December 13, 2000, 18:40
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OOC: Ok, the tower is a bit north of the base. The base cannot be too big yet so can we assume that it is away from the center of the base?
Dream to Datajack Roze...
Manifold Nexus : hard to control. Reason : planetworms disappearing. Offer : have troops you are building stationed there. Bonus : you may keep spies there, too.
Near the Ruins...
The last of the Gaians had been subjected to the mind control probe. The mindworm let go of the human's head and placed him in the driver's seat of the last Unity rover. The reactors were started and the worms and rovers sped off into the fungus fields to conquer an army.
[This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited December 13, 2000).]
December 13, 2000, 19:39
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University Sun Governor
Vol 19 Issue 117
Presidential Campaigns Underway
The presidential campaign has been kicked off and opinion polls state the following about the candidates:
Elaine Stuart-Lewison (Pro Cyborg) [Doves]
Donald Lewis-Williamson (War with all other factions; excepting Morganites)[Hawks]
Advisor Rodger Stuart-Leevies (Continue Zakharov's Policies) [University]
Undersecretary of State Madeline Angels-Kipp (Pro-Peace; Temperance) [Temperance]
Gen. Stuart Krober-Dugss (War to return Zakharov) [Instigators]
Elaine is the leader among the "Peaceful" University citizens.
Rodger is leading the "Retibution" University citizens.
The early polls look like so:
Rodger 28%
Elaine 25%
Madeline 21%
Stuart 7%
Donald 6%
Zakharov Peacefully Packing
Zakharov along with the other convicted leaders are now packing, readying to go to jail; however they as yet await their sentecing, they do not know what to expect on arrival and so are setting their affairs in order.
December 14, 2000, 08:55
OOC: Song of Planet is populated by about 80k of people and situated in the center square in the middle of ruins. each square is about 100x100 km...
TO: Commissioner Pravin Lal
FROM: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard
Yes, i would be able to spare a ship for that task. Its being prepared to sneak in a Probe Team, which would allow us to infiltrate one of their bases.
It will be risky, esepcially not knowing exactly how many ships they have.
December 14, 2000, 21:16
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Special Log of Danny Milt-Non of the City of Rocky Crag
The colony has been making progress in the year since we founded it, we have constructed another Plasma sentinel and have set up patrols. Hopefully the real University is doing as well as we.
We have constructed quite a community here, and are testing a communistic style of government, which we hope will spread to the rest of the factions after we unite.
Regards to self and future researchers,
December 14, 2000, 21:25
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University Sun-Governor
Vol 19 Issue 129
Elaine Stuart Lewinson WOUNDED!
A terrorist attack early this morning left the second most popular candidate for president (Prime Academian) wounded by a shot to the shoulder. This has sent the nation into mourning and has her followers calling for an investigation of the attempted assassination.
The other leaders have yet to comment on this, save Donald Lewis-Williamson who calls it "A shame that our country should be so hit by tragedy, so soon after Zakharov's 'departure'"
The suspects in this case remain anonymous; but some suspect that a Cyborg supporter did this, but no one quite knows why they would sabatouge themselves... Others state that it must be the work of Daniel Jakhobs-Howell and his band of miscreants.
-Researcher/Editor James Kypp-Powells
December 14, 2000, 22:09
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***Private Message: Enhancened Encryption***
To United University Press
From Data DeCentral
Dear Editor,
The official sentance for Academician Zakharov and officials is the full twenty-five year life sentence as mandated in English Common-Law. They will be eligible parole after the fifteen year mark, with hearings held for each individual. Hope this information is helpful too you.
December 14, 2000, 22:21
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***Private Message: Enhancened Encryption***
To Data DeCentral
From United University Press
Thank you for you help and cooperation.
--Researcher/Editor James Kypp-Powells
December 15, 2000, 14:06
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**Dream to planetmind**
Planetmind, this is Lady Deirdre. Please do not be alarmed. We mean you no harm - we seek only to live at peace with Planet and its inhabitants. We have no intention of repeating the ecological mistakes made by mankind on Old Earth. Please, you mst believe us. We mean you no harm....
**Private to the Cybernetic Consciousness**
We thank you for keeping our existence a secret until we had built up sufficient defence to allow us to deter the other factions from attacking us. Although there is a chance that we could still remain hidden, the believers have begun more and more sallies of exploration into our territory.
If they come much further, we will be forced to take up arms and repulse them with force, which would grieve me greatly.
