January 30, 2001, 22:24
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The Chiron Chronicle IV: 2180
The University Sun Governor
Zakharov Returns from Exile
Our great leader, Prokhor Zakharov has returned from 60 years of unnecessary exile, imposed upon him by the foul Cyborgs and Data Angels. This exile will not be a source of anger however, Zakharov states.
He has announced that he will attempt to 'Unite the University under peace, prosperity and technology' in his bid for Head Academican.
The other factions will obviously oppose this as it was a term of his imprisonment that he would not attempt to lead any amount of humans; however, with but a little maneuvering we shall most likely soothe over these differences.
If the Cyborgs dare attack then they will be branded rogues by the other factions, and they will, as they sould have years ago, obliterate them from the land.
January 30, 2001, 23:41
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The Angel's Herald
Zakharov Already Up To Old Tricks
It hasn't taken long for Prokhor Zakharov to again create trouble on the political scene. Having been just released, he is already expressing desires to resume leadership of the University of Planet, despite the agreement that he would permanently abandon politics as part of his sentancing.
Already, the University has issued statements posturing against the Cybernetic Conciousness, claiming that the other factions will "as they should have years ago, obliterate them from the land" if the Conciousness were to attack the University.
Roze released a statement stating that "Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five would have her full support in any humane action required." Roze also added that "Data Angel foreign policy would not be dictated by pushy University editorialists who don't seem to know what they are talking about." So far, no comment has come from any of the other Alliance factions, or from CEO Morgan, who has long been a strong supporter of Zakharov.
January 31, 2001, 00:09
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Spartan Newswagon
Rebuilding of the Spartan fleet
The rumours about the Junta and Santiago thinking to rebuilding, or rather to renew the project of building the Spartan federation a seagoing taskforce, have been confirmed today by the Ministry of Colonization. Five new warships will be built and the old four, mainly used as scouts, are to be completely refitted up to standards.
Aside from warships, a sizeable number of transports and formers will also be built in due time. This transport-former fleet will serve as preparations for a larger scale colonization scheduled somewhere in the future.
Reports from the Hive-Front
Our brave soldiers have once again repelled an attack against the joined blockade. This was the fourth attack this week. General Harvent, leader of the of the Spartan forces at the blockade, suspects these are probing attacks, and the real offensive might be coming soon, if no new supplies and replacements are sent a.s.a.p.
The Junta has countered this and is saying that their fool-proof sources indicate, that the Hive is not preparing an attack against us, and the recent attacks are a bluff.
This bluff is apparently working, as people in the newly rebuilt Centurion Caves still remember well the last Hive attack, and now are preparing to defend themselves.
Disasters continue to plaque the countryside
High floods have been devastating the surroundings of Survival base for two days now, and all nearby army units have been ordered to help in the protection and rescue operations. The count of drowned people is until now 5, and more than 20 people are missing.
This morning, the biggest mining facility near Survival Base was temporarily closed because of the danger the floods are presenting and the mining officials say some parts of shafts have collapsed, but fortunately all mining workers are unharmed.
Meanwhile, Spartan Command is once again suffering from intense heat waves and scientists suspect it will be the same the whole month.
Around Sparta Command, there are dozens of reports of equipment failures and emergency centers are getting crowded.
January 31, 2001, 09:04
The New Year...
Safe Haven celebrated our 80th year on Planet with its famous firework display, lighting the sea around. Reports from the people who were watching the display from a distance on their ships say they saw some Isle of the Deep about, but haven't attacked anyone. It seems even the mind worms likes the fireworks
Zhakarov's returns...
Captain Svensgaard was questioned at a conference about Zhakarov returning to University. The good Captain replied that Zhakarov or University is no threat to the Nautilus Pirates. If they try something fishy, we Pirates and the rest of the Chiron Alliance just have to teach them another lesson.
Trade War with the Morganites continues...
The Trade War continues when our Air Corps intercepted some of Morgans Cargo Jets crossing the Pholus Sea towards the Gaians. The Gargo Planes surrendered and then they were escorted by our Interceptors to Provision Point for "Inspection". Captain Svensgaard warns Morgan not to send any of his planes across the sea, or they will be shot down. Our Home Fleet continues to blockade various Morgan Coastal Bases, preventing any Trade Ships to get through.
(not a real vendetta, just a silly Trade War  A rough competition)
Planetary Governor elections coming up...
Various Leaders from various factions will be going to Planetary Council Base later this year for the 3rd Planetary Governor Elections. At the last election, only the Pirates, Data Angels, Peacekeepers, Cyborgs, Gaians, Free Drones, Morganites and University attended. As to wether the Cult, Hive, Spartans or Believers will attend this time is hard to tell.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited January 31, 2001).]
