September 13, 2000, 21:58
The Chiron Chronicle - Admin
This where we should post what factions are producing, overview and moderating stuff
Updates: I will get a draft of the map done by tommorrow or friday
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 13, 2000).]
September 13, 2000, 22:18
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
University Base- (138,000)
Hologram Theatre
Synthmetal Sentinel [1-2-1] Green
Plasma Sentinel [1-4-1] Green
Volunteer Force [1-1-1] Extensively Trained +50%
Militia [1-1-1] Trained +10%
Recycling Tanks
Outpost #1- (71,000)
Laser Rover [1-2-1]
Plasma Sentinel [1-4-1] Green
Synthmetal Sentinel [1-2-1] Green
Synthmetal Sentinel [1-2-1] Green
Militia [1-1-1] Untrained
Recycling Tanks
Rocky Crag- (19,000)
Plasma Sentinel [1-4-1]
Plasma Sentinel [1-4-1]
Militia [1-1-1] Trained +10%
Offensive Units
-1 'Veteran' Laser Rover [2-1-2] (In University Base)
-1 'Disciplined' Laser Rovers [2-1-2](In Outpost #1)
-1 'Green' Scout Rover [1-1-2] (In Rocky Crag)
-2 'Green' Laser Rovers [2-1-2] (In University Base)
-1 'Green' Laser Rover [2-1-2] (In Outpost #1)
(3 Synthmetal Sentinels lost in defense of Inspiration point 10/29/00)
(1 Scout rover lost in attack on Morgan Base 10/19/00)
(1 Scout rover lost to Cyborgs 10/25/00)
40% Economy
50% Research
10% Psych
Applied Physics (Conquer 1) [Laser]
Centauri Ecology (Explore 1) [Former]
Industrial Base (Build 1) [Synthmetal]
Biogenetics (Discover 1) [R-Tanks, The Human Genome]
Information Networks (Discover 1) [Network Node]
Doctrine: Mobility (Explore 1) [Speeder]
Nonlinear Mathematics (Conquer 2) [Particle Impactor]
High Energy Chemistry (Conquer 2) [Plasma Steel Armor, Nerve Gas Pods]
Field Modulation (Conquer 2) [Resonance Lasers (1-5-1)]
Techs: 9
Research Complete- (25 Days; Jan 5th)
[b]Research for level 2 techs takes:
7 + [(TL% + #techs) * 2] - facs bonus
7 + [(50% + 9) *2] - 1
Where TL% is 100 - % allocated to research and then expressed as a decimal (ie 50 is .5)
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 05, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 02, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 06, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 15, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 17, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited December 14, 2000).]
September 13, 2000, 22:43
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
Cybernetic Consciousness
Alpha Prime - building - Human Genome Project
Enhanced Patrol (D3.0)
-Recycling Tanks
--formers (1)
Tau Collective - building - Colony Pod
Augmented Patrol (D2.3)
-Network Node
--formers (1)
Gamma Heights - building - Biology lab
Augmented Patrol (D2.6)
-Network Node
--formers (1)
Inspiration Point - building - Network Node
Enhanced Patrol (D3.1)
Augmented Patrol (D2.0)
Augmented Patrol (D2.17)
Augmented Patrol (D2.2)
-no facilities
--formers (1)
Port Beta - building - Enhanced Garrison
-no facilities
--no formers
Units Outside Bases
-One Strike Rover (RD1.0)protecting formers at Inspiration Point
-One Strike Rover(RD1.1) patrolling around Garland Crater
-One Transport Foil(ND0.1) at Port Beta
-One Force Rover(RD2.0) Outside Data DeCentral
-Enhanced Patrol(D3.2) at Data DeCentral
Unit information:
Augmented Patrol: laser/synth (2-2-1)
Enhanced Patrol: laser/plasma (2-3-1)
Strike Rover: laser (2-1-2)
Force Rover: Impact (4-1-2)
D2.5 destroyed when capturing IP
D2.1 and D2.7 Merged into D2.17 after capture of IP
One Probe team captured by Cult of the Planet
Regimental titles:
RD=rover derivitive
ND=foil derivitive
-Applied physics
-Industrial Base
-Information Networks
-Social Psych
-Doctrine: Mobility
-Centauri Ecology
-Nonlinear Mathematics
-High Energy Chemistry
-Secrets of the Human Brain
-Planetary Networks
-Doctrine: Flexibility
-Centauri Empathy
-Polymorphic Software
-Industrial Economics
# tech=15
facs bonus=+2+2(+faction bonus + facilities bonus)
date of last discovery-17/11
days to next discovery-34 (21/12)
