March 26, 2001, 06:23
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Okay Guardian, I know you feel pissed off right now. Well then, do something about it 
Start attacking, move your troops, do something with them, except keeping them behind heavy fortifications waiting just for the Spartans to come...
The best defense is attack!Of course the Spartans will chew through the defenses, if nothing is done except defending 
My purpose is not to conquer all of your bases, but what is the point in this war if the Spartans canīt capture even one base  And your role definately isnīt playing the "stupid pathetic loser"...
The point in UN Data Acquisition, is that the probe team incited riots there, damn it!  Just like the pirate probe team in Janissary Rocks, or the Data Angels in Morgan Bank.
What do you prefer most: that i would give a small description that suddenly a probe team has incited riots in your base, like LordLMP did in Janissary Rock, or to write a small story how they did it...
donīt think that I hate the PKīs and want them all eliminated.
you know The Diplomat? The first player controlling the Pks? Well, guess who he really was. Me 
Unfortunately I forgot the password for the diplomat account, and i think the account has been already deleted because it hasnīt been used for a while  Besides, didnīt have enough time anymore to control two factions then.
But you can see it from the posts, or rather, the time between Cybers post and The diplomats...
So donīt start blaming me to be a hardcore fascist or something  ...
Guardian, YOU feel free to kick my ass  , but you ainīt gonna do it by keeping up an attrition war.
Anyways, Iīve been playing this game for a long time. My advice, keep your nerves, your posts and ideas have been a very good contribution into this game  Continue the same line...
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 26, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 07:46
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Damn, you're right again... (Grrrrrr...  )
What I need to do is counter your posts with posts of my own, not try to control what you write in yours! I guess I knew that all along, but... well, things got a little out of hand there for a while...
Anyway, we're back on a sound footing...
Okay, here's the deal...
The Spartan probe team succeeded in stirring up quite a mess in Data Acquisition, which wasn't supposed to happen, but it happened anyway... (After all, these things do happen in war, ya know!  ) The PK intercepting units are finally arriving in the area, but they're a little late and are actually behind the advancing Spartans... they're joining up with the surviving Hivers and the Spartans now have a hostile force behind their backs (they can probably see this on their radars)... anyway, I'll continue this in a story post...
Yup! We're definitely still gonna have fun together!
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 26, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 08:53
Mind Control and Free Drone propaganda works especially well in a police state society  And do remember Cyber, the Data Angels have conquered Morgan Bank before if the other little war with the Morganites almost a decade ago. Also, i should kick your arse for playing two factions, with two different names  Do to strong pro-war beliefs, which pretty much counters pro-peace beliefs naturally of the pks, gives all pro-war controlled bases immune support. They have a huge mining operation in the middle of the base, and solar collectors and huge mineral gathering operation at Fossil Field Ridge. IF you played SMAC/X, you should know that Supply crawlers/ships can quite useful in getting extra resources.
Anyway, don't want to make it to easy for the spartans to conquer the PKs either and you could of went after the Probe Team too you know, thats what i was expecting  of course, notbefore they send their footage of the atrocities commited at Janissary Rock
March 26, 2001, 10:00
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(Puts his Spartan mask on  )
Okay, I agree with the Pro-War PKīs being immune to support, but what will their bad side be? I mean, what are the minus things they have?
And Guardian, for some reason Iīve always had the impression that the Spartans would have had enough distance to the PK intercepters, to have enough time to attack the base.
Anyways, the Spartan havenīt detected the PKs on their radar  , yet. We must not forget the advantage deep radar gives.
(Puts his dusty peacekeeper mask on  )
The Diplomat speaking:
When thinking about, I never actually intended the Pro-Wars to come back to the eastern continent. I planned it so that the peacekeepers would divide into two diffrent factions that are fighting amongs themselves, but never to go back and fight the Spartans again. And I definately didnīt plan the Pro-War PKīs to so powerful.
Anyways, good job Guardian, go and kick some Spartan butt!Theyīve walked over our people too many time already  !
Okay...its time for my medication  ...
