January 18, 2001, 18:33
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Oberammergau, Germany
Posts: 371
Idea for a story thread!
I just had an idea and its probably not too original. But still, I think its a decent idea....
With all the great writers here how about if we start a thread of short stories centering on the Secret projects? They can use the quotes in the sP movies or just the ideas that the SP's represent. No restrictions on who completes the project...in other words, the faction leader that spweaks in the movie doesnt have to be the faction that the story is about. (Even though diedre is the speaker in the movie for the Empath Guild a story could be about the EG being built by Cha Dawn.) And everyone could write about what SP they want to, even if someone else wrote a story about it. No limits, just room for ideas.
What do ya all say?
January 18, 2001, 21:30
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Hmm... sounds good, I call Zakharov's Cloning Vats.
January 19, 2001, 03:03
Local Time: 00:32
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Posts: 4,140
I always wondered about those books that the faction leaders quoted from. Spartan Battal Manual and so on. Dee's Secret War would be interesting to read as would Yang's essays.
January 19, 2001, 12:08
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Oberammergau, Germany
Posts: 371
Great! I'll admit I have no ideas right now for what I'd write about, but let me give it some thought! Maybe you can tell me exactly...what is the "conclave" bible?
January 19, 2001, 12:29
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: Defender of the AI
Posts: 34
The "Conclave Bible" is just a another translation of our own famous bible...
As for those famous books, I wouldnt mind to 'write' one of them...
"Our Secret War" could be very nice... Though the "Spartan Battle Manual" is also very exciting. I think it is something like SunTzu's "The Art of War"
Would anyone mind if I started work on the "Spartan Battle Manual"?
January 20, 2001, 23:41
Local Time: 00:32
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If any of you people remember or have a copy of the "Crossfire Tales", I went into great detail on the Cloudbase Accademy. I visualized it as not only a training center, but also a war room and a heavily armed attack weapon.
January 23, 2001, 14:31
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
Posts: 660
Sounds like a brilliant idea. I was going to call the Manifold Harmonics, but then I thought better of it...
I might possibly take the Nethack Terminus up - I figure that one could be quite interesting. Or maybe the psi ones - the Dream Twister and the Neural Amplifier. Possibly even the Telepathic Matrix...
Anyway. I can't seem to find many quotes from Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 in there - barring the 'Those who join us...' quote at the beginning and the one about Progenitor Psych I think it is. Anyone know of any others?
Once I've chosen my SP I'll get to work.
January 25, 2001, 16:29
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Aki says the quotes for the Field Modulation and Sentient Resonance techs as well, and is mentioned in the voiceover for the Flechette Defense System. She is also covered in moderatly decent detail in the SMACX official story.
June 21, 2001, 04:33
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: Norwich City
Posts: 166
I am all against starting threads unnecessarily, so not in context with the previous discussion which appears to have died, here is my first and only chapter of The Planetary Datalinks. It is older than my registration on this forum but I couldn't resist putting it on because the speech took ages to write!
From within the crowd of eminent scientists and the invited University media, Ikantha fidgeted uncomfortably, she despised crowds as a direct result of her hellish childhood growing up in ne of the numerous cramped and squalid housing areas of Communal Utopia.
She breathed deeply, luckily the air was cool, the spacious rooms in the University were always cold for some reason, perhaps to keep the people active and motile. There was an ambience of anticipation in this particular room, excitement, a tangible quantity you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere but in the central conference room of the main research facility here at University Base.
Murmurs in English, Russian and Unitas faded to awed silence as the researcher-in-chief Nicholas Ayscough took his place on the podium before them all. His clear turquoise eyes surveyed the hundred strong audience, making sure to avoid eye-contact with the live holo-feeds and still captures in the front row. He flipped his computer lenses down, his speech in front of him in the strange phonetic letters he preferred to read.
"Gentlemen, twelve years, six months and eight days ago the very foundation of our future was conceptualised. At the start of this project the idea was simple, a rigid construct to take through the motions of research and development, you saw the documentaries I am sure. Our desire here was to take the Ethical Calculus into the realm of cybernetic networking, a new system to define and regulate the increasingly computer-orientated culture here."
Ayscough paused, his English accent was difficult to decipher for those whose first language was Unitas. He stroked back his long strawberry blond hair, quickly scanning the audience for the young Hive diplomat. Upon the instant of eye-contact, Ikantha blushed, snapping Ayscough back into rhythm.
"The plan may have been simple but the research process itself was staggeringly complex. As in the complexity that feeds us, fuels us, and forces us to aspire to greater knowledge. I stand before you today to confirm the validated breakthrough we have accomplished here concerning Cyberethics."
A sudden cheer erupted in the room, mad claps from mad scientists, excited hoots from excited people.
Ayscough flashed his debonaire smile, "Thank you, and welcome to the revolution."
