March 11, 2001, 19:10
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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From: Head Academican Prokhor Zakharov
To: Col. Corazon Santiago
It would seem wise for me to not ignite a war at this time without any provocation to do so. However I will send help to you should you so request it; and if Planetmind gets involved fighting us and Antimind then I can feasibly bring in the Morganites to help destroy the Cyborgs and Data Angels.
Destroying those two troublemakers will allow the Morganites and ourselves to once again control the populace who deserted us so long ago. Destroying the factions will also put pressure on the rest of the alliance to send aid their way instead of to your front.
Good Luck.
March 11, 2001, 19:17
Local Time: 05:33
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Day 12, Journal of Illian Johansseen-Kloph
Encountered the Colonial University peoples,
A patrol went out to greet us warily from the hills when they saw our University colors.
Upon meeting them we were introduced and were taken to Rocky Crag.
From there the Spartans, our Generals and myself worked upon a secret plan for the 're-discovery' of the Colonial University cities during a massive strike against the heathen Data Angels and Cyborgs.
I cannot outline it in this journal for it is too sensitive a plan to fall into enemy hands.
March 12, 2001, 01:15
Local Time: 05:33
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Location: looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
Posts: 660
Private to all Chiron Alliance leaders - maximum encryption
From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 of the Cybernetic Consciousness
My friends,
I too agree that the Spartans are a threat to our safety. Their continued aggressive posturing and militaristic attitude is, quite frankly, unacceptable.
The question we must face is, what can we do about it? Datatech Sinder Roze is already stretching her resources to the limit by sending those Impact Rovers. I myself can spare few forces to bolster the Peacekeeper defences - however, I am sending three squads of Trained Silksteel Sentinels to help in their defence, although these must remain nominally under my command due to the threat of Spartan probe teams. I am sending one of my best coders with them in order to stave off any attempts at subversion.
Believe me, I would gladly transmit the Silksteel technology, but unfortunately I fear Commissioner Lal has made inadequate provision against the threat of the Spartan probe teams. The Silksteel armour may prove to be our only defence against their superior weaponry, and I would not have it stolen by the Spartans.
And what of Planetmind's declaration of war on the Cult of Planet? We cannot fight a two-front war, especially with a faction which professes to be helping the Peacekeepers against the Spartans. The Consciousness, I am afraid, must decline to declare Vendetta against the Cult. What with the aggressive nature of Provost Zakharov's rule and his alliance with CEO Nwabudike Morgan, we cannot afford to spread our forces too thinly. At any moment, University troops might pour into our territory, and had Datatech Roze not kindly agreed to station forces in my bases in preparation for a counterstrike, it would go hard with us.
Thankyou, my friends. My declaration of Vendetta against the Spartans will follow if they should dare to attack my Silksteel Sentinels. I hope that my presence will be a deterrent.
My thoughts are with you all, always.
Prime Function Aki-Zeta 5
Private to Datajack Roze of the Angels, Maximum encryption
My dear friend,
Many thanks for your gift of Centauri Empathy. Already our channels to the planetmind have been greatly improved.
Since then, we have discovered the secrets of Cyberethics, and switched our social model to the newly discovered Knowledge. The increased research abilities that this has brought has allowed us to make great inroads in pursuit of a long-hoped for technology. Superconductor. Although our scientists are some way from the finalisation of this theory, it is believed that we will be able to produce gatling laser guns, weapons of previously-undreamed of power.
I enclose the secrets of Cyberethics, plus my warmest wishes. Perhaps if you eventually choose to research the predicted Pre-Sentient Algorithms, we will be able to share technologies more easily.
Best wishes,
Prime Function Aki-Zeta 5.
[This message has been edited by SMAC Fanatic (edited March 11, 2001).]
March 12, 2001, 05:48
Local Time: 07:33
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To: Chiron Alliance Leaders (ooc: including general Braddock)
From: Commissioner Pravin Lal
My friends, I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I fear general Braddock and his followers have been proven right about the Spartans. We have tried to resolve our differences with them in a civilized manner, and we have been rewarded with unprovoked attacks and hideous atrocities. They clearly have no respect for the UN Charter or indeed for humanity, and although it seems like a terrible thing to say, I fear that there can never be peace on this planet as long as the Spartan Federation - in its' present form - remains a force to be reckonned with.
Accordingly, from this day forward, the Peacekeeping Forces on Chiron will be dedicated to the destruction of the Spartan war machine. We would, of course, prefer to see the Spartans voluntarily stand down and dismantle their own forces, but barring that... (*swallow*)... we are not going to sit here and wait for another disaster like U.N. SeaQuest. General Braddock now has my full support in whatever action he deems necessary.
We shall even start mobilizing some forces of our own, here on the island. I shall be making a public statement within the hour. I hope some day I'll be able to forgive myself for what I'm about to do...
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Disillusioned Peacekeeper
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 12, 2001).]
March 12, 2001, 09:56
Local Time: 07:33
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To: Chiron Alliance Leaders
From: General Braddock
So, the blasted Spartans were behind the disaster at UN SeaQuest. It comes as no surprise. Anyway, I thank you all for your support. If you wish to give your diplomacy one more chance, if only to keep up appearances, then I suggest you do get on with it. My forces are ready and waiting...
Public statement by Commissioner Pravin Lal
Broadcast on all known frequencies
My fellow human beings.
I come to you in a time of great crisis. It appears there are those of us who choose to set aside both the UN Charter and their own humanity in their quest for power. These forces can no longer be left unchecked, as they are already threatening the survival of humanity on Chiron. We now have evidence confirming that the Spartan Federation was responsible for the atrocity at UN SeaQuest, and this is only the most recent of their crimes. Over the years since planetfall, we have all tried to resolve our differences with them in a civilized manner, and we have been met with unprovoked attacks and hideous atrocities.
This madness has to stop and it has to stop now!
The Spartans have said that they merely seek to secure the survival of humanity. However, to this end they can only fail, as there seems to be no room for compassion in their scheme, and without compassion there is no humanity left to secure.
If they truly seek survival for humanity, they will immediately withdraw their forces and stop threatening their fellow humans, and those responsible for the destruction of UN SeaQuest will be turned over to the Planetary Council to stand trial for their crimes.
Any other course of action would prove that the Spartan Federation is in fact a threat to the survival of humanity, and as such, the rest of us would be forced to stand against them. Although I hate to say it, the use of direct military force can no longer be ruled out.
Commissioner Pravin Lal
Planetary Governor
To: Colonel Santiago
From: Commissioner Lal
Colonel, this madness has to stop and without your cooperation I can not stop it. The situation is rapidly deteriorating, and if we do not act like responsible human beings now, it could be the downfall of us all.
Think about it, colonel. This war will have no winners, only losers. If you're really the survivalist you claim to be, you will help me stop it before it's too late.
Peacekeeper Island / UN sea bases
Reluctantly, the non-pro-war Peacekeepers start a new program to build themselves a military force which can do more than just police the streets of their own home bases. As it turns out, there are more volunteers than expected, but the Peacekeepers lack the required infrastructure to equip and support a military force of any significance, and their training facilities are also inadequate. They do have the resources to acquire these things, but this will take some time...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 12, 2001).]
March 12, 2001, 11:41
OOC: Pirates will strike first by sea  hey, they don't have any relations with Spartans, so can surprise attack without negative intrigity.
