November 14, 2000, 19:15
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The Chiron Chronicle III
University Sun-Governor
Volume 19, Issue 9
Daniel Jakhobs Howell Strikes
Our tenative truce with the Cyborgs has been interrupted as joint the Morganite/Data Angel/Cyborg delegation to accompany Zakharov to his trial in the agreed upon Data Angel territory was struck by sabatouge, when a bomb exploded, instantly killing 27 of the 31 members of the entourage; including 2 University security guards who had been going to greet the entourage.
Zakharov was saved from the explosion by the quick action of one of his bodyguards, Lars Lain-Stevens, who will be awarded the medal of honor for his quick thinking.
Many by-standers were injured and Lars sustained a few scratches, but after a quick stay in the hospital, he was released and resumed his regular duties. Zakharov's official statement on this matter is that "Chief of Security Samuel Geddings-Howe may be busted down to Security Team Member for this horrible oversight in the security of our good Data Angel, Morganite, and Cyborg friends."
The four survivors of the explosion were two Morganite stock managers, one University guardsman, and one Data Angel hacker. Their names will not be revealed at this time, but check our internet websight "" for more information.
Daniel Jakhobs-Howe was suspected to be behind this attack because of the discovery of an insignia of his 'University Liberation Army' [ULA] that was intentionally dropped on the scene by one of his men. The ranks of the University security guards will be thouroughly interrogated to find whether it was laxity or intentional oversight that caused this tragedy.
Academical Elections?
Zakharov today announced that, after finding that none of the other factions offered their people the choice of a leader, he decided that he will offer his people an option.
He announced today that after his trial, he will personally welcome an election for the office of Prime Academian.
However there are only two announced candidates running against him for a 10 year term-
Elaine Stuart-Lewison (Pro-Recognition of Cyborgs)
Donald Lewis-Williamson (War with all other factions; excepting Morganites)
Their support, however, is limited.
November 14, 2000, 19:40
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Posts: 459
OOC: How can you hold an election without Ethical Calculus? That's what allows democracy.
Freedom's Banner
Volume I, Issue 16
Roze Declares Memorial Holiday
Datajack Roze announced today that buisnesses would be shut down for twenty-four hours in memory of all those killed Jakhobs-Howell bombing earlier this afternoon. The attack, which killed all but four members of the entourage. Six of the twenty-seven that were killed were Data Angel Datatechs, enroute to meet with Academician Zakharov in order to initiate peace talks. Fortunately, the Academician was spared harm. Roze joined with Zakharov in condemning the actions of Daniel Jakhobs-Howell and his terrorist group calling them "destroyers of peace for humankind". Roze also released a statement ensuring that Data Angel security would be fool proof, with ID checks at every base entrance and exit. As well, the Headquarters building will be off limits for to unauthorized personal for the duration of the trial, with offices currently being converted into suites for the delegations.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited November 14, 2000).]
November 14, 2000, 23:32
OOC: Pirates don't have any ships moving towards the peackeeper island, since theres was no post agreeings to Lal's proposition. Also, all military ships are either patrolling, exploring or refitted/repaired/being built. As for civilian ships, bloody dangerous for them to be travelling long distances.
*****private to peacekeepers*****
TO: Commissioner Lal
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Base on the location of yours bases, that would be long way to travel by trading ships, unless there are bases along the way. I would happy to make our merchant fleets available and I like your proposition, but I don't like University and the Morganites. Rather that my faction keeps a low profile from those two. But has trade with the Data Angels and the Cyborgs is agreeable.
There is also the problem of planetmind, who have already threating my faction several times for expanding and so forth. And theres this Hive Faction aswell, who has establish themselves a naval fleet.
If your faction has good relations with planetmind, can you not ask them to back off? Also maybe help protect the merchant ships? I am interested, but there are things that needs to be address.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
*****private message to data angels*****
TO: Datatech Sinder Roze
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Hello Datatech, as you may of heard or not, i am in contact with the Peacekeepers. Lal proposes to establish a naval trade alliance. I was wondering if you are interested? If so, is it possible for your faction to establish a Sea Base? I can also provide your faction the specs to contruct a Sea Colony Pod.
Would help establish a trade route to the Peacekeepers and my fleets can also help defend the base aswell.
What do you think?
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
TO: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
FROM: Chief of Military
Sir, the Impact Foil prototype as been completed and has been named Privateer. I am proposing a program to start gradually upgrading our fleet to the latest technology. I suggest we start refiting Unity and the captured Hive ship. If I may remind you of the Hive threat, we would be able to effectively defend ourselves with an Advance fleet.
November 15, 2000, 09:03
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Posts: 462
***Private to the Peacekeepers***
Message to Commissioner Pravin Lal
from Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Greetings Commissioner Lal, it is good to hear of even more survivors from the unity. Our situation on this planet is not so secure that we can afford to dismiss the offer of friendship from any source, especially one as inviting as yours.
