January 25, 2001, 17:41
Chiron Chronicles Summaries
(follow my exmaple if you like  )
Nautilus Pirates History Summary:
2120-21: University War
2121-22: Trade Alliance formed, War Crime trials concerning University
2130: University finds out about the Pirates and so does Morgan later in the year.
2135-36: War for Unity Sea When Hive fleet became a threat to the Trade Alliance at Unity Sea. Hive tried to cut off trade routes and to take control of the sea. The combine fleets of Pirate, Angel and Peacekeeper ships were able to fight them off and cripple the Hive fleet.
2136: Secret Pact with Data Angels The secret pact involves mainly of the pirates helping the angels establishing a respectable naval force while the angels help the pirates with training their probe teams. rumours as it that Svensgaard and Roze have the hots for each other 
2137: Trade Alliance reformed to the Chiron Alliance after the naval war for unity sea the previous year, the trade alliance saw more importance of the need of military. So they reformed the trade alliance to the Chiron Alliance, which all members require to pact with each other, have Democracy government and Green economy setup.
2140: Gaians Discovered [i] After the discovery of the Gaians, Pirates have contacted them. Gaians soon joins the Chiron Alliance. Gaians warns of the Antimind threat, which Planetmind aknownledges.
2156-2160: Hive War The Hive as rebuilt its fleet, this time comprising of more ships. They started attacking various Pirate, Data Angel and Peacekeeper Sea bases and trying to take control of Unity Sea again. The Chiron Alliance ships, lead by the Pirates, eventually decimated the Hive Armada. Pirates went as far as attacking various Hive coastal bases on the west shore with their new Gatling Marines. The Pirates succeeded in almost completly crippling the Hive naval capabilities. Chiron Alliance and Hive agreed to a
Blood Truce.
2158: Free Drones Discovered during the Hive war, the Pirates discovered and contacted the Free Drones. Chiron Alliance finds out more about the Hive and Spartans.
2160: Planetary Council formed since more and more factions are being discovered and known, Chiron Alliance forms the Planetary Council, which all factions (and Planetmind) on Planet can be part of. Lal of the Peacekeepers became the first Planetary Governor. elections will happen every 10 years.
2162: Planetary Council Base established after some talks about it, was decided to establish a neutral base where the Planetary Council can be place, which all faction leaders will meet every 10 years. The base will be semi-independent while defended by various faction units.
2164: Secret Trade deal with Free Drones Svensgaard proposed to Foreman Domai a secret trade deal. Pirates will help the Free Drones build up a naval fleet while Dronesallow Nautilus Probe Teams to traverse their territory. Pirates also willing to help the Drones defend their territory with their Nautilus Battle Dragon units, aslong they are disguise as Drone units and that Domai tells no one about it.
2168: Larionov Rebellion Larionov Merchant Company (connected to the Supplying resources to University and leaking info to Morgan-University on the Chiron Alliance) as been secretly building up an small military at (island north-east of Gaians) in past decade or so. they took control of all three bases on the island and declared Independence. The Marine Corp was quickly sent to retake the island from the Larionov Forces, before other factions finds out about it. After retaking the island, the Larionov Merchant Company was disbanded. all involved were prosecuted/interrogated and shipped to some island nicknamed Prison Island which the Pirate used in past several decades. why waste resources building prisons for them? the Pirates do keep an watch on the island. the whole rebellion and prison island is not known to the rest of factions.
2170: Lal elected as Planetary Governor again
2171: Global Trade Agreement got a majority of votes.
2172: Morgan accuses the Pirates of "monopolizing" the seas Morgan started complaining after their merchant ships being "mistreated" by Pirate ships.
2174-76: Morganite-Angel War the Pirates secretly helps the Data Angels by sabotaging various Morgan facilities with Probe Teams.
2178: Chiron Alliance questions the Nautilus Pirates because of the nautilus pirates naval superioty, after hearing rumours and Planetmind's spying on them, rest of the Chiron Alliance questions the Pirates. Morgan still accuses the pirates of monopolizing the seas, rumours of the larionov rebellion and prison island, secret dealings and doing things behind Chiron Alliance and Planetary Council backs. The Pirates response was by "questioning" the rest of the Chiron Alliance factions, especially Planetmind. This may be brought up at the Planetary Council.
2179: Morgan-Pirate Trade War with the advancement into needlejets, the morganites introduced their Merchant Cargo needlejets, an alternative to naval trading. Becausing of this, the Pirates started a "Trade War" with Morgan. Its not an all out vendetta.
2180: Game starts and the third Planetary Council elections coming up later in the year.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited January 25, 2001).]