They are Pirates after all :P
To: Admiral Proudmoore, Third Fleet
From: Captain Svensgaard
Admiral, Third Fleet is to now secure Chiron Sea of any Spartans. Start by taking out that Spartan fleet near Fossil Field Ridge ASAP.
Captain Svensgaard
Fossil Field Ridge
The Pirate Cruisers and Foils quickly gets into a spread out formation. They retargets the Spartans and at Admiral Proudmoore's orders, the ships starts firing their Missile Launchers on the Spartan Fleet (Combined Artillery Fire). A whole wave of Missiles come streaking towards the Spartans Foils, getting them by surprise.
Plan: get into a long range fire fight for a bit, and then move in to finish the spartans off. Since pirate ships have Marine Detachment, theres a chance for them to capture Spartan Foils, without any self destructions.
OOC: Combat will be done move by move. Always give a chance to the other to do their move, which is either move, attack, long range attack and so on. Each unit can be doing different moves. All the pirates ships started their move by all artillering the Spartan ships, by surprise at that too.
March 12, 2001, 16:21
Local Time: 00:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 771
Near Fossil Ridge...
The fungus rustled with excitement. Their allies, the Peacekeepers and the Chiron Alliance, had declared war aganst the Spartans. The elder mindworms give the locusts new life by letting them transplant some of their skin to help heal their wounds. The great locusts swarms had been resting for a day now and they healed their small wounds from the Cult forces. They were ready for the attack.
Out of the fungus they flew. On a huge burst of speed that would shame a jet, the cloud of locusts sliced through the air. They came upon a small forest and they flew right through the trees, chopping many down. Planetmind infomed the "leaders" that this was called "effect". The locusts reached the shore and then the Spartan ships about the time that the Pirate missles came. Using the Pirate missles like a shield, the locusts swarmed through the missles. Since the Pirate missle's target could be mostly predicted, the locusts had few losses. They then flew with the missles and let them punch holes in the Spartan hulls. The locusts then flew through those holes and punched through the metal on the other side. Some locusts flew through the hoverskirts, causing the foils to shake and list over. The Spartans fought back with flame guns, but since there were so many of them a few locusts here and there didn't help. The locusts all gathered in one spot in the middle of the fleet and paused. The Spartans took full advantage of this and they took out several hundred of them. The missles exploding over the water was the signal for the secret fleet. A sealurk holding a isle (taking lessions from the evil Cult) popped up in the middle of the fleet. The sealurk, who was very young, jumped on top of the most damaged foil and proceded to crush it. The missle turret, though, malfunctioned and shot the sealurk. The sealurk continued to hold the foil tightly as they both sank. The isle smacked some of the lesser damaged foils with its worms as the locusts gathered on it. The isle then sped away as fast as it could, shooting dead or almost dead locusts like bullets.
South of War Outpost...
""Go my forces and wipe out the Peacekeeper bases south of you.""
(In unison)""Yes, Lord AntiMind...""
OOC: Two Mindworm, spore launchers, and locust great boils are heading for the PK bases. The locusts are a square in front of the mindworms, the spore launchers are under the locusts, and the mindworms are in the back.
March 12, 2001, 18:15
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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CultVision NewsFlash!
The Spartan Front
Cult forces have arrived on Peacekeeper soil, ready to do there part in destroying the evil spartans. Stay tuned for more on the gross betrayal by Planetmind!
"The Power Program"
Starting today in all Children Creches the Power Program intends to instil the importantance of power and respect in our children. How will the Power Program effect you and yours? Stay tuned!
Project Dragon Slayer
The latest buzz in industry, construction of the new defenses against the Dragon's of other factions. What's a dragon you say? Glad you asked, stay tuned!
TO: Cha Dawn
FROM: Psi Talent Betts
Prophet, the isles have arrived at UN Haven City. After unloading they left to find some fungus to rest in.
We have decided to team the worms up, 2 Mind worms and 1 spore launcher.
Our formers are constructing a fortification around the fungal field Braddock allowed us to use.
OOC: There is a bunker on the cultist "base of operations".
1 Cult worm team (2 worms, one launcher) and 2 scout patrols have walked down to the PK defense lines. The rest are at UN Haven City waiting for assignment.
March 12, 2001, 21:39
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
OOC: I'm popping an Alien pod because it seems like certain people are way ahead of where they could possibly be going by tech points.
***Private Message - Enhanced Encryption***
To: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
From: Datajack Roze
Dear Aki,
I thank you kindly for your gift. My scientist have just begun research into what we as well are describing as Pre-Sentient Algorithms, and will glady share that knowledge with you once we have finished our study. In the mean time, I would like to share our information on Industrial Automation and Advanced Military Algorithms, if you should find either of those useful. An alien artifact led us to the discovery of these Advanced Military Algorithms, a highly useful artifact. I fear it won't be long before this new war spreads to our continent and we will need all the help we can get. Sincerely yours,
***Private Message - Enhanced Encryption***
To: Captain Ulrich Svensgaard
From: Datajack Roze
I have a proposition for you. Both of us have technological information the other might find useful. Would you care an exchange. I believe my files on Cyberethics, Pre-Sentient Algorithms or Silksteel Sentinels and Industrial Automation could prove beneficial to you. Is there any information you would be willing to exchange in return? With the war against the Spartans, we need to work together. Let me know.
March 13, 2001, 05:40
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
UN Missile Foil Defender, Fossil Field Ridge
Fleet commander George Evans watched in satisfaction as the status board showed every battle station as "Manned and ready". Something was about to happen. Over the last few minutes, they had watched as the nearby Pirate fleet suddenly spread out an increased speed, then turned towards the Spartans... Appearantly, some kind of decision had been made...
"Sir, the Pirates have opened fire! The Pirates have opened fire!" The radar operator's voice cracked with excitement. Well, well, it seemed the waiting was over. "Jeez! Look at this!" The commander turned his attention to the radar scope, which was currently showing swarms of small, fast moving blips leaving the Pirate ships and streaking out towards the Spartans. The Pirates had just unleashed a massive long range bombardment. This was what they had been waiting for. This was the opening move, and their side was calling the shots this time! The Pirates would bombard the Spartan fleet from a distance for some time, then close in to finish them off.
Finally. Some action!
Evans watched the radar image for a couple of moments longer, trying to take in the significance of what had just happened. Then he snapped out of it. The time for watching and waiting was over and the time for reflection had not yet come. Now was the time for action. He savored the thought for just one moment, then he started issuing a string of orders.
"All ahead full! Come to new heading 0-7-0 degrees. Our allies have just gone to war for us and we're going in with them! Get the word out to the rest of the fleet, then to Braddock and UNHQ. Tell them we're joining up with the Pirates. Oh, and remove the safety locks from all weapons. Let's see if we can get a piece of the action here."
He braced himself as the Defender turned and accelerated to join up with the Pirate ships that were currently just beyond the horizon. Looking back, he saw the Protector and the Orion also turning and speeding up to stay with him. Up ahead, he could see the streaks of more missiles being launched and almost laughed out loud from the sheer excitement of it. Then he went over to his communications officer and started hailing Admiral Proudmoore of the Pirate Fleet. They would meet the Spartans with a unified front.
