October 11, 2000, 22:54
Local Time: 05:32
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*Secret data files of Prokhor Zakharov*
Destruction of all Cyborg-Sympathisers...
Due to the mannerisms of the evil cyborgs, all supporters within our faction were required to be exterminated, before the problem could escalate...
I can only hope that in future years my people will forgive me.
Mobilization of Forces
Due to the recent escalation of troubles, I have been forced to mobilize our forces on both Morganite, and Cyborg borders.
From now on we shall not trust either faction's leaders, for they spread lies.
October 11, 2000, 22:58
Local Time: 05:32
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Morgan Newslink Network
unknown broadcast # (unarchived)
unknown date (unarchived)
The Day that will live Forever
Our rich and powerful CEO has seen fit to declare war on the evil and reclusive Zakharov. Due to his isolationist polices, our CEO has seen that, in the best interests of the free-market, he should defend the new faction, the Cyborgs.
It is unknown how many units the University has, exactly, for it seems they have been hiding the data that should have been freely given out.
So, great and rich citizens of the Morganites, support your troops with money, food and other supplies...
October 12, 2000, 10:02
Local Time: 07:32
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OOC:Lonestar, if you keep playing, you should go to the thread ”Chiron chronicles-Admin” and see what cities and units the Spartans really have, and post there the peacekeepers production post.
Secret message
From:Colonel Santiago
To:Commanders of 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Laser rover units
Subjects:Attack orders
War, the chance to prove yourselves has arrived.Commander Hardion will be in command and responsible for this force.
You will proceed as stelthily as possible to the peacekeeper base known to us.If there are any peacekeeper forces or civilians that have noticed you or are on your path, eliminate them.Do not let anybody alert the base.
After you have located the base, surround it and attack it from four directions.The most experienced unit will attack the most heavily fortified part of the base.Do not take great risks and try to keep own casualties low.
After you have conquered the base do not hesitate in using force against possible revolts.
Then you will send 4th and 5th units to scout around the conquered base and to report about possible enemy units coming towards or enemy bases.The other two units will remain in the base until a sythmetal garrison from Sparta Command arrives to fortify the place, within a week after you have captured the base .Then your force of four units will continue towards the next base.
If you, however, fail to capture the base, the remnants of your taskforce will go back to the nearest friendly base.
October 14, 2000, 19:23
Local Time: 05:32
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The University Underground
Irregular newsletter
Headline Story
Source and author unknown
The Campaign of Terror Begins
With war about to erupt against our cyborg sisters, Big Brother is doing its best to 'clean up house' and eradicate basically all those who believe in the basic human rights of freedom of expression and self-determination.
This violation of our rights has echoes of another time, on a distant planet, where a group of people called the Nazi's preached racial purity and world domination. Yet despite this, Zhakarov's dramatically underpayed publicist still manages to introduce the Good Doctor without the slightest hint of sarcasm.
The common rhetoric in the speeches of 'solidarity/unity' and 'no secrets' breed anything but. Solidarity really means sectioning off dissedents and eliminating them. No secrets in politics speech has always meant 'well, none from me anyway...'
It is obvious that Zhakarov is demonising the Consciousness to serve his own political purposes. His calls that they are evil are unfounded. What makes them evil? The implant? It is a basic human right of self-expression to have complete control over one's body, what should we call evil next, body piercing...some of those tattoed freaks look pretty scary, and they have shops with ads...is this active coercion, are they trying to convert us? Burn them!!!
And now a number of my friends have disappeared. Victims of the 'solidarity' propaganda machine as it rolls steadily and silently towards its goal of a submissive and brainwashed public.
The silence stops here
Long live my brothers and sisters, lost in the fight for our rights
Genocider(aka Richard French)
Big harry (aka Harold Kolchak)
Eddie Jackson
Alice Marrow
Jane Despoya
LookingBackMan (aka Sam Fairbanks)
October 15, 2000, 15:43
Local Time: 05:32
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 17, Issue 38
People Numbers
In an excellent move to day Academian Prokhor Zakharov has taken social security numbers one step further.
