February 18, 2001, 02:10
Votes from factions not runned by a Player
Hive votes abstains, not really caring wether Antimind can attend Council meetings or not. disliking it, agrees with the Pirates views. They weren't at the first meeting where they voted to allow Planetmind to the Council or not.
Free Drones votes Yea. they agree with pirates, but vote against Antimind in hope to please Planetmind enough to stop attacking their bases/units :P especially when they are having trouble with Hive at the borders.
Believers votes Yea, also stating they should have another vote about Planetmind being allowed to attend the Council or not, since they weren't at the first Council meeting when they had the vote.
Peacekeepers votes Yea, since they are friends with Planetmind and Gaians.
Gaians votes Yea. like of course, Antimind first captured one of their biggest bases back when the Antimind showed up at The Ruins. (but Gaians got back about a decade later, but in bad shape with half or most of population missing, or dead or "assimilated") Also, they are good friends with Planetmind too.
February 18, 2001, 05:51
Local Time: 07:33
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In council Base
The Minister of Intelligence, Alexandro Demeneras was the official Spartan representative in council voting.
As he pondered with the little information he had about antimind, whether to exclude the thing out of here or not.
When his turn came, he commented, "we´ve never liked you worm suckers", and pushed the ´Yea´ button.
He immediately could feel Antiminds rage in his head, turning into pain.For a normal person, that is.For him, the pain was pure pleasure.
Somewhere in Chiron Sea
A small pod was floating in cold sea.An ordinary Unity pod.
On the evening horizon there was a ship and it was coming towards the pod.
The Peacekeeper trade freighter "Apollon" took hold of the pod with special graps ,that were as if made for unity pods.It hauled the pod on its deck and the graps let go.
The crew had gathered in front of the pod, in anticipation to see what was in the unity pod.Everybody hoped this pod would make them rich, and it could be seen from their faces.
The Captain had the honor to open the front hatch.
As she opened it, bursts of impact weapon rounds came out of the pod, effectively ending the captains life and several of the crews.The rest tried to run from the deadly pod and the Spartan Elite probe team, but to no awail.
Whom the Spartans didn´t kill on the main deck, they were hunted down and eliminated.
Finally when the bloody work was done, the Spartans hacked the freighters system with little effort and gained complete control of it, before any distress messages could be sent.
Soon, more ships could be seen in the horizon.
They were Spartan ships, two war foils and two attack foils.The attack foils ensured that nobody would see them.
One of the war foils stopped besides the captured freighter and Spartan soldiers started pouring in.
After a while, the Spartans had taken the uniforms of the PK crew, and now acted like them.
The spartan War ships left soon after, with them the Elite probe team, all of them pleased with the success of this mission.
The Freighter ship Apollon started slowly moving towards its destination, the Pk island, this time a wolf disguised as a lamb.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 18, 2001).]
February 18, 2001, 18:26
Local Time: 05:33
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The University Sun-Governor
Antimind revoked from Attending Council
The UN Council on Chiron voted overwhelmingly to disallow the "Antimind" to attend the meeting... This has angered the Antimind, but our leader sees no reason for it to be so angered; for the Council is a useless figurehead for society that never truly has accomplished anything and thus is not useful to attend.
CEO Morgan shares Zakharov's views.
A possible alliance between the University/Morganites and Antimind is being discussed at this very moment in the deep recesses of the Morgan jungles.
February 19, 2001, 00:32
Planet Council Base
When the vote ended, Antimind's representive stampedes out of the Council. The Antimind rep pretty much went out, beat up some security guards from various factions, but no gun shots. The AM rep quickly returned to its Foil. Meanwhile, Captain Svensgaard ordered some Probes to follow her and make sure she doesn't create some mischief. Some of the Nautilus ships has been keeping an eye on the Antimind Foil, with all guns pointing at it. IF the Foil shows any indication of hostily, from firing weaponry to engine overload, the ships are to destroy it immediatly.
The voting process for a the new Planarery Governor will begin in several days.
February 19, 2001, 01:57
Local Time: 00:33
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Psionic Link to Freighter Apollon...
Isle Guard hailing EarthKeeper freighter Apollon. You are back early. Please transmit codes.
Freighter Apollon...