I would gladly like to offer the friendship of the Cybernetic Consciousness. We are a people dedicated to the peaceful pursuit of knowledge and enabling every individual to be able to reach the fullest potential of their desire. Many of my people have their cognitive functioning augmented by a cybernetic implant, do not let this alarm you though, there has been much fear and hatred directed to my kind out of ignorance. We are not inhuman monsters with plans to convert the world, we are happy with our little corner, the stereotypes of the 'borg are completely unfounded.
I hope in time, when our friendship grows as I know it will, you will trust us enough to reveal your location, and allow travel between our two peoples. We do know the value of secrecy though, we remained hidden from all factions for eight years after our flight from the oppression of the University. We also know the value of revealing yourself at the right time.
My people uphold the priciples of the UN charter that directed the Unity mission. It is my believe that new charters should be written that incorporates the unique and unplanned for circumstances that this planet presents. This is not excuse for wanton dismissal of the charter though, but rather a topic of debate between friends in peacetime.
I look forward to hearing back from you, as well as a future that is prosperous for us both.
November 15, 2000, 09:30
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Posts: 462
***Private to the Data Angels***
message to Head Datajack Sinder Roze
from Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
This news of a trial is glorious, your efforts have been unparalleled. With your permision, I would like to make my way Data DeCentral with some of my aides to be able to present the evidence in person. This also gives us an opportunity to finally meet, something I have been looking forward to since we started communicating.
I fear Zhakarov may soon resent his choice though, when he see's that the trial is going to last some time, and especially when it shows that it will not all go his way. Perhaps he thinks he can just turn up, be declared innocent and go home in the one the day. We should prepare for mischief. We should also prepare for what will happen when he is found guilty, for despite his submitting to the trial, I doubt he will go quietly.
As I will be traveling through potentially unsafe territory I will come escorted. I doubt there will be any real threat (though there is always the wildlife), but once I do arrive I can turn over my forces to your control, allowing you to have a much stronger garrison during the trial and the capacity to respond to any more terrorist attacks or Zhakarovs tricks.
On another note, I am begining a road project, that will for the moment end at my border. Once things have quieted down somewhat and the borders can be examined and negotiated we can then together finish the linking project.
November 15, 2000, 10:03
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: of passionpop
Posts: 462
Consciousness Posts
Patients disappear
The 65 patients from The Quiet Refuge has disappeared, with no suspects as yet. The night staff also are missing, and the body of a security gaurd suggests that there was some sort of struggle. It is not suspected that the patients have escaped, as no one has seen any of them since, it appears that they have been spirited away by some unknown group for equally unkown purposes.
The Quiet Refuge is a hospital for biologicals with mental illness and for Consciousness members that have somehow 'rejected' the implant or have some corruption of the software leading to irratic behaviour.
Probe Team Lost
Our probe team which has slowly but surely been gathering information on the people across the ocean who claim to be the Cult of Planet, has been captured.
To date, we have been receiving reports from the team sporadically and this is what we have learnt. They call themselves the Cult of the Planet and are lead by a six year old biological who they call Prophet Cha Dawn. They worship Planet as an entity and their life revolves around this worship.
They seem to have been originally made up of two different factions which call that continent home. To the north is a faction called the Gaians who have similar green leanings though they do not worship the planet like the cult. To the south is a faction of fundamentalist Christians who claim this planet as their new eden, they seem like they may be trouble.
This is the last report from the probe team which we have received:
Thought Log
Imran Iota-9
Start 1-10-2121 15:32:05.03284
We have been captured. Our operatives in the cult camp where the first to be captured, they had attempted to join a trade caravan travelling between two of the cult bases, as new converts from the Gaian faction though it seems they are not very trustful towards anyone, and captured them thinking they where gaian spys. They tracked back to our camp and with a bit of a fight overpowered and captured those of us they did not kill.
They keep looking at my augmentation, I do not expect to survive the night. I send this message knowing that it may be my last. If they take me through their base I may be...
end log.
We wait to here from this 'Cult' of the Planet, as we believe they have surely deciphered our commink frequencies from the camp equipment by now. Everyone should be assured that everything will be done to recover those operatives still alive.
November 15, 2000, 10:12
Local Time: 05:32
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Posts: 462
***private to the University***
message to Zak
from Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
I will be travelling through University territory on my way to Data DeCentral. I will be escorted to protect me from the wilds of this planet, please do not confuse my action as some sort of hostile act, I assure you that we will strictly be moving through with no detours or stops.
Glad to hear you have relented to the trial, this sort of rational act reminds me of the old Prokhor, who used to think before he spoke...and held my youthful attention so.
November 15, 2000, 11:39
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
Dream to planetmind
Do not friend...They are here to help...I ask of you to not attacking the Nautilus Pirate ships...we have formed a trade alliance... it will bring peace and stability...but as the pirates are the prime factor in this should not attack them...furthermore, if you could protect the trade ships that belong in this alliance...besides if trade increases between factions...then we wonīt need so much new areas for resources... and that would preserve the native lifeforms...