Researching - Doctrine: Loyalty
16/9-Tau Collective builds Formers
27/9-Alpha Prime builds Recycling Tanks
5/10-Tau Collective builds Colony Pod
6/10-Alpha Prime builds Augmented Patrol prototype
10/10-Gamma Heights Settled
10/10-Tau Collective builds Augmented Patrol
10/10-Alpha Prime builds Probe team
16/10-Gamma Heights builds formers
19/10-Alpha Prime builds Strike Rover prototype
24/10-Alpha Prime builds Enhaced Patrol Prototype
24/10-Gamma Heights builds Augmented Patrol
30/10-Captured Inspiration Point
7/11-Alpha Prime builds Force Rover Prototype
7/11-Gamma Heights builds Strike Rover
7/11-Tau Collective builds Network Node
7/11-Inspiration Point builds formers
15/11-Alpha Prime builds Transport Foil
15/11-Gamma Heights builds Enhanced Patrol
18/11-Inspiration Point builds Enhanced Patrol
26/11-Tau Collective builds Colony Pod
11/12-Gamma Heights builds Network Node
11/12-Port Beta settled
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited December 11, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited December 11, 2000).]
September 14, 2000, 09:37
Local Time: 07:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
Spartan Federation
Sparta Command(110,000):War Rover
- The Weather Paradigm
-Network Node
-Command center
-Recycling tanks
-1 Synth garrison(Elite)
Survival Base(65,000):Power Rover
-Network Node
-Recycling tanks
-Command center
-1 synth.garrison(Hardened)
Commanders keep(67,000):Attack foil
-Network Node
-Recycling tanks(Repaired)
-Command center
-2 synth.garrisons(Hardened)
War Outpost(ex U.N.High Comission, 15,000) :Impact Rover
-Network Node
-Recycling tanks
-Command center
Centurion Cave(15,000):Impact Rover
-Command Center
-Network Node
-recycling tanks
Social Engineering:
Labs 50%
Economy 50%
Discovered Tech:
Industrial base
Applied physics
Centauri ecology
Information networks
Nonlinear mathematics
High Energy Chemistry
Polymorphic software
Last Discovery=11-12
Next Discovery=02-01
7+ [(tech%+#tech)*2]-fac
7+[9.5 *2]-5
7+ 19 -5=21
4th Impact rover unit:Veteran(attacking the Hive)
5th Impact Rover unit:Commando(attacking the Hive)
6th Impact Rover unit:Veteran(attacking the Hive)
2nd Power Rover unit:Veteran(attacking the Hive)
Special Unit:Elite(Power Rover,attacking the Hive)
2nd Impact Rover unit: (hardened, attacking the Hive)
1st Power Rover unit  Hardened,attacking the Hive)
Unit Information
Power rover=4.2.2
War Rover =4.3.2
Transport foil =0.3.4
Attack Foil =4.1.4
War Foil =4.3.4
16-12-Building more rovers in all bases.
10-12-Pop amount updated.Research complete.Command center in CC ready.Starting to build the armada.
-Upgraded the rovers.All bases, except Sparta C saving energy.
-Discovered High En.Chem.Started on Doct=Flex
-update on the amount of pop.
-30-11- The Weather Paradigm is ready.CC built Network Node, started on Command Center.
-03-11-Command Center ready in WarO, started building Network node.
-30-Non-Linerial Maths ready.Researching High Energy Chemistry.Colony pod and
Network Node ready.Started to build recycling tanks and a Impact rover.
-27-10-Base repairments ready in War outpost, started to build Command Center
-24-10-S.Command building Colony pod after Network Node. S.Base building Network Node and C.keep saving energy after building synth.garrisons
-16-10-U.N. High Command captured.Newly named as War outpost.
-3-10,The formers are ready, and have started to terraform the land around the cities.Expect grow of nutrients, energy reserves and minerals around the cities, in the next few years.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 05, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 14, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 20, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 30, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited December 10, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited December 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited December 16, 2000).]