March 26, 2001, 17:34
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double post
[This message has been edited by Natan (edited March 26, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 17:36
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Christantine, it's unrealistic that your mindworms would escape unscathed. Flame guns have a short range, the Hive troops could have toasted you without hurting each other. At the very least, the rovers, which are very fast, being rovers, would have moved into a line formation and toasted your mindworms. Also, the rover and the garrisson are just one small part of my force at planetneck. I also have two more garissons (by the way, the garissons all have AAA) three nerve gas missile artilleries and another gatling nerve gas rover.
Also: Did anyone read my post on the Hive military and society in the admit thread? If so, did they find it at all interesting or helpful?
[This message has been edited by Natan (edited March 26, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 23:07
Oh, another thing Cyber, there is a PK Probe Team at Data Acquisition, which is also a difference compared to Janissary Rock and Morgan Bank, where they didn't have probe teams they done their covert operations.
Thats the thing with CC, your plans never go as planned, especially against other Human Players
Natan, do remember, its Planetneck. there not a lot of room for a Infantry/Rover unit to maneuver. quite deadly/suicidal to try attacking the enemy via a chokepoint, several hundred kilometres long chokepoint.
Guardian, the Hive Gatling Squad is in the process of being equip with Plasma armor and ECM equipment too  of course, they paint/dye it Blue instead with Hive logo.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited March 26, 2001).]
March 27, 2001, 02:59
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Ughf... now I feel kind of embarrassed about going off the way I did yesterday...
What actually happened was that I started taking Cyber's posts a little too personal. That is... he does a pretty good job describing how the Spartans see the Peacekeepers as stupid and pathetic... I started to wonder if that was how Cyber looked at the Peacekeepers and expected me to play them... So I got kind of defensive for a while, but now I'm back in the game!
And now, a comment from General Braddock...
"The damned Spartans have caught us with our pants down.
Now we're gonna pull them up and kick their teeth in!"
(*cheers can be heard in the background*)
And Natan, yes, I've read your admin post and I rather liked it. I'll go back and work some more on my own a little later on... Oh, and the 6 missile foils approaching Planetneck should be about one third of the entire U.N. Navy. Another 6 foils are in the Chiron Sea with the Pirates stalking the Spartan Fleet, and then there are 6 more that are staying closer to home for the time being...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 27, 2001).]
March 27, 2001, 08:06
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Guardian, donīt worry about that  Iīve seen the same thing in allmost every roleplaying game Iīve played.
And as you said, I directed the "stupid and pathetic" stuff as an attempt of the Spartans to anger the peacekeepers.
Anyways, sorry about this misunderstanding  ...
BTW, is the Spartan "psychological" warfare actually working on the PKīs?Just asking...
Next subject. Once again, if the Pro-War PKīs are immune to support, then what are their bad sides? Do understand that, i feel it a little unfair to be fighting against a "perfect" in a way, enemy.
And LordLMP, give me a break!!! 
Youīre starting to sound like my Mom, for Christīs sake!
"You canīt do this, you canīt do that and you canīt....." blah blah.
Who cares if the Spartans donīt "officially" have the technology to build cyborgs.As I said in the post where the two scientists were inspecting Clayson, it took years to complete his enchancements. Maybe they found an artifact, as with the Soporific gas pods.
And yes, the Cultists will be found out before they can attack the bunkers, but the point is to not be found atleast 2-300 kmīs from the bunkers.
And yes, the Combined army will lots of casualties when attacking UN Data Acquisition, but they are determined to take it, even with Nerve gas.
And Natan, youīre post in Admin about the Hive was indeed interesting, and most of all, helpful.
March 27, 2001, 08:49
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What are the pro-war PK's downside?
Well, I imagine their industry would suffer, kind of like that of the Spartans. That is, it would take them a bit longer than "normal" to build new stuff because of the amount of resources they have to spend on supplies and stuff for exisiting forces.
In other words, just because their population is "immune" to support, the industry isn't... They have - to an extent - countered this by using supply crawlers/foils to collect extra resources.
Also, I guess the pro-war PK bases would be weaker on research than what would be considered "normal" for a PK base; "cooking up" stuff in labs wouldn't have the same priority as preparing supplies or honing one's combat skills...