Now with just one click of the button our security personell will be able to determine your entire life story. Wearing the 'People' wrists they will be able to determine your age, name, every immunization you have had and when, and where you have gone every night.
Thanks to innovative technology police won't have to stop speeders on the rover interstate any more for I.D. numbers... all they will have to do is scan the barcodes on the sides of the rovers and report back to police central... It's that easy!
Reporter Jihad Jade-Khobles
Sneak Attack
That evil fiend CEO Morgan of the Morganites has declared war on us, the great University, citing that we are making economic sanctions against the Cyborgs unjustly.
Zakharov has responded today that the "Morganites and all their monentary funds will be destroyed [unless] they back off and recall their declaration of war..."
The 5th division of militia guards was called into service today without leave.
All leave for soldiers and transport to Morganite cities has been revoked.
Reporter Tina Towel-Stanza
October 15, 2000, 21:14
Local Time: 05:32
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Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 10
Roze Condemns Violent Stance
Once again, Roze spoke out today against escalating violence in the University-Cyborg conflict. CEO Morgan has chosen to side with the Conciousness, putting the weight of his military against Provost Zakharov's University.
"As far as we know, we are all that is left of humankind. It is sad that we have not learned from our violent past, and continue to slaughter each other needlessly. I still hope that a diplomatic solution can be reached, before shots are fired. But we will not take sides, nor will we condone violence. If any faction intiates an offensive against another, trade sanctions will be necessary. I pray that it does not come to that."
That communique from Datajack Roze, was broadcast via Morgan New Net to all three factions. Peace at this point seems to be an idealistic dream, and many wonder how much longer Roze's neutrality approach can last.
Construction Begins on Nettap Complex
Construction has begun on the newest Data Angel base, to be named Nettap Complex on it's completion. Currently, there is only housing for the critical construction crews, however slowly the colony pod's resources are being converted into permanant base facilities. It is hoped that construction will be completed shortly.
October 15, 2000, 21:51
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: 2nd Recon Rovers, reporting
Disguising our unit as part of the Cybernetic Consciousness works well. So much that we got shot at by what believe to be a University Patrol Unit while exploring along the University borders.
We have, of course, eliminated them in self-defence. It was easy, with our superior mobility of the rovers. We suffered no casualties, just damage to our rovers. We are moving to the cyborgs new base Gamma Heights for repairs, and to transfer the University survivors to the cyborgs.
The University Units commander, who survived with some injuries, was surely surprised that we weren't cyborgs when i interogated him.
Captain Sierra Binks
2nd Recon Rovers
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 15, 2000).]
October 16, 2000, 13:07
Local Time: 07:32
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OOC:As Lonestar or whoever is controlling the peacekeepers hasn´t posted a defensive plan,I assume the Spartans have captured the base.The base is the most northern one of the three peacekeeper bases.
From:Commander Hardion, 1st laser Rovers
To:Colonel Santiago, Sparta Command HQ.
Subject: The capture of U.N. High Comission
Sir, our forces have succesfully captured the peacekeeper base at 2000 hours.It was a short battle.We kept, as you said, our casualties (compared to the defenders)moderately low.
We attacked 0600 hours in the morning.The peacekeepers outer defences were still construction, so they didn´t stand a chance against our rover charge.We estimate the defenders consisted of only a single synthmetal garrison.
Still, after their outer defence collapsed they had another trick up their sleeve.They had built other defences inside the base, so the battle bogged down into a street-after-street and building-after-building close combat.The peacekeepers probably thought that they would detect a attacking force in time to evacuate the civilian population.Unfortunately the population of the base was still sleeping when we attacked.The number
of dead or wounded civilians is high.
After a slow and bloody but sure advance in to the bases center, we finally had them surrounded in the towh hall and its sourrounding buildings.And they still didn´t want to surrender.The toughest part of the whole battle was to blast them out of there.It took more than eight hours and 5 dead 21 wounded from our side to eliminate that pocket of resistance.Most of the defenders, barricated in the town hall were eliminated.Only a small number surrendered, including the commanding officer of the synth.garrison.He has been sent to Sparta Command for interrogation.
