March 20, 2001, 00:16
Chiron Chronicles Rules
Please, no one write here. Only to show the CC Rules, a bit at a time, whenever something comes up that needs to be resolved. If some things are not clear here, or think more information should be added, ask/tell me in the Discussion forum or simply email me at
Chiron Chronicles is a Interactive Diplomacy game base on Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire. Actions are done by writing news reports, communications between leaders/units/characters/etc, a short story or a simple summarization of whats going on. We don't expect the players to be professional writers, so anyone can join, aslong as the actions are done with reason. realism, common sence, creative mind and some knowsledge of alpha centauri would be good
Players do their actions in the Game Thread, show some stats of their factions or other information place by the moderators (LordLMP and Darkcloud) in the Admin thread, general summaries of history and actions done in a year in the summaries thread and to discuss about various things in the Discussion thread.
Players should also give the other players a chance, especially when there is a military and so on situation(s). So watch to end up resolving the Fate of the other player's units to much.
Factions with a negative Industry rating requires time to build units/facilities/etc... (exp: Spartans) Factions with a high industry can build unit/facilities/etc a lot quicker than the norm. (Free Drones).
In CC, Industry can be effected by techs which you may have or not (exp: Industrial Base, Industrial Automation), how many bases you have and how big the population is. For Example, If a faction doesn't have Industrial Automation and good percentage of the population are in the military, that are scientists, and so on can slow down the Industry. Trade with other factions and between its own bases can help improve the Industry. If a faction is pushing its Industry so hard like concentrating production in various things, may cause riots, drones and generally make people unhappy.
Support and Economy can effect the Industry aswell in CC.
Reinforments depends on the Industry, and Support. If faction have a bad Industry rating, then the less common replacements will show up. If the faction has a high industry rating, than more common for replacements to show up.
Its easier to have Infantry replacements than rovers, especially if the faction has a high population and a decent military structure. Its easier to support Infantry Units than Rover Units, especially if the faction has a crappy Industry and a good size population.
Lets say a Rover Unit got battered badly, took some losses and now in the red, 80-90% damage or so and needs to recover. In CC, an unit can recover by itself a bit by fixing some of its rovers, getting spare parts by salvaging, but to make a full recovery (unless the unit is only in the Green), they need replacements to bring the unit back to full strength. But if the unit is surrounded by the enemy, they can't expect any replacements. If the unit is far away from the nearest base, then it take awhile for the replacements to come. Its easier for Units to recover within a base or simply within a Base's radius.
Supply to Units is effected by the Support and Industry rating mostly. Supplies include food, spare parts, ammunition and so on. Units pretty much carry enough supplies to last for a bit, but usually runs out quickly during a war and so on. Food ain't a serious matter, since they can attract nutrients from the field, depending on they are really, but better quality food would be better. Units get supplied by Supply Convoys, or maybe air drops from transport planes, which would be quicker or even supplies by sea. The farther units are, the longer it takes usually to send supplies too. Supplies can get to units lot quicker if they have road they can use. Units get supplied very quickly if they are within Base radious. There is also the option of establishing supply depots too store a lot of stuff.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited March 21, 2001).]
March 22, 2001, 01:04
Types of Units
Infantry - the easiest (especially if you have a good size population, with good support) the cheapest and the quickest units to make. There would good for factions with crappy Industry, where they cannot easily or/and quickly make Rovers and so on. It takes them longer to places and more vulnerable to Artillery, but they have a bonus when attacking bases/bunkers/etc. They can easily entrench themselves and hide, especially in rocky/fungus/forest/so on where they have the advantage vs more mobile units. And there are little bit more harder to detect. Oh, and they can easily be upgraded in the field has you simply need to send the equipment to them, aslong has the supply route to them is cleared.
Rover - they have the advantage of speed and mobility vs the infantry units. They can get to places a lot quicker and harder to kill, especially if they have armor. their downsides is that they have trouble in rough terrain, require to be upgraded within a base (or simply within their base radius), especially armor/weapon/reactor/most abilities.
Needlejet - A single needlejet takes more resources than a rover to build, but can build an entire Wing for the price of a regiment of rovers. (more rovers in a regiment than needlejets in a Wing). They must either be in a n air base within a base radius or at the base itself to be able to upgrade.
