September 13, 2000, 21:55
The Chiron Chronicle
[Out of Context]
Story will start anew here
Rather restart it here
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 14, 2000).]
September 13, 2000, 22:06
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The University Sun-Governor
Volume 16, Issue 45
Zakharov Announces Treaty
-In a newly released statement by the 'people who should know.' It seems Academian Prokhor Zakharov has inked a treaty with the newly founded chaotic techno-greeks the so-called 'Data Angels' and their leader the self-styled 'Head Datajack Sinder Roze' after a bloody battle of two years.
-Despite numerous protests led by the so-called 'Savior of Moon Rock'- Daniel Jakhobs, Zakharov seemed to think that recognizing the renegade Data Angels was the best thing to do. However in a recent press statement he was quoted as saying- "I will no under [any] circumstances tolerate any [other] new break-off groups of humans on Chiron under any circumstances"
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 17, 2000).]
September 19, 2000, 17:14
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Data Angels
Volume III, Issue 23
Unies Recognise Angel's Freedom!
After a two year struggle, the lovely Datajack Roze has her first diplomatic victory. In an unprecedented move, good old Provost Zak agreed to a peace agreement between Angels and Unies alike. The treaty agrees to end the sporadic violence, and uprisings that have flooded the region since Data DeCentral was founded.
Now a metropolis in the making, and our sister city Roze Function moving forward, the Data Angels are ready to become serious players on the world scene. The only major road block left is CEO Nwabudike "Money is all I want" Morgan and his capatilist cronies. However, with Uncle Zak's support, it looks like the Angels might be here to stay.
Pass it on and share the good newz!
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited September 19, 2000).]
September 19, 2000, 17:55
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The University Sun-Governor
Volume 16, Issue 51
Talks Commence with CEO Nwandbwe Morgan
Our great, powerful and fearless leader, Academian Prokhor Zakharov has been called into a meeting with CEO Morgan concerning Zakharov's recognizing of the 'Data Angels.' Hopefully, the talks can be resolved peacefully and the three nations- Data Angels, University, and Morganite can live in peace.
The 'Savior of Moon Rock' Speaks Out
As the Savior of the battle of Moon Rock, I must say I have to disagree with our leader, Prokhor Zakharov's statement on the status of the Data Angels.
I can vouch for it myself when I say the Data Angels are nothing but a bunch of rogue data-stealing punks who can't fight worth a sh**.
They got lucky for a bit at Moon Rock, but I and my buddies showed them.
So, please people of The University, don't support Zakharov's decision, and DON'T join this rogue scum.
-And so I remain. 'The Savior of Moon Rock'- Daniel Jakhobs
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 20, 2000).]
September 19, 2000, 20:34
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Volume III, Issue 23
Roze to meet with madman Morgan and the Good Professor
Our beloved and beautiful Sinder Roze has agreed to hold talks with her new friend Provost Zakharov, and former employer CEO Nwabudike Morgan. It is hoped that the talks will bring an end to two years of violence and lead to the eventual free flow of information between all three parties. We'll keep you posted.
Message from the Boss Lady:
It has come to my attention, that the 'Butcher of Moon Rock', self proclaimed hero of the University forces, Daniel Jakhobs, has spoken out against our new found friendship with the University.
My only hope is that this reaches our supporters within the University who have yet to join us, as well as our new found friends there within the general populace. And so Mr. Jakhobs, my message to you is this:
After two years of violence, both sides have done things they regret, and both sides have shown a willingness to forgive and move forward towards a peaceful future.
Let us not forget that you personally wiped out a Data Angel scout team, who were willing to surrender to your admitedly superior forces. If we can move on after that, why can't you?
- Datajack Sinder Roze
Pass it on and share the good newz!
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited September 19, 2000).]
September 19, 2000, 20:54
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Letter to the Editor
University Sun-Governor
With the landmark recognition of the Data Angels still being hotly debated, many people are now asking if there will be any other splintering. Given the independent status of each base, it seems likely that the call for autonomy will spread…but will it be heeded?
This is a time of opportunity like none other since the chaos of planetfall. For eighteen years we have struggled, and have began to build up some semblance of security from the harsh land we found ourselves in. It is in this security that the first generation of Chiron adults are beginning to enter the work force, and they, like the rest of us, are now beginning to ask those question we couldn’t afford to ask before. Namely – how should we be ruled?