January 26, 2001, 23:09
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University History Summary
2219-20: University War
lost to the other factions; Zakharov is surrendered up to a trial
2220-21: Zakharov in Prison
Zakharov's condencending attitude leads the other leaders to believe he is
lying in his trial and so he is sentenced to prison
2223: Sexetential Faction Treaty Signed
The Sextential Faction Treaty signed "against war" between Cyborgs, Peacekeepers, University,
Data Angels, Morganites, and Pirates (though they would rather not have)
2225-68: War-Trade Continues with rogue Pirates
Several Pirates who do not support the 'strange' Cyborgs continue trade with the University;
in 2268 they are captured but some still remain, though these have not the resources to trade, yet
they keep up an underground "anti-cybordic" movement.
2248-63: Border skirmishes with Cyborgs near Inspiration Point
2260: Planetary Council Formed
Lal elected leader
2263-68: University grows more aloof
[i]They start to ingrow and spread a doctrine of technical purtiy and 'all ignorant humans are not fit to
own this planet..."
2270: Lal elected planetary governor
[i]He is once again elected because people view him as a 'consolidation candidate' and is
not too powerful, so is acceptable to most everyone.
2272: Morganites/University make Alliance
2276: Aki-Zeta Five fired upon by a University assassin.
The assassin was never linked to the University, but there are suspicions
2280: Zakharov released from prison, cannot run for office; but argues about loopholes.
Cyborgs angered
January 28, 2001, 03:06
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Spartan History 2123-2180
The war between the Spartans and the Hive turned into a full scale carnage.
After the Spartan taskforces found out that they were chased by three ogres, they left three units out of seven to prepare a suicide ambush. Destroying one ogre, and damaging the other two, the rest of the Spartans gained enough time retaliate.
As most of the Hive forces had gone to defend the Hive capital, the rest of the hive bases were in trouble. especially the bases in the monsoon jungle were left undefended or had only a sceleton defence.
The Spartans once again began their gruesome genocide directed mostly towards the five Hive cities located on the border of the mountains and the monsoon jungle, as they left towards home.They looted everything valuable, burning everything else to ashes.
Spartans killed tens of thousands of people, and took more than 10000 people as slaves and as a guaranteed pass through Hive controlled territory. If Yang decided to attack, he would have to go through the 10000 human shields, that the Spartans had taken with them. Even a Hiver canīt be so inhumane.
The remaining two units and some surviving remnants of the seven other units, that had been destroyed during the campaign, were greeted as heroes and the huge gathering of loot and slaves further added to their glory. General Halzburg got a place in the Junta and vastly increased his power.
After the successful campaign against the Hive, Spartans closed their borders and turned to a self inflicted isolationism, prohibiting all movement through their borders. Only closely monitored trade with the free drones was allowed.
However, inside their carefully controlled borders, progress continued. Once again, a huge rover army was built for defence purposes, or against the small amount of native life that hadnīt been terraformed or burned to ashes with the help of the weather paradigm.
As Spartans had done since the antique, bases continued to send their overgrowth populations into new colonies, which resulted in five new colonies.
The fleet project was mostly abandoned, but for the four already built foils, working as scouts. In 2180 these four foils are old and in desperate need of repair and refit.
With the invention of Doctrine:Loyalty, the Spartans turned officially into a police state, one more of Santiagos moves to secure her position. Research and industry continued the same way, and in the year 2140, Sparta Command built the Command Nexus, because of the huge pressures created by controlling the iron curtail put around Spartan territory.
The year 2142 is well remembered by every Spartan, because of the rebellion of War Outpost. After a long siege and a bloody skirmish in the base, the rebellion was crushed and about 1000 military and bureaucratic personnel were publicly executed.
In mission year 2151, the Hive was finally able to open a channel through the blokade made by the Free Drones, and launched a series of attacks against the Spartans. Most of them turned into pointless suicide attacks, as the Spartans quickly repelled these attacks. Few attacks though, succeeded , the best of them being the sacking of Centurion Caves. After that, the Spartans sent a large amount of forces to help the Free Drones in the their struggles to keep the Hive cornered. Since then, it has been a constant battle south of drone territory.
Now, its year 2180, and Sparta is boiling within. Huge areas have been turned into farmlands and industrial facilities, with not much success. Thousands of kilometers of arable land has been turned into a wasteland. The cities are turning overcrowded and the countryside just doesnīt have enough places for all the people wanting to move out. The Hive is getting more powerful and the blokade, if nothing is done, will brake.