Non-Combatant - this includes Formers, Supply Crawlers, Transports(unless armored), Colony Pods, Merchant/Civilian stuff and so on. they are easy to kill, unless they have armor or some other protection. they don't effect the overall Mineral Costs to support units, so they practicly free from maintenance.
Artillery - more of a sub-type. In CC, it is not considered a Ability, but more of a type of weapon. they cannot really fight in close combat, but they can generally do long range fire up to 1000km away (two squares). the farther they need to shoot, the lesser the accuracy, unless there is sensors and other units to help with the targeting. They do generally carry a bigger supply of ammo and they do may have various kind of ammo. Like heavy explosive, cluster, incendary/napalm, and so on. some abilities can had more options in ammo they can shoot to. but generally carry standard ammo. Some weapons are quite effective abd better for artillery like Missile Launchers and Impact, anything projectile. I don't see how beam weaponry like Gatling and Lasers can do long range bombarbment? so will make it that beam weaponry is less effective as artillery. (mainly doing this has i screwed up a bit, where there is artilleries with SAM for example, which in smac/x is considered two abilities, but Neural Grafting not discovered yet. anyway, makes sence no?  )
Building Units
Infantry is the cheapiest and fastest units you can build. But rovers and air units cost more. With armor, it cost even more. The contruction time depends on the Industry rating and somewhat the Economy rating aswell. In CC, instant rushing isn't really possible, but may make production time a bit quicker. Like, convert Energy into some mineral types in a sence, replicators :P How many bases you have and high big of pop may effect production time. generally and standardly take have a game year to build a complete unit. is possible to make partial units, especially when you send them as replacements to bring existing units back to full strength.
okay, have to get on comp now, but to quickly say, in CC, a GROUND unit is equal to a Regiment, a AIR Unit a Wing and a NAVAL Unit a single ship.
to be continued...
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited March 31, 2001).]
March 22, 2001, 22:37
Time Scale
In CC, a year is made up of 10 months. each month is made of 4 weeks, and a week is made up of 10 days. A game thread will be the judge of how fast a year is going by. Game threads will continue for 4 pages, each equaling to 2.5 game months, a quarter of a game year.
Travel Time
For each square on the map is equal to 500km x 500km area. So may take sometime to travel that kind of distance, especially on rough/non-terraformed terrain or when you have to do detours. travel time would go faster on roads. via mag tubes, units don't go to one place to another instantly like the game seem to make. Do remember, your unit is regiment size! will be hard to instantly train the whole unit so quickly. Infantry units are easier to ship by mag tube thought :P use commun sence and do realize the Time Scale of the game. Infantry units will take way longer to get to places.
Contruction/Terraforming/Production time
Like i mentioned in the game, can't quickly build bunkers/roads in few days/weeks! Do realize equate CC's time scale and how big each square is (500km x 500km). The Peacekeeper's Defence Lines wasn't built in a day you know! took them practicly a decade across thousands of kilometres with many formers. Roads may take less time to make, but still take sometime, especially when it will be several thousands kilometres long. magtubes takes bit more time than roads to make. Planting trees takes several years definatly, since they need time to grow. Same with farms. A Sensor Array would take a few months. Planting and removing fungus does take time aswell.
Unit Morale
Cyber introduced Ultra-Elite in CC, but I will consider this the highest morale any unit in existence can acquire. So no such thing as 100% bonus in morale, especially with trance. Ultra-Elite can only be achieved by some form of heroism at a battle/so on or at a some special Monoliths. The unit would already have to be an Elite before moving to Ultra-Elite, and would take a lot to have unit gain that kind of morale. And they don't become faster than the speed acquired as Elite.
Also, Morale doesn't equal to experience in CC. The Morale rating of factions and certain facilities/secret projects can effect the morale of units to better or worse.
Unit Abilities
Units cannot have two abilities until they acquire Neural Grafting. And no more than two abilities after that. Artillery will not be considered an ability in CC. Factions who naturally gain abilities like the pirates with its Marine Detachment doesn't limit them to only one more ability. so technicly, a pirate ship would have one natural unit and two others after getting neural grafting tech. Some abilities may be invented, but suggest that you ask the moderator to see if its okay or not.