The base population has been until now quiet.No revolts or other activity of that kind has been happening.Also, we have gathered all surviving officers, scientist and local leaders in a special containment building/camp, to keep them there from making any trouble and later to send them to be interrogated.
Most of the base has turned into rubble, but still we have found the same type of resycling tanks as we are building in our bases.Also the crude harbour got away with minor damage Most of the other important buildings or facilities were turned into a battlefield, as the defending peacekeepers barricated in them.Only the power grid was left relatively intact as the defenders knew the destruction of the power grid would mean the death of the whole base population.
Sir, there are a lot of wounded people here.I would like to request immediate medical help sent here.Also, we would need food and building materials for temporary shelters for the homeless civilians.
The 4th and 5th unit are scouting near the base as you have ordered and we all are anxiously waiting for the synth.garrison to arrive, so we can make more conquests in the name of the Spartan Federation.We already have extrated the location of the peacekeepers capital and second base.
Death count
Spartans:27 dead, 42 wounded, 0 missing, 0 prisoners
Peacekeepers:201 dead, 427 wounded, unknown number missing, 22 prisoners
peacekeeper civilians:547 dead, 2206 wounded, unknown number missing,64 prisoners
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 16, 2000).]
October 16, 2000, 21:29
Local Time: 05:32
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The University Sun-Governor
(published irreguarly)
Volume 17, Issue 40
Colony Pod Nearly Ready
Our colony pod at inspiration point is nearly ready; however it may not be deployed for quite some time due to the rising of hostilities on the borders of the university.
Reporter- Robert Nils-Sparrin
Can we count on Angels?
In this war of destruction and betrayal can we count on our once-good allies the Data Angels to assist us. Will they side with their 'friends' the Cyborgs or assist us, their true allies and friends.
They will surely not remain neutral, for this war has escalated too far for them to remain in the middle.
In the same vein, our leader Prokhor Zakharov has initiated a plea to the Data Angels for, if not military, economic help with sanctions against the Morganites.
-Reporter James Tuva-Ilsim
Militia destroyed
After having one of our militia foot patrols destroyed near the Cyborg border, all patrols and miltia members have been recalled back to baseside.
Zakharov has been quoted as saying- "This war will be continued nevertheless, but our forces must be consolidated for the attack.
[i]-Reporter Nathan Neil-Duncan
October 16, 2000, 21:35
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Troop Orders
1st Laser Rovers
Leftenant Lukhas Ivonovich-Edvlads
From: Academian Prokhor Zakharov
Your orders are as follows:
You shall proceed deep into Morganite territory and strike at their capital. You shall be escorted by one Recon Rover.
However it is not expected that you will survive. This raid is mainly to execute fear into the hearts of our enemies.
If, however you do survive, make your way back to the university after the first attack and consolodate your forces in University Base.
It is expected you will destroy a large amount of their troops.
It is also ordered that you aim to destroy their banks, government buildings, stock markets and farms especially.
Remember this is not a 20th or 21st century war with rules, this is a war of survival. If we do not win this war, then our faction will be exterminated and then where will be our knowledge.
There will be no knowledge, only insanity. This is your mission and you must accept it.
Good Luck,
The Good Academian, Zakharov
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 16, 2000).]
October 16, 2000, 22:58
Local Time: 05:32
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Consciousness Post
This post is first to thank everyone who donated time/service and food to the troops recently stationed at Gamma Heights. Your contribution has been noted and will be acknowledged in a speech given by Aki Zeta-5 herself in a weeks time, when she arrives for her survey of the new base.
This trip to Gamma Heights by the Prime Function is part of her preparation to meet with foreign leaders possibly in Data DeCentral. In her words
'I am happy that, while I wait for any chance that diplomatic talks could begin, to be able to have an excuse to visit our newest of havens...Gamma Heights. Of course, it is grossly inefficient of me to travel to every new construction purely for the purposes of gathering sensory data, when our recording instruments are of such high quality. But there is some quaint, humanish, charm to actually visiting the site that I am glad to indulge this one time.'