"What codes?" the Spartan captian asked the strange voice coming through the radio grille.
""The codes. You should transmit very soon or you will feel an unpleasant wave of sickness which will end in the vomiting up of your internal organs""
"Little Bo Peep, this is Lost Sheep. You cannot find us," said the Spartan captian. This was the code he thought he would never have to say on a mission aganst Peacekeepers. The code was for all ships to halt because of unseen enemy warships.
Off the coast of the PCB...
""Diplo, you have done your best. But your best was not good enough...""
"Please have mercy.."
"But tha..that will vaporize this ship! Hey...why am I turning?"
""It is part of the plan. When we are two miles away from the base pull the fission cut out switch.""
"But the Pirates..."
"Y..ye..yes Lord Mind."
A millisecond before the crazed Gaian pulled the cut out switch there was a huge dusturbence in the water. A sealurk, fire in its eye, smacked the small foil so that it would hurtle through the air, like a nuclear missle. The foil's engines cut out as it hit a Pirateship. Then the reactor blew, lighting up the sky with unparalleled fireworks. Not even Safe Haven could match it. The Planetmind representitive pressed itself aganst a window, watching as pieces of the Pirateship smacked aganst the pressure dome.
(Sorry about any mistakes there are, I'm writing this at 1 am)
February 19, 2001, 02:47
Local Time: 07:33
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Planetary Council Base
Alexandro Demeneras watched the vidcom in his room that was transmitting picture of the fiery fire works happening outside.The pieces of the Gaian and Pirate foils had done little damage on the base itself, so this was more of a symbolic attack.
He found all of it amusing.
A moment later, a voice coming from the ventilation duct whispered.
"Job done, Sir.Anything else?"
"Finally, now give me the data crystal...", Demeneras went below the ventilation duct hole.At same moment a small crystal fell down, caught quickly by the minister.
"Ahh, excellent.Good job, you and your team are relieved for now.Go back to the transport.I´ll call you if you are needed."
Now there were voices of movement coming out of the duct and then a sharp beep.That meant the Spartan Security system was online again.
Demeneras went to his computer and placed the data crystal in.Soon, pages after pages of information started pouring on the screen about the other factions.
He quickly established a secure diplomatic link with the transport and then started to transmit the data
, through its enchanced communication devices, back home.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 19, 2001).]
February 19, 2001, 09:18
OOC: *blinks* okay, so the pirates lost two Foils by a Foil batted by a Sealurk which exploded. quite unconventional
Planetary Council Base
Captain Svensgaard received the reports concerning the lost of the two Foils. One was completly destroyed, and the second sunk. There was only few survivors from the second. The lost of the Foils expendable, true, but its crew weren't. Orders all other Foils and Cruisers in the area to fire upon any Antimind vessels, like that sealurk that batted the Gaian Foil.
He soon contacts Planetmind, telling hir that after this slaughter of his people, Antimind is going down. All Pirate ships will co-ordinare with any Planetmind units in the eradication of Antimind vessals/worms.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited February 19, 2001).]
February 19, 2001, 09:41
Local Time: 07:33
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On Freighter Apollon
Recorded by the ships log
"Okay, People!" The captain rummaged through ship-wide communication system. "This is no exercise, put your anti-psionic helmets on now!".
The helmets were designed to dampen the effect of psionic attacks, but in reality they helped barely.Hopefully enough so that the crew wouldn´t puke up their internal organs.
The captain then turned towards the ships engineering officer.
"Ready the reactors." He commanded.
Most of the cargo had been dumped and replaced by two more reactors.Combined with the ships original reactor, they could deliver a multi-megaton explosíon that would devastate all nearby areas, especially populated ones.But this was just as a precaution.
After that, the captain commanded the comm. officer to open a link with the Isle Guard.
"This is the captain of Freighter ship Apollon speaking.We have some minor problems with the onboard computer and the reactor.Its nothing serious, but we are unable to transmit any codes, except jibberish, until we can dock in some port and get some decent help."
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 19, 2001).]
February 19, 2001, 22:34
Local Time: 05:33
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February 19, 2001, 22:59
Local Time: 00:33
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Isle Guard IoD near Freighter Apollon...