Private message
To:Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
From:Comissioner Pravin Lal
I have communicated with planetmind, but I donīt know her/his answer.But I do think that planetmind will agree.
About this Hive factions fleet, Iīm sorry, I cannot help.Maybe you could make peace with them, or atleast somekind agreement.
About the long route to here, I have good news.We have modified one of our Colony pods, and have turned it into a Sea Colony pod.That pod is already on its way towards its destination(OOC:coordinates 88,114), which is where the two continents, one east of you and the other south, almost connect.
Our Skimmer crew named it Cape Storm.The Colonys name will be UN Midpoint
I truly hope that this alliance will become true.I will talk to the Cybernetic Consciousness about this, but not to the University and the Morganitess, though I urge you to reconsider taking them into this alliance.
-Comissioner Pravin Lal
Private message
To:Prime function Aki Zeta-5
From:Comissioner Pravin Lal
You do not need to explain that you are human, as I already consider you and your people.You have all the rights and freedoms as humans from the other factions.
We gladly accept your offer of friendship, and extend our own.We invite you into a trade alliance, for now consisting of my people, the Nautilus pirates and maybe later, the Data Angels.The pirates recommended your faction as candidate.
I agree that the UN Charter should be changed, to suit the new requirements given by this planet.But absolutely nothing more.
I hope your faction will accept the membership of the trade alliance, and join in the process of making peace and prosper.
I am sorry, but at this point I cannot reveal the location of our lands.Not that I do not trust you, but many of my people are still paranoid because of the Spartans.
-Comissioner Pravin Lal
UN Free Press
Sea Colony pod launched
A week ago, straight from refitment arrived, the new prototype of the Colony pod, has left for its far away destination.
The destination is be Cape Storm and the base will be fuctioning as a trade post between our people and the newly discovered factions residing on the central continent.
The colony pod took 10000 volunteers from UN Headquarters, helping greatly the city population problem.Two groups 30000 volunteers have been sent from UN Headquarters to both Planetary Trust and Amnesty town, in the name of making UN Headquarters livable again.The citys population has now fallen from 180,000 to 110,000.
November 15, 2000, 12:28
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Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
Double post.
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited November 15, 2000).]
November 15, 2000, 12:29
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Spartan Newswagon
volume 55, Issue 104
All units being upgraded
All military units are to be upgraded, as the threat posed by the mindworms has ceased for now, giving our troops some time to breath.
The old Laser rover units, will turn into Impact Units(4-1-2) and the synth.Rover are to be upgraded into state-of-the-art power rovers.This, if nothing will make our army the most powerful in the world.
From:Colonel Santiago
To:Commanders of all rover units.
After your units have been upgraded, you will proceed to Centurion Cave.After a while there, you will start moving South-West.I warn you, do not attack the Free Drone, they are not your objective.
Your objective is the faction called the Hive.We donīt know much of it or its bases whereabouts, but the people here in Sparat Command want blood, and you will be the ones who will give them blood.
Commander Von Halzburg will now be know as a General, and will have the command and responsibility of this taskforce.Do not dissapoint me, General.
Private Message
From:Colonel Santiago
To:Foreman Domai
I feel obligated to tell you, that in couple of weeks, a sizeable Spartan army will cross through your territory.We have decided to announce war on the Hive.
Our people want blood, pillage and conquest, and as there are two factions on this continent, your faction and the Hive, and you are our friends, the only logical choice is The Hive.
Please trust me, we will NOT attack you.If you, however try to stop us, that will unfortunately mean war.
Yours sincerely,
Colonel Santiago
November 15, 2000, 16:42
*****private message to spartans*****
TO: Colonel Sandiego
FROM: Foreman Domai
Thank you for telling me. If you like, i can provide you coordinates of their bases known to us and I also would like to send three units of Laser Rovers(OOC: Laser/no armor) to company your task force. There many oppressed Drones there I would like to rescue.
Foreman Domai
OOC: Free Drone not as advance as the Spartans, but they do support a large army of "cheap units", especially with their high industry bonus. As for the Hive, they have the most bases on planet(believers second) and also have a large military.
November 15, 2000, 17:00
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Dream to Commissioner Lal...
I will agree to protect the trade ships. Please tell the Earthpirates for me. I don't believe that Captian Svensgaard will enjoy another visit.
Dream to Foreman Domini...
Your rampant pollution will be your own undoing! Prepare for Planetlocusts! I cannot stop them. (Swarms of Locusts are now flying around Drone territory.)
Three other mindworms guarding the Manifold Nexus slipped away from their boils and decended in the elevator that the other had used weeks ago. When they arrived they were hit by a burst of resonance waves and then were let in to a large room. 10 robots were at 10 computer consoles. They resembled Progentors but the mindworms didn't know that. The three mindworms were led by one of the robots into another room where on the top of a pillar was the mindworm. But it had changed. Its body had swelled 10 times and was now in a large, clear case. Many wires were connected to it. One wire went down to a speaker grill. It spoke, "I am the antiflower." The two mindworms somehow knew what the mindworm had said and were puzzled. Three robots emerged from a door and took the mindworms to a breeding chamber.