Already Daniel Jackhob’s seems to be gathering supporters. Besides the renewal of hostilities with the Data Angels, his goals as yet are unclear. Whether or not his dissatisfaction with the Good Academian will lead to a call for independence, one thing is clear, he is certainly developing the infrastructure to do so.
Rumours still abound about the ‘Cybernetic Consciousness’ as well. Even though it has been eight years since Aki Zeta-fives disappearance, along with the majority of her followers, reports still flood the University Sun-Governor weekly of her actions. Stories vary, from that of her capture, and the Good Academian linking her and her followers to a secret Network Node to fuel research, to those of hidden cities to the west or south. Should these cities prove to exist, will we recognise them straight away, or only after years of bloodshed?
I am not personally calling for secession. I believe the Good Academian has worked wonders on this planet we still know so little about. Still, the time has come for healthy debate. Most of us came from democratic societies that would never have tolerated the sort of governance we have now. Reform of the structures of government is what we need, and should they be denied I fear others may call for more drastic measures.
- Stephen Hastings
University Base
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited September 19, 2000).]
September 20, 2000, 18:13
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 16, Issue 52
CEO Nwandbwe Morgan Obstinate
As talks drag on, hope for peace between The University and The Morganites dwindle. The honorable CEO Neandbwe Morgan refuses to recognize the so-called "rogue spies."
Our great leader, Zakharov has attempted to convince him that the best stance at this time would be to recognize the Data Angels as a new group "on this great planet called Chiron."
Talks are expected to last at least another month.
-Seinor Editor Lukhas Jhones-Balkan
Strange Rumblings at the Capital
The 'Savior of Moon Rock' has lead numerous protests against our fair capital building, protesting the recognization of the Data Angels by Academian Prokhor Zakharov.
His protests were put down by only a few police; however the retreating protestors were overheard mentioning such phrases as- "Our day will come; Zakharov will die for this inequity; Jakhob should lead us in an assault..."
More news will follow as this story developes.
-Junior Reporter Emil Isotopes-Mann
Zakharov's New Social Model in the Works
As you can see from our signatures all of the reporters in this building have developed the new double last names proposed by our fair leader earlier this month.
The philosophy behind the last names is so less confusion comes when people with the name; John Smith; meet.
The names work like so:
Jethro Rae Hicks-Stevens marries Emily Fallon Rae-Donalds
they then have a child who is named:
Fallon Gray Donalds-Stevens.
It works much like the Spanish names of the ancient 1900's and 2000's; except that you can choose any last name combination you like. Of course some may say this creates a lot of paperwork, but it is not as much hassle as trying to determine whether it was John J. Smith who wants to register to vote, or John Ja. Smith.
-Head Editor Lisa Joels-Baggins
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 21, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 21, 2000).]
September 20, 2000, 20:10
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Volume III, Issue 24
Roze appoints First Cabinet
As our fledgling faction begins to assert itself, Datajack Roze took another step forward today. It was announced today that Roze would be forming an official cabinet of advisors, to provide support in the overwhelming day to day affairs of running a faction. So far public response has been excellent to her decisions. The appointments are as follows:
Lena Katt : Assistant Datajack
Professor David Roberts: Head of Research and Development
Margret Windsor: Head of Finanace.
Morgan Proving More Stubborn Than Expected
It appears that hopes of peace may have been premature. In negotiations with both Provost Zakharov and Morgan, the CEO proved that even repeated longevity treatments can't eliminate immaturity.
At first, refusing to even speak with our beloved Datajack, our good friend Provost Zakharov was able to bring him around and the three parties began to negotiate.
But like a spoiled child, who must always get what he wants, Morgan refused to compromise and continually referred to the Data Angels as "Morganite Rebels". Talks are expected to continue.
Pass this on and hsare the good newz!
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited September 20, 2000).]
September 20, 2000, 20:45
The Hunt for Unity Pods continues...
Ever since Captain Ulrik Svensgaard offered prizes for any Unity Pods discovered and its content. Many Captains been crazily hunting for the discovery of these pods. Its becoming like a gold rush.
This whole thing started when Transport Foil Atlas found a Unity Pod near Provision Point which contained a Unity Foil.