March 13, 2001, 08:22
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
To: General Braddock
From: Commander Cooke, Reserve Units
Subject: Operation Fury
Sir, we're in position.
Fury is ready to go.
UN Data Acquisition
"Sir, someone's been snooping around in these files! Unauthorized access detected, 48 hours ago."
Peacekeeper counter-intelligence officer John Murdock rolled his eyes in disgust. "Damn! That's almost certainly another one of those bastard Spartan probe teams! They're crawling all over us like f*cking ants!"
"Sir, I think I can trace these buggers. Hold on..."
"Well, if it's been 48 hours they're probably long gone by now, but let's give it our best shot..."
30 minutes later, a commando unit was getting ready to move in on a seemingly insignificant apartment building on the outskirts of town...
March 13, 2001, 12:07
OOC: I suggest we wait for Cyber before any more involvement in the Battle at Fossil Field Ridge, and the rest of the battlefield on the continent for that matter. Pirates have Industrial Automation, only way to get to Doctrine Iniciative.
To: Datatech Sinder Roze, ****enhanced encryption****
From: Captain Svensgaard
Hello Datatech,
We have Doctrine: Iniciative, Doctrine: Air Power and Synthetic Fossil Fuel available to trade with.
Captain Svensgaard
March 13, 2001, 17:46
Local Time: 05:33
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Location: looking for a saviour in these dirty streets
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To: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard of the Nautilus - high encryption
From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Captain Svensgaard, my friend, far be it from me to drag you into a Vendetta which is of little concern to you, but it is my belief that the University and Morganites cannot and will not restrain themselves much longer. My people have been fortifying our bases against attack, but any help you could see your way to giving would be much appreciated. Of course, this help would not go unrewarded - I am sure we could come to a reasonable agreement about the distribution of the Morganites' vast credit stores.
Naturally, you prefer to remain in your birthright oceans, so land bases would be of little use to you. Also, this territory which we would gain would be of invaluable use to myself and Datatech Roze, so perhaps a 60-20-20 split of Morgan's credits (assuming that together we can overwhelm their defences) eould be satisfactory?
Please try to understand. We are not attempting to hire you as a mercenary, but I and Datatech Roze must do whatever we can to ensure the safety of our people. As fellow Chiron Alliance leaders, we pose no threat to you - indeed, I and my people abhor war in all its forms. We make a point to avoid war at all costs, and to seek a peaceful solution to every conflict.
My friend, if I have any technology which would be of use to you, I would be more than willing to exchange it for some of yours. Also, my sea colony pod and its escorts are on their way to your specified co-ordinates, and should hopefully reach there soon.
Yours in friendship,
Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
Dream to Planetmind
my friend...earthuniversity and earthmorganite support your enemy, antimind...if we attack them with mind worms, can you help to direct our attacks...give us some edge in combat...anything...we will halt the morganites' wanton ecological disruption and the university's callous views towards planet...please, if you can aid us, do...
March 14, 2001, 11:45
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
Peacekeeper Headline News
Special bulletin: Are we at war?
Good morning brothers and sisters. I'm Neil Sheehan and these are the headlines of our special bulletin:
Naval battle at Fossil Field Ridge
We have just learned that a major naval engagement is underway in the Fossil Field Ridge area, where the Pirate Navy has opened fire on the Spartan Fleet. Peacekeeping naval forces are in the area, but are reportedly not involved in any fighting. However, Fleet Commander Evans has already stated his intent to join up with the Pirate forces and assist in "neutralizing the Spartan threat". Our sources indicate that the closest UN naval units can reach the battle area in a matter of minutes, which means that within minutes, we could be at war! More details to follow...
Are we going to war?
There has been no formal declaration of war against the Spartans yet on behalf of the Peacekeeping Forces, nor was one expected, as the civillian leaders still cling to the faint hope of a diplomatic settlement. However, this hope seems to be fading, and as we all know, even Commissioner Lal is now saying that the use of military force against the Spartans can no longer be ruled out. The military leaders argue that diplomacy has had its' chance and failed, and that peace with the Spartans under their current regime is impossible because they just want to walk all over everyone else and slaughter anyone who gets in their way. Hence, the military argues that it is no longer a question IF there will be a war but rather, the questions now are WHEN it will happen and how ugly it will get. According to General Braddock, our best bet is to "get on with it as soon as possible", because "the longer we wait, the uglier it will get once it happens".
This view is rapidly gaining ground amongst our people...
Are we losing our faith?
Are we losing our faith in humanity and in the process of reducing ourselves to barbarians like the Spartans? Or are we merely seeking to defend humanity against those who threaten it? These are questions we should ask ourselves under the current circumstances. Stay with us as we try to find some answers, after the news headlines...
The Continental forces under General Braddock have been fully mobilized for some time already, but the rest of us really haven't had much of a military. This is about to change, as Commissioner Lal has announced a major mobilization and armament program. This has spurred some popular protest, but not to the extent we would have expected mere weeks ago. Also, officials say they were not prepared for the number of volunteers that are already showing up at the recruiting offices. There has been some speculation regarding where, when and how we're going to train and equip all these people. General Braddock has offered to make training facilities and other military infrastructure on the continent available for some of these new forces to use, but this in itself will not be enough. It looks like we're gonna have to get used to the idea of having at least one major military base right here on PK Island. More about this in our 10:30 domestic news update.
Tightening security
UN counter-intelligence is embarrased by the fact that our allies seem to consider us a security hazard. Several of our partners in the Chiron Alliances have openly admitted that they're having second thoughts about sharing their latest technologies with us because they feel that our security is inadequate and are concerned that the Spartans could get hold of classified information by infiltrating our datalinks. Commissioner Lal has promised increased funding and more resources to our security forces.
Now, back to the situation at Fossil Field Ridge, where hostilities have broken out between Spartan and Chiron Alliance naval forces. It was the Nautilus Pirates who initiated hostilities by opening fire against the Spartan fleet after they refused to withdraw in spite of repeated warnings. UN naval forces are in the area and are reportedly in the process of joining up with the Pirates. However, we have not declared war on the Spartans and so some would say that our forces cannot legitimately join this attack.
We have just received a statement from General Braddock, saying that the Pirates are taking decisive action against an enemy who is going to attack us no matter what we do, and that this action "shows Pirate commitment to the Chiron Alliance and to defending the principles of our UN Charter."
So far, there has been no official word from UN Headquarters...
March 14, 2001, 16:12
Local Time: 00:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 771
OOC:Cyber I would say that 2-3 foils near the Ridge should have on movement point deducted since a lot of locusts punched holes in their hoverskirts. And feel free to describe the battle between the Spartans and the AntiMind worms, but don't kill them all!
In UNHQ...
Several Demon Boil mindworms slithered into the UN War Memorial building. They went into the main chamber where they would find what they were looking for. Three Unity Choppers, left over from the past war aganst the Spartans, were sitting on a platform with human and mindworm dummies showing the famous "Skyworm" attack run on the Spartan rovers. The choppers were, suprisingly, left in working order. The mindworms brought in the two humans they mind controled into the chopper room. They each carried a fuel tank filled with top quality synthfuel. They put the synthfuel into one of the choppers and then were let out of the mind control grip. Soon, seeing about 20 demon sized mindworms, they passed out. As two mindworms carried them back to their guard post, the chopper with fuel was started and it flew up through the double skylight. It hovered as the mindworms took apart the other choppers and loaded the parts into a mini Unity Pod that chopper parts were found in. The chopper then took off to the waiting Isle of the Deep.
