May 3, 2001, 09:57
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
The Conquered PK bunker near UN Haven City
It was finally time to act for the Cultists.
The last half years had been a bloody close combat for the cultists. Still, agaisnt overwhelming PK forces, they had survived. Raids, bombardments, you name it. And while all this was happening, they had been waiting for new orders dutifully.
Now new orders had arrived. This time, not from the Command Nexus, but directly from the Head-Priests themselves.
They were to abandon their positions and leave towards War Outpost. At first the troops were confused, why in the name of God should they leave their hard earned positions?
But soon the news about a cease-fire and the inner turmoil of Sparta spread around, and the natural instinct in every cultist soldiers to protect ones home kicked in.
A lonely priest watched the starlit landscape from one of the still standing watchtowers. He shot a small beam with his wrist laser, and suddenly hundreds after hundreds of shadows started moving stealthily out of the battered bunker, their destination being War Outpost.
As the Cultists got further from the bunker, flames started appearing within the structure. Soon the whole bunker was engulfed by the flames…
Data Acquisition
A Spartan soldier, sitting on the perimeter defense, watched the recordings of a horrible monstrosity from his personal wristvid. This time, it hadn’t been done by the Spartans, but by the peacekeepers. It showed a rover stocked full of disembodied parts, obviously the parts of their Spartan comrades left behind to guard the breaking point in the defense lines.
A few months ago a damaged rover had arrived to Ruby Ridge Memorial. After hearing what the rover carried, Weiss ordered the case to be quickly covered up. Of course, everything was recorded, but for some reason, nothing had been done to use this information for destroying the Peacekeepers clean reputation.
It was all on tape. The bodies, the writings on the walls, the coronary´s report, everything. This kind of activity was surely condemned as an atrocity by the UN Charter. Maybe a minor one, but an atrocity still, and that was enough against the peacekeepers.
Nothing, until now. The soldier had been one of the few ones to actually be a part of the cover operation, so he knew everything. Yesterday, he had finally hacked into the local network and sent the records through there to a few influential friends in Sparta Command.
This’ll prove, once and for all, to the rest of the world what hypocrites the peacekeepers really are…the soldier thought.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited May 06, 2001).]
May 3, 2001, 23:25
OOC: another note to Cyber and SPray, there is still that Spartan Probe team at Zarya-Sunrise, University.
Also, the Battle Dragons don't know about the Cease-fire yet, as they kept radio silent during most of the Upland Waste campaign and during the whole time of the Siege of Blast Rifle Crag.
Blast Rifle Crag
After the negociations was done, the Battle Dragon units move in the base to take control of the perimeter defence and the naval yards as agreed upon. They also started raising the Chiron Alliance flag. The remmants of the Spartan garrison reorginized to defend/police within the base while keeping a watch on the "Chiron Alliance Forces". this whole thing took a period of under a week by the time the Battle Dragons started detecting some Spartan units in the base radius...probebly on recon to discover the current situation at the base. After everything was secured, Colonel Rohrer got a portable comm array setup so she can contact Nautilus of the Sea...
TO: Nautilus of the Sea
FROM: Colonel Rohrer, Battle Dragons
I want to report the success of partial control of Blast Rifle Crag. Governor Pontas of Blast Rifle Crag has a cease-fire and we met at a negociation table at perimeter of the base. In exchange for "tempory" control of the bases' perimeter defence and naval yard, we are to identify and support the Blast Rifle Crag's declaration of independence. Aswell as help defend them against any spartan units that wants to retake control of the base, and to supress its independence. He also wants to speak with our leader. He doesn't know we are Pirate units, just that we are part of the Chiron Alliance Forces. The bases only Comm tower got knock out after some initial skirmishs between some Junta and Santiego loyalists since the Coup d'etat at Sparta Command. So the Governor Pontas doesn't know about the current situation in Sparta and the outside world.
Blast Rifle Crag is currently rebuilding its comm tower, so will take a month or two before they re-contact with rest of Sparta. We are ready to receive the Gaian reinforcements, which the Governor of the base doesn't know about yet.
so waiting for further orders
Colonel Rohrer
Battle Dragons
TO: Lady Deirdre Skye
FROM: Captain Svensgaard
My Battle Dragons have partially succeeded in taking control of the spartan base Blast Rifle Crag, who have declared independence and want the Chiron Alliance to protect them against the rest of Sparta. So your Gaian reinforcements can go to Blast Rifle Crag instead of landing them at the Upland Waste.
Captain Svensgaard
TO: Colonel Rohrer, Battle Dragons at Blast Rifle Crag
FROM: Nautilus of the Sea
Your units is to help defend that base and prepare for the arrival of Gaian reinforcements. Inform Governor Pontas that the leader will contact him soon.
Nautilus of the Sea
TO: Governor Pontas, Blast Rifle Crag
FROM: Captain Svensgaard, Chiron Alliance
Greetings Governor. It is nice to see that you decided to split off from the Spartan Federation, whom we are currently at war with. The Chiron Alliance does support you and your base's independence, so we will help defend Blast Rifle Crag from those who wants to quell your independence.
Do be warn that there is currently chiron alliance reinforcements that would arrive at Blast Rifle Crag, as our original plan was after we took your base. According to the UN Charter, we will respect your bases wishes for independence and will defend aslong as we are wanted there.
Captain Svensgaard
Chiron Alliance
OOC: Sven will not mention Blast Rifle Crag independence to the rest of the Chiron Alliance just yet. Also will not inform Governor Pontas or Colonel Rohrer of the current situation of sparta and the cease-fire just yet. Of course, they will find out when the Gaians arrive, as they know 
Yes, Ulrik could get in trouble for not informing
May 4, 2001, 00:30
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
Data Acquisition
What was this? No protests? No claims of innocence? No nothing?!
The Spartan sergeant had merely read her message, then proceeded to ignore her. Not even a simple "We're not all like that" or "I wouldn't have gassed you"... not even a look that said something along those lines. Kyla had to admit that she felt a little bit disappointed, although she didn't know why... The man was a Spartan after all. But... something about this particular Spartan had made her think that maybe he was somehow different. Maybe he wasn't such a horrible person after all... Well, so much for that. He was one of them. And she could only assume that he would have gassed her... probably had already done so to a lot of people in this base... Probably would have blown her head off back there if he hadn't been under orders not to... just because he could... No reason required...
She hated him.
U.N. Headquarters
Commissioner Lal was in a rage! In 20 minutes, he would convene a meeting to draw up the Peacekeepers' terms for a possible peace treaty with the Spartan Federation, and now General Braddock had called him up and was talking about assaulting the Spartans at Data Acquisition!
Lal (furious): What on Chiron do you think you're doing, general? I'm warning you, if you begin such an attack...
(Braddock cut him short with a hand gesture and an overbearing smile.)
