December 4, 2000, 21:17
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OOC: That is what I meant when I suggested the vote. That way, the trial is decided on who stated their case the best, not on a political basis. Roze, although she preaches neutrality, has not always been friendly towards the University and technically makes a biased moderator. That's why I thought of all of the writers as serving as a jury, with just a vote for guilty or not guilty.
December 4, 2000, 21:40
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Dream to Commissioner Lal...
Trial: near completion. Vote: guilty.
OOC: Are those "mass graves" the one I found?
December 4, 2000, 22:43
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Trial transcript
Academian Prokhor Zakharov
Dear people of the jury, may I be so bold as to sum up all of my previous statements in the minutes that follow, as a closing statement:
Senior Researcher Ben Vines-Waites-

The evidence shown against me by the Cyborgs, will prove insubstantial, as, they concented to the 'mutilation' of their bodies in the name of science. In fact, they only hurt as much as you might if you were under anastesia in surgery. Thus the scars are there, but they are improved and superior humans overall.
I, and my assistants have made them the perfect humans; but they do not acknowledge this, they merely accuse me and my assistants of vulgarities and destruction of their bodies.
You may ask, why was I not a cyborg- I answer this by saying that I was scheduled to be made into one when the thrid generation came out, and the entire University would be made cyborgs. But since the 'accident' this will not be possible, for we fear that there is faulty programming in the cyborg.
The Cyborgs escaped for no good reason; they merely defied us when we told them that we must observe them in a captive environment for the period of a mere 6 to 12 months. We would feed them and treat them well, but they refused to accept our kindness, and escaped.
High Military Officer Jean Crupolt-King-

The army was mobilized by Zakharov to contain Cyborg agression, remember, we did not recognize them as a country and thus did not declare war on them first, we did not make the first strike, the Cyborg agressors did, in an attempt to assimilate us into their faction. Their programming is faulty and their ideology is mistaken.
When the cyborgs escaped from the research complex, I was called into duty with my militia troops the supress the uprising, but was nearly killed by a cyborg, who had acquired a Plasma Gun and was firing on innocent researchers.
If the army had not been there, the Cyborgs would have killed a great many more civilians.
General Hising Han-Diego-

Cyborgs, Friends, Data Angels. I truly did not participate in this, as you call it, 'persecution of the Cyborgs', I was merely following my leaders' orders and thus, ordered the destruction of all in their units that attacked our cities, unless they visibly surrendered.
As none of the Cyborgs seemed to want to surrender, we annihilated the small scouting unit; perhaps they did not know how to surrender, perhaps they were merely being defiant. We may never know, but it was ultimately their own fault for their failture to surrender.

Files Quoted quote:

Yeah, the thing is though Ben Vines takes the credit for the algorithm it was really developed by Aki Zeta-5. She never submitted her research data to the University Archivers, she had big arguments with Zak, about needing measures passed to protect the knowledge and guidelines for its ethical use.
Zakharov- I would like to comment on this, Ben Vines-Waites developed the algorithm on his own; Aki and he were in competition to make the best creation of a project possible. However when Aki refused to release her files to the cause of improvement to the human genome, I seized the files and meshed the program with Ben's and thus we created, as we thought then- the 'Perfect Chimera.'
-About the ethical use. As far as my interpretation of the UN Charter holds, ethical use is this 'As long as the subject is ready, willing, and able, and does not complain about the treatment- then you may do what you wish to them to further the Human Species.' remember that is not a direct quote, merely my interpretation of the law.
Chief of Intelligence Atsuko Matsumoto-Smith-

I hold with what Zakharov said, however I must add this: The Intelligence arm of the University only interrogates prisoners, thus all Cyborgs who attacked us were interrogated thouroughly and then imprisoned.
We did nothing to the Cyborgs, for we knew that the UN forbids mutilation and destruction, and our own morals are high and above that of the UN's. All we did with the captives was interrogate them using the UN's methods and then we downloaded their data cores; a high tech way to tell if a cyborg lies.
Why should they complain, they imprisoned many of our people and would have done the same if we had data storage. However we found little about the malfunctions and troop movements from their data downloads, as the data was encrypted, so we hired a top-knotch Data Angel hacker- Lisa O'Donnels.