Dream to Datajack Roze...
I will offer any assistance you need. I have a small supply of units that can be operated by Earthhumans that were given to me by the...who they were is not important right now. Just send two reactors to the Manifold and I will outfit them. You will not be able to repair the units so whenever you need them repaired bring them back to the Manifold.
March 14, 2001, 16:12
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
(OOC: What could the Peacekeepers have done in this situation? Well, not all that much, but probably a little more than you seem to think... First of all, the frontal units would NOT try to stop the Spartans on their own. Instead, they would engage in a hit & run style guerilla kind of fighting, withdrawing at the first sign of trouble and speeding south towards the defensive lines, just pausing every once in a while to throw a few shots in the general direction of the enemy, thus forcing them to deploy their forces for a more deliberate attack on the defensive position, which would more often than not be deserted by the time the assault got underway. The objective would be not to stop the Spartans or to seriously hurt them, but merely to slow them down and wear them out... -and annoy the hell out of them!  Anyway, that was what the Peacekeepers planned, but the Spartans hit them faster and harder than any of them had imagined, and so they got chewed up worse than expected and in some cases didn't have the time to put their plans into action before the Spartans were all over them. So, yes, they would have taken a pounding, but Braddock still has an ace up his sleeve... I'll explain in full detail first thing tomorrow morning...  )
Peacekeeper Defense Line, north of the Great Dunes
From his position just behind the main defensive line, Commander Cooke tried to get an overview of the situation. It was more or less as they'd planned it, except that the Spartans had hit them faster and harder than anyone had expected, and so the frontal units had been chewed up pretty bad. Well, that had been expected all along, but this was REALLY bad. Far worse than any of them had thought. Luckily, the 5 Msl. Rover units had received his last-minute order to come back and join up with the reserve forces, but the Spartans had attacked with such ferocity that not even these units had come clear. One had received 40 % damage, one 30 %, one 20 % and two 10 %. At the moment, he did not know the exact situation for the units that had been left at the front. He just knew that the news weren't good. Ah well... he would have to see what he could scrape together within the next couple of hours...
They would launch Fury at dawn the next day...
March 14, 2001, 17:52
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
(OOC: Guardian, that damn Braddock has steel nerves  Counting all into an ace. He just shouldn´t underestimate Spartans, I probably quite safely can say that there are no better warriors than them on planet, for now.
Chris, you should read the decision made by LordLMP about the locusts, in the Discussion forums. And don´t worry, the Spartans are not going to attack Antimind.
And don´t even dare to do the same Chopper trick to the Spartans again  . They also learn, you know.)
In Data Acquisition
The commandos raided the apartment building, just to rush straight into dozens of traps.
Meanwhile the Spartan probe team quickly destroyed all of their equipment, all sensitive information vanishing with it, and prepared themselves for combat.
After two hours of furious close combat, the remaining two members of the probe team locked themselves into one of the rooms, targetting their Gatling guns at their heads and pulling the trigger. All possible evidence must be eliminated.
Meanwhile, in the local park, two of the members from the second Probe team meet.
"Team A has been eliminated...they might start suspecting there is another team here. What should we do, Sir?" The younger looking spy asked, hints of distress in his voice.
""Just don´t panic, we´ll continue with the plan as agreed."" The older one was as if the symbol of calmness.
"But the troops haven´t breached the Lines yet, it´s too early..."
""Are you questioning a superior, Soldier?"" the older spy was obviously getting angry with the younger ones attitude.
"No Sir, i was just..."
""Good! then continue with the plan, and no more but.Understood?""
"Yes, Sir."
The two spies then quietly left the park.
March 14, 2001, 19:52
Local Time: 05:33
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
To: Colonel Santiago
From: Academician Zakharov
Thank you greatly for your large gift to us. We are prepared to sign an alliance and will gift you with all of our technology.
Combined, we can help unite Chrion into a worthwhile alliance which is based upon progress no matter what cost. We will research great discoveries and weapons, and use those weapons to travel to the stars and colonize hostile worlds.
I believe this Pact will be mutually beneficial,
March 14, 2001, 19:59
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Morgan Newslink Network
Morgan Enters Into alliance with Zakharov and Santiago
In a fortuitious move today, CEO Nwandbike Morgan has entered into a formal alliance with the University and the Spartans. This will allow us to reclaim the lands lost to the Data Angels during the last war. Hopefully, the rogue Data Angels will be destroyed in the upcoming war.
May we all hope this alliance will be fruitful,
March 14, 2001, 22:18
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Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 771
OOC: Fine, the fungus patch is two squares large with a tower at Boil status. Is that ok?
Off the coast of the PK island...
The choppers made it to the IoD, as the Peacekeepers called them, safely. The top secret probe team of mindworms and Peacekeepers had outfitted three bright white choppers with black, stealthy armor plate (Plasma steel painted black) and had the choppers repaired and fueled up. The last chopper was filled with explosives and spores for fungus. All speed failsafes were removed from the engine and the reactor's safe levels were erased from its memory. It was simply painted black. They would be used on a top secret mission deep into the Spartan territory. And they had the training to do it.
OOC:The choppers could be called, officially, a probe team but the weapons are still there if they need to fight in a pinch.
Um, the PKs had the choppers for a long time...shouldn't they be able to reverse engineer them and make new choppers? And instead of choppers being damaged if they land outside of a base can they just lose fuel?
"Probe" Choppers are normal Unity choppers with black armor and a Commando-level probe team with demon boil mindworms to help defend them.
The last choppers is a flying bomb.
The IoD should arrive at the former PK continent in two weeks.
[This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited March 14, 2001).]
March 14, 2001, 23:01
OOC: The Fungus patch is located south-east of Haven City on some small penninsula, not near or close the to the front lines. Christine, like Cyber says, keep tabs on what is said in the CC Discussions thread.
To: Captain Svensgaard
From: Admiral Proudmoore, Third Fleet
The Spartan Fleet as retreated after being nailed by our initial long range attack. We weren't able to pursue them as they drop mines in their wake. We are in the process in clearing them away, but we don't have the Spartan Fleet on sensors. They went towards back to their controlled waters, in some channel. We will not enter, but we will be waiting on this side of the channel. I have ordered other ships from the northern parts of the Chiron Sea to watch for them north of the channel.
The whole Third Fleet have mobilized throughout Chiron Sea and the trading lanes are still secured.
Admiral Proudmoore
Third Fleet
To: Colonel Santiego
From: Captain Svensgaard
Upholding our alliance with the Peacekeepers or not, we would of still attacked your fleet. I warn you to remove your fleet from the area, next time listen to our warnings. We are not Peacekeepers, we are the Pirates.
Captain Svensgaard
To: General Greenway
From: Captain Svensgaard
You are to move all of the Battle Dragon units in Free Drone territory to the Free Drone base north-east of their territory along the coast.
Captain Svensgaard
To: Aki Zeta-Five
From: Captain Svensgaard
We will help when either University or the Morganites attack your faction or the Data Angels. We still have two of our Battle Dragon units along the University/Cyborg border.
Captain Svensgaard
Our faction is going to war...