Svensgaard as put a Prohibition to Captains to not contact the bases discovered along the coasts both side of the sea. He decided that our Faction should keep a low profile from other possible Factions until further notice. In the contact of any foreign/unknown ships, they to immediatly contact the nearest Pirate Base for further orders. If for any reason the Captain cannot contact Pirate Base, they are to keep a distant from the foreign ship, but to keep tract of it until your able to contact Base.
This Prohibition will be ENFORCE.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 26, 2000).]
September 22, 2000, 09:44
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 16, Issue 55
Rumors Disavowed
Rumors that there is a group headed by Aki-Zeta Five, a rogue cyborg that refused Zakharov's friendship, may still surface; however, the people who should know, Zakharovs Chiefs of staff adamantly decry any such existance.
Zakharov himself denyed that they exist; claiming they were eradicated last year when the 1st Scouts clashed with their Colony Pod.
However these reports are sketchy because the 1st Scouts only contained 5 people after that clash who seemed shell shocked.
-Reporter Nic Harley-Starel
Peace Talks Stall
Even though we have made progress to a point where CEO Morgan and Head Datajack Roze can meet with each other without bloodlust in their eyes; the peace talks have stagnated.
All this can promise is more war to come.
-Seinor Editor Lukhas Jhones-Balkan
'The Savior of Moon Rock' is Silent
Strangely enough the protests lead by 'The Savior of Moon Rock' have broken off. Hopefully this can only signal a concession by his part to break off his petty protests and recognize our great leader's infallibility.
September 22, 2000, 21:42
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Volume III, Issue 25
Peace Talks Reach Stand-still, but Roze Remains Hopeful
Despite continued setbacks in peace talks with CEO Morgan, our fearless leader remains optimistic that a settlement can be reached.
"CEO Morgan is at the very least, a smart and shrewd business man. There is no profit in this war for either side. Once he mellows out a little, I'm sure we can come to some form of agreement."
Although Roze's words provide a ray of hope, even Provost Zakharov has given up much hope for future peace.
__________________________________________________ _____
asfajhagwa/a;hsga;lh wrghl;ajshgjkshfglhasfg;asdglh
Private Message: Angel Encryption Gamma Seven
Anyone out there who has any possible clues as to the wherabouts of the rumoured independent Cyborg faction are to send word directly to the following address:
This information could prove crucial to our faction's future. Ensure that this only arrives in safe hands.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited September 22, 2000).]
September 23, 2000, 17:23
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 16, Issue 55
War with Morgan?
Morgan seems to be relenting about his stance that the University should recognize the "Rogue Data Angels." However he claims that if we so much as ship them materials during his "soon to come" war with them, we will be crused by his "Capitalistic war machine."
Zakharov did not seem fazed at these threats and kept his stance.
-Seinor Editor Lukhas Jhones-Balkan
City War Capacity?
The question remains; if we have a war with CEO Morgan of the Morganites, can we win?
Surely we can fight a good defensive war with all of our Plasma Sentinels, but can we fight an offensive war?
On page 13 of this issue, General Boris Knitkov-Tolby examines this issue in depth...
-Reporter Rae Loon-Stevens
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 23, 2000).]
September 23, 2000, 22:32
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Volume III, Issue 26
Hope Fades as Morgan Marches
Optimism faded today as Morgan delivered an ultimatum to Provost Zakharov, indicating he was not to interfere with his "soon to come war" with the "Rouge Data Angels". So far, Provsot Zakharov has not released a statement on the issue, but Roze plans to meet with him shortly, with a proposal of a Pact of Brotherhood. If assistance can not be found there, or in the fabled Cybernetic faction, then the future of the Data Angels does indeed look grim.
Datajack Roze informs us that she will try to keep diplomatic channels with CEO Morgan open, in hopes that a resolution still might be found.
Cyborgs Data DeCentral's Only Hope?
With what looks to be an inevitable war, Datajack Roze has brought her search for the fabled renegade Cyborg faction out in the open. It is hoped that if the two smaller forces can unite together, they might be able to stand against the Morgan war machine. It is unknown yet how our new found friends at the University would take to such an alliance, but it is hoped that they could see the benifits of the inevitable free flow of information it would create in the region.
September 24, 2000, 04:34
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Spartan Newswagon
9- 25- 2118
Volume II, Issue 15
Large exploration program begins!
Today, Colonel Santiago announced the beginning of a large exploration program, aimed to chart the continent and its resources as much as possible and finding possibly other survivors from crash of the Unity.One half of the scout units dedicated to the program are already out there exploring, and the other half will be ready in couple months.