September 14, 2000, 16:55
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Data Angels
Data DeCentral 60,000
Impact Rover (4/1/1)
Impact Foil Mk2 (4/2/1) *Prototype*
Plasma Steel Garrison
Synthmetal Garrison
Recycling Tanks
Recreation Commons
Network Node
Secret Projects:
The Virtual World
Roze Function 40,000
Impact Foil *Protoytype (4/1/1)
Impact Rover (4/1/1)
Plasma Steel Garrisonx2
Recycling Tanks
Recreation Commons
Network Node
Command Centre
Nettap Complex 20,000
Impact Rover (4/1/1)
Recreation Commons
Plasma Steel Garrison x 2
Recycling Tanks
Network Node
Coder's Pit 10,000
Plasma Steel Garrison
Impact Rover (4/1/1)
Network Node
Plasma Steel Garrison
Recycling Tanks
Atlantisville: 10,000
Plasma Steel Garrison x 2
Network Node
Pressure Dome
Labs -> 50%
Psych -> 10%
Economy -> 40%
Discovered Tech:
Doctrine : Mobility
Applied Physics
Information Networks
Planetary Networks
Industrial Base
High Energy Chemistry
Centauri Ecology
Social Psych
Nonlinear Mathematics
Doctrine : Flexability
Ethical Calculus
Industrial Economics
Doctrine : Loyalty
Number of Techs:12
Date of Last Discovery:Dec. 8th
Date of Next Discovery:Jan. 6th
*Former terraforming near Data DeCentral. Second Former constructing highway towards Cybernetic Territory.*
*2 Impact Rovers searching for Unity Pods*
*Probe Team active*
Days (Real Time)= 7 + [(tech%+#tech)*2] - Facs bonus
Days = 7+ [(50%+12)*2] - 3
Days = 7 + [12.5*2] - 3
Days = 7 + [25] - 3
Days = 29
Left this here so people can double check my math!
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited December 08, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited December 11, 2000).]
September 20, 2000, 20:06
Nautilus Pirates
Safe Haven - 50,000
Production: Impact Foil... Recreation Commons...
Defence: 2 Plasma Garrisons, Probe Team
Facilities: Pressure Dome, Headquarters, Recycling Tanks, Command Center, Network Node
Units: Transport Foil Atlas, Sea Formers(2)
Port Svensgaard - 60,000
Production: Sea Colony Pod... Recreation Commons... Impact Foil...
Defence: 2 Plasma Garrisons, Probe Team
Facilities: Pressure Dome, Recycling Tanks, Command Center, Network Node
Units: Transport Foil Hauler, Sea Formers(2)
Provision Point - 45,000
Production: Impact Foil... Probe Team... Recreation Commons... Transport Foil...
Defence: 2 Synth Garrison
Facilities: Pressure Dome, Recycling Tanks, Network Node
Units: Sea Formers(2)
Privateer Quay - 17,000
Production: Sea Formers... Recreation Commons
Defence: 2 Plasma Garrisons
Facilities: Pressure Dome, Recycling Tanks, Network Node
Units: Sea Formers
Military Units:
Impact Foil Svensgaard - Elite
Impact Foil Explorer - Commando
Impact Foil Mariner - Veteran
Impact FoilUnity - Veteran
Impact Foil Nautilus - Green
Laser Foil Diamond Shark-Disciplined
Impact Foil Privateer - Green
Impact Foil Sea Fox - Green
***Nautilus Battle Dragons***
Nautilus Raiders(1st Rovers) - Veteran
Nautilus Marauders(2nd Rovers) - Veteran
Units Information:
Plasma Garrison: Laser/Plasma/Trance
Synth Garrison: Laser/Synth/Trance
Impact Foil: Impact/Plasma
Impact Rover: Impact/Plasma
Probe Foil: Probe/None
Doctrine: Mobility [Rover]
Doctrine: Flexibility [Foil]
Biogenetics[Recycling Tanks]
Centauri: Ecology [Former]
Applied Physics [Laser]
Industrial Base [Synthmetal]
Information Networks [Network Node]
Planatery Networks [Probe]
High Energy Chemistry [Plasma]
Nonlinear Mathematics [Impact]
Polymorphic Software [Artillery]
Social Psych [Recreation Commons]
Industrial Economics [Energy Bank]
Days (Real Time)= 7 + [(tech%+#tech)*2] - Facs bonus
Days = 7+ [(50%+13)*2] - 4
Days = 7 + [13.5*2] - 4
Days = 7 + [27] - 4
Days = 30
Last Research Completed: Dec 11
Next Research Due: Jan 10
Researching - Industrial Automation
Social Engineering:
Economy: 40%
Psych: 10%
Research: 50%
-Laser Foil Diamond Shark patrolling around Atlanstisville
-Impact Foil Svensgaard patrolling around Safe Haven
-Impact Foil Explorer moving around Pholus Continent, via Great Northern Ocean
-Impact Foil Mariner patrolling around Privateer Quay
-Impact Foil Nautilus patrolling around Provision Point
-Communications Prohibition to Morgan, University and Cult of Planet
-Impact Foil Unity patrolling around Port Svensgaard
-Impact Foil Privateer patrolling around Crow's Nest
-Impact Foil Sea Fox being prep for probe insertion
-Transport Foil Hauler transporting Probe Team to Privateer Quay
-1st Rovers at Cyborg/University borders
-2nd Rovers at Cyborg/University borders
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited December 12, 2000).]
