February 21, 2001, 23:10
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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The Xenoempathy Dome has been completed at Locust Haven! In an astounding feat of cult engineering the project was completed almost three years ahead of schedule. All Cult units are being retrofitted with the technology required to travel at high speeds accross the xenofungus fields. Remarkably the xenoempathy dome allows vechiles to move faster over fungus than flatland. Truly a breakthrough in the understanding of planet.
-- Pholus Ridge --
Cha Dawn surveyed the high-security excavation site, dozens of formers had been working day and night for weeks uncovering the alien base, the discovery had been made only very recently, eons ago the base had been covered by a massive landslide and fungus had overgrown the scar. The alien base once held undreamed of treasures, less than a month ago a strange alien artifact had been unearthed, contained within were the secrets to completing the Xenoempathy dome... without the artifact the project wouldn't have been completed for years. Unfortunately most of the alien technology had been removed before the landslide, but Cha Dawn was confident the base contained yet more treasures.
In the distance the mind worm sentries could be seen patrolling, any human approaching would be disabled and probably killed. As would the hapless former drivers once they had completed their tasks.
Mutu appeared from a partially uncovered entrance and signaled for Cha Dawn to approach, Mutu was clearly excited. "Father, your not going to believe what we found". Cha Dawn followed Mutu, undoubtably the smartest of his sons, and the most curious. He had failed as an empath but was a truly brilliant researcher.
The floor of the corrider was sloped signigicantly, clearly whatever Mutu had found was hidden deep undergound. They rounded a corner and entered a large hanger. It took a lot to awe Cha Dawn, who had seen many miracles, but the sight was truly awesome. In the centre of the hanger, lit by powerfull searchlights was a huge alien machine. The convulted engineering was next to impossible to follow. Cha Dawn had never encountered such a thing, but knew instinctivly that it was a weapon...
"What.. what the hell is it?"
"We call it Battle Ogre MK2"
"Remember the leak we got from the hive about ancient alien war machines?"
Cha Dawn nodded, "Battle Ogres, found in an alien bunker". Well, Mutu continued "We never got an accurate description of the Hive ogres, but we estimate this machine is atleast ten times more powerfull..."
Only now Cha Dawn noticed the busy technicians surronding the machine, meticulously studying every facet with a multitude of advanced analyis tools, no doubt trying to fathom how it worked.
Mutu interupted, "We think we can power it up, I wanted you to be here to see"
"Is it safe?"
"We think so, looks like the original owners left it here powered down, probably intending to come back for it."
"Very well, proceed."
They walked around to the back of the ogre, a couple of tech's huddled around a control box. The techs backed away as Cha Dawn approached, and motioned for the other techs to do the same. "Father, you should stand back." Cha Dawn consented and moved back to stand with the watching technicians. With great deliberation Mutu pressed a large red button on the control box.
The Ogre shuddered and unfolded some of it's appendages, Mutu was thrown back by the sudden motion and lay stunned, a couple of medics ran to help but both fell to the ground as a powerfull force started emenating from the Ogre, most of the techs fell to there knees as the intensity of the force increased, some of them tried to clasp there ears, others rolled on the ground screaming. Cha Dawn stood tall, and winced as the waves of pain washed over him. Less than a minute later Cha Dawn and the ogre were the only things left standing in the room, many of the technicians lay unmoving. The intensity of the force rapidly dropped away. Cha Dawn stared with contempt at the prone forms lying on the ground.
Mutu shook himself and managed to stand up. "That.. that was.. incredible". "That, was a resonance attack, as you can see it can be.. brutally effective."
"The ogre is to be excavated and delivered to Locust Haven with maximum haste." Cha Dawn turned and left the alien hanger.
Quzer was quite bored at the planetary council. Other than the encounter with anti-mind nothing much had happened. He did however notice the disruption in planetmind which could only have been caused by the completion of the secret Cult project, the Xenoempathy dome, the thing shouldn't have been completed for years. Something amazing had happended in the Cult, and he had to be stuck on the other side of Planet. Typical.
February 22, 2001, 05:45
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
(OOC:Sorry, Chris.I thought the matter was solved and the ship could go to a dock.)
In Freighter ship Apollon
Recorded by the ships logs
"What the F*ck!!!" the Captain shouted.
"Who sent that damn message!?Where did it come from!?" He queried the comm. officer.
""I-Iīm not sure, Sir.Somewhere near this base...""
The trembling officer answered.
"Well, doesnīt matter anymore.Start plan B."
He ordered the comm. officer.
The officer immediately started to call all to-be group leaders to the bridge.
Plan B was to escape from the ship, and to infiltrate the Peacekeeper society.The crew was to be divided into teams, and every group was to go to a different base.
However, the Captain and few of the crew were to stay in the ship, which had its one reactor and two extra two ones rigged and ready to explode.If it came to that, the Captain was supposed to detonate the ship and devastate the base.
