October 30, 2000, 12:26
[b]*****private message to conciousness*****
TO: Aki Zeta-Five
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Yes, like my Rovers commander was saying, they are resources normally shipped to Alpha Prime. Been receiving reports from my Chief of Economy of delays. We should be able to take care of it.
As for the Foreign Base, i will send a Transport Foil to Tau Collective to pick up your Probe Team. Some of our people may tag along.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
October 30, 2000, 19:14
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OOC: Cyber, I think that the Spartans seem to be a mysterious one step ahead of the invasion of War Outpost. I think that it is strange that you chose to relocate the PK population out just as the invasion gets underway.
Dream to Commissioner Lal...
I have sent the Planetisles that hauled the Unity to Headquarters for your troops to load. Your are very welcome for the Unity wreakage and all of the other gifts I have given. I am glad you put your people and me in the same spot. My Planetworms are ready on the coast near the abandoned cities.
Dream to Datajack Roze...
Do not worry about disrupting me with your farms. I do prefer Earthforests though. They are so beautiful and the Planetworms like to climb the trees. It would be nice to plant Earthforests where there are no farms. I am glad that I was able to unite you and Earthlal. I have a gift for you. A mindworm boil will arrive in your capital. When it arrives it is in your full control.
OOC: Darkcloud, are you still doing Morgan or not?
October 30, 2000, 21:03
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CEO Nwandbwe Morgan dream to Planetmind
Get off my land... get out of my head... get away from my people... we have no need for you on Chiron... we are the masters of the earth... you are scum...
October 30, 2000, 21:11
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University Sun-Governor
Volume 17, Issue 148
Loss of Inspiration Point
The entirety of the University has been plunged into mourning as our great outpost city, Inspiration Point has been cruelly snatched from us by the dark and evil Cyborgs.
The 'Borgs curelly put the city to the torch in the attack and destroyed many of our buildings and homes. 'This atrocity will not go unanswered for' Zakharov quotes. 'With one of their units destroyed we must still fight seven and perhaps their dread ship, but we will prevail for we have ingenuity and the right on our side.'
Speaking as to The 'Borgs leader's request for his imprisonment in war trials he responded 'I will not answer for any crimes, as I have not committed any. I have not led an attack on the Cyborgs, they attacked us. Thus it is not my problem that the 'Borg units were harmed.'
Independent Correspondent Aiken Willis-Tholmby
OOC: One of XWastes Laser Rovers was destroyed
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 30, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 31, 2000).]
October 30, 2000, 22:20
Local Time: 05:32
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***Private Message***
To: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five c/o Cybernetic Conciousness
From: Datajack Roze c/o Data Angels
Dear Aki,
As I'm sure you've already been informed, Zakharov will not relent to trial. Realistcaly, I knew this was not possible, for Zakharov sadly does not see the wrongs he has committed against his own people. Nevertheless, they are all safe now and appear to be enjoying themselves in Data DeCentral. I have reserved special communication links between our two factions to remain open to Conciousness citizens, in order that families might communicate. Many of them are eager for an end to this conflict, in order that they might return home.
As you know, I offer all of the Data Angels' resources to bring about a peaceful resolution to this conflict. And while I understand your distrust of Zakharov, he once vouched for myself when CEO Morgan threatened my destruction. I am sad to see that he is travelled down his path, but I hope together we can make him see the error of his ways, with as litle loss of life as possible.
As for establishing a new charter, I'm not so keen on this idea. Once we redraft the charter once, it will open the door for further rewrites and ammendmants. I do not wish to travel down the same road the Americans did in the last decades of Earth. I think the UN charter works, we simply need to make it more accessible to the population, and be quick to punish violations of it.
I mentioned CEO Morgan earlier and I think it is an appropriate time to warn you to watch your back with him. While I know he has been completely supportive in this war, I do not believe his intentions are as wholesome as they appear. Morgan lives for power and wealth. Currently, it is in his best interests to wipe out his old rival in Zakharov. He has already threatened me regarding my neutrality in this conflict, and I do fear he might turn on you if it served his purpose.