And in the middle of The Ruins a tower was raised from a ancient building.
November 15, 2000, 19:53
Local Time: 05:32
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OOC: "I personally thought that that was idiotic; the people would hold Argonaut (ie. ethical calculus= democracy) when they left Earth it was a democracy, so after a few foundation years they would once again be a democracy, no?
Private Message: From Cult to the (Cyborgs)
So you dare spy on us, us the right, us the correct, us the planetfriends; this is a bad omen; thus you may be destroyed; unless repirations...
Datafrequecy: 488($*8429029378.4870878778
November 15, 2000, 19:59
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University Sun-Governor
Volume 19, Issue 21
Zakharov arrives at trial
After a rather uneventful journey the Academian entered his trial in Data Angel territory, however the trial will not begin for two more days, as CEO Morgan has yet to arrive.
Roze will be moderator for this trial whist Morgan will merely observe. Zakharov and Aki will be defendant and plantiff.
Reporter Nils Ricks-Sparr
November 15, 2000, 21:31
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Posts: 462
***Private to the Nautilus Pirates***
message to Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
from Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Hello Captain. I have been in contact with Commissioner Lal of the Peacekeeper forces. He has mentioned a trading alliance between the three of us and the Data Angels. I think this a splendid idea, the more interaction we have between our factions the more we secure a future of peace and cooperation. The groundwork we complete in these days will surely ensure that future generations will enjoy an era of peace that was unheard of on Old Earth.
It must be something to do with the new conditions we live in that are in such conflict with our heritage that leads to the strong idealism we all seem to feel. This planet makes me feel that anything is possible.
With the possibilites of the four factions to grow strong, our example could lead the Morganites and University to better themselves and join, combined the six of us could surely conter any threat from across the waters.
We have just built our first naval unit, a transport foil. At the moment it is only for coastal work but I was wondering, we do not have a formal protocol concerning travel through each others territories. I have shown that I am quite happy for your people to travel through my lands without restriction. What I have been thinking is that for all civilian/trade ships we have a joint registery, this allows you to know just how many ships are in your waters and gives me some degree of control over my ports. For militery units we keep each other notified of locations whenever it is suitable (to stop them running into each other or setting off alerts unnecessarily)
I think this new level of cooperation may call for a formal changing of our diplomatic relationship. Perhaps rather than a simple friendship we have moved to the level of a pact, where I may call you brother and you may call me sister. I think this will be of great benifit to our people, I wait eagerly to hear your response.
One other piece of advice, my resaercher have told me that their counterparts in your labs are researching the sciences of Social Psychology. We have already researched this extensively, why don't you perhaps explore the Polymorphic Software that is used in your ships artillery to enhance their potential. Once your scientists have finished that, we can trade the social psych for the polymorphic software and in essence you get two techs for the price of one.
November 15, 2000, 21:45
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Posts: 462
***Private to the Cult of Planet***
message to Prophet Cha Dawn
from Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
I would like to ask about the condition of the captives, if there are any. I would hope that you show some respect for the sanctity of human life, and also some compassion.
I am perplexed that you ascribe such negative values to the information project these citizens where on. As you are no doubt aware we live on another continent, and therefore know nothing of the land you live on, or the customs you follow. It would be sheer folly for us to blindly stumble in and expect to be able to adequately aquaint ourselves.
There where no nefarious motives to the operation, and none of your people where hurt by us. We simply wanted to have a bit of an idea about who you where before we announced ourselves, any sensible person would have followed the same plan.
If anyone should be discussing reparations it should be us, for the heavy handed and unnecessary force you used to capture, and kill, my citizens.
We are willing to overlook this blunder though, if you return those captives you hold. Perhaps then we can begin discussing the possiblities of friendship between us. I would dearly like to learn about your beliefs and what you have learnt about this planet.
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited November 15, 2000).]
November 15, 2000, 23:20
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Posts: 459
OOC: Sorry if it was "idiotic" to assume we were playing by the game rules. Geez, it was only a question. Relax.
***Private Message***
To: Comissoner Pravin Lal c/o UN Peacekeeping Forces
Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five c/o Cybernetic Conciousness
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard c/o Nautilus Pirates
From: Datajack Roze c/o Data Angels
I apologise for my late reply, but due to prepearations for the impending trial, a great deal of my time has been occupied. In this, I thank you Aki for offering the services of your garrison to assist in maintaing order. Security is a prime concern for me after the previous attack on Academician Zakharov cost the lives of so many innocent people. I also look forward to meeting you, if only I could find the time! Perhaps after the trial you and I can go for a drink? I think I may need one!