The Captain explained the teams their mission.There were five teams, each one composed of five people.
Three teams were supposed to travel to the Pk Island bases, one to Cape Storm and the last one was supposed to go to UN Pearl Harbor, but in the light that there were peacekeepers on the eastern continent again, its destination was now UN Enforcement Base.
They were to go into the bases and start gathering information, but primarily awaiting for further orders.They all had now fake ID´s.
The teams then quickly packed up and left ship Apollon, before anyone could find them.They were to leave UN Seaquest as fast as possible, so they wouldnīt be blown to dust if the Captain was forced to push the button.
There were six other crew members left in the ship now.
"Okay people, start putting traps and make this place into a bunker.And destroy all signs that were are Spartans."
The Captain commanded them and went to help, taking with him the remote control from which he could easily detonate the reactors.
They didnīt leave the ship, because it was their job to attract all attention here and by that way, give the escaping teams a bigger chance.The Peacekeepers would think, that they have apprehended all of the probe team, but in fact only a small part of it was now on the ship.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 22, 2001).]
February 22, 2001, 23:04
Local Time: 05:33
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Posts: 459
Angel's Herald
Zakharov To Run For Head Academician
Prokhor Zakharov, convicted War Criminal from the University-Conciousness War and former Chief Science Officer from the Unity, announced today that he would once again run for leadership of the University of Planet.
Roze issued a statement from Planetary Council base where she is currently attending the Council meeting, condemning Zakharov's move as a breach of justice. "The terms that Zakharov agreed to resulted in him giving up the right to hold office. Clearly, justice and order still mean very little to Zakharov," said the Datajack. However, she also went on to add this.
"While I cannot say I speak for the whole Chiron Alliance, I am loathe to see hostilities renewed. While I will certainly bring this up when the Alliance factions next meet, as I'm sure will Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five, at this point I will take no action to stop Zakharov from running. However, he can be assured that we will be watching him very closely."
***Private Message : Advanced Encryption***
To: ReZon@nce
From: privatebaby@dangel.gov
Subject: Bare Survival
I need you to try and infilitrate the Spartan Datalinks for me. There's been a lot of communications going back and forth between Svensgaard and Santiago and I want to know what's going on. There's a foil that hasn't been equipped with weapons or armour yet at Atlantisville. Take whatever team you desire and get me access. I don't trust Santiago.
***Private Message : Advanced Encryption***
To: privatebaby@dangel.gov
From: ReZon@nce
Subject: Boyfriend Troubles
That's rich. What's the matter, don't you trust the guy you dumped me for? Everybody on Planet seems to know that you got the hots for this Pirate guy. But don't worry Roze, you can count on me to do your dirty work, as always. You just sit back in your cozy little office. We wouldn't want you to strain yourself.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited February 22, 2001).]
February 22, 2001, 23:43
Planetary Council Base - Governor election starts
Current Votes:
Peacekeepers: Lal (Current total: 5 points)
Free Drones: Abstain
Hive: Undecided
Believers: Miriam (Current total: 5 points)
Pirates: Undecided
Gaians: Undecided
Cyborgs: Undecided
Morgan: Not Voting
University: Not in Council
Cult: Undecided
Spartans: Undecided
Planetmind: Undecided (i give them 3 points to vote with)
(OOC: For Gaians, Cyborg and Hive, i will decide who they vote, with reason, if the players originally wanted to play them don't answer.)
Agenda after elections in the Council:
Talks/vote/whatever (who brought it up)
-U.N. Charter (Chiron Alliance)
-Global Trade (Morgan)
-possible new members
-Sharing of Tech (Chiron Alliance)
-Hive Aggression (Free Drone)
-Spartans (PK)
-Antimind Threat (Planetmind?)
Council will be lead through those talks by the newly elected. So vote now and get this over with :P
after the Council is finally adjourned... Chiron Alliance meeting planned at Chiron Alliance HQ at PCB.
February 22, 2001, 23:59
Centurion Cave
The Nautilus Probe Team snuck in the base by being part of the Free Drone Trade Convoy from Miner's Freehold. They are to keep low profile under their fake Free Drone identities (well, since they been hanging around Drone territory for awhile, their IDs are legimate really) and to contact the Nautilus Infiltrators at the base. They are to be very cautious because the Spartans have improved their Counter-Intelligence since the last Nautilus Probe Action into the Spartan Faction. But since the Nautilus faction have infiltrated the faction before, it helps the probe team a lot. Anyway, their mission is just general reconnaisance as to what the Spartans are up to.
February 23, 2001, 00:44
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Posts: 771
OOC: Planetmind votes for Lal.
February 23, 2001, 01:05
Local Time: 07:33
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To: Commander of the Peacekeeper forces in Spartan territory (OOC: Territories south of War Outpost, where the Pro-War PKīs live)
From Colonel Santiago
So, you have come back. Welcome into the game, you have just nominated yourself number one concern of the Spartan Federation.
