February 20, 2001, 18:59
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Whould some one make a new RPG thread?
I can't right now because my brain is fried right now but if someone whould I'd be very grateful. I'm new so all the current threads are too old for me to join.
February 20, 2001, 23:40
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What is a RPG thread?
February 21, 2001, 00:05
He created a Yahoo Club for Alpha Centauri RPG, but in far future at ala startrek like its seems. Rather play a RPG in the 24th or early 25th where the factions are highly advanced, have Gravships and Singulirity Lasers, have a huge space race among factions, fighting on the moons and so on. Maybe fighting off a Proginator invasion after one of Proginator faction succeeded in contacting their Home Fleet or something.
But inter-system/inter-planatery is not really an Alpha Centauri genre. I would think humanity on Planet would Transcend before colonizing bunch of worlds.
...maybe they build a ship to go check if earth is still around?  if nuclear wasted before and society rebuilding, Factions may send armies to conquer Earth
February 21, 2001, 15:30
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I think there's something in the post-Transcend excerpt about some of Your denizens going off to recolonise Earth and sift through the post-nuclear apocalyptic ashes - post-nanominiaturisation technology level springs to mind for some reason.
Oh and by the way - P-R-O-G-E-N-I-T-O-R.
Pedantic I know.
February 21, 2001, 18:39
Indeed  Transcended humans go to colonize/fix up earth. And Proginator would still be around. Planet in SMAC is the sixth Manifold, no? where is the other 5? and are there more then 6 manifold projects which the Proginator as done?
February 21, 2001, 18:52
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whould some one please just start a whole new RPG?
February 22, 2001, 08:49
Don't like Chiron Chronicles?
February 23, 2001, 12:59
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Or the Spartan Chronicles?
February 24, 2001, 00:08
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OK, I'm a little dense. What does RPG stand for? Is a RPG a composite multi-author storyline like Chiron Chronicles, or SC?
February 24, 2001, 12:36
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its not that i don't like them. but they're way into it and i don't think i'd know what was going on
February 25, 2001, 01:03
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RPG = Role Playing Game
Rather than narrate a story from different perspectives you stick to one role/character/faction and play it to the hilt - acting and reacting to what others are posting.
Can be somewhat 'moderated' in order to resolve conflicts of interpretation, battles, tech advances etc.
No actual smac/x game is played (except in your mind)
Can be fun, albeit it also can get a little disorganized (or be subjct to a dictatorial moderator)
February 25, 2001, 14:38
Well, if you join Chiron Chronicles and choose one the available factions, then we'll have to tell whats currently going when asked. good idea to read the previous posts, admin and the old game posts from Sept to Dec.
current available factions are:
-Gaians (They may get into some Psi Wars with Antimind(Evil Planetmind) and Cult. They part of Chiron Alliance of the Good Guy Factions :P)
-Believers (They have many bases, may get into war with Cult and so on. They are bit behind in tech, but they make it up in good military size and Industry. They are participating in the Planetary Council for first time. Believers have more room to play with, since nothing as seriously been done with them)
-Hive (Have have many bases and large military of cheap units, some Good ones. They are bit behind in tech, but more advance than the Believers. Currently at war with Free Drones, which at the moment the war ain't very active. They are at war with Spartans too, but can't reach them because of Free Drones and PKs in the way mainly. They been to some nasty wars, but they are good in recovering from the damage quickly it seem. Never been played really)
-Peacekeepers (they been played, but player dissapeared  they are currently into two seperate sub-factions. Pro-Peace and Pro-War. The Pro-War PKs may get into a huge war with the Spartans. They are part of the Chiron Alliance and Lal just recently got re-elected for third time as Planetary Governor. PKs have the second or third biggest naval force on Planet too)
-Free Drones (they splitted off from Hive about 5-8 years after planetfall and were at war with them ever sence. They currently have a Blockade setup with help of spartans and secret help from Pirates against the Hive agression. They have a strong Industry, so they can maintain a strong military. Their military is mainly comprise of Cheap units, but they do have Strong Quality ones, especially at the Blockade. They are stuck between the Hive and Spartans, and currenty friends with Spartans, which they want to stay that way. Not interested in two front war. They have one sea base and operate a small navy at the moment. Oh, and Planetmind don't seriously like them much, do to their pollution.)
-Morgan Industries (they are involve a lot throughout the game, but never been played. Currently allies with University. They were at war with the Data Angels almost a decade before. So tensions between them not the best. They are also in a "trade war" with the Nautilus Pirates.
We do need more players who can get involve the story much. The Planetrary Council aspect at the moment is dying :/
March 12, 2001, 19:15
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Lord, is that offer still open?
March 12, 2001, 23:28
Yes, the offer is still open.
Gaians, Believers, Morgan, Free Drones, and Hive are still available.
March 13, 2001, 18:37
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Originally posted by [LordLMP] on 03-12-2001 10:28 PM
Yes, the offer is still open.
Gaians, Believers, Morgan, Free Drones, and Hive are still available.