As for the trade alliance, I most whole heartedly agree. All of our people can only benefit from working together in such a way. Captain, if you do not wish Morgan to be aware of your existance, I can get you Morgan products and even sell Natuilus merchandise there while keeping its source hidden. That decision is yours. And if a sea base would be helpful, I do believe I could manage that. We have recently begun construction on our first naval vessal. It was orginally designed as a battleship to protect us from this "Spartan" faction, but if you can offer the assistance of your Fleet in defending it, I could easily modify it with the Colony pod you propose. Let me know if this would be helpful and I will inform my engineers.
Please excuse me if I am slow on the response to future messages regarding this alliance. It is not that I am uninterested, but Zakharov has insisted that I personally reside over the trial, and between that and organizing my faction, I'm a rather busy women. Look forward to hearing from you,
November 15, 2000, 23:35
*****private message to conciousness*****
TO: Aki Zeta-Five
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Yes, a trade alliance is a good idea indeed. But there are things we need establish so can have proper safe trade routes. Join registry is a good idea aswell, since you have no choice to share waters with my faction. I would be happy to sign a Pact with your faction Pact Sister.
As for the switching to Polymorphic Software, it is agreable. I will inform you in the completion of research.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
November 16, 2000, 00:09
TO: Datatech Sinder Roze
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Yes, then it is agreed. I will upload to you the specs for contructing a Sea Colony Pod and I will be sending a ship to escort it and defend the base afterwards.
And there not just the Spartans to be afraid about, but there is another faction known as The Hive. It seems they have already establish a small fleet. So my fleet will for sure defend the seas from these threats.
Concerning the Morganites, I had the misfortune to meet Morgan before back on earth and I seriously don't like the guy. I have no interest in dealing with his faction, especially on how he is currently running it. But I wouldn't mind trading our goods for morgans, via your faction without him knowing. Another reason I don't want to get the Morgans involve in this trade alliance is that he will try to monopolise it.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
TO: Commisioner Lal(Peacekeepers), Aki Zeta-Five(Conciousness), Datatech Sinder Roze(Data Angels)
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard(Nautilus Pirates)
The Trade Alliance proposition as been agreed upon, so now we need to get it going. My faction has already taking steps in establish and secure the trade routes.
My merchant fleets are available to all member factions and my Military Fleet is also available for security and defence. Theres also the possibility in having planetmind in helping protect all merchant ships. My faction will be establishing a Sea Base along the trade route to the peacekeepers, whom i agreed to keep their location a secret.
The only problems we may have is with the Spartans, whom my ships haven't encountered yet and the Hive, whom my ships have encountered. My Military is prepared to defend our factions against those two, and planetmind if she ever decides to create trouble.
As for me not agreing to having the Morganites and University in this Trade Alliance, they are both scum and not worth my factions attention. I do not trust either one of them at the moment, but my feelings may change. If the rest of you think they should be part of this trade alliance, I'm okay with it too. Morgan and Zakharov will just not hear anything from my faction or have any of my merchants at their ports. At the moment, they don't know of my faction and I rather it stays that way, until upon a time where they smart up.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Nautilus Pirates
November 16, 2000, 12:15
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Posts: 37
private message
To:Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
Datajack Roze
Captain Svensgaard
From:Comissioner Lal
Dear friends,
This is a historical day, as I officially declare this alliance founded.This day will be remembered forever.
Long live our alliance!
Captain Svensgaard, planetmind send her greetings.She is willing to protect the alliance merchant ships.
It is good that you also have decided to found a base near the trade route towards here.Our newest base,UN Midpoint is already operational and ready for business.
I have to inform that I will change my production soon into naval vessels, and I would like to advice everyone else to do the same.
We, after all, canīt put all of the burden of defending and transporting the goods of this alliance on the shoulders of the Nautilus Pirates.
Aki, the idea about the joint registery is splendid, and we have started to register all existing and future ships.
Also, my faction is researching Industrial Economics, and we are already planning to establish the first energy banks here.What I had in mind, was that we share this knowledge and data with you all and by that way eliminate the need for raw barter.People will use energy credits for trade, which will significantly increse the building of a stable inter-faction economy.The banks themselves should be independant and by that way in neutral positions.For trade purposes, our people have agreed to give out the coordinates of our new base UN Midpoint.It will be open for anyone with the purposes of trading.
But please do not try to find us, as planetmind protects this place and might attack you, mistaking you for Spartans.
-Comissioner Pravin Lal
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited November 16, 2000).]
November 16, 2000, 18:16
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Posts: 249
Private Message
To:Foreman Domai
From:Colonel Santiago
Your troops are welcome with ours and we would gladly want to know the location of the Hive bases and any other possible information about them.
Anyone who wishes to go with you from the soon-to-be conquered population is welcome to do so.That will be your share of the loot.Agreed?
Foreman, our scout units near Centurion Cave have detected large movements of native life, so do you need any help with them.Our troops are experienced with fighting against them.