How dare you stop my forces. The territory you are residing on is Spartan territory. We conquered it from you, remember. But you came back, and didnt even announce your presence to us, the nowadays rightful owners of that land.
However, in the name charity and mercy, we are willing to leave you be there in peace,but only if you pay us annual tribute. Think it as a
land-lease. Otherwise its War, and donīt put your hopes too high about your army, we are more superior in numbers, morale and technology. We will crush you.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Junta General Von Halzburg
General, there is a mission for you, which I think you will like. Take the main army from Sparta Command with you to War Outpost. There you will have the command over the base and both the south and main army, and the two needlejets are in your disposal.
The peacekeepers, you see, have started as we expected to show some spinal cord. Iīve given them an ultimatum, and if they refuse it, if they are so stupid, you will drive them to sea again.
Your Superior,
Colonel Santiago
February 23, 2001, 01:39
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OOC: Despite failing to be mentioned in the voting list, Data Angels vote for Lal.
February 23, 2001, 04:02
Local Time: 07:33
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OOC: Spartans vote for Santiago (Surprise  )
Below Sparta Command...
Everything was ready. Cult Priest Brienman was supervising the works, obviously pleased with the quick progress. They had been cleaning and restoring this old freight containment area in the catacombs the whole day. Soon, the rites would be done, and the new joining people would be officially a part of this cult.
Brienman had had tons of work lately, with the crowds of people wanting to join. The Values Changing Program was a jack pot for the before small and insignificant cult of War, as people could be now more easily controlled and manipulated towards the cults own War full ends, than before. And they believed and obeyed every word the cult priests said!
Finally, the rites began and the joiners had to do dozens of very dangerous tests of courage, before taking the final test. The final test was, bluntly, fighting each other in the catacombs. With this, the priests could determine the hierarchy between the joiners. Every candidate was given a stun shredder and was sent running into a part of the catacombs, which was carefully monitored and controlled, and there they would fight each one with the best of their combat knowledge and physical prowess.
After the tests, Brienman was even more pleased with the results. Only one dead, and three wounded.
In Planetary Council Base
Alexandro Demeneras was given turn to speak.
"Excuse me, but Iīd like to add one more subject to the Talks list. We found a while ago, that part of the peacekeepers had returned to their old denizens, or rather invaded them. We conquered these lands from the peacekeepers, and now these rogues quietly and cowardly take back the lands and dare to call them their own. They didnīt even announce their presence!" Alexandro was obviously angry. He was quiet for a moment, and then continued.
"But, we believe in the judgement of the Planetary Council, and hope we can solve this matter here, in peace. Thank you." He was smiling devilishly as he ended his speech.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 23, 2001).]
February 23, 2001, 06:48
Local Time: 05:33
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Location: looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
Posts: 660
OOC: Cyborgs vote Lal.
PS Sorry I haven't written for ages, but this is my GCSE year and some of us have more pressing concerns than writing on a bulletin board!
February 24, 2001, 01:03
To: Colonel Santiago
From: General Braddock, Pro-War Commander
About time you spartans discovered us, been waiting for awhile. Your claim to these territories is null, especially when you spartans can't even protect it. It is Peacekeeper territory. If you people want to declare war over it, go ahead, I just dare ya.
General Braddock
To: Peacekeeper Continental Forces
From: General Braddock
Intercepting Units are too continue to block the Spartan Units. If they attack, destroy them.
Frontal Units are to move towards the borders(OOC: PK maps show differently as to where the borders are) and when the Spartans declare war, are to engage their forces.
Air Units are intercept anything they have that flies and rest are eliminate any spartan units that under Peacekeeper Territory.
Defencive Units are to stay back along the Trench Lines are surrounding the bases. (Bunkers and sensors around bases and some along the northern parts of the Dunes)
Reserve Units are to stay back until further orders. The war we were waiting for is coming, but do watch yourselfs, we are Peacekeepers. They underestimate us, so lets use this advantage.
General Braddock
Intercepting Units:
-Missile Rovers (Msl/None/Fission)
Frontal Units: (units which Spartans will mostly see)
-Missile Rovers (Msl/None/Fission)
-Plasma Rovers (Msl/Plasma/Fission)
-Missile Artillery (Msl/Synth/Fission/Artillery)
Defencive Units: (Unknown to Spartans at moment)
-Gatling Squads (Gatling/Plasma/Fission/ECM)
-Missile Batteries (Msl/None/Fission/Artillery)
Reserve Units: (Unknown to Spartans at moment)
-Elite Msl Dragons (Msl/Plasma/Fission/Soporific Pods)
(these units trained and made to fight spartans)
Air Units: (Air Force not very big, so will not go offensive much...bit bigger than spartans thought)
-Msl Needlejet (Msl/None/Fission)
-Msl Interceptor (Msl/None/Fission/SAM)
A lot of the Peacekeeper Continental Forces units are unknown to Lal and rest of faction at Seabases and Island, especially the Reserve Units.
