October 4, 2000, 05:24
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I'm getting really confused...is it really necessary to continue to complicate the research, its detracting from the game.
Umm - if tech level% means what I think it means, the amount we allocated to research, then you do realise that if we ADD it, then having a higher allocation to research will SLOW down research ie
40% allocated, 6 techs
50% allocated, 6 techs
October 4, 2000, 22:03
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Sorry about the misunderstanding, XWaste.
techlevel% means the percent *not* used in researching techs.
If you level is 40% then the techlevel% would be 60%.
October 5, 2000, 06:10
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O.K. - I'm going to make two assumptions and then change my tech. First, that the new formula is for level two techs and beyond - so we don't have to change our level one techs (which would just be a major pain right now)
And two, that the facs/SE bonus still applies (otherwise, why bother building research facs?)
So is the final formula
7 + [(TL% + #techs) * 2] - facs bonus
Where TL% is 100 - % allocated to research and then expressed as a decimal (ie 50 is .5)
Now please dont change it anymore...things are getting too exciting at the moment to be worrying about a few days in researching here or there
October 15, 2000, 21:22
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October 16, 2000, 22:23
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Darkcloud- as I was nosing through your databanks I kinda noticed something. You have plasma sentinels but are only now just starting to research high energy chemistry...did you mean synthmetal sentinels?
October 18, 2000, 20:39
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I meant Synthmetal. Sorry Xwaste, all.
October 19, 2000, 05:39
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Your researchers have discovered the Secrets of the Human Brain! The excitement of this discovery stimulates a burst of new research!
October 19, 2000, 19:18
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Morgan has 3 cities;
Morgan Base- 2 Recon Rovers (Destroyed), 2 Sentinels(Attack 1)
Morgan Mercantile- 2 Sentinels (1 Recon Rover)
Morgan Node- 1 Sentinel
*University destroyes 2 Morgan Base Recon Rovers*
October 21, 2000, 17:24
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XWaste: I assume my Laser Rover destroyed your strike rover and your Augmented Patrol then fled, because it would have to defend against Synthmetal Sentinels 1-2-1.
My Laser rover is now Veteran.
:comment mode: wow, you make lots of posts and long ones, keep up the good work!
October 22, 2000, 09:37
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Um, DarkCloud...I kinda haven't attacked the university yet, but have just been gathering my troops in Gamma Heights in readiness...sorry if you got the wrong impression, but all my posts to date have been about readying, not deploying.
Its just that I've got a bit more up my sleeve than just one strike rover and an augmented patrol - so it was never my intention to only use these two units to attack.
Thanks for the compliment, I think everyone is doing a good job, I'm finding myself getting quite excited to read what people have posted next and often try to plan what I'm going to do when I'm meant to be doing other things, namely much neglected uni work
October 22, 2000, 20:43
Okay, i got the site going and the maps updated...but some of the updates may conflict some things in the story like the peackeeper bases. But they are things that can be easily edited in the story, sorry
For rest of maps, go to http://www.geocities.com/melottawa/chiron.html
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 22, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 30, 2000).]
October 23, 2000, 00:03
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I'll just edit that post to say we have seen troop activity and are readying units.
October 23, 2000, 01:39
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Peacekeeping Forces
U.N. Headquarters(120,000):Transport Skimmer
-1 synth.garrison(disciplined)
-1 synth.garrison(hardened)
- Formers
Recreation Commons
Recycling tanks
Network Node
U.N. Amnesty town(70,000):Conflict foil
-1 synth.garrison(Green)
-Recreation commons
-Network Node
-Recycling tanks
U.N. Planetary Trust(90,000):Conflict foil
-Recreation commons
-Recycling tanks
-Network Node
UN Midpoint(90,000):Network Node
military units:
-Spore Launcher garrison(pre-boil)
Industrial base
Applied physics
Centauri ecology
Information networks
Social Psych
Industrial Automation
Nonlinear Mathematics
Days (Real Time)= 7 + [(tech%+#tech)*2] - Facs bonus
Days = 7 + [(50%+7)*2]-3
Days = 7 + [9.5*2]-3
Days = 7 + [19]-3
Days =23
date of last discovery:10/12
date of next discovery:03/01
Social engineering:
Econ. 40%
Psych. 10%
Research. 50%
-10/12-Ind.Aut ready.Rec commons ready.Starting to build a fleet.