-Colonel Santiago
Industy report
To:Colonel Santiago, HQ
From:George Horwen, Minister of Industry
Sir, Iīm afraid we canīt change the rover upgrading, as they have been upgraded almost completely and our resources wonīt last for another quick run, eguipping them with plasma steel.
However, we have enough resources for upgrading the old synth.garrisons defending home bases, into plasma Steel Garrisons.They are right on the queue after the rovers.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited November 16, 2000).]
November 16, 2000, 19:52
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Posts: 771
Dream to Datajack Roze...
I have sensed, from your dreams, that you are preparing something called a "trial". I believe that this is something that can only be experienced by multi-minded species, unlike myself. Could you have a Planetworm be a "guard" at this event. I wish to observe it. I also hope to annoy CEO Morgan. It will be my first attempt at "humor".
Dream to Commissioner Lal...
I have a proposal. I would like to initiate a Planetworm Guard for yourself and your staff. I believe it would symbolize our bond. I also hope your trade alliance will prosper. I will use my Planetisles to transport your goods to the new base you have started and then the Pirate ships can do whatever they want then. I do hope that the other partners acknoledge that I am a partner, not your slave.
The monoliths that formed the Ruins started to crackle with energy. They shot an invisible beam to the center tower that powered up an evil weapon that had been dormant since the departure of the Progenitors, thousands of years ago.
Under an island just east of Mount Planet an entity quickly sent some of its troops to find out what the anolomy was in the Ruins.
November 17, 2000, 20:38
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OOC: No, i wasn't calling you iditoic, I was calling the rules at that point idiotic, sorry, I typed your name in the incorrect area; I meant to type it first; because where I typed it Argonaut, it seemed to insult you when I was really insulting the rules;
All of these civ-type games have their faults and ethical democracy is one of them.
University Sun-Governor
Volume 19, Issue 24
Trial Postponed
The trial of Academian Prokhor Zakharov was postponed, for a few days to allow CEO Nwandbike Morgan return from an accident site in Factory #222 where the revolting populace killed his foreman, claiming that Morgan was stealing the private populaces' jobs with his plan to shut down coal and other oil-based companies and convert to geothermal, and solar power.
This is not in the best interests of all present at the meeting, including Zakharov, who hopes for a quick trail and a quick exit.
Reporter Nils Ricks-Sparr
November 17, 2000, 20:45
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Morgan Newslink Network
Morgan Quiets Riots
Postponing his visit to the trial of Academian Zakharov, Morgan quieted riots at his Factory #222, which was closed, and had his guards arrest a few suspected murderers of his factory foreman.
The rioters were protesting the 'temporary' closing of plants such as Factor #222, that use fossil fuels, in return for 'natural fuel' plants that Zakharov has cornered the market in.
This 'temporary' closure has been going on for nigh on a year and has left many citizens broken and poor. A comment by a disgruntled worker was "Morgan is merely manipulating us." That worker echoed the statements of workers across Morganite territory. However Morgan has stuck to statements that he can converse with the planet and it agreed to stop attacks on our cities if he stopped pollution.
Now, it is true that we have not had any mindworm attacks; but is Morgan insane? Who would believe that poppycock construed story about a planet? Judge for yourself...
November 18, 2000, 16:44
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OOC: The democracy thing makes sense to me. I've been wanting to call elections myself, so I figure perhaps after the trial I'll go that way myself. How did you guys want to do that? I kind of had an idea where both DarkCloud and X-Waste wrote a post stating there case. Then they each had one rebutal with a concluding statement (the rebutal only being able to reflect what is said in the orginal post). Then, all the writers simply adds a post of "guilty" or "not guilty" (entirely based on who made what arguements, not on their characters decision) And we go by majority rules for the result. What do people think?
Dream to Planetmind
The mindworm which you sent to us will be present at the trial as you wish. I must say, we have found the creature fascinating and a most useful ally. He's been given the name "Wormy" by the citizens here, not exactly original but he seems to enjoy it. I thank you for helping us to understand you better by sending him to us. He certainly adds character to the base.
***Private Message***
To: Comissoner Pravin Lal c/o UN Peacekeeping Forces
Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five c/o Cybernetic Conciousness
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard c/o Nautalis Pirates
From: Datajack Sinder Roze c/o Data Angels
Greetings all,
Aki, I am sending this to you even though you are currently here with me in Data DeCentral just in case you need an official copy for you file. I certainly enjoyed dinner last night and I'm glad we have finally had a chance to meet in person. Comissoner, Captain, my invitation of course extends to you as well. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood, feel free to drop in and say hi.
Captain, thank you for your information regarding Sea Colony Pod, my engineers are currently refitting our vessal now. Colonist applications are being accepted and we hope to have the ship ready as soon as possible. As for trading with the Morganites, I would be happy to sell your goods there with out Morgan knowing. I always delight in taking Morgan for all he is worth whenever I can. Remember, I once worked at Morgan Industries, so I know how to get you the best price with the least fuss. I guarentee you will find it a profitable market, especially seeing as you won't have to deal with Morgan in return.