The pressure made by the discontented people and the corrupt Junta, has forced Santiago to lift the iron curtail. The Spartan juggernaut directs its eyes towards the ex-peacekeeper lands south of the Great Dunes and lands reported by the small Spartan fleet to east, beyond the sea.
Secret History
While the Spartans were fighting and enjoying the fruits of their lands, the slaves taken from the Hive were serving them and building their facilities. The 10000 slaves were at first given crude accommodations and minimal needed rations for survival, though the Spartans demanded much more work of them.
In time, the slave population started growing fast and turned into a valuable asset in the Spartan society, and with that the conditions the slaves had to tolerated got better.
Soon, some of the best serving slaves and their families were given more rights, and some individuals were even freed, though again with some restrictions.
After 30 years of their capture, a part of the slave population had already been turned into Spartans, with the full rights and duties of a Spartan citizen. The rest of the slaves were valued, and debates between bases, how large slave ration they should have, raged constantly. No wonder Spartans valued the hive slaves, they were used to hard work and most of them accepted the Spartan idea of the world with ease.
In the year 2180, all slaves of Sparta have been freed, and they have same chance in moving up through the Hierarchy as any other Spartan, by proving oneself in loyalty and devotion to the Spartan Federation. The Hive slaves have organized themselves into large families, or clans that work practically in symbiosis inside, but do not take strangers kindly and wages feuds with some of other Hive clans for territory, but never opposes Spartan rule. The 10000 slaves have grown into a community of 100000, within another community.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited January 28, 2001).]
January 28, 2001, 22:43
Local Time: 05:33
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Posts: 459
Data Angel History Summary:
2120-2121: University War
2121-2122: Formation of the Trade Alliance. Zakharov found guilty at the Data DeCentral War Crimes Tribunal. Sentenced to imprisonment. First Data Angel election, Roze elected Datajack by an overwhelming majority.
2123: Data Angels sign Sexetential Faction Treaty to ensure peace on the continent.
2128: Cyborg-Angel Highway Completed. Data Angel and Conciousness formers complete the roadway providing a direct route between Alpha Prime and Data DeCentral. The longest existing roadway on Chiron.
2135-2136: War for the Unity Sea. Data Angel ships aid in the defence of the Trade Alliance against the Hive fleet.
2136: Secret Pact with Nautilus Pirates Roze signs a pact with Svensgaard that allows the Angels to provide training of covert ops, while the Pirates help the Angels establish a respectable fleet.
2137:Formation of Chiron Alliance After the War for the Unity Sea, a need was seen to forge the Trade Alliance into not only an economic, but a military alliance as well. All members sign a formal pact and agree to adopt Democratic governing practices and Environmentaly friendly, green economic policies.
2140: Datajack Roze supports Lady Deirdre's application to join the Chiron Alliance. Knowing that Deirdre would oppose Morganite policies, Roze becomes a strong backer of Deirdre.
2145: First successful breeding of a native lifeform in captivity. The mindworm, sent to Data DeCentral by Planetmind reproduces to create a second boil. It is the first mindworm boil born into faction citizenry.
2151: Mindworm Attack on Coder's Pit Mindworms attacked the garrison at Coder's Pit, causing minimal damage and a big scare. Planetmind believes the Antimind is behind the attack as the attack was not of his doing. Roze begins organization of a Citizen's Defence Force.
2156-2160:The Hive War The Data Angel fleet once again assists the Chiron Alliance in fending off the Hive Armada. Minimal Data Angel losses occured thanks to superior Pirate training. Chiron Alliance agrees to sign a Blood Truce with the Hive.
2160: First Planetary Council Chiron Alliance proposes a Planetary Council, where all factions (including Planetmind) can voice opinions and make decisions that affect the whole Planet. Roze supports Lal in his election as governor.
2162: Planetary Council Base Established. A permanent base was established for the Planetary Council, creating a neutral facility. The base is defended by all factions, and is considered entirely neutral.
2170: Lal Retains as Planetary Governor
2171: Roze supports motion for Global Trade Pact.
2171: Tensions rise between Morgan and Roze when Roze backs the Pirates in the Morganite-Pirate trade dispute.
2174: Morganites Declare Vendetta on Data Angels. CEO Morgan officially declares war on the Data Angels. Data Angel army is already mobolized due to a leak from Morgan Industries. Data Angel's end up with the advantage of surprise.
2175: Morgan Bank falls to the Data Angels. Data Angel forces overwhelm the garrison at Morgan Bank, and the base is captured.
2176: Morgan-Angel Peace Accord Morgan agrees to end the vendetta and Roze agrees to return Morgan Bank to Morganite control. Data Angel troops withdraw, however a fee is exacted from Morgan in reparation.