Pro-War PKs are Militaristic Peacekeepers, thats all. They will still follow the U.N. Charter and are humane. Pro-Wars just believe that it is better to enforce the U.N. Charter militarally then diplomaticly which the Pro-Peace believe. Pro-War does plan to get War Outpost and possibly conquer the Spartan faction, but they will not completly wipe out the faction like the Spartans would do to them. Pro-War have no intentions to be like Spartans, whom the dislike.
February 24, 2001, 09:37
Local Time: 07:33
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From: Georgi Katranos, Chief advisor and Minister of Warfare
To: Colonel Santiago
Colonel, the production lines are churning as fast as possible equipment and ammunitions, but it will take time until we can get a sizeable Spartan air force ready. The investments in new industrial technology have been enough, but the tech is not ready for usage yet. My advice is to wait for a while, until we can get the production into full power.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Junta General Von Halzburg
General, a change of plan. Donīt provoke or start any fights yet, instead enforce the border with your two armies and wait for orders. Be ready for a surprise attack, and put the local sensors on full working, you must not let them surprise you.
Iīve ordered the northern army there and they are bringing with them AAA trackers and Air superiority Missiles.I want at least five War rover units to be equipped with the trackers, and the AS- Missiles will be used with the needlejets. There will be at least one AAA rover unit in every group, which will work as the designated defender in the case an air unit attacks.
I think there are nerve gas pods in war Outpost, leftover from the time of the rebellion. Use them in cases of emergency, but not on civilian targets.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Alexandro Demeneras
Demeneras, order your two elite probe teams to infiltrate the bases of the Pro- War Pkīs that share border with us. There they will start a large campaign of destruction, from lowering the populations morale to terrorist attacks.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Commander Braddock
Look at that, some of you peacekeepers have a spine. A shame that it grew on you in this situation, where it wont help you. But, we wont attack you yet, first a little play with your nerves. Have patience, my friend. And remember, if you attack us first, you can kiss your pure reputation goodbye and well hang you and your faction from the balls in the Planetary Council base.
You could have saved yourself and the part of your faction, but now all of you are doomed.
(OOC: The PKīs have lots of units but donīt have much war morale or experince. Thats the biggest advantage the Spartans have, the second is that the Spartans have probably more units  .
Oh, and LordLMP, I just realized that a made a gruesome mistake about the Spartan units morale and exp. With Police State, Power and a Command Nexus all my ground units should be elite  and all air and sea units veteran, but seems that I forgot to upgrade them in the admin when I got Value: Power.)
February 24, 2001, 12:13
OOC: True about Morale and Experience, but they do have some strong units who have fought in the Hive War.
As for outnumbering, not really, about the same  But Spartans will only mostly see the Frontal and Intercepting Units along the border.
Planetary Council Base
Commissioner wins the Planetary Governor yet again, mainly from the votes from the Chiron Alliance allies.
Planetary Governor Lal will now lead the U.N. Charter talks.
"The U.N. Charter is still in place and will be enforced no mater if a Faction signed for it or not. The Charter as been in place since planetfall, so any violations since then known to the Council will be brought up and that haven't been delt with." he starts
"Hive and Spartans have violated the U.N. Charter many times, and for some, it is still being violated." He notices the stares from both the Hive and Spartan representives. "There also possible violations by the Cyborgs and Pirates, which needs to be discussed and voted upon." Captain Svensgaard knows what Lal is talking about, but it has already been discuss in a previous Chiron Alliance meeting. What is Lal doing?
As for Aki-Zeta Five, she looks emotionless anyhow and staying calm.
"I am leading these talks as a Planetary Governor, not anyones ally, in this Council." Lal sits and discussions over the violations begins.
Hive violations:
-denying its people freedom
-police state
-neural stapling
-forced labour
-punishment domes
-other minor ones
Spartan violations:
-police state
-slave labour
-forced labour
-use of chemical weapons
Cyborg possible violations:
-their consciousness
-are they really operating a true democracy?
(needs to be discussed in the council and vote if it is a violation or not, etc... to bad University not in council)
Pirates possible violations:
-larianov rebellion
-prison island?
any other violations anyone wants to bring up? also require good valid evidence, which a lot of the above is from Probe Teams.
(as for how real U.N. discuss these kinds of things, i don't know. but don't want to spend forever on the council.)
February 24, 2001, 12:34
To: Colonel Santiego
From: General Braddock
Since when the spartans became political? Don't tell me the spartans lost its will to fight.
General Braddock
General Braddock...
If Spartans wants to play political, fine by him. If they attack, Chiron Alliance will all declared war upon the Spartans. That includes hostile Probe Operations.
He has received reports of Spartans units spreading all a long the border, especially near U.N. Haven City and U.N. Data Acquisition. Majority of the civilians at those two bases are being evacuated, so he won't get flocked by Lal for endangering civilian lives and mainly because, they would just get in the way of the troops defending those bases. The Peacekeeper Continental Forces have been preparing for this war with the spartans and are ready to take them on, no matter of their superiority in moral and experience.