January 31, 2001, 11:10
Local Time: 07:33
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Report to Minister of Intelligence, Alexandro Demeneras.
From: 2nd Probe Team, Operative Junsen. Location: Free Drone territory.
Sir, We´ve have uncovered information about the Free Drone representatives going into somekind of Inter- Factional convention. They call it the Planetary Governor elections and as the name suggests, one of the faction leaders will be nominated to be the leader of a Planetary Council, which in turn decides global issues. All others, except the Hive, are going there. We even found out the location of the base, where it will be held. It is in a encrypted file with this message. Also, a distressing fact is that our hated enemy, Comissioner Lal was elected last time, and has strong positions to be elected again.
Sir, I strongly recommend for us to send an emissary to these elections, if for nothing else, than finding more about these other factions.
Orders to Transport ship
From: Alexandro Demeneras.
Captain, you are about to receive a large emissary to transport. You will go where the encrypted coordinates indicate you to go, with the escort of two Attack foils. The emissary consist of delegates, a probe team and one elite war rover unit. When you are there, you have to activate the Long-range Comm systems that will come with the emissary. If you encounter any hostile forces, do not engage in combat, instead contact them and tell them you are going to the Planetary Governor elections. If that doesn´t help, destroy them if possible, but do not let them capture your ship. Self destruction is allowed. Good luck, Captain.
January 31, 2001, 15:05
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OOC: I figured I'd just put this in, since it was right at the end of the Chronicles III.
Cybernetic Consciousness Broadcast
(sent out on all neural interlink and all known commlink frequencies)
Greetings, my friends. I hope that your various and laudable endeavours are proceeding smoothly. This is Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 speaking, from my Headquarters at Alpha Prime.
I come before you today to speak to you about elections. For some time, the other faction leaders have been pushing me to call for elections within our people. I ask you this: what need have we, who can sense each others' thoughts, intents and emotions, for crude popularity contests? Are we not the ultimate democracy? I shall remain Prime Function for only as long as my equals wish me to. I am no further above them than a mind worm is above a spore launcher - the concept of social standing is alien to both Planet and to us. Elections are called with every second that passes - if thoughts of discontent against my 'rule' are manifest in a majority of minds amongst the Consciousness, I will be replaced with another Prime Function.
The title of Prime Function means little more than 'spokesperson' to many amongst our people.
Also, be not afraid. These rumours coming from University territory that we seek only to assimilate others into our collective are completely unfounded. Only those who wish to join us, to give up the disordered half of their humanity in exchange for greater cognitive abilities, will do so.
I thank you, my friends and equals, for listening. I pray that we can work together to make Planet a harmonious homeland for our children and their children's children to enjoy in the peace they so richly deserve.
I must leave you now to prepare for the elections for the position of Planetary Governor. Thank you once again for listening so patiently. Aki Zeta-5 out.
January 31, 2001, 17:04
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"Speech of Prokhor Zakharov"
Dear citizens on the University, I call you to unite under myself. The terms imposed unjustly upon us by the Data Angels, and the Cyborgs are now void.
I assure everyone, even leaders of those factions who have wronged myself and my country in the past that I will not attempt to seize power on this land.
What I will do however, is build up the University's infastructure and devote more materials to technological discovery... Remember this, discoveries in the "age of Zakharov" were more plentiful planetwide than in the dark ages following my imprisonment. We would discover 1 tech a month or sometimes 5 a year! In the years after my imprisonment the factions upon this planet only discovered technologies once a decade or less.
So realize this, an era under me is an era of prosperity for all.
January 31, 2001, 17:08
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The University Sun-Governor
Morgan expresses support for Zakharov
CEO Nwandbike Morgan expressed his support for Zakharov's bid for leader of the University yesterday in a public speech yesterday. This speech cited facts such as: "the trial was 60 years ago, even if Zakharov was guilty, he has moved on," and "We must leave our quarrels behind."
The other faction leaders have expressed dislike for Zakarov's bid for leadership, but he plans to stage a faction leader conference to allay all their concerns.
January 31, 2001, 18:26
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: Chiron Fleet
Sir, we have detected a Transport Foil escorted by two Spartan Foils moving south of Chiron Sea. Sha'll we intercept?
Admiral Proudmore
Third Fleet
TO: Chiron Fleet
FROM: Nautilus of the Sea
Admiral, your ships are intercept and hail them. Ask for their intentions and destination. Scan their Transport. If they attack, you are to destroy them, capture if possible. Do take caution, they are the Spartans after all.