Braddock: Sir, I can explain... I'm not talking about attacking the place, I'm just saying we should have a plan for a military operation against their Combine Army at Data Acquisition...
Lal: -And what good could that possibly do, general?
Braddock: Commissioner, I'm going to tell you a short story I once read back on Earth. This supposedly happened hundreds of years ago, but the point is still valid...
Lal: This had better not take long...
Braddock: It won't. I promise. Just listen to me for two minutes, that is all I ask of you.
Lal: All right then...
Braddock: Thank you, sir. Now, like I said, this supposedly happened hundreds of years ago, in some long-forgotten conflict between two small kingdoms...

The two contenders met, with all their troops, on the field of Camlan to negotiate. Both sides were fully armed and desperately suspicious that the other side was going to try some ruse or stratagem. Still, they all wanted peace, and the negotiations were coming along smoothly... until one of the knights was stung by an asp... -and drew his sword to kill the reptile.
The others saw the sword being drawn, and immediately fell upon each other...
A tremendous slaughter ensued...
The chronicle... was quite specific about the point that the slaughter was excessive chiefly because the battle took place without preparation and premeditation.
(Lal looks sincerely disturbed by what he's hearing, but doesn't seem to quite get the point...)
Braddock: The point here is that nobody wanted that battle, so they hadn't planned or prepared anything. I guess you could say they all came there with good intentions, which is a good thing when everything is going right, but we can never be 100% sure of that. The troops get extremely jumpy in this kind of situations... In this case, when things did go wrong, because they didn't have a plan it turned into a mindless carnage... We don't want that to happen.
Lal: So, what you're saying is...?
Braddock: What I'm saying is that I'd like to have some plans prepared and to have the troops briefed on what to do if something goes terribly wrong somewhere. Just as a precation. If the troops know their roles in an operation and have assigned objectives and so on, they'll be less likely to freak out and go on a rampage when things start coming unglued around them.
Lal (reluctantly): And this is really necessary?
Braddock: Well, we could withdraw our forces so as to reduce tension...
Lal: ...but the Spartans would interpret that as a sign of weakness...
Bradock: Exactly, commissioner. And that wouldn't do you any good in the negotiations...
Lal: All right, general. Make your plans if you need to, but no aggressive moves are to be made.
Braddock: Certainly not, sir. Thank you, sir.
With that, it was settled.
Lal went to his meeting and Braddock went back to his "war room", where he issued a new string of orders...
Data Acquisition
There was that sergeant again, with a squad of... "soldiers" following him. What were they up to now??
She blinked in surprise as she realized that they appeared to be singing... Other crews had noticed this as well, and for a while they all kept very quiet to hear what the Spartans' song was all about...

Oh Lal, Look out your window,
Your Human Rights window
Your Pirate backed window
We are the Spartans,
The Mighty, mighty Spartans
Oh Lal, Look out your window
Your rose tinted window
Your prideful window
We are the Spartans
The mighty, mighty Spartans
Kyla snorted, shaking her head and rolling her eyes in disgust. "Mighty"... Pah!
Sure, they're hated and feared, but they're not respected...
"Hey guys!", she called out loud to the other crew.
"Do you think they're trying to tell us something?"
"Nah", the sergeant's voice came back dryly. "They wouldn't have the imagination."
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited May 03, 2001).]
May 4, 2001, 10:07
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
[OOC: Just one little something for you to chew on while I'm away...]
Data Acquisition
PK soldiers are taking turns running and exercising outside the defensive perimeter, singing and laughing...
I don't know but I've been told
Ruby Ridge is dark and could
Spartans there ain't brave and bold
They just sit and gather mold
The PK's actually appear to be having fun out there...
May 4, 2001, 22:03
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
OOC: Sorry I have to say this- but I don't have a CITY called Zarya-Sunrise!
-I really don't understand where all of my cities came from-
-My reasoning for the few cities of the University is this:
They are researchers- researchers need idea proliferation- many people need to be around for ideas to proliferate- so they need larger cities.
-Thanks for the city, I know it should stay on the map, but please don't mention it in the story.
May 4, 2001, 22:21
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
***Private Message : Standard Encryption***
To: Head Academician Zakharov
From: Prime Function Zeta-Five
Greetings Academician,
Roze has informed me of your proposal, and the rest of the Alliance is waiting on my decision to proceed. Quite frankly, I find your proposal entirely illogical. Inspiration Point has been a functioning base within the Cybernetic Conciousness since our last conflict. To turn it back to you when the present conflict between us has been a stale-mate seems ridiculous. Therefore, I have ruled out your offer to take back Inspiration Point.
Your second proposal, also seems illogical. You seem to expect concessions from my people which are undeserved. I cannot allow my people to be held prisoner within their own base, nor will I allow it to isolate my holding to the East of Inspiration Point. Therefore, I cannot accept your second proposal.
What I offer is a counter-proposal. An establishment of a buffer zone around Inspiration Point. I will concede, in the interest of peace, to allow University forces to move through my territory surrounding Inspiration Point. However, my forces will not be restricted from moving through there as neccessary. An addendum to the proposal is that neither side may permanently station troops in the region, beyond my base garrison at Inspiration Point. I will withdraw my offensive capability, and you will refrain from positioning yours within the boundry of Inspiration Point.
This is as far as I will go Prokhor. Please consider what further war could mean for our people and see reason.
Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
May 4, 2001, 22:22
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
Post illogical. Algorithm Terminated.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited May 04, 2001).]
May 5, 2001, 11:45
Local Time: 00:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Sparta Command
General Kessel was in his office waiting for his intelligence officer to finish with the morning briefing when his assistant, Lieutenant Hall, interrupted with a call over the speaker. “Sir we have intercepted an incoming message from Ruby Ridge being directed to somewhere inside the Command Center. “ “What do you mean somewhere? All messages from Ruby Ridge are to go through me and me alone.” “I know sir, that is why I thought it best to inform you of the situation immediately.” “Find out who is receiving the message and the information contained in it. Inform me at once when you find any new information. And Lieutenant, increase security inside the Command Center. I do not want it compromised any more than it is. Double the guards in the Command Nexus as well.” “Yes sir., right away” “Bloody hell.” Kessel swore at no one in particular, ignoring his intelligence officer. Who could be inside his Command Center with access to communication with Ruby Ridge. Kessel knew one thing. When he found out, that person would have hell to pay. Maybe it is time to send Poulos on the prowl again. He turned to Lieutenant Sanders. “Lieutenant if there isn’t anything else, you are dismissed.” “Of course sir, I will be back tomorrow with another briefing.” After saluting, Sanders turned and left Kessel to get on with his business.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Commander Gunther
From: General Kessel
Commander, there is someone in Ruby Ridge that is sending encrypted messages to Sparta Command. I want you to find out who it is and why. If it has to do with that jerk Weiss I want to know. I don’t question your loyalty Commander but someone down there is circumventing the chain of command. If I need to make an example of them I will. If they think that I am soft compared to Santiago then they will be immensely disappointed. I have no problems with executing those that seek to circumvent my authority. You are my representative down there. It is your responsibility to seek out and handle those problems. And regarding your problems with sabotage in Ruby Ridge. You are authorized under the Uniform Code of Military Justice to seek out with extreme prejudice those that attempt to subvert your command and the integrity of the base defenses. Your actions with the extremists will not result in penalties from me or civil authorities as long as they are justified. What I am trying to say, is don’t take any shi#t commander. Do what you have to do for now and this may all be over in time for you to march on War Outpost. Santiago will be ready with air support and maybe a few surprises. On a side note. After we eliminate the threat from General Helzburg, he hates it when I call him that, Santiago will be going into retirement. She will be receiving treatment in the rejuvenation tanks. The reason that I’m telling you this is that I will be needing a man that I can trust as my Military chief. That man can be you.