Finally, I make the plea that Zakharov made, let our people return to University Base if they so wish, we did as much for the cyborgs!
Chief of Intelligence Atsuko Matsumoto-Smith-

A polygraph would not work on these Cyborgs/ for how could we know how extensively they modified their memories to hold back information or provide us with false information. Also the polygraph could cause more harm to the Cyborgs than anything, for it is electronic and when something that is electronic meets incompatible linkages, for we would have had to link it to their data cores anyway, then it short circuts and causes damage to both the Cyborg and the equipment.
And, as I said, our morals are infallible, with no death penalty, even for attempting to kill the Academian. (It is now banned to use the death penalty in any way)
Chief of Security Samuel Geddings-Howe-

The police were not involved in this until the very end, except for a small secruity task force assigned to the place where the Cyborgs were being created and were living under study. There, we only were involved when someone had accusations about a rogue Cyborg or two, and those Cyborgs were disciplined severely for we could not risk them becoming out of our control and destroying everyone, for we know that their programming is not always completely correct.
Also, I deny what Deepak claims we did when the Cyborgs rebelled. They fired first in at least five of the flashpoint areas, and we fired first in ten of the flashpoint areas, but that was only after radio messages identified them as dangerous.
So it remains for all to see that we merely created the Cyborgs, yes along the way a few died, but they died freely knowing that they were giving their bodies to science; and they died so as to make their ungrateful descendants flourish. These descendants rebelled against us, when, as they well knew- they would be integrated fully into our society and everyone would be like them in seven years time.
As it is, their disobedience of University law has caused us to reconsider the program and scrap it in its entirety.
December 5, 2000, 12:21
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OOC  arkC, I wrote a while ago, that my taskforce had gone through numeral minefields into the hilly region where they are fighting now.
From:General Von Halzburg
To:Colonel Santiago
Sir, news from the front.We have finally managed to clear out all the Hive units from this region, and now we are facing another threat.
The Hive sacrificed more than six defensive units, just to get enough time to group and rush build itself an army in front of their capital.And, as if that isn´t enough, they´re planting minefields all around their capital base.
For now, I suggest that either we bunker ourselves, as the Free drones did or we move towards another base.I suggest that we move towards the three bases west of here.The stupid Hivers have fortified their troops around their capital, and are leaving the rest of their bases weakened.
Their unit selection compromises mostly out of infatry-type units, so they won´t have a chance to catch our forces.
Let them fortify themselves in their castle, and we´ll burn and pillage their countryside.
But if we stay here, their foot units will have better chances in this hilly region against our rovers.
Your loyal subject,
General Von Halzburg
From:Colonel Santiago
To:General Von Halzburg
My dear General, you are quite right and you marvelous plan shall be put into action immediately.
May Mars be with you.Bring lots of loot back.
Your Glorious Leader,
Colonel Santiago
December 5, 2000, 22:49
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Moderator's Statement - Datajack Sinder Roze
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury,
The time has come for a decision to be made. You have heard both sides of the arguement, now it is your duty to determine the outcome of this trial. Either Academecian Zakharov and his government are guilty of violating the UN Charter and ignoring the rights of the Cybernetic Conciousness, or they are innocent of all acusations brought against them. Remember, there is no fine line here, and much weighs upon your decision. Let us not make the mistake, however, that this trial determines the autonomy of the Cybernetic Conciousness. That is a political matter that will be decided in a political forum and should not influence your vote. I leave it now up to you.
OOC: Okay everybody, now's your chance to vote. And if you wanna give a reason why you picked which side, sounds good to me. Oh, and Darkcloud and X-Waste don't forget you can vote too (although I imagine your votes will be obvious) I'll tally the votes Thursday night, unless people have been so busy there's no response.
OOC: Argo's vote: Got to go with guilty I'm afraid. Too much of your posts seemed to contradict what was already posted DarkCloud. That sounds like lying to me, although it was a good try
December 5, 2000, 23:39
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OOC: CEO Nwandbwe Morgan will have to vote for his longtime friend Academian Prokhor Zakharov.
Zakharov, obviously will vote for himself.
-Zakharov is guilty of many things, and he will (and has) admitted it but (according to him) he has never intentionally harmed a human being.
Dr. Ishmael Gorbochov-Sparbeg
-Scientists may be unethical, but they are not brutal fiends
Dr. John Niento-Krobski
-A snake will only bite when first attacked...