Captain Svensgaard
OOC: I am assuming that the spartans didn't have much much contact with factions outside of the East Continent. so they shouldn't know much about the pirates. or even what a Cruiser look like 
1 Cruiser escorted by 2 foils will be intercepting.
also, Planet Council Base is on a one square island west of geothermal shallows. quite a long journey from spartan territory...and they will be needing to go through Peacekeeper waters to get there... if you take the shortest route.
January 31, 2001, 21:12
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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CultVision Headline news
Colony Pod Complete!
10,000 Cult citizens and a newly trained Boil Mindworm have left Dawn of Planet to establish a new base near the Unity wreckage, with the intention of promoting native growth in the area, which remains devestated by the crash 80 years ago.
The Planetary Council Elections
It's now official, the Planet Cult shall attend the planetary council elections later this year, it is expected Cha Dawn will abstain from voting, but clearly the Cult must attend as "Conservation of Planet is a global affair"
Outbreak contained?
Almost a hundred personal at the Invictus biolab fell ill of a mysterious illness earlier this week, fears that the illness was pholus virus were unfounded and all aflicted are now recovering at the Invictus Research Hospital. An official enquiry is underway to find the cause of the illness.
Riots at Invictus
Scores of angry protestors have taken to the streets of Invictus claiming unethical research performed at Cult biolabs is putting everyone at risk, police have been overwhelmed and it is feared the biolab will be razed by the angry rioters. Police reinforcments from Dawn of Planet are still several days away.
"For I have tasted the Fungus"
Cha Dawns latest publication "'for I have tasted the fungus' Why Cha Dawn can't Blink" has been released and is now available at all cult network nodes.
January 31, 2001, 21:22
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OOC: Um..A Pirate mine and foil has killed a IoD but there doesn't seem to be much commotion?!?!?
Oh, and yes Planetmind likes fireworks.
January 31, 2001, 23:23
OOC: Whatever people posted at the old thread concerning 2180 start doesn't count, unless you write it here  Anyway, Pirate mine? why would they put mines, especially around Planetary Council base?  Also, foil killed IoD in self defence.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited January 31, 2001).]
February 1, 2001, 08:37
Local Time: 07:33
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On the bridge of Transport ship Carvone.
Recorded by the ships electronic log.
The Captain chatting with some other officer:Ok, so we´ll pass near the abandoned PK bases, there should be some good currents in this time of the year...
Radar officer:"Captain, We´ve detected three unknown ships coming this way fast.
Captain:What?Order the two attack foils in between us and them, battle stations!(muttering)...How could they have detected us, when our deep radars didn´t detect them first...must be the small byuo that we encountered earlier...
(Klaxons wailing)
Radar officer:Wow, one those ships is big.Captain, the attack foils are in positions.
Captain:Good...and order that probe team in scan-nil chambers.Secure hatches, clear decks and start hailing them.
Comm officer:Sir, they are hailing us... They want to know our destination and intentions...
Captain:Well, put me through...
From the Captain of Transport ship Carvone
To: Unknown ships
Greeting from behalf of the Spartan Federation.
We are on a peaceful mission, transporting a official Spartan Delegation to the Planetary Governor elections.We have a Diplomatic immunity,so back off.
There is no quarrel between us, let us not make
this into a conflict.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 01, 2001).]
February 1, 2001, 09:10
Local Time: 07:33
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Spartan Newswagon
New Values issued by the Junta
In yesterdays meeting, the Junta told about their long thought proposition to Colonel Santiago, the Values Changing Program.According to the Junta, this will strenghten our military greatly and improve the Great Hierarchy.
Today, Santiago, in a press meeting declared the Values Changing Program officially started.Effects should be seen in a couple of months.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 01, 2001).]
February 1, 2001, 19:02
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
Local Time: 18:33
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TO: Head of Cult Forgein Affairs, Quzer Dawn
FROM: Prophet Cha Dawn
Quzer, you have been appointed the task of leading a cultist delegation to the Planetary Council Elections.
Meet me at the Dawn of Planet HQ, I have a special package which must be with you at all times. You will then be escorted to the waiting Isles which will leave as soon as the Sea Lurk escort arrives. The Sea lurk is to hide in the shadow of the isle and surface only at night.
Most likely you will be stopped by the ships of other factions, if you are stopped by Nautilus ships inform them of your intentions and request an escort to the Planetary Council base. If you encounter resistence from other factions use force, but only as a last resort. The Sea Lurk is mature and should be able to protect the delegation from most harm.