Somewhere Near Blast Rifle Crag
General Kell felt good to be with the Guardians again. All the time that he spent at Sparta Command had been a waste. Kessel had returned and Santiago had embarrassed him as her successor. He had been surprised by the move and even more surprised by Kessel not having him executed. Maybe Kessel wasn’t as bad as he had previously believed. Kessel had entrusted him with the Guardians to attempt to see what was wrong with Blast Rifle Crag. Kell intended not to betray that trust. At least not until Kessel decided to go the way of Helzburg. “Captain Dover, began transmitting a repeating message towards the direction of the base. Inform me immediately if there is any response or if you come in contact with any other units. The mysterious rover units could be out there. Surely they have been informed that there is a cease fire. Prepare a message for General Kessel. Ask him to inquire as to the identity of possible units in the northern part of Sparta.”
To: Commissioner Lal
From: General Kessel
I am wondering if there are any Alliance units still wondering around in the northern part of Sparta that I should be aware of? While I am certain that they are not peacekeepers, I am equally certain that the Free Drones would not presume to violate Sparta’s borders at such a delicate time. Any insight into the identity of these mysterious rovers would be appreciated and would go alone way at building a solid foundation of trust that has been liking between our two factions.
[This message has been edited by Sprayber (edited May 05, 2001).]
May 5, 2001, 16:38
OOC: Lal would know about the Gaians Reinforcement to the north, but he doesn't know about the Pirate units there, has Svensgaard haven't reveal any of his forces operations against the spartans. Deirdre Skye would know, has he has informed her so her units can land north of spartan territory instead of reinforcing the PKs in the south. Better to attack the SPartans in their rear as Ulrik put it. Just saying this as an explanation, which hasn't been mentioned in the game. Do realize, that many things happen in the SMAX:Chiron Chronicles universe without us all realize...which allows us room to explains things if we screwed up on something, or for the moderators and players to add some twist into the story and so on.  Anyway, the Battle Dragon units may not know about the cease-fire, but they sure ain't attacking the base anymore thought :P actually, they are now guarding it :P
Blast Rifle Crag
Colonel Rohrer was informed by her communication officer that they receive various communiquez from the Blockade Guardians, bluntly asking what is currently going on here. She has no intention to send a reply. Since the base's Comm Tower was knock out, Governor Pontas will not be able to receive them. But the base's sensors is still up thought, which they could realized they are being hailed, but cannot receive or send. Anyway, the Gaians units are just a day away, if the spartans decide to attack this base, they'll be overwhelmed.
Spartan Channel, Chiron Sea
The Pirate Fleet stop trying to get any further in the channel. Mainly because they have detected water mines just ahead and the entire spartan fleet moved to Assassin's Redoubt. So their instigating movement was a failure :P The Pirate shisp also detected the increase of air activity, so the ships will withdraw to their original positions north and south of the channel.
May 6, 2001, 03:49
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
From: Alexandro Demeneras *File Attached*
To: General Kessel
Sir, yesterday some anonymous source from within Sparta command sent me this tape. It´s pretty gruesome and its not done by Spartans this time. I gave it to our best experts to examine, and as far as they are concerned, it isn´t a fake. All your questions will be answered when you see the tape...
(OOC: Lets test how Kessel will react  .I assume that Kessel doesn´t like Demeneras much, but still lets him keep his job.
Actually there are a few Probe teams at Sunrise, and as I remember, three other teams all around the PK island. They are the ones that escaped from freighter Apollon before it blew up.)
In UN Headquarters
Two probe team members met in a beatiful park, right in the center of the PK capital. People were all around, enjoying the warmth and sunshine of the domed park.
"Well? did you make it? Did you get in contact with home?"one of them asked impatiently.
""No, the Data Angel guys have done their jobs. We´ll need better equipment..."" the other said, while eating something called "popcorn".
"We don´t have enough resources to get new equipment! We´re all alone here, damn it!"
""Shh! keep your voice down... I was wondering, why do we even have to contact home. We all have ID´s, lots of money and jobs. This place beats even Commanders Keep, so lets just lives our happily here...""
The other spy was staring at him, almost stunned of what he had heard. If he could, he would have shot the other one right here.
" Are... are you implying that we should betray... Sparta?"
""Sure, why not? They all think we´re dead, so why should we return to that misery of a life. Look, things are like this...""
the two spies continued their walk, and slowly the other spys face softened and he started agreeing.
May 7, 2001, 09:04
Local Time: 00:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Near Blast Rifle Crag
General Kell was at the command station of the lead rover when Captain Dover interrupted his reading of activity reports. “Excuse me sir. But there has been no reply of our comm hails. They must know that we are out here. What is our next move?” “General Kessel made it explicit that we are not to engage any hostiles while we are out here unless we are attacked. The base would have sent someone out by now if they knew we were out here and they were simply having comm trouble. I think it is safe to say that the base has been taken. By whom is the next question. I will contact General Kessel to for the next move.”
To: General Kessel
From: General Kell
Sir, it is my opinion that Blast Rifle Crag has been taken. We have not received any response to our comm hails and we are clearly in range to be heard by the base. I will remain here at my present location as it provides some cover and await your instructions.
To: General Kell
From: General Kessel
I agree with your conclusion General. You are to remain there until further notice from me. If you can, send some kind of scouting party as close to the base as possible. Do not take any unnecessary risks at provoking an encounter. Try to determine what forces are occupying Blast Rifle Crag. The Chiron Alliance is either very good at coordination between their forces or one side is not telling the others what they are doing. Either way it could be trouble.
Blast Rifle Crag
Governor Pontas had been very busy in the recent weeks trying to assure the citizens of the base that all was not lost and that this new arrangement was going to work out for the best. Now he had to sit down a compost a message to this Svensgaard.
