March 19, 2001, 21:09
I was thinking today of starting up a CC Rules thread, or just a long message in the Admin and simply add to it anything that needs to be cleared up.
Will put life back to the CC Summaries, or simply make a new one...
I have the HiveMap done, will send it to you Natan, aswell with the basic world map. they are both gif files. But i need to your email address first thought :P
March 19, 2001, 21:13
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March 19, 2001, 22:03
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About the reactor going critical:
The locust was controling all that the man saw. The man saw a PK dominated Unity and decided to blow it up with his reactor on his rover. He already started to detonate the reactor when he hit the rover wall. That was the energy spike. Then he did the self-distruct overload sequence. KABOOM!
Do you want me to void the post?
March 20, 2001, 03:19
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Nah... didn't mean it like that.
Just wanted to bring up a couple of points for future reference. 
Oh, and by the way... I think Natan has a point about the reactors too...
March 21, 2001, 00:48
When the factions put reactors in their units and so on, they design it in a way that it doesn't do a nuclear explose after being destroyed, especially civilian base reactors.... factions has been depending on fission reactors because there wasn't any fossil fuel they can drill on planet, but planet has a larg quantity of uranium thought, especially the uranium flats.
I make the Spartan Reactors dangerous because of how they build them where practicly anyone with the knowsledge can easily modify it into a nuke bomb. a Self-destruct Rover reactor doesn't give a mushroom cloud, but does give a big maybe a kilometre or two blast. Foil reactors when self-destruct does a bigger boom. But no overload reactors can do as much damage has a more than the square where it blew up in.......since it is 500 x 500 km squares.
March 21, 2001, 04:51
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OK, that's fine with me.
But, ummm... I think I might need some help with the stats for the Peacekeepers... (It's time for a presentation in the admin thread...)
Should I just make up something on my own and post it and then we can discuss/edit it later?
March 21, 2001, 10:42
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Guardian, thats pretty much it...
March 21, 2001, 15:55
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OK, I'm working on it...
March 22, 2001, 00:20
Cyber, wait for me to do something with Major Kurita and so on, don't have enough time to do any actions tonite...will tommorrow morning.
March 22, 2001, 12:14
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LordLMP, Iīll post the reply to the sudden Hive attack tomorrow, donīt have enough time today...patience
March 22, 2001, 17:57
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Sorry to be repetitive, but where's my map?
March 23, 2001, 10:28
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Umm... it seems I commited a minor crime earlier today...
The U.N. News Network report said that the Data Angels were helping the Peacekeepers with their security problems, but I haven't really arranged to receive such assistance... (No agreement with Argonaut...) Sorry about that. (Won't happen again!)
However, I am assuming that the Peacekeepers would receive such assistance in return for... ummm... let's just say it's in return for whatever the Angels choose to ask from us at a later stage, okay? We are allies, after all.
Oh, and the PKs have pretty good research capabilities, so the rest of the alliance would be interested in getting them "back in the loop", so to speak...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 23, 2001).]
March 23, 2001, 19:03
The rest of Chiron Alliance is still in good terms with the peacekeepers, just don't trust their security at the moment, especially with the recent destruction of SeaQuest.
Oh, and do remember, you have bunch of survivors from SeaQuest at your island now and few other Sea Bases. So good part of them may of joined the military... and they can also build a new base too, New SeaQuest or Second SeaQuest or SeaQuest Two or whatever.  of course, after the war ends probebly...
Cyber, how about Colonel Rohrer currently leading the Battle Dragons in the upland wastes knowing the Commander of the Blockade Guardians? Hey, they both were operating at the Free Drone Blockade, but of course, since the battle dragons were disguise as Free Drone units, he knows her as a Free Drone Colonel... just ideas popping up. Is there any Good people in the spartan federation? hard to see everybody there are barbaricly evil. Hey, general Kane is a good honorable hive person
XWaste, i can let you have General Kane and his hive units to you. Can shape them as the Hive you think they are. They still consider them Hive and will continue to operate as Hive. a Hive sub-group who doesn't agree with some latest decisions and views from the Chairman
Natan, i sent map to you. if you didn't get it, tell me.