I'm not trying to seed roots of dissention in your friendship with him by any means. Our factions can only benefit by all working together. I just would not like to see him turn against you in moment of weakness, as I value your friendship above the others here on planet. You are a pretty jazzy lady as they say here in Data DeCentral, and a truly noble leader.
Anyways, I must attend to affairs of state, cause sadly a colony can't run itself...perhaps one day.
Dream to Planetmind,
I thank you for your wonderous gift! A mindworm cohabiting humans is indeed a wonder. I find the creature fascinating, and surely observing it will help us better understand your ecology. My formers will certainly plant some forests if they are not harmful, because they are also very helpful to my people. And if the mindworms like to play there, well then all the better. Hopefully people will learn not to live in perpetual fear of these fascinating creatures and that we can coexist here happily.
And I am also glad that you were able to introduce me to Lal. He is a truly admirable man, and I'm lucky to have a friend like him here, with so many potential dangers. You and he are both true friends.
October 31, 2000, 00:23
OOC: Dark Cloud, you can't simply say one of the Laser Rovers are destroyed, anyway, two of them are really mines. :P
Captain and crew of the Penny arrested...
Yesterday, Laser Foil Diamond Shark intercepted and captured Merchant Foil Penny travelling towards Inspiration Point. Captain Sven and crew have been arrested on the charge of smuggling resources to the enemy, violation of the communication prohibition and betraying our faction. The Merchant Foil was operating on radio silence, so they must of haven't got news of the capture of Inspiration Point. Our Chief of Security announced today that they will increase security measures by placing trackers to all civilian ships.
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: 1st Laser Rovers
We helped the cyborgs secure the base. University civilians are pretty friendly, well, except some troubleling individuals. We were able to infiltrate the Research Centers before the University people was able to wipe its computers. We found the files on High Energy Chemistry. The files are attached to this message. Our Rovers will stay at Inspiration Point to recover and to help defend the place against any retaliation, unless ordered otherwise.
Waiting for further orders...
Colonel Greenway
1st Laser Rovers
Nautilus Raiders
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 30, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 01:30
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Double post,sorry.
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October 31, 2000, 01:32
Local Time: 07:32
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Spartan Newswagon
Volume 7, issue 23
Colony pod ready
Today, The Ministry of Industy annouced the completion of a colony pod.As Sparta Command is growing fast, some of the population must be relocated, for the comfort and wellbeing of all.
The ministry of Intelligence and Inner affairs has already chosen the20,000 lucky citizens and drones, who will move to the new base.Interesting is that a new colony can support only 10,000 people, so where will the other 10,000 go?
The colony pod will be leaving in a few days.
Once again, Congratulations to the chosen colonisers.
A new breakthrough in science
Our good scientists have made a breakthrough in in the field of Nonlinear Mathematics.
This has enabled the building of more effective mining equipment, and escpecially the building of better weapons, like the Particle Impactor, which will make our army practically invincible.
Secret Orders
From:Colonel Santiago
To:Commander Valomar, Synth.Garrison located in War Outpost
Commander, I am tired of the constant flood of reports about enery shortages, ”accidents” happening to our soldiers and the unwillingness from the local population to work.This all has started just a while ago.As if the damn peacekeepers have new hope, and I can´t stand it.I choose to believe you, that you don´t know why this is happening, but as there still isn´t a governor there I hold you responsible.
So, to crush the hope the peacekeepers are carrying and to save quite a lot of badly needed energy reserves, I and the Junta have decided to use the same tactic as the ancient empires have used back on Earth, the change of population.
Spartan command will send 10,000 Spartans there and at the same time, you will prepare the peacekeeper population to be transferred to the Spartan bases.The 30,000 there are to be divided into three 10,000 people groups and each one sent to a different Spartan base.
The peacekeepers are going to their personal hell, to be the servants for us Spartans.
They don´t deserve a better position.You have one week time.
Colonel Santiago
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 30, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 02:19
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OOC:ChrisTG- Don´t worry, man.Just a bit excitement to the game.Besides, Santiago should have done the relocation a long time ago, ecpecially in the case of the peacekeepers.You´ve got one week time.That should be enough time for your troops to get there, just when the peacekeepers are ready for transportation. 
Oh, by the way, the new colony coordinates are 102,34 and the name is Centurion Cave.