To: Captain Svensgaard, Chiron Alliance
From: Governor Pontas, Blast Rifle Crag
Captain Svensgaard, I am grateful that your forces under the Chiron Alliance have agreed to guard our newly independent base. I thank you for this as the representative of the people of Blast Rifle Crag. I would like to receive an update on the progression of the war in my native Sparta. I am sure you understand that many here in Blast Rifle Crag have relatives in the rest of the Spartan Federation that they wish to know about. Our comm tower will be repaired in a few weeks but there is some urgency for news. Due to the unique nature of the Spartan Federation, bases are only allowed to contact Sparta Command and other Spartan bases. Only when an individual is authorized further can he contact areas outside the Spartan net. Since this is now an independent base, we would like to have wider avenues of communication. In time I am sure we could handle the changes ourselves but time seems to be a very critical factor. Could you be so kind as to forward the comm channels to the Planetary Council and the other members of your alliance?
[OOC: A reasonable request don’t you think.  ]
May 7, 2001, 09:44
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
From: Commissioner Lal
To: General Kessel
General, I have received your inquiry about the identity of certain "unknown" forces in northern Sparta. Unfortunately, I am unable to help you here, for the following reasons: [list=1] [*] I know nothing about these "unknown" forces. [*] As I am sure you will understand, I cannot discuss the positions of allied forces with you at this time, seeing as how we are technically still enemies.[/list=a]
However, I can assure you that all Chiron Alliance forces have been duly notified about the cease fire, so if you can keep track of your own forces, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Now for the negotiation of a permanent peace treaty.
Our terms are as follows...[list=1] [*] All forces from both sides are to be withdrawn to their respective sides of the pre-war border and a 100 kilometers wide demilitarized zone (DMZ) will be established around said border. If you wish, we can have the Planetary Council appoint a neutral observer force to patrol this zone. However, we are still the U.N. Peacekeepers...
[*] The Spartan Federation must cover all expenses associated with rebuilding U.N. SeaQuest and repairing damaged property at U.N. Data Acquisition, plus compensations to the survivors and the families of the victims.
[*] The U.N. Criminal Tribunal will investigate alleged crimes against humanity that were commited during the conflict, including the mass executions at U.N. High Commission / War Outpost during and after the first war 60 years ago (we never signed a peace treaty, so this is technically the same conflict). [/list=a]
In conjunction with point 3 above, we already have evidence against the following individuals:[list=1][*] Minister of Intelligence Alexandro Demeneras
Being in charge of probe team operations, we hold him responsible for the nuclear disaster at U.N. SeaQuest and the attempt to frame Chairman Yang of the Hive.
[*] General Von Halzburg
Known to have been in charge of "special" units who carried out mass executions. Also repeatedly ordered, encouraged or condoned atrocities commited by other units.
[*] General Weiss
Ordered the use of prisoners as human shields when the Combine Army attacked the U.N. Defense Line. Later proceeded to order the use of nerve gas in the attack on U.N. Data Acquisition, plus numerious atrocities and abuse of the civillian population after the base came under Spartan control.
[*] Colonel Corazon Santiago
We have recently uncovered evidence which seems to suggest that some of the charges against Santiago should be dropped. However, we still have evidence linking her to the executions at War Outpost 60 years ago.[/list=a]
A corridor will be opened through our territory for the Combine Army to move through as soon as we've reached an agreement. I hope the negotiations can get underway as soon as possible so we can get our forces out of the unnerving and potentially dangerous situation which currently exists at the front.
U.N. Data Acquisition
The damned Spartans had even started shooting their own people!
As she kept watching them, Kyla tried not to think of what she had seen a few nights ago, when one of their rovers had blown its' way through the gates and made a break for it. She didn't know for sure if the people on the rover had been trying to attack her or trying to defect... The latter seemed unlikely, but weird things seemed to happen quite commonly these days... All she knew was what she had seen through the "scope" of her targeting system: the rover coming out, being chased by two other rovers, then the missiles being launched, and... Whenever she closed her eyes, she could still see the Spartan officer put a gun to the head of one of his own people...
U.N. Headquarters
The security officer watched in silence as the man he was following met another man in the park, noting with satisfaction that his team had already taken up positions around the park, covering the two men's every move. Earlier that day, they had detected what might very well have been an attempt to contact Sparta Command. They had moved immediately and had been watching the man ever since. Now he had met with someone who might very well be a Spartan companion. The officer smiled. Both men would be watched from this point on. They should be identified within another hour or so. As long as they didn't do anything serious, they'd be allowed to go about their business, at least for a while longer. Maybe they would meet others...
[OOC: After what happened at U.N. SeaQuest, the Peacekeepers HATE Spartan probe teams! They will not be gracious hosts. Also, it is unlikely that the PKs will buy any story about Sparta not being in control of their probe teams, so if we have another serious incident here, the negotiations will most likely be over before they even started...]
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited May 08, 2001).]
May 8, 2001, 18:08
Local Time: 00:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: New York State
Posts: 503
From: Chairman Yang
To: General Braddock
Please send your files on advanced sub atomic theory ASAP. We will be sending the final set of rovers, the ones with deep radar, over the border at planetneck as soon as you do.
PS: I hope that you are not planning on being judge, jury, witness, victim, and executioner at the trials of your victims.
(OOC: I assume that Yang is in on the negotiations, since he offered to sponsor them and serve as a go between. If not, ignore the PS, and instead use the following IC message: Please contact me if I am needed as an intermediary with the spartans)
From: Chairman Yang
To: Ministry of Industry
Fit the last two rovers with their deep radar systems and send them to planetneck. Start work back up on the human genome project.
From: Chairman Yang
To: Ministry of defense
Put all forces off of high alert.
May 8, 2001, 23:55
TO: Governor Pontas, Blast Rifle Crag
FROM: Captain Svensgaard, Chiron Alliance
I will provide you the comm channels with the Planetary Council and the other Chiron Alliance leaders after your people finish rebuilding your comm tower. We will also allow access to our news networks aswell. As for the Spartan Federation, it seems they are still having its internal problems. Some group(s) declared cease-fire with the Chiron Alliance while others are still considered hostile. So defence at your base would still be required.
Captain Svensgaard
Blast Rifle Crag
The Gaians has now arrived at the base and are now landing their units at the Naval Yard and just outside the base. The Gaian force is comprise of ten rover units: 4 plasma msl rovers and 6 msl rovers. most are veteran while a few are commando. Colonel Rohrer had to reassure Governor Pontas not to worry about it, think of them as tourists as they are the first group of Gaians on the eastern continent.
OOC: The Gaians would need to reorganize a bit, but they'll be having some shore leaves in Blast Rifle Crag...where they may get some brawls with some of the garrison soldiers :P The Gaians would of course dissaprove of base and the pollution :P Anyway, Pontas could acquire more information on the Chiron Alliance, the Gaians, Captain Svensgaard and his faction and so on. The Gaians would of course spill the beans :P Kell's scouting party, if close enough, would detect the large amount of units at the base :P The 10 units is about 2/3 of the Gaians offensive military is along the Gaian/Cult border and around the The Ruins. The leader of the Gaian force is Acolyte General Preston. The Gaians may not have serious experience in mass warfare, but they do have military experience against some skirmishs with the Cult, against the Antimind and wild mindworms.