Braddock gets back on the Comm and contacts General Kane of Hive across the Planetneck...
February 24, 2001, 15:11
(OOC: During the Hive War, there was some ground conflicts along the Planetneck. Neither Hive or Peacekeeper successfully breach to either side. General Kane lead the battle against the PKs in that little front. They were at war, but PKs, especially Pro-War ones, don't hate Hive as much they do Spartans.
Besides, was both had a honorable battle until the war ended. Both Generals respected each other. Won't coompletly get Hive involved because still not sure the player interested in the Hive is even playing. And Hive is at war with the Spartans, just blocked off by Free Drones blockade and the Peacekeepers in the South.
Hive dislike Spartans as much as the Pro-War Pks. Anyway, General Braddock is just contacting General Kane of Hive  General Kane not incharge of military, just incharge of ground forces southern parts of Hive territory. Lal doesn't completly what the Pro-War is up to anyhow.)
February 25, 2001, 01:13
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Commander Braddock
We started playing politics since when we found how useful its for tactical maneuvers. How easily you can fool people with it. How easily people may believe in mere words, words that didnt help you when we threw you into the sea, and only planetminds quick deeds saved your miserable lives.
(OOC: Very angry text, but what can you expect when two worst enemies come together  LordLMP, is Braddock really contacting the Hive?  Didnīt they have couple of major wars with them? Donīt have anything against Hive coming into the conflict, though. More things to shoot at for the Spartans  )
Couple of days earlier in Council Base
Alexandro Demeneras was reading recent news from home in his room, when a small beep came from the ventilation duct, and then a voice,
You asked, Sir?
Alexandro turned away from the computer and looked towards the ventilation duct.
Good, youre here. For Gods sakes, stop trying to be an idiot and get out of there.
Here said with a calm but commanding voice.
Yes Sir
A dark figure jumped out of the duct. A short, muscular man dressed completely in a pitch-black probe suit, and with a very tech-looking bag on his back.
Now, Alexandro stood up and walked to him, taking a data crystal form his pocket and handing it to the spy,
This is a very delicate model, so watch yourself. If this brakes, so does you life. He looked him intensively,
Your mission is to go to University territory, not to spy or cause havoc, but to possibly deliver this. He held the crystal before the spys eyes.
This crystal holds technological data and blue prints. Also, it contains the passwords for a very large sum of credits, that can be obtained from any major bank in the Chiron alliance. You and your team will work as the hands of the Spartan Federation in the Chiron continent. Remember, you must not let this data crystal fall into any others hands. If it comes to that, you can destroy it easily, thats why its so fragile. You all have new IDīs as peacekeeper merchants, and good sum of credits for your own use.
Your destination will be Zarya- Sunrise, where you will set up a small post and wait for further orders. Now hurry up, your transportation leaves soon.
Yes Sir, goodbye Sir. The spy said without a hint of fear or doubt.
Good luck, soldier. A sentence said by Alexandro as if for a thousanth time, which was probably true.
The spy, without a sound , entered the ventilation duct and disappeared, followed only by a small beep.
Alexandro walked back in front of the computer, sat down on the chair and started reading again.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 24, 2001).]
February 25, 2001, 05:22
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
(After the the Probe team Demeneras sent to Univ. territory has arrived)
From: Unknown Source
To: Prokhor Zakharov
Greetings, Academician Zakharov, we would like to help you in your running for Head Academician. Consider us your friends, or rather allies, if you want.
Running a campaign election is very expensive, isnīt it. Well, look in your main account, there is a small donation there, and there is more from where it came.
And why are we doing this? Letīs just say we like your politics towards the Cyborgs and Data Angels, and the whole Chiron Alliance.
Keeps up the same line, we will be in touch.
February 25, 2001, 06:04
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
Spartan Newswagon
The peacekeepers are back!
The damned Peacekeepers have cowardly crept back into the vicinity of the Great Dunes. Massive demonstration were held for rapid actions against the PKīs in Sparta Command, only a few hours after the news caught the public ear. So far the officials have commented, that they are dealing with the problem. That seems true enough, as the Main army and Northern army have joined the Southern army in war Outpost. The local populace, defenders and all sensors arrays have been set on alert.
Seems that these Peacekeepers are a subfaction called the Pro-War peacekeepers. Do not let the name fool you, as they only want to enforce the UN Charter with a little more than words.
Most of their oldest members and establishers are the ones who escaped from war Outpost 60 years ago, and now they have arrived here to take back the lands they refer as their own and of course, for revenge.
We will wait and see what kind of conflict this will turn into.
(OOC:LordLMP, shouldn´t you put the exp. morale for all the PK continental units.
Just want to see them, so I could plan my plans better  )
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 25, 2001).]