Pretty near the Free Drones.Someone should take control of them.
Spartan Newswagon
Volume 7, issue 23
Record heats in Sparta Command
Today, our good citizens enjoyed reacord heats in the Capital.Unfortunately, atleast four people have died because the hot weather.
Xenobiologist promise the weather to continue, as the cleansing of all the native life forms has disrupted the local ecosystem.Formers have already started to plant forests and other Earth-based plants to correct the ecosystem.
Meanwhile, the colony pod with 10,000 people has left towads its destination, with a impressive escort of the 2nd,3rd and 4th Laser Rovers.
Interesting enough, the other 10,000 people have left southward.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited October 31, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 11:08
Local Time: 05:32
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From: Commander Clayson, 1st synth.rovers
To:Comissioner Lal, New UN Headquarters
Sir, we´ve arrived in record time near the old UN Haven city.The Copters are here, as supposed, and we have refueled them.They now are about to leave for the ruins of Haven city and there to load full with mindworms.
We´ll be leaving for High Comission as soon as we get our troops in order, so that is in about two hours.ETA:3 days.
Sir, I feel obligated to tell you that me or my troops haven´t seen much battle, actually none and the fact that we´ll be against an unknown number of battle hardened Spartans, with the help of mindworms or not, is lowering the morale of the troops.
Remnants of the 1st Laser Rovers
Location:UN Humanity base
They were now in the abandoned Humanity base.Boils of mindworms had now infested the city, but they didn´t attack the peacekeepers.
”Commander, We´ve acquired the coordinates of the transmission and now are getting out here”, the team leader signaled through the radio.
Soon five soldiers, four wearing as much as flame guns and torches as possible, just for precaution if mindworms decided to have a quick lunch, and one carrying a laptop and a intricate looking small box came out of the local headquarters.They headed towards the command rover and left the box in the pressure lock.
”I knew it, the guys in administration couldn´t move the central computer , so they disabled it.The problem is, they didn´t do a good job with the explosives and blew only a part of it to pieces.But the hard-drive is located in the back of the central computer, inside that reinforced box, they didn´t think about that.The rest is history…” Explained the Commander to his senior Leutenant.
”So, lets hook that hard-drive….”
”Connection complete, hard-drive working.” Monotonicly said one of the assistants.
”Ok, now…” the Commander typed in couple of commands
”There, the coordinates are our, a piece of cake.”
The coordinates pointed that the transmission is coming from an area called the Monsoon jungle, or somewhere near it.The survey made by Unity before it crashed, revealed a large area covered by a thick growth of native plants, as in Earths Amazon.
”So we´ll have to go through the bridge.”, said Commander Herman with a pessimistic voice.The bridge wasn´t a bridge, but a collection of small islands and shallow crossing places, west of Humanity base.
”Leutenant, prepare the troops for a sh*tty trip, crossing the planetneck.”With that, the leutenant immediately started to radio and inform the other rovers.
Commander Herman wondered a moment who or what would wait them in the Monsoon Jungle, then returned to rutine task of organising and planning.
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited October 31, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 12:57
Local Time: 05:32
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OOC: LMP; one of your units had to be at least 1/2 damaged against 3 Synthmetal Sentinels! It's not as if I didn't do any damage,
University Sun-Governor
Volume 18, Issue 1
Daniel Jakhobs-Howell Alive?
It is believed that Daniel Jakhobs-Howell, the notorious assasin and underground revolutionary escaped from prison before his execution; which was delayed for a year due to legal difficulties, as according to the UN Charter, no one should be executed, so his attorneys argued that and Zakharov's argued that it is either life confinement in a box or death...
He seemingly escaped last week and left a dummy prisoner in his cell, it is heinous that our guards didn't notice his escape, but it will not go unpunished.
He will be sought by the best policemen in the University.
October 31, 2000, 14:06
Local Time: 07:32
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From:Commander Valomar, 1st synth.garrison
To:Colonel Santiago
Sir, some good news.
First, the 1st Laser Rover unit has been repaired to its full capacity, but unfortunately it will classified as a green, as the unit was almost completely destroyed in the battle for UN Headquarters.