May 9, 2001, 00:33
Local Time: 00:34
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Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Kessel had taken time to go down to the Command Center mess hall to be seen by his staff and the troops assigned to guard the all important facility. Truth be told the food was the best to be had in the whole Spartan Federation. I wasn’t fancy by PK or Morgan standards, but it was nutritious and most of the time somewhat good. As Kessel had eaten his appointed share and got up to take his tray to wash, his comm unit beeped and message from Hall, came over the tiny speaker. “Sir we have received a message from Commissioner Lal. I believe it is what you have been waiting for.” “Acknowledged Lieutenant” Kessel never the less proceeded to the small kitchen to do what every Spartan was expected to do. Wash his/her own plate. Never mind that the tray was put through a steam cleaner anyway. It was still a simple part of the Spartan routine that everyone was expected to do. Regardless of rank and privilege. Only in Sparta would you see a general waiting patiently in line behind a sergeant. Oh the sergeant had offered his place, but the general quietly motioned to the enlisted man to proceed. This was nothing new. Just a few months ago one would have seen the great Santiago standing at the sink doing what every other Spartan did. With her personal guards standing next to her of course. As Kessel walked into his office and pushed the button to select his one incoming message a sense of relief and anticipation washed over him. Until he had read the message that is.
To: Commissioner Lal
From: General Kessel
Point 1 is acceptable with the provision that our mutual friend Chairman Yang be allowed to participate in the peacekeeping force. He has a significant interest in the success of this process and would be able to deploy his contingent immediately where as the any other force would take some time to get into position. I understand that you may have reservations about him as an unbiased observer, but he has had just as many falling outs with Sparta as he has with you. As to the composition of the rest of the contingent. I would be open to any suggestion except for the Pirates. Their objectivity is suspect at best where it comes to Sparta.
Point 2 is one that gives me great distress. The Spartan economy is not the most dynamic on Chiron. Our citizens have long been neglected by a war driven economy. While my armies are well maintained, my citizen population has began to suffer well above what even a Spartan should expect to endure. My citizens have long endured their burden like the true Spartans that they are. But I am interested in bringing their suffering to and end and thus preventing a repeat of our earlier misunderstandings. Compensation is such a surprising choice of words coming from such a rich nation such as yourself. With your access to trade on such a global scale as the Chiron Alliance, I would think it easy to recover from the after affects of war. While it will take us decades to do the same. Not to say that there is no guilt on our parts. I would ask you dear Commissioner. Are you interested in quick gain? Or are you interested in building something that may actually stand as a turning point in Spartan-PK relations? Besides, I am sure that some agreements can be reached in a more quiet fashion away from prying eyes.
Point 3 is an even more sensitive matter. While you conduct your investigations Commissioner, remember that Sparta and The UN are equal in status. Your claim as Planetary Governor is valid. But Sparta retains her sovereign rights. Keep one important thing in mind when you conduct your investigations on the events of War Outpost. I have intimate knowledge of the events of War Outpost. My dear late wife was from that base. As for the individuals you named in your messages. One is currently bearing arms against Sparta, one is currently in custody for insubordination, and the other is a revered and respected icon of Sparta. Be assured that Sparta will conduct her own investigations into the events during the war. We have many charges to bring against two of the people you mentioned. Perhaps some kind of arrangement can be worked out. Again in a quiet fashion.
One more thing that I would like to bring up Commissioner. I would just like you to remind all of your allies that there is a cease fire. Not that I doubt your word. But it will become increasing more difficult for me to restrain my population if they are in fear that while we observe a cease fire there are rogue units running around the countryside. Now whoever it may be is of no concern to me. But I trust that you will make the right choice here. I have lost contact with one of my bases and it would appear that it may have been due to enemy action and that those units are still operating in Spartan territory. To be fair. I have heard scattered reports of Spartan units operating in and around your northern territory as well. Rest assured that if they are in the vicinity of War Outpost, they are considered to be units of an outlaw general. If your men get the urge to fire off a few rounds at them, then you won’t hear much protest from me. Just do keep it quiet though. And don’t be surprised if they get upset at being shot at. They are Spartans, after all.
[OOC: Kessel didn’t mention the fact that Blast Rifle Crag was considered taken. And he never came right out and said Halzburg was considered to be at war with Sparta, or at least the official Sparta. Like Kessel said, agreements can be reached away from the spotlight. Kessel is going to keep mentioning things that produce rifts. If the rifts come or not is up to the members.  Oh and he delibertly forgot to mention Alexandro Demeneras for the time being]
[This message has been edited by Sprayber (edited May 08, 2001).]
May 9, 2001, 08:10
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
From: General Braddock
To: Chairman Yang
**Encrypted** [Files attached]
Enclosed you will find copies of all our files on advanced sub atomic theory.
It's been a pleasure to do business with you. Perhaps we can repeat the success some other time.
[OOC: I'd say Yang isn't actually in on the negotiations at this point, but I'm sure somebody would be keeping him informed, so the P.S. in Yang's message is okay. Braddock deliberately "forgot" to comment on it...]
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Planetary Council
Since there appears to be no further comments to the agenda, the council may now vote on the following measures:
1. The formation of an Interfactional Peacekeeping Task Force
2. The right of all factions to establish unarmed embassies in each others capitals
It would seem that at first we just need a simple vote, yea or nay, on these proposals. If either measure succeeds, we can then proceed to consider its' implementation. So... on the matters mentioned above, how do you vote?
U.N. Headquarters
Commisioner Lal almost smiled when he received the message from General Kessel.
As he began reading it, the smile quickly faded...
From: Commissioner Lal
To: General Kessel
General, what kind of an answer is this?
Our people have been brutally attacked and abused by a faction whose reputation rivals that of the World War 2 nazis, and now all you want to talk to me about is retaining your souvereign rights and keeping things quiet! I do realize that we're asking a lot, but quite frankly, you're gonna have to prove that you're serious about wanting peace, or else there is nothing more for us to talk about.
[OOC: Lal is pissed, and he's NOT about to settle anything quietly...
He's running a democracy after all, and there are plenty of people who don't understand why he's even talking to the Spartans at this point. Also, while he didn't mention it in his message to Kessel, the Peacekeepers are still on a full war time footing...]
Near U.N. Humanity Base
Two new missile rover regiments were heading north at full speed, towards Data Acquisition. These were the first two PK regiments who had been set up with rovers acquired from the Hive. The next two were currently forming...