Amoured combat units vs non-armoured combat units
Units with no armor are cheaper, more maneuverable and bit faster than units with armor. Units with armor don't die as quickly as no armor units.
Building Secret Projects
Secret Projects can take the faction years to build, especially the ones like the Planetary Transit System which effects the whole faction. A faction can build a secret project that is already been built by another faction, but takes longer to build and doesn't work as good. Like the Gaians built the Weather Paradign before the Spartans did. Difference, Spartan use it for evil and Gaians for good :P Cannot rush build secret projects, only make the contruction a bit better.
Facilities may take a few months to a few years to build, depending of the factions Industry and Economy ratings and the amount of workers working on it, so depending how big the population is of the base. They cannot be rush built, but does Energy Credits does help speed up production. Some facilities may be invented, like the Pirates Artillery Defences.
March 25, 2001, 16:58
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The Other Game-Moderator
Research Rates
There are two rates for research:
Every 40 (Game Month Days)-
60% to tech- 4 tech pts.
50% to tech- 3 tech pts.
40% to tech- 2 tech pts.
and the original-
7+ [(tech%+#tech)*2]-fac
7+[9.5 *2]-5
7+ 19 -5=21
March 31, 2001, 01:45
Unit Upgrading
To upgrade units doesn't just depends on Industry, but also Economy. Even if a faction as a strong industry, they still may be limited has to how many units they can upgrade with their crappy economy.
Infantry units can easily be upgraded on the field, as you just supply them the new equipment, but they must wait a game month atleast for training thought.
Rover units must be either in a base or a bunker within a base radious to be able to upgrade. they take atleast take 3 to 5 game months to upgrade, depending on the Industry rating and how stretch the resources are.
Air units must be either in a base or an airbase within a base radious to upgrade. they take atleast take 3 to 5 game months to upgrade, depending on the Industry rating and how stretch the resources are.
Naval must definatly be at a base to upgrade. they take atleast 3 to 8 atleast to upgrade. depending on industry and so on.
Rules of Warfare
-NO instant battles/conflicts which eliminates an entire unit in few hours. Battles can happen between units, but doesn't mean one of them as to die. A conflict can stretch for days, weeks and months even, especially against Bases and Bunkers. not all battles are blitzkrieg fights.
-NO instantly capture/conquer entire square and secure it, in few hours! its a 250 000 square kilometres game squares, enough room for large battles to happen. can take weeks and months, even years maybe, to take capture/conquer a square of territory, especially ones with rough terrain and bunkers.
-A Unit can be seperated into Brigades, Companies, Platoons, Squads and etc... especially such large game squares. doesn't make sence for an entire unit to be always close together and so on.
-No such thing as super units that are nearly impossible to eliminate, that are "supernatural".
-Units usually carry enough supplies and ammunition to have a constant warfare for a montth, then they would need more supplies. if the supply route to the unit has been blocked/cut off, than the unit won't gain any new supplies until they are in the clear again for a direct supply route from nearest base. with no supplies, the effectiveness of the unit lowers. Because of that, Units are always into salvaging after battles or at where they had a huge battle.
-Just because your unit is ELITE means the enemy are GREEN and stupid in comparison. There is a chance for COMMANDO ranked units to defeat the elite, but not as much as another elite.
-ALWAYS give the other player a chance, don't simply go and resolve the fate of their units. each unit can mainly only do one or two actions like attack, charge, evasive maneuvers, scout, flank and so on. the more mobile they are, the more flexible. A Veteran can defeat a Elite, depending on what tactics has been used and the terrain.
-When Mobile units like Rovers get get jammed by ECM defenders, their coordination lowers due to jammed communication.
will continue this, but seriously need sleep...
April 22, 2001, 11:24
July 14, 2001, 00:36
Chiron Chronicles Moderators, Me and Darkcloud, can write here. Thread ment to state the rules, which needs a bit of editing and added upon.
August 4, 2001, 08:39
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(Sorry guys, not my business to write in here, but I saw a new guy ask about rules and thought I'd help out a little... )
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