Information gathered from the University captives has revealed one highly ironical point. Zhakarov has introduced his own form of human augmentation in the form of 'people' wrists. This little 'device' links the biologicals to an information database for use by the authorities. A bit crude perhaps, but it's a start  This apparantly tracks the wearer's every move...and they call us evil
October 17, 2000, 18:46
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Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 11
Roze Suspends Trade
Roze today announced that all foreign trade will be suspeneded, until such a time that a diplomatic solution can be reached. While this may mean harder times for the Data Angel economy, Roze believes it is a 'necessary step' to stop the violence that is sweeping across the continent. Hopefully this can persuade the other factions to sit down and discuss a satisfactory peace treaty. So far, Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five is the only leader to show interest in a diplomatic solution.
Reports of Human Rights Violation Disturbing
Once again, rumours have spread across the datalinks, regarding reported human rights violations in University bases. Reports that Provost Zakharov is ruthlessly exterminating Cybernetic sympathisers, as well as restricting free movement of hhis people, have raised concerns at Data DeCentral headquarters. Roze hopes to meet with Provost Zakharov so that he might dispell the rumours for everyone to hear.
October 17, 2000, 19:27
Local Time: 00:32
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Message sent to CEO Morgan in his sleep......
Planetworms, hear me. It is time I show you the the ring in which a great power will make you strong for the conflict the future will bring. Earthmorgan must be made to respect the fragile balance. Go my fungal spores. GO!
Come my Planetisles. Carry my armies.
(For a bit of ease I will use the human names for any Planet life. I will also describe what I just ordered in my message for the ease of humans reading this.)
(Two Isles of the Deep have just started to bring 4 mindworms to the Ruins to upgrade their abilities. Morgan is warned not to upset the fungus anymore.)
October 17, 2000, 21:14
Local Time: 05:32
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Various News Quotes
Excerpts from "Quotes from 2119- The War Year"
Zakharov Denying Restriction of Rights
"But Roze, rights have not been violated- they have been merely... restricted until a later date.
The people can move, but they must be monitored."
People Wrist Bands Ad
"Buy all the colors of the rainbow, be stylish, be cool, wear your collers [sic] with pride, remember if you are tracked... you are helping your faction!"
Morgan Newslink Broadcast
"Stock Market- University Stock... trading $0.00... War Funds... trading $30202020.1/4"
Cybernetic Consciousness Broadcast
"Be calm my people- the end is near..." (Pause)(Murmers of dissent and confusion)(Sees end of sentence and finishes it) "For Zakharov."
Data Angel E-Mail
-Wow Roze, we kulda kicked tha Morganitez a**es if wedaz actz soon.
-We couldaz get backz at themz if wez attackz nowz
October 17, 2000, 21:21
Local Time: 05:32
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My Money Ledger
By: CEO Nwandbwe Morgan
-It is not in my usual manner to write a matter of so little importance as a dream here, but I shall.
In a dream I had I received a message not to do any more mining...
I have never had any dream as compelling as it, however I will not heed it for there is no reason for me not to mine, especially with a war on.
October 18, 2000, 00:01
Local Time: 01:32
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UN Free Press
As Spartan troops continue to gather along the border, and the Peacekeeper's 2nd Mobile Inf. and Spartan 9th Guard Dragoons clash in the Great Dunes region, it appears war on the continent is immenent.
The exploration foil Lewis and Clark has discovered a large landmass west of the geothermal narrows. It sighted an unidentified ship, but failed to make contact.
The entire UN Navy is to sortie , with the Freedom and Agnicourt battle groups to move north and qouarintine the monsoon jungle from further Spartan incursions.
The General Assembly has called for 70,000 3-year volunteers to join the armed forces and prepare to face down the oncoming Spartan horde.
*****End Wire Report *********
October 18, 2000, 00:03
Local Time: 01:32
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UN Free Press
As Spartan troops continue to gather along the border, and the Peacekeeper's 2nd Mobile Inf. and Spartan 9th Guard Dragoons clash in the Great Dunes region, it appears war on the continent is immenent.
The exploration foil Lewis and Clark has discovered a large landmass west of the geothermal narrows. It sighted an unidentified ship, but failed to make contact.
