September 26, 2000, 22:06
double post
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 26, 2000).]
September 27, 2000, 01:08
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***private to Nautilus Pirates***
Anonymous Radio message
source unknown
Scared fishes?
Perhaps we misread the hover like a Fungal Darter, yet carry a bite like Chiromundi...
You seem timid, thats to be expected,
and we apologise for our ambiguity
We offer a refuge here, for those who are lost
if its a formal invitation you need
then come...
We have much we can show you.
September 27, 2000, 16:23
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Spartan Newswagon
Volume III issue 7
Let the terraforming begin
Couple of days ago the research department announced,that they´ve finished designing the needed tools and machines for the terraforming project.
Production lines are cleared for constructing these tools and machines, and people are being gathered and educated for the new ”terraforming units”.The land around our cities is now more valuable than the same amount in gold, as scientists promise the land will be terraformed into a earthlike paradise in the next few decades.Already citizens have been acquiring as much as land they can, with any means possible.Reported casualties of these means are until now ten and rising, turning the department of economy into a warfield.
To control the crazy byuers and to ensure the flow of food, minerals and energy, the Junta has decided that most of the to-be-terraformed lands will not be sold,but instead used for farming and mining, or for some other industrial purpose.
-reporter Jack Kabrovski
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited September 28, 2000).]
September 27, 2000, 16:28
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Secure message
From: Colonel Santiago
To:Commander Hardion, 1st Scout Rover unit
Subject:Change of orders.
Commander, your new are orders are as follows: you are to head as fast as you can southward.Take the both units and don´t bother waiting for the laser rover unit.You will Investigate everything, and report if anything peculiar happens.
You should watch for mindworms and also for human activity.Yes, there are also other survivors from the crash.A day ago a small listening post on the southern border picked up a very faint and messy signal.Our techs managed to clear it a little bit, enough to recognise a human voice.We are positive it was a human voice and that it came from south.
If you meet other humans, do not engage in any hostile activity first.Report back to HQ and wait for instructions.
September 27, 2000, 20:05
Local Time: 05:32
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Private message to Chief of Security
Subject: Apprehension of a Thief (Classified)
The thief will be captured. Arrest all suspects, even if it includes my chief-of-staff.
Trust no one except yourself.
Do not explore the 'purposed' Cyborg zone. We do not have the troops for it and since the Cyborgs do not exist, we have no reason to explore it.
The Morganites do not have the guile to have infiltrated our faction; however, look into it.
September 27, 2000, 20:10
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Peacekeeper News Bulletin
Volume I Issue 1
Inagural Edition!
Well now that our fair and kind leader has deemed us financially fit for a paper, this paper has been begun.
We only hope it has much success.
Humans Spotted?
Our scout rovers have just radioed back a report about a possible human being wandering around about 100 miles from our perimeter.
These reports are being taken in as I write, however it may be several days before we know all the details.
September 27, 2000, 20:15
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Morgan Newslink Network
Denial of Probe Operations
In a publicly-issued denial, CEO Morgan has denied any probe operations against the University or Data Angels, who are now both our friends.
He "hopes that all problems will be resolved" and "we can move towards peace between all three factions under Chiron's great sun."
September 27, 2000, 20:20
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 16, Issue 65
Who to trust?[/b]
Having just received files from the Data Angels which were claimed to have been stolen files that belonged to the Morganites, we must really wonder who we must trust.
Should we trust CEO Morgan, our longtime friend, but now a semi-enemy. Should we trust Head Datajack Roze with all her intrigue and our recent war with her. Or should we trust neither and declare war on both?
Please write your opinions to the address of this paper and 'hopefully' we can convince Academian Prokhor Zakharov to do the 'popular' and thus correct thing.
- Reporter James Ji-Luseth
September 27, 2000, 20:26
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 16, Issue 66
Comments... Letters...
Dear USG,
I am a normal, productive University citizen and I must voice my opinions.