March 23, 2001, 22:25
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No worries, the Data Angels are more than happy to help out. Roze has always been supporter of Lal, and would be willing to help out the U.N. Besides, weak security interlocks anywhere in the Alliance would be a liability to the Data Angels as well, a problem Roze would want corrected. So consider it a guesture of the Data Angel's faith
March 24, 2001, 14:08
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OOC: LordLMP, take it easy!  Yes the PK artillery units are shooting the Spartans, but from more tham 1000 km!As if trying to hit a person one km away, with a stone 
What do you mean spartan surprises work all the time? If you mean the flanking of the Hivers, the biggest difference between the Hive units and the Spartans is that the spartans have deep radar and the Hivers donīt.
So whoīs going to surprise who, after all?
About the rotation of the missile launcher, who cares if they are on the top of the rover or not, the damn tincans will blow up anyway if something hit them on the roof 
Okay okay, i you wish, the Cult of war will be elite, but atleast Iīd like a same bonus to them when attacking as the believers  Please!!! . My point was to make a sub-faction that was a step better in warfare than the Spartans. Just like the Free Drones are better in Industry than the Hive.The Cult wasnīt formed in 2180 actually, the Spartans only started hearing rumours about them  And rover might not run them through, if they know where and how to hide, and where are the rovers weak points which to shoot at.
About industrial automation, it was never even my point to make "miracle" improvements to the Spartan industry, but if the PKīs are improving their data security and counter intelligence or rather, their PROBE status with the help of the Data Angels then why canīt the spartans do the same to their industry?
And the pirates can be the supreme experts of the sea, but like the Spartans, they arenīt invincible
March 24, 2001, 19:17
Beyond the Sword AI Programmer
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OOC: - Cyber, you make the assumption that Psi only works on fear. I see no reason that should be true, especially trained mindworms with a human enhancing there psi abilities, to make a more focused attack. For example, rather than using FEAR against Cult of War they could instead play mindtricks on them -Convince them their high tech weapons are actually TOY GUNS, and they are victims of a cruel joke, the crazy b*stards would then have to drop the weapons and pull out there hunting knifes... (better a knife than a nerf gun, right?) Anyway, there is no reason for psi to work against fear only. Especially human mindworm forces, particullary Gaian's and Cult of Planet.
March 24, 2001, 22:39
Industry and Planet ratings are different, not connected. neither effect the other. The Social status that effects pollution is Planet, Efficiency and Industry. If you have a very high Industry, but a crappy Planet and Effiency rating, the faction would be making a lot of pollution. But if it has a good Industry rating and a good Planet rating, won't be making a lot of pollution despite a lot of industry, because they good at cleaning up their mess before it effects the ecosystem. Efficiency, the lower it is, the higher the waste of Minerals/Energy/Research points.
Peacekeepers SECURITY improves, with help from the Data Angels, so the defence rating against Probe Teams is better, but doesn't improve their Probe Operations against other factions. PK Probe rating will only get immune. Anyway, Data Angels and Peacekeepers are allies, i would think factions would influence each others societies when their strong allies. Pirates help Angels with their navy, and Angels help pirates with their intelligence. Influence to each other. Even the enemy may do some effect on a society. Look at the peacekeepers, because of the spartans, there Pro-war PKs in their society. University became quite political, which at the moment are getting sick of it, because they are on a continent with other factions which produced a Political atmosphere. on eastern continent, where barbarianism, facism, evil and so thrive, would influence the factions there to survive with force. Factions can influence other factions, not in one shot, but through several decades maybe. won't effect their ideologies, but their views/ways to achieve their ideologies could.
Yes, but Spartans units are moving towards data acquisition, which at the moment, getting closer in range of artillery fire. Pirates not invincible either, but they do still have superioty of the seas. shoot, the Pirates is one of the most powerful and influencial faction on Planet  if the Lal did got the pirates to lead naval trade and the trade alliance originally, which later formed the Chiron Alliance, Pirates would be running around pirating, making the seas unsafe for anyone  Because of the Chiron Alliance and trade alliance before that, they became powerful. They have a naval presence practicly in every sea. their economy is strong due to naval trade and they are pretty much are the ones keeping the sea safe, which at the Spartan and Hive may threating, so the Pirates reason to get involve in the war, Chiron Alliance or not. They have very good production stat, despite industry rating being lowered by the Power Values.