Good luck, and do not fail me.
A few days later...
With no fanfare and under the cover of darkness the cult delegation boards the IoD and sails out into the sea of Pholus.
February 2, 2001, 00:14
communication to Spartan ships
This is Captain McClain of the Nautilus AAA Missile Cruiser Excalibur. Nice to see that you people finally decided to heed our call to the Planetary Council. We have just received orders to Escort your ships to Planetary Council Base, if you people like it or not. You are about to enter Peacekeeper waters, and knowing your peoples reputation with them, it is wise to keep an eye on you spartans.
Captain McClain
NPS Excalibur
OOC: think the spartans be surprise that the Nautilus Pirates know about them without spartans knowing pirates. Hey, Spartans been inflitrated by Data Angel trained Nautilus Probe Teams via Free Drone territory
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: Admiral Proudmore
My ships as intercepted the Spartan ships. They are sending a delegation to Planetary Council. My Ships also scanned the Transport. We detect various life signs, but not enough to be consider a Unit of troops. We also detecting some signs of rovers.
Admiral Proudmore
Third Fleet
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: AAA Missile Foil Pegasus, Home Fleet
We have detected a Isle of the Deep leaving Dawn of Planet. Sha'll we intercept?
Captain Svensgaard....
Spartans sending delegation and a Cult Isle of the Deep leaving Dawn of Planet, which may be their delegation. So what next? Hive and Believers too?
*just receives a message that Second Fleet as detected a Hive Transport Foil escorted by a Gatling Foil*
darnit! why do they have to all decide to go to the elections at same time?
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited February 01, 2001).]
February 2, 2001, 12:59
Local Time: 05:33
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The University Sun-Governor
Zakharov Not Going to Planetary Council Meeting/ And Neither is Eustace!
In a surprise announcement our leader Eustace Veran Clairvont-Clairveux has announced that he will not attend the present Planetary Council meeting. He has however, expressed support for CEO Morgan, should he choose to run for the office of Planetary Governor.
Eustace will cast a vote for Morgan should he choose to run via com-link as he cannot attend the meeting because of "pressing internal University affairs."
When asked what these affairs were, he responded, "the election for Head Academican... and keeping the peace in University base"
Zakharov is not attending the meeting as the other faction leaders have banned him because they, in the words of Press Data Angel Illya Ky "believe he will attempt some sort of coup"
However the investigation into the right of his to run for leader of the University will begin after the election.
February 2, 2001, 22:17
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OOC: Ok, LordLMP. Nevermind that.
Message to Mindworm, Manifold Base.
It is time to travel to the Planetary Council Base. An Planetisle and two Planetlurks await you.
PCB Early Warning System Report, MY 2180 (Date?)
Planetary Council Base EWS Report
One object, Unity-class Gunfoil approaching, with Gaian identification beacon.
Object presented correct diplomatic codes, allowed to enter port.
Council Hall, PCB
"I am Unit Diplo-1 of the AntiMind Unity-Class Gunship Vengance. I am the diplomatic envoy of the AntiMind forces," said the human that walked in the door.
She was dressed in a patched Gaian rover captian jumpsuit circa 2106, but with the Gaian symbol ripped off the left side of the uniform. In its place was a small mindworm head, peeking out of the uniform. Her eyes were a light red. She had a voice that was high pitched but as sharp as steel.
February 6, 2001, 12:27
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Note: I most likely wont be able to post until Saturday...
Question: What happened to the story?
February 6, 2001, 17:30
OOC: Antimind scared us away
February 11, 2001, 20:40
OOC: *gives Chiron Chronicles CPR...*
TO: Chief of Intelligence
FROM: Captain Svensgaard
Branko, find out why we haven't detected this Antimind Foil earlier and where it came from. If its from Gaian territory, how didn't our ships and sensor buoys detect it?
Captain Ulrik Svengaard
Quick summary before Planet Council
Captain Svensgaard went to Planet Council Base on his Flagship, AAA Missile Cruiser Impossible, escorted by two AAA Msl Foils and a Probe Cruiser, Branko's Ship. They also had a Cruiser Transport along with marines and to pick up Believer delegation.
Svensgaard was one of the last leaders to arrive to PCB.
Spartans, Cult, Hive and Believers sent delegations instead of leaders showing up.
Spartans, Cult and Hive delegations were escorted by Nautilus ships.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited February 18, 2001).]
February 13, 2001, 21:46
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General Press Release
The Planetary Council Has Begun Its Session
Notable Absentees:
(Morganites) Nwandbike Morgan
The reprecussions of their absences should soon manifest as Chairman Pravin Lal heads off the council session.