What I have to say is we should support our longtime friends the Morganites, but also our 'new' friends the Data Angels. They both seem to want peace and are likely making these 'stolen data' stories up.
They both want to be good friends of the University and are competing to do it. We should respect that and admit both to our 'alliance.'
-Enos Illych-Krabovskich
Dear Sirs,
I see that you will not listen to reason and so I will say this. The Data Angels mean no harm. They are the ones who caught Morgan spying on our computer systems.
Attack Morgan the evil. Not Roze the friendly.
-Alanis Ma-Stevens
Dear Readers,
Do not listen to Roze's fabricated lies and fabricated evidence. The Morganites are our friends. The Data Angels are nothing more than bandits determined to undermine and destroy our society.
-The Savior of Moon Rock, Daniel Jakhobs
September 27, 2000, 20:45
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Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 2
Roze Welcomes Friendship With Morgan
Roze announced today that CEO Morgan has agreed to her offer, and that the two have ratified a Treaty of Friendship between the Morganite and Data Angel factions. This will hopefully herald in a new era of peace in the region, which has been embroiled in a civil war since the Data Angels first announced their desire to suceed.
Already, Roze has sat down with Morgan to discuss new economic plans and trade bargains, which will no doubt be profitable for both factions.
As for the incident with the captured Morganite Probe operative, Roze had only this to say:
"I can hardly hold the Morganites accountable for actions taken under the threat of war. The Data Angels believe in free flow of information, and it would be hypocritical of me to denounce Morgan for actions I myself have initiated myself. I only hope that our new friendship will allow for further such queries for information to be made through diplomatic channels, and on amicable conditions for both sides."
The probe operative was released to Morganite custody today, so that the proper authorities may decide if any punishment is necessary.
No word yet as to whether Provost Zakharov will ratify the treaty, but it is hoped that the three factions will be able to coexist in peace.
************************************************** ***
Coded Transmission: DataAngel Decrypt Five Theta.
For all those who are currently seeking information on the mysterious Cybernetic faction, it is requested that you put a temporary halt on such activities. We have established a tentative peace and we hope it can remain that way. We don't want to upset the balance by irritating Zakharov, or introducing a fourth faction into the fold. However, we will hang on to any files regarding their existance, in case they are needed in the future.
September 28, 2000, 01:25
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***private to university***
Secure message to Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Subject: Urgent
You are, of course, right Good Academician. Searching through our files I could find nothing about a 'Cybernetic Consciousness'. They certainly do not exist.
I will do what we can regarding the internal matters, I need to inform you though that our resources are already streched to their limit...We need more funding and agents if we are to be able to ensure the integrity of our knowledge database.
-Chief of Security
Samuel Geddings-Howe
September 28, 2000, 01:44
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posting to
Dammit babe, we are so close...gimme some people for protection and I'll go through the fungal fields and get the cyborgs myself...
alright, I'm cool...its just hard to invest so much energy into something and not see it through. Promise me I'll be in on it when you give the OK, and I'll wait.
Well, theres one good thing...gonna be home early for that date, better start chilling the champagne now (you did get that case I *cough* stole from M's Alcohol research centre yeah?)
September 28, 2000, 02:03
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***private to university***
Secure message to Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Subject: Urgent
We have monitored more radio messages from the unexplored region to the west. As there can be no-one living there, we suspect some sort of new anomoly in the terrain. For everyones safety, we have continued the exploration ban.
-Chief of Security
Samuel Geddings-Howe
September 28, 2000, 02:41
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Posts: 462
Morgan Newslink Network
Talks Update
Though the generalities of peace where established some time ago, and healthy trading has been established since, some minor details still cause debate among those in our diplomatic channels.
The formal ratification of permanant borders has still not been achieved. In a press statement, our benevolent CEO Morgan stated
'It would be premature at this time to ratify permanent borders when we are each working from different maps. We need to coordinate our cartography programs, and establish a uniform and thorough standard map of this whole continent for us to work with. We do have informal agreements as to territory boundries...and these will be respected'
Accusations continue to fly about covert operations. Again, this seems to be a minor issue though, with events having cooled somewhat from a month ago.