Could you please provide me with the commlink frequencies for Commisioner Pravin Lal of the UN Peacekeepers, as I am led to believe he now styles himself. I should like very much to speak with him.
Thanking you again,
Lady Deirdre Skye, leader of Gaia's Stepdaughters
December 15, 2000, 15:09
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Dream to Planetmind....
I find your proposal highly intriguing. Might I be able to send the two rover groups in existance to the Manifold Nexus in order to help you. The others will are still under construction, and won't be ready for some time. Would this be acceptable?
Freedom's Banner
Cyborg Attack On Only University Ally?
Recently, the University Sun-Governor published a story on the outrageous assault on Elain Stuart Lewinson, one of the candidates in the University elections. In the article, it was suggested that a Conciousness Supporter was some how involved in the attack. Such an idea, is preposterous. Why would someone who believes in the freedom of the Cybernetic Conciousness, hurt their own cause by attacking their greatest supporter? The paper even went on to comment on the ludicrous nature of the idea stating that "no one quite knows why they would sabatouge themselves..." Clearly, the second theory, in which the paper suggests Daniel Jakhobs-Howell, known terrorist, they are far closer to the mark.
-Editorialist Brenda Chang
December 15, 2000, 18:53
TO: Foreman Domai
FROM: Free Drone Units, Spartan Taskforce[/b]
Foreman, we were able to get in touch with the General of the Spartan Units. He ordered us to follow their units into the Fungus Field, so we can surprise the Hive. I told him that it ain't a good idea, since I am sure the Hive have Infantry Units and Captured Mind Worms hidden there. The General, arrogant and overconfident as he is, say that the Spartans are ain't afraid like we are to the point of making stories. Told the General that the Free Drone Units will not follow them and we'll go around.
Doesn't seem the Hive have detected our Units yet, if they did, they sure not paying us much attention, especially with the Spartans making a racket. After we get around the Fungus, i plan to stop by the hidden Alien Hangar in the Monsoon Jungle which we used as an hideout back in the rebellion days.
week or two later...
TO: Foreman Domai
FROM: Free Drone Units, Spartan Taskforce
We are at the Alien Hangar. The Hive has found it and left a Platoon to defend it, so we had to clear the Hangar out. After we did, we went to check the Main Hangar to see if the Alien Machines were still there...
All three of them are gone, the Hive took them. As to where they are, we don't know.
We have to warn the Spartans of Battle Ogres, but we weren't able to comm them. They are currently engaged with Hive units within the Fungus Field.
We are moving towards them as quickly as we can.
December 15, 2000, 19:03
OOC: SMAC Fanatic, the Gaian's are not in contact with the Cyborgs, mainly due to fact they are not in the same continent. Also, they are not in contact with the Believers and they to far from them to worry. And the Cult of Planet is inbetween the Gaians and Believers.
Can't simply say they are, have to have a explanation. Also, there is no way for the Gaians to know of the Peacekeepers yet. Sure this game is base on the SMAC game, but it is more realistic than the PC game.
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: Impact Foil Sea Fox
We have successfully drop off the Probe Team and now on silent mode, waiting for the Probe to complete their mission.
Captain Yoga
December 16, 2000, 02:04
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University Underground
irregular publication
author unknown
Elaine Stuart-Lewinson shows her strength
She may have started a puppet of Zhakarov’s, a token to be thrown to the public in the illusion of benevolence and democracy, but since she appointed Gregory Caine-Masters as her co-running vice his steady influence has shaped her to be this country’s only viable choice in the upcoming election.
Gregory Caine-Masters is the true drive behind the Doves, a firm believer in the sanctity of human rights and expression he has long been a vocal opposition to the draconian Zhakarov regime. Together they are proving to be a team to undo all the damage that has been wrought, and make this a land that respects all the rights any civilised community grants its citizens.
Her courage after the recent assassination attempt only goes to further prove her legitimacy. That Zhakarov’s cronies saw her as a threat (she’s the only one that would have the strength to actually hand over the ‘Good’ Academician for incarceration when the time comes) means she must no longer be getting her orders ‘from above’ to be the Zak’s ‘good guy’ representative. She is campaigning now stronger than ever, and her policies are maturing greatly…she has this publications support one hundred percent.
December 16, 2000, 02:13
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Statement by Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
We of the Consciousness are utterly perplexed at the recent allegations linking us to the assissination attempt on the Dove's candidate Elaine Stuart-Lewinson.