September 25, 2000, 03:57
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
We need to keep this current don't we?
Should we continualy edit our entry at the top (as a handy overview, but also post updates, to keep this thread handy (its been slipping...)
September 25, 2000, 04:04
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
(from 20/9/00)
CC - discovered Industrial Base
September 26, 2000, 00:14
Local Time: 05:31
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Posts: 462
edited entry as example of proposed research systm
September 27, 2000, 19:57
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
XWaste: is 6 techs not too much. We have only had time to research 1 new tech at the max, and the Cyborgs, I believe only get a bonus of 2 new techs to the original 2?
September 28, 2000, 00:44
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
OK, the way I see it...we have our starting tech for the faction (1 or 2 normaly) plus (cos its 2118) everyone got to choose 2 level 1 techs (UoP + CC got bonus)
this means everyone already has about three to four techs, plus around two more now because its been a fortnight since we've as everyone has five or six techs, thats the number I chose.
Note - I had made the original number 5, as the #tech value was meant to be the number for the tech being researched (ie if you have five techs, then you're researching your sixth one, so #tech was meant to be six)...but when LordLMP got confused, I saw that maybe I hadn't explained it properly, so I just to changed it to how I gathered everyone would read it (ie #tech is the number of techs that you have)
note also 'free' means it only takes a week to research (with 50%), not that it is free. I had to use someway to differentiate the 'free' techs so that people wouldn't put the values in and get negative numbers and think that the first couple of techs would only take a day or so to research.
I've probably just confused the issue more...the number wont make much difference in the end anyway, it just means averyone gets a couple of cheap techs at the start (keeps us happy yeah?) before the fun really begins
September 28, 2000, 00:50
Local Time: 05:31
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
Darkcloud: Everyone else has given themselves their factions starting tech PLUS the two we got to choose.
Perhaps we should have cleared this up a bit more at the start of the game...but its all a learning process
so...looks like you already have infn networks, plus another tech to choose...
...sorry to be the bearer of good news
September 28, 2000, 01:08
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
...Oh. Looks like not everyone did do it the same way...looks like everyone is kinda doing it their own way.
OK - we need some official moderator ruling so we can get this right...some people may have to resign themselves to losing a tech or that everyone is using the same rules...
either -
we have our factions starting tech
+2 level 1 techs
+2 techs that we have researched by now
or we have
+2 level 1 techs
+2 techs we have researched by now
(UoP +1 level 1 tech, CC +1 level 2 tech)
September 28, 2000, 11:09
Suppose to be and which i have done is:
Starting Faction Techs
2 extra Level 1 Techs
(any game faction bonus tech like CC and University)
The +2 is two techs your faction have researched so far in past 18 years since landing. The Starting Faction techs are the techs they started with when they landed/established their faction.
So for University and Morgan, one of their +2 (and Universities faction bonus tech) would be the tech to have probe teams. Well, not really University, haven't read anything of them using Probe Teams, only Counter-Intelligence.
The Data Angels has to many techs...which makes them the most advance...
They get Information Networks and Planetary 2 more Level 1 techs. Since game started, they may of researched one tech...and since they have probe teams from the start, they may of stolen one or two techs.....hmmm
Whatever is done so far in the story is official, so can't just say they never acquired High Chemistry... DarkCloud?
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 28, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 28, 2000).]
September 28, 2000, 21:32
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Okay, here's what I understand about my techs, and why I now have six.
I was allowed to have my starting tech., choose two first level techs, and the Data Angel faction bonus of one tech, which is in the Discussion thread. Since then, there has been time to research two techs. Therefore I have six. Where did I go wrong?? I can take one away if it really is wrong, I don't mind. I haven't really mentioned Nonlinear Mathematics yet.