I have receaved your message. Do you need assistance quickly? I can grow towing worms as fast as five days. I am already enroute. Does your crew feel alright? You seem to feel dark inside...
Antimind-Class Foil near Freighter Apollon...
"Lord Mind?"
"The Peacekeeper foil has stopped after getting several shielded psionic messages from an isle that is eluding my sensors. What should I do?"
""Keep the Earthship metal around you and sink low in the water. Stay there for now.""
"Yes lord."
February 19, 2001, 23:43
OOC: Decided that it is better to start a new game year with a new thread, just to say. more easier  Moderators only can do that
Planetary Council Base
The Planatery Governor election will start soon.
Ranking of factions by amount of votes they have:
1.Believer ( very large pop due to growth bonus, lots of bases)
2. Hive (lots of bases, large pop)
Peacekeepers (growth bonus, vote bonus, above average in pop)
3. Pirates (lots of bases, above average in pop)
Spartans (average amount of bases, large pop)
4. Data Angels (above average # of bases, above average in pop)
Free Drones (average # of bases, above average in pop)
5. Cyborgs, Morgan, University and Gaians
(average # of bases, average pop)
6. Cult (just under average # of bases and under average in pop)
as for Planetmind, it will be hard. if you can every single worm that PM controls, s/he pretty much outnumber all of the human pop 2 to 10 times.
council decided before for each boil PM controls equals as one vote. But I don't think PM as a huge army of mindworms. also, atleast need 2 human factions to vote is needed for PM to become Governor, if ever. of course, who is really interested in having Planetmind as Planatery Governor? :P
Morgan and University not voting
Five Main candidates:
Lal (really interested in winning again)
Yang (sure he would want to be governor, more power)
Miriam (interested, but depends. their new to council)
Svensgaard (doesn't really care if he is governor or not. more willing to vote for someone else, but if two or three factions vote for him, will vote for himself)
Sandiego (depends on Cyber  )
It is possible for rest to win election, but would need lots of votes from other faction(s) to do so.
Very Large Pop: 5 vote points
Large Pop: 4 vote points
Abover Average Pop: 3 vote points
Average Pop: 2 vote points
Under Average Pop: 1 vote point
Peacekeepers would 2 points extra due to vote bonus, bringing Lal up 5 points.
The faction with highest amount of points become Planetary Governing Faction
lot simpler this way then figuring out how many votes exactly each faction has. that is required to tally the pop of all bases..... to many bases for that.
is everyone okay with this?
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited February 19, 2001).]
February 20, 2001, 01:32
Local Time: 07:33
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Spartan Newswagon
Success of the Values Changing Program
Changing the values of the common people has so far been a success.Santiago and the Junta have both shown their pleasement with the quick progress so far.The progress can be now seen in even a larger respect and worship towards the military and the government.Masses of young trainees have enlisted themselves into the military and those who cannot have organised themselves into voluntary defense forces in bases around our nation.
The common people describe this change as the value of Power.Power seems novadays in our good society to be more valuable than even the largest sum of credits.
The critisizers point out, that power is consentrating to group of people, which they refer as the "Nobles".However, officials reject this and say that anybody can gather power and respect, if he/she tries and has what is needed for the job.
The effects of changing the values can be seen also in the increased morale of our troops.Recent attacks on the hive front have been successfully defended with a crushing zeal for victory and genious strategies.
The Program is not over yet, however, as the new values have to be embedded firmly into the society and that will take some time, but not long with this rate.
Strange rumours have been heard about a cult dedicated to worshipping War, starting to form.They seem to worship War as a God and allmighty progress and think Colonel Santiago is the messenger of this God.Once again, officials have denied these rumours.
Is this one of the side effects of the new values or not, we shall see.
From: Minister of Industry
To: Colonel Santiago
Subject: Bad signs for the industry
Colonel, the industry is going soon into a dowslope.The huge investments on new industrial facilities have not paid off, and we are starting to run out of workers, as everybody is running to the military with the new boom going on.We have to get cheap new workers and fast, before its too late.Preferably Hive workers, they atleast know the true meaning of work and they aren´t going to run off to play wargames.
Seriously, we´ll be soon in trouble if we don´t do something.