Our official policy has been strong and vocal support for Ms Stuart-Lewinson, the only candiate in the upcoming University elections that has the real opportunity to offer lasting peace to its own people as well as the rest of us sharing this continent.
We where deeply saddened to hear about the assassination attempt and glad to hear that Ms Stuart-Lewinson survived. Our policy does not change, we support the Doves party.
December 16, 2000, 12:33
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Jacob Weiss
Personal diary
Bloody skirmishes.Thats what our lives have been the past few days.After marching straight into a fungusfield to save time, we encountered two experienced Hive synth.garrisons and a mindworm boil, though the mindworm was only in its Larval stages.
We were lucky that the defenders had just arrived here in the funfusfield and hadn´t fortified themselves yet.Otherwise I wouldn´t be talking here.
Instead of waiting in the fungus, the Hivers sent their pitiful mindworms out of the fungus against us.
The Larvaes can´t cope against even one Veteran unit, so against eight units nothing was left of them.
The rest of the day we gave the two Hive units a shover of close range bombardment, ending it with a large scale assault against their qucikly built frontal defences.
After a day of furious skirmish, our forces decimated most of the Hive forces, with some escaping deeper into the fungus and the others surrendering.
Well, the General has always been a violence loving person, so he ordered the heads of all the Hive prisoners to be cut off, and to be sent in a auto controlled rover to the remaining Hive forces.
After that, we started to heavily bombard their positions.I suppose their all dead now.
Our estimated casualties are one and a half unit, with the 2nd Impact unit losing about half of its men.
to General Von Halzburg
Sir, we´re about two days from the nearest Hive base.
Also our long range scanners have detected three unidentified objects coming this way from north.They´ll be here in a day.
December 16, 2000, 19:13
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Dream to Datajack Roze...
Alternate proposal : acceptable. Awaiting : arrivial of units.
Dream to Elaine Stuart-Lewinson...
Greetings. Name : Planetmind. Reason for contact : Zakharov cannot be trusted. Other reason : you are peaceful. Proposal : start plans for Green living. Reason for accepting : personal Planetworm guard.
Dream to Lady Dierdre...
Question : why are you begging for me to stop something? Possible reason : Antimind has hurt you.
North of the Ruins...
The X-Gaian Unity rovers picked up some movement in the fungus. Antimind forced the rovers to investigate. The rovers came upon a small mindworm burrow.
Inside a mindworm had just laid an egg pouch. In about 5 days the pouch would pop and the small hatchlings of a new mindworm boil would emerge. Until then they were completly helpless. During that stage the parent would keep its "head" outside the burrow opening at all times.
The rovers saw a rather large mindworm head poking out of the opening hole of the burrow. Antimind sent a Gaian to the hole to use its psi powers to kill the single mindworm parent, which was very old and useless to Antimind, and get the new egg pouch. The old mindworm would not budge, probably its age wore down its psi brain functions. The Gaian psi trooper got back into his rover and activated the weapons system. There was a scream and then silence.
December 19, 2000, 16:47
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Dream from: Elaine Stuart-Lewinson
To Planetmind
Hello... planetmind... excuse my shortness... of 'speech'... being shot... has sort of... weakened me... I... will... accept your help.................................
United University Press
Issue 00001
Daniel Jakhobs-Howell apprehended
Daniel Jakhobs-Howell has been apprehended as of 00:11 yesterday by a security guard of the name of 'Dean Xying-Young.'
Daniel attempted to wound Dean when stopped for identification, but failed and was apprehended within a few seconds.
Hopefully with Daniel behind bars we will no longer be terrorized with such actions as attempted assassinations
Elaine Stuart-Lewinson Recovering
Mrs. Elaine Stuart-Lewinson is recovering from her wounds ever so gradually, but she is expected to be fully healed in a few weeks, just in time for the next election for Head Academican.
This attempted assassination is expected to make her jump to the head of the polls because her supporters will make her a martyr to their causes.
December 19, 2000, 21:41
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Posts: 771
Dream to Elaine Stuart-Lewinson...
Deal : complete. Action : sending larval mass of Planetworm. Instrustions : keep it in pouch on belt.
[This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited December 19, 2000).]
December 19, 2000, 21:46
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Elaine Stuart-Lewinson to Planetmind
Will... be glad... when it... arrives...