Silence descended once more over the room. Revolution was not a word people used lightly here. Ayscough continued,
"I speak really of an intellectual revolution. A paradigm shift in how life is conducted here and the use of computer technology in govening the way we live. To remind you of something gentlemen,"
The giant display overhead of Ayscough lit up, the seventh point of the University Precept flashed up in the four standard written languages,
'We seek to create a society made stable by the free flow of information. No individual shall be denied the right to data that belongs to the whole of humanity. Academic networks shall be open access and all information shall be free granted its ability to not compromise the safety and well being of this faction and its people.'
"The revolution, my friends, starts with us. Our research threw up many difficult questions concerning Intellectual Integrity moving beyond the organic constraints we impose on it, plus many questions involving the right of the individual verses the laws of the state on the networks spanning this planet. But difficult questions always lead to solid laws given the right approach. And our approach to these things yielded what I can only describe as the pursuit of knowledge as a social value."
"For more on that consult the chief of politics' report on the open access datalinks. Also our research took us into the realm of global information systems. You may have noticed faster services to Morgan Net and Secure Information Nexus recently,"
Many of the audience nod
"This is because of a new breed of software able to transverse Planet on a faster carrier wave by the utilization of mathematical labelling and streaming for various kinds of information. This software is progress by itself, but plans for so called Planetary Datalinks have been conceived based on it, the ultimate step in the free flow of information and ideas among the citizens of Planet."
A brash woman in the front row put her hand up,
"Sir, are you meaning to tell us you have researched a new potential Secret Project?" she said in her Morgan-style American drawl.
Ayscough shook his head, "Secret Project is the colloquial term, we choose to view the potential Planetary Datalinks as a faction-wide initiative."
More hands shot up, Ayscough looking behind the front rows of media representatives at a blatantly enthralled Ikantha, enhanced mind obviously storing every word exchanged here. Ayscough smiled, pointing to a man in grey ahead of him.
The man spoke,
"Do you have any plans to press the Provost for the instigation of this intiative?"
"Personally no. I trust him to order this of his own accord."
Another man, in a white jacket, was permitted to speak by a nod from Ayscough,
"Estimated cost?"
Ayscough sighed, "300 minerals is our current estimate. No more questions, thank you." Ayscough waved his hand at the audience before moving off the podium, keeping eye-contact with Ikantha for as long as he could.
Ikantha watched Ayscough leace the room, attempting to remain calm as the mass of bodies around her beagn to move. She closed her eyes, olfactory improvements to her enlarged Jacobsen's organ allowing her to chemically perceive the arousal and excitement Ayscough's delivery had stimulated.
Ikantha remained perfectly still, allowing the room to empty, she would wait until she was one of the last ten people leaving, to avoid the bustle.
'The Chairman will not be that impressed with the benefits of the University's latest breakthrough,' she thought, 'But I guess He'll find someway of turning the free flow of information into the free flow of the appropriate information.'
Ikantha stood up, the room virtually emptied. Perhaps she had better go straight to her office in the Foreign Embassy before attending to her personal needs.
She hurried out of the conference room, grey silk robes sliding comfortably with each stride. The transcript of the preliminaries itself would be easy, but it was never the words alone the Chairman was interested in, always the betrayal of emotion in the voice, the phrases spoken without words, he found the most informative.
moving quickly along the dull white corridors of the assembly building, Ikantha paused without stopping to catch a familiar scent in the air behind her,
Nicholas Ayscough...
"Miss Fa," came the voice of the man behind her. Ikantha spun around to face Nicholas, her silver eyes reading his face to gauge what excuse would work to avoid a long conversation.
"I was wondering if we could have a talk at some point, perhaps over lunch, I have some things I feel I could add to your preliminary report for your Chairman." He smiled at her nervously, attempting to soften his accent to make it easier for her to understand.
Ikantha politely smiled back, "Perhaps some other time, I have some persoanl needs to attend to." She began to walk off, angry at herself for not accepting his offer. But it was imperative she gave unbiased information to the Chairman, and gave it quickly.
Nicholas merely stood in the corridor, watching Ikantha slip away. It was important he convince her to get Yang to accept Cyberethics instead of Bio-Engineering in exchange for the Hive's Advanced Military Algorithms.
With Ikantha out of sight, Nicholas decided he had better make an appointment with Zakharov now, to implement his plan to twist the Provost's arm to commission The Planetary Datalinks.
(Woo! I liked that. How about you?)
June 21, 2001, 12:57
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: State of the Animal
Posts: 227
yeah, i liked it.
The one you did in Joe was cool! when that Uvi and the Hivean diplomat unveiled Fusion Power to the Gaians.
Great stuff. (by the way i am still awaiting the next lot  .)
Nobody needs to call nuthin  , SPs tend to crop up in the stories anyway, a few duplicate choices of Project is okay by me anyway.
"Our Secret War" is definately a tale i'd like to tell, as i write this i don't know whether i'd do extracts from the book itself, or the secret war the book is based on.
ps- if your reading my stuff, an SP is involved. if you want to know which one- send cash to the following address :
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