However, we have the alternative of inventing new technology, but it requires you to convince the rest of the stubborn, jack-ass Junta to come down from their big plans and to invest more resources to my research people, just a little bit and I promise you, you will have new industrial gadgets to build you more wartoys  .
Your good friend and Minister of Industry,
Paul Goodman
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 19, 2001).]
February 20, 2001, 03:20
Local Time: 07:33
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From:Colonel Santiago
To: Foreman Domai of Free Drones
Greetings again, Foreman Domai.Straight to business, I would like you vote me in the planetary council, in the name of our friendship and joint efforts against the Hive.
I know I can´t possibly win, but atleast we from the eastern continent can show them we stick together.Remember, the only one who has helped you are we and none of the others.Who knows, all the others will probably vote for that pathetic Lal, or even Yang as the planetary Governor.
Representing your dear friends, The Spartans,
Colonel Santiago
(OOC:LordLMP, the vote system is fine by me)
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 20, 2001).]
February 20, 2001, 03:45
Local Time: 07:33
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From:Alexandro Demeneras
To:Captain Svensgaard, The nautilus Pirates
Greetings Captain, I am the official representative of The Spartan Federation, all rights given by Colonel Santiago.On the behalf of our federation, I wish to negotiate a peace treaty between our two factions to solidify our relationship.
I have noticed that you try, or better yet, you are a kind of worldseas police.But please, we also wish to expand into the seas as everything else is getting claustrophobic here on the continents.So, please don´t start fighting us in Chiron Sea, and if its possible move out of there.This not a threat or a ultimatum, but you seem to have nothing important in this area.You can still defend the Peacekeepers if you so wish, but we have no interest in them novadays.The war between us and the PK has ended a long time ago and they are no threat us.
February 20, 2001, 05:17
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Spartan Newswagon
Needljets seen above Sparta Command!
Do not worry people, they are our own.This information was confirmed by the Ministry of Research today.For the past two years they have been researching, in confidential of course, Doctrine:Air Power.
Yesterday, two prototype Needlejets made a prank detour through Sparta Command, to finally show the public about the existance of a Spartan airforce.Our skies are now secured, and our military even greater.
Already most of our bases have been commanded to start building atleast somekind of airstrips to support our future armada.But only the biggest bases at this time will build an aerospace complex, as they have the needed industrial capacity to build needlejets and other airplanes.
From: Colonel Santiago
To:Minister of Colonization and expansion
Minister, the first expansion fleet is ready, I think it is time for you to start building sea colony pods and seaformers for helping them.
Also, I´d like you to build atleast one airbase on the group of island, in front of Assassins Redoubt, and another one somewhere in the wastes north, but keep the latter a secret, okay?.
Your Ruler,
Colonel Santiago
To Isle Guard from Freighter Apollons Spartan Captain
Five days is too long, don´t worry we can limp to the nearest port.
The small amounts of radiation coming from the reactor might be making my crew feel a little...sick.But again, don´t worry.We´ve all taken the anti-radiation pill, which should easily neutralise such small radiation amounts.
Anyways, thank you for your offers of help.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 20, 2001).]
February 20, 2001, 09:13
Local Time: 07:33
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From: Alexandro Demeneras
To:Colonel Santiago
Distressing news, Colonel.As you can check from the information about other factions, seems that a part of the Pk´s have moved back to their old dwellings, south of the Dunes.
Somewhere in the past decades, the Pk´s have divided into two:The peaceloving suckers and the more reasonable War ones.Many of these War using PK´s are either the people who were rescued from War Outpost, their descendants or relatives.
And now, it seems, they have returned seeking revenge, their objective being to "Free" War Outpost, a base where our southern army resides, and then modestly, the destruction of the Spartan Federation.
Frankly, this all makes me laugh.
However, we could solve a ton of internal problems by wiping these bugs out of our land, and then colonising it.
According to my estimates, constructed from the information we have gathered here and rumours, the War ones have more powerful military than their predesessor but our southern army can probably hold them easily away from Spartan territory and with the help of one or two more armies, we can once again push them into the sea.
A problem might be Planetmind.PM´s power on our territories is nil, but south of the Dunes, who knows?
PlanetM still continues to help the Peacekeepers, atleast the peaceful ones, I don´t about the War ones.
