May 9, 2003, 03:39
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Originally posted by War of Art
@Comrade Voltaire - Great to have your pictures in PRAVDA. Where did you get them, may I ask? I found lots of Soviet posters on this website. Nice suggestions for Party positions. We'll probably have to do more than one each. I'd like to become the Official Editorial Deputy to the Peoples' Advisory Council - that means keeping PRAVDA up to date and spamming the other factions newspapers.
Great Inspirational CCP Posters provided for a great selection of posters; many more are still left at our disposal comrade, and we will be needing them if we are to fend off the evils of capitalism and spread international revolution.
As for the position you requested Comrade War of Art, the word within the Party is that you are a prime candidate for Official Editorial Deputy to the Peoples' Advisory Council; the people have certainly chosen wisely.
As for the rest of the positions, I was greatly troubled my comrade when creating them, I felt that we needed to have few enough to be able to fill all the positions, and enough to cover all vital areas. I hope the right balance was achieved.
Originally posted by War of Art
We should decide who is doing what initally so everything is sorted out in time for the game to start (And for the second edition of PRAVDA )
Who wants to be the starting Chairman of the PEC? Please submit your nominations. I don't think we need a poll. Once we have that decided, the Chairman can make a series of one choice polls for the other positions, or the Minister of Democratic Public Opinion can Let's try to get it sorted out today if possible, eh comrades?
If the Party need me, I will step up and lead our glorious nation and spread the revolution though these troubled times as we take a new leap into the future of humanity of Planet.
Also Comrades, if given the great honor of serving as Chairman of the People's Continuing Committee I will bring prosperity and power to the people and the state. As well as introduce a clause in our constitution that will allow for the voluntary transfer of power from one Chairman to another, with of course the approval of the Party and the people.
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 04:23
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I have also heard that the people wish for Comrade Voltaire to be our first Chairman of the Peoples' Advisory Council upon landing. The people feel that he is ready to take the heavy responsiblity of being as a father to an entire planet, with the support and help of the PAC.
Comrade Micha is also understood to be the candidate of the people's wishes to be responsible for the spreading of information to and about the other factions. PRAVDA staff have looked favorably on the prospect of publishing regular articles from the future Minister for Information. This may be attached to the Ministry of External Affairs.
It has been suggested that Comrade War of Art is the first Minister for Democratic Reform of the Human Hive, and will be responsible for posting polls to "Let the people decide"
We need a Minister for Scientific Knowledge - has complete command over our tech choices - can instruct the Chairman, and is responsible for the Unit Workshop. Any takers?
We need still a Minister for Peace - responsible for the millitary, and should instruct the Chairman on the best deployment of the Glorious Human Hive Millitary Forces.
And also a Minister for Food, Industry and Terraforming - Like it says really.
Of course, each Minister can say what they like to the Chairman, but only the Chairman can actually decide how the turn is played. He will have complete power of overrule if it is deemed neccessary by the People.
How does this sound Comrades?
May 9, 2003, 04:41
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Originally posted by War of Art
I'll be moving down south in about 8 weeks to Schwäbish Gmünd. (It's near Stuttgart) So I won't be leaving Germany yet. Ruddy German economy = toilet
So you´re gonna become "A Schwoab"?
@Comrade Micha - I was looking for the old SED anthem, and you've already found it for me Gute Arbeit !
If you´re looking for all the anthems and songs of the SU and DDR(GDR), just have a look at the Sowjet and DDR songs website!
Who wants to be the starting Chairman of the PEC? Please submit your nominations. I don't think we need a poll. Once we have that decided, the Chairman can make a series of one choice polls for the other positions, or the Minister of Democratic Public Opinion can
 well said! Nominations here or by pm?
To be printed upon T-Shirts, cups, badgets, banners (during political and sports events), milk bottles, ...
May 9, 2003, 04:49
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So you´re gonna become "A Schwoab"?
It's about the only place in the country where you can still get a job.  I think I should be able to get some kind of work in Stuttgart. My g/f has the job in Schwäbish Gmünd. I'm going to practise the accent
Nominations here or by pm?
I think here should be fine. The identity of all voters shall be known, and who they voted for. That should stop people voting for the opposition.
Send me a T-Shirt and a Mug please (or a milk bottle  )
May 9, 2003, 05:06
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Originally posted by War of Art
I'm going to practise the accent
 Do you know the saying: "We [People of Baden-Wuertemberg] can do everything. Except speaking proper German." ?
Good luck practising that accent!
I think here should be fine. The identity of all voters shall be known, and who they voted for. That should stop people voting for the opposition.
 there ARE people voting for the opposition??? And I thought this was impossible, due to the fact there is only ONE spot you can draw your cross on...