The entire UN Navy is to sortie , with the Freedom and Agnicourt battle groups to move north and qouarintine the monsoon jungle from further Spartan incursions.
The General Assembly has called for 70,000 3-year volunteers to join the armed forces and prepare to face down the oncoming Spartan horde.
*****End Wire Report *********
October 18, 2000, 03:03
Local Time: 07:32
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OOC:Lonestar, war has already started and the Spartans have already captured one of the peacekeeper bases.Furthermore, I don´t have a 9th Guard dragoon and the moderators haven´t said anything about a random even, like some unidentified object falling on the great dunes.
Spartan Newswagon
Volume 2 Issue 7
We are victorious!
The headquarters announced that the army we sent against the peacekeepers has captured one of their bases as a first battle for the Spartans.A synth.garrison has arrived there and fortified the base, so the rover units are able to move on.Colonel Santiago promised to build here in Sparta Command a monument for the brave warriors who participated in the battle, and that all the names of their fallen comrades would be written on the monument.
Meanwhile, the leaders of the U.N. high Comission and its defenders will be brought here for trial.
Newest rover type ready
Our factories in Sparta Command have built the first rover with synthmetal based armor.Actually, they built a whole unit of synth.Rovers.They´ve already been manned and are heading towards our taskforce in peacekeeper territory.It is expected the rover unit to greatly strenghten our almost invincible taskforce.
October 18, 2000, 04:05
Local Time: 07:32
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Personal diary
Leutenant Harry Gorwell
Synthmetal garrison
We´ve been here in U.N. High Comission for three days now.Nothing to see here but death and misery, the rutine things in war.Six days ago, when the Rovers were still here, Colonel Santiago messaged that no kind of help would be sent to the people here.We, the synth garrison, are supposed to organise all work-able men and women from the population into farming and re-building teams.The old, sick and the wounded are to be moved into newly built camps, just outside the base.
A special unit, by the orders of the Ministery of Intelligence and Inner Affairs, was sent with us to "enforce peace and order in the camps".Our units commander is also suspicious of this "SS" or "Santiagos Special" unit, as we have started calling them.The commander thinks,that we could have handled the camps easily.Still, he probably doesn´t want to argue with the direct orders of MIIA.People have disappeared for lesser reasons.
The population here hasn´t protested in any way.Can their spirit be so complitely crushed?I don´t know.Well, easier job for us.Anyways I think understand them, this base is a piece rubble.Nothing valuable, nothing to fight for and no way to fight.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 18, 2000).]
October 18, 2000, 11:33
OOC:Lonestar, i do definatly have to give the map and also need to past posts in all Chiron Chronicle related threads. Need to establish your factions info like the rest in Chiron Chronicle - Admin. Like Cyber says, nothing landed in the Dunes, anyway, your bases are situated at the Dunes practicly!
Can't explore the monsoon jungle, thats where the Hive are situated. Make sure you check all the information and map which i will send ya (if you have email showing) later in the day...need to update it anyway.
Another thing, have to list your techs you...which i think one of them would be Doctrine: Flexibility if you want to have foils. Another thing, which is for everyone, avoid controlling someone elses Faction/units/etc... Give them a chance to respond to it or whatever. Thank you (can edit your previous post so can match up a bit).
October 18, 2000, 11:39
Local Time: 00:32
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Posts: 771
Planetisles, there is no time to bring Planetworms to Ruins. Commence attack on Earthmorgan's earthisles. Land Planetworms in Morgan territory. Planetworms in Earthmorgan territory, attack all Earthmorgan patrols. Planetfungus, kill all Earthmorgan troops inside you. (Fungus rises up on Unity Pods and Monoliths in Morgan territory. Unity Pods are sucked into the ground, Monoliths are broken into pieces revealing circutry.)
Dream to CEO Morgan...
Earthmorgan, I am angry. Here is a preview on what will happen...(Mindworms swarming over defences, infesting all in their path) Prepare for war.
Dream to Prime Function Aki Zata-5...
