May 7, 2003, 09:25
Local Time: 12:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
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2000BC - Finding the limits of our strange and disturbing world
2500BC Well whaddaya know? As if the game decided to cut us a break once it knew we wanted settlers in our cities, we get an advanced tribe from the hut SW of Imperialis. I name it Pax Apolytonia and set on a Warrior. The Horse down under finds a hut full of freezing people on the glaciers and rescues them. Gratefully, the people give us Seafaring in exchange.
Another two huts surface North of Dominion, one of which is popped and nets us Map Making.
2450BC A Warrior is finally built in both Dominion and Majestica, and both fortify at home whilst the noble Majesticanians and Dominionites start on a Settler each.
An Archer is found with the latest hut N of Dominion, and it promptly homes here. Dominion's support is at 100% of its 2 production, so I hope there are no more! The Archer starts to move remotely home just in case I have to disband a unit (I'd rather disband the Warrior there and have the Archer ready to garrison Dominions).
The Horse to the NE finds the edge of the grass (still lots about though!) and sees the start of a more arid region. The NW Horse is encountering jungle.
2400BC Uh oh! Another horde of barbs (still just one Horse) is unleashed near the jungle about 6 turns moves N of Dominion - it will surely attack the Horse that just found it. Dominion has the Archer nearby in case it gets past this first hurdle, so no worries there.
2350BC Our Horse is killed by the Barb - the first Imperium casualty, and to Barbarous natives! Revenge is sweared and the northernmost Horse maneouvres to intercept the Barb.
It is now apparent that Glorificus is founded on a great circular river, surrounding dark unknown forest. What could be hiding within those gnarled, ancient trunks? As the ARcher continues his circumnavigation of this sea of green, he encounters another freezing hut in the tundra. The Horse E of Dominion has encountered the end of the grasslands and now prepares to cross the Mountains and sees forests and jungles beyond. We have started to reach the edge of the world - beyond those Mountains of Madness appears dark and disturbing lands - who knows what we will encounter there?
2300BC The Barb Horse refuses to play ball, moving AWAY from the waiting avenger. Mayhaps it is heading to Majestica instead of Dominion, some 6 turns hence. Either way, the Archer heading home to Dominion moves East on a mission to destroy the murderers.
The hut near the Glorificus river provides us with mineral riches of 50g, said to come from the dark forest. Could there be more such wealth located within, just waiting for the bold discoverer?
2250BC The Barbarian Horse, having noted well the attention given to it, decides to disband rather than face the wrath of the renowned Imperium forces!
To the South our Horse locates a group of settlers who survived a harsh winter in a failed attempt to settle on a Mountain range. In thanks for their rescue and education in all ways Imperial, they join us as explorers and vow to found a new outpost in the new of the Grand High Voters of Imperium.
2200BC Civil disorder in Dominion! Apparently the Warrior was not enough to curb discontent uon reaching a population of 30,000 (2 population units), so a famous entertainer is hired to keeo the people obedient. Yet another Mercenary Archer is located SE of Dominion. In the jungles separating the great grasslands of the Imperium heartland from the Glorificus river another scroll of wisdom is found - Warrior Code is learned. To note: with this ancient scroll and new technique being fussed over so much by the wise men, they have less time to work on refining Bronze. Now instead of only 350 years of research being estimated (7 turns) from several hundred years before, it is believed they will not find the secret of combining Copper and Tin for some 400 years more (about 8 turns till BW)!
2150-2100 BC Exploration continues...
2050BC A Horde of Barbarians is again located, now S of Glorificus, in a desert near the vast Southern Mountain ranges. Glorificus' finest sons have been taught the arts of war, and will help to protect the city from any incursion. The Horsemen is not taken completely by surprise, however, and attacks the Barbarians - there are no more soldiers to stop those killers from reaching the very walls of Glorificus itself! For their victory, our troops are promoted to Veteran.
2000BC Imperialis citizens, finally trained in scouting and pioneering, leave the city in order to spread the civilisation of the Imperium far and wide. Alas, the resources of Imperium are strectched to the limit - indeed we can support one less unit than is currently around! We will need to decide which unit to disband - the Warrior at Imperialis, the Archer to the far SE of Dominion, the Archer to the NW exploring the dark forests near Glorificus or the newly promoted Veteran Horses to the furthest west.
Here I save, with several moves left. The important questions now are - where do we send the new NONE settler to, where do we send the settler out of Imperialis to and who of Imperialis' troops do we disband?
Maps coming up...