Dr. Kessler Powers-King
December 6, 2000, 03:24
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OOC - Yeah, my vote is pretty obvious, I didn't write all those posts without convincing myself now did I?
Guilty as hell
December 6, 2000, 17:56
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OOC: Where's the Commissioner?
December 6, 2000, 23:28
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OOC:I don't think the idea for the voting is clear. DarkCloud, voting for Morgan and Zak doesn't really work. The idea was that each AUTHOR had a vote, not each faction. So you have one vote, X-waste has one vote, Cyber, LordLMP etc.... That way it's not a political bias but a decision based on the case presented.
Freedom's Banner
Volume II, Issue 3
Atlantisville Founded!
Today announced the opening of the Data Angels first sea base, dubbed Atlantisville of the east coast. The new base will serve as a bastion for trade within the new trade alliance, and allows for easier passage to Cybernetic Territory, with shipping lanes now open. Roze was unable to attend the opening personally, due to the trial, but intends to visit the facility soon. With the base now complete, comission has gone in on the Data Angels first military vessel, in order to help Alliance assets from hostile forces.
Secret Project Nears Completion
Scientists insist that the so called 'Secret Project' they've been working on is finally nearing completion. A great deal of work and resources has gone into this project, however the greater population remains in the dark as to what the project is. Speculations abound, but an official statement from the government announced that all would be made clear soon and that people would undoubtably be thrilled.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited December 06, 2000).]
December 9, 2000, 23:01
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OOC: BUMP. C'mon guys!
December 10, 2000, 01:00
OOC: sorry for not writing much, been busy. Me vote Guilty. Also, new year  Will update map tonite and put it up on my website.
Polymorphic Software discovered...
With the discovery of Polymorphic Software, it will improve our computer networks and aswell allow us to contruct Artillery Units and improve our ships weaponry targetting. There also ideas throwing around concerning on the idea of establishing Artillery Defences (something like Coastal Fortress from civ) for our bases, so our garrisons can defend the bases against enemy ships without the serious need of a patrolling ship. (OOC: mainly gives units in the bases the artillery ability aslong they are in the base. not from the game, but creativity is alowed  )
We would be trading the new tech for cyborgs Social Psych, which would alow us to improve recreation needs in our bases.
New Sea base established...
New Sea base established in the Sea of Unity, to help extend the trade route to the peacekeepers. The base has been named Crow's Nest.
Privateer will stay to patrol around the new base while Diamond Shark is sent to patrol around the Data Angel's new sea base, Atlantisville, until they build their own ship to defend it.
Arrival of a new year, 2122...
It has been a interesting year. From the discovery of the peacekeepers to the capture of a hive ship to the trial of University and the newly formed Trade Alliance. Hopefully, life will get better has time goes on...
December 10, 2000, 14:36
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OOC: Let's wrap this vote up; so the story may continue,
votes so far
For Zakharov- 1
Against Zakharov- 3
Cyber and the Diplomat should vote within 2 days, which is the deadline...
December 10, 2000, 16:22
Local Time: 07:32
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
OOC:Okay, I vote Guilty.
Spartan Newswagon
The construction of the armada has begun
The Junta decided yesterday to enlarge our forces to cover the vastless chiron seas, by that way getting more resources and room to live.However, many believe that the true motive of the Junta is to find and eliminate the coward Peacekeepers.
By using our vast energy credits, Commanders keep should be able to build in one year a whole armada of ships.The preliminary plans indicate atleast 2 battlegroups.Tremble peacekeepers!
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited December 10, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited December 12, 2000).]
December 10, 2000, 17:40
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Posts: 37
OOC:Sorry for not being lately in the game.I am pretty much convinced that Zak is Guilty  .Besides, my vote doesn´t matter anyway.
Private Message
To:Alliance Leaders
From:Comissioner Lal
I apologise for my recent abcensies.A new group of political right-winged radicalists have emerged here, and they have caused quite much problems to me.Half of the resources for building our merchant fleet had to be transferred into building of war ships to satisfy them, even though we have the protection of Planetmind.
Many of the survivors from UN High Comission are in charge of these radicals, and I believe the seeds of violence and hatred sown by the Spartans are starting to grow among their ranks.