Automation and heavy trade, especially with the Free Drones, keeps it strong. So no wonder Svensgaard wants to make sure Free Drones doesn't go down, and for a Probe staging area into Spartans and Hive and keep up with freedom of people. Pirates are into freedom and power and picky about other factions with high research rating. Oh, and Pirates have good Research facilities with help from the Cyborgs and Peacekeepers. Svensgaard will not abuse the factions power thought.  Hey, game players seem to consider the Pirates as Builder faction anyway. i many other things i can bring up, but that would pretty much reveal some of my plans for the pirates :P
March 24, 2001, 22:57
Natan, post anything on the Hive in the Admin like you have done. to update, always edit your post instead of making a new one in the admin about them.
The map is only to show their locations, thats all. will take to long to add improvements, editing each base for size and so on. Since the Hive have a lot of bases, their population is spread out and their infrastructure not as good as other factions. The Hive and the bases in the Monsoon Jungle would generally be the most populated Hive bases. bigger the population, bigger the production, unless mostly redirected to research or trade and so on. don't have to detailed information of every single base. but general idea a to what they have is ok. As for any Secret Projects, pick one which the Hive would of built in pass 80 years base on their ideology which they have the tech for. don't have to have one either. Free Drones don't have one, Cyborgs not sure if they have one, believers no, morganites would have the merchant exchange, pirates would have Maritime Control Center, Spartans have Command Nexus and Weather Paradign, Gaians have the first Weather Paradign and the Empath Guild. Cult has the Xenoempathy Dome, peacekeepers no, university i not sure, angels got Virtual World and Citizen's Defence. can also propose a Secret Porject not part of SMAX which the Hive would of built, base on technology they have. propose and i'll see if it should be alowed to exist, built or not or think should wait until a more advance tech arrive.
March 25, 2001, 01:26
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Does the Manifold Nexus give Planetmind's troops (not AntiMind) a attack bonus? And how about each Industry point that a faction has gives it a minus Planet point, since industry hurts the planet?
March 25, 2001, 07:01
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I thought I proposed this at some point, but it must've got lost in the act of posting...damn IE4...
Anyway, I thought that it would be reasonable to assume that the Cyborgs would have managed a Citizens' Defence Force. After all, they have the technical expertise of the Data Angels, who have already constructed one, behind them. Also, it fits in quite well with the Cybernetic ideals - they are a very pacifistic people, after all, more inclined towards defence than attack. With everyone steaming ahead in technology (why can't I? I do have +4 research, after all...and how come everyone keeps making discoveries so quickly?), what chance do us poor old Cyborgs have if we don't have decent defences?
Plus, what about the map? It's still showing an X and I can't get the .sc file from the zip file to run for some reason. I can't conduct a war against the University (which I intend to win) by simply firing blind! If I don't know where their bases are in relation to mine, I can't post, which is part of the reason why I haven't done so for ages (school work is also holding me back, but that's beside the point).
Anyway, must be off.
SMAC Fanatic (email
March 25, 2001, 12:39
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I think the Human Genome project would be fitting for the Hive, since Yang is very insistent that the human genetic code can be modified at will. Another possibility would be a second command nexus.
March 25, 2001, 18:28
I almost made a complete gif map of the central continent, but made mistake and lost it all grrr  will wait again later before trying again, after i whine down.
March 25, 2001, 18:46
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Okay, both of those make sense. Would I have them already, or would I have to build them? Because right now, I have to concentrate on my military.
Secondly, regarding the tech system. Do tech points correspond to tech level? I mean, if I have five tech points, I can buy a level 5 tech, or a level 4 and a level one, or two level twos, five level ones, or a level three and a level two? And do I really get the number of tech points listed in the rules section every month?