Okay, I'd be interested in the Hive or the Believers, depending on their situations. Please fill me in on them. A few questions:
If I join, will I have to keep track of all of my units and bases for each "turn" on a map, or just have a general idea of what's going on in my empire?
March 14, 2001, 15:22

Originally posted by Natan on 03-13-2001 05:37 PM
Okay, I'd be interested in the Hive or the Believers, depending on their situations. Please fill me in on them. A few questions:
If I join, will I have to keep track of all of my units and bases for each "turn" on a map, or just have a general idea of what's going on in my empire?
The Hive has many bases and large military force of cheap units. They suffered a big war decades ago against the Chiron Alliance, which wiped out practicly the whole HIve navy and most of the naval related facilities along their west coast. They kept quiet after that, except for the constant attacks agains the Free Drone Blockade, with help from Spartans and secret Help from Pirates (Pirate units disguise as free drone units). They recently offered blood truce to the Free Drones due to the Planetary Council and they have other plans. They are currently into peace negociations with teh Free Drones, but both sides know will be a very small chance that it would ever happen. Its both sides taking a break mainly. Hive accepted a proposal from General Braddock of the Peacekeepers Continental Forces, and he is a Pro-War PK too. Hive will get Doctrine Air Power after they keep their part of the deal... the end result doesn't matter. I have create General Kane , incharge of the Southern Hive Forces, and have occasional friendly contacts with General Braddock, sort of friends since the Hive war, when they each lead a army against each other. The rest is up to you and rather that the Hive keeps its promise to Braddock.
The Believer have the most bases and have a large army of cheap units aswell, but lower tech than the average Faction on Chiron. Believers have a truce with the Cult, whom they don't like much. They don't have much contact with the rest of the factions, so lack of trade aswell. Friction may happen again between the Cult and Believers at the Unity Wreckage and so on.
Keep track in general. There is to many units and bases to all keep tract and bit tedious and no fun. But do put various important details about the faction in the admin thoughts and so on, details which other players may need when their faction has anything to do with the believers and so on
March 14, 2001, 16:49
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Okay, then I'll join. But I don't have SMACX, although I have played it once or twice. I understand the new factions and landmarks, but I'll need help on the maps and some of the techs. If I could get a good map somewhere, that would be great. I do, however, have the latest version of SMAC. I will take the Hive. Also, one final question: I need to know what the council considers an atrocity in this, for use in the story.
March 14, 2001, 22:11
AT the moment, any atrocities that are atrocities in the game is atrocities in this game aswell
Anything against the human rights of today, genocide, slavery, experimentationon humans, nerve gas, nerve staple, planetbuster, nukes/mass weapons in general, bio and chemical warfare of any kind, obliration of bases, denying free flow of information, denying freedom and so on
Police State doesn't look well, but nto completly ruled out. Can be Dictator and still follow the UN Charter to the letter.
March 15, 2001, 07:43
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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are you sure denying free flow of information is an atrocity
There are 3 police states in CC at the mom:
Hive: Verging on slavery. Limited human rights. The people live in poverty and are abused to further the goals of Chairman Yang.
Planet Cult: Green Communisim. Unlike the (Industrial) communist states of Earth the Cult isn't crippled by corruption. This is because the Police State is required to enforce the strict enviromental initatives & safeguards, rather than to further the personal goals of selfish leaders. One thing other factions are bound to get excited about is that in The Cult the mindworms have greater rights than Humans. The Cult is an ethical police state, a good example is Children Creches are widespread. If other factions whined enough Cha dawn would switch to pseudo democracy, but as it is the police state works just fine.
Spartan: Who cares if the spartan PS consitutes an atrocity or not, they obliterate bases with nuclear weapons.
March 15, 2001, 08:59
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That was a good one, about the spartans
March 16, 2001, 05:45
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Believe it or not, the Peacekeepers are starting to get kind of screwed up as well!
They're starting to really HATE the Spartans!!!
Their military has already introduced the slogan that " A good Spartan is a dead Spartan!", and the new recruits will also be learning that " There's no such thing as a civillian Spartan!".
I don't like the sound of this, but I can easily see how it could happen. (It's no coincidence that I'm playing them, I'm a Peacekeeper at heart!  )
Things could get ugly at some point, and if that happens, the Peacekeepers are gonna have a real problem with themselves...
March 16, 2001, 09:27
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Guardian, have you thought that it might have been the point of the Spartans, to make the PK´s really hate them. Psychological warfare
"Why to use expensive conventional warfare. Just shatter your enemies ideologies, dreams and plans for the future and they´ll be crawling before your feet."
- Spartan Battlemanual,
section on Psychological warfare.
A tough, but possible job
March 17, 2001, 06:34
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Actually, yes, the thought has occured to me that this is probably exactly what the Spartans want... the Peacekeepers know that too, but that only makes them even more pissed off!
They're not exactly crawling though, but some of them are becoming more and more like the Spartans. They become what they hate and they'll hate themselves for it... but they'll hate the Spartans even more!
March 17, 2001, 09:57
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