After our fleet back at fossil field ridge attacked the spartans, we have declared war on the Spartans after ignoring several warnings from our leader. We are not sure if the Battle Dragons or the Marines will be sent.
Possible war with the Morganites and University aswell?...
After University joining in alliance with the Spartans along with the Morganites, all of our fleets around the continent as mobilized. Home Fleet will be reestablishing its blockades at all the Morganites bases and First Fleet will be establishing their own Blockades on the University.
Both the Morganites or University are not a serious challenge to our navy.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited March 14, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited March 15, 2001).]
March 15, 2001, 01:20
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Academician Zakharov
I fear time is running out fast here. The pirates have attacked my fleet, and I´m forced to declare war both to them and the peacekeepers.
However, if we make this Pact official soon, you will have a just cause to attack the hated Chiron alliance, as they will very soon be in war with us, your allies.
In the meanwhile, I have ordered the probe teams to give you all of our war technology and the large amount of credits there. Use them to ready and strengthen your army even more, and to crush the pitiful Data Angels and Cyborgs.
Also, if you wish, the members of our probe teams can be used to train your troops. The Spartans there are among my best soldiers, probably the best in Planet.
you must hurry, my friend, the World War is about to begin.
(OOC: Darkcloud, help yourself to all war technology the Spartans have  , including D:Air Power )
From: Colonel Santiago
To: General Braddock
So , you wanted this all along, didn´t you? Well, now you will experience the true meaning of War. Ask yourself, is revenge worth all of this?
You could have lived your lives in your paradise island, but instead you had to come here, in the middle of a desert, to pick a fight with the masters of War.
From this day forward, we are in War.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Comissioner Lal
Lal, you know as well as I, that you can only blame Braddock and his crazy followers for this conflict. They should have never come to a land taken by us with blood, which is as good as any land marker for us.
Besides, it is already too late. I just declared war on the Pro-War peacekeepers, and that means we also are in war, again.
It is not our fault if you can’t keep your own people in control. As to show our mercy, I’ll send the survivors back to you, after we have given the brats a good lesson.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Captain Svensgaard
So, you also want to burn down with the peacekeepers. A very reckless move, I thought you had a little more sense than this, Captain.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Junta General Von Halzburg
General, begin operation Dogs of War. Crush the Peacekeepers…
Earlier, near Fossil Field Ridge
The Spartan fleet was taken completely by surprise. The pirate missiles struck hard into the tight Spartan formation, inflicting damage to almost all of the foils there. Some were capable to avoid the missiles by mad maneuvers and by seeking the protection of the Superiority foils and their finite AAA tracking, but the rest got their share of missiles.
HQ was immediately informed, and Zukov had to make the toughest choice in his career. To stay and fight against the combined force of the Pirates and Peacekeepers, or to retreat? He chose retreating.
But not without a plan.
As they retreated, the Spartans were to leave behind all possible mines they had with them, trying to slow down the faster enemy that will surely follow them. The pirates wouldn´t be so stupid as to ignore the mines and chase the Spartans down, surely they knew what a sea mine could do to a ship hitting it with full speed.
There is a channel that offers very good place for hiding, between the mainland and the island north of their position. Hopefully they would be out of enemy radar range for a little while, and using that advantage the Spartan fleet was to reassemble and to ambush the pursuing enemy.
As the Spartan fleet spread its formation and started retreating, news came from home. War had begun.
(OOC: The missiles inflicted the foils somewhere from 20-40%, thankfully not hitting any critical part, like the engine.)
The first days of Operation Dogs of War , or better known as Battle of the Sudden Flame
The operation was a massacre of the Peacekeeper troops located near the border. The Main army stormed towards UN Haven City, while the combined Southern and Northern armies began their trek towards UN Data Acquisition.
The hardy peacekeepers were expecting the Spartans, but they were not prepared against such ferocity.
The slow moving, patrolling peacekeeper units were first bombarded by a brief but devastating artillery fire, and then as if out of nowhere, came swarms after swarms of missiles. Before the Peacekeeper had enough time to reorganize their border troops, an overwhelming force of elite Spartan rovers attacked them, destroying the majority of the remaining Peacekeeper units, and scattering the rest.
The Spartan rovers were amazing. Because of the rover’s design and the experience of the soldiers, no nature’s obstacle could hold them back and they could survive even the harshest environment.
With their increased speed and mobility, the Spartan surrounded and destroyed large portions of the retreating border peacekeeper units.
One battle, of the hundred others fought on the first day, was well remembered by the Spartans. One of the retreating peacekeeper units near UN Haven City, had a short pause to reorganize. Instead of continuing their retreat, they quickly bunkered themselves into a hilly region, waiting for the Spartans to come, in hope that the remaining PK units south would push the Spartan onslaught back. Soon, however, they realized that the attacking Spartans had surrounded them, but instead of trying to escape, they put up a brave, desperate but ultimately futile fight against four elite Spartan rover units. After the battle, the Spartans honored the defeated peacekeeper unit according to tradition, and gave their dead a decent burial.
As the day went on, the Air forces in war Outpost joined the battle. Doing hit and run, the bombers and needlejets attacked crucial parts of the enemy forces, with the interceptors escorting them.
One aerial battle did occur, near UN Haven City. Two PK interceptors coming from UN Haven City fight with two Spartan interceptors escorting a bomber. In the resulting dog fight, one of the peacekeepers interceptors was shot down, and one Spartan interceptor was so badly damaged, that it was forced to do return back to war Outpost for repairs, almost crashing into the airstrip there in the process.
The day turned into evening and the advancing Spartans were being hammered by peacekeeper artillery, with minimal or no casualties. Though they had already entered the area covered by enemy sensor arrays, the open terrain and their tremendous speed was too much for the PK artillery, as the Spartans were never in one place long enough for a effective bombardment.
Soon, the remaining frontal units to the south had joined the battle, or had been just surprised and drawn into the conflict. The night was littered with bloody skirmishes all over the battlefield. The peacekeepers, though still not organized well enough, had some warning time in ambushes, thanks to their well-placed sensor arrays and monitoring bunkers. Still, Spartan mobility and expertise in combat gave them the upper hand. Contrary to expectations, no Spartan airplanes took part in the night combat.
As a precaution two War rover units from the Main army were sent near the patch of fungus where the forces of Cult resided. They were to be far enough so the Cultist couldn’t throw a surprise attack on them, but still so that they could inform the Main army of any possible threats coming from the fungus, and attack it.
In the morning of the second day, the Spartans are pushing the remains of the now retreating PK frontal units towards the bunkers, where the Defensive units are residing.
Von Halzburgs plan is to finally smash the Peacekeeper rovers just outside of the bunkers, giving a bad hit to the morale of the Defenders. Then, to avoid any artillery bombardment, the Spartans would retreat just out of the range of the PK artillery and into the caring protection of their own Air units and artillery. There the troops would gather their strength for a renewed attack on the bunkers.
(OOC: Sorry I didn´t give a chance to respond, Guardian, but what could the Peacekeepers have done in this situation? If their whole army, plus the defensive units which I didn´t attack in this story, were destroyed in the scenario in SMAC, and in ONE turn, there isn´t much anyone can do in this situation, but to count the dead.
The damage inflicted on the Spartans was moderate to minimal, with most units having 10-30% damage.)
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 14, 2001).]