December 19, 2000, 23:40
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: Impact Foil Sea Fox
Probe Team reports Mission Complete and now waiting for us to retreive them. We are moving in to pick them up and we'll send you the Information they acquired ASAP.
The Hive ships are starting a search pattern, they must of detected Comm signals.
Captain Yoga
Impact Foil Sea Fox
December 21, 2000, 15:36
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Hive Troop Orders
Effective Immediately
From Chancellor Shen-Ji Yang
… Fellow workers, I have word that unless we equip our troops with the latest in biological weapons, they will capture more Hive citizens. So, effective as of 00:00 hours today we shall begin outfitting units with biological weapons.
The Chancellor has spoken.
December 21, 2000, 15:48
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United University Press
Issue 00031
A Ghastly Turn of Events
The election was all set to run and the candidates were being voted for.
However a disgusting thing happened. Advisor Rodger Stuart-Leevies and Elaine Stuart-Lewinson tied in the vote.
Zakharov was questioned on the matter and declared that since most of Advisor Rodger Stuart-Leevies 's votes came from the capital, he would be declared winner.
Our office is aghast at this horrid turn of events for the Dove party. Zakharov clearly had no right to choose the winner that way. However since University constitution is vague, it seems that it is constitutional for him to choose a winner in an event of a tie; but the intelligent thing to do would have been a run-off.
University Sun-Governor
Rodger Stuart-Leevies Wins Election!
Zakharov congratulated Rodger Stuart-Leevies today in an official speech and transferred the power to him with a minimum of fuss. This election was: "fair and square." Zakharov is quoted as saying and he "followed the constitution to the letter," in his choice of Rodger Stuart-Leevies as leader of the University when Rodger Stuart-Leevies tied with Elaine Stuart-Lewinson in the popular vote.
The result of the voting is below:
43% Advisor Rodger Stuart-Leevies (Continue Zakharov's Policies) [University]
43% Elaine Stuart-Lewison (Pro Cyborg) [Doves]
10% Undersecretary of State Madeline Angels-Kipp (Pro-Peace; Temperance) [Temperance]
2% Gen. Stuart Krober-Dugss (War to return Zakharov) [Instigators]
1% Donald Lewis-Williamson (War with all other factions; excepting Morganites)[Hawks]
December 25, 2000, 14:56
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OOC: "Why have people ceased to post; it seems XWaste was the life of this story with his great posts, but he is now gone: Myself, Christantine, and LMP are still here but why are we not posting? Any ideas? Cyber and the Diplomat don't seem to exist on these boards any more. And SMAC Fanatic doesnt seem to write any. Why not? We need to know so we can add interaction and make this story better.
-A humble MOD.
December 26, 2000, 00:19
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OOC: Well it depends on the others to give me reasons to speak. Planetmind is a bit selective.
December 26, 2000, 02:11
OOC: Hmm, maybe because they have a life, out celebrating xmas, out on vacation and so on. Chiron Chronicles is postpone until Jan 2. I did expect a slow down over the holidays for sure. Also, Dark Cloud, how place a file available to download on a website? I have Chronicle map upload to my site, yet dunno how with Yahoo Composer to make it available to DL. :P
Also, will create a new Admin thread, with year by year summaries and over all map current map up. 2122 would be a quiet year... Spartans taskforce taking their time fighting the Hive within their territory, Hive popping out Battle Orgres to surprise them. Antimind brewing up.
December 26, 2000, 15:41
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OOC: Okay, I have most of the old stuff which happened in an old "Timeline" thread. but I will update that, yes I just saw the 'Postponement thing' Okay, I will postpone.
But a note; I would like either XWaste or Argonaut either to write a transfer story of Zakharov to prison or outrage over how he picked the winner of the election as it is more proper for them to do so.
And yes, I agree we need to speed the game up again to the 3 weeks a day rule if we can.
December 28, 2000, 17:16
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OOC: Just for a diversion- I will post this:
University Sun-Governor
Vol 19 Issue 171
New Social Requirement
Using the same ideals that Zakharov wished him to use, Rodger Stuart-Leevies has decided to implement what is called The Children's Mandate.
The Childrens Mandate requires that all new children born to University citizens are to be given to State Care.
The state care for the children will be organised as so:
1.) Home Level
2 Supervisors (Certified Child Care Workers) 'Psuedo-Parents'
10 Children (All the same age)
The Home level workers will work with a signed contract for 15 years, when the children are allowed to go out into the world and produce for society.