Many drones have been given a new job in production or the new exploration program, and any citizen with officer-degree that volunteers to come into the new program will retain his officer position and will be graciously awarded.
Food resources getting more and more thin
As our good nation grows and prospers, biologists are worried that the huge hydrofarms in the cities cannot sustain us much longer if the population continues to grow.Building more hydrofarms or enlarging the already existing farms will be too expensive and time taking for an option.
Another viable option is at hand, atleast the scientists have agreed on that.Chief of the research departement in Sparta Command, Commander George Corven
eplained to us about that option.
”The idea is to start terraforming the endless lands outside the domes, making them into farms and advanced mining posts, later possibly even into earthlife forests.The problem is that we don´t have the needed tools for that, so we´ll have to research&produce them”.
Our great leader, Colonel Santiago has already authorised for the research department to start solving the problem, and results are promised to come soon.
- reporter Jack Kabrovski
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited September 24, 2000).]
September 24, 2000, 14:39
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Weekly Editorial
The University Sun-Governor
The New Myths
Back on old earth, we had vampires and werewolves to fill the night, and mischievous elves and sea sprites that sometimes helped the desperate. Today, on a planet alien to the natural folklore and local myths many of us grew up with, we are creating new ‘bogeymen’ and mystical saviours, namely, the popularly named ‘Cybernetic Consciousness’.
There have been other names, from the simple Cyborgs or Biomechanoids, to the more romantic ‘The Algorithmic Sublime’, or nefarious ‘Mind Thieves’. For a long time ‘Silicon Souls’ dominated the tabloids, but the current mood for revisionism has lead to the resurface of many of the speeches of Aki ‘Zeta-Five’, particularly this famous quote
‘…we have reached a new stage of evolution. We can no longer define ourselves in the same terms reserved for biologicals, we have a new level of consciousness…a cybernetic one…’
Today marks the eighth anniversary of the mysterious disappearance of Aki Knutsvik, who was later to be called Aki Zeta-Five. Her rise to fame, and exploits has been the subject of many studies, news specials and popular fiction. The movie Dreams in Mercury, depicting her life, was a box office smash, and is the only non Morganite film to be in the top ten credit-makers list. Her story has entered the realm of folklore, at many times quite distant from the facts.
The fact remains that the zeta-five experiment was flawed. When, after much rumour and speculation, the Good Academian announced confirmation that a research assistant on the Unity had developed the algorithm, which had been successfully grafted onto her, there was much excitement. Professor Knutsvik quickly became a media celebrity and gathered a large following, many choosing to follow her example and graft the cybernetic attachment.
What then followed were public arguments with the Good Academian about issues of administration and social policy, and much speculation about how many of her growing cyborg followers were really ‘volunteers’ or not. When tensions seemed to indicate an inevitable conflict, Professor Knutsvik and her followers just disappeared, or so it seemed.
...cont next page
September 24, 2000, 14:41
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The New Myths
...from previous page
The gruesome truths were announced some two months after the disappearance. Mass graves of cyborgs were uncovered, and an official report published. The zeta-five program had developed a fatal flaw that spread quickly through the linked cybernetic consciousness and crippled many essential functions, causing what was speculated to have been ‘…an excruciatingly agonising death caused by a complete disorganisation of the brains ability to coordinate nerve information…causing intense body spasms… finally heart failure and/or lung seizure…’. Professor Knutsvik’s body was not among those found.
Though this chapter in our history has finished, and the zeta-five project permanently closed, the legend, apparently, had only just begun. Constant speculation about the fate of Aki Zeta-Five has lead to many wild stories. Conspiracy theorists claim she and her followers where murdered by the Good Academian, to protect his position, others claim he is using them as slaves to fuel his research. The most popular theory though, is that her and some of her followers escaped into the wilds, where now they live still.
Now there are stories or people being saved from mind worms by ‘metallic angels’ who then disappear back into the fungus once the danger is over. People in some of the more remote homestead’s claim that dark figures with robotic hands steal unprotected children in the night.
Most outrageous of all, are those who claim to have visited cities of the cyborgs. Accounts printed in the tabloids speaks of cities organised in the structure of a super processor, with every individual working as efficiently as machines to guide research.