March 15, 2001, 03:07
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: I am a Buddhist
Posts: 5,680
CultVision NewsFlash
The Pirates have attacked the Spartan navy!
The Spartans have sneak attacked the Peacekeepers!
On the Spartan/Peacekeeper war front
Alethea Betts was unhappy. "You know this is suicide."
Maxwell countered "We HAVE to do something."
His team members were almost invisible in the darkness.
Betts sighed "I won't stop you. Take the mindworm and do what you must."
"See ya later" Max said with a grin.
The Probe team started moving forward into the darkness, the mindworm followed, it had been trained well and made even less noise than the human probe members.
They walked in silence through the forest. "drop!" Max growled and fell to the ground.
Less than a hundred meters away a spartan missile rover cruised into view, it was moving slowly and weaving between the trees.
"Okay, do your stuff" whispered Max.
The mindworm quivered as it focused it's Psi attack on the spartan rover.
...On the rover...
The Driver of the spartan rover yawned: "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep", and did. The horrified co-pilot tried to wrestle the controls from the unconsious driver, the proximity alert shrilled and the spartan abandoned the controls and tried to use the weapon console, the rover crashed into a tree, and the spartan realised that there was nothing he could do, so he should just go to sleep.
The cult probe team ran swiftly to the rover, the mindworm could only effect the spartans for so long, working quickly Max disabled the security lock and his teammates entered the rover. Using powerfull taser's the Cultists quickly disabled the confused crew. The designated driver got the rover moving again, the rest of the probe team abandoned the rover and continued deeper into the warzone.
OOC: The Rover is driven back to base camp and loaded onto an Isle for transportation to cult mainland. The Cult now has the prototyped specs for MISSILE LAUNCHER. If you can't beg or borrow it - steal it  Also the crew are still in the rover, bound and gagged and being guarded by a single cult probe team member. If anyone didn't know a taser is a handheld device used to deliver non-lethal electric shocks.
[This message has been edited by Blake (edited March 15, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Blake (edited March 15, 2001).]
March 15, 2001, 11:15
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
To: Colonel Santiago
From: General Braddock
Wanted this all along? No, I did not. But I knew it was coming, and so I have prepared for it. Is revenge worth all of this? No, it is not. But we're fighting for more than just simple revenge here. As far as we're concerned, this is about defending the freedom of all people to lead their own lives without worrying about being murdered by the next door neigbors, just for being different. This is about defending our right to make a better future. Hasn't it ever occured to you that our children might deserve something better than what we've had? Obviously not. Anyway, that is what we're fighting for, and whether you admit it or not, you and your minions are fighting against it.
Oh, and yes, I do know what a war is. Like I said, I'll see you in Hell.
To: General Kane of the Hive
From: General Braddock, Peacekeeping Forces
Tell chairman Yang that I'm ready to transmit my files on Air Power. They'll be yours once you start making your move... Good luck!
To: Commander Cooke
From: General Braddock
Proceed as planned.
Remember, a good Spartan is a dead Spartan!
Good luck!
Peacekeeper Defense Line, north of the Great Dunes
Commander Cooke flashed his executive officer a wry grin as he received Braddock's message. Then he called up the commander of the artillery units now lined up in the valley just behind him. Two of the artillery units originally with the frontal units had successfully joined up with them within the last couple of hours. They'd taken some damage, but they'd fire every gun that could be fired.
"Paul, the stage is yours. Now give it everything you've got!"
"Yes, SIR!" He could hear the excitement in the artillery officer's voice.
-Now let's see how the Spartans like a dose of their own medicine...
In the valley behind...
The artillery commander took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, savoring the moment. The damned Spartans were moving too fast for conventional artillery to be truly effective, but even the most diciplined soldiers would suffer morale-wise from having to advance through the kind of barrage he had planned here, almost regardless of whether they actually received any physical damage or not. Also, the soporific gas would enhance this effect. The Spartans could protect themselves, of course, but again, even the most diciplined of soldiers would suffer morale-wise when advancing through dense clouds of gas which would force them to wear bulky protection gear. Hence, the gas would be effective anyway! He allowed himself a thin smile. Then he picked up his handmike and adressed his comrades who were waiting with their guns and missile launchers all around him.
"All right folks, it's show time! Let's give the Spartans a warm welcome to the real front! On my mark... FIRE!"
With a thunderous, roaring crash, the artillery opened up with everything they had. By the time their first volley came crashing down right in front of the advancing spartans, the second and third were already in the air and the fourth was mere seconds away.
It would go on without respite for the next 30 minutes.
To: Colonel Santiago
From: Commissioner Lal
Do you take me for a fool, colonel? You say Braddock is to blame for this conflict, but if you expect me to believe that, then you must truly be insane. He wouldn't even have been in the military if it wasn't for you and your army of demons! Also, you can stop spreading your lies about how we could all have lived peacefully on this island, as we both know that it would only be a matter of time before you Spartans would come around looking to finish what you once started. Well, we're not going to wait for that. The fault is yours and yours alone, so don't come hollering to me when the tide turns against you. Some day it will, and then God help you, for no one else will.
Peacekeeper Defense Line, north of the Great Dunes
By the dawn's early light, commander Cooke watched as the Spartan vanguard appeared on the horizon. From his position just above and behind the defense bunkers, he could not actually see the Spartans yet, but the dust clouds behind the rovers and the smoke and gas clouds kicked up by his own artillery barrage left little doubt in anyone's mind...
It was almost time...
The Spartans were still advancing at full speed, trying to catch the remaining rovers of the frontal units before they could reach the relative safety of the defense lines. After all, their speed was one of the Spartans' main advantages, and so obviously, they wouldn't want so slow down, almost no matter what happened.
Yes, he thought. The Spartans are indeed formidable.
-But I think they just might be underestimating us...
As it turned out, some of the frontal units had managed better than he had feared earlier, but things were still not so good and far worse than originally expected. Two of the rover units had been overrun and completely destroyed, and another two were out of action indefinitely with 80+ % damage. One of these was still out there in front of them somewhere, and so it was unknown if they'd make it back. The remaining 6 had received 20 - 50 % damage and were currently racing for the defense lines. He didn't know for sure what had happened to the 3 artillery units that had been left out there and right now he didn't have time to worry about that either. The Spartans were still coming in fast and were even now engaging friendly rovers right under his nose! The bastards didn't seem too bothered by the artillery and the gas, but he knew that could only be half true. They were bothered, all right. They just didn't stop fighting simply because something bothered them. Anyway, it was time to strike back and strike hard, while there was still a chance to help some of the poor fellows from the frontal units. He took one more look at the moving curtain of dust and smoke that marked the Spartans' progress across the open terrain in front of them.
Almost... NOW!
In that instant, the defenders in their bunkers all switched their jammers on, filling the Spartan comm frequencies with screeching noises and confused chatter while random blips and dots danced around on their radar screens.
As he was boarding his command vehicle, commander Cooke took one final look at the rover army around him. The five elite units of his original command, + the five msl. rovers he had called back from the front. They were sitting just beyond the low crestline the defensive bunkers had been built on, so the Spartans couldn't possibly be aware of them yet...
They were as ready as they could be...
Then he raised his handmike and spoke the words, "It's a good day to die."
As he spoke those words, powerful transmitters all along the defense line started playing music on all known frequencies and he smiled at the thought of the Spartans hearing this music too. It was ancient classical music from a time and a world long gone, but oh so fitting under the current circumstances. It was Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.