Second, the preparation of the peacekeepers is going well, they will be ready in three days for transportation.As expected, the peacekeepers are horrified and resist in any way possible, but not when pointing a gun at them.
Sir, I must protest.The Special units Commander Von Halzburg insists to stay and supervise the transportation of the locals, saying that he is more capable for this job.
Also, his troops exceed their authority and that has led into several street fights with troops from the other units.
OOC:So, one synth.rover(Veteran) is patrolling around War Outpost, one Laser rover(Green), one synth.garrison(hardened) and one more synth.rover(The elite ”SS unit)
Are in the base.
October 31, 2000, 16:01
Local Time: 00:32
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Dream to Datajack Roze...
Thank you for your Earthtrees. They are at peace with the Planetfungus.
Dream to CEO Morgan...
I do not like pruning. The unrest you have caused created something that I call PlanetLocusts. They are on the way.
Dream to Commissioner Lal...
I have recently found the Earthlasers that got left behind when you retreated. They have just moved out of Humanity Base and are crossing Planetneck. I hope you can stall your attack. I do not want to risk contacting the commander. Please recover them. I would have sent a Planetworm after them but they might kill it.
OOC: Why have the Gians not contacted me?
October 31, 2000, 16:32
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
*Dream to planetmind*
The Laser rovers…have survived? thank God…in Humanity base…it’s a long way from here…I´ll send the skimmer to intercept them… I hope it gets in time there…before they cross planetneck...
I do not understand why I should stall the attack…I have a feeling we won´t get another chance…besides The Spartans don´t know about the attackforce… together we will surprise them…and free my people…that is all I want…the Spartans can keep the base…
I hope you will still help me…The mindworms in the copters are a powerful weapon…
October 31, 2000, 16:40
Double post
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited October 31, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 16:42
OOC: Darkcloud, thats why the Rovers are staying at Inspiration Point to "recover"
TO: 1st Laser Rovers
FROM: Nautilus of the Sea
Thank you for the files Colonel, it shouldprove useful. I decided to name your task force the Nautilus Battle Dragons since Scout Expedition doesn't work anymore. The names your troops have christined for their Units are now official aswell, instead of the 1st and 2nd Laser Rovers. More simpler.
Another thing, i am sending replacements for the rovers and personel you lost.
Captain Ulrik Svengaard
October 31, 2000, 22:22
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Dream to Commissioner Lal...
Alright. Let's attack.
October 31, 2000, 23:54
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Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 14
Impact Rover Squadron Christened!
Today the completion of the first Data Angel Impact Rover unit was announced. While the unit was created due to the escalating conflict with the University, it has been decided that the unit will be maintained do to the volatile politcal nature that has enveloped the continent. However, Roze continues to urge Provost Zakharov, Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five and CEO Morgan to sit down and talk peace, once again offering Data DeCentral as the site of the negotiations.
November 1, 2000, 08:49
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From: Commander Clayson, 1st synth.rovers
To:Comissioner Lal
Sir, we are now near UN High Comission.We sent a couple of scouts to evaluate the base defences.
Seems that the Spartans have atleast one synth.Rover unit circling around the base.
It was easy for our scouts to evade that patrol and they continued to the base.
From a nearby hill they could scan safely the whole base.Some Laser Rovers are stationed near the gates and synth.garrison bunkers and strongholds are everywhere.The scouts also saw Synth.Rovers with a black SS mark drawn on their sides.
Sir, I fear the dreaded ”Santiagos Special” unit, of which the rescued people talk with horror, is back here.They were responsible for the execution of seven thousand people, when this base first was captured.Even without the help of the Synth.garrison, Laser rovers and the other synth.rovers, they still could easily defend this base.Thank God, there is only a small number of them on the perimeter.The rest seem to be stationed around the center of the base.
The bases important structures are still in their original places, and all the people have been gathered into three huge new storehouses, besides the northern main road leading out of the city.I don’t if Santiago plans to kill them or transfer them, but they are being heavily guarded.Lucky for us, the guards don´t excpect anyone attacking from outside.
My attack plan is this.First, the Copters fly over the bases Northern main road, infesting the whole road and the three storehouses and and then straight to the defenders HQ, all the time dropping their deadly cargo of mindworms.