February 25, 2001, 17:59
Local Time: 05:33
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
To: Unknown Source (124.23.4423)
From: Prokhor Zakharov
I thank you for this 'contribution' and look forward to working with you in the future. Hopefully I will have no troubles in capturing the election, as most of the citizens of the University support me, and as of yet there is only one other candidate.
I only traced your ip address with great trouble, however, hopefully you will give me a more permanent address to contact you at...
The energy and technology shall be of great help to the University cause.
-The Cyborgs shall return to where they belong...
February 25, 2001, 18:10
Local Time: 05:33
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Inner Conflicts in University
Seven cyborg news crew members were destroyed in an explosion at the "Data Angelz Netz Cafez" by anarchist members of the University. These mambers are believed to be under the direction of Daniel Jakhobs-Howell. Head Academican Eustace Veran Clairvont-Clairveux has declared that upon apprehension the offenders will be turned over to the International War Court. He also cited that the "University government has nothing to do with this attack, will have nothing to do with the anarchists once their apprehension, (and) wishes not to become further enthralled in world politics."
February 25, 2001, 20:13
Local Time: 05:33
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Posts: 459
The Angel's Herald
Anti-Cyborg Attacks Resume in University Base
Another attack occured on University soil today, this time at the popular Data Angelz Netz Cafez location. Seven cyborg news men were killed, with no other injuries being reported. Head Academican Eustace Veran Clairvont-Clairveux denounced the attack and assured reporters that when the assailaints were captured, they would be turned over to the International War Crimes Court.
It is suspected that David Jakhobs-Howell was once again connected to the attack. Second Datajack Jonathan Omega-Seven, currently running things in Data DeCentral while Datajack Roze is attending Planetary Council, stated that he would assist the University Government in any way possible to help apprehend the attackers. He also offered all the information that Data Angel trackers have compiled on Jakhobs-Howell over the years.
February 26, 2001, 11:14
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
From: Unknown Source
To: Prokhor Zakharov
The adress from where you can reach us is in a file coming with this message, just send it to the benefactor. We are always at your service, whether you need more credits or maybe an opponent to be eliminated, just ask.
From: Alexandro Demeneras
To: To SBFI HQ in Sparta Command
Send the two new probe teams here in Council Base, with the next supply transport. Just for the record, Iīm going to send them also to University territory, no matter that they are a little inexperienced(OOC: Veteran), theyīll be just doing easy snatches like gathering more credits and other simple jobs.
(LMP, I think you went a little overboard  I mean, almost seventy units, each units having from 20 to 50 rovers, compose only the PK continental force.The whole peacekeeper infrastructure couldnīt support that kind of amount, plus defensive, air and sea units, even with the help of the seabases and PK island.The peacekeepers would have to be even more militarily aligned than Spartan themselves  And with their Democracy and Green they have a stunning -2 in their Support, so that means only one free unit per base, or else massive drone riots.Donīt want to be a nag, but watching the interest of the Spartans  )
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 26, 2001).]
February 26, 2001, 17:35
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
Posts: 660
Cybernetic Consciousness News Bulletin
Elaine Stuart-Lewison flees University!
Ex-Academician candidate Elaine Stuart-Lewison fled the University's civilisation today after an alleged assassination attempt. Apparently she was shot at close range with a Unity pistol. The bullet entered her ribcage, but failed to puncture her left lung, stopping mere millimetres from her pleural membrane. Knowing she was no longer safe within the confines of the University, Ms Stuart-Lewison bravely commandeered a Scout Rover and took it straight to Epsilon Centre, where she formally requested asylum with the Cybernetic Consciousness. We have granted that request for asylum and therefore are legally in the right, so legally Provost Zakharov does not have a leg to stand on.
Elaine Stuart-Lewison has also made a request to have cybernetic implants and join our Consciousness. We are wary of granting this request at this time as we are unsure that the other factions will appreciate its veracity. Still, we are sure that when Ms Stuart-Lewison makes her request formally, the other factions will assent.
End of bulletin.
Private to Provost Zakharov of the University
Please understand. We do not want to aggravate relations between our two factions any more than they are already. All we wish is for a peaceful end to this conflict. We are researchers like yourself - can you not empathise with us? Please, you must understand.
In peace,
Aki Zeta-5
February 26, 2001, 20:08
OOC: First of all, we are dealing with Pro-War PKs and they pretty much control all the bases on the continent. All Civilians would have Pro-War beliefs to be living there, so why would they riot?  especially when their lives are threatened. Only the Pro-Peace believers would complain, who reside at the island and sea bases mostly, and among most of the the naval forces. The Continental Forces is is pretty much all the grounds force the Peacekeepers have, rest are garrisons at the sea/island bases.