-12/10-Started buolding recreation Commons in all bases.Doc:Flex ready.
-05/10-Network nod and recycling tanks ready in the other bases.
-03/10-Recycling tanks ready in UN Headquarters.
-28/10-Enlarging complete.Started to refit the two Laser patrols into Synth.Rovers .
-26/10-Transportation finished and enlarging the bases in process.
-25/10-began dissassembly of cities and transportation of population to the island.
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited November 14, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited November 15, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited December 10, 2000).]
October 24, 2000, 11:52
Local Time: 05:31
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New Colony pod produced in Inspiration Point.
Green Scout rovers are to either side and will be able to intercept any invastion.
1-1-2 GreenScoutRovers (2)
1-2-1 Synthmetal (2)
October 26, 2000, 21:35
Local Time: 00:31
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Posts: 771
Planetmind Known Forces
Uni.; Angels; Cyborg; Morgan Continent:
(Sugested) 15 Mindworms: Assorted
2 Boils: Manifold Nexus.
3 Pre-Boils: Every Morgan city. Attacks then hides.
4 Boils: Unknown.
6 Spore Launchers
2 Mature Boils: Every Morgan city. Attacks then hides.
9 Fungal Towers
3 Boils: Every Morgan city.
Empty Continent:
3 Mindworms
3 Pre-Boils: Unity Wreakage.
No Spore Launchers
No Fungal Towers
i]Spartan Continent:[/i]
5 Mindworms
4 Mature Boils: Around Temple of Sol and Haven City.
1 Mature Boil: On Unity Copter, U.N. Headquarters.
2 Spore Launchers
2 Pre-Boils: Firing on Captured U.N. Base.
3 Fungal Towers
1 Pre-Boil: Around Temple of Sol.
1 Pre-Boil: At Humanity Base.
1 Pre-Boil: Headquarters.
Isle of Peace (Peacekeepers)
7 Mindworms
7 Larval Masses: Random locations on isle.
3 Spore Launchers
1 Larval Mass: Each PK base.
3 Fungal Towers
1 Pre-Boil: In fungus patch outside each PK base.
[This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited October 27, 2000).]
October 27, 2000, 09:37
Local Time: 05:31
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Sorry to mess up your work, but we cyborgs are on the same continent as morgan, uni and angels
I think there is a link above to a little website LordLMP made with all the maps on it.
October 27, 2000, 15:12
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Oops. The map on this page shows your three cities belonging to the University. I'll fix it.
October 27, 2000, 16:40
Oh yeah, thank you Windows. I was halfway through writing my faction stats and then the whole thing crashed. Well, the time for stories is tomorrow, then.
October 27, 2000, 18:23
Sorry, will update/fix maps tommorrow.
Rural, i'll make a map for the Gaian area and will also send you the SMAX map too...if you have smax.
We do so tommorrow. As for techs, Starting Faction Techs, 2 Level 1 techs and two techs you researched so far. As for the Gaians being in contact with the Cult, you decide. Cult is NPS as the moment.
October 28, 2000, 13:05
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I could always write for the cult if needed.
October 28, 2000, 23:12
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Unlike the Gians, the Cult are fanatics that I would think Planetmind would not approve of. The Gians try to find a comfortable compromise between Cult and Morgan. The Cult wants to kill everything human. Planetmind does not want to wipe out the humans, only learn and interact with them. Maybe even experiment with sometimes. I am saying this as a warning to anyone wanting to take up the Cult. Don't expect too much support from me.
May the fungus be with you,
October 31, 2000, 01:07
Well, that sure ruins the Cults character. Cult is friendly to planetmind, Prophet Dawn is attached too Planetmind, Planetmind can't simply ignore them. By this time, Dawn is still a child, but when he gets older and more experienced, he will have much influence toward mindworms. Sure they fanatics, but doesn't mean they are complete murderers and genocidal. Hey, i always thought as the SPartans klingons, fighting for honor and all that...never thought of them to commit genocide.