We should hurry with our attack, still while they are preparing theirs.
February 21, 2001, 00:02
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Angel's Herald
Roze to Send Two More Ships
An announcement was recieved today that two more ships will be sent to the Planetary Council Base today, in light of the recent attacks that occured there. The move is to bolster the defences there, due to the recent hostilities initiated by the Anti-mind. The ships will be top of the line, fairly new off the production block, and will not reduce coverage of Allied trading vessals.
Private Message: Enhanced Encryption
To: Foreman Domai c/o Free Drones
From: Datajack Roze c/o Data Angels
Greetings Foreman,
Although we have not had much of a chance to speak outside of the Planetary Council, I thought it best we opened communications between our peoples.
I'm not going to beat around the bush, Foreman. With the upcoming elections, it is obvious as to the reason for my call. While you may not see the immediate benefit of the situation, I do hope you will consider voting for Comissoner Lal. He holds a position of respect with the Unity Command Crew, and in the hearts of most people. He also has held true to his promise to uphold the UN Charter. I'm sure this is something that you can appreciate, as your are such an avid supporter of people's rights.
I assure you that most of the Chiron Alliance is likely to back Lal as he is currently the safest choice, and will do a respectable job. And I'm sure, that if you were to vote with us, an application to join the benefits of our little trade alliance would be enhanced greatly. Think it over Foreman,
Sinder Roze.
February 21, 2001, 00:23
To:Alexandro Demeneras
From:Captain Svensgaard
Having a peace treaty with the Spartans would benefit both our people, but your faction doesn't have the best of reputation thought. Do have to realize that the Nautilus Pirates is allied both to the Peacekeepers and Planetmind. So any peace treaty with the Spartans is not possible, unless your faction change their ways. Doesn't mean we are at war, simply means we have no relations at all. We have no problems with the Spartans.
As for your faction colonizing the sea, we are okay with it, aslong as your faction respect our borders. But we cannot simply leave Chiron Sea, as we have establish several bases there and we are responsible to defend the trading lanes and our allies in the area.
Captain Svensgaard
February 21, 2001, 00:41
To:Colonel Santiago
From: Foreman Domai
Greetings Sandiego. It is true that your faction has helped mines defend against the Hive, but as for your faction as being the only one who ever helped us is entirely true. Even if i vote for you Sandiego, what makes you think you'd be able to win? The Spartans don't seem to have the greatest of reputation among the other factions. Doubtful they will vote for Hive either, has they have been into war several times.
I may simply abstain.
Foreman Domai
To: Datajack Sinder Roze
From: Foreman Domai
Greetings Roze. I do agree Lal is a good leader with good intentions, but I cannot vote for him. Do have to realizes that my faction are neighbours with the Spartans, who are currently helping us defend against the Hive. My faction is in no position to fight a two front war. I am interested in being part of the Chiron Alliance, but the requirement of a Green economy is not possible. My faction thrives from our Industries and we need it as well to maintain our military force which we need to defend against the Hive and Planetmind. Free Drones is in very bad position.
I may end up abstaining.
Foreman Domai
February 21, 2001, 00:54
To: General Braddock, Pro-War PKs Commander
From: Commissioner Lal, Peacekeeper Leader
General Braddock, your request to attack the Spartans as been denied. Our faction cannot declare war, even as to what the Spartans as done to us before. That is 60 years ago. But I cannot disband your forces which you built either, which has help keep an eye on the Hive and the Spartans. I do say this thought, if the Spartans ever again attack us and/or declare war upon us, then your army sha'll be allowed to commence its war plans.
I know you lost your wife and child back at U.N. High Commission(War Outpost now), but revenge is not always the option to bring them justice.
Commissioner Lal
February 21, 2001, 04:01
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From: Alexandro Demeneras
To: Captain Svensgaard, Nautilus pirates
My dear captain, forget about the alliance.This is between our two factions.
Don´t you see the hierarchy of your alliance? Lal leads, you do the work and everybody else ripes the fruits.You are pirates, not some pitiful Hive workers.
You are our counterparts; on sea your power is unquestionable, on land our power is unquestionable.