The rumours of a cybernetic community seemed to be proven real when last year it was reported that there had been a conflict with a colony pod manned by cyborgs. The official line is still that these where the last of the cyborgs, who initiated a conflict and where destroyed. The truth though was that it seemed this group of people, who called themselves cyborgs, where in fact looking for the legendary ‘Alpha Prime’, and not in anyway possessed by the zeta-five alogorithm. It is rumoured that some fifty people a year leave the safety of the bases to search for the legendary Cybernetic Consciousness, many not returning.
It is no surprise that we should desire such myths, we live in a world that is still new and alien to us. The idea that we can reach some sort of rational perfection, and gain greater understanding of ourselves and the world we live in is appealing to most. The cybernetic cities are now an ‘information’ El Dorado, a city of wonders. The truth may be a tragedy, but Aki Zeta-Five does live on in a very real sense – in our imagination.
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited September 24, 2000).]
September 24, 2000, 15:33
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 16, Issue 59
Is Roze Mad?
Zakharov, our fair leader and a supporter of Head Datajack Roze. Is reported to have laughed in her face when she mentioned to him a possible alliance with the 'Cyborg' faction.
He is reported to have told her to "Forget foolish myths and fairy tales." and that "The person who 'supposedly' started the Cyborg faction was a rebel and is now 6 feet under."
Roze was taken aback by this remark.
However the question remains, 'is Roze mad?' Only a mad person would believe that there is such a faction as the 'Cyborgs.'
And should we, the reasonable people of the University ally with such a madman (or woman)?
- Reporter Jill Jitney-Jones
The war may go through, Morgan says, if we ally ourselves with the Data Angels.
However, due to suspicions regarding Roze's sanity, the alliance has been held off for a time.
-Contd. on Page 4B
The 'Savior of Moon Rock' Speaks Out
Dear Sirs (and madames),
As this is my second letter to the editor, I hope it will be read with an open mind and heart.
Remember how 'datajack Roze' believes in myths such as fairies and a cyborg civilization. Remember how her 'mythrodden' troops defected from our fine faction. Remember how your sons and daughters died fighting these barbarians.
Zakharov has hopefully began to remember this and will join the honorable CEO Morgan of the Morganites from wiping the disgusting Data Angels from the face of Chiron forever.
Daniel Jakhobs
'The Savior of Moon Rock'
September 24, 2000, 18:27
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Volume III, Issue 27
Roze Issues Statement of Appology
Datajack Roze issued an official appoloy to Provost Zakharov of the University today, after a disagreement arose regarding a potential alliance and the existence of a Cybernetic faction. Roze had this to say:
"It was never our intention to insult the University, or it's citizens, by suggesting an alliance with a renegade cyborg faction. It appears or information was highly incorrect regarding such a faction, and that the possibility of finding a new ally caused us to miss the obvious signs of fiction within in the tale. It is still hoped that the Data Angels and the University can work together to bring peace to the region and provide a free flow of information to the citizens of the University and Data Angels alike."
No word has been recieved yet on Provost Zakharov's reaction to this statement.
Roze Puts Forth New Offer To Morgan
In an attempt to stay Morgan's hand and prevent an uneccessary loss of life, Roze has placed a new offer on the table.
If Morgan will agree to a Treaty of Friendship, Roze has offered to transmit our new files on High Energy Chemistry to scientists at Morgan Industries. This latest Data Angel breakthrough, is believed to be unknown to Morganite scientists, and would provide greater security against attacks from native life forms.
Some see this as a desperate attempt to buy the Data Angels time, however peace could only benefit all three factions.
It is hoped that a response from CEO Morgan will arrive soon.
asghask amas;jkh wj,sg,,,e,hgakd
Decrypting Coded Message: Data Angel Eyes Only
Despite recent statements made in the press, Roze considers the discovery of the Cybernetic Conciousness to be imperative. It is unknown how much we can depend on Zakharov's support any longer, and an ally is crucial if Roze's offer is rejected.
[b]asglnqwu l;l;;as jaasdfwueilaaaaaam;;;;;
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited September 24, 2000).]
September 24, 2000, 19:23
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Morgan Newslink Network
Possible Treaty with Data Angel fiends?
CEO Morgan has been pondering whether to accept the Data Angel fiend's so-called 'friendly' advances.
He has been said to say he "Might consider peace if the Data Angels give us the technology they promised."
This new technology, if acquired, can greatly benefit our people and thus- at least in the opinion of this reporter, should be taken, at all costs. Even if it means peace with our mortal enemies who defected.