2178: Roze doesn't not actively participate in the questioning of Captain Svensgaard's activites. Roze assists Pirates by convincing Prime Function Aki-Zeta Five and Lady Deirdre to calm down a little.
2179: Citizen's Defence Force Completed. All Data Angel bases are equipped with a Perimeter Defense and Flame squadrons, primarily to defend against the Antimind. Rumours abound of renewed hostilities with the Morganites. A small detachment is sent to the Manifold Nexus to aid in the defence of Planetmind's stronghold.
March 19, 2001, 23:19
They are currently preparing for war, mobilizing their forces and increasing it. May take the rest of the year before they Join the War.
Free Drones:
They have started fortifying their borders with the Spartans while reinforcing their borders with the Hive. With the blood truce with them, gives the Free Drones a chance to upgrade their units with Missile Weaponry base on the tech giving by the pirates and to build new units. Mindworm activity has lowered a bit, but some bases continue to be harrassed. Trade with the Pirates and some of the other factions of Chiron Alliance are still strong. The Spartans have closed their borders, closing trade routes to Centurion Cave. Domai thinks its a bit silly of them to do that, especially with the Spartans crapy Industry and all.
They are pretty much keeping to themselves, while having limited trade with other factions. Believers notice the Cults new base and are not very happy by it, so they reinforced their western borders. The Believers also started building their own navy at Nessus Sea while they continue expanding eastwards on their continent.
They have their hideouts at Mount Planet and at the large island north-west of the Free Drones/north-east of data angels. Same island which the Spartans has sent their VTOL Air Transport with extra fuel tanks.
Larionov Forces:
They are close to be dead after failing to keep hold of the Pirate Island where the majority of their forces have been lost, but Larionov Forces is still alive... they have hideouts about and have some operatives still hiding among some Pirate Bases and Morganite/University territory. They slowly rebuilding, with help of Morganites/University. They are making plans to of rescuing rest of their comrades at Prison Island, which they still need to find.
Another Sub-Group:
There is a sub-group i have thought up for awhile, and will very slowly adapt to CC. They have operatives all over the place like the Pirates, Data Angels, Morganites, University, Gaians, Believers, Free Drones, Peacekeepers and Hive. Some of the operatives are part of the Nautilus and Data Angel intelligences. They are mainly observers, manipulators, saviours to some, and so on. This sub-group is known to a few like Branko, the Chief of Nautilus Intelligence, maybe Sinder Roze, maybe Lal and even Hive, a bit.
They won't be showing up for a bit, unless people wants them too or two players each play a alien.
March 22, 2001, 08:26
Morganites: (forgot them)
Morganites were pretty preparing for war, and a invasion force for the Data Angels, but got twarted mostly by the Data Angels taking control of Morgan Bank again with a Probe Team (or whatever  ). The populace are really not looking forward to it, since it is bad for the Economy. And the Coastal Bases are being bombarded by Pirate ships aswell. So me think they will back off from war quite soon. Morganites will not commit any atrocities, since they are not in the mood of paying sanctions. They are currently upgrading their military with Missile Launchers and really starting to build a Air Force.
Chiron/Central Continent:
I doubt that they will have as much bloodshed as on he Eastern Continent here, since it is mostly skirmishs at the moment. Morgan already loss one of its bases. The hotest situations on the continent I see at the moment is near Inspiration Point, at the intersection of the Cyborg-Data Angel and Morgan-University roads, and at the Morgan Bank area.
March 25, 2001, 17:17
Local Time: 05:33
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Actually war is quite good for war profiteer economies such as the Morganites.
Congrats on all the work you have done.
It seems I have a lot to catch up on before I write.
March 25, 2001, 18:24
Look at the Morganites situation, the only factions that seriously likes them is University and hav Hive and Spartan as allies, in another continent. There having skirmishs in the middle of the continent. And with the pirates pretty much cutting the Morganites trade and the Cyborgs/Data Angels intefering with trade on the continent, they pretty much entered the war loosing all their trade routes and no way to make a profit during war. they are in a bad position economicly and they just lost Morgan Bank again, cutting off a main road leading to the Uranium Flats from Morgan Industries. The Morganites have a lot to loose and they are not an agressive faction. another loss like Morgan Bank, they'll back out in this Apex Alliance and become neutral. Peace is more profitable than war. Another note, since 2121, they CEO started various programs to minimize the pollution as much as possible, especially when they switch to Free Market as soon they got the tech for it. Remember, they care more about profit than University, Spartans and the Hive.
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