Anyway, having the cult, Prophet Dawn, linked to Planetminds boost of sentients can be interesting. Also, Prophet Dawn looks up to planetmind for advice, like Miriam looks up to God. the Cult is a mix of Gaians and Believers together, thats why i had them on the same continent as the believers and gaians, between them. Doesn't make since for Planetmind to ignore Cult like your suggestion/pointing out or the Gaians or any Faction ecology/planet friendly.
Sure the game is bit different than expected, but this game is base upon SMAC/SMAX storyline. hey, i personally think Planetmind as a bit to much sentients, but i allow it, so does Darkloud, but don't over do it. And their should be an explaination for all oddities, which the Cyborgs/Pirates/others are searching for, to develop the storyline. Don't want wars all the time, geez :P Already seeing problems developing over the current wars. Simply want the game to be fair, player friendly, without complications, simple, creative, special. I already can see this game lasting aslong as Spartan Chronicles atleast.
now, play nice all  2121 will begin by the end of the week. maybe change year every 2-3 weeks?
Also, updated maps posted. If anyone require zoomed in map of anywhere, tell me. If you want the SMAX file, tell me aswell. Still trying to find time to figure out how to have it on my site.
October 31, 2000, 12:48
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I would like to see the current war end with the University;
I am attempting to get out of a war with the cyborgs; I am close, but considering Zakharov's nature it may not be close enough.
The Morganites should be easy to persuade to peace if Planetmind attacks them more.
The will concede to planetmind only when the concede to zakharov.
When the wars are over we can shift from war to diplomacy, inner and inter faction conflicts, like my Daniel Jakhobs-Howell thing.
October 31, 2000, 16:12
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I never said I would ignore the Cult. I think that the Chi Dawn is controling the captured mindworms, not planetmind. Anyway in his Firaxis profile it tells that he builds mines, boreholes, and other polluting facilities just like any other faction. Sure it says that he plans to destroy them after he "cleans" Planet but still he disrupts the environs as much as Morgan in some cases. Also Planetmind wants the humans to stay, not be killed.
I thought I would lose some sentience when Garland Crater is made by whatever hits Planet. It would kill alot of fungus and hurt Planetmind. I would then be childlike.
October 31, 2000, 16:56
The profiles posted at firaxis.com sucks in my opinion. Anyway, Chi Dawn is connected to Planetmind, didn't he controls Planetmind. Dawn was born in a fungus field. Thats why his followers follow him as some saviour, religious leader and so on. Saying that because Chi Dawn is connected to planetmind, planetmind may of acquired more sentients through him and more provide the ability to communicate to humans. Chi Dawn acquired acquired the ability to commmunicate to mindworms and to Planetmind directly from his link to planetmind. Makes sence to me. as for the faction, let the player operate it the way it wants, within reason. They enviromantalist cultish fanatics
November 9, 2000, 23:06
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What's the deal with Unity Pods? Are those decided by the moderators or do I decide within reason?
I established my new base, but I don't have the map so i don't have coordinates. My description was supposed to be the river between Morgan and DA territory, near the U. Flats, on the coast.
As for SP's, as long as it goes uncontested, do I end up with it? Is there any way to decide how long it's going to take? What if someone else goes for it, how can I rush build if I need to?
November 9, 2000, 23:54
Since we try to have some more realism in this game...each faction can have the same SP, but maybe the faction who got it first is better than the restm i dunno. anyway, SPs can take years. as for rushing, well, depends how good your economy and status of your faction......can still take a lot of resources. and Artifacts can be found. Yes, Unity Pods are decided by players within reason, and moderators aswell.
Hey, Pirates are searching for Unity Pods and still have said of anything about finding any :P
November 15, 2000, 19:52
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Info on some 'irregularities'
University Base, in the two years 2119-2121 since I last updated (2119) has produced 2 laser rovers; one of which is in Outpost #1, and a Recycling tank; It has also gained 12,000 people. and a transfered Plasma sentinel from Outpost #1.
November 15, 2000, 20:19
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Darkcloud, don't you need Centauri Empathy to be able to build a Biology Lab?
November 17, 2000, 20:15
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XWaste, thank you for catching that; I had thought it was from High Energy Chemistry and was too lazy to check; the builing has been changed to a Hologram Theatre.
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