Then they were in motion, rolling over the crestline and charging down onto the open ground in front of the defense line. Standing high in his vehicle, Cooke was yelling at the top of his lungs...
A GOOD SPARTAN... (*deep breath*) IS A DEAD SPARTAN !!!!!!!!
This time it was the Spartans who were caught by surprise, totally unprepared for such a ferocious attack. And although they kept their heads and put up a hell of a scrap, none of them would ever underestimate the Peacekeepers again.
March 15, 2001, 11:56
Local Time: 05:33
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Angel's Herald
Morgan Breaks Treaty...Again!
Official word has come in that CEO Nwabudike Morgan has once again broken his treaty with us. Yesterday, having signed an Alliance with Colonel Santiago of the Spartan Federation, Morgan declared a vendetta, once again using his excuse that the Data Angels are merely a break away faction. However, the Data Angel army is ready and mobolizing to show Morgan how quickly we have surpassed them.
Knowing that it is inevitable before Zakharov himself joins the war, opening up a second front, Roze sent out a request for aid to the other Chiron Alliance factions in this new conflict. "I know that the Spartans provide a serious threat in the East, but whatever action can be taken by our friends against the Morganites and their allies would be appreciated," she was quoted as saying. However, she also went on to assure us that "we have been preparing for a long time for Morgan's inevitable treachery. Sadly this comes as no surprise."
The Cyborg-University Border, near Inspiration Point
A another rover from the 2nd Impact Nexus Rover Group dashed across the border and back towards the Manifold Nexus. It's weapon battery removed and instead loaded with an extra reactor, the rover dodged basic fire from University troops and headed at full speed to the Nexus, as Planetmind had asked.
***Encrypted Message From Morgan Bank****
To: Datajack Roze
Operation Suprise, we're back is ready to go. Waiting for authorization. I hope you're sure about this.
March 15, 2001, 17:40
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
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(OOC: By the way, I guess I should have said this earlier, but here goes... the Peacekeepers' Operation Fury is planned as a quick strike, not a prolonged campaign. They will try to bloody the Spartans' noses as much as possible without losing the attack force in the process, destroying or driving away a few units, and then withdraw to their positions behind the defense lines before the Spartans have time to put together a more organized response. Also, as you may have noticed, the distinction between the "pro-war" and "pro-peace" Peacekeepers is rapidly fading... Now Even Lal believes that Braddock has been right all along... More tomorrow!  )
March 15, 2001, 17:44
Local Time: 00:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: New York State
Posts: 503
OOC: I am the new Chairman of the Hive. If someone would please give me the info on the status of my bases and military units, and a list of the technologies my faction possesses, that would be nice. Also, a map would be useful.
From: General Kane of the Hive
To: General Bradock of the peacekeepers
******Top Secret*******
I'm sorry, but my lackeys appear to have misplaced my files. What move exactly am I to make if I am to recieve Doctrine: Air Power?
To: Colonel Corzon Santiago, Provost Prokhor Zakharov, and CEO Morgan
From: Chairman Yang
It has became apparent to me that all three of you have become part of an alliance of realists; of those who understand the fundamental truths. I see our goals as highly compatible, and would like to join in a symbiotic relationship, with the goal of furthering rational thought. As one who appreciates the importance of both Scientific and Military power, and as one who understands the value of a strong economy, I would like to join your alliance.
Chairman Shen-ji Yang of the Hive
Excerpt from textbook "The economics of the demand monopoly"
To: Hive Students
From: The Ministry of education
" It is a common lie of the hedonistic capitalists of Morgan Industries that the price of a good or service on the "free market" reflects its actual value, and that any attempt to alter this price represents an attempt to deny reality, just as grievious as an attempt to deny gravity. This claim rests on the idea that "value" is the value placed on an object by those possessing the resources to obtain it on an unregulated market. But to accept this argument, one must accept the underlying concept of a market in the first place, and the concept of fufilling individuals' desires or needs. However, according to the principles of true philosophy, as laid down by our Great Chairman Shen-ji Yang in his book "ethics for tommorow," this philosophy is inheritantly flawed, since the demands of the individuals must be totally subordinate to the needs of the greater group. It is the task of the group to dictate what is due to the individual, rather than the opposite. It is through this principle that we are able to run an entirely planned economy without any loss of efficiency. Rather than having a number of corporate owners who are entirely self interested guess at the future demand for a product, and usually one with no practical use at that, and then make it available to common drones to choose which they prefer to spend their wages on, we have simply determined what each person requires for survival and provided them with it. There is no need to ask, for example, how many refrigerators will be produced in the coming year. All that is necessary is to use a simple formula, involving the number of people in each commune or collective farm and the number of refrigerators necessary per person. There is no need to ask how much of any good or service the people will demand, because the central committee or the minstry involved has already determined how much is neccessary to their survival and continued productive labor. So year by year, the Central Commitee determines the goods required by every base, military unit, and collective farm, and delivers it to them each month. Every citizen is issued with a set amount of food, a certain number of boots and worksuits, and a certain amount of toiletries and other basic needs, and each factory or gathering station is issued with the amount of resources experience and science have found necessary for their task. Whether or not the people desire more is totally irrelevant, and in fact, to take such selfishness into account would be a crime against morality and good sense, as well as against the true doctrines of the Great Chairman, as expressed in his work "essays on mind and matter." "
March 15, 2001, 18:40
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
(OOC: Guardian, did that counter-attack happen near UN Data Acquisition or Haven City? I assume it happened near Haven City, so it’s a job for the Main army…
Also, I didn´t understand quite well, do you count one rover unit as truly one rover or as a group of rovers? BTW, didn´t the ecm jammers have any effect on the peacekeeper rovers?
Chris, two is fine…)
On the Battlefield…
A rag-tag group of rovers was traveling quickly through the scorching desert, north. These were the remains of the 3rd and 4th AAA rovers that had been a part of the group of units that were chasing down the remains of the frontal units.
They had been ambushed near the peacekeeper bunker. A series of confusing happenings had occurred there. First, that damn could of gas bedazzled most of their heads, but that hadn’t bothered much. Next, however, an overwhelming amount of jamming had in turn confused completely their comm. and radars. Then, as a final slice, ten peacekeeper rover units had appeared from nowhere.
If these units had been normal, normal as the units they had encountered so far, there wouldn´t have been any problems, but these were different, and much more powerful. Many of them even used that weird gas as a weapon, and with excellent precision, at that.
This was when the battle occurred. The Spartan four units against their ten. It was the bloodiest skirmish, ever.
Rover against rover, pitted in a deadly dance of speed and precision. Their commander was silently thanking whatever creators were up there for the Pulse Armor. He should have taken a picture of one of the peacekeepers, when the damn lad saw how his precisely targeted missile skittered harmlessly of the command rovers side-armor. That is, just before getting a Spartan missile into the cockpit.
But was one of the few successes in that battle for the Spartans. All else had gone wrong, and now the only thing left of the four units were the tattered remains of two disengaged rovers units, running as far as possible from the place of conflict.
Soon, as the rovers went over one of the numerous hills in this region, they saw what was the bulk of the Main army in a small valley.
Ten units of battle expert Spartans, forming a vast carpet of rovers over the landscape and two units of artillery behind them, ready to blast everything to pieces with their bombardment.