Can't let the Spartans have it easy :P Also, look are you faction. Aerocomplexs built in month or two after discoveing Doctrine:Air Power and already almost discovered Industrial Automation since then? No. Do remember that Spartans have -2 or -3 Industry. Spartans resources pretty split up, no? busy building a Fleets of ships in days? Whole Air Force in days? and can take awhile before Industrial Automation is discovered. Think Spartans have enough advantages in military, moral and experience. They just came back from isotionism too. Besides, units will die quickly when the war starts, when ever. I can understand of the pressure and how much you want Spartans to rule planet, but overboardness becomes unrealistic. At the moment, we are still stuck within a year and game progressing in days and weeks at the moment, time not flying fast. Planet Council still haven't finished! May just conclude it since no one interested in arguing politics there. :/
Planetary Council Base
Many issues were delt with at the council concerning the U.N. Charter and the violations to it. The Believers willing to support the Charter except some minor things like having Democracy and so on. Hive say they will "try" implementing it among their faction. Cult and Spartans don't seem willing. As for the violations, nothing can seriously be done about the known violations. not enough proof and so on. So they pretty much got warnings. As for the cyborg thing, they may have a science team setup to be sent to cyborg territory to study the conciousness. pirates didn't deny or agree to the violations against them, but not enough proof in that case.
The Morganite representive didn't seriously got involve. Nerve Stapling, Nerve Gas Pods, Genocide, Slavery, Forced-Labour and so on are banned. Police State is still questionable...aslong the people are not denied their rights or being treated badly, should be ok. Anyway, Hive/Spartans/Cult/University closely watched.
As for Global Trade, no affirmative responses from Hive, Spartans and Cult about being part of it. Believers are interested, but with limits. Morganite representive was really into this part of the talks. And accuse of pirates violations of the Global Trade Agreement and that they should be kicked out of it. True that Blockading naval trade at Morgan Coastal Bases, Commandeering trade ships/cargo jets and so on are violations. But they are not monopolizing naval trade. Pirates are told to stop with this silly Trade War with morganites.
Believers promotes its fundamentalism, but no takers. Believer representive bit dissapointed.
Hive are to stop of its aggression towards the Free Drones. Hive representive say they will only if Free Drones stop its propaganda within Hive territory, but will still heavily guard their borders.
Then talks shifted to about the current situation at the Eastern continent, at the Spartan/Peacekeeper borders. The PK representive, taking Lal's place while Lal leads the Council as Planetary Governor, argues that the Spartans never actually "conquered" the territory and that they only succeeded in taking U.N. High Commission and in destroying U.N. Temple of Sol. The PK may of abandon their bases, which the Spartans seem to have trouble finding for some reason, but they were protected by Planetmind. The Pro-War political social group of their people wanted to return to the continent, despite the risk of being discovered by Spartans. So they retook and repopulated the abandon bases 10-15 years after the Peacekeepers left them. Since then, those PKs expanded. The Spartans only recently discovered of the PKs, after getting out of their isolationism, beginning of the year. Thats what started the currently situation along the Spartan/Peacekeeper border. Since the Spartans never took proper control of the territory, they have no claim to it.
the talks will continue the next day when the Council hears the Spartans arguments.
February 26, 2001, 20:31
U.N. SeaQuest
The base is still in high security and the nearby Peacekeeper Foils arrived to surround the place. The Base's Garrisons located the ship which the "Spartans" seem to have hijacked. If they are the Spartans, they are not sure how they got here. There was some problems of a Transport Foil trying to leave the base, but had to be disabled because they ignored the PK Ships and continued trying to run away. When a PK Foil moved towards it, the Transport Foil exploded. After that, no other ship tried to leave. The Base made some deep scans of the Freighter Apollon and discovered two more reactors in its hold. So the Garrisons are keeping back from the Freighter at the moment and are trying to hail the Freighter (which i am assuming its a Cruiser-size :P).
February 26, 2001, 21:03
To: Captain Svensgaard
From: Branko, Chief of Intelligence
The Peacekeepers seem to be having some problems at U.N. SeaQuest, which is currently in High Alert after receiving some rogue message to a Spartan Probe Team, and the signal seem to have been located from somewhere among the sea. Security there located the "Spartan' Probes in a Freighter ship, assuming they Hijacked it and trying to leave the base. Security hasn't moved in yet because they discovered two more reactors in the cargo bay of the freighter. I can only see one reason why a Freighter would have two extra reactors and if they the Spartans, they are crazy.
Our Infiltrators in Spartan territory reports that the Spartans moved their Northern and Main armies to join up with their Southern Army. They are also currently trying to build up their navy and their newly formed airforce. If they continue on like this, we wouldn't have to worry about them expanding to the seas to much for a decade or so.
As for the Spartans here at Planetary Council Base, their Probe Team they brought along have been busy. They hacked the Base's Mainframe before the Council started and acquired the map of locations of all factions and its bases, a map which they would of gotten anyhow in the council. Security notice that the Spartan Probe Team seem to love hanging around air ducts.
Recently, a Probe of theirs taken a University Transport to Zarya-Sunrise.