Well, as for the votes:
The information ministery just gave the following numbers:
Comrad Voltaire is likely to be elected as first Chairman of the Peoples' Advisory Council with currently 101.8% pro and no contra votes
Send me a T-Shirt and a Mug please (or a milk bottle )
I am sorry to have to tell you that the production of T-Shirts is planned to start on MY2109. The Planning Committee has announced that people won´t like to buy T-Shirts until that time... 
But the Mug is on it´s way
As for the milk... Right now we have a little... let´s say... current shortage on milk. The capitalists are supposed to have poisoned our Xeno-cows, to force us to buy their tasteless and expensive products...
Last edited by Micha; May 9, 2003 at 05:25.
May 9, 2003, 05:14
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So... at least 3 comrades of the PAC believe that Comrade Voltaire will be our next Chairman. Are they right? A fourth such hint would be a majority of the council, and a public poll would surely follow soon. The efficeincy of the Hive means we could have a leader before any of the other factions.
As for the milk... Right now we have a little... let´s say... current shortage on milk. The capitalists are supposed to have poisoned our Xeno-cows, to force us to buy their tasteless and expensive products...
Then we shall have fresh "People's Friendly Milch" direct from the recycling tanks. Far superior to the xeno-cow milk of the Capitalist Running Dogs.
May 9, 2003, 05:29
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Then we shall have fresh "People's Friendly Milch" direct from the recycling tanks. Far superior to the xeno-cow milk of the Capitalist Running Dogs.
 great idea! the advertising campaign is already starting! Just wait a few days and "PFM" will be the people´s favourite drink!
By the way, did you notice that "Pravda" is more than 300% bigger than its counterparts in the other factions?
 That shows perfectly what the people really want to read!
May 9, 2003, 05:39
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True Comrade - we will be posting the second edition of PRAVDA before they even have their leaders elected. We will transcend before they can even move their formers. The people will read PRAVDA and post in PRAVDA to show their support for the guidance of the Peoples' Advisory Council.
May 9, 2003, 05:59
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May 9, 2003, 06:18
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Dear Mr. Tassadar5000.
The always polite state security, intituted to serve our people, invites you to have a longer "stay" here in the hive. We would be pleased if you would participate in "discussions" about major political and social issues with our state security members.
We will of course provide free housing and food for you. Well, your "room" will lack a few comforts, such like windows, bathrooms and beds. We ask you to forgive us about these things...
BTW: It is "PRAVDA", not PRAVADA". You also used that wrong spelling in the Cybernetic news thread...
May 9, 2003, 06:31
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Found an additional source for "Worker SOngs":
Online Worker Songs.
If anybody´s interested in translation, just pm me
May 9, 2003, 10:40
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I thank the people and the Party for their undying support of my candidacy for Chairmen.
Comrade War of Art, the Party congratulates you on the success of PRAVDA; truly the paper of the people. The popularity of PRAVDA indicates the popularity of our cause, for your great conviction in Communism and your unwavering support of Party ideals I would like to nominate Comrade War of Art for the first order of Lenin for outstanding services rendered to the State and the Party. Long live our revolution!
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 11:05
Local Time: 18:00
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Comrade, digging through the Unity history archives I came across a great source of inspiration for PRAVDA. The KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY of DPRK could teach our new nation much about how to run a proper communist paper.
(OOC: I’ve been reading this for months now just for the Anecdotes about Kim Jong-Il  , good for a laugh, and after a few months I think I’m actually getting good at propaganda  )
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 11:14
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Many thanks Comrade Voltaire. I believe this man also could help us learn how to spread the truth to the masses. We can learn from our Brethren in other lands!
May 9, 2003, 11:21
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Comrades as the dawn of our great nation reaches closer the people have asked that we, the Peoples’ Advisory Council of the Hiverian Communist Party, inspire the people to labor and valorous deeds. Comrades the first step in this is for the Party to choose a national anthem for our great nation. Let us discuss the matter here. Of course the real decision lies in the hands of the Party and the people, and a poll will be posted on our forum, but efficiency is something we strive for Comrades, so let us show the true strength of the efficiency of the Hive.
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 11:26
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I vote for the CCCP anthem I just DLed from your link Voltaire. I'm listening to it now
May 9, 2003, 11:29
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Originally posted by War of Art
I vote for the CCCP anthem I just DLed from your link Voltaire. I'm listening to it now 
Truly an inspirational piece of music, every Communist should know it off by heart. I second your choice Comrade War of Art, our nation could benefit by taking example for the great Soviet Union.
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 11:32
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I'm listening to the solidarity song now...
