more loss'.
October 31, 2000, 05:09
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How much more detailed should I have been, and what parts where unclear? - just asking for clarity, not trying to sound argumentative
Ok, above I said I had eight units all laser, so I can see why DarkCloud thought I meant 8 laser rovers. I meant that all my forces had laser weapons(inf and rover).
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 31, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 17:33
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I'm not going to be able to post for a few days (to the end of the week) as I have a heap of uni work I have to catch up on.
November 7, 2000, 14:05
OH well... I tried to drop into the story, but seems like I just didn't have time. Story admins, delete Rural Ranger and LightEning from your posts, let my posts be here for... historical value or something.
EDIT: And don't try to contact me or tell a sarcastic joke about this message...
[This message has been edited by Rural Ranger (edited November 07, 2000).]
November 7, 2000, 21:22
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Did someone insult you rural to make that edited comment?
Oh well... goodbye... sorry you didn't have enough time
November 8, 2000, 21:52
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Now that I control the Manifold Nexus could everyone try to give me a list of limits to its powers? I want to get it involved in the story.
November 8, 2000, 22:28
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the rulebook states that
The Manifold Nexus
Control of this grants the controlling faction +1 Planet. It is not certain what the Nexus is, but it appears to be the central communications point for all six of the Progenitor Manifold experiments. In essence, it is a control tower for planteary intelligence.
Basically it seems that the Nexus is the legacy of the previous Progenitor experiments that lead to the development of intelligence in planet however long ago. It may allow for control/manipulation of planet if used by someone with the correct knowledge. Planet is really covering its own back by not allowing anyone near it, though I don't think anyone will be close to having the required tech for some time to come.
January 7, 2001, 18:50
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