I tell ya, the Spartans have a lot to learn. Doesn't mean no one is doing anything or sound the alarm about their snooping around, means we don't see them or know they are there. Not sure if they realize yet that the Planetary Council Base Security is currently comprised of Probe Teams from the Chiron Alliance factions, Morganites, University and now one from Believers too?
To: Branko
From: Captain Svensgaard
Yes, they are strange. I am sure they will grow out of it soon or later, or else what Domai is telling me about them is a exaggeration.
Captain Svensgaard
February 27, 2001, 01:05
Local Time: 07:33
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Spartan Newswagon
Aerial support facilities ready in all major bases
The huge Aerospace complexes are ready in Sparta Command, Survival Base and Janissary Rock. Already, dozens of applicants have been accepted to the newly established air forces, and the production of airplanes has quickly begun. The production of these three bases is now completely devoted to building these weapons of the skies, so they should be ready earlier than originally anticipated.
New technological breakthrough soon!
Our brilliant scientists have once again shown their worthfulness. The technology of Industrial Automation has been almost developed, but already the industrial facilities around the Federation are being upgraded. This new technology will significantly increase our nations industrial production, while no new employees will be needed.
With the Industrial Automation, the much needed human workers will be replaced by machines. But the probably the most significant is the Hab complex, that this new tech makes available.
Especially the bases with large populations are already starting to enjoy the benefits, and in a month or so, so will all of the other bases.
In freighter ship Apollon
In just a few days, the ship had been turned into a fortress, and only by six Spartans. Six Spartans who knew their jobs, are as much as a garrison of Peacekeepers. The teams sent from the ship earlier should be, if they are in schedule, out of this base and arrived at their destinations.
The whole base had been turned upside down by the security troops, but they still hadnīt searched this part of the docks. Hopefully they would accept it as prank, and call the search off, otherwise the Spartan probe team would be doomed. And so would this base be.
They couldnt even escape, as their orders were to stick with the freighter, and just sailing away is now impossible as the whole base is surrounded by numerous combat ships that are apparently checking every ship leaving or coming to the base.
There was nothing left for the Spartans but waiting and hoping.
February 27, 2001, 09:13
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
(OOC: take it easy, LMP. I meant the PKīs whole infrastructure couldnīt even stand that kind of army and counting the Sea units makes it even worse, they would have to devote roughly a 1/3 of their production to just maintaining such force, and all people in the bases would have to be largely involved with the army somehow.Talk about peaceful Democracy  , Pro-War or not, they are still PK´s. They have a three times bigger army than the Spartans, for Christ´s sake!
I admit that I hurried the building of the AeroSpace complex and others, but first, I didnīt have a clue how slow exactly the time went, and second, if there is a huge and powerful PK(!) army appearing from nowhere just behind the border, i think anybody would have hurried construction and research with any means possible.Well, anyways, iīm not going to start justify that and if you want, I can edit the posts.
I donīt want Spartans to rule the world, but just to survive. Its easy for the chiron alliance to just watch and laugh to the dealings of the Spartans, because the alliance has everything. The thing is why Iīve made the Spartans crazy people who constantly attack everyone else, is because who else is going to be the bad guys in this game. The Hive, or maybe the believers? they arenīt even controlled by a player. Whats the interest in a game where nothing ever happens except planetary councils  , and there is no motivating threat. I´m the only player who tries to threat other factions.The Hive, University and Morgans have been chastised, the believers are far away, and the cult is too small for now. Every other faction is either in the alliance or just passively peaceful.
We can make a deal  while this conflict between the Pkīs and Spartans lasts, The PKīs can have a +4 to their support, and the Spartans +3 to Industry.This way nothing will have to be changed.)
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited February 27, 2001).]
February 27, 2001, 20:43
Local Time: 05:33
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Private: Eustace Von Clairvont-Clairveux
To: Aki Zeta-Five
End the war?... It has been over. It has been resolved. I have nothing to do with what the miscreants and anarchists in the University do- they will be dealt with by everyone but our country, we have no use for such... people.
I wish for an agreement between our countries but there has been many wounds since the first war that were dug, so the best we can hope for is a tenuous peace.
February 27, 2001, 20:58
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
The University Sun-Governor
Zakharov to meet with Col. Santiago/ CEO Morgan
In a surprise move today, Prokhor Zakharov-Zakharov has announced his intention to discuss politics with Col. Corazon Santiago, CEO Morgan, and their chiefs of staff. Hopefully, this meeting will strengthen internal affairs once Zakharov is elected University Head Academican next month...
UN Council Must Leave
Head Academican Eustace Clairvont-Clairveux has issued an ultimatium to the UN Council, "The meeting has gone on quite long enough and this constant gathering of forces is contrary to the needs of the countries near the council. An attack could easily be planned on many countries from your base. Thus, you must evacuate the council base by 3-27-80 University Time, or University patrols will forcibly shut down the counicl meeting."
(OOC: Well, you have you action there Cyber,)
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