You are the advanced Earthbeings. You are gifted with a different kind of brain which Planetworms cannot hurt. Leave an Input/Output line out in the fields of fungus and you will be rewarded. I will consider you for the next flowering...
Dream to Commissioner Lal...
Do not give up. It is sad to see the most fruitful of Earthpeople die.
Dream to Capt. Svensgaard...
If your "domination" of the ocean breaks any fungal connections between continents or islands you will be attacked.
(Plantmind is now at war with the Morganites. Fungal Towers have now risen up around Morgan territory. Any Morgan inside fungus has been severly hurt.)
October 18, 2000, 20:43
Local Time: 05:32
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Morgan Newslink Network
Attack on Units
An unexplained attack by an unknown entity that seems to command the evil forces of this planet has rendered many of our people dead with their deadly attacks.
However, as the strong Morganites we shall repel any and all attacks on our faction by this planet and other humans.
Morgan Newslink Network
No Temporary Halt To Production
Our wonderful and rich CEO, Morgan has seemingly received several threats from what he calls 'terrorist groups' in his brain during the night.
He responds to these threats which tell him to halt production of war materials and the 'rape of the planet', by saying that "As long as there exists a Morganite woman or man, soldier or citizen, we shall not yield to ignorance and stupidity and cease production."
October 18, 2000, 21:26
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Posts: 459
Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 12
Nettap Complex Up and Running!
Despite the violence that has engulfed much of the continent, good news was announced today with the completion of base facilities at Nettap Complex. The entire population has now moved in, and construction is on the way on a recycling tanks facility to avoid wasted resources.
October 18, 2000, 23:10
Sea Colony Pod finish contruction...
Safe Haven as recently finish contruction of a Sea Colony Pod. It will establish a base in the Sea of Unity, where our Unity Gunboat currently exploring. Gun Foil Mariner will be escorting the Sea Colony Pod to its destination.
The strangesness of Mind Worms...
Gun Foil Svensgaard, patrolling near Morgan Industries, have detected Isle of the Deeps landing Mind Worms along the Morganite coast. It look likes a organized attack against the Morgan Faction from the "Planetmind", which Captain Svensgaard identifies, base on some dreams he had.
It is to show that we are on a living thinking world...
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: 1st Recon Rovers
We have detected an increase of Fungus and Mind Worm activity within Morgan territory. I chosen to leave the unit along the border and not to intefere in its attack on the Morganites. Actually, surprised that we haven't had much problem getting through the fungus since we disguise ourselves as a Cyborg unit.
We also detected some unit east of our position crossing into Morgan territory. My guess is University units. Permission to go investigate.
Waiting for further orders...
Colonel Greenway
1st Recon Rovers
October 19, 2000, 06:20
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Consciousness Post
Until now, we have left the xenofungus pretty much alone. It has served a valuable purpose in hiding us from the university until we were ready to show ourselves. It is now time to examine and explore the xenofungus, and see what wonders it has to show us.
It is part of our philosphy to accept nothing as written in stone. Even our own biological limitations as prescribed by our DNA can at least partially be overcome with the use of electronic augmentation. We should then use the same philosphy when theorising on land use.
To limit ourselves to the prescribed earth practices of agriculure and resource exploitation, we are limiting our possible choices for greater gains in the future. We would be better served by discovering all this planet has that is unique, rather than what is similar, to earth, and seeing if it can offer advantages to propell us beyond the reaches of thought that already we have reached.
In conlusion, we need to bend and adapt with this planet, in the same way that we bend and adapt to the new technologies that we continually discover.
October 19, 2000, 06:30
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Posts: 462
***private to Morgan***
Message to: CEo Nwabidike Morgan
From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Greetings Morgan. I have heard that you are experiencing some troubles with the native life on this planet? I recently discovered a way to induce a sort of hypnotic trance in people that still allows them to function normally. The benifit of this is that the 'tranced' soldiers are less vulnerable to attacks of the 'mind worms' as they are being called.
Consider it a gift from me. Once your troops are freed from having to defend your mines and bases, then they can again help my people from atack by the mad Zhakarov
OOC - have gifted the unit ability 'hypnotic trance' as learnt when researched secrets of the human brain.