Regarding the ships, I agree with all of you that registering our fleets is a good idea. I currently have nothing more than a few merchant vessals, but once the sea colony pod is completed, I will commence the construction of an Impact Foil at Roze Function. I agree that the our Alliance's naval defence can not soley be placed on Captain Svensgaard's shoulders and the Data Angels will certainly do our part. If this so called 'Hive' moves against us, we will be there to fight along side our friends.
Last night, in a dining hall at Data DeCentral. Roze, Aki Zeta-Five conversation transcript
Roze: I am concerned about Zakharov's and Morgan's timely delay. There seems to be something going on between those two that we don't know about.
Aki: I concur. I do not trust Zakharov, and Morgan is proving himself to be a concern. An unusual bond has been created between these two.
Roze: I know. For two people who were once at each other's throats like Morgan and Zakharov were, they seem to be awfully chummy. Perhaps they're a little worried.
Aki: They do have reason to be. My forces already hold one of Zakharov's early holdings and we are within range to strike at University Base. If Zakharov were to go to war with both of us, he might not stand a chance.
Roze: Which would leave Morgan in a potentially hostile environment. Perhaps he's sticking by Zakharov for survival purposes. Morgan knows what I think of him, and he also knows that you and I see eye to eye on a great deal.
Aki: Indeed. Food for thought, that is for certain. We shall see what results of the trial lead too. Perhaps the future leader of the University will be more reasonable. Without Zakharov's support, it is only logical for Morgan to tow the line.
Roze: Agreed. Perhaps if we were to ever so subtley support Miss Stuart-Lewison's campaign she might be able to gain support there. I doubt we could get her elected while Zakharov remains in the running, but we might be able to increase her public support there, and therfore ours.
Aki: An interesting proposition. I will consider it.
November 18, 2000, 18:37
Local Time: 05:32
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Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
Dream to planetmind
Donīt have the full fledged rights of a partner in this alliance...the idea about planetworm guard is a very good one... we here in HQ eagerly await for your mindworms...about the alliance...I will try to convince the others to not occupy any more land than a member you also have to get something out of this...I hope one day we all can live together...Terra and Chiron...
Private Message
To: Alliance leaders
From:Comissioner Lal
Good news, friends.Planetmind has officially joined our alliance .She has now all the rights as the rest of us, but as trading goods with her is tricky, I suggest we make some sacrifices.
As exchange for the help planetmind is offering, I ask of you to use and terraform only those new lands that you need.Also, together we could make a research cooperation pact in the fields of understanding Chirons nature.We donīt need to make the same mistakes as our ancestors did on Earth, destroying the nature that they themselves were a part of.
Please, atleast consider these points.
About the trial, I would gladly come there in person, but unfortunately the travel distances and risks are far too great.However, If you could send picture of the trial live to here, I would much appreciate it.
-Comissioner Lal
OOC:Argos way is fine by me.
[This message has been edited by TheDiplomat (edited November 18, 2000).]
November 18, 2000, 19:19
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Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
Remnants of the 1st Laser Rovers
Location:The Hive
Commander Hermans Personal log
I still can remember the strength, the wisdom... the power it gave.The Monolith.
Our factions scouts had found other of the same kinds of strange structures, but their use and examination was forbidden.It was a precaution, as when the monoliths were activated, they somehow enchanced
you, right to the bottom of your soul, but in the process some had lost their lives.
Maybe they just didnīt couldnīt cope with that feeling, the feeling of being in control, being omnipotent.Anyway, after the monoliths had sung their beatiful song, some people were better than ever and some laid dead on the ground.
We, also, went into the circle of monoliths and came out full of strength and wisdom, but missing a few crew members.I guess there is always a price to pay for everything.
We came out of there, straight into a ambush.Well, thats that for all the strength and wisdom.
Now weīre, or what is left of our units, in a factions called "The Hive" capital, very originally named The Hive.A faction that is, as heard from its name, organised like a bee hive, with its workers, soldiers and supervisors and not respecting human rights a bit.
We immediately were accomodated with the best available quarters, in the bases worst Max. prison.
They still havenīt started to interrogate us.But somehow I feel Iīm the first in the line.Iīm not afraid what theyīll do me there, thanks to the monolith I donīt feel pain or fear, if I wish so.
However, I have a tough decicion to make.
When I was in the monolith, for a moment I could see and hear everything that was happening in this continent.
I could see the buzling Hive bases, the organised and dreadful Spartan bases and the new, full of vigor and hope, drone bases.I could see our old bases, before so beatiful and peaceful, now empty and infested by mindworms.I could even hear the screams of the tortured below sparta HQ, and the chorus was joined by my old friend Clayson.
But most important, I saw the advancing Spartan rover army, poised towards this very city I am in.
