May 6, 2003, 11:16
Local Time: 00:51
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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OOC: Is this an MP game?
Yes it is, however it is not a very good example of one because it only has three non-AI players including myself, and the other two players have yet to join apolyton or, to tell you the truth, have really played an MP game before.
Its basically me and my two friends (Dave and Joe) who have recently learned to play the game, mainly because I am so into it. The funny part about the whole thing is that Dave is my roomate so I have to go to my friend Bobby's house (who basically acts as my student/advisor) in order for all three of us to play the game. We have no regular intervals for playing at all and simply do so whenver time permits. I have attempted to get them to log onto this site and post but they claim to lack the "time" to do it, or the mental capacity to "remember" to do it.
The game has been going on for around three months, and since I don't think they will have much to say about the game (I will force them to post next time we're sitting around smoking mari- I mean studying, I promise). Truthfully I was bored as **** at school and decided I might as well make a post back here again, I wish I had the time to set up a regular playing time and return to this chilled out place, however I'm busy and don't have any semblence of a usual schedule due to the nature of my job and my internship.
The game, for its part anyway, has degenerated into a three nation race as the AI with the exception of the Sioux were swiftly crushed by my Socialist forces (they were abusing their Proleteriat I tell ya!). The other two pretty much survive out of my merciful friendship towards them, and because I am supposed to be teaching them how to play.
To give a general idea as to what is going on I (Communist Germany) own all of Eurasia, northern Africa, including most of the Nile basin, and the majority of South America. My capital is where Khazakstan is on a world map, or around that area at least. The Zulus (Dave) are in Australia, and the Persians (Joe) are in Africa and have some of the Central American, Northern-South American, region in their clutches. The Sioux wound up somewhere in America, I think their capital, if I remember correctly, is like where Cleveland should be so they started pretty close to where they would have anyway.
I figured that the game, while it is being played with an overrated (and believe me, I am still overrated despite my horrible abilities to actually PLAY the game), arrogant *****, and two rookies, has somehow managed to come out in a very interesting manner. Thigns have randomly occured that make sense in a historic sense and are somewhat interesting. That's kinda why I decided to start a post. The problem was I went into far too much imaginative detail and it sort of detracts from what actually occured, because the events could be lost in the inane babbling of my post.
As for a background on the other guys Dave Arabian is my roomate, is very much interested in Armenian nationalism however doesn't know much about Politics or history. He plays guitar for a band called the Zeropedes even though he is really a drummer, he is really into Lord of the Rings books and is an aspiring author.
Joe has numerous nicknames, among them "Super Nerd," "E-Bay," "Capt. Statutory," and of course the classic "Smegmajam." He lives with his parents (still) and has the most amazing computer set up I have ever seen, sadly he spends most of his time downloading music and videos clips ranging from some of the most immaculate pornography I have seen to some rare comedy shows and thigns of that sort. He actually owns the game but has never played it and has only recently installed it in his computer.
As for me, and the question "Where the **** have you been?".... I don't know, chillin.
Last edited by TheCapo; May 6, 2003 at 11:28.
May 6, 2003, 11:18
Local Time: 00:51
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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I accidently hit new thread, oh well, Ming this refers to my other post about the German Socialist Republic, I know Ming, you must be tired of all these stoners ruining your precious boreds... err boards.
I wonder what the backspace button does...
May 7, 2003, 01:06
Local Time: 17:51
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Errr, welcome to the assylum. Assuming you actually want to continue hanging around.
.sav files help
must… not… DL… dance… [grunt] must… not… insult… newbie…
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May 7, 2003, 01:10
Local Time: 17:51
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I forgot to answer your question. OCC means "One City Challenge" in which you are allowed to have only one city. Obviously, you must build the ship and beat the AI to Alpha Centauri in order to win.
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May 7, 2003, 02:17
Local Time: 00:51
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What is this thread about?
May 7, 2003, 02:27
Local Time: 02:51
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Hm, Straybow, I think you didn't read it right... Were you drunk??
Of course OCC is One City Challenge, but what Capo intended was a new post in an existing thread (and as he was drunk or stoned too, he hit "new thread" instead of "new post"), and so OOC just meant Out Of Character...
And if I'm not mistaken, he is more a DL (with nearly the same name) than a Newbie: Capo, aren't you the guy from the Diplo MP game 1-2 years ago?? Nice to read you again!
May 7, 2003, 02:35
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Oh goodie a DL dance in a civ2 forum...
May 7, 2003, 03:45
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Hmm... I get an odd feeling too.  DL?
Just to be on the safe side.
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May 7, 2003, 13:22
Local Time: 17:51
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It's not my fault. He confused me. Too busy resisting the urges to dance/flame.
Can add more excuses if need be.
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May 8, 2003, 02:09
Local Time: 02:51
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Go in Peace my son, you're forgiven...
May 8, 2003, 11:59
Local Time: 00:51
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Yet another explaination of myself...
Yeah, that dude with Antarctica on his flag is right. I am from around two years ago when there was an MP Diplogame called The History of the World 2, which was played with some pretty cool guys, well I don't know about cool but ya know, in Apolyton they were cool.
Thanks for the welcome anyway man, but I've been here before so s'okay.
Check out the link though, you may be impressed.
And yeah I meant OOC, not OCC.
May 8, 2003, 15:18
Local Time: 17:51
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I feel better now!
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