October 19, 2000, 10:27
Local Time: 07:32
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Secret orders
To:Commander Hardion, 1st Laser Rover unit
From:Colonel Santiago
Subject:Next target
Commander, until now you have done a very good jod.Don´t disappoint me on this one.
The next target for your taskforce will be U.N. Temple of Sol.Stop for a while to wait for the synthmetal rovers that are about two days away from you, then continue towards the peacekeeper base.When attacking the base, you will use another tactic.The Synth.Rovers
will through along the main road leading to the base, with the two most experienced laser rover units at their sides.While a part of the taskforce makes a distraction at the gate, the rest of the laser rover units will each one find a weak spot in the city defence and charge in.
I want the important base structures relatively intact, so watch your fire, and try to keep you own casualties low.Also, if you are succesful in capturing the base, your army can loot and pillage it as much as you like, for one week.
Commander, your price for success will be gracious, and price of failure painful.
October 19, 2000, 19:10
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The University Sun-Governor
Volume 17, Issue 75
New Organ Research Completed
Research on the growth of organs and the placement in humans has just been completed and approved by the University Health Control Organization (UHCO)
Following 60 years of research on Earth and Chiron, the ability to take parts of human tissue from organs and grow them has been completed.
Also, the ability to grow organs from pigs has been completed; this is expected to extend lifespans of people at risk for heart failture by 10%, so the normal lifespan of a University citizen will be 10% higher than any other faction who have not researched this because of their 'humane' ideals.
-Seinor Editor Lukhas Jhones-Balkan
Troops Return Triumphantly from Attack on Morgan
After killing many of Morgans citizens and soldiers in the nearly impenetrable Morgan Base, our brave soldiers returned Diciplined from battle, hardened but happy.
The battle, even though our 2 units were reduced to 1/2 of a Laser/Recon rover unit, was successful as we destroyed two of Morgans Recon rover units stationed in Morgan Base, therby crippling his offensive war.
Units shall be sent out to take Morgan Base as soon as it becomes strategically important.
-Independent Reporter Luc Rowles-Tolby V
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 19, 2000).]
October 19, 2000, 20:49
Local Time: 00:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 771
Dream to CEO Morgan...
You will not stop me. You will bend and break.
Dream to Commissioner Lal...
Go alone to the fields of Planetfungus anywhere in your borders. There is a gift. (Shows a picture of 4 Unity Pods arriving on Isles of the Deep. Then they are dragged over land by mindworms.)
Dream to Prime Function Aki Zata-5...
I await your decision.
Dream to Capt. Svensgaard...
You are wise not to attack me. Your Earthcities do not float like my Planetisles do. They sink. Ours don't.
Planetsporestocks, empty your spore sacks onto Earthmorgan cities. Break Earthmorgan's Earthvines (Wires) where you can. All Planetworms, kill all Earthmorgans. Send in fresh troops. Load Great Boils and higher onto Planetisles now. Planetfungus, grow and grow and grow. Use all power you can. It is time for the Nexus.
Dream to all University scientists working on the Manifold Nexus Site...
You have a key structure in your "borders" you call the Alien Temple. I want it. I will be sending in two Planetorm boils to reclaim it. I strongly advise that you do not hurt them. You will be free to continue research on the structure but I will own and control it.
[This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited October 19, 2000).]
October 19, 2000, 23:31
The discovery of Industrial Base...
Chief of Research announced today of the recent discovery of Industrial Base, which allows to make Synthmetal. This will be a big improvement to our Industry and Military.
Sea Colony Pod as reach its destination...
...and now starting the contruction of a new base, which will be called Frigate Base. The base is situated south or south-east of University base Inspiration Point in the Sea of Unity. Gun Foil Mariner stay around to defend.
****private message to consciousness****
TO: Aki Zeta-Five
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
We recently discovered Industrial Base, which i think you already have. So i wonder if you are in interested in exchanging Techs? We have Doctrine: Flexibility available or/and any other Techs you are interested in.
I also have request, would you be able to upgrade my Recon Rovers with Synthmetal Armor? I am willing to pay all expenses.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
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