With the new technology our scientists have provided, we have been able to start the first major banks around here.I will transmit industrial economics to you all, so we all can establish somekind inter-factional economic system, in the form of indepenent multifactional banks and corporations, and in the same time eliminate the need for barter, make illegal trade harder and encourage more people into the business of trading.
Long live the Alliance!
Comissioner Pravin Lal
The remnants of the 1st laser rovers
Location:The Hive
I must say, the Hive interrogators know their job.They have somekind of new way of interrogating.They open your mind and just take the information out of there.
Not by Physical means, but by telepathic.
If somebody is mentally weak, they open his mind as if a knife opens somebodys guts, and if somebody has strong will and mind, they open him like a laser opens a steel door.
It was a matter of time they found about our island haven, and most important, the Spartan army.
But I tricked them.I let them see the Spartans in my mind, but I mentally enlarged their army twice as bigger.We had good laughs as we watched from our small cell windows, how the whole city turned into panic before it could organise itself some proper defences.
Riots and mutinies gave this sh*thole a good bit of destruction before control was regained.
And you should have seen the faces of the stupid hivers, as a half a smaller Spartan army appeared and then suddenly turned towards the now weak cities in the west, leaving the slow and helpless defenders behind.
December 10, 2000, 20:00
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Moderator Statement - Datajack Roze
Will the defendent please stand. Academician Prokhor Zakharov. It is the decision of the jury, and of this Tribunal, that you and your regime are guilty of commiting attrocities against the peoples of the Cybernetic Conciousness. It is the will of this Tribunal, to which you have submitted yourself, that you surrender yourself to Data Angel authorities and step down as leader of the University of Planet. As well, your government will pay reperations to the Cybernetic Government, to help atone for your crimes. If you have not stepped down within one standard week, our forces will have authorization to come in and take you out.
December 10, 2000, 20:23
OOC: Seven Battlegroups??? How many Foils are there in one battlegroup? Also, Hive ain't wimps. they may be into mass amount of cheap units, but they are tricky and dangerous.
TO: Nautilus Dragons
FROM: Captain Svensgaard
After upgrading your units again with the latest armor and weapon technologies (plasma/impact), both the 1st and 2nd Rovers are ordered to the Cyborg-University borders near University Base. IF Zhakarov doesn't step down in a week, you are to move in and attack.
December 10, 2000, 20:57
OOC: This i will do, since i am not actually playing Free Drones, or Hive or any other factions that doesn't have, i will simply say what they are up than always make a story line or newspaper like. busy enough with Pirates and moderating and other things.
Free Drones
The Free Drone units which supposed to be part of the Spartan Taskforce, quickly moves west, in a more stealthier manner. Also watching for hidden Hive units and Hive traps.
Noticing that the Spartan military moving west, the western bases are warned and ordered to prepare defences. Will take several weeks for the Spartan Taskforce to reach there. Various patrolling hive laser rovers are to do hit and run attacks on the Spartans Taskforce, slowly them down and do some damage.
The Morganites established another base, situated closer to University and Cyborgs.
The only real contact they ever had so far is the Cult of Planet. So they are growing, establishing bases and occasionally send some minor crusades to eradicate the sinful Cult, which fails a lot. Only succes they had with those is slow down the Cults growth.
Binding their time worshipping Planetmind and the mind worms. About to establish a new base near the wreck of Unity. All the important components were draged away by mindworms for some reason. Prophet Dawn knows theres other factions throughout Chiron via his connection too Planetmind, just don't exactly know where they are and no chance to contact them. They are in contact with the Gaians, whom they have a uneasy Treaty after a split off war with them and with the believers, whom they are at war with. They are also in contact with the Pirates and Cyborgs. Pirates have been ignoring them and they still haven't replied the cyborgs concerning the captured Cyborg Probe Team.
They are peacefully growing, taking care of planet and having good relations with Planetmind. They still puzzled of the activation of The Ruin the previous year. Most of their military is comprise of captured mind worms. The only other faction they have to worry about and in contact with is the Cult of Planet. They do send Probe Teams to keep an watch on the cult. Via the Cult, they heard of the Believer Faction, but haven't yet contacted them. So they are peacefully binding their time. Their Weather Paradign which they have succeeded in contruction 2 years ago is to be competing over the planets weather with another unknown faction. (Spartans) They also recently successfully build a Laser Foil prototype at Gaia's Landing. It has now been sent southwards to explore along the coast.
