September 24, 2000, 14:55
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The Chiron Chronicle -Comments
If you have any comments on the Chiron Chronicle, please post them here.
October 3, 2000, 22:23
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October 17, 2000, 17:02
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About my 'Zakharov Social System'... the scariest part of this system he is beginning to implement is that it is how I consider a utopian state to operate... More people-tracker and time-reducing devices are on the way in the coming months...
Any comments?
I have been told that my ideas were 'unsettling' at best about how education and the raising of children were. However, you will soon be able to see those ideas close up.
October 17, 2000, 18:37
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The problem with utopia's is that they all require everyone share the same philosphy - may work possibly in small communities, but once the population grows you are more likely to get opposing views (its just human nature...and statistics), hence dissention and a society that is no longer perfect.
Looks like some more issues of University Underground are in the works, but then Zak does have his drone problems...
October 17, 2000, 22:59
Okay, is Christine playing Planetmind or Lightning? or whatever? Or the Gaians or the Cult?
If planetmind, she can't go to the Ruins, Gaians have bases in that area and if Gaians or cult, than will have to establish techs first and see if they even able to acquire Isle of the Deep, and they would need to cross Pirate waters to get to Morgan.
October 18, 2000, 20:21
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Just so you know LMP this is not the place for that question; the place is rules and rollcall or Discussion.
However, Christantine is playing planetmind.
October 22, 2000, 14:20
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There was a city in ancient mesopatamia where the scholars all grafted abacus's to themsleves. It didn't help them with their maths...I think it was mainly a fashion thing.
I could be lying though
Not much historical precedent for a race of cyborgs though.
October 22, 2000, 19:53
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Just wondering... how does everyone see Zakharov as a human being?
A note for all who want to know: The first page of the Chiron Chronicle
is 23 printed pages long and 92kb large. (I am compiling the entire story in Word format)
October 23, 2000, 00:31
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The Organ growth from Pigs is possible near in the future. (2005?)
The growth from human tissue taken from organs is also possible, but most people would say it is unethical, not me however. Human tissue growth would be possible most likely in (2020?)
The "Nils Sparr-Hawkins" type of name was taken from Spanish names with the Mothers, and fathers name both attached to the children. However I changed one thing, the people pick both of their last names and when married they do as the Spanish did.
-Has anyone else taken something from history in their stories.
October 25, 2000, 16:04
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I am doing Zakharov and Morgans dreams to planetmind with (...think) in them to more realistically portray dreaming.
P.S. Thank you planetmind for not allying against the University. I would be complaining if I had to fight against everyone and try to preserve at least one base for later stories!
October 26, 2000, 19:17
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I don't think the Cyborgs should be trying to contact me with so little tech researched about Planetmind. In the game that took place a long time into the future.
October 27, 2000, 09:33
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Well, in my defence, I am researching centauri empathy, and the attempts at communication are clearly experiments that may or may not succeed, that follow quite a simple logic.
Plus, how can we not be trying to communicate when we are being put into the position where we HAVE to try to understand this entity, or risk being wormraped like the Morgans? Plus, in the game planet doesn't engage in any diplomacy, and only contacts very rarely. We have clearly broken off on a tangent to the game. Christantine, if you're not going to play planet like from the game, I don't see how you can expect us to react like in the game.
Until a moderator says otherwise, I feel I am completely justified in what I am doing. In fact,I am surprised no one else is trying to do the same considering what a big role planetmind is currently making for itself.
October 27, 2000, 10:15
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Hey Cyber, I just rea your dream to planet...if you attack us we will kill the peacekeeper prisoners.
I like it
October 27, 2000, 11:37
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"Every possible weapon must be used against an overwhelming enemy."
-Spartan Battle manual
The peacekeepers aren´t actually prisoners, they have their rights, which end quite quicly if planetmind decides to rescue them.
It´s interesting to see what will happen to the peacekeepers in War Outpost.Will their ideologies
change after some time of complete isolation from the rest of their people in Island of Peace?Will they change into another faction?.
November 13, 2000, 21:43
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The diseases I mentioned in my most recent post are all 'Inherited' Diseases.
Colorblindness- 1 in 1000 males (?)
Huntingtons Disease- Erosion of Muscle fibers
However I forget what the third one I mentioned was???
PS. Who thinks Zakharov should ban 'Coffee,Chocolate, and tea' because of their addictive qualities?