U.N. Enforcement Base
The merchant cruiser Poseidon was unloading. In a couple of weeks, another elite regiment of Assault Rovers would also be heading north...
U.N. Haven City
Another wing of ground attack jets had arrived at the already crowded airbase...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited May 09, 2001).]
May 9, 2001, 21:22
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
From: Head Academician Prokhor Zakharov
To: Prime Function Zeta-Five
Your counter-proposal sounds reasonable.
I shall be forced to accept it.
Good luck in your ruling of your country.
(OOC: Sprayber: perhaps you have some of your people hiding in the University with the
old 'followers' of Daniel Jakhobs-Howell? Perhaps Demeneras)
Surveillance Message Recorded and sent to University Head of Security: Black Dragon
"Dr. Fitzben!" A shrouded figure called.
"Yes?" Fitzben turned.
"The meeting is in the Room 7-2-A-X-Y-5-7, remember this and remember that the code
is specifically written for your shoe."
Fitzben stared at his shoe and the writing upon it- "APZ" and comprehended.
"Well- Sir Pong- how many will be there?"
The shrouded figure slowly answered, "Ah- more than 5, less than 100."
"Ah- the council."
Sir Pong slapped his hand on Dr. Fitzbens' mouth.
"Don't speak of that-
(OOC: Argonaut- perhaps we could work some (more/ or they could cease trading or require
the Perfect Society to do somethin to get more in trade.)trade deals with the Data Angels and Cyborgs)
Minutes of The Perfect Society Meeting
-Kept by Isotope
Kommandant Reya Hollis Keyson- I will call this meeting to order. However I will welcome
our Leader to this meeting and hand the meeting over to him.
The Leader- Ah yes, I have a few issues to bring up
1- We now have half a quarter of a million Moraganite members and a tenth of a
million University members. Our plans toward a perfect society of research and free trade is moving along excellently.
2- We welcome trade pacts with the Data Angels and Cyborgs who now recognize us as an independent
trading force.
We are also pursuing weapons pacts with them.
3- I would like to commend all-
Sir Cloud- The warning siren- enemies are coming!
Kommandant Reya Hollis Keyson- Zakharov wouldnt dare.
Sir Pong- He could send assassins... Fitzben must be the leak!
Fitzben- What- how?
Sir Pong- He mentioned a council in the public areas and looked at his shoe when I spoke to him
of the code; displaying the shoe to all vid-cams.
Kommandant Reya Hollis Keyson- Meeting will reconvene at a later date.
Isotope- Aye.
Kommandant Reya Hollis Keyson- Leader, come with me-
May 9, 2001, 21:49
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
(OOC: What exactly were you looking for in the way of trade deals? Do you want good or bad? Data Angels do have a Morganite background, so they're pretty willing to trade now that peace is here. And what exactly is being set up between the Angels/Cyborgs and your Perfect Society. Are they sort of pro-Angel and Cyborgs? Because that could fit in with some of my...I mean, Roze's plans to assert her independant power....hey, I agree. The Alliance holds too much sway.
***General Broadcast : Basic Encryption***
To: Chiron Alliance
From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
I am pleased to inform you that we have reached an agreement with the University of Planet. I have allowed University forces passage through the lands surrounding Inspiration Point, while creating a sort of demilitarized zone in the region. I have yet to discern what reason Zakharov would have to travel through there, nevertheless, I have made this concession in the interest of peace. I ask that all Chiron Alliance factions cease any hostile action currently being taken by Alliance Forces. Roze, it would also be a nice gesture if you were to remove your invasion force from the border.
Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
To: Planetary Council
From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
1.Yea. I would be willing to conribute the three garrisons currently stationed near the Planetneck as a beginning to such a force, if it was required.
2. Yea. It can only help to improve relations.
To: Planetary Council
From: Datajack Sinder Roze
1. Nay. This is why the UN Peacekeepers exist.
2. Nay. I will not make it easier for hostile factions to spy on me. If an embassy is desired, I will conduct a seprate negotiation with that faction and discuss terms on an individual basis.
[This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited May 09, 2001).]
May 9, 2001, 22:02
Local Time: 00:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: New York State
Posts: 503
From: Chairman Sheng-ji Yang of the Hive
To: The planetary council
We utterly reject this flagrant attempt to detroy the last semblance of faction soveriegnty. Both of these measures were out forth to justify spying under the guise of peacekeeping. The Hive will decide who will be allowed to station troops and diplomats in its territory. We categorically reject both proposals.
1. nay
2. nay
May 9, 2001, 23:41
OOC: Natan, the IPTF is t be formed to patrol a DMZ betweem the Spartans and Peacekeepers...and it was the Hive that brought it up in the first place!!! i can understand about the Embassy thing...but the peacekeeping task force?? which yang first brought it up?? wouldn't be Hive's interest in forming a alternate group of pks to the UN Pks?
TO: Planetary Council
FROM: Captain Svensgaard
yea to the Interfaction peacekeeping Task Force
nay to the embassy idea, with similar views as the Data Angels
-Captain Svensgaard
TO: Planetary Council
FROM: Foreman Domai
yea to the for the Interfactiing peacekeeping task force, which the Free Drones could lend some military units too.
yea to the embassy idea, as it would improve relations.
Foreman Domai
TO: Planetary Council
FROM: Lady Deirdre Skye
yea to the for the Interfactiing peacekeeping task force. The Gaians is willing to assign their military task force currently at Blast Rifle Crag. (OOC:hint hint)
yea to the embassy idea. would indeed improve relations.
Lady Deirdre Skye
TO: Planetary Council
FROM: Sister Miriam
yea to the for the Interfactiing peacekeeping task force where the believers could help with.
yea to the embassy idea and would allow the believers to spread the good words of God.
Sister Miriam
TO: Planetary Council
FROM: CEO Morgan
yea to the for the Interfactiing peacekeeping task force, but the Morganites won't be able to help with it.
nay to the embassy idea, to worried about espionage and other things, despite the possible economical opportunities.
CEO Morgan
TO: Planetary Council
FROM: Cult of Planet Ambassador
The Cult of Planet abstains from both votes.