March 27, 2001, 19:59
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Natan, the mindworms fell right in the middle of the rover group. how/why would the rovers take the time to fix their position to form a line is beyond me. Plus rover pilots, gunners, and navigators don't sit in the rovers all the time! That would waste the rover air tanks. They would be inside a airtight tent. Then they would have to get in their rovers and try to drive around people going to their rovers, rovers, and mindworms. Plus the chopper only attacked the rovers, not the garrison. That would be a stupid thing for a flimsy thing like one chopper to do. I only said that the garrison had 10% damage to remind you about the first time the spore launcher attacked. And if all of those units are bunched up on one square near Planetneck than they wouldn't have much room to move around. And again, Nerve gas DOESN'T hurt wildlife.
March 27, 2001, 20:13
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Originally posted by Christantine The Great on 03-27-2001 06:59 PM
Natan, the mindworms fell right in the middle of the rover group. how/why would the rovers take the time to fix their position to form a line is beyond me. Plus rover pilots, gunners, and navigators don't sit in the rovers all the time! That would waste the rover air tanks. They would be inside a airtight tent. Then they would have to get in their rovers and try to drive around people going to their rovers, rovers, and mindworms. Plus the chopper only attacked the rovers, not the garrison. That would be a stupid thing for a flimsy thing like one chopper to do. I only said that the garrison had 10% damage to remind you about the first time the spore launcher attacked. And if all of those units are bunched up on one square near Planetneck than they wouldn't have much room to move around. And again, Nerve gas DOESN'T hurt wildlife.
Nerve gas may not hurt wildlife, but napalm and high explosives do.
Point one: Just because you aren't shooting at my garrisson, doesn't mean they can't shoot at you. Remember, all those troops are in one square. In SMACX, you would have to attack the garrissons first. I think it's only realistic that AAA guns could shoot at the helicopter in the same square regardless of whether or not the copter's guns are trained on it. Secondly, that Gatling rover was the one which was being prepared for combat, and you made it seem like the rover drivers were in their vehicle. I think you're chopper wouldn't have gotten out alive, and that the mindworms would have taken at least a little damge getting out. I accept though, the damage to my own units.
March 27, 2001, 23:53
SMAC, i have the map done and tried attaching it to email, but bloody slow. after waiting close to 5 minutes, my crappy net connections freezes. so i may have to shrink the map, or something. I zipped it, but doesn't really seem to make a difference. will send the smaller planet wide map thought, base on 2180 thought... naval base won't be shown.
Natan, a lot of the rules of combat in SMAX is bit unrealistic. Lot more stupid to to ALWAYS attack the best armored/healthiest unit all the time. Also, you haven't designated your garrison really, andf each square 500x500 km...which half or 2/3 covered with water. and near the planetneck becomes lot tighter. And you only used Napalm and Nerve Gas attacks, nothing about Heavy Explosive. oh and nerve gas doesn't seriously effect morale, only easier out killing people. bunkers/buildings/fungus/rocky terrain and so on have more protection against nerve gas really and artillery in general. Bunkers/building can mainly put bit more air pressure inside, which they would usually do to keep out the bad air outside.
Cyber, sorry for being a *****, but i am Moderator  it was pointed out that there was a PK Probe Team in Data Acquisition and would of notice a people placing bombs, especially at a Perimeter Defence! which would be one the prioreties to keep watch of. And would of notice if the spartan probe team being active and would usual notice unfamiliar faces, especially with most of the population gone. i let the spartan probe team hide since there would be a lot of abandoned buildings to hide into, with security cameras and sensors which could of been hacked and looped. And i do have to remind ya, especially when the Spartans have nukes in the northern icecap, have turned a pk soldier into primitive cyborg robot without the appriopriate tech and so on, so could be easily detected by bioscan where half his brains is robotic and other parts. and there is planetmind and cult mindworms/psi talents about which can detect the lack of "brains". Cult of War troops can still would be detected, especially near the bunkers. they will be blasted once seen. Nerve gas doesn't melt armor or through it.
March 28, 2001, 04:54
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Hey, Cyber, I kind of liked the way your post on the attack on U.N. Data Acquisition sort of hinted about a more "human" side to some of the Spartans... Just too bad none of the Peacekeepers have seen any of that yet!