December 11, 2000, 21:30
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OOC: Been forgeting about the "antimind". Will try to catch up...
Near the tower in the Ruins
A small Gaian patrol makes their way through the thick fungus in their small Unity-class rover group they recovered after Planetfall. The small group approaches the taller monolith that seemed to rise up from the depths of Chiron. They start to unload the scanning equipment. Suddenly a beam of light shoots out from the monolith's top. It vaporises the humans through the viewports on the rovers.
About 3 days later
Mindworm group Alpha approaches the center of the Ruins. They are the backup of Unity Group Alpha, on a research trip to the new tower. They find a small group of rovers but no one is around. The psi group assignied to the mindworms sense angry feelings between the boil worms. The mindworms, without warning, pounce on the psi troops. AntiPlanet gained new weapons that day...
December 11, 2000, 21:39
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Consciousness posts
Morgue disappearences
Authorities are baffled at the moment as they investigate a string of 'body snatches' that has occured around the country in various morgues. Bodies have been vanishing without a trace, it is speculated that the culprits may be organ farming though generally dead organs are not useful for transplants. The other rumour doing the rounds is that the bodies are being used as biological components for rogue implants, though this is also not possible as for an implant to work it needs to receive a verification signal from the Zeta complex that houses the algorithm - and these are tightly controlled. Police are looking into the matter.
New Base - Port Beta!
Situated on the coast between Alpha Prime and Inspiration Point, this new base will function as a waypoint for travel between the two cities. The base will also be able to utilse the southeastern rim of the fertile Garland Crater.
'Nother Node complete
Our research infrastructure has progressed another step with the completion of the Gamma Heights network node. Gamma Height will soon be the leader in Consciousness research as they are now beginning the construction of our first biology lab.
December 11, 2000, 22:19
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The University Sun-Governor
Vol 19 Issue 97
Zakharov Pleads for more Time
Academian Prokhor Zakharov has pleaded for more time for his University to elect a leader, he is calling for one standard month (40 days) and claims that that is how much time is needed. He states that he believes his faction is far too vulnerable at this point to be left without a proper leader, and since it is by order of the court of law that he cannot appoint a successor; it will take time for a vote, it will take (at least), he states 2 weeks for the vote to be completed.
Editor Ryan O'Harrah-Cloister
Protest about Provocative Moves
Acting leader, UnderSecretary of State Madeline Angels-Kypp has sent a statement of complaint to the Cyborg leader, Aki-Zeta Five, to withdraw the founding of the colony as it intrudes upon University boundaries.
She also asks for the University citizens who wish to be transfered to University land to be able to do so.
Head Reporter Nathaniel Ricks-Sparr
The question we must ask about this unfortuante turn of events for Academian Zakharov is wheater he will appeal the decision, for he certainly has the right to, but will he.
Another question is the trial for how long he will be kept in captivity with the other indited members of the University. A good estimate is 20-30 years, but his lawyers state that "15 years is the most he deserves; and he should be able to rule again in his own country, for it is oppressive to interfere with others states of affairs"
Reporter Shenga Ji-Hi
The candidates for leadership of the University are up in the air but right now the candidates are:
Elaine Stuart-Lewison (Pro Cyborg) [Doves]
Donald Lewis-Williamson (War with all other factions; excepting Morganites)[Hawks]
Advisor Rodger Stuart-Leevies (Continue Zakharov's Policies) [University]
Undersecretary of State Madeline Angels-Kipp (Pro-Peace; Temperance) [Temperance]
Gen. Stuart Krober-Dugss (War to return Zakharov) [Instigators]
December 11, 2000, 22:46
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Freedom's Banner
The Virtual World Unveiled!!!
Today, scientist announced the completion of the fabled secret project that has been generating rumours across the faction. The Virtual World, is the most sophisicated Network holographic system ever known to human kind. The facility, installed in Data DeCentral's down town core, stretches Faction wide through the network nodes. Available to all citizens with range of a network node, the Virtual World provides endless entertainment for all ages.
Roze Calls First Election!