Official statements give the impression that the disagreements are nothng that cannot be worked out through diplomatic action, and there is no threat of any more hostilities. It is a great time for people to make a stable life for themselves, and make some good money
September 28, 2000, 15:20
****private message to unknown base****
We don't require your refuge...
The sea is our refuge...
But you have our attention...
We fishes are going to take a peak...
What can you show us?
****end of message****
Transport Foil Hauler finally left Port Svensgaard carrying the Scouting Party to the continent. The delay was caused by the recent discovery of Applied Physics, which allows us to use the Laser Technology for mining and industrial purposes, aswell as the military. When the Scout Rovers was nearing completion, Laser weaponry was added to the Rovers. This postponed the launch of the expedition, but was worth it.
The 1st and 2nd Recon Rovers will be sent to shore so they can start their exploration of the continent.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 28, 2000).]
September 28, 2000, 21:57
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Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 3
Land Debates Begin
Roze has begun talks in order to fully ratify the new "Tri-faction Agreement" regarding the placement of borders. Tentative borders are already being respected, however the staking of territory beyond the boundries of the bases is the current concern.
It is likely that Morgan and Zakharov will want to see that Data Angel territory is restricted, to prevent too much expansion on the part of our faction. However, Roze has said that she will ensure that the Data Angels have their fair share of access to Planet's resources.
Currently plans are being discussed regarding an eventual move towards the plentiful resources of Planet's oceans. Professor David Roberts, Head of R&D has stated that once the current study of Planet's local flora and fauna has been catalouged, designs will be put forward to create a seaworthy vessal capable of standing up to Chiron's dangerous depths.
Roze Begins Plans for Third Base
Plans are moving ahead to construct a new colony pod, leading to the establishment of the Data Angel's third base. The call has gone out to residents of Data DeCentral, whose inadequate facilities are feeling somewhat cramped, to brave Planet's dangers and strike out and colonise!
It does not take a political analyst to see that doing so, will enable Roze to stake further claims for the Data Angels in the current negotiations, ensuring that there will be room for future Data Angel expansion.
September 28, 2000, 22:28
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Morgan Newslink Network
Independent Operative Punished
The independent operative accused of hacking into University files in Data Angel territory has been severly punished for his evil actions, receiving 50 years in Morgan Prison #1.
Morgan Newslink Network
Tri-Power Treaty
As talks closed yesterday the three powers on Chiron have carved out a treaty that will benefit all involved.
Free data will be traded between all factions in exchange for map data, money, and other types of trade.
All three will work together to start a new, utopian Earth on Chiron.
Long live the Tri-Power Treaty...
Morgan Newslink Network
The borders of the new treaty will include a strip of Data Angel land in the middle of the continent between Zakharov's University and the Great CEO Morgan's Morganite Territory.
Expansion for all factions is allowed in the territorial agreement and all should be pleased with the results.
September 29, 2000, 04:54
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***Private to Nautilus Pirates***
Radio message: Source Unknown
If you are happy where you are, then it is not our intention to disturb you.
We seek to aid those who find uncertainty within themselves
If ever you have any questions
Then we have the answers but...
We cannot continue to communicate this way - There are ears everywhere.
If you want to speak further, then we urge you to accept our gracious hospitality.
September 29, 2000, 05:02
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
***private to University***
Secure message to Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Subject: Urgent
We have monitored yet another strange radio signal from the no-go zone to the west.
Other news: I have taken the liberty to prepare a map for submission to the Data Angels and Morganites. I have not included any sensitive structures on the map, and have manufactured a false survey of the no-go zone that should sastify foreign scrutiny. I transmit this map to you with accompanying survey data that will verify the map.
-Chief of Security
Samuel Geddings-Howe
September 29, 2000, 20:19
TO: Nautilus of the Seas, via Gun Foil MarinerFROM: Scouting Expedition
We have just entered the perimeter of Foreign Base 2(Tau Collective) and now in view of the base. There is activity, but we haven't encountered any problems, except for the Mind Worms Incident few days ago where 2nd Recon Rovers lost a couple of rovers.