Then, our two Synth.Rover units attack the Northern road and blast their way through to the storehouses with the colony pods coming behind.They´ll need atleast an hour before they can get all the people in, then the colony pods leave through the Northern gate and out of the city, with an escort of the surviving synth.Rovers and Copters to Haven City, where they will be protected by the countless boils of mindworms.
OOC:So the whole battle goes in turns.So in this case its two turns.I attack ,Cyber defends.Just as ChrisTG said.
The Battle for UN High Comission
The attack started 21.00 pm, when dark came.
The Mindworm attack was a success, making the Spartan troops along the Northern road to go into a panic.Only the SS rovers and some of the synth.garrison defenders kept their heads.
We charged right into them.First crumbled the Laser rovers stationed at the gate. Although, the SS rovers at the northern gate fought hard, they were largely outnumbered and eliminated.The bunkers along the wide northern road, full with synth.garrison troopers, were also a pain in the side, but not for long.
Soon the peacekeeper rovers and the colony pods behind them reached the storehouses were the bases population was held.The mindworms had done their job, and the synth. guards were running in panic or dead.The loading of the civilians into the colony pods began.
Now the battle is at its hottest point.Commander Clayson and his unit are trying desperately to keep the Northern road, their only escape route, from falling to the hands of the attacking laser rovers and SS rovers, while the second peacekeeper unit is defending the storehouses and the colony pods from being overrun by synth.garrison troopers.
”Sir!” screamed the comm.officer, ”They´ve destroyed our forward lines, we´ve lost the control of the southern part of the road… and apparently they are gathering a horde of rovers on it.”
”So…the Spartans want to overrun us.”Said Commander Clayson with a sarcastic voice, realising they could do that easily.His unit couldn´t retreat or go to the side roads for an ambush because they would lose the main road, the only thing left was a head-to-head combat.
”How much time is left?” asked the Commander.
”ETA 32 minutes until all civilians are in the colony pods.” Promptly answered one of the assistant leutenants.
”Sir, they’re here…”
Clayson ran besides the radar officer.The radar showed atleast three hundred rovers, line after line, coming towards the ragtag peacekeeper unit.
”Leutenant Hodwin, radio all surviving rovers from our unit to form a spearhead formation.We´ll give the god damn Spartans the battle they wanted.”, the Commanders voice was full of hatred and determination.
The surviving rovers gathered and charged with fury towards the Spartan horde.
The last thing heard over the radio from the 1st synthmetal rovers was Commanders Claysons scream, ”for freedom!!!”
OOC:Ok, Now its Cybers turn.
November 1, 2000, 09:26
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Battle report
From:Commander Valomar, synth.garrison in War Outpost
To:Colonel Santiago
Sir, bad news.Yesterday, the peacekeepers launched a daring attack against War Outpost, that completely took our forces by surprise.Altghough, we managed to defend the base succesfully, they were not after the base, but its population.
They attacked us in 2100 hours, first with a full unit of copters dropping parachute-mindworms on our troops located in the Northern gate and road.We, here in HQ, had our share of the little pests too.
The mindworms made our most of our troops on the northern area go into panic, and they were a easy catch for the two Synth.Rover units that charged right in after the mindworms.Behind the two units were colony pods for transporting the locals out.
One of the synth.rovers and the colony pods went to storehouses to get the people, and the second synth.rover unit was left to guard the northern road.It took us sometime to eliminate the mindworms here in the HQ and to concentrate our forces against the peacekeepers.
After dozens of bloody skirmishes the combined force of the 1st Laser rovers and the SS rovers finally got to the main northern road , while my synth.garrison attacked the peacekeepers colony pods and synth.rovers protecting them.
The enemy synth.rovers guarding the road charged into a last suicidal attack against our overwhelming force of laser and SS rovers.However, they were able to stall us enough for their colony pods and remains of their other synth.rover unit to escape out of the base.
Afterwards, we sent the patrolling synth.rovers to catch and stop them, but the remaining peacekeeper copters and rovers attacked and stalled them long enough for the colony pods to get away.
The SS unit and the other synth.rovers have been sent after the colony pods, which are heading towards east.We estimate that the peacekeepers will get to the coast before our units can catch them.