Datajack Roze announced today the first Data Angel Elections to be held. In the wake of the completion of the Virtual World, many cynics see these elections as timely. However, already candidates are announcing their plans to run against her. So far the candidates are:
Arthur Pennigton (Reunification with Morgan)
Nadine Rahmiraj (Isolationist)
Roze Grants Zakharov Time
Roze announced today, that Zakharov would have until the completion of elections before Zakharov would be forced to turn himself over to Data Angel authorities. The move comes for fear of the political void that would be left should Zakharov be taken into custody too soon. Already, the University election plan is well under way, with several parties vying for the top spot. Several of these or anti-Data Angel, however Roze insists that 'democracy must prevail'.
Armament Program Announced
General Mao Ling Sung, former Unity Security Officer and leader of the Data Angel Armed Forces announced today that plans were underway to expand the Data Angel offensive ability.
"With factions like the Spartan around, it won't be long before we have to defend ourselves. We don't want to be caught off guard, so while we have the chance, we're preparing ourselves."
The plan calls for more Impact Rover groups, like the two already in existance, as well as a second ship, utilizing the syntmetal armour as well.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited December 11, 2000).]
December 11, 2000, 22:58
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OOC: I would be willing to take over a second faction if it would help the game move along. I wouldn't mine taking on the Gaians. They're seperated still from the Data Angels, so it's not a conflict of interest. And I'll gladly give Dee up if someone comes along who wants her.
***Private Message***
To: Alliance Leaders
From: Datajack Roze c/o Data Angels
Greetings Lady and Gentlemen,
As you may have heard, I am beginning an armament program here in Data Angel territory. I do not trust this unholy Morganite/University friendship and am preparing myself for the worst. Hopefully all will go well, and Zakharov will turn himself over without problems.
Aki, I still believe it would be prudent if we were Stewart-Lewison's campaign in whatever ways we can. Some of the other candidates are less than friendly. Another reason for my armament. I will assist in your defence I assure you.
Captain, I am also constructing a second ship, slightly more advanced then the current one under production. I intend to insure that you are not left completely with the burden of defending Alliance fleets, although I sincerely appreciate your assistance in defending Atlantisville.
Comissoner, let me say I am most grateful for your information on Industrial Economics. My next plan is for economic development, once we are better defended and the elections here are over. Do you know of the theories on Nonlinear Mathematics? I would be willing to share them with you if you needed them, or something else prehaps? Nolinear Mathematics would allow you to create Impact weapons, something to help defend yourself from the Spartans if need be. Let me know,
December 12, 2000, 00:33
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Posts: 462
***private to the Nautilus Pirates***
Message to Captain Svensgaard
From Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Greetings Captain. I have sent the files on Social Psych over to you, coordinating our research goals is a strategy we should maintain for the future.
As I am sure you have heard, the trial has ended successfully, one sad chapter of this planet’s brief history has come to end. I still expect some tricks from Zhakarov though, for surely he should have seen this outcome and planned some strategy for his escape. My troops are on alert, there is not much more I can do at the moment. With (hopefully) someone sane running the University the prospects for peace on this continent are ever strengthened.
***private to the Peacekeepers***
Message to Commissioner Pravin Lal
From Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
I thank you for the gift of Industrial Economics…I would not like to see this generosity go unrewarded so I am transmitting to you the data I have collected on Planetary Networks. With this gift you will be able to coordinate your different research facilities much more efficiently, as well as being able to transmit information from mobile sources more effectively. As you rightly point out we need a standard for trade to make it feasible. We also need a standard for information trade...this research I have sent to you will make it easier for us both to trade research in the future.
[This message has been edited by XWaste (edited December 11, 2000).]
December 12, 2000, 00:44
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Posts: 462
***Private to the Data angels***
Message to Head Datajack Sinder Roze
From Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Greetings Roze, it was with some regret that I had to depart from Data DeCentral last week. I very much enjoyed the time we got to spend together.
I agree, we should promote the candidate that we want in the University elections. I have some 'contacts' that will get to work soon.
Let's keep each other posted about updates, we should be ready to act quickly should Zak attempt to pull a 'swift one' on us.
December 12, 2000, 15:50
OOC: Christine, Song of Planet, second biggest base the gaians have, is situated in the middle of the Ruins. And will not allow mass destruction of a base this early in the game either.