September 28, 2000, 22:13
Local Time: 05:31
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Location: Deity of Lists
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2 techs in two game months; I feel that is absurd... with a 50% tech ratio you should have 1 tech per 2 game months.
With a 40% then 1 tech per 3/4 game months.
At this rate by the year 2121 we will have researched all avaliable techs!
Please realize this...
September 28, 2000, 22:43
True Argonaut...okay, remove the Nonlinear Mathematics i guess, but can be researched....
Also, remember aswell that in this game, we can also send probe teams to figure out what the infiltrated faction is researching and acquire whatever information on it so far to further their own research on the same thing.
Makes sence
just another possibility.......
September 28, 2000, 22:48
ANother thing, don't have to have your faction to utilize the new tech right away...they may have the tech and the player/writer can bring it up anytime.
Hey, i wasn't able to write yesterday when Applied Physics research was was bit late to utilize, which is okay or whatever. Like in the acquire new tech, but still haven't built the facility provided by it yet or/and upgraded units to newest techs for whateve reasons
Also remember that there is Prototypes aswelll 
Of course, i just retooled the production of scout rovers to recon rovers...
September 29, 2000, 04:15
Local Time: 05:31
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Posts: 462
I thought the techs were being researched by real time (1 week) not Chiron time. this means, if we were doing our timekeeping properly, that it would be 3 and a half months (game time) for a tech to be researched, and even longer as we get to later techs (an extra two days per tech equals an extra month game time)
Even though this does make it a bit longer, it may still seem a bit unrealistic. We should remember though, that this game will take a long time if we don't accelerate things like reseasrch - it is going to take twenty days to get through one chiron year.
Things have been a bit confusing at the moment with the timekeeping, it has been over two weeks since we started so officially about eight Chiron months should have passed - which hasn't happened. This might have confused the research a little as well, but we should accept this little hiccup and try to move on in the game.
If we stick to the realtime tech research model then we have our
factions starting techs
2 techs (level one) we got to choose
a tech researched from 20/9
a tech researched from 27/9
+ bonus tech for UoP and CC and DataAngels
progression rate form now in is then
time[days]=7+[(#tech-5)*2]-facs/SE bonus
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited September 29, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited September 30, 2000).]
September 29, 2000, 22:14
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Okay XWaste, I'll go with you plan for research...
September 30, 2000, 19:08
Local Time: 05:31
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
I chose planetary networks as my free level 2 tech.
starting tech-applied physics, information networks
2 level 1 I chose - centauri ecology, biogenetics
20/9 - industrial base
27/9 - social psych
I'm pretty sure mine are right
Data Angels starting tech is information networks and planetary networks - Argonaut, you don't have P.N. listed. When I wrote the tech research stuff out, I didn't realise the data angels also received an extra tech (sorry) - which is why maybe people thought you had too many techs. Looks like you are meant to have your 2 initial plus
2 you got to choose (level one)
1 bonus (level one)
1 researched 20/9
1 researched 27/9
We shouldn't get too bogged down with this one detail, we should be having fun posting our entries 
We kinda went into this without all the rules all exactly sorted out, so we should all accept a little teething time
September 30, 2000, 20:53
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Posts: 459
So now I should have 7? I'm getting a little confused here! I'm happy to go along with whatever is decided, I just want to be sure everyone is in agreement on it. So if Xwaste's vote is our faction's starting techs (from the game), plus two level one techs, plus any bonus techs, plus the 20th, and 27th discoveries, then I'm fine with that. What do other people say? Moderators?
September 30, 2000, 23:13
My Official Decision is:
Starting Tech
+2 Level 1 Tech
GameBonus Tech (Univ +1 Level 1, Cyborg +1 Level 2 and Data Angels +1 Level)
We are using the Formula for now, early techs should be easy to discover anyhow, but if I and Dark notice that we acquire later techs to fast, we'll tweak the formula.
Data Angels starts with Info Networks, Planetary Networks.... 2 Level 1 techs and one 1 Bonus Level 1 tech...(or was it a level2?) so they started the game with 5 Techs...... so they acquired tech on the 20/9 and they get their next tech on the 29/9.
Thats my calculations. But noticing this, i checked mines again and everyone elses...
