May 22, 2000, 23:41
commments on "The Spartan Chronicles" (vol. 3)
hey... i just realised that we're over the 150 post limit for the comment thread. better not incite the wrath of dan or mark.
i've become impossible
holding on to when
when everything seemed to matter more
the two of us
all used and beaten up
watching fate as it flows down the path we
have chose
May 23, 2000, 18:17
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Very Impressive Post Hydro.... you did a great job of showing a down pilots problems... even on a foreign planet... simply awesome.
Life is Awesome
May 23, 2000, 21:34
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Thanks! It is amazing what a little quality time in the yard on Sunday will do. It started when I wondered what it would be like to be the victim of a mindworm attack. Would that person know what was happening? I figured probably not - he or she would be consumed and incapacitated by their worst fears, like poor Nans.
On another topic, I've decided (gulp) to continue with the SC Timeline. It is useful for both authors to see where we have been, for long-time readers to review the past in a timely manner, and for newcomers to understand where SC has been. In my previous edition I only made it through the first Book of Spartan Chronicles, so it is high time I get my butt in gear. So, now is the time for suggestions on:
I will copy Googlie's SC Books (currently 1-5) for its structure unless someone has a better idea. For format, I envision a chronological timeline (imagine that!) indexed by date. Content is a bit trickier, since I have found that not all posts are necessary to understand the plot. There are a few 'atmosphere' posts, and, sadly, some posts that just hang there and that I know don't go anywhere. The choice is between an outline, like my draft is now, or a complete blow-by-blow dissertation.
I'll have to spend a day or so printing and organizing, since the posts have to be numbered sequentially or I'll go not so quietly insane. Now's the time to chime in!
[This message has been edited by Hydro (edited May 23, 2000).]
May 23, 2000, 22:35
::hands hydro a big bottle of amphetamines::
here... these might come in handy.
i've become impossible
holding on to when
when everything seemed to matter more
the two of us
all used and beaten up
watching fate as it flows down the path we
have chose
May 23, 2000, 23:29
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here is a post for you guys to read

Hey everyone,
Our SMAC site is finally ready for public consumption. Apologies to all, it was actually ready last week and I just forgot to let everyone know.
Check it out at:
We've got a fully-implemented online version of the datalinks, some cool concept art for some native lifeforms that never made it into the game, full downloadable versions of the Journey to Centauri stories, faction profiles, and more.
I'm always looking for fan submissions as well. If you have original stories, fan art, or a fansite you want us to put up, please feel free to email it to me at
Dan Magaha
Web Wizard
Firaxis Games, Inc.
i did some promotion for the Spartan Chronicles...who knows maybe firaxis will read it  (or at least finally know about it)
May 24, 2000, 13:22
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Hydro: great "mini" with Nans and his death at the hands... er, coils, of the mindworms. The revelation at the end of story where Nans actually was, and what was happening, was very "Serling-eqsue". Creepy!
May 30, 2000, 14:38
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well i posted my lastest chapter to the chronicles.... hopefully its abit better than the junk ive posted before. (going for the sympathy vote Again, im always looking for help and recommendations.
Also, Hydro, you hear anything about them putting the chronicles up on smac's new website?
May 30, 2000, 18:25
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First, your contributions to SC are hardly ‘junk’. Second, your characters and your squad are just getting started, so give it some time. One tactic that can generate more history and empathy by the reader for your characters is providing more background. Flashbacks are good for this, or you can let the bits and pieces come out with the story (which is what generally happens). Just don’t be surprised when events overtake and overwhelm your storyline. I know it has happened more than once to me. In other words, be flexible.
I haven’t heard that Firaxis is interested in SC, although they might be. SC has quite a bit of depth, and has it has explored territory that hasn’t been touched by the official stories or datalinks. Its main problems are its length and the fact that it isn’t complete. If we get a few more advocates like Korn maybe one-day we’ll get an e-mail or post from Firaxis! You never know…
P.S. – Thanks for the attaboy, senatus!
[This message has been edited by Hydro (edited May 30, 2000).]
June 6, 2000, 09:56
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OK, I've been reading these for a while - great stuff. Would anyone object if I dropped my occasional contribution into the Chronicles? I'm thinking of how to get Miriam helping her rescuers, by creating a Believer probe network to serve Sparta. Edgecrusher, mind if I make use of your character for a bit?