March 26, 2001, 00:00
well, if the command nexus was built, the units morale would of been better, including Kane's. Maybe in the process of being built and almost finish? spartans help somehow to finish it? as for military units, the southern forces is a bit weaken after Kane's units have left. the northern units woul have the most units,, since they been attacking the Free Drones blockades for decades until the Blood Truce. central forces mainly to defend the capital area and western forces to defend the mainly the bases in the monsoon jungle area. Hive as a lot of cheap units and their economy is lagging, so can't seriously upgrade all of them right away.
as for the research points, no, its not by level. to follow Darkcloud's pointage system requires the players to keep tract of their research points, base on the percentage of social engineering and the research rating. since Hive pretty much acquired all sort of new techs, doubt there is anything the Hive is currently researching, except some new tech after the techs acquired. we want to avoid factions in instantly research new techs in few months. could take years to acquire techs and before the Hive got new tech from their new allies, they would be generally still be behind in tech, especially to the lack of general infrastructure of bases due to having many bases and populations spread out. Hive pretty much have to restart its research points process to a new tech.
March 26, 2001, 01:13
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Excuse me, but how come it seems the Spartans can power-trip their way out of practically ANY situation whereas the Peacekeepers are just too damned stupid to smell sh*t even when they're in it up to their ears??!
Okay, maybe I'm overreacting a little here, but take a look at this...
Do you think a PK probe team could just walk into War Outpost and blow up half the base without anyone so much as waving hello to them?? Didn't think so... I've got elite probe teams too, you know!!!! Just not as many of them.
Yes, the Peacekeepers would be more vulnerable to probe team actions than the Spartans, but consider this...
The civillian population of U.N. Data Acquisition has been evacuated, meaning that the people who don't like the military, disagree with pro-war policies, etc. wouldn't even be there now. The only people left would be those who work for the military or perform critical base operations, plus maybe a few stubborn "die-hard" kind of people who just plain refused to move. These people have spent decades preparing for the next war against the Spartans and they know full well that it won't be pretty... they're not gonna just fold up and come unglued simply because somebody blows up a few base facilities and then broadcasts a short message about how it's all their own leaders' fault!! These people hate the Spartans, not each other, for Chiron's sake!!!!
Also, the fact that the base is mostly empty might give the Spartans more room to maneuver, but it also makes the PK security forces' job easier, as there are fewer people to keep track of!
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 25, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 01:14
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Double post removed...
(§@Ģ$Ī#?! Spartan probe teams... )
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 25, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 01:32
SMAC Fanatic, i know it seems tech is in the rise, which is mainly due to tech trading and Pirates already had the nescessary techs to research Superstring Theory. Since i haven't stated a thing before what the Pirates are researching, then safe to say they been doing so for some time. I would think the Cyborgs would naturally have Neural Grafting and Mind/Machine Interface, and Pre-Sentient Algorithms, but not the complete tech thought until researched, before being able to trade them. but when research them, would think the Cyborgs would have it completed bit quicker due to their already familiarsation. Both the Cyborgs and University are technicly have the best research capabilities, yet cyborgs and university still use impact :P maybe they didn't bother wasting resources on advancing military, until recently due to the war? University most advance tech would be kept at its two secret bases for sure and cyborgs would of kept lot of its most advance techs to themselves aswell. If the Pirates and Cyborgs pull its research resources in completing Superstring Theory and Neural grafting, and Mind/Machine Interface, it will be acquired a lot quicker and quite useful in the war effort, unless it ends before we get the techs  i will make a complete gif map of the Chiron Continent then, enough to see the names, mountains and terrain detail...which a lot would of been terraformed by now anyway. I will allow Cyborgs have Citizen's Defence Force. gives perimeter defences to all, but also extra militia units i would think
Natan, Hive could start building Second Command Nexus, or already has started. With the alliance with the Spartans, can get help from them on building it. Human Genome Project, yes. University already has it i think, has they secretly experimented with cloning. I see Hive ending up making clones as well and so on.