We are awaiting for further orders.
Colonel Greenway
1st Recon Rovers
Scouting Expedition
September 29, 2000, 20:20
TO: Nautilus of the Seas, via Gun Foil Mariner
FROM: Scouting Expedition
We have just entered the perimeter of Foreign Base 2(Tau Collective) and now in view of the base. There is activity, but we haven't encountered any problems, except for the Mind Worms Incident few days ago where 2nd Recon Rovers lost a couple of rovers.
We are awaiting for further orders.
Colonel Greenway
1st Recon Rovers
Scouting Expedition
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 03, 2000).]
September 29, 2000, 20:23
double post - hate when this happens - should allow me to delete this :P
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited September 29, 2000).]
September 29, 2000, 22:26
Local Time: 05:32
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***Private to Chief of Security***
Secure message to Chief of Security Samuel Geddings-Howe
Subject: Follow-Through
Ignore the radio transmissions for now, but notify me of any more such anomalies.
Also you may follow through with you map of our territory and all territory known to us.
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited September 29, 2000).]
September 30, 2000, 08:48
Local Time: 07:32
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Posts: 249
Urgent message
From:Commander Hardion, 1st scout rover unit
To:Colonel Santiago
Sir, we´ve intercepted numeral radio signals and have found tracks left by rovers.
I´ve also sent some of our rovers as scouts ahead of our joint unit, to detect any bases or other units.They´ve already reported about different farming and mining installations and have seen people in these installations, but haven´t made any contact yet.
The installations carry the U.N sign, Sir, and under it ”Peacekeeping forces”.I believe we are near a human base, about two or three days away.We will try to locate this base.
Sir, terrific news!Our scouts have located the base, and the rest of our unit has headed towards it.We will keep our distance and won´t let them detect us, until you say so, Sir.
Urgent message
From:Colonel Santiago
To:Commander Hardion, 1st scout rover unit
Your orders are now this:You will make contact with the U.N. forces.Take your original unit,leave the other unit as a backup, drive to their base and demand an audience with the local leader.Give him personally the communication frequency that you will find in a encrypted file coming with this message.After he has received the communication frequency, leave the area and go back to the south border.
If you do the job well, you will be awarded.If not, don´t bother coming back home.
That is all, Commander.
September 30, 2000, 08:50
Local Time: 07:32
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Spartan Newswagon
Volume 4 issue 3
Other Survivors found!
Colonel Santiago announced today the discovery of another human faction. They call themselves “peacekeeping forces” and use the sign of the old U.N, which existed back on earth.
Apparently their agendas and values are completely different than ours. They still act on the useless U.N. charter, and oppose any kind of action that breaks it. They adore weakness and reject true power and loyalty.
If you ask my opinion, these people would hardly suit to be our friends, we don´t understand them and they don´t understand us.
However, our leader Colonel Santiago has initiated negotiations with the peacekeepers leader, former Unity surgeon, Commissioner Pravin Lal.The objective of the negotiations is drawing borders between the two factions, and even possible treaties.
September 30, 2000, 23:03
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Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 4
What's In A Name?
That is the question that Datajack Roze has put to the populace. As plans move forward for the construction of a third base, Roze has decided to allow the public to decide which base name they like the best. An on-line poll will be available at the Freedom's Banner main web-site where you will be able to select one of four possibilities as your favourite. The choices are:
The Sprawl
Stack Heap
Nettap Complex
Shadow Sprawl
In other news, Jerimiah Gibson has been added to Roze's cabinet. The reknowned computer wizard (although aren't we all?) has been selected to serve as Roze's Minister of Information.
New Embassies Announced
To further consolidate our new found friendship within the Tri-Faction Alliance, Roze has announced that she will be creating permanant embassies at both Morgan Industries and University Base. This will allow for easy communication between all three factions, so that if any disagreements should arise they can be quickly, and judiciously resolved.