November 13, 2000, 22:47
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I think if you keep going the way you are, Roze will have to declare war for the sake of the people! No alchohal! And now you're talking no chocolate, coffee or tea? What sort of monster are you????
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November 14, 2000, 17:17
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Ban the tossing of gum in the fungal fields. It already trapped two worms!
Back to the topic...
If you wanted to make some friction in your faction yea, go ahead and ban it!
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November 14, 2000, 18:49
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Well, I was sort of joking about the Chocolate, but perhaps in the foreseeable future Zakharov may ban Coffee or tea, but only after a people court debate on the pros versus the cons of each (energy boost, Drug?)

Ban the tossing of gum in the fungal fields. It already trapped two worms!
Good idea! Send a planet dream about that.
November 15, 2000, 21:55
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About democracy in the game. Considering that the rulebook states that a citizen/worker represents only about one thousand people then the early bases didn't really need democarcy.
Imagine this, you have just arrived on a strange planet you know nothing about, and you pretty much know everyone you live with. There is little need for a formal democracy, but rather a strong individual leader to unite everyone and create the beginings of a new civilisation.
Once the popualtion starts to grow a bit then you start to need more formal/representative means of governance. Hence democracy is introduced at the same time as childrens creches, at the time when you expect your population to start to take off.
We seem to have inflated populations (I'm really not sure what the actual system is we are using for population, which is why my faction stats haven't listed them in the admin thread) so I guess there is a call for more complex governments earlier.
November 16, 2000, 00:17
As for me, i rather wait for the pirates to acquire the proper tech before considering Democracy or any form of government.
For the pirates, aslong Svensgaard keeps the faction happy, let them be themselves, no oppression, freedom and so on, he will stay in office. He is leader of a pirate nation :P and no other have yet challenge him for his position. I was hoping to the pirates to start out in pirating other faction ships and trade routes, but won't really see that at the moment. I atleast stole a ship from the hive
November 17, 2000, 20:25
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"Perhaps Zakharov is just full of air, or this trial could drag on a long, long, long, long time"
-Dr. Sergei Inkothob of the Data Angels commenting on Zakharovs idea to implement democracy in the University, voicing his concern that either he (Is just bluffing his idea, attempting to gater support; or he is counting on the trial taking a long time and the people forgetting)
What I belive is, that with a population near 200,000 Zakharov is nearly ready for a Democracy; 'he also believes that the other factions will make the Cyborgs with their 150-200,000 join him.'
Plus, he has been working on a project for cloning 'all previous data was lost due to ethical concerns', and genetic engineering to create humans from scratch.
These are ways he intends to increase his population count above and beyond the other factions;
Rocky Crag is hidden and took the research; so in say 5-10 years a breakthrough may be made there or in University Base and, barring a war, University population will explode.
November 18, 2000, 01:24
Besides, how does a base get 10,000 people in a few years?  maybe humanity evolved where children grow up faster, females stay pregnant for shorter time and so on. Hey, Humanity did discover the Longivity Vaccine back on earth before laucnhing Unity, what other simple genetic alterations they can do?
So far, the basics of alpha centauri universe is being altered the more this game goes on, especially with the mind worms and the story of earth nuked by a insane U.N. official. :P
way i increase my bases pops is that the one with most pop gain pop quicker, more people to multiple. bases with low pop take more time to gain pop. and so on.
November 19, 2000, 01:37
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The way my base grew was this; I started with, I believe 90,000 in University Base and it now has 138,000; most of those people are 5 years old or less.
So 50,000 were born in 5 years; the University also has been experimenting with cloning, so some of those people might be clones [something to be discovered, perhaps?]
Most clones would be between 15-20 becaue-(remember Data Angels and Cyborgs were once university citizens)
So the University, could feasibly have a population of 400,000 if there were no splits.
November 19, 2000, 10:00
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Good post TheDiplomat! - the log of the hive prisoner.
I like the description of the monolith effects and great atmosphere to the approaching attack - I'm hoping he escapes.
November 29, 2000, 16:27
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I was just wondering if Lal is going to call a planetary council meeting. He does have all active commlinks. (BTW: can planetmind have a voice in the council in the future or will it go through Lal?)
November 29, 2000, 21:52
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It could be determined by vote once the council was called into session.
Where are the Diplomat and Cyber? I haven't seen a post by them in a while...
November 30, 2000, 12:15
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Don´t worry, I´m here.
Last week was a exam week, and a couple of days ago my computer broke down.Now everything is up and running and I can continue the attack on the Hive.
January 7, 2001, 18:55
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