"Vorwards, nie vergessen..."
It sounds a bit silly in the verses though. Good words, bad singing
May 9, 2003, 13:07
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Originally posted by War of Art
I'm listening to the solidarity song now...
"Vorwards, nie vergessen..."
It sounds a bit silly in the verses though. Good words, bad singing 
 Well my knowledge of German is non-existent, so I wouldn’t know.
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 13:15
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Well, after shopping around a bit, it has to be the old CCCP anthem. This really is one for stirring the hearts of the Comrades. And its in Russian, so its bound to annoy Tass and the Finns somehow
May 9, 2003, 14:41
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Originally posted by Voltaire
prefectures and governors as prefects
May I suggest politructorates and politruks?
Ministry of Economics Affairs: headed by the People’s Commissar of Economics Affairs;
Commissariat of Public Starvation/Commissar of Kulak Extermination
Ministry of Science and Technology: headed by the People’s Commissar of Science and Technology;
Commissariat of Catching Up/Commissar of Theft
Ministry of Information: headed by the People’s Commissar of Information;
Commissariat of Public Brainwashing/People's Brainwasher Extraordinary
Ministry of State Security: headed by the People’s Commissar of State Security; & the
Moscow Trial Memorial Tribunal/People's Public Executioner
Commission of Foreign Affairs: headed by the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs.
Commissariat of Public Slavery/People's Enslaver
If anyone can come up with more create names please do, Ministry is overused, we need something more creative.
Always glad to lend a helping hand!
"The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
"I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.
May 9, 2003, 14:47
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Thanks Moomin
(Memo : send Hive security forces to Moominland ASAP)
May 9, 2003, 14:47
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Originally posted by War of Art
Well, after shopping around a bit, it has to be the old CCCP anthem. This really is one for stirring the hearts of the Comrades. And its in Russian, so its bound to annoy Tass and the Finns somehow 
My Russian anthem collection has over 20 versions of the Russian anthem
May 9, 2003, 15:00
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Originally posted by War of Art
(Memo : send Hive security forces to Moominland ASAP)
Don't waste men better utilized starving the people for the benefit and profit of the Nomenklatura. I'll have you remember Moominland is guarded by Finns!
"The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
"I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.
May 9, 2003, 15:06
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Tass, why dont you join the Hives?
May 9, 2003, 15:09
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Comrades, I have come up with a finalized proposal for the government structure of the Human Hive.
The Central Continuing Committee would consist of the Chairman and the People’s Ministers. The subsidiary departments and commissions of the various ministries would for the time be treated as portfolios of the ministers of the respective ministries; this would be assuming we could not fill the possessions.
The Minister of Industry and Development would administer regions not under the control of a prefect, this will remain as such until we prefects are appointed. Prefects would be nominated by the Central Continuing Committee and Peoples’ Advisory Council, and would require the approval of the Chairman to take their post. There will not be a term limit to the number of times a Prefect can serve, but they must gain the nominations of the CCC and PAC in order to retain their positions.
The Commission of Foreign Affairs will be nominated by the PAC, and appointed by the CCC. The Commissioner of Foreign Affairs will have the power to act as the official ambassador of the Human Hive to other factions, he will speak on behalf of the Party, People, and State; thus if falls under the CFA’s powers to negotiate with other factions. Of course the CCC must approve all treaties.
The Commission of Democratic Reform will be responsible for carrying out all official polls at the request of the Commissioner, and unofficial polls at the request of the PAC.
Comrades I have answered the questions I believe might come up, if any more confusion remains please ask.
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May 9, 2003, 15:09
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He probably will, after he has gathered confidential information about the UoP plans. See this thread as proof.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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May 9, 2003, 15:28
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Originally posted by Tassadar5000
My Russian anthem collection has over 20 versions of the Russian anthem
Oh, send us some goods ones.
You can never have too many Soviet Anthems.
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 16:27
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Comrades state your candidacy for the positions of the Ministries not already having a candidate. Anyone already running please post your intentions officially so that new candidates can see what positions are already filled and therefore can choose their positions accordingly.
Furthermore Comrades of the Hive, our faction need a constitution; we could adopt the great constitution of the former Soviet Union, and modify it in order to suit our purposes. If anyone would like to volunteer to either come up with a new constitution, or adopt an existing one, the Party and the People would greatly appreciate your services.
Lastly, we need a faction motto: I humbly submit for the approval of the Peoples’ Advisory Council the motto “the Party and People Forever United”.
You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!
May 9, 2003, 18:40
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Originally posted by Calc II
Tass, why dont you join the Hives?
A communist never gets himself involved with Maoists
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