Cult of Planet
May 10, 2001, 10:52
Local Time: 00:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Sparta Command
General Kessel was reading over the recent message sent by Commissioner Lal. The statement by the Gians had not gone unnoticed. Now was not the time to start issuing threats and demands. For everything there was time and a place. Today his thoughts were on the PK He just couldn’t understand the PK sometimes. His wife’s parents had been the same way. Not compromising their former way of life. They had gotten him into much trouble with their particular way of thinking. That they both died of natural causes and not at the hands of the local magistrates was surprising. Of course they had been spared not only because of Kessel’s influence, which wasn’t that great in the early days, but more for their contributions to the Spartan Medical Corp. In some ways Kessel missed their blunt approach to some things and subtle approach to others. Of course he always missed his wife. Kessel now thought that a difference approach was in order.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
*File Attached*
To: Commissioner Lal
From: General Kessel
Commissioner Lal, you speak of evil and seem to attribute it only to Sparta. That is unfortunate that you would think that. Evil lies within us all. Many came to this planet thinking that humanity could simply leave evil behind us back on our former home. But we forget where the evil originated from in the first place. There was nothing evil about the Earth. The evil was within us. Each of us. The Gandhi’s, Lincoln’s, King’s, and Buddha’s came from the same material as the Hitler’s, Stalin’s, and Khan’s. We all have it within us. After the death of my wife, I feel upon the Hive population with great vengeance. I went about the land destroying as many Hive citizens as I could. There are most likely a great deal many of them to this day that revile my name. The honor and simplicity of life that Sparta had taught me was thrown out the window for my need of revenge. There was no honor brought to Sparta and the Hive was not destroyed. Only individuals. If not for Santiago herself, I would probably have stayed until I was killed because the need for revenge was so great. A file is being enclosed of footage of an incident that happened many months ago. Some in Sparta Command have suggested that I use it to somehow discredit you and your faction. I however think that you should look at it and determine if your faction is above all the evil that seems to come only from Sparta. After your experts have poured over it and verified that it's not tampered with. And you have looked at it send me a proposal that includes specific amounts for your so called reparations and we will go from there. I can tell you that at least one specific name on your list is about to be crossed out permanently. Is it a nice thing to do? No. But it is what is necessary for the survival of Sparta and our new beginning.
Blast Rifle Crag
The workers assigned to repair the comm tower were beginning to hoist the last section for the new tower. They would then have to finish connecting the hundreds of small connectors that would allow access from most sections of the base. In another week Blast Rifle Crag would be connected to the outside world once again.
To: Planetary Council
From: General Kessel
Yea The formation of an Interfactional Peacekeeping Task Force that the Hive must be allowed to participate in.
Nay to The right of all factions to establish unarmed embassies in each others capitals. This can only happen if there is an agreement between the two sovereign factions.
Sparta Command
Later in the day Kessel finally decided that it was time to turn Poulos loose. He had been sent to Assassin’s Redoubt a month ago and told to wait for further orders. But before he crossed the line he would offer one chance at redemption.
To: General Halzburg
From: General Kessel
General. It has been a long time since you and I have met face to face. For the sake of Sparta, and the future. I am asking you to turn over your army and return to Sparta Command alone. I assure you that no action will be taken against you until a tribunal can be set up to try your case. You have raised arms against the legitimate government of Sparta and there must be some measure of punishment dealt out. There once was a great soldier named Halzburg. I suggest you search for that man and make good with your duty.
To: General Kessel
From: General Halzburg
I will come to Sparta Kessel. But so will my army. And when I do, you and your illegitimate government will be removed. Your overtures to the Peacekeepers makes you weak and a threat to Sparta’s future. After I am done with you, I intend to deal with our nuisance to the south. You should have never married that woman. Her heritage made you weak. You might have been a good officer otherwise.
As Kessel read the message early the next morning he calmly typed out message of his own.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Poulos
From: Kessel
Execute operation immediately.
May 10, 2001, 15:32
Safe Haven
Captain Svensgaard has notice the comment by Deirdre Skye. She knows the Pirates would get flock from the rest of the Alliance of what he is doing without getting acceptance from them. But she also gueranteed that other factions, like the SPartans and Peacekeepers, that the "unknown" force could be the Gaians. Oh well. He will not bring it up unless they ask him directly about it, not like the Pirates is breaking the rules stated in the UN Charter or something.
TO: Lady Deirdre Skye, Gaia's Stepdaughters
FROM: Captain Svensgaard, Nautilus Pirates
Deirdre, has you may of found out by now from your troops at Blast Rifle Crag, the base as declared independence from the Spartan Federation. The Nautilus Battle Dragons there is currently defending the base from the rest of the Spartans and its rogue splinter groups under the Chiron Alliance banner. So, the Nautilus Pirates do support Blast Rifle Crag's independence and hopefully, so will the rest of the Chiron Alliance. I'm asking you and the Gaia' Stepdaughters to support them aswell when we mention it to the rest of the alliance, if we so choose so.
Captain Svensgaard
TO: Captain Svensgaard, Nautilus Pirates
FROM: Lady Deirdre Skye, Gaia's Stepdaughters
Yes, i've heard. Aslong as Blast Rifle Crag operates under a Green Economy and respects Planet, we will support them.
Lady Deirdre Skye
Blast Rifle Crag
The Battle Dragons and the Gaian force is getting along fine, despite heavily worrying Blast Rifle Crag's populace. Colonel Rohrer is bit surprised that the Gaians didn't brought any mindworms, but doesn't matter as it may just create some problems with the spartan base. Rohrer found out by the Gaians Acolyte General of the cease-fire, which made her why "Nautilus of the Sea" didn't mention it for, but it doesn't seriously bother her as it makes sence. While the Spartans currently fight among themselves, any of those rogue groups may decide to attack this base. Oh well. One of her units have detected some more spartan recon groups poking into the base's radius and they slowly getting closer. They are no threat at the moment and with the cease-fire, better let the spartans break it the her units. Besides, if they get close enough to detect the her units and the Gaians, she doesn't think the Spartans would dare try to fight them.
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited May 10, 2001).]
May 10, 2001, 18:04
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
OOC: The way I am planning on playing them is a bunch of opportunists that wish not to anger anyone. They want to become the best faction; but their leader's plan is to have followings in all of the factions, then when the time is right- he assumes total control- throws the other factions out of whack, assumes control of the Morganites/University and unites them into The Perfect Society...
But, for the next 25-250 years he is content to 'play nice' and support wars against anyone and for anyone. He wishes to have friends in all the factions, but wishes to control the faction leaders- (he's only concentrating on Zak and Morgan right now *and it will stay that way for 2-20 or so years...*)
He may or may not be successful... but when he seems as if he is going to be successful by taking over Morganite and University cities through election, he'll have an argument with Fitzben who will leave to start the Planet Health Service and conquer a city of his own.
In the end, the University and Morganites will be crippled... and "The Leader" will assume control of most of Chiron (or so he thinks... much could happen... the alliance could wise up in 10 years... or the aliens could come... or not  There are many possibilities here!)
He is also perfectly willing to unite with the Angels to form a block against the Chiron Alliance, and will pull Zak and Morgan into it through political manuvering, despite their objections.
He is for a good trade deal- he is perfectly willing to let the Data Angels and Cyborgs manipulate him until he has a hold in their lands 
They can control some of his policies for a time- until he finds some 'happy blackmail' like he did with Zak, or controls 'many civilians' as he soon will with Morgan.
He wants everyone in his pocket!
