Originally posted by faded glory
Never solves mine. They just cut through my 40 stacks of Conscripts/Tanks in each province bordering poland. Then behind it I usually have 3 distinct "Revolutionary Gaurds" army groups with about 15 armored/mech divisions commanded in each by Zhukov, Chukov, Temshenko. And on each Star city I have 10 more infantry. And then leningrad usually has alot of conscripts too.
First of all build I industry everywhere except Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and few other big cities. The rest IC I put in research. First of all in Electronics, Industrial technology, Artilery, Tanks and Infantry. I don't build uints except some (5-7) mech infantry and some tanks (the more the better of course, but last time when Germans invaded I had only 5 advanced light tanks 30mm and 7 mech infanry with art. attachments build.) Also, try to build at least 1 fortress in every province on border with Poland.
Last time when Germans invaded (April 1940) my fortreses weren't ready yet. And they broken my defence in Zhitomir region, but I made a counter attack and encircled those 15 divisions that broken through my defense line. To save them Wehrmacht send about 40 divisions. I've send reinforsments from nearby regions too and prepared a counter strike in Prussia (gathered all my mech and armor units into one single army and appointed Konev as commander). Then, almost at the same time Germans striked at Zhitomir, while I striked at North. While Zhukov and his 28 divisions tried to hold about 40 German divisions as long as possible, Konev and his First Guards Mechanized Army

with support of nearby infantry armies broken German defenses at North and start to advance. I split his amored army and send my adv. light tanks (speed 22 without or 24 with eng. attachments) south while mech. and regular infantry start to dug-in in provinces captured by my light tanks. Soon entire Wehrmacht was in HUGE poket, even in too huge pockets (one of my tanks reached Berlin and then turned South again, Germans had some divisions there). Sure they won at Zhitomir, but they lost the entire campaign. Zhukov and his forces retreated beyond the river and quickly regain organizatation. (I have Meretzkov as cheif of army (school of psyhology is damn cool thing +20% org regain)) So, I lost iirc about 3 or perhaps 5 infantry divisions, while Wehrmacht was completely encircled and its armies and corps was destroyed one by one later. In August Germany was annexed.
So, put everything in research pay special atention to techs that makes your infantry stronger (art&inf techs). Usally my army which guard a province consist of 12 inf. divisions. At least two of them should be with art atachments. I place more artilery and esp. anti-tank artilery in provinces where German tanks will apear more likely (plains). And that counter-strike at North always worked in my games when I played for Soviets.
Almost forget, the most important hint for Soviet strategy- no step back.

Motherland in danger. You must hold the line no matter what. Otherwise you'll lose.
edit i guess another factor is lack of good tanks. FYI, I usually have BT-5/7 about 41, only the gaurds with the 3 good generals have them (I havent figured out the TT for T-34 yet! More annoying aspects of the game) everyone else just has like T-27 and Pre war stuff.
If you wish you can have basic heavy tanks before the war. I had T-34/85 (80+mm cannon) few times before Germans invaded, but T-70 (adv.light tank) can handle with German basic medium tanks. And T-70 has huge advantage- speed. Speed rules in HOI.