They were surrounding a desperate peacekeeper fortification. To an outsider this might seem as a dead serious battle, but for the Spartans it was target practicing. Some of the Rovers were circling around a small bunker, enjoying the torment of the people inside. Occasionally some of the rovers shot a missile or two as an answer to the peacekeeper soldiers firing hand weapons at them that could do nothing but scratch the hard armor of the rovers.
“This Main army command, identify yourself.” The battered suddenly radio blurred out.
“”This the Commander of the 3rd AAA rovers, sending verification…Done.”
“Welcome back, Commander. I see you´ve got the 4th AAA´s under your command also. What is your status? What the hell happened out there?
“”There´s no time… we were ambushed by Peacekeeper Rovers, but not the same ones we are fighting here” the commander glanced at the fortification that was now burning.
“”We are all that is left, those damn units did a thorough job, followed us a bit and then retreated behind their bunkers.They used ECM to jam us, and some sort of gas…””
Suddenly the radio started rattling and a new voice came on the other line.
“Commander, this is general Von Halzburg. Did you say gas?” his voice was tense, anticipating.
“”Yes Sir, that gas didn’t do us much, except… I started hesitating, or rather fearing. But that wasn’t the reason we lost, Sir, they were just too darn much, and they were good.We couldn’t do anything….””
“Yes commander, we know your situation then. Don´t worry, you managed as well as possible in that situation. The 4th AA Rovers are to be attached to your unit. Now get some rest and new supplies, we are about to leave.”
As the now joined 3rd and 4th rovers went to the supply freighters further ahead, peacekeeper soldiers tried desperately to run out of the ruined fortification, only to be cut down by Gatling machine gun fire.
From: General von Halzburg
To: Colonel Santiago
Colonel, guess what, the peacekeepers are now into chemical warfare. Yes, you read right.It was probably only Soporific Gas used by their Reserve units our spies reported about earlier, but its as good excuse for us to start using chemicals. I’ve already ordered the ´Jets in War Outpost to arm themselves with the leftover nerve gas from the Rebellion. Let them try to scare us with Sopo, and we’ll literally pull their nerves out with Nervo.
Prelude to the Clash of the Titans
After the bad news about the battle near the PK bunkers, the main army braced itself for combat, taking more speed and spreading its formation. Now, with the help of the sensor arrays the Spartans had encountered and were able to convert to their side, they had that advantage also.
The large Spartan rover army started picking up speed and changed its course to intercept the Peacekeeper force, or if need be, to ram through to them.
Soldiers were warned about the enemy using Soporific gas, and practical advices were given how to detect and avoid effects of the gas.
Meanwhile, the air units in War Outpost were armed with the deadly new toys, and one by one, the jets lifted up from the airstrip towards the peacekeeper army.
(OOC: Guardian, you SHOULD have given the details of operation fury earlier. Damn it, now I´ll have change my story 
Okay, the Spartan army now consists of three War rover units, two AAA Rovers, five Msl Rovers(damage from 10-20%) and one moderately damaged AAA rover(the 3rd and 4th unit of the story). The Jets should be in weapon range pretty much when the army is near the bunkers.)
In Zarya-Sunrise
The Probe team member was in heaven. So much information, so much raw research data and refined results he hadn´t seen in his whole life! The University was truly the Mecca of research.
OOC:So Darkcloud, help yourself to ALL Spartan technology, not only adaptive doctrine  )
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Chairman Yang
Yang, you were the last person I thought is going to ask that.
Well, seems that you have reasoned well, and you would be a very valuable ally here in the east. If you ask me, welcome. By the way, joining means the end of war between us two and beginning of another one with the Chiron alliance. However, before you join, I have to discuss with the other members of the alliance, but I can already guess what’s the answer going to be.
The fair leader of the Spartans,
Colonel Santiago
(OOC: Natan, a little bit about Spartan- Hive relations. The Spartans attacked the Hive brutally about sixty years ago, pillaging many hive bases and taking even slaves with them. After that, it has been constant war between the Hive and the Spartans. A new thing is that the Hive and Free Drones made finally truce, and the Spartans had to retreat from the blockade, setting up a new one elsewhere. You should find Chiron Chronicles Summaries, and take a quick look through Chiron Chronicles IV:2180. All needed info should be there. About the bases, techs and military, you will have to make up as shown in Chiron Chronicles:Admin 2. And, of course in the limits of realism and decency  )
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Academician Zakharov, CEO Morgan
So, how about it? Yang has obviously perceived his situation, so this is a chance we should not waste. With the hives industrial might backing us, the Chiron alliance has been already beaten.
Also, we should make up a more decent name for this growing alliance between us.
March 15, 2001, 22:55
OOC: Before anything risks of getting screwed up again, I created General Kane and already made plans for the Hive. The Hive doesn't like the Spartans, no matter of their Police State. But they are not allies with the Chiron Alliance, or with the Peacekeepers. But they have made a secret deal with Braddock for Air Power and so on. I haven't said much about here because than Cyber would know and wouldn't be a surprise. Thats why i avoided the details, so Cyber wouldn't exactly be ready to counter. Sorry, will have to email you about the plans i had for the Hive, or Guardian could, as i told him of it. Better he doesn't explain it either in the game, would ruin the fun  But you can play the Hive in meatime and everything after the Hive follows up on their side of the deal.
Peacekeepers ideals may be opposite mostly to the Hive, but they are neutral relation wise. The only ones they seriously dislike in the Chiron Alliance are the Pirates, as they were the ones that caused the most damage to the Hive in the Hive War 30-40 years ago.
To: General Braddock ****encrypted****
From: General Kane of Hive
Things are going as planned, don't worry Braddock.
General Kane of Hive
To: Chairman Yang
From: General Kane
Sir, Stage 2 of the plan are moving to position while Stage 1 is being readied. Chairman, I do not want to question you, but why are we negociating with the Spartans and their new allies?
General Kane
U.N. Humanity Base near Planetneck
(i am not on my computer, so not sure of the names)
Five Hive Gatling Rovers have crossed the Planetneck to Peacekeepers territory and are now moving north to U.N. Data Acquisition via U.N. Disaster Relief.
The Peacekeepers along the way are aware of them and keeping an eye on them. They were advised that the Hive have came to help and are not to be harrassed.
March 15, 2001, 23:23
Note: Pirates are already have Power values for a decade now.
We have declared war upon the Morganites and University!!!...
Are leader have just declared war upon the Morganites and University in behalf of the Cyborgs and the Data Angels. Various attacks as already being started, including of intercepting the Morganites Air Freighters.
Various places
Home and First Fleet blockades have started their Long Range Bombarbments various Morganite and University coastal bases right after the Svensgaard declared war upon them.
The Two Battle Dragon Units along the Cyborg-University border has begone their attacks on University border units.
OOC: They are Pirates afterall, they'll not wait.
To: Captain Svensgaard
From: General Greenway
The Six Battle Dragon units at the Free Drone territory are on the move. They'll arrive at their destination in several days.
General Greenway
Commander of the Nautilus Battle Dragons
To: General Stromgarde, Commander of the Nautilus Marines
From: Captain Svensgaard
Your Marines at Pirate Island to be to be ready and loaded into transports. Second Fleet will provide naval escorts.
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