June 6, 2000, 17:13
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I wouldn’t mind at all! Just work the details out with edgecrusher, since I do think his probe teams freed Miriam. Captain Kirk started a thread on Miriam (check back to January 30th and March 23rd). Another detail is that freed factions get a colony pod to set up their new empire. Neither Miriam nor Zak has a city yet, and there is lots of unoccupied land in SC land…
June 7, 2000, 09:03
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Originally posted by Hydro on 06-06-2000 05:13 PM
I wouldn?t mind at all! Just work the details out with edgecrusher, since I do think his probe teams freed Miriam. Captain Kirk started a thread on Miriam (check back to January 30th and March 23rd). Another detail is that freed factions get a colony pod to set up their new empire. Neither Miriam nor Zak has a city yet, and there is lots of unoccupied land in SC land?
It'd be pretty funny if their colony pods ended up on the same landmass :-). But, I was assuming that Santiago will gift her with her former bases that are now Leader's Horde and Great Clustering. Where can I find the map, BTW?
To Edgecrusher - I'm a bit confused by the edgecrusher team - or is it just the individual known as Archon? If so, is he truly a Cyborg, or independent? Can you pass me some details, and I'll see how to work it in?
June 7, 2000, 09:08
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Clik on my homepage above, where you can download the original map and the 'six months later" map.
Note that there is an active believer resistance in both bases, and in fact their return was part of the Santiago Ultimatum to Yang that re-ignited the war.
I've dabbled with the believer resistance (principally Shauna and Kurt) but have stayed away from Miriam.
June 7, 2000, 11:16
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Goolie: Thanks! Just did the first installment, and I hope it passes the muster. Formatting seemed a bit screwed up, though - I cut and pasted from the source composed by Netscape composer. Is there a better way?
June 7, 2000, 14:06
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Most of us just compose in word and copy/paste to the forum post window - no real formatting is necessary (other than the italics and bolds which you have obviously mastered)
June 7, 2000, 17:22
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ACtually is kind of screwed up. The posts are really wide , so I have to scroll horizontally to read the story..its very distracting and I have given up trying to read it for now even though I was really enjoying it. Dont suppose there is any way to fix that is there?
June 7, 2000, 17:30
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Great Clustering revolted against Yang (with a little help from mindworm attacks on socially stabilizing infrastructure and discontent from genejack facilities) and went to Domai. There may be a Believer resistance there, but they opted for Domai, presumably due to his sympathy for worker’s rights and religious freedom. They may be getting restive, though, if their needs aren’t being met.
I think that Yang reneged on his ‘deal’ to give Leader’s Horde back to the Believers, so the resistance should still be very active there, especially now that the Spartans are so near.
You can control what you view on the screen by changing the font. From the internet screen Go to View, then Font, and select a smaller font until it all fits on the screen. I had to fiddle a bit to get it to fit on my laptop screen. Hope this works for you!
June 7, 2000, 18:02
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Well, i just wanted to ask u guys a couple a questions.
First, are all the hive sea bases still up for grabs... in other words... have any of them been taken... i don't think so... and the 6month map shows none. Basically i want to use the multifaction unit on some attacks or something. Maybe bloody them up.
Second, Google,Hydro,or Edge, you guys seem to write alot from the leader's perspectives and diplomacy wise.... if you can, just throw a thing or two about my unit.
I think there going to be known as Alpha Squad.
....oh yea... i was just wondering... has anyone actually ever captured a live alien? ...maybe i may want to attempt it.
Life is Awesome
June 7, 2000, 19:04
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There are/were three Hive sea bases. A Hive base, now called Zanzibar (formerly Deep Community), was coopted by the Spartans shortly after Plex Anthill (the first Spartan conquest). There are two other Hive sea bases, and they are both still controlled by the Hive. One is Sea Hive, the new Hive HQ, and it is located in the center of the little inland sea on Yang's continent. It will be very hard to get to. The second is Sea Collective, and is south of Yang's continent.
As far as the leaders go, why don't you write for them? That way you'll get what you want!
Oh, and I don't think an alien has been captured. Or if they have the human factions aren't telling! I know that if I were the leader of a human faction I would really want to know more about the nasty aliens...
June 7, 2000, 21:03
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thks for the help Hydro...
i usually don't like writing for leaders... i had my experience enough with crossfire tales.... and i learned that i was not a good leader writer. But maybe ill attempt it.
as for the alien thing.... alpha squad might say hello.