We know, when somebody is better than us in certain areas, so we wish to secure ourselves and avoid any future conflicts.This peace treaty is completely between us, not the Chiron alliance.You are still an independant faction, don´t let the alliance affect too strongly your choices.
Forget about the propaganda the peacekeepers have preached against us, there is no point in any talks if no one is willing to forget past deeds.However, I will not start to apologise anyone about what my people have done in the past.
Think about it again, and give me an answer.Spartans would be valuable friends to you, and vice verca.
Minister of Intelligence,
Alexandro Demeneras
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 21, 2001).]
February 21, 2001, 04:27
Local Time: 07:33
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From: Colonel Santiago
To: Alexandro Demeneras
Alexandro, take it easy, we aren´t going to attack unprovoked this time.Let the peacekeepers come to us, I know they will.They have come this far so its only a matter of time.
To swiften things a little, I have sent small rover groups to find the new PK bases, that share border with us.Then the rovers will start to buzz around, to annoy them until they open fire and that means war.
The damned PK´s better not use the excuse, about us tresspassing into their territory as they themselves have taken the land we conquered, and without even announcing themselves.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Foreman Domai, Free Drones
As you wish, Foreman.I never said I´m trying to win the elections, just wanted to show that we eastern factions are united.
I will not start to pressure you, however.Vote whoever you wish.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 21, 2001).]
February 21, 2001, 08:20
Local Time: 07:33
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Posts: 249
Freighter Ship Apollon in UN SeaQuest repair docks.
Recorded by ships logs, starting at 21.35pm
"Captain, the repair team is requesting to get in."
"Then, let them in and show them the reactor.If they start snooping around, kill them, but quietly."
All had been set ready.The reactor had been damaged on purpose and the computer had been set to malfunction.Most of the hard drives formatted with the codes inside, as if it had been an accident caused by shortcuts, because of the reactors power fluctuation.
After a while the monitoring cameras were watching as some lazy looking repair crew were escorted to the damaged reactor.
Meanwhile, one team of Spartan infiltration specialists brake into the nearby freighter ship Korsakov´s empty bridge and start hacking its systems, the primary objective being to find the passing codes.
While the repair team does its job on the reactor, the infiltration team is succesful and returns to freighter Apollon with the codes.
Soon after the repair team comes to "repair" the computers.
"Okay, its ready.We don´t have much time here, so you´ll have to do the software side yourself.Oh, by the way, do you have a backup of the codes."
""Yes, here they are.""The Captain smiled and showed a small data crystal with the passing codes.
""You can check, if you want.""
"No, thank you, I believe you.Well, everythings ready, so we´ll be leaving now."
""Thank you very much for your help.Officer Gratin, escort these gentlemen out please.""
As the Captain watched from the bridge window how the mechanics went into their service trucks and drove away, he laughed in his mind.
"Yes, Thank you very much, my ignorant friend.You have just assured the Spartans a route into the heart of the Peacekeepers."
He then turned away from the window.
"Hows the faking of our ID´s going?", he asked from one of the officers sitting in front of the ships central computer.
The ID´s in the ship had been faked, but the copies in the peacekeeper central information stores hadn´t been ,yet.
""Two more hours, and its ready. These systems are incredibly well protected.Fortunately, when the PK´s transported here, they took most of their old computer network with them, and the old accounts and the passwords to them still work.Guess they were too lazy to clean them, underestimated them, or just didn´t notice them.So, the passwords we´ve extracted from POW´s a long time ago are still usable, can you imagine?""
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 21, 2001).]
February 21, 2001, 09:05
To: Alexandro Demeneras, Spartans
From: Captain Svensgaard, Nautilus Pirates
Lal doesn't lead the alliance, no one does actually. All equals we are, as my faction as one of the most influencial. What the peacekeepers say about your people as nothing to do with my decision, as we already infiltrated your faction decades ago. So we know how much we could trust your people or not, and I don't.
Captain Svensgaard
February 21, 2001, 10:50
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From:Alexandro Demeneras
To:Captain Svensgaard, Nautilus Pirates
Do whatever you deem appropriate, Captain, I won´t start begging.If you wish for no assuring treaty between us, that is your choice, but that means you should watch to not anger us, because we have the tendency to wage war to the bitter end.