Now, Commissioner Lal and his followers aren't quite there yet, but the pro-war Peacekeepers have reached the point where the Spartans aren't really considered human beings at all anymore. Instead, they are seen as some kind of... monster! Horrible, evil monsters, and not much else...
March 28, 2001, 18:25
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Natan, I never intentionally said that the mindworms weren't harmed. I guess I just forgot to mention it. Even though the units were all in that space that doesn't mean they are going to be mixed together. They have 500x500 kilometers to control here! And remember this isn't SMAX. If it was a land unit then yes, I think that the garrison would be attacked first. But this was an air unit. An air unit is high above the battle field. I think it can be a bit more selective. AAA only gives a defensive multiplyer, not an offensive one. I wasn't attacking the garrisons directly, so they couldn't have had a good shot at me.
March 29, 2001, 22:36
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The Morganite and University ships are nowhere to be seen...
-That's because there aren't any
Why would Planetmind like the Drones. They destroy the earth?
March 30, 2001, 02:53
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I think the Planetmind "likes" the Drones because Drones don't like Hive/Spartans. Hence, they could be allies, but only if they stop hurting the environment...
Also, the Peacekeepers are sort of playing with the idea of a friendship, or even a possible alliance with the Drones, but they won't do anything that might upset Planetmind.
March 30, 2001, 03:24
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On a different subject, I really don't think the Spartan Followers of War could have come out of their attack with so little damage, no matter how good they are...
First of all, they were infantry units moving through open terrain under constant artillery bombardment for over 10 hours. Nobody can do that and not take some pretty nasty damage, Cult or no Cult.
They were detected and came under fire when they were still 213 kilometers out. Even if they kept moving at 20 km/h - which in itself is truely AWESOME and highly unrealistic for an infantry unit on foot, even if not under fire - it would still take them over 10 hours to reach the bunkers, and the artillery would keep pounding them the whole time. And where in the world would they take cover? In the craters from previous explosions?? Well, that would require them to stop or even move backwards, and so they would be bogged down moving from crater to crater, which would slow their progress to crawling speed...
I'd say they would take a minimum of 20-30% damage from the artillery bombardment alone, and there would be no walk-overs against the bunker defenders either.
Anyway, say 30-60% damage on the remaining Cult units and I'll be willing to accept it.
By the way, I'll be away for the weekend, so the U.N. won't be taking on any more peacekeeping missions until monday some time...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited March 30, 2001).]
March 30, 2001, 09:02
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Guardian, how many units can keep up a bombardment for 10 hours. And how many artillery units were there, near UN Haven City again?  Think about how much missiles would the artilleries need. And besides, the patrolling needlejets had to probably leave soon after for refueling, so with whos help are the artilleries going to aim. All the sensor arrays have been converted or destroyed by the Spartans
You have to understand that these Followers of War are almost supernatural, with the tendency putting themselves into a trance-like state, in which they do not feel emotions, fatigue or pain but their senses have been heightened. These people have been in intensive training years after years and who knows, maybe they are truly blessed by the God of War
Okay, I know you donīt value SMAC as a simulator, but in it I destroyed two commando plasma garrisons and a Great boil, with only my first attacking regiment getting moderate damage.
My final offer is 20-40%, take it or leave it
And people, my timetable is starting to get more and more crowded nowadays, so i donīt think Iīm going to have enough time for playing the Spartans anymore.
I was thinking of creating a new story thread, which would be in the same style as the Spartan Chronicles. Then I could continue writing, and time wouldnīt be an important factor.
Anyways, is there anyone willing to adopt the Spartans?Probably not after finding out how much they are liked by other factions  But whoever takes them, please ensure that the war ends with honor on their part  Iīve got emotionally attached to them somehow...
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 30, 2001).]
March 30, 2001, 09:18
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Yes, that artillery regiment would need an awful lot of ammo, but they would have an awful lot of ammo!!
They're not moving around, they're just sitting there at the defense line, waiting to blast the bejeezus out of anything approaching the lines!
-And how could the Spartans possibly have destroyed or converted sensor arrays that are actually IN the Defense Line??
It seems clear to me that the two of us will not reach an agreement here, so I propose to let the moderators decide the outcome...