Now, the choices are these, should I warn these people here and stop the Spartans from shedding more innocent blood or just let them to do their cleansing, and rid the world of this miserable and twisted faction.
To be or not to be?
November 19, 2000, 09:53
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Posts: 462
Consciousness Posts
Major project begun at Alpha Prime
As many people may already be aware, the production resources of Alpha Prime are being directed to one major project that is expected to take some time complete - an initiative that will be called the Human Genome Project. This will allow us to have greater control over our DNA - and coupled with our research on the secrets of the human brain means that the human body will no longer be a thing of mystery, but will be as well understood as any other machine. The long term ramifications are that we will be able to have greater control over the biological components of our self-system, increasing its efficiency and improving compatibilty with non-organic augmentations. Gene therapy will not only be able to remove lingering congenital diseases, but refine the biological so that we can all reach the fullest of our potential.
Research Complete
The current research push to better understand the xenofungus and native lifeforms has reached a breakthrough. It has been confirmed that our researchers have been able to duplicate the form of communication used by the 'mindworms' that live in the xenofungus. While there are some elements to this new wave form that is not understood, certain 'resonance' characteristics that need to be researched further, the duplication is sophisticated enough that we have been able to lure young mindworms from the xenofungus for short periods of time.
The research has also had important implications for the newly emerging displine of psionics. Ever since our research into the human brain revealed techniques for inducing trance like states a few individuals have used these trances to explore the limits of consciousness and thought. This new wave form discovered has some similarities to latent structures in the brain, as yet not effectively utilised, and psi practitioners are experimenting with something they call the 'Empath Song' which may allow the transmission of at least a crude burst of psionic energy.
New 'Green' Drive
Our research into the Xenofungus has also included an exhaustive and comprehensive detailing of the complex and interconnected ecosystem of this planet. More than ever we have knowledge of just what effect every acion we take has on the world around us. A push towards recycling and new forms of nutrient extraction means that not only can we make our communities vastly more efficient but also more in tune with the environment around it. Certain limits to our expansion means that we can plan better our communities to be as efficient as we plan everything else. The lessons from old Earth have not been missed, and in the long term, more effiecient environmental managemant programs will aid the growth of production rather than limit it.
Doctrine: Loyalty
With our research into Centauri Empathy completed, our main research institutions will be exploring the consequences that the recent struggles have had on our soldiers with the hope of discovering the best way to train people for warfare, not only so our soldiers have the best possible morale during the fighting, but are better able to cope after the battles are finished. Other ways of defending our bases will also be explored as well as the sort of social structuring that might be required in extreme war situations. Though peace seems to be stengthening on this contintent, it would be foolish presently to abandon such research as there are still posible threats overseas.
November 19, 2000, 14:43
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
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OOC: Argonaut, your idea for the trial is good; okay but the accuser will make the first statement.
University Sun-Governor
Volume 19, Issue 26
CEO Morgan Arrives at Trial
With the arrival of CEO Nwandbike Morgan to the trial of Academian Zakharov, all is set for the trial to begin. The format will be as follows. Zeta-Five will make a statement, then call witnesses, then Zakharov will make a statement, and call witnesses.
The voting will be done democratically with the voters being (absentee) Comissioner Lal. (present) Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five, Datatech Roze, CEO Morgan, and Academian Zakharov.
Let us all hope that Zakharov is proven innocent in this trial.
Reporter Nils Ricks-Sparr
November 19, 2000, 16:13
Local Time: 05:32
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Posts: 462
Opening Statement
Aki Zeta-5
Before my aide Clara Iota-8 conducts the case for the plaitiffs - being the people of the Cybernetic Consciousness and those people of The University generally referred to as 'consciousness' sympathisers - I would like to make the opening statement.
First, I would like to clarify for the people of this court exactly why this trial is being held. The administration of the University, namely being
Head Academician Prokhor Zhakarov
Chief of Security Samuel Geddings-Howe
General Hising Han-Diego
Chief of Intelligence Atsuko Matsumoto-Smith
Senior Researcher Ben Vines-Waites
have been accused of genocide against the people of the Cybernetic Consciousness. Ten years ago, when the Consciousness where still University citizens, Prokhor Zhakarov began his campaign of genocide with the assistence of his chief of security, chief of intelligence and army general. Consciousness members at this time where arrested on false charges and either executed or turned over to Ben Vines-Waites to be unwilling subjects in his inhumane and monstrous experiments.
Recently, Prokhor and his administration renewed their atrocities through more executions and false arrests, this time of sympathisers towards my faction. Those accused today showed no respect for the sanctity of human life and for a persons right to freedom of expression and belief as granted by the UN charter that is the backbone of our whole colonisation of this planet.
During this trial you will be hearing the testimony from witnesses of executions, those sympathisers who where falsly arrested, people who escaped from the diabolical experiments of Ben Vines-Waites and even from University soldiers and police who carried out the orders from above. The damning evidence will prove to everyone that the accused are guilty of crimes against humanity, and should be punished.
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