i can't wait until we get to the point of having orbital spaceflight, where we'll end up having a space race
March 26, 2001, 01:42
Yes, i see the Spartans seme to acquire more advantages than PKs, which is annoying. Anyway, thats why i created the Reserve Units for the PKs, so they can go toe to toe with the Spartans easily, especially Sopo  I want the Spartans to have a hard time to beat the Peacekeepers, unlike before. I want a stalemate at the defence lines  Spartans would have to kill the whole Data Acquisition population if they want to take it. anyway, The Interceptors will get to them before they get to Data Acquisition, which whatever left of the Hive units will come down to help. Braddock didn't expect the Frontline Line units to survive the initial starting battles, but plans to create a stale mate at the defence lines.
March 26, 2001, 02:58
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So, you disagree with my Probe team post?Fine, then Iīll disagree with a few other things  .
First, how the Hell can the Data Angels convert a whole enemy base so easily?Who cares if they have +2 in Probe, think it realisticly
Next, the pirate probe team in Janissary Rock. They had it easy  I didnīt protest it at all, probe team goes into a loyal Spartan base and starts up huge riots or rather a full rebellion, blows up a few hundred buildings and the perimeter defense, and then walks unharmed to the nearest sensor array, and starts broadcasting their home videos to half of the world.
My point was just to incite some riots in UN Data Acquisition.
Besides, think about it. The remaining people in Data Acq. would be quite pissed of if they found out that the army that they had been supporting a full decade hadnīt contrary to all promises, stopped the Spartans.
Besides, if we again look at the PK support, which is -2,ALL of the PK continental bases couldnīt still support the continental forces, so it isnīt the wisest thing to leave two fully operational bases with an amount of population that is barely able to keep the base from falling apart.BTW, and the pop. needed for keeping up the base isnīt a small number
And why the Hell are you, LordLMP, constantly reminding me about the Spartan lousy industry while PKs are harbouring huge armies, and still no riots occur in their bases?And nobody even cares to remind about, except me!Who is having advantages now?
And yes, LMP, YOU WANT a stalemate at the defense lines but the problem is that i donīt  And maybe the Spartans WILL kill the pop. of Data Acq.  The only thing why i need the riots, is for a distraction to the defenders.
In my opinion the combined army will arrive in Data Acq. before the intercepting units can catch them. The combined army was right next to the base, when fighting against the Hive units while the Intercepting PKs were atleast a day away. And as the Spartan elite troops are faster, I think everthing is clear.Besides, with deep radar, they should see the incoming PKs before they can engage in combat.
I think Kane wonīt be having any bonus from the Nexus, as probably Yang would have cut of his connection by now  The Nexus doesnt permanently enchance unit morale, as it is a HUGE command center, handling communication, logistics and other stuff. So it doesnīt actually enchance units themselves, but the communication between them,and sends and gathers a constant flow of information about their surroundings making it much easier to them.
March 26, 2001, 03:59
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Yes, the people would be pissed off, but if the Spartans are at their gate, the last thing they're going to do is revolt and start fighting amongst themselves!
Oh, and who says anybody promised no fighting close to the base?
If that was so, then it would make very little sense to evacuate people, right?
Also, before we go any further, I'd like to have one major point sorted out:
Am I going to have a chance here or am I just supposed to be playing the role of "stupid pathetic loser"?
'Cause in that case, you're gonna have to find somebody else to play with.
Now this may sound kind of harsh, but that's how I feel at the moment...
Cyber, please keep in mind that you're playing against other people here! Maybe you WON'T be able to roll all over everyone else and maybe you WON'T be able to claim all the victories you feel like you should have had, but that's part of the game and it's the same for everyone. In MY last game against the computer, Santiago finally surrendered to the Peacekeepers when she had ONE base and NO military units left. That is how I like it, but I'm not gonna try to make that happen here, because I know that's no fun for you! On your computer, you probably would have wiped out the Peacekeepers by now, but this is a different kind of game, okay?
Now, I'll apologize for going off like that and thank you for reading what I had to say.
I hope we can still have some fun together.
Oh, and feel free to keep kicking my ass as long as I get to kick you back every now and then...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 26, 2001).]
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