
Originally posted by D4everman on 01-16-2001 12:52 PM
I just posted a story about Miriam...even though during gameplay she's a pain in the ass and comes off as...well, a madwoman...I don't think she could be like that and still be a leader.
Just read it, and as the author responsible for the
Believers in the Spartan Chronicles, I have to say I
rather enjoyed it. You're certainly right that Miriam
tends to come off as a crazy fanatic in most of the
fiction around here; I've tried for a more balanced
approach. She may be a fanatic, but she's not crazed
and she's not evil. Not as a credible faction leader
with the magnetic charisma that she's supposed to
have, anyways.
Yang, too, tends to be written as a simple despot;
however Allie Cove and Hydro both write an excellent
Yang - chilling, remorseless, but very complex and
certainly not a petty dictator.