September 25, 2000, 06:48
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Posting to
Hey Roze baby, you WON’T believe what I found while nosing around the Uni’s secure databanks (naughty me)...there is a whole heap of buried documents about the time of Aki’s disappearance, basically police reports about the theft of LARGE quantities of stores and, get this, an almost finished colony pod was walked right out the assembly bay. Seems, a bit of a coincidence to me. Anyway, all we can assume is that Aki planned to set up a new colony, whether they’re thriving or worm bait is another story. Zak is keeping all this VERY quiet, and I think you really p*ssed him off by announcing your plans to search for them. He doesn’t want any more of his people defecting...I’m sure we can use this information to our advantage.
I attached a whole heap of proof, I’m sure the Cybernetic Consciousness is out there somewhere, all we have to do is look. Should keep this secret from Zak though. Just a helpful hint though from an adoring citizen.
We still on for Thursday?...all this digging got’s me really excited. Gonna keep searching, so much stuff (How could Zak be so sloppy, then again, I’m just too good)...thinking we should just skip the dinner...
September 25, 2000, 08:32
First wave of Sea Formers came out of production...
Port Svensgaard and Provision Point as finish contructing the new Sea Formers and has already been sent to start terraforming near their bases. So in few years, well have a increase in Nutrients, Minerals and aswell Energy.
Welcome to the Gun Foil, Nautilus...
Safe Haven as recently finish contruction of a new Gun Foil to be part of the Fleet. Nautilus will be sent to explore the sea north of Provision Point.
The Discovery of another Foreign Base...
Unity Gunboat Unity as recently discovered another processor like base on the shores of the Chiron Continent east of Port Svensgaard. Unity had to pull away from the base to avoid getting detected by the base... This base is of the same Processor like design as the other discovered, but bigger and more well develop. The Unity Gunboat as been ordered to not make contact, but has been ordered to stay around and take recon pictures of the base and report anything unnusual.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 25, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 25, 2000).]
September 25, 2000, 10:58
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Posts: 462
****private to Nautilus Pirates****
Radio message received: Source unknown
Sneaky little fishes, think the land has no eyes.
Evolution has shown
that the fish that learnt to walk
got the booty of the land.
Its hard for fishes to plunder,
if no-one else swims.
We know how to keep a secret...
September 25, 2000, 17:22
The unknown radio contact...
Unity Gunboat Unity received a unknown all-band radio message yesterday. They couldn't pinpoint the source, but they believe it came from the big Processor like Base discovered several days ago.
This doesn't prove that they have knowledge of our Faction, just it seems they notice ours ships taking peaks at their wonderful Coastal Bases. Unity hasn't replied due to the Prohibition, but will continue to keep a watch on the base from a distance until further notice.
Captain Svensgaard thinking of making contact...
Svensgaard is thinking to maybe establish communications with this faction, but will take measures to avoid us being completly discovered.
The sea is vast and full of wealth...
We choose that it suffice...
Until others decides to take a swim...
Keep a secret you may...
But how does one trust the...
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 25, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 26, 2000).]
September 25, 2000, 21:08
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Freedom's E-Newz
Volume III, Issue 28
Roze Seeks To Reopen Negotiations with Provost Zakharov
Roze has decided not to let a potential pact with the University slip through her fingers. She plans to visit University Base personally within the next week, in hopes to cement her friendship with Provost Zakharov. With still no word coming from CEO Morgan and the potential Treaty, an alliance with the University might prove essential.
Private E-mail: Omega Encyrption
To: Rezon@nce
Subject: Oh how I love thee, let me count the wayz!
Darling, now I finally realise why I kept you around so long! I appreciate you digging this stuff up for me. How would you feel about a position in my cabinet?
Oh, and dinner is still on for Thursday. You're going to have to wine and dine me first. I am a lady remember!
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited September 25, 2000).]
September 25, 2000, 22:28
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
posting to
Sorry I missed the date love, but you got some trouble. Seems Zak isn't so sleepy after all, has some agents here already, and I almost got traced. They don't know where the breach sourced from, but it seems I'm a chief suspect I'm keeping low.
Managed to find some more infn before I had to run though...and I know your gonna love it. Zak practically KNOWS where the Consciousness are, There are some large fields of Xfungus to the the west of a large crater, he followed the tracks of the stolen pod to them, so he knows that they are west of the crater.