Nautilus Pirates starts with Doctrine Mobility, Doctrine Flexibility and 2 Level 1 they start the game with 4 techs.... so they acquired tech on the 17/9 and they get their next tech on the 24/9, again 7/10..... that would mean i could of researched two techs if i used the formula properly :/ hmmm, oh well.
Spartans, Morgan, peacekeepers, Gaians and Hive get the same timing as the pirates to acquire tech since they all start out with 4 Techs.
Cyborgs starts with Applied Physics and Information Networks... +2 Level 1 techs and 1 Bonus Level 2 tech...thats makes 5 techs and also their +2 Research(-2 fac bonus).... so they acquired tech on the 17/9, 24/9 and next tech will be on the 3/10. Because of of +2 Research, they get techs about same time as the pirates and so on i think.....early on i guess.
University starts with Information Network... +2 Level 1 techs and +1 Bonus Level 1 techs.... +1 Research and free Network Nodes in each base when they acquire Information Networks. So FacBonus in formula would be -4 in total.... so they acquire tech on the 14/9, 16/9, and so they should be the most advance :/....but DarkCloud ignored Universities free Network Nodes, so they acquire tech on the 17/9, 23/9 and 1/10.
Darkcloud, check the calculations aswell please if you can so i don't have to be wrong :/
So i think the formula is okay i guess  If DarkCloud kept the free Network Nodes, than they would be the most advance Faction, which makes sence anyway :P
October 1, 2000, 00:48
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Posts: 459
"*Bonuses per faction:
Believers (Army) +2 Units
Gaians (Army) +1 Unit
Morganites (Economy)
University (Research) +1 Level 1 Tech
Peacekeepers (Society) +20,000 people
Hive (Army) +2 Units
Spartans (Army) +3 Units
Data Angels (Research) +1 Level 1 Tech
Cyborgs (Researcy) +1 Level 2 Tech
Pirates (Army) +4 Sea Units"
Okay, this was the original Faction Bonuses as listed in the Rules and Rollcall thread. Now things are being changed all around. The Pirates seem to have their extra units, so do the Spartans. The Cyborgs don't seem to have their free level 2 tech, and I've been told I don't have a faction bonus at all. Dark Cloud's research seems way off, and I've rechecked my math five times and know that I'm right with my next discovery coming on the 5th of October because I have five techs, but he's apparently at the same spot but his next discovery will take an extra five days. I removed Nonlinenear Math as requested, but according to the stuff set out in the beginning, I should still have it. It's not that I'm too far ahead, some people seem to be behind. If it is progressing to quickly for game time, then may I suggest a change in the formula somehow? This is getting really frustrating and would the moderators please make an official decision as to what is going on here. This game is pointless if we're all playing by a different set of rules.
October 1, 2000, 10:15
Local Time: 05:31
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
So do we adjust our research accordingly? Or do we just say, "oh well we messed up" and keep on writing?
October 2, 2000, 18:48
Local Time: 05:31
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Okay, saying level two tech. takes five extra days is a little arbitrary, but fair. How can it be incorporated into the formula, so that we don't just have a random value for each level of tech?
How about this as an idea. Instead of adding five, you add this adjustment to the formula.
days till next discovery =
7 + [(#techs - 6 + Level of Tech)x 2] - fac bonus.
This way, it doesn't affect any first level techs (at least I don't think, again I'm no mathmatecian) and it increases the research time exponentially. What do people think?
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited October 02, 2000).]
October 2, 2000, 21:11
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Level 2 Tech Formula
7 +(Tech Level% + #techs) *2= Days until next tech discovery.
This formula makes it much easier to determine tech discovery levels...
-The GM has spoken...
October 2, 2000, 21:40
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Then how come your numbers don't add up?
By your own reckoning, it should take you 23 days to make a discovery, but you say your next will be on the 10th! I'm confused. What does techlevel% mean?
October 3, 2000, 00:30
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Let's just follow LMP's formula for now...
I'll add an extra advance to compensate for the research lost to my 'free' advance Info-Networks which I lost out on.
Thank you for taking lead, LMP while I was out for a few days due to a small 'trip.'
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 02, 2000).]
October 3, 2000, 22:01
Local Time: 05:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Techlevel% means what percent you listed as your tech level.
For example I listed 40% as my tech level so you would add 40% to 6 (if you had six techs) then multiply by 2 getting... 6.4 *2 = 12.8
Then you would add the original 7 and get 19.8 days until the next discovery.
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