You have great ideas, but they're impossible to implement. Here's a few things I do to speed things up a bit.
1) What I do is leave units in a stack outside of cities. Only after a railroad net has been built, of course! That way, when I'm peace, no sneaky peaks inside cities will reveal armed forces - plus I can activate the stack when war is on (or imminent). Big stacks are tempting nuke targets. Don't leave them in air recon range either.
OK, these are really Multiplay ideas, because the AI's have omniscient knowledge about units. I think it's a good idea to use the same tactics, for the far off day when I get a cable modem and PTW.
2) As above.
3) I half and half my workers. Half are Automated and half are not. The half that are not I hit Ctrl-P to clear up pollution that the automated workers have missed, and then put them to the end game tasks that never get finished (jungle chopping, railroading that last mountain, etc).
Now, when I want to activate all my workers, I don't give any orders to units UNTIL I have clicked on all my worker stacks and ACITVATED ALL from the menu. Automated moves are carried out after you have put in manual moves - so doing this first cancels all automatics.
Yes, it's still a pain - but I'm saving about half the time from manually moving every worker and half the time from taking them all out of automation. It's not as good as your idea, but at least it's feasible.
Finally, of course, add workers of crushed (ie no city's in that Civ) to your cities. They won't ache to go back home because it doesn't exist anymore - plus an immigrant labourer in a city is just as productive as your own, whearas the captured workers are only half as good as your workers.
Putting in workers which come from still active Civs is not a bad idea (they will eventually turn into natives) but it can cause happiness problems if you go to war with that Civ before this has happened.
Keeping large armies of slaves keeps the AIs mad at your and just increases your headaches. Well, it increases my headaches anyway.
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
Last edited by Cruddy; May 6, 2003 at 17:17.