So far, no sites have been defined, however Minister Windsor is in negotiations with representatives from both bases in order to allocate the sites.
October 3, 2000, 00:39
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Survey Compiled...
Subject: Vote
I would luv to post my humble vote for tha best city name you proposed, Nettap Complex. Thank you for logging my vote...
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 02, 2000).]
October 3, 2000, 00:48
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Peacekeeper News Bulletin
Volume I Issue 10
Happy New Year!
Well the new year has come and our benevolent and kind leader has initiated a great celebration that will last throught the week with a festival, dances and other pride issues to celebrate the 18th year we have been on Chiron. (More on Pages 4B-10B and Section C in this issue.)
Peacekeeper News Bulletin
Volume I Issue 12
Spartan Peace Talks
Talks have commenced with the rogue 'Spartans' and their free-arms policies.
Although we have free-arms policies here in Peacekeeper land we do not take them to the extremes that the rogue Spartans do as all of you who have encountered Spartan forces and citizens should very well know.
In a few weeks we hope to see a treaty between the Spartans and our forces that will be mutually beneficial to both sides...
(Continued in Section D under "Treaty")
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 02, 2000).]
October 3, 2000, 07:56
What happened to the Scouting Expedition...
The Recon Rovers that was sent to land about a month ago and today Headquarters as received message from them that everything is okay. They ended up having some misuntanding which cause them to have a small skirmish with "Cyborg" Scout Patrols, but no one got seriously hurt. They later got to Foreign Base 1 called "Alpha Prime" to the Leader, Aki Zeta-Five of the Cyborg Consciousness. Captain Ulrik Svensgaard is now in contact with this Leader. We'll more information when we get it...
Who are the Cyborg Consciousness?
Not much is known about them still, but it appears to be Faction made of Cyborgs. As for where they are from, we are not sure, but we do know that Aki Zeta-Five was a crew member of Unity identified by Captain Svensgaard as Aki Knutsvik. They are the first Human Faction we have contacted since Planetfall.
OOC: whats her lastname again? Oh, Darkcloud, its 2119 now, not 2118.
New Orders for Unity Gunboat Unity
Unity as been giving new continue its original Orders to explore west of Port Svensgaard. Captain Ulrik Svensgaard planning to have another base established there. So in the meantime, Safe Haven will start production of a Sea Colony Pod.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 03, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 05, 2000).]
October 3, 2000, 17:35
Local Time: 05:32
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Posts: 462
Post to the Consciousness 3-39-19
From: Our Glorious Leader
Topic: Let the games begin
I'm sure that this message finds everyone in great health, and pursuing their lifes ambition to the utmost of their capabilities. Let this message mark a further evolution to our current journay.
We live in our self-imposed isoloation no-longer. We have encountered a group of humans led by a man calling himself 'Captain Ulrik Svensgaard'. They control a strong navy and live in sea bases. There is much we can learn from them about the sea's of Chiron, I am sure, and the ability to conduct commerce will aid our faction ensure it's future security and fund increased research projects.
To be added though, they are human, and therefore we should reserve our trust until their actions prove their worth. There has already been a small skirmish (to be expected, unfortunately, when biologicals still rely on their emotion: fear)which resulted in no casualties however. With the recent completion of the prototype for our new Augmented Patrol, we have invested a large sum of capital expenditure to upgrade our obsolete units to the new model. This has ensured us military parity with the rest of the inhabitants of this planet.
This contact with 'The Nautilus Pirates' (which is how they jokingly refered to themselves, a name, I fear that may yet prove their character) has meant that it is also time to 'come out from the shadows' and reveal our presence to the other factions that inhabit this continent that we live on. It is time for us to play an active role in our security.
This shall prove to be an exciting time, as our diplomacy machine prepares to engage the humans and ensure that not only are we able to pursue our ambitions in relative peace and security, but increase our resources and even further expand the possibility for growth and choice.
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