He's been reluctant to enter the fungus though, so he's just been watching and...get this...has put a ban on exploration past this point. Doesn't want to risk someone not in his trust finding them before he does.
That's all I could get for now though...looks like you have to do a bit of cleaning up at home.
You know I'll be back owe me a date.
and about that position - can you really see me in a suit? I know you wanna keep me close, but I'm really more useful in the, its just too exciting to leave.
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited September 25, 2000).]
September 25, 2000, 22:42
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
****Private to the University****
Secure message to Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Subject: Urgent
Good Academician, there has been a security breach in our databanks. We have sourced it to the Morganites, but it seems too obvious...there are some very clever data angels around, too clever I think. We have a suspect in mind and are about to apprehend him now.
The thief was nosing around the files on the Consciousness, I really urge that we push into the fungus and explore the site west of the crater. We can not chance any of the other factions gaining an advantage. They are rebels certainly, but are sure to have very valuable information we can use to advance our own research.
I have conformation that a radio signal was sent from somewhere in the suspected Consciousness zone. The signal was too weak to be understandable, but technicians are still working on it. We don't know where the message was being sent to, but intelligence tells us that no-one else has been in contact with them. An internal message perhaps?
-Chief of security
Samuel Geddings-Howe
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited September 25, 2000).]
September 25, 2000, 22:56
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Private message to Chief of Security
Subject: War. (Classified)
Do not mention any more of what I say in this message to anyone than necessary, under penalty of death.
Our probe teams, though useless will work as hard as they can to track down this 'leak' and 'fix' him/her.
I will also allow you to ready our bases for destruction. The colony pod under construction will be transferred to a scout rover; because of the similarity in construction and design this should be easily done.
Scout rovers will be built in the other cities as soon as production can be cleared.
I will meet with the 'Data Angels' nevertheless. However if a leak is discovered it will be open war. The secret of the Cyborgs must not get out until we can eradicate them once and for all.
These are your orders and information. Guard them with your life. Quickly memorize these and then destroy this file and paper. Encript them and then. Wipe computer memory.
I have spoken.
-Academian Prokhor Zakharov
September 26, 2000, 00:27
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
****Private to the University****
Secure message to Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Subject: Urgent
I regret to inform that the Data Angel suspect has evaded capture. We have no proof that they infiltrated our datalinks, just my educated opinion. It very well have been the Morganites. My advice is that we maintain normalcy in our relations and let them be the ones to slip up (I will not fail a second time!)
We urgently require orders regarding exploration of the suspected Consciousness Zone, the timing at the moment seems critical, we cannot afford to waste any more time! Of course, I defer to your wisdom.
All internal files regarding the Consciousness have been deleted, and security measures increased. We have detected no more leaks.
-Chief of Security
Samuel Geddings-Howe
September 26, 2000, 21:27
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 1
Roze Commisions New Paper
You may have noticed that the ENEWZ has got a new look! Roze has commissioned the new electronic paper to create an official voice of the Data Angels faction. But don't worry, the old crew of the ENEWZ haven't been pushed out on the street without a job. We'll still bring you the same coverage we always do, except now we're getting paid more!
Morganite Probe Caught With Pants Down!
A Morganite Probe Operative was caught snooping around Roze function public facilities, apparently attempting to access government files from a cybercafe. Authorities apprehended the subject thanks to a sloppy use of decyrption algorithms, triggering silent alarms within the system.
More importantly, it was discovered that the probe was already in the posession of several highly classified government files, as well as files apparently previously cyphoned from the University network.
Roze has seen that the files were returned to Provost Zakharov, and that the encrypted information remained sealed.
It is hoped that continued negotiations with Provost Zakharov's University of Planet can still help to secure an alliance, especially as there has still been no response to the last offer put towards Morgan.
September 26, 2000, 22:05
There is still no response to your message we relayed 8 days ago, but we do notice some increase in activity at the Base thought. We are not sure on what they are doing, but i put Unity on Yellow Alert.
We are waiting fo further orders.
Why Port Svensgaard is making Scout Rovers...
Rumours have started spreading about the production of Scout Rovers at Port Svensgaard, our first real Landbase Unit. The Nautilus Council confirmed the rumours today saying that they planning to send a scouting party to explore the continent and to see if there is any other foreign bases. Captain Ulrik Svensgaard commented that "the fishes are going to take a peak".
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