June 7, 2000, 23:49
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Thanks for the advice but I already tried that and it didnt work  Are these posted somewhere else where they are a little more readable
June 8, 2000, 00:13
ummm, normaly, i'd say yes, but i've got plans for archon. "edgecrusher" is more of a title than a person. looking back i beleive sarah is next on line to become edgecrusher. do what you will with her... in fact i've been thinking about what she's been doing lately... but right now archon is in a fungal tower somewhere, communing with planet. he's got a specific goal in mind right about now.
i've become impossible
holding on to when
when everything seemed to matter more
the two of us
all used and beaten up
watching fate as it flows down the path we
have chose
June 8, 2000, 18:29
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Argonaut and Googlie,
Smooth, very smooth! Wonderful tie in, and switch in perspective.
I am constantly amazed at the great writing for SC. If not for that it would have gotten stale long ago…
P.S. - What would I do if a beautiful cyborg propositioned me? I am reminded of Data from the Next generation. Tasha to Data: Are you fully…functional? Data to Tasha Yar: I am programmed in multiple pleasuring techniques. Tasha's response: Perfect!
June 8, 2000, 21:10
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It's good to be back
June 9, 2000, 00:08
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Hydro...that brang back sad memories of better times...
Google..Argon, as Hydro said... that was very smooth... impressive piece of writing there. You got to love Miles coming back into the story... more memories... what a sad day...
Life is Awesome
June 20, 2000, 13:38
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So... I do want to ask, "where are we going from here"? There are many inactive threads in the Spartan Chronicles; either dropped, or from writers long gone. Is there an overall vision? I presume that with a title like "Spartan Chronicles", the multithread story will eventually chronicle the rise and victory (or fall) of Sparta. But there are a lot of threads that seem... well, I'm just not sure where they (and therefore we) are going. Not a criticism, but more of a question on my part, where should I be aiming to help take the greater story in the context of my own little thread?
June 20, 2000, 16:19
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Well.... if we answered that question.... that would ruin the fun of this wierd project we have undertaken  .
lol...actually i have no clue... hydro or google have never actually commented on it.
June 20, 2000, 19:11
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And to be honest, neither do we.
Almost a year ago (July 9th) Kinji started us off with his opening "stage setter' of a post, and we all just leapt in and took it from there, and it grew, evolving to where it is now.
Logically Sparta will win by:
Military conquest
SupremeRuler (if that's not the same thing)
Sole Transcendance
Co-operative Victory
But as to how, or when, who knows?
If we want to prolong it, and get a "Harry Turtledove In the Balance" kind of story, there is a Usurper Battlecruiser lurking the other side of a wormhole that can very quikly tilt the balance in Marr's favor if summoned.
In the past we have swapped e-mails about how we see the plotline going, and apart from some short term collaboration (e.g. the attack on Plex Anthill) we've never really achieved much by was of consensus.
That, IMHO, is what makes the writing fun - the unpredictibility.
That's my 2c worth, anyway.
June 22, 2000, 00:39
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Googlie is correct - we have traded e-mails for general coordination. For instance, there was a big round of e-mails when it was clear that the Spartan blitz had taken Yang below critical mass and that his defeat was inevitable (and soon in coming). At that point it was decided to bring in the aliens, and make them powerful enough to do nasty things to everyone. This also was a new venue for a little literary creativity.
There are a boatload of incomplete threads out there (some of them are mine). However, there are only a few of what I consider major unresolved threads. The biggest of these is when/if the Caretakers are going to arrive. If they are going to show up they should do so soon…
And who says the Spartans are going to win? Here are some other possible endings:
* Marr exterminates or reduces the humans to powerlessness and transcends
* The Caretakers phone home (**end of the human race**)
* Everyone is so broken by the titanic battle that the story never ends!
P.S. Turtledove’s books are a good read, especially if you are a history buff
June 25, 2000, 20:40
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Hopefully you could follow what i was trying to say in my last post... alot of things happened, and im not very talented in writing things which happen in my mind so fast.
Appreciate any comments... oh yes... im a bad speller/grammer ... so don't even bring that up
Life is Awesome
June 25, 2000, 20:56
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Invader LightSniper,
Your failure to acquire Progenitor Conqueror: imminent. Feelings: very small false sorrow. Meat animal Invader human's fate: extinction.
Conqueror Marr
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