Our casualties are:1/3 of the 1st laser rover unit, 1/3 of the synth.garrison and minimal damages to the both synth.rover units.
Peacekeeper casualties:Estimated, the whole attack force except the colony pods.
Also, we took a couple of peacekeepers as prisoners.They might know, where the new peacekeeper bases are located.They´ve already been sent to Sparta Command for interrogation.
Sir, I want apologise for behalf of me and the troops here.We never should have let ourselves be surprised by a bunch of peacekeepers.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 01, 2000).]
November 1, 2000, 20:55
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Dream to Commissioner Lal...
It is with great sorrow and happiness that I anounce that the Earthcolony is ready for transport. I am sad that my Planetworms were harmed but glad that so many Earthpeacekeepers were not harmed. I am also glad that I can commence attacks aganst EarthSpartan bases.
OOC  id Lal discover Green economy yet?
November 1, 2000, 21:47
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Transcripts from Colony Pod #4
Released in 2256 in the Free Transcripts act of 2255
Zakharov, we have reached the base position; considering how the political situation has heated up, we have entrenched ourselves deep in a mountain, hopefully no one will discover us.
I wish you luck with your hopeful peace treaty with the data angels, for this will be my last transmission to you for many months, perhaps years.
I wish you well, and research bless.
-Colony Governor Shade Thomas-Stevens
November 2, 2000, 01:06
Local Time: 07:32
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Spartan Newswagon
Volume 8, Issue 27
Attack on War Outpost
Yesterday, War Outpost was attacked by the peacekeepers.Seems that they didn´t wan´t to recapture the base, but to evacuate the peacekeeper population.And they succeeded in it.
The peacekeepers succeeded in surprising the bases defenders, with the help of mindworms, which they dropped form copters above the base.Then, with a daring attack, they went into the base and were able to get way with 30,000 civilian peacekeepers.
Our units were able to destroy all the other attacking peacekeeper units except the colony pods who got away.
As expected, no one from the Junta is willing to comment about the battle.
Rumours say, that Colonel Santiago was so enraged, that she ordered War Outposts Synth.Garrison Commander to be executed.
Anyway, when the news got here to Sparta Command, thousands of people once again went in front of Sparta HQ, in a protest.This time the police was fast and quickly cleared the protestors out of the streets.
The people seem to be dissapointed in Colonel Santiago and the Junta, for letting the Spartans lose another battle against the peacekeepers, despite all the promises.
-Reporter Jack Kabrovski
Centurion Cave ready and working
Our new colony , Centurion Cave is ready.The last constructions were complete today and gathering of a defence force was immediately started.
Unfortunately Colonel Santiago couldn´t come to christen the new colony because of the late troubles in the Capital, so the Minister of Intellegence and Inner Affairs, Alexandro Demeneras, christened the colony as Centurion Cave.
This is the fifth colony of our great federation, congratulations to the new inhabitants of the base.
The military units escorting the colony pod will be returning to their normal task, except for the 2nd Laser rovers, who will stay and guard the new base, until the local defence force has been built and then start scouting the territory west from Centurion Cave.
November 2, 2000, 17:09
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Posts: 37
OOC:Nope, hasn´t yet, but will as soon as chance come to discover Centauri Empathy.
UN Free Press
Hostages rescued!
Yesterday, the harbours of UN Headquarters were crowded as people came to welcome and see their relatives, who were rescued from the captured UN High Comission.The 30,000 people that survived the horrors of the Spartan occupation were rescued with a joint attack by Planetmind and our forces.Unfortunately, a high price was paid for this rescue operation, as the whole joint attack force was destroyed by the Spartans.Only the
Colony pods carrying the rescued people made it to the coast and on to the isles of deep, as the Spartans sent units after them.
Comissioner Lal held a memorial speech for all those people who died under Spartan occupation and promised that the names of all those soldiers who died in the rescue operation and defending the old UN Headquarters will be enscribed on the Unity, when its restored and turned into a monument.
November 2, 2000, 21:08
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Morgan Newslink Network
Truce Reached
A truce was reached earlier today between Prokhor Zakharov of the University and our good leader CEO Nwandbwe Morgan that allows for withdrawl of all forces from our borders.