EDIT: Oh, and I have just sent the save to all Ministers. Please let me know if you don't get it again.
Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; May 7, 2003 at 09:47.
May 7, 2003, 09:40
Local Time: 01:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of bribery.
Posts: 2,196
and the tension keeps rising
 looks like we are doing quite good.
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
May 7, 2003, 09:43
Local Time: 12:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
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Our Western lands.
The Heart of the Imperium
The Eastern edge of the nice grassy bits.
Our Northeastern explorations...
Finally, the North.
The Big 5.
And lastly the Demographics.
BTW I'm working on a way to post this map as a miiniaturised version, where you will just need to click on it to get the full-size huge thing to pop up. This will be done using a Photoshop macro written by vondrack for the Intersite Civ3 Democracy Game, that I'll alter a little. When I get this done, let me know how it looks.
Oh and I didn't save this as a scenario due to the idea that we will be able to research all techs instead of just the more limited selection being raised. Thanks guys for pointing this out to me!
I hope to play the next turns towards the end of the weekend, so get polling!
May 7, 2003, 10:06
Local Time: 19:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 6,135
it looks like our nations fate lies to the north, upon endless grasslands where our families will breed strong young men to carry the weapons of war
May 7, 2003, 17:33
Local Time: 00:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 102
"It's not about whether you win or lose, it's about how many people you can slaugher playing the game...." - BruceTheStupid, 2400BC.
Last edited by BruceTheStupid; May 7, 2003 at 17:39.
May 7, 2003, 18:25
Local Time: 10:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: up shyte creek without a paddle
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yeah we played some turns
when do you next play?
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 8, 2003, 00:16
Local Time: 12:55
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Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
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Next play is Sunday my time, which is evening Saturday for GMT/EST people. Maybe earlier, but depends on the Ministers ATM.
May 8, 2003, 15:57
Local Time: 10:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Aussie, no longer lost in Africa
Posts: 450
I must say, designing the map and listening to the general gist of the discussions, whilst not activiely participating is extremely interesting... The choices, polls and decisions some seem to be undertaking will prove..... interesting, for many different reasons
"the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
"Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."
May 8, 2003, 17:41
Local Time: 00:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 102
Originally posted by atomant
I must say, designing the map and listening to the general gist of the discussions, whilst not activiely participating is extremely interesting... The choices, polls and decisions some seem to be undertaking will prove..... interesting, for many different reasons
 Must be fun sitting on sidelines offering cryptic hints into which the rats in the maze can read anything they like.....
"It's not about whether you win or lose, it's about how many people you can slaugher playing the game...." - BruceTheStupid, 2400BC.
May 8, 2003, 21:12
Local Time: 19:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 6,135
No hints though! I want to win without any help, not that we need any
May 9, 2003, 04:29
Local Time: 10:55
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Location: Aussie, no longer lost in Africa
Posts: 450
I wouldn´t trust any hint from me to begin with.
"the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
"Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."
May 9, 2003, 07:26
Local Time: 10:55
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Location: up shyte creek without a paddle
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Originally posted by atomant
I wouldn´t trust any hint from me to begin with.
I would agree to that
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 9, 2003, 17:23
Local Time: 19:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 18,269
BTW I'm working on a way to post this map as a miiniaturised version, where you will just need to click on it to get the full-size huge thing to pop up.
Now that would be a worthwhile improvement.
What does this do for loadtimes?
Scouse Git (2) LaFayette and Adam Smith you will be missed
"All my own perception of beauty both in majesty and simplicity is founded upon Our Lady." - JRR Tolkein
Get busy living or get busy dying.
May 10, 2003, 10:40
Local Time: 12:55
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Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
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Hopefully we'll find out what it does to loadtimes...
May 10, 2003, 10:48
Local Time: 10:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: up shyte creek without a paddle
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yes it should be good
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 12, 2003, 00:12
Local Time: 16:55
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well done. northwards we go!!!!!!
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
May 12, 2003, 18:05
Local Time: 10:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: up shyte creek without a paddle
Posts: 6,250
Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
Next play is Sunday my time, which is evening Saturday for GMT/EST people. Maybe earlier, but depends on the Ministers ATM.
Silly me, I thought you meant the next Sunday coming but that has now come and gone so it must be some far off Sunday
We should be playing at least every 5 days at this stage of the game.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 12, 2003, 23:48
Local Time: 16:55
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Location: I live amongst the Red Sox Nation
Posts: 7,969
i agree, lets keep this puppy moving!
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
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