But I can promise you, we won´t start any hostilities against you, though we will be watching you and your faction.
By the way, in the same, I would like to announce that we are soon starting a large-scale colonisation of Chiron Sea.
Minister of Intelligence,
Alexandro Demeneras
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 21, 2001).]
February 21, 2001, 10:52
Local Time: 07:33
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*double post*
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 21, 2001).]
February 21, 2001, 18:42
Local Time: 00:33
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OOC: Cyber, it would have been nice to give me a chance to respond before you went into the docks. Not only the IoD but the AntiMind foil near you...
AntiMind-Class Foil, near SeaQuest Repair Docks...
"Well, Lord Mind, the freighter seemed to fool Planetmind's defence screen and managed to reach their docks. What should I do?"
""Open your mind to me and turn on the transmitter. We cannot allow those Spartans to ruin everything!"
"Spartan" Signal On All PK Radio Waves...
February 21, 2001, 20:48
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
The University Sun-Governor
Planetary Base Security Forces a Threat
Our Head Academican has just denounced the Security Forces at the Planetary Council Base as a threat to University life and security.
He has filed an official report with Commissioner Lal requesting that he order 25% of the 'Protection Ships' deported from the council base.
Zakharov Announces Intention to Run
Considering that the other faction leaders no longer wish to question his integrity and his usefulness as leader, Zakharov has announced his intention to run for Head Academician later this year.
February 21, 2001, 22:46
To:Alexandro Demeneras, Spartans
From:Captain Svensgaard, Nautilus Pirates
You can colonize Chiron Sea, aslong as your sea bases are not place near ours and that your ships respect our territorial waters and the trading lanes.
Captain Svensgaard
To: Admiral Proudmore, Third Fleet, Chiron Sea
From: Nautilus of the Sea
Do be warned Admiral that the Spartans are planning some large-scale colonization of Chiron Sea. I suggest that your fleet keeps an watch on them and make sure they don't intefere with the trading routes.
Captain Svensgaard
To: Branko, Chief of Intelligence
From: Captain Svensgaard
Branko, can you send some Probe Teams to check up on the Spartans as to what exactly they are up to?
Also, found anything from the Antimind Foil wreckage and Antimind in general?
Captain Svensgaard
To: Captain Svensgaard
From: Branko
Our Probe Team didn't find anything useful from the wreckage. So no clues as to how they avoided our ships sensors. I suggest that we try capturing another Antimind ship, if possible.
As for where it came from is unknown. There is still some unexplored areas on Planet where they may have their hidden base.
Morgan representives showed at the Planetary Council...
It seems the Morganites are still interested on the Council after all. There is rumours that they may yet again accuse our faction for monopolizing naval trade and so on. As to wether they will vote or not is still unknown.
Commisioner Lal's reply to Head Academican of University...
"Head Academican, I cannot see how the Security Forces of Planetary Council Base could be a threat to University. They are there to protect the base, nothing else. Many of the ships currently there are ships from various factions who have escorted their leader/representive to PCB. They will not stay there. And after the recent attack from Antimind, it is better that we don't deport any ships. "
Planetary Governor elections begins tommorrow...
The elections will begin tommorrow at Planetary Council Base.
February 21, 2001, 23:07
To: Commisioner Lal
From: General Braddock
Lal, I just want report that we detected some Spartan rovers entering the Dunes and buzzing around near U.N. Haven City. Currently sending some Missile Rovers to intercept. They are tresspassing into our territory.
What would you prefer we do? I say we just eliminate those nosing Spartans, since we don't currently have any formal relations with them.
To: General Braddock
From: Commissioner Lal
I would prefer that your units simply advise them that they are in Peacekeeper territory and are asked to leave. Have your units surround them and prevent them from getting any deeper within our territory. And make sure your units do not fire upon them!. We are to avoid war at all cost.
Commissioner Lal
U.N. SeaQuest
After the receiving that signal, the base goes on security alert. Security Garrisons spread all over the base to locate the Spartan Probe Team while some nearby Peacekeeper Foils move towards the base to prevent any merchant/civilian ships from leaving or entering the base. The comminications people at in the base will be trying to find out where that signal came from. The Governor quickly sends a message to U.N. Headquarters.
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