Argonaut, i give you permission for Tempory control of the Gaians. By describing their situation should help and the coming problems of the "Antimind", threating Song of Planet.
People are demanding election aswell...
With the recent news of University and Data Angels starting their elections, the people here wants one aswell. Base on the polls, the majority of our factions people are happy with our Captain Svensgaard. But there are few that demand an election.
Svensgaard told the people in a press conference that we are not exactly in best of shape to start an election. But if the majority of the people demands it, then he'll allow a election. The minority of people wanting an election are unhappy, but they'll be patient.
TO: Trade Alliance
FROM: Captain Svensgaard
The trade routes connecting the peacekeepers, data angels, the conciousness and my faction as been established. Theres still work to be done, it is ready. Our merchant fleets can safely travel.
Don't worry about my Fleet taking the burden to defend our waters, but any help is appreciated. The joint registry is a success aswell and helps better coordinates our ships.
TO: Aki Zeta-Five
And now transmitting Polymorphic Software. Now i have to shift resources into the Military, to improve the defences of my bases and expand my fleet, which currently spread a bit thin.
As for the still possible threat of Zhakarov, my Nautilus Dragons are still available to help defend your territory.
TO: Commissioner Pravin Lal
Thank you for the Industrial Economics, but will take sometime before i can make full use. My faction is also into expanding our military, to better defend ourselves and the alliance in the vast seas of Chiron.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited December 12, 2000).]
December 12, 2000, 17:10
Local Time: 07:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
OOC:Oops, LordLMP, I wanted to say that the Spartans will build 2 battlegroups, composed alltogether 0f seven ships.Sorry for the little mistake.The Hive might have lots of cheap units, but the Spartans have 8 highly trained, equipped and fast units, so I think they have the advantage.
December 12, 2000, 17:46
Local Time: 07:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
Double, sorry.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited December 12, 2000).]
December 12, 2000, 17:59
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Bulgaria
Posts: 37
Private Message
To:Alliance Leaders
From:Comissioner Lal
Datajack Roze, I thank you for your offer to transfer the data concerning Nonlinear Mathematics and as we are building somesort of armed fleet for our defence.
I myself tried to stop the building of this fleet, but a political group called the survivors,mostly refugees from the tragic base the Spartans occupied, has gathered quite much power to themselves and wanted to build a war fleet even though we have the protection of Planetmind.
The introduction of new weapons might give more radical ideas to them.I have a hunch these people will cause the rest of us lots of trouble.
Aki, I gladly accept the gift of Planetary Networks, and I think that information based Trade is in the long run as important as conventional trade.The second step towards universal peace
and Captain, I would like to ask a favor from you.I know you need every one of you ships right know, but could you send one ship to scout what this Hive faction is doing, whats happening there? I am concerned that they might try to cut the newly established trade routes and by that way isolate our faction.If that scenarios occurs, the fear of war will give the survivors more power and might start a another war, a civil war.
December 12, 2000, 21:25
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
OOC: University will soon have contact with Pirates, please, LMP? I believe it will add more to the story.
Message to Data Angel Leader
From United University Press
Info: Requested:
Sentencing data for Academian Prokhor Zakharov, please give us the scoop, we are a start-up paper, supporting Miss Elaine Stuart-Lewison and her candidacy for Head Academian (president) in the University.
To have the length of time he and the others will be imprisoned will be a coup for our paper!
-Researcher/Editor James Kypp-Powells
December 12, 2000, 21:32
Local Time: 05:32
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
From: Elaine Stuart-Lewison
To: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five, Head Datajack Sinder Roze
Subject: Support
Dear kind leaders,
I can easily pick up the election if I recieve your support in the coming election. And if I win the election, I will open the gates for free trade of ideas and such. Whilst I belive in many of Zakharov's policies, I am, as you may say, more of a humanitarian (people person) than he was.
I like people, and I respect their rights,
To: Daniel Jakhobs-Howell
From: Donald Lewis-Williamson
Subject: UNO
Dear Daniel,
May I have your support in the ellimination of the 'peaceful' candidates, for they must fall in order for the right of might to prevail and for the University to regain its right as the leader of this frail new nation on Chiron.
Thus, I request 50 of your best men for hits on the following candidates:
[b]Elaine Stuart-Lewison
Undersecretary of State Madeline Angels-Kipp
Don't disapoint me.
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