The Home level workers will be able to go out when the children are not in school and have time off.
All resources will be provided for the workers
x.) Health Care
A health care unit will be built in the middle of every 100 home level unit groupings
The Health care unit will consist of:
15 nurses
7 doctors
2 surgeons
2 security guards
2 junior (trainee) researchers/doctors
2.) Junior School Level
Ages 4-7
100 Home level groups= 1000 students = 10 rooms of students
5 instructors (teachers)
10 supervisors (discipline)
2 security guards
Each classroom will consist of 100 students who are instructed by a teacher for 15 minutes.
The teacher then answers questions for 15 minutes and moves across the hall to the next room.
The next 30 minutes are spent doing problems on the childrens computers and them working on learning
A supervisor will make sure they are working.
3.) Middle School Level
Ages 8-12
500 home level groups = 5000 students = 50 rooms of studens
25 teachers
50 supervisors
4 security guards
Same as 2.
4.) High School Level
Ages 13-15
1000 home level groups = 10000 students = 100 rooms of studenst
1 principal
50 teachers
100 supervisors
10 security guards
After graduating from High School Level the children (hereafter referred to as 'Citizens') will be given an apartment and 5 of them will share each apartment.
They will then enter Specialized School
5.) Specialized School
Ages 16-20
20,000 students ) 500 rooms
5 administrators
400 teachers
20 supervisors
20 security guards
20 counselors (on jobs)
In Specialized School the university students may follow several carrer paths.
1.) Research
--> Genetic Engineering (for geneworkers/researchers/cloneones)
-----> Cloning (for cloneones/researchers)
-----> Replacement Limbs (for cloneones/researchers)
-----> Engineering Perfects (for geneworkers/researchers)
--> Biology
-----> Botany (for farmers/researchers)
---------> Farming (For farmers)
-----> Geology
---------> Mineralology
--> Air Technologies
-----> Military Applications
-----> Crop Applications
2.) Military
--> Weapons Applications (Engineers/militia members (required by all)/ army members)
--> Defensive Strategy (Strategists)
--> Command Structure (Officers)
3.) Security
--> Weapons Applications (guards)
--> Anti-Terrorist Tactics (officers)
4.) Teaching
--> Specialized fields listed above (counselor/researcher/teacher)
--> Administration (administrator/counselor)
--> Raising Children (homeworker/counselor)
This will hopefully increase the number of children in our cities and make our populations grow excessively larger.
-Reporter Nils Ricks-Sparr
December 28, 2000, 17:21
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OOC: To place a download, upload the file to your server and create this link:
a href=""
and put < >'s around the a href=""
then when the link ends you make a
< a >
except the <> are next to the a
that should allow you to make a file avaliable for download.
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited December 28, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited December 28, 2000).]
January 5, 2001, 21:51
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HELLO!!!! Did everyone forget about this?
January 6, 2001, 22:27
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OOC: Well... lets get this started again. (XWaste and Argonaut are still on vacation (I think) for about another week) So who votes to start now and who votes to start in another week... I want to start now.
January 7, 2001, 00:20
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Posts: 459
OOC:I vote you go ahead with out me. I still haven't got the details worked out (I'm posting from my parents place) about a new connection and I don't know exactly when I get back. If people wanted to even cover The old "Freedom's Banner" while I'm gone, I don't mind. Although, don't dig me into a whole! Since nobody jumped at the offer to take over, when I come back (I'm adamant that I'll get it sorted soon!  ) I'll go back to raising a bit of a ruckus with Roze.
Anyways, while I'm here:
Freedom's Banner
Roze Denounces Zakharov's Decision!
Today, Data DeCentral released an official statement condemning the result of the recent University of Planet 'election'. In an election first, the unbelievable tie between candidates Rodger Stuart-Leevies and Elain Stuart-Lewison was decided arbitrarily by Zakharov himself. Roze called the decision 'childish, biased and a pure example of the continued tyranny established under Zakharov's regime'.
While Zakharov has now been contained within a maximum security facility in Roze Function, Datajack Roze has had no choice but to sit down and deal with the new candidate. So far, no major opposition has come out of the University itself leaving foriegn governments no leg to stand on in the issue.
Roze also stated today that she would "work with Mr. Stuart-Lewinson's government in order to gaurentee the rights of University Citizens. No word yet as to whether an official protest will be put foward to Comissoner Lal at the UN.
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