March 30, 2001, 09:37
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I think I know the answer, if we let the moderators decide the outcome: CYBER!!!( shouts LorLMP  ) Naah, just joking. LordLMP has truly done a great job as a moderator.
Anyways, the tyranical reign of Cyber over the Spartans has ended now, so Iīm no longer responsible for the Spartan faction...
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited March 30, 2001).]
March 30, 2001, 11:17
That pretty much puts a gap on the eastern front with no one playing Spartans :P how would you have time for a Spartan Chronicles like thing and not CHiron Chronicles?  don't always have to write something everyday. mainly point out what the spartans are doing and the rest can work with that.
March 30, 2001, 17:00
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I donīt know where will I actually have the time for writing anything!  Iīm not completely sure about starting the new story, but atleast I thought I could post new stuff for it not so often( maybe 4-5 days or even a week) Dunno, Iīll just have to wait and see...
Anyways, sorry for causing additional problems  .Maybe somewhere in the far future Iīll be able to join the Chiron Chronicles again, if you accept me, that is
March 31, 2001, 02:03
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DarkCloud, when did I say I liked the Drones? I don't remember ever saying that I was going to help the Drones or try to stop the mindworms attacking the drones.
April 1, 2001, 10:54
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Okay, lordlmp, I've figured out what secret project the Hive would have. The ascetic virtues. The Hive is built around the principle of ascetic virtues, and a police bonus fits nicely with the Hive's nature. The only problem is that I don't have the tech. What should I do?
Also, a question about the rules: How many people can a base without a hab complex support? With a hab complex?
I'm thinking of writing some quick short stories about individual citizens of the Hive, starting with a border patrolman. What thread would they go in?
I'll be making another post in the admit right after this, so if any of you want to read more about the Hive, look there.
April 1, 2001, 15:58
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OK, the required technology is Planetary Economics. As far as I know (which isn't very far at all, but anyway) no-one yet has this tech - unless someone's made yet another incredible advance in the last few minutes , so you can't trade for it.
What are you researching at the moment? If you don't have even the prerequisites I don't think the project will be allowed.
The only real way I can see that wouldn't be unrealistic would be to simply research the required technology and build the project yourself. Costly and time-consuming, I know.
You could always go for a project which you do have the tech for - the Human Genome Project sounds like a good bet to me.
On a similar subject, won't be long before the race for the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm begins. Do my Cyborgs get an advantage, due to their experience with sentient algorithms?
April 1, 2001, 21:15
The Morganites has Planetary Economics  but i don't think its the preq for ascetic values, will check anyway. I know Planetary Energy Grid is under that tech, which the morganites would persue as soon as their economy stabiliZes. Anyway, can also make it a goal for the hive to pursue, to acquire.
How big can a base be without hab complex for the Hive in SMAC/X? Also, Hive bases are mostly underground, not the most spacial or luxurious of places to live. And do remember that the overall population is spread out. Hive capital can be the largest base too. And you can post your little stories in the game thread. its okay to have description of various people in your factions society, their point of view of whats going on.
SMAC, i have shrunk the map down to 500k. will try sending you that.
is everyone okay with the combat and so on rules? anything tha needs to improve, clarify more, to have and so on? This is a collective agreement too you know, not a dictorship
April 2, 2001, 09:46
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Ummm... just 2 small questions... is Cyber really gone? And was it really due to lack of time ?? Just wondering a little, since... well, basically since he left very abruptly and in the middle of an argument...
Didn't mean to make him leave, you know... 
But... if he didn't have time to keep playing, then I guess that's fair enough.
April 2, 2001, 14:15
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I've got the SMAX tech tree in front of me, and it IS Planetary Economics. Adaptive Economics is the prerequisite for the PEG. I don't think anyone should have PE yet - it is a pretty big level 4.
I don't really need anything else I don't think - I will try to get round to posting stats and everything, but what with GCSE coursework and everything life is a tad hectic...
Plus, I will be away as of Monday for an entire week - off to Boston to do some skiing at Sunday River. Don't think I'll be able to get to the Net there, but I will try...
Don't let anyone take over the Cyborgs cos they are mine mine MINE! ahem sorry
anyways must b off as have plenty to do!
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