May 10, 2001, 23:12
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
OOC: Sounds interesting DarkCloud, although Roze will not be an easy one to out-smart. She is the Queen of Probes after all  But, I think she would be definetly interested in a plot to overthrow Zakharov
***Private Message : Enhanced Encryption***]
To: Lady Deirdre Skye
From: Datajack Roze
Lady Deirdre,
I know it has been a while since we have spoken, I do apologize. However, this is not a social call. I pride myself on knowing as much about the goings on of Planet as possible, but you've thrown me for a loop. What are your forces doing at Blast Rifle Crag? With a peace agreement in the works, I find it rather disturbing that you and the Spartans should be so...close. I'm sure the rest of the Alliance, like myself, would appreciate an explanation.
May 11, 2001, 08:08
****private: enhanced encryption****
TO: Datajack Sinder Roze
FROM: Lady Deirdre Skye
Blast Rifle Crag as declared independence from the Spartan Federation and they asked that the Chiron Alliance support it and help defend them against the rest of the rogue Spartans. The Pirates' Battle Dragon units was there currently defending the base, under the Chiron Alliance banner, when our Gaian Task Force arrived. From what i heard from my Acolyte General there is that the Base's Comm Tower was down, so they couldn't communicate with the outside world. So they didn't know of the Cease-Fire, neither did the Pirate's Battle Dragons there it seems.
For anymore information, I suggest you contact Captain Svensgaard, not I.
Lady Deirdre Skye
[This message has been edited by [LordLMP] (edited May 11, 2001).]
May 11, 2001, 09:44
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
From: Commissioner Lal
To: General Kessel
General, I apologize for snapping.
No, I do not believe that Spartans are the only people on this Planet who are capable of evil, but have you seen anybody else whipe out entire cities full of civillians for no reason at all? Have our troops massacred your children with nerve gas? Didn't think so...
Now, I don't think whatever is in this file you sent me is going to change very much in that respect, but I shall have a look at it anyway and get back to you at a later stage. In the meantime, yes, I will remind my allies that there is a cease fire.
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Chiron Alliance
Just a reminder: Our cease fire agreement with the Spartans is still standing.
However, there are supposedly some "rogue" units about. Our forces should be prepared to defend themselves, but no offensive action should be taken against Spartan units unless they attack us first..
Lal then went to examine the contents of the file he had received...
May 11, 2001, 22:40
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Toronto
Posts: 459
***Private Message : Enhanced Encryption***
To: Captain Svensgaard
From: Datajack Roze
So Captain,
I understand your forces are currently sponsering the independance of Blast Rifle Crag under the Chiron Alliance banner. Don't you think it would have been a good idea to inform the rest of us? You could potentially be damaging the tentative peace agreement we have with the Spartans, or has that not crossed your mind? How long have your forces been in Blast Rifle Crag anyway?
This is twice you have commited the Alliance into something without even bothering to consult the rest of us. While I don't find this as personally insulting as the Morgan Bank incident, nevertheless you have overstepped your bounds. You are lucky that I share sympathy with any group wishing to assert it's independance.
I suggest you inform the rest of the Alliance of your actions, and soon. I will not hesitate to inform them if you do.
May 12, 2001, 00:30
Local Time: 00:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
To: Lady Deirdre Skye
From: General Kessel
“The Gaians is willing to assign their military task force currently at Blast Rifle Crag.”
Imagine Lady Skye if you will, the surprise that myself and a few of my advisors had when we heard these words. Some of my staff thinks that you have been out among the fungas for too long. I on the other hand remember you from the Unity days. You were a cunning opponent in the race for the pods in those final hours. But atlas that was a different time. There is no way that your forces were solely responsible for taking Blast Rifle Crag. You had to have had help. Now the list of perspective suspects is rather short and for now the peace process is important. But know this. I have many personal friends at Blast Rifle Crag. In Sparta, true friends are hard to come by. So we tend to take threats to their well being very seriously. Now, who is it that was your partner in this scheme?
[OOC: Kessel thinks that the base was taken by force. ]
War Outpost
Getting into War Outpost was proving to be a little more difficult than Poulos had originally thought. The patrols were easy enough to avoid. But the level of activity within the base was extremely high compared to most Spartan bases. The entire army there was on a high state of alert. Spartan citizens were usually indifferent to military activity. It was an every day thing for them. But those at War Outpost seemed to be more tense than is usual. But all this ment that Poulos would just take his time and use the skills that had made him Santiago’s top probe operative since before the word probe team had been coined. His first task was to find his partner that had been at War Outpost since before trouble had started. This would not be the first time that Poulos had executed an operation within Sparta. In fact this is what he had long since specialized in. Now with Kessel in charge, his missions were only going to increase.
May 12, 2001, 00:36
***Private Message: Enhanced Encryption***
TO: Datajack Sinder Roze
FROM: Captain Svensgaard
I see you have spoken to our dear Lady Deirdre Skye. My forces has been defending that base for close to two months now and as been sieging the base for most of the year before that, before the cease-fire. The original intentions was to capture the base and hold it until the Gaian reinforcement arrives. Of course, the cease-fire twarted that. Besides, the Governor contacted the commander of the battle dragons there and they made an agreement. After that, my commander contacted Nautilus Command of the current situation, after the cease-fire. It was my commander who decided to have the units defend the base under the Chiron Alliance banner.
I'm planning to have the Governor of Blast Rifle Crag to contact the alliance, when they finish rebuilding their comm tower since he is the one who declared independence of Blast Rifle Crag. So better he announces to the Chiron Alliance officially than a pirate like me, where the spartans could in turn threating the cease-fire with the alliance.
So tell me again, how i'm I overstepped my bounds?
Captain Svensgaard
May 12, 2001, 02:47
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
[OOC: Brienmann is trying "probe" whats Kessels opinion about the Cult, to see on who´s side to go in the Civil War.]
From: Priest Breinmann
To: General Kessel
Let the God of War bless you, my child.
General, do not assume we´re out of the game, on the contrary, we´re deep in the Federations foundations. As you surely remember, The Spartan Federation and the Cult of War have a deal. Now, the problem from our side is, do you still honor that deal? We are a powerful force, General. It´s in your power to decide whether we´re on your side or not...
Near War Outpost
It had been a long trek to this point, especially when they were forced to go around the outrageously big peacekeeper force, probably originally headed to clear them out of their bunker. Although the peacekeepers had been somewhat hostile, no shooting occured as both forces were disciplined veterans. The peacekeepers kept the cease-fire, and the cultists just tried to keep their lives.
The ragtag CoW unit had sent scouts to see what´s the situation in War Outpost. After the scouts had informed about the huge army of Halzburg in the base, the Cult priests had halted their movement and asked clarification from HQ. The answer was quite surprising.
" Stay there, and await for further orders..."
So they obeyed the orders, and almost instinctively started to bunker their otherwise helplessly defenseless positions.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited May 12, 2001).]
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