This may affect trade with the Cybernetic Consciousness, but that is a small price to pay, Morgan comments, for peace of mind and the survival of the Morganites.
November 2, 2000, 23:09
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: Transport Foil Hauler
Sir, we have just landed the Cyborg Probe Team, along with some of our agents, near the foreign base. We are now moving away.
awaiting for further orders...
Captain Joe
Transport Foil Hauler
*****private message to conciousness*****
TO: Aki Zeta-Five
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
I received news that both the Data Angels and the Morganites made peace with University. I suggest you that you sign a Blood Truce. Your forces ain't in any shape to continue pressing into University, neither our mines. Theres a possibility that University knows of our existance. Anyway, can get at the Prokvor next he tries eradicating you.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
November 3, 2000, 04:47
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
UN Free Press
The rescued people more aggressive
Psychological studies done on the 1000 people rescued earlier, seem to indicate that they are much more aggressive and violent than the rest of peacekeeper population.
According to Doctor Hensley, one of the best psychologists in peacekeeper territory and a participator in the the discovery of social psychology, the Spartans tried constantly to brainwash, beated them and put the poor people to fight each other, just for food.And that was just a small number of all the torturings exercised on them.
”No wonder these people are mentally ill, the Spartans tried to destroy their unity as a group, and unfortunately succeeded.” Doctor Hensley evaluates.
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited November 03, 2000).]
November 3, 2000, 07:05
Local Time: 07:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
Deep in the dungeons of Sparta HQ
The elevator doors opened and a dark figure came out.He walked through a dim hallway, himself barely visible, until he came to a door.He put his hand on the black door and it swiftly opened.Without slowing the dark figure went through the opened door and onto a staircase leading deeper underground.
At the bottom, he continued his fast pace towards the end of the dark corridor, where a small guard post resided.
”Good morning, Mr Demeneras.I hope your trip to Centurion Cave went well?”Asked the guard, as Alexandro Demeneras went through the guard post.
”Yes, very well, Thank You.” Answered Demeneras and continued his fast pace towards one of the many cell doors that were after the dimly light guard post.
He stopped in front of huge synthmetal cell door ”number 57”.Demeneras once again put his hand on the door, and the automatic detection&door opening system was activated .
The huge door slided away without making a noise and revealed a dark empty space.
Demeneras walked in and in the same moment, from somewhere the lights turned on and revealed a large room with its ceiling high up.
And up near the ceiling hanged a human figure, tied from his legs and hands with wires.
”Lower”, said Demeneras and the wires obeyed.The figure was lowered until it was one meter from the ground.From the wires protruded thin plastic tubes which seamed go into the figures arteries.
”So, Commander Clayson, lets make this quick.Once again, will you please tell me, where are the peacekeeper bases located.”
”F*ck you…” answered Clayson with a voice of a dying man.
”Don´t make this hard, Mr Clayson, we have other prisoners and you know the deal.
If someone of you reveals the coordinates, he will be freed and given a full Spartan citizenship.You will be free again, do you understand Mr Clayson, free!
So tell us what we want, before someone else of your comrades tells first.If that happens you´ll hang up there for the rest of your miserable life.”
”F*ck you.I won´t betray my people…I won´t betray my people…”
”Well, the choice is yours, Mr Clayson.Have a pleasant time up there. Higher.”, and with that the wires pulled Clayson up again and Alexandro Demeneras walked out of the room, the lights and the door closing behind him.
Demeneras continued to the next cell and put his hand on the door.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 03, 2000).]
November 3, 2000, 21:42
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
OOC: hopefully, I'm not overstepping my bounds here, but XWaste will be gone for a while.
OOC: Deleted post...
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited November 04, 2000).]
November 4, 2000, 12:23
OOC: Darkcloud, you are overstepping your bounds. Maybe do some minor thing with the media or some person or whatever in someone elses faction, but you can't do something like that. very doubtful Aki Zeta-Five would talk like that. Cyborgs lost two or three Augmented Patrols taking over Inspiration Point, the cyborg military not in shape for another offensive like that. Anyway, Morgan and Dark Angels made peace with University, if cyborg continues, they will be mark as the offenders. IF they do, Pirates will not deal with them anymore.
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