February 17, 2001, 03:13
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[b]Council Session Recording 23-45-G
English Emulator Online. Filtering out Progenitor Speech Patterns... (I'm tired of talking like an alien)
"The representitive of the Planetmind cannot allow a rebel force to perticipate in a council for rightful governments."
"That is not for you to decide..."
"Then we will hold a vote. All in favor of the rebel representation type it into your touchpads."
"What is a vote?"
"It is something that the earthhumans brought with them from earth. It is different from a hive mind. Everyone has a say."
"That is not fair..."
"But it is democratic."
"What is this 'democratic'?"
"Another earthhuman term.."
"Ha! Who really is the rebel force here? The one with the humans or the planet?"
"No comment."
Gov. Lal: That is enough! We will now vote on the proposal by Planetmind...
February 17, 2001, 12:50
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The Angel's Herald
Anti-mind Present at Planetary Council!
Word was recieved today from the Planetary Council that the Anti-mind has sent a delegation to the Planetary Council meeting currently in progress. The Planetmind, in obvious opposition to the Anti-mind's presence, has called for a vote to deny the Anti-mind access to the meeting. Datajack Roze has assured us that she has voted in favour of Planetmind's motion due to the Anti-mind's attacks against our bases. However, as a result, base garrisons are being put on alert to potential retaliation by the Anti-mind. A second garrison is being sent to the Manifold Nexus holding to aid the Planetmind in it's continued defense. Currently, reports are not in on the final result of the vote.
February 17, 2001, 16:33
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The University Sun-Governor
Anti-Mind: Ally or Foe?
This strange new creature opposes the Planetmind and attacks those who support Planetmind. It is not known exactly what Anti-Mind is, or if it will be dangerous to us...
Our Head Academician has sent out a delegation to try to contact the Anti-Mind and determine why it came and why it opposes planetmind...
Details will follow.
February 17, 2001, 16:45
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Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 leaned forward, and with great deliberation pressed the 'Yea' button on the voting pad in front of her, signifying her assent to Planetmind's motion to exclude Antimind from Council proceedings.
She could feel Antimind's anger at her decision, the empathic vibrations pouring over her like waves breaking against Planet's coast.
Undaunted by this assault, she closed her eyes and let it wash through her and over her without affecting her in the slightest.
When it finally diminished, she concentrated hard, and made contact with Planetmind. Planet's voice was weak against the roar of Antimind's rage, but a few words slipped through:
"Earthaki zeta-5...we shall not forget your kindness..."
February 17, 2001, 21:36
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
Local Time: 18:33
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Quzer had never experienced as powerfull an empathic force, he could feel Antiminds rage, it's anger. That the human intruders continued to befoul Planet, it's rage that Planetmind had allied with the very creatures which if left unchecked would result in the destruction of the fungal neural net, in undertones it suggested the cult and antimind shared the same vision. Quzer was a powerfull cult empath, he could channel the antiminds psionic fury, keep his thoughts his own.
Quzer lent foward and keyed 'yea'. The antimind was angry but accepted his decision. They would talk later.
February 17, 2001, 23:23
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OOC: for anyone who is interested in downloading AntiMind the faction go to www.civgaming.net and go to their hosted site section. There you will find a site called the Network Node. You can download it from there. Visit the forums while you are there! I'm ColonyPod.
February 18, 2001, 01:38
OOC: I am glad that CC is back to life, but sure jump to the Council quickly... maybe decided in having a vote on wether Antimind should be represented before elections? which all other issues will be discussed after the election? also, Aki Zeta-5 have empathic abilities? she is a cyborg. also, how big a threat Antimind? what have they done in the past instead of having some war with Gaians before Gaians joined Chiron Alliance and warn alliance of Antimind threat?
Can't see Antimind already jumped to another continent and attacking bases. anyway, thats my views and players makeup the story :P map will be up sunday, if not, shoot me, like literally.
February 18, 2001, 01:52
Planet Council Base
Day after he arrives at PCB, voting session was already up on wether Antimind should be represented or not.
Captain Ulrik Svensgaard Abstain and explains his decision:
"We allow Planetmind in the Council, yet some of you choose that we don't allow Antimind in the council aswell. Yes, i do agree Antimind is a threat, a threat to my people. But so is Planetmind in my judgement. So i decide that the Nautilus Pirates stay neutral in this matter, same as we have back when we voted wether Planetmind should be allowed to be present in the Council at the first Planet Council meeting."
He is no empath